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51 Cards in this Set

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Essential Components of Food
Simple carbs include
Monosaccharide‘s (glucose and fructose), found in fruit and honey. Disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, and lactose) found in sugar cereal milk.
Complex carbs include
Polysaccharides starches, potatoes
Carbs provide what % of daily caloric needs
Supply 47% of daily calorie needs
Protiens are essential for what?
Essential for growth, repair, maintenance, and regulatory function
Do protiens come from plants or animals?
From both animal and plant sources
Protein provides what % of daily caloric needs?
20% of daily caloric need,1g yields 4 calories
what are proteins?
Complex nitrogenous organic compounds comprised of amino acids
Amino acids come from what?
how many amino acids are there?
What are essential amino acids and how many are there?
9 essential body cannot synthesize sources are called complete proteins
What are nonessential amino acids and how many are there?
13 nonessential body can synthesize sources are called incomplete proteins
What are vitamins?
Organic compounds required for metabolism
Which vitamins are water soluble?
C and B-complex
Which vitamins are fat soluble?
A,D,E,& K
where can you get B12 cobalamin?
only from animal sources
What is Steatorrhea?
fatty stools results from decreased fat soluble vitamins
What do minerals do?
Build tissue, regulate fluids, assist in body functions
What are some major minerals?
calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphrous, potassium, sodium and sulfer
How much major minerals do we need?
Req 1g or more a day
What are some examples of trace elements?
chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc
How much trace minerals do we need?
minute amounts
Fats are used for?
Energy, insulation, padding for organs, carriers of vitamins. Add flavor to food
1G of fat = ?cal
9 calories
What do vegetarians not eat?
red meat
What is a lacto-ovo vegetarian?
they can eat some dairy and eggs
What do vegans eat?
only plant food
what are vegan susceptible to because they eat only plant foods?
Subject to megaloblastic anemia, and B12 deficiency manifestations-peripheral neuropathy, pallor, dizziness.
state of poor nourishment
more than needed
what happens with scurvy?
weak, anemia, oral ulcers, Lack of C
ricketts is a bone disorder where there is a lack of what?
vit D
Kwashiorkor, what is it?
Deficiency of protein intake superimposed by catabolic stress event
Kwashiorkor, what causes it?
GI obstruction
Malabsorption syndrome
Infectious disease
In Kwashiorkor, do they people appear malnourished or healthy? have high or low protien levels?
healthy, low
Marasmus, what is it?
Deficit of both protein and calorie
Gen. loss of fat and muscle
How do people with Marasmus appear? how are their protein levels?
Appear wasted may have normal serum protein levels
what are some causes of malnutrition?
Socioeconomic status
Cultural influences
Psychologic disorders
Medical conditions
Medical treatments
what is Malabsorption Syndrome?
Impaired absorption of nutrients from the GI tract
What can cause Malabsorption Syndrome?
↓ Enzymes
Drug side effects
↓ Bowel surface area
Where are vitamin deficiencies rare?
in developed countries
Vit deficiencies are usually found in what type of people?
Drug abusers
Fad diet followers
Poorly planned vegetarian diets
Obvious clinical signs of inadequate protein/calorie intake apparent in
Diagnostic Studies
Food history for past week
Physical examination
Laboratory studies
Serum albumin-chronic not acute
Serum transferrin-best
Electrolyte levels-serum K+ L
Complete blood count
(L RBC, L Hb)=anemia=impaired tisuse perfusion lymphocyte count L
Liver enzymes H
Serum levels of vitamins L
Anthropometric measurements
Skinfold thickness—various sites-SQ fat
Midarm circumference-protein
Compared with standard for healthy persons
Self imposed wt. loss
Endocrine dysfunction
Distorted attitude
clinical manifestations of anorexia
Abnormal wt. loss
Depleted volume-decreased CO
Electrolyte imbalances
Binge eating with self-induced vomiting
what are some signs of bulemia?
Macerated knuckles
dental problems
substance abuse
Body requires increased ? to heal or grow new tissues
calories and protein