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60 Cards in this Set

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A TURP may be the appropriate procedure for which of the following conditions?
Prostatic hyperplasia
That inflammatory condition which may lead to discharge within days and subsequent urethral stricture in men is:
At what stage does syphilis manifest radiographic indicators?
The site of sperm maturation and storage is:
This pathology is testosterone dependent and leads to skeletal metastasis in abour 75% of cases. Identify this pathology.
Prostatic adenocarcinoma
That component of male reproductive anatomy which assists in the delivery of viable sperm by altering the pH of the urethra prior to ejaculation is:
Bulbourethral gland
That procedure helpful in visualizing urethral strictures due to conditions like gonorrhea is males is:
Injecting urethrogram
Crytorchidism identifies a condition of:
Undescended testes
That organism responsible for syhpillis is:
treponema pallidum
What part of the male anatomy is responsible for sperm and hormone secretion?
The tubules within the lobes of the testes are the:
Seminiferous tubules
___________ are located in the abdomen and provide fluid to assist in travel of sperm.
Seminal vessicles
Which structure is responsible for changing the ph in the urethra?
Bulbourethral glands
Which structure is responsible for secreting the majority of seminal fluid?
At what age should a boy's testes descend?
3 months
This pathology, gone untreated, may result in fibrosis and urethral stricture in men and PID and scarring in women..
True or false. Septic arthritis may occur in either gender.
What is the treatment for septic arthritis?
The ________ stage of syphillis results in ulceration on genitals.
The ___________ stage of syphillis includes a non itching rash that may go dormant
The _________ stage of syphillis may have radigraphy indications.
Symptoms of ___________ include common benign enlargment, nodules in the prostate, may compress urethra creating urinary infections, partial excision of prostate, TURP.
Prostatic hyperplasia
___________ is testosterone dependent and the pathology demonstrates ragged borders. Symptoms include low back pain and urinary problems.
Adenocarcinoma of prostate
Metastasis to skeletal system occurs in ____% of prostate cancer patients.
What is the treatment for prostate cancer?
Excision or seed implant
Testicular torsion is:
What is epididymoorchitis?
Inflammation of epidiymis and testis
What are hydroceles?
collection of fluid in scrotum
What are spermatoceles?
Fluid filled scrotal masses within testis (adjacent to the epididymis)
Malignant tumors of the testicles occur between the ages of:
15 & 34
25% of testicular cancer are __________ which are highly malignant and spread through lymph and blood.
___________ makeup 40% of malignant testicular tumors. They form in the seminiferous tubules and are rapidly growing.
When a man has a vasectomy what exactly occurs?
The vas deferens is severed
What does TURP stand for?
Transurethral resection of the prostate
What organ is responsible for sperm and hormon secretion?
What organ is responsible for providing fluid to assist in travel of sperm?
Seminal vesicles
Where are the seminiferous tubules located?
Within the lobes of testes
What organ is responsible for changing the pH of urethra?
Bulbourethral glands
What organ is responsible for secreting the majority of seminal fluid?
What is the site of sperm maturation and storage?
Where are the vasa deferentia located?
Extends from epididymides through inguinal canal into pelvic cavity
Where are the ejaculatory ducts located?
The junction of vasa derentia and seminal canal forming ejaculatory ducts
At which age should the testes descend?
3 months
At what age is a child able to have surgery to correct undescended testes?
15 months
Gonorrhea can lead to:
Discharge in men, fibrosis and urethral stricture
PID and scarring in women
What is the primary stage of syphillis?
Ulceration on genitals (10-90 days)
What is the secondary stage of syphillis?
Non-itching rash (may go dormant)
What is the tertiary stage of syphillis?
Radiographic indications (3-15 years later)
What pathology of the male reproductive system may cause low back pain and urinary problems?
Adenocarcinoma of prostate
What male reproductive pathology is testosterone dependent?
Adenocarcinoma of prostate
What testicular pathology causes inflammation of epididymis and testis?
A collection of fluid in scrotum is:
What are fluid filled scrotal masses within testes?
This testicular pathology is highly malignant and spread through lymph and blood.
This pathology occurs in the seminiferous tubules and are rapidly growing.
Inflammation of the epididymis and testis is :
___________ are common intrinsic scrotal masses caused by collection of fluid in the testis.
____________ are fluid filled painless scrotal masses within the testis.
_____________ arise from the seminiferous tubules and account for 40% of malignant testicular tumors.
Testicular seminomas
__________ arise from primitive germ cells and account for 25% of malignant testicular masses.
Testicular teratomas