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38 Cards in this Set

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Prostate gland

small gland located in the front of the rectum and below bladder

-common to become enlarged

BPH s/s

-difficulty to start to urinate and to stop

-urinate more frequently or at night

-sudden or urgent urination


-decrease in urine stream/flow

-acute urinary retention (less common and more severe is this does occur)
*untreated=UTI, bladder/kidney damnage, bladder stones, hematuria, incontinece

BPH diagnosis

digital rectal exam (1st exam )

-urine culture and sensitivity


-post void residual (PVR)


-rectal US

-prostate biopsy



prostate specific antigen


-not a diagnositc test, can increase with possible prostate cancer

-sometimes do this testing before DRE, as that procedure can increase PSA results


first tx recommendation by American Cancer society

lifestyle modifications

fluid restriction; avoid caffeine and spicy food

avoid, avoid certain meds,

kegal exercises

avoid and treat constipation to decrease pressure on the prostate

drugs to avoid with BPH

decongestants, diuretics, antihistamine and anti-depressants.

*all meds can cause urinary retention

Alpha blockers

5 alpha reductase inhibitors

effective drug combination

finasertide (proscar) and doxazosin (cardura) together is more effective that using either drug alone


-transurethral microwave thermotherapy

1 hour procedure

-no ED or incontinence

-not a cure

-minimally invasive

transurethral needle ablation (TUNA)

low level frequency to burn away parts of enlarged prostate

-minimally invasive


-transurethral surgery

no external incision. 1.5hr procedure

-go through urethra to remove obstructing tissue

*golden standard.

open prostatectomy

only used if prostate is very large and needs to be removed

post op complications

hemorrage, clot retention, infection

retrograte (backward ejaculation)

nursing care

teach of disease process- do not take cold medication

-assess pt current level of knowledge of disease

-explain rationale

-s.s to report to provider= burning on urination, hematuria, oliguria

pre and post op teaching

-stop ASA, warfarin and plavix

-prostate has increased amount of blood vessels so increased bleeding can occur

-maintain catheter traction

-teach catheter care (can have 1 day to 1 week depending on bleeding)

-tx of bladder spasms and pain

continuous bladder irrigation

Manual irrigation. Used if the patient has an increase in bleeding.

*3 urinals- urine should become clear

-observe urine color/consistancy

-increase fluid intake-help dilute urine and remove clots

-complications- hemorrge, clotting of cath, infection, bladder spasms

post op teaching expectations

burning with urination, blood urine.

need to increase fluids

post op complications to monitor for


clotting of catheter


bladder spasms - meds are avail for this if needed

prostate cancer

most commen type in men

2 leading cause of death

-multiple tumors on prostate

prostate cancer risk factors

over age 60

AA men

family hx

diet- high fat, low veg and fiber


environment toxins

-vit E

-vit C- does not help with prevention

prostate CA s/s

unable to void or hard time starting and stopping stream


-weak urine flow

-difficulty having erection

-blood in urine or semen

-frequent pain in the lower back, hips or upper thighs

testing for prostate CA


-digital rectal exam

-elevated prostate cancer antigen 3 PCA3

-rectal us and biopsy- antibiotic and enema given before procedure

active surveillance

part of tx plan (like watchful waiting)

-slow growing cancer

-downside- leaves more time for cancer to spend

-way benefits of tx against adverse effects of tx.


depends of grading and staging of disease

radiation therapy

hormone manipulation

prostate CA teaching

post op care:


testicular cancer

risk factors

-undescended testicle (cryptorchidism)

-abnormal testicle development

-fam hx



symptoms of testicular cancer

-first sign is painless swelling of one testicle

-other s/s would be those of metastasis: back pain (kidneys), cough, hemoptysis or dizziness

Diagnosis of testicular cancer

-US and doppler study when swelling noted (mass vs fluid)

-blood tests for tumor markers

*human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

*alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

-tumor markers-bx


treatment for testicular cancer

radial orchiectomy


radiation- SE temporary- diarrhea, nausea

nursing care for early detection for testicular CA

-begin self exams after puberty

-perform monthly in the shower

-feel each testes for irregularities (mass or lumps)

-should feel smooth and round with the consistency of a hard boiled egg without shell

nursing care for impaired urinary elimination

-monitor elimination (consistency, odor, volume and color)

-select appropriate incontinence garment

-limit fluids 2-3 hours before bedtime

-drink minimum of 1500ml daily

-limit ingestion of bladder irritants (cola, coffee, tea, chocolate)

-for total incontinence suggest use of condom cath

nursing care for urinary retention care

-instruct client/family member to record urinary output

-catheterize for residual urine, prn

-implement intermittent cath

-provide enough time for bladder emptying (10 min)

-avoid constipation and stool impaction