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50 Cards in this Set

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divides scrotal sac into two compartments


median raphe

innermost membrane surrounding the testicle

tunica albuginea

covers the testis and spermatic cord. Aids in protection and temp. control

cremaster muscle

works with cremastor muscle to elevate the testis

dartos muscle

composition of spermatic cord?

1. testicular artery, cremasteric & deferential artery

2. pampiniform plexus

3. ductus deferens

4. lymphatics and nerves

size of tesicle

sag: 3-5cm

trv: 2-4cm

AP: 3 cm

supplies the coverings of the spermatic cord

cremasteric artery

supplies the vas deferens and epididymis

deferential artery

drains the testes

pampiniform plexus

drains directly into the ivc

right testicular vein

drains into the left renal vein

left testicular vein

Benign germ- cell intraparenchymal cyst filled with keratin and contained within a fibrous capsule.
"onion ring" sign

epidermoid cyst

divides the scrotum into two parts internally

tunica dartos

coiled structure attached to the testicle and the posterior scrotal wall


connects epididymis to the seminial vesicles

ductus (vas) deferens

responsible for sperm storage during maturation


seminal vesicles location

posterior to bladder, superior to prostate gland

small glands that secrete fluid to help create semen

seminal vesicles

these two structures combine to create the ejaculatory duct

seminal vesicles and vas deferens

surgical correction of undescended testicles


most common location for undescended testicles

inguinal canal or just above the scrotum

common cyst found in the epididymal head

composed of nonviable sperm, fat, cellular debris, and lymphocytes


caused by incompetent or abnormal valves within the pampiniform plexus


remnants of a formerly torsed testicular appendage

scrotal pearl

most common cause of epididymitis in young men


second most common testicular cancer

embryonal carcinoma

lab values for embryonal carcinomas

increased AFP

lab values for yolk sac tumors

increased AFP

lab values for immature (malignant) teratomas

increased AFP and bHCG

lab values for choriocarcinomas

increased bHCG

malignant tumor with normal AFP, bHCG, and LDH levels

sex-cord stromal/sertoli-leydig tumors

mets to the testicles are rare, but which two sites are the most common?

prostate and kidney

prostate is bordered anteriorly by?

pubic bones

prostate is bordered posteriorly by?


prostate is bordered superiorly by?


prostate is bordered inferiorly by?

urogental diaphragm

most common location for prostate cancer

peripheral zone

second most common location for prostate cancer

central zone

which zone is the origin of benign prostatic hyperplasia

transitional zone

arterial supply to the prostate?

internal iliac artery -> inferior vesical artery

normal size of prostate

young patients: 20g or less

older patients: 40g or less

increased levels of PSA are indicative of?

BPH or malignancy

increased prostatic acid phosphatase is associated with?

prostate carcinoma

sonographically appear as hypoechoic structures superior to the prostate and posterior to the bladder

seminal vesicles

calcifications commonly seen in the inner glands of the prostate

corpora amylacea

birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis


diverticulum of the prostatic urethra

prostatic urtricle cyst

prostatic urtricle cyst