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59 Cards in this Set

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The shedding of the lining of the uterus along with some blood once a month.


The outer part of the female reproductive system where the opening to the vagina is located.


The opening to the uterus.


A muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the females body.


These are major female sex organs that produce ova or eggs.


The tiny female sex cell united with a male sperm to form a zygote or fertilized egg.


When menstruation ends in middle age.


This connects the ovary to the uterus.

Fallopian Tube.

When does menstruation occur?

Day 1-5

The inner lining that sheds with menses.


What percent of sexually active people contract HPV in their lifetimes?


How many related viruses are included in the HPV group?

More than 100

Can a condom fully protect you from HPV?


Can HPV lurk in the shadows?

You can have it and not know it.

Chlamydia is one of the most common stds in the U.S.


Chlamydia show symptoms __% of the time in men.


A chlamydia symptom in women is

Bleeding between periods, painful periods, an abnormal vaginal discharge with a stinch.

Chlamydia symptoms in men include

Swelling of the testicles, itching around the tip of the penis, and painful urination.

How is chlamydia treated?

Doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

What should you do if you think you have chlamydia?

See a doctor, do not sleep around with many partners, and limit sexual contact with uninfected partners.

HIV attacks what system(s) of the body?


How do you know if you have HIV?

You must get tested to know for sure.

Does someone feel sick that is in stage 1 of HIV?

Some do and some don't.

Stage 1 of HIV includes what type of symptoms?

Flu-like symptoms.

How is genital herpes spread?

Anal sex, oral sex, and vaginal sex.

Can genital herpes be transmitted to a newborn?

Yes, if the mother is infected.

Genital herpes is more common in men than in women.


What % has the number of American with genital herpes increased since the 1970s?


What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Skin on or near the sex organ becomes inflamed, the skin may burn, itch, or be painful, and sores open, scab over, and then heal.

What antibiotic was developed in the 1940s and cured syphilis?


How many doses of penicillin are usually required for someone that has had syphilis, a month?


Which STI is from the microorganism class protozoa, and is hard to identify?


What is the purpose of the scrotum?

Keeps the testis cool.

The testis are the male gonad.


What is the purpose of the penis?

Delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract.

Where is the epididymis?

Behind the testis.

What happens to the prostate gland as men age?


Walnut-sized, doughnut-shaped, encircles urethra.


About how many sperm are in semen?

20-150 million

How long can sperm live in the vagina?

Up to 5 days

What happens on days 5-10 in the menstrual cycle?

Lining thickens (eggs mature in the ovary).

When is the egg released into the fallopian tube (ovulation)?

Days 10-14

What happens on days 5-10 in the menstrual cycle?

Lining thickens (eggs mature in the ovary).

When is the egg released into the fallopian tube (ovulation)?

Days 10-14

What happens on days 17-24 of the menstrual cycle?

If egg is fertilized, it settles into thick lining.

When does the egg die if it isn't fertilized?

Days 24-28

What is semen?

Fluid that carries sperm.

Name the 2 male hormones.


Gnh - growth hormone

As a man gets older he needs to _____ a lot more.

Urinate. Because the prostate is pressing on the urethra.


Sexually Transmitted Infection


Sexually Transmitted Disease


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

What causes PID?


What is PID?

A buildup of scarring that can lead to infertility.

Signs and symptoms of gonorrhea.

Green and yellow discharge.

Signs and symptoms of trichimonias.

White, frothy discharge, bleeding, painful urination.


Human Papilloma Virus

Which STI causes cancer?


What procedure is important to get done by women every year?
