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6000 Cards in this Set

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頭痛 [ずつう]
(n) headache
頭突き [ずつき]
(n) butting heads
頭脳 [ずのう]
(n) head
頭脳明晰 [ずのうめいせき]
(n,adj-na) being clearheaded
頭脳流出 [ずのうりゅうしゅつ]
(n) a brain drain
頭髪 [とうはつ]
(n) hair (of head)
頭抜ける [ずぬける]
(v1) to tower above
頭皮 [とうひ]
(n) scalp
頭部 [とうぶ]
(n) the head
頭分 [かしらぶん]
(n) boss
頭文字 [かしらもじ]
(n) initials
頭目 [とうもく]
(n) chief
頭領 [とうりょう]
(n) head
頭虱 [あたましらみ]
(n) head louse
騰貴 [とうき]
(n,vs) rise
騰勢 [とうせい]
(n) upward trend
騰落 [とうらく]
(n) rise and fall
闘い [たたかい]
(n) battle
闘う [たたかう]
(v5u) to fight
闘気 [とうき]
(n) fighting spirit
闘技 [とうぎ]
(n) competition
闘技場 [とうぎじょう]
(n) arena
闘牛 [とうぎゅう]
(n) bullfighting
闘牛士 [とうぎゅうし]
(n) matador
闘牛場 [とうぎゅうじょう]
(n) a bullring
闘鶏 [とうけい]
(n) cockfight
闘犬 [とうけん]
(n) dogfighting
闘魂 [とうこん]
(n) fighting spirit
闘士 [とうし]
(n) fighter (for)
闘志 [とうし]
(n) fighting spirit
闘志を燃やす [とうしをもやす]
(exp) to burn with combativeness
闘志満々 [とうしまんまん]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) brimming with fighting spirit
闘志満満 [とうしまんまん]
(n) filled with fighting spirit
闘将 [とうしょう]
(n) brave leader
闘争 [とうそう]
(n,vs) strife
闘争心 [とうそうしん]
(n) belligerence
闘病 [とうびょう]
(n,vs) fighting against an illness
闘病生活 [とうびょうせいかつ]
(n) (means and time spent) fighting against an illness
働 [どう]
(n) work
働かす [はたらかす]
(v5s) to put someone to work
働かせる [はたらかせる]
(v1) to put someone to work
働き [はたらき]
(n) work
働きかける [はたらきかける]
(v1) to work on someone
働き過ぎ [はたらきすぎ]
(n) overactivity
働き過ぎる [はたらきすぎる]
(v1) to overwork
働き掛ける [はたらきかける]
(v1) to work on someone
働き蟻 [はたらきあり]
(n) worker ant
働き口 [はたらきぐち]
(n) position
働き者 [はたらきもの]
(n) hard worker
働き手 [はたらきて]
(n) worker
働き手 [はたらきで]
(n) worker
働き出す [はたらきだす]
(v5s) to start working
働き振り [はたらきぶり]
(n) way of working
働き人 [はたらきびと]
(n) worker
働き盛り [はたらきざかり]
(n) prime of life
働き中毒 [はたらきちゅうどく]
(n) workaholic
働き通しで [はたらきとおしで]
(exp) working right on through
働き蜂 [はたらきばち]
(n) worker bee
働く [はたらく]
(v5k) to work
働く気 [はたらくき]
(n) inclination to work
動 [どう]
(n) motion
動かし難い [うごかしがたい]
(n) unshakable
動かす [うごかす]
(v5s,vt) to move
動き [うごき]
(n) movement
動きだす [うごきだす]
(v5s) to start to move
動き回る [うごきまわる]
(v5r) to move around
動き出す [うごきだす]
(v5s) to come alive
動く [うごく]
(v5k,vi) to move
動じる [どうじる]
(v1) to be perturbed
動ずる [どうずる]
(vz) to be perturbed
動ともすれば [ややともすれば]
(adv) being apt to
動と反動 [どうとはんどう]
(n) action and reaction
動もすれば [ややもすれば]
(adv) being apt to
動安定 [どうあんてい]
(n) dynamic stability
動員 [どういん]
(n,vs) mobilization
動員令 [どういんれい]
(n) mobilization order
動因 [どういん]
(n) agent
動画 [どうが]
(n) moving image
動滑車 [どうかっしゃ]
(n) movable pulley
動機 [どうき]
(n) motive
動気 [どうき]
(n) palpitation
動議 [どうぎ]
(n) a motion
動向 [どうこう]
(n) trend
動向把握 [どうこうはあく]
(n) grasping the trend
動向表 [どうこうひょう]
(n) In-Out Board (in office)
動作 [どうさ]
(n,vs) action
動作記録 [どうさきろく]
(n) audit trail
動産 [どうさん]
(n) personal property
動詞 [どうし]
(n) verb
動詞状名詞 [どうしじょうめいし]
(n) gerund
動軸 [どうじく]
(n) driving axle
動植物 [どうしょくぶつ]
(n) plants and animals
動勢 [どうせい]
(n) state
動静 [どうせい]
(n) state
動線 [どうせん]
(n) line of flow
動線計画 [どうせんけいかく]
(n) flow planning
動体 [どうたい]
(n) moving body
動態 [どうたい]
(n) movement
動態統計 [どうたいとうけい]
(n) dynamic or vital or current statistics
動的 [どうてき]
(adj-na) dynamic
動天 [どうてん]
(n) heaven-shaking event
動転 [どうてん]
(n,vs) (1) being upset
動物 [どうぶつ]
(n) animal
動物愛 [どうぶつあい]
(n) love for animals
動物愛護協会 [どうぶつあいごきょうかい]
(n) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
動物園 [どうぶつえん]
(n) zoo
動物化 [どうぶつか]
(n) animalization
動物界 [どうぶつかい]
(n) animal kingdom
動物学 [どうぶつがく]
(n) zoology
動物学者 [どうぶつがくしゃ]
(n) zoologist
動物検査 [どうぶつけんさ]
(n) animal quarantine
動物行動学 [どうぶつこうどうがく]
(n) ethology
動物誌 [どうぶつし]
(n) fauna
動物質 [どうぶつしつ]
(n) animal matter
動物実験 [どうぶつじっけん]
(n) experiments on animals
動物崇拝 [どうぶつすうはい]
(n) zoolatry
動物性 [どうぶつせい]
(n) animal nature
動物性蛋白 [どうぶつせいたんぱく]
(n) animal protein
動物相 [どうぶつそう]
(n) fauna
動物達 [どうぶつたち]
(n) animals
動物油脂 [どうぶつゆし]
(n) animal fat
動摩擦 [どうまさつ]
(n) kinetic friction
動脈 [どうみゃく]
(n) artery
動脈血 [どうみゃくけつ]
(n) arterial blood
動脈血 [どうみゃっけつ]
(n) arterial blood
動脈硬化 [どうみゃくこうか]
(n) arteriosclerosis
動脈硬化症 [どうみゃくこうかしょう]
(n) arteriosclerosis
動脈瘤 [どうみゃくりゅう]
(n) an aneurysm
動名詞 [どうめいし]
(n) gerund
動揺 [どうよう]
(n,vs) disturbance
動乱 [どうらん]
(n,vs) disturbance
動量 [どうりょう]
(n) momentum
動力 [どうりょく]
(n) power
動力学 [どうりきがく]
(n) dynamics
動力計 [どうりょくけい]
(n) dynamometer
動力源 [どうりょくげん]
(n) source of power
動力降下 [どうりょくこうか]
(n) power drive
動力資源 [どうりょくしげん]
(n) sources of power
動力炉 [どうりょくろ]
(n) nuclear power reactor
動輪 [どうりん]
(n) driving wheel
動労 [どうろう]
(n) National Railway Motive Power Union
動悸 [どうき]
(n) palpitation
同 [どう]
(n) the same
同い年 [おないどし]
(n) of the same age
同じ [おなじ]
(adj-na,n) same
同じ [おんなじ]
(adj-na,n) same
同じく [おなじく]
(adv,conj,vs) similarly
同じくらい [おなじくらい]
(exp) approximately the same
同じよう [おなじよう]
(adj-na) similarly
同じる [どうじる]
(v1) to agree
同じ位 [おなじくらい]
(exp) approximately the same
同じ穴の狢 [おなじあなのむじな]
(exp) (villains) of the same stripe (lit: badgers of the same hole)
同じ年 [おなじどし]
(n) same age
同じ様に [おなじように]
(adv) similarly
同ずる [どうずる]
(vz) to agree
同位 [どうい]
(n) the same rank
同位角 [どういかく]
(n) (gen) (math) corresponding angles
同位元素 [どういげんそ]
(n) isotope
同位体 [どういたい]
(n) isotope
同委員会 [どういいんかい]
(n) the same committee
同意 [どうい]
(n,vs) agreement
同意義 [どういぎ]
(n) the same meaning
同意見 [どういけん]
(n) the same opinion
同意語 [どういご]
(n) synonym
同異 [どうい]
(n) similarities and differences
同一 [どういつ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) identity
同一視 [どういつし]
(n,vs) class with
同一人 [どういつにん]
(n) the same person
同一人物 [どういつじんぶつ]
(n) the very same person
同音 [どうおん]
(n) the same sound
同音異義 [どうおんいぎ]
(n) having the same pronunciation but bearing different meanings
同音異義語 [どうおんいぎご]
(n) homonym
同音語 [どうおんご]
(n) homonym
同化 [どうか]
(n,vs) assimilation
同化作用 [どうかさよう]
(n) assimilation
同価 [どうか]
(n) equivalent
同家 [どうけ]
(n) the said family
同格 [どうかく]
(adj-na,n) the same rank
同学 [どうがく]
(n) the same school
同学年 [どうがくねん]
(n) same year in school
同額 [どうがく]
(n) the same amount
同感 [どうかん]
(n,vs) agreement
同期 [どうき]
(n-adv) contemporary
同期外れ [どうきはずれ]
(n) synchronisation loss (in digital communications)
同期式 [どうきしき]
(n) synchronization
同期信号 [どうきしんごう]
(n) synchronous idle (SYN)
同期生 [どうきせい]
(n) (1) classmate
同期通信 [どうきつうしん]
(n) synchronous communication
同気 [どうき]
(n) same temperament
同義 [どうぎ]
(adj-na,n) the same meaning
同義語 [どうぎご]
(n) synonym
同級 [どうきゅう]
(n) the same grade
同級生 [どうきゅうせい]
(n) classmate(s)
同居 [どうきょ]
(n,vs) living together
同居人 [どうきょにん]
(n) person living with the family
同郷 [どうきょう]
(n) same village
同郷人 [どうきょうじん]
(n) person from the same province, town, village, etc.
同業 [どうぎょう]
(n) same trade
同業者 [どうぎょうしゃ]
(n) person in the same business
同業組合 [どうぎょうくみあい]
(n) trade association
同局 [どうきょく]
(n) the said bureau
同区 [どうく]
(n) same ward
同訓 [どうくん]
(n) kun homophone
同型 [どうけい]
(n) isomorphism
同形 [どうけい]
(n) isomorphism
同慶 [どうけい]
(n) matter for mutual congratulation
同系 [どうけい]
(n) affiliated
同系色 [どうけいしょく]
(n) similar color
同穴 [どうけつ]
(n) being buried in the same grave
同月 [どうげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) the same month
同権 [どうけん]
(n) the same rights
同県 [どうけん]
(n) the same prefecture
同源 [どうげん]
(n) the same origin
同語反復 [どうごはんぷく]
(n) tautology
同好 [どうこう]
(n) similar tastes
同好会 [どうこうかい]
(n) association of like-minded people
同好者 [どうこうしゃ]
(n) people of similar tastes
同工異曲 [どうこういきょく]
(n) equal workmanship but different style
同工異曲である [どうこういきょくである]
(v5r) to be equally excellent in workmanship though difficult in style
同校 [どうこう]
(n) same school
同行 [どうぎょう]
(n,vs) fellow pilgrim
同行 [どうこう]
(n,vs) (1) accompanying
同行者 [どうこうしゃ]
(n) fellow travellers
同国 [どうこく]
(n) the same country
同国人 [どうこくじん]
(n) fellow countryman
同国民 [どうこくみん]
(n) fellow countrymen
同根 [どうこん]
(n) same root
同梱 [どうこん]
(n,vs) including something in a package
同坐 [どうざ]
(n,vs) sitting together
同座 [どうざ]
(n,vs) sitting together
同罪 [どうざい]
(n) same offense
同士 [どうし]
(n) fellow
同士打ち [どうしうち]
(n) killing each other by mistake
同士打ち [どしうち]
(n) killing each other by mistake
同士討ち [どうしうち]
(n) killing each other by mistake
同士討ち [どしうち]
(n) killing each other by mistake
同市 [どうし]
(n) same city
同志 [どうし]
(n) same mind
同志会 [どうしかい]
(n) association of kindred spirits
同志的 [どうしてき]
(adj-na) companionable
同氏 [どうし]
(n) the said person
同紙 [どうし]
(n) the same newspaper
同視 [どうし]
(n,vs) treating alike
同誌 [どうし]
(n) same magazine
同事 [どうじ]
(n) the same event
同字 [どうじ]
(n) the same character
同時 [どうじ]
(n,adj-no) simultaneous(ly)
同時に [どうじに]
(adv,conj) coincident with
同時性 [どうじせい]
(n) simultaneity
同時代 [どうじだい]
(n) the same age
同時通訳 [どうじつうやく]
(n,vs) simultaneous interpretation
同時放送 [どうじほうそう]
(n) simulcast
同時録音 [どうじろくおん]
(n) simultaneous or synchronous recording
同軸 [どうじく]
(n) same axle
同軸ケーブル [どうじくケーブル]
(n) coaxial cable
同室 [どうしつ]
(n,vs) the same room
同質 [どうしつ]
(adj-na,n) same quality
同質的 [どうしつてき]
(adj-na) homogeneous
同社 [どうしゃ]
(n) the same firm
同車 [どうしゃ]
(n,vs) taking the same car or train
同種 [どうしゅ]
(n) same kind (race)
同種同文 [どうしゅどうぶん]
(n) same race and same language
同種類 [どうしゅるい]
(n) the same kind
同趣味 [どうしゅみ]
(n) the same interests
同宗 [どうしゅう]
(n) the same sect
同舟 [どうしゅう]
(n,vs) shipmates
同宿 [どうしゅく]
(n,vs) lodging in the same hotel
同処 [どうしょ]
(n) the same place
同所 [どうしょ]
(n) the same place
同書 [どうしょ]
(n) the same book
同小 [どうしょう]
(n) the above-mentioned elementary school
同床異夢 [どうしょういむ]
(n) cohabiting but living in different worlds
同省 [どうしょう]
(n) the said ministry
同上 [どうじょう]
(n) same as above
同乗 [どうじょう]
(n,vs) riding together
同乗者 [どうじょうしゃ]
(n) fellow passenger
同情 [どうじょう]
(n,vs) sympathy
同情者 [どうじょうしゃ]
(n) sympathizer
同情心 [どうじょうしん]
(n) sympathy
同情票 [どうじょうひょう]
(n) sympathy vote
同職 [どうしょく]
(n) the same occupation
同色 [どうしょく]
(n) same color
同信 [どうしん]
(n) the same faith
同心 [どうしん]
(n,adj-no) concentricity
同心円 [どうしんえん]
(n) concentric circles
同人 [どうじん]
(n) literary group (coterie)
同人 [どうにん]
(n) literary group (coterie)
同人雑誌 [どうじんざっし]
(n) magazine of a society
同人誌 [どうじんし]
(n) (1) magazine published by fans
同人種 [どうじんしゅ]
(n) racial identity
同仁 [どうじん]
(n) universal benevolence
同仁教会 [どうじんきょうかい]
(n) Universalist Church
同数 [どうすう]
(n) same number
同勢 [どうぜい]
(n) party
同姓 [どうせい]
(n) same surname
同姓同名 [どうせいどうみょう]
(adj-no) same family and personal name
同姓同名 [どうせいどうめい]
(n) (having) the same family and personal name (as somebody)
同性 [どうせい]
(n) same sex
同性愛 [どうせいあい]
(n) homosexual love
同性愛者 [どうせいあいしゃ]
(n) homosexual (person)
同棲 [どうせい]
(n,vs) cohabitation
同席 [どうせき]
(n,vs,adj-no) presence
同説 [どうせつ]
(n) the same opinion
同船 [どうせん]
(n,vs) the same ship
同船の人 [どうせんのひと]
(n) fellow voyager
同前 [どうぜん]
(n) same as above
同然 [どうぜん]
(adj-na,n) similar to
同祖 [どうそ]
(n) common ancestor
同素体 [どうそたい]
(n) allotrope
同相 [どうそう]
(n) (1) (id) the said (cabinet) minister
同窓 [どうそう]
(n) the same school
同窓会 [どうそうかい]
(n) graduate's association
同窓生 [どうそうせい]
(n) alumni
同送 [どうそう]
(adj-no) shipped together
同族 [どうぞく]
(n) same family (race, tribe)
同族会 [どうぞくかい]
(n) family council
同族会社 [どうぞくかいしゃ]
(n) family corporation
同族会社 [どうぞくがいしゃ]
(n) family corporation
同村 [どうそん]
(n) same village
同体 [どうたい]
(n) as one flesh or body
同体に [どうたいに]
(adv) as one
同大 [どうだい]
(n) the said university
同断 [どうだん]
(adj-na,n) the same
同値 [どうち]
(n,adj-no) equivalence
同値性 [どうちせい]
(n) equivalency
同地 [どうち]
(n) the same place
同着 [どうちゃく]
(n) arriving at the same moment
同町 [どうちょう]
(n) the same town
同調 [どうちょう]
(n,vs) sympathy
同調者 [どうちょうしゃ]
(n) fellow traveler
同定 [どうてい]
(n,vs) identification
同程度 [どうていど]
(n) same level
同店 [どうてん]
(n) the same store
同点 [どうてん]
(n) deadlock
同点決勝 [どうてんけっしょう]
(n) play-off
同点決勝戦 [どうてんけっしょうせん]
(n) tiebreaker
同党 [どうとう]
(n) the same political party
同等 [どうとう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) equality
同道 [どうどう]
(n,vs) going with
同毒療法 [どうどくりょうほう]
(n) homeopathy
同日 [どうじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) the same day
同年 [どうねん]
(n-adv,n-t) that year
同年代 [どうねんだい]
(n,adj-no) the same generation
同年輩 [どうねんぱい]
(n) persons of the same age
同年輩の人 [どうねんぱいのひと]
(n) contemporary
同派 [どうは]
(n) the same sect
同輩 [どうはい]
(n) fellows
同伴 [どうはん]
(n,vs) company
同伴者 [どうはんしゃ]
(n) companion
同伴出勤 [どうはんしゅっきん]
(n,vs) (a bar hostess) coming to work accompanied by a customer
同藩 [どうはん]
(n) the same clan
同筆 [どうひつ]
(n) the same handwriting
同病 [どうびょう]
(n) the same sickness
同病相憐れむ [どうびょうあいあわれむ]
(exp) Fellow sufferers pity each other
同父母 [どうふぼ]
(n) the same parents
同部屋 [どうべや]
(n) sumo wrestlers from the same stable
同封 [どうふう]
(n,vs) enclosure (e.g., in a letter)
同腹 [どうふく]
(n) born of the same mother
同腹仔 [どうふくし]
(n) litter
同分母 [どうぶんぼ]
(n) common denominator
同文 [どうぶん]
(n) same script
同文通達 [どうぶんつうたつ]
(n) (Papal) encyclical
同文同種 [どうぶんどうしゅ]
(n) same race and same script
同母姉 [どうぼし]
(n) sisters of the same mother
同朋 [どうほう]
(n) companions
同朋 [どうぼう]
(n) companions
同胞 [どうほう]
(n) brethren
同胞 [どうぼう]
(n) brethren
同胞 [はらから]
(n) brethren
同胞愛 [どうほうあい]
(n) brotherly love
同邦 [どうほう]
(n) the same country
同房 [どうぼう]
(n) the same room
同名 [どうみょう]
(n) same name
同名 [どうめい]
(n) same name
同名異人 [どうめいいじん]
(n) namesake
同盟 [どうめい]
(n,vs) alliance
同盟休校 [どうめいきゅうこう]
(n) student strike
同盟軍 [どうめいぐん]
(n) allied armies
同盟国 [どうめいこく]
(n) ally (of another nation)
同盟条約 [どうめいじょうやく]
(n) treaty of alliance
同盟怠業 [どうめいたいぎょう]
(n) go-slow strike
同盟罷業 [どうめいひぎょう]
(n) strike
同目 [ぞろめ]
(adj-no) (1) (at the) same level
同目 [ため]
(adj-no) (1) (at the) same level
同門 [どうもん]
(n) fellow student
同夜 [どうや]
(n-adv,n-t) the same night
同役 [どうやく]
(n) colleague
同憂 [どうゆう]
(n) sharing the same concern
同様 [どうよう]
(adj-na,n) identical
同様に [どうように]
(adv) identically
同率 [どうりつ]
(n) the same ratio or percentage
同流 [どうりゅう]
(n) the same style
同侶 [どうりょ]
(n) companion
同侶 [どうりょう]
(n) companion
同僚 [どうりょう]
(n) coworker
同量 [どうりょう]
(n) same amount
同類 [どうるい]
(n) the same kind
同類項 [どうるいこう]
(n) like terms
同列 [どうれつ]
(n) same rank or file
同列に論じる [どうれつにろんじる]
(exp) to consider (something) in the same bracket
同労 [どうろう]
(n) working together
同労者 [どうろうしゃ]
(n) fellow worker
同和 [どうわ]
(n) social integration
同和教育 [どうわきょういく]
(n) social integration education
同衾 [どうきん]
(n,vs) sharing the bed
堂 [どう]
(n,n-suf,n-pref) (1) temple
堂々 [どうどう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) magnificent
堂々と [どうどうと]
(exp) without apology
堂々巡り [どうどうめぐり]
(n,vs) going around in circles
堂に入る [どうにいる]
(exp) to become an expert
堂宇 [どうう]
(n) edifice
堂奥 [どうおう]
(n) secret knowledge
堂守 [どうもり]
(n) temple keeper
堂上 [どうじょう]
(n) on the roof
堂塔 [どうとう]
(n) temple
堂堂 [どうどう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) magnificent
堂堂と [どうどうと]
(exp) without apology
堂堂回り [どうどうまわり]
(n,vs) go round in circles
堂堂巡り [どうどうめぐり]
(n,vs) going around in circles
導き [みちびき]
(n) guidance
導き手 [みちびきて]
(n) guide
導き出す [みちびきだす]
(v5s) to derive
導く [みちびく]
(v5k) to guide
導因 [どういん]
(n) incentive
導火線 [どうかせん]
(n) fuse
導管 [どうかん]
(n) duct (anatomy)
導管 [どうけん]
(n) duct (anatomy)
導関数 [どうかんすう]
(n) a derivative
導光板 [どうこうばん]
(n) light guide (esp. in chemistry, solid-state physics)
導師 [どうし]
(n) officiating monk
導出 [どうしゅつ]
(n,vs) derivation
導水 [どうすい]
(n) water conveyance
導線 [どうせん]
(n) conducting wire
導体 [どうたい]
(n) conductor (electricity)
導通 [どうつう]
(n) conduction
導通抵抗 [どうつうていこう]
(n) resistance (to conduction)
導電 [どうでん]
(n) conduction
導電性 [どうでんせい]
(n) conductivity
導電体 [どうでんたい]
(n) conductor (elec)
導電度 [どうでんど]
(n) conductivity
導電率 [どうでんりつ]
(n) conductivity
導入 [どうにゅう]
(n,vs) introduction
導入部 [どうにゅうぶ]
(n) entry
導波管 [どうはかん]
(n) waveguide
導波管定数 [どうはかんていすう]
(n) waveguide constant
導波路 [どうはろ]
(n) waveguide (usually optical)
憧れ [あこがれ]
(n) yearning
憧れる [あこがれる]
(v1) to long for
憧憬 [しょうけい]
(n,vs) longing
憧憬 [どうけい]
(n,vs) longing
撞く [つく]
(v5k) to strike (e.g., a bell)
撞球 [どうきゅう]
(n) billiards
撞着 [どうちゃく]
(n,vs) contradiction
撞着語法 [どうちゃくごほう]
(n) oxymoron
撞着矛盾 [どうちゃくむじゅん]
(n,vs) self-contradiction
撞木 [しゅもく]
(n) wooden bell hammer
撞木鮫 [しゅもくざめ]
(n) hammerhead shark
撞木杖 [しゅもくずえ]
(n) crutches
洞 [うろ]
(n) hollow
洞 [ほら]
(n) cave
洞角 [どうかく]
(n) hollow horn
洞窟 [どうくつ]
(n) cave
洞穴 [どうけつ]
(n) cave
洞穴 [ほらあな]
(n) cave
洞見 [どうけん]
(n,vs) insight
洞察 [どうさつ]
(n,vs) discernment
洞察力 [どうさつりょく]
(n) insight
洞門 [どうもん]
(n) cave entrance
瞳 [ひとみ]
(n) (1) pupil (of eye)
瞳を凝らす [ひとみをこらす]
(exp) to strain one's eyes
瞳孔 [どうこう]
(adj-na,n) pupil
瞳孔拡張 [どうこうかくちょう]
(n) pupil dilation
瞳子 [どうし]
(n) pupil
童 [わらべ]
(n) child
童歌 [わらべうた]
(n) children's (folk) song
童画 [どうが]
(n) pictures drawn by child
童顔 [どうがん]
(n) child-faced
童子 [どうじ]
(n) boy
童女 [どうじょ]
(n) (little) girl
童心 [どうしん]
(n) child's mind
童貞 [どうてい]
(n) (col) chastity
童謡 [どうよう]
(n) children's song
童話 [どうわ]
(n) fairy-tale
童話劇 [どうわげき]
(n) play or production for children
童話作家 [どうわさっか]
(n) writer of stories for children
胴 [どう]
(n) trunk
胴が長い [どうがながい]
(n) having a long body
胴を着ける [どうをつける]
(exp) to put on body armor (armour)
胴衣 [どうい]
(n) jacket
胴回り [どうまわり]
(n) waist
胴巻き [どうまき]
(n) bellyband
胴間声 [どうまごえ]
(n) (vulgar) thick voice
胴元 [どうもと]
(n) bookmaker (in gambling)
胴差し [どうざし]
(n) (wooden) girder
胴上げ [どうあげ]
(n,vs) lifting a person high
胴震い [どうぶるい]
(n,vs) shivering
胴切り [どうぎり]
(n,vs) cutting horizontally into the torso (with a sword)
胴体 [どうたい]
(n) body
胴着 [どうぎ]
(n) (sleeveless) undergarment
胴中 [どうなか]
(n) trunk
胴長 [どうなが]
(adj-na,n) possessing a long torso
胴長短足 [どうながたんそく]
(n) having a long torso and short legs
胴締め [どうじめ]
(n) belt
胴忘れ [どわすれ]
(n,vs) lapse of memory
胴揚げ [どうあげ]
(n) toss someone into the air or hoist shoulder-high in celebration
胴慾 [どうよく]
(adj-na,n) avarice
胴欲 [どうよく]
(adj-na,n) avarice
胴乱 [どうらん]
(n) case for botanical specimens
道 [みち]
(n) road
道々 [みちみち]
(adv,n) along the way
道が窮まる [みちがきわまる]
(exp) to come to a dead end
道すがら [みちすがら]
(adv) along the road
道ならぬ [みちならぬ]
(adj-pn,exp) immoral
道ならぬ恋 [みちならぬこい]
(n) illicit love affair
道のり [みちのり]
(n) (1) distance
道の端 [みちのはし]
(n) edge of a street
道ばた [みちばた]
(n) roadside
道を急ぐ [みちをいそぐ]
(exp) to hurry on one's way
道を遮る [みちをさえぎる]
(exp) to block the way
道を訊く [みちをきく]
(exp) to ask the way
道を切り開く [みちをきりひらく]
(exp) to open a path
道を阻む [みちをはばむ]
(exp) to obstruct one's way
道を聞く [みちをきく]
(exp) to ask the way
道案内 [みちあんない]
(n,vs) guidepost
道央 [どうおう]
(n) central Hokkaido
道化 [どうけ]
(n) antics
道化る [どうける]
(v1) to jest
道化師 [どうけし]
(n) a clown
道化芝居 [どうけしばい]
(n) farce
道化者 [どうけもの]
(n) a buffoon
道化方 [どうけがた]
(n) jester
道化役者 [どうけやくしゃ]
(n) clown
道家 [どうか]
(n) a Taoist
道歌 [どうか]
(n) moral poem
道学 [どうがく]
(n) ethics
道学者 [どうがくしゃ]
(n) Taoist
道楽 [どうらく]
(adj-na,n) hobby
道楽仕事 [どうらくしごと]
(n) work done for enjoyment (as a diversion)
道楽者 [どうらくもの]
(n) libertine
道楽息子 [どうらくむすこ]
(n) prodigal son
道楽仲間 [どうらくなかま]
(n) companion in one's pleasures
道観 [どうかん]
(n) Taoist temple
道義 [どうぎ]
(n) morality
道義心 [どうぎしん]
(n) moral sense
道義的責任 [どうぎてきせきにん]
(n) moral obligation
道議会 [どうぎかい]
(n) Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly
道教 [どうきょう]
(n) Taoism
道筋 [みちすじ]
(n) path
道具 [どうぐ]
(n) implement
道具一式 [どうぐいっしき]
(n) set of tools (implements)
道具屋 [どうぐや]
(n) second-hand shop
道具箱 [どうぐばこ]
(n) toolbox
道具方 [どうぐかた]
(n) propman
道具立て [どうぐだて]
(n) preparation of tools
道具論 [どうぐろん]
(n) instrumentalism
道元 [どうげん]
(n) Zen monk, 1200-1253
道交法 [どうこうほう]
(n) (abbr) Road Traffic Act
道行き [みちゆき]
(n) going down the road
道行く [みちゆく]
(v5k-s) to walk down the road
道産子 [どさんこ]
(n) (1) horse native to Hokkaido
道産娘 [どさんこ]
(n) (1) horse native to Hokkaido
道士 [どうし]
(n) a person of high morals
道糸 [みちいと]
(n) fishing line
道主 [どうしゅう]
(n) chairman of the aikido world association (Aikikai)
道州制 [どうしゅうせい]
(n) administrative reform proposal, involving integration of prefectures into 7 or 9 states
道順 [みちじゅん]
(n) itinerary
道床 [どうしょう]
(n) roadbed
道場 [どうじょう]
(n) (1) dojo
道場破り [どうじょうやぶり]
(n) challenge another training group and defeat each member
道心 [どうしん]
(n) moral sense
道心堅固 [どうしんけんご]
(n,adj-na) being of firm (unshakable) faith and strict practice
道祖神 [どうそしん]
(n) traveler's guardian deity (traveller)
道祖神 [どうそじん]
(n) traveler's guardian deity (traveller)
道草 [みちくさ]
(n,vs) wayside grass
道俗 [どうぞく]
(n) monks and laity
道端 [みちばた]
(n) roadside
道中 [どうちゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) along the way
道中記 [どうちゅうき]
(n) travel journal
道聴塗説 [どうちょうとせつ]
(n) shallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information
道長 [どうちょう]
(n) head of a martial arts organization (organisation)
道程 [どうてい]
(n) (1) distance
道程 [みちのり]
(n) (1) distance
道道 [みちみち]
(adv,n) along the way
道徳 [どうとく]
(n) morals
道徳家 [どうとくか]
(n) virtuous person
道徳学 [どうとくがく]
(n) moral philosophy
道徳教育 [どうとくきょういく]
(n) moral education
道徳劇 [どうとくげき]
(n) morality play
道徳堅固 [どうとくけんご]
(n,adj-na) of strict morals (moral principles)
道徳上 [どうとくじょう]
(n) morally
道徳心 [どうとくしん]
(n) moral sense
道徳退廃 [どうとくたいはい]
(n) moral decadence (decline, corruption)
道徳的 [どうとくてき]
(adj-na,n) ethical
道徳的空白 [どうとくてきくうはく]
(n) moral vacuum
道徳律 [どうとくりつ]
(n) moral law
道念 [どうねん]
(n) moral sense
道破 [どうは]
(n,vs) declaration
道板 [みちいた]
(n) removable ramps for trucks
道標 [どうひょう]
(n) (1) guidepost
道標 [みちしるべ]
(n) (1) guidepost
道普請 [みちぶしん]
(n,vs) road repair
道幅 [みちはば]
(n) width of a road
道辺 [みちべ]
(n) roadside
道民 [どうみん]
(n) people of Hokkaido
道理 [どうり]
(n) reason
道理で [どうりで]
(adv,exp) indeed
道理に外れた [どうりにはずれた]
(exp) contrary to reason
道理に適う [どうりにかなう]
(exp) to stand to reason
道理至極 [どうりしごく]
(n,adj-na) very reasonable
道連れ [みちづれ]
(n) fellow traveler
道路 [どうろ]
(n) road
道路橋 [どうろきょう]
(n) (highway) overpass
道路計画 [どうろけいかく]
(n) road plan
道路建設 [どうろけんせつ]
(n) road construction
道路交通 [どうろこうつう]
(n) road traffic
道路交通法 [どうろこうつうほう]
(n) Road Traffic Law
道路工事 [どうろこうじ]
(n) road construction
道路掃除人 [どうろそうじじん]
(n) street sweeper (person)
道路地図 [どうろちず]
(n) road (highway) map
道路標示 [どうろひょうじ]
(n) traffic sign painted on the road
道路標識 [どうろひょうしき]
(n) road sign
道路封鎖 [どうろふうさ]
(n) roadblock
道路輸送 [どうろゆそう]
(n) road transport
道話 [どうわ]
(n) exemplum
銅 [あかがね]
(n) copper
銅 [どう]
(n) copper
銅の器 [あかがねのうつわ]
(n) copper vessel
銅アンモニア法 [どうアンモニアほう]
(n) cuprous ammoniacal process
銅メダリスト [どうメダリスト]
(n) bronze medallist
銅メダル [どうメダル]
(n) bronze medal
銅貨 [どうか]
(n) copper coin
銅器 [どうき]
(n) copperware
銅鏡 [どうきょう]
(n) bronze mirror
銅鉱 [どうこう]
(n) copper ore
銅山 [どうざん]
(n) copper mine
銅臭 [どうしゅう]
(n) the lust for money
銅色 [どうしょく]
(n) bronze (color, colour)
銅製 [どうせい]
(n) made of copper
銅線 [どうせん]
(n) copper line
銅銭 [どうせん]
(n) copper coin
銅相場 [どうそうば]
(n) market price of copper
銅像 [どうぞう]
(n) bronze statue
銅鐸 [どうたく]
(n) bronze bell
銅牌 [どうはい]
(n) bronze or copper medal
銅箔 [どうはく]
(n) (1) copper foil (used in copper plating)
銅板 [どうばん]
(n) sheet copper
銅版画 [どうはんが]
(n) copperplate engraving
銅盤 [どうばん]
(n) bronze bowl
銅鑼 [どら]
(n) gong
峠 [とうげ]
(n,n-suf) ridge
峠を越える [とうげをこえる]
(exp) to pass over the peak
峠を越す [とうげをこす]
(exp) to cross over a pass
峠道 [とうげみち]
(n) road over a mountain pass
鴇 [とき]
(n) Japanese crested ibis
鴇色 [ときいろ]
(n,adj-no) pink (wing colour of crested ibis) (color)
匿 [とく]
(n) shelter
匿う [かくまう]
(v5u) to shelter
匿名 [とくめい]
(n) anonymity
匿名性 [とくめいせい]
(n) anonymity
匿名批評 [とくめいひひょう]
(n) anonymous criticism
得 [とく]
(adj-na,n,vs) profit
得する [とくする]
(vs-s) to make a profit
得になる [とくになる]
(exp) to do (a person) good
得る [うる]
(v5r) to obtain (benefit)
得る [える]
(v1) to get
得る所が有る [うるところがある]
(exp) to get benefit from
得意 [とくい]
(adj-na,n) pride
得意がる [とくいがる]
(v5r) to be inflated with pride
得意顔 [とくいがお]
(n) triumphant look
得意気 [とくいげ]
(adj-na,n) proud
得意客 [とくいきゃく]
(n) customer
得意四つ [とくいよつ]
(n) sumo wrestler's favourite (favorite) grip on the belt
得意先 [とくいさき]
(n) favorite customer
得意淡然 [とくいたんぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) not letting oneself puffed up by one's success
得意分野 [とくいぶんや]
(n) one's field of expertise
得意満面 [とくいまんめん]
(adj-na,n) triumphant air
得業士 [とくぎょうし]
(n) specialty school graduate
得策 [とくさく]
(adj-na,n) profitable plan
得失 [とくしつ]
(n) advantages and disadvantages
得手 [えて]
(adj-na,n) forte
得手勝手 [えてかって]
(adj-na,n) self-willed
得心 [とくしん]
(n,vs) consenting to
得体 [えたい]
(n) nature
得体の知れない [えたいのしれない]
(adj-pn) strange
得点 [とくてん]
(n,vs) score
得点圏 [とくてんけん]
(n) scoring position, with runners on second and-or third base (baseball)
得度 [とくど]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) becoming a monk
得道 [とくどう]
(n,vs) attaining salvation
得得 [とくとく]
(adj-na,n) triumphantly
得難い [えがたい]
(adj) hard to get
得票 [とくひょう]
(n,vs) number of votes polled
得票数 [とくひょうすう]
(n) number of votes obtained (polled)
得票率 [とくひょうりつ]
(n) percentage of votes
得物 [えもの]
(n) specialized weapon or skill
得分 [とくぶん]
(n) profit
徳の高い [とくのたかい]
(adj) virtuous
徳を行う [とくをおこなう]
(exp) to practice virtue
徳育 [とくいく]
(n) moral education
徳化 [とっか]
(n,vs) moral influence
徳義 [とくぎ]
(n) morals
徳義心 [とくぎしん]
(n) moral sense
徳行 [とっこう]
(n) virtuous act or deeds
徳性 [とくせい]
(n) moral character or consciousness
徳政 [とくせい]
(n) benevolent rule
徳政一揆 [とくせいいっき]
(n) uprising (during the Muromachi period) demanding debt cancellation orders
徳川家 [とくがわけ]
(n) the House of Tokugawa
徳川公 [とくがわこう]
(n) Prince Tokugawa
徳川公爵邸 [とくがわこうしゃくてい]
(n) mansion of Prince Tokugawa
徳川三代家光 [とくがわさんだいいえみつ]
(n) Iemitsu (third in the Tokugawa line)
徳川勢 [とくがわぜい]
(n) Tokugawa forces
徳川方 [とくがわがた]
(n) Tokugawa's side
徳沢 [とくたく]
(n) blessing
徳島県 [とくしまけん]
(n) Tokushima prefecture (Shikoku)
徳俵 [とくだわら]
(n) 4 bales on the edge of the sumo ring set slightly back
徳分 [とくぶん]
(n) profit
徳望 [とくぼう]
(n) moral influence
徳目 [とくもく]
(n) (types of) virtue
徳用 [とくよう]
(adj-na,n) economical
徳用品 [とくようひん]
(n) economical product
徳用瓶 [とくようびん]
(n) economy bottle
徳利 [とくり]
(n) sake bottle (with attenuated mouth)
徳利 [とっくり]
(n) sake bottle (with attenuated mouth)
涜職 [とくしょく]
(n) corruption
涜神 [とくしん]
(n) blasphemy
特に [とくに]
(adv) particularly
特になし [とくになし]
(exp) nothing in particular
特異 [とくい]
(adj-na,n) unique
特異性 [とくいせい]
(n) singularity
特異体質 [とくいたいしつ]
(n) idiosyncrasy
特異値分解 [とくいちぶんかい]
(n) singular value analysis
特異点 [とくいてん]
(n) singular point
特化 [とっか]
(n,vs) specialization
特価 [とっか]
(n) special price
特価品 [とっかひん]
(n) bargain item
特科兵 [とっかへい]
(n) support soldier
特快 [とっかい]
(n) special fast (local) train
特割 [とくわり]
(n) (abbr) special discount
特記 [とっき]
(n,vs) special mention
特技 [とくぎ]
(n) special skill
特急 [とっきゅう]
(n) limited express (train, faster than an express)
特急券 [とっきゅうけん]
(n) special-express ticket
特級 [とっきゅう]
(n) high grade
特級酒 [とっきゅうしゅ]
(n) highest or finest quality sake
特級品 [とっきゅうひん]
(n) special grade article
特許 [とっきょ]
(n) special permission
特許技術 [とっきょぎじゅつ]
(n) patented technology
特許権 [とっきょけん]
(n) patent rights
特許主 [とっきょぬし]
(n) patentee
特許収入 [とっきょしゅうにゅう]
(n) patent income
特許侵害 [とっきょしんがい]
(n) patent infringement
特許庁 [とっきょちょう]
(n) Patent Office
特許法 [とっきょほう]
(n) Patent Act
特許明細書 [とっきょめいさいしょ]
(n) patent description
特許料 [とっきょりょう]
(n) patent fee
特訓 [とっくん]
(n,vs) special training
特恵 [とっけい]
(n) preferential treatment
特恵関税 [とっけいかんぜい]
(n) favourable tariff
特権 [とっけん]
(n) privilege
特権階級 [とっけんかいきゅう]
(n) privileged class
特功 [とっこう]
(n) special efficacy
特効 [とっこう]
(n) of particular efficacy
特効薬 [とっこうやく]
(n) specific medicine
特攻隊 [とっこうたい]
(n) special attack unit
特攻服 [とっこうふく]
(n) type of long jacket worn by bousouzoku biker gangs
特高 [とっこう]
(n) (abbr) (historical) political or thought control police
特高警察 [とっこうけいさつ]
(n) political or thought control police
特撮 [とくさつ]
(n) (abbr) special effects
特産 [とくさん]
(n,vs) specialty
特産品 [とくさんひん]
(n) special product
特産物 [とくさんぶつ]
(n) special product
特使 [とくし]
(n) special envoy
特旨 [とくし]
(n) special consideration
特質 [とくしつ]
(n) characteristic
特写 [とくしゃ]
(n) exclusive photographing (e.g., for a magazine)
特赦 [とくしゃ]
(n) amnesty
特殊 [とくしゅ]
(adj-na,n) special
特殊学級 [とくしゅがっきゅう]
(n) special class for handicapped children
特殊機能 [とくしゅきのう]
(n) special function
特殊効果 [とくしゅこうか]
(n) special effects
特殊鋼 [とくしゅこう]
(n) special steel
特殊作戦部隊 [とくしゅさくせんぶたい]
(n) special-ops forces
特殊撮影 [とくしゅさつえい]
(n) SFX
特殊事情 [とくしゅじじょう]
(n) special circumstances
特殊取扱郵便 [とくしゅとりあつかいゆうびん]
(n) special mail
特殊性 [とくしゅせい]
(n) special characteristics
特殊潜航艇 [とくしゅせんこうてい]
(n) special purpose submarine
特殊部隊 [とくしゅぶたい]
(n) special (military) force(s)
特殊兵器 [とくしゅへいき]
(n) special weapon
特殊法人 [とくしゅほうじん]
(n) semigovernmental corporation
特種 [とくしゅ]
(n) special kind
特種 [とくだね]
(n) exclusive news
特種記者 [とくだねきしゃ]
(n) scoop reporter
特需 [とくじゅ]
(n) emergency demands
特輯 [とくしゅう]
(n,vs) feature (e.g., newspaper)
特集 [とくしゅう]
(n,vs) feature (e.g., newspaper)
特集記事 [とくしゅうきじ]
(n) special feature article
特集号 [とくしゅうごう]
(n) special number
特出 [とくしゅつ]
(n,vs) prominence
特称 [とくしょう]
(n,vs) special name or designation
特賞 [とくしょう]
(n) special prize
特色 [とくしょく]
(n) characteristic
特進 [とくしん]
(n,vs) special promotion (in rank or grade)
特性 [とくせい]
(n) special characteristic
特製 [とくせい]
(n,vs) special make
特製ラーメン [とくせいラーメン]
(n) special ramen
特製品 [とくせいひん]
(n) specially made article
特設 [とくせつ]
(n,vs) setting up specially
特設会場 [とくせつかいじょう]
(n) site (e.g., room, building) especially prepared for a meeting (event, etc.)
特撰 [とくせん]
(n,vs) special
特選 [とくせん]
(n,vs) specially selected
特選品 [とくせんひん]
(n) choice goods
特措 [とくそ]
(n) (abbr) special measure(s)
特捜 [とくそう]
(n) special investigation
特捜部 [とくそうぶ]
(n) special investigation department
特装 [とくそう]
(n) specially equipped
特待 [とくたい]
(n) special treatment
特待券 [とくたいけん]
(n) complimentary ticket
特待生 [とくたいせい]
(n) scholarship student
特大 [とくだい]
(n) extra-large
特大号 [とくだいごう]
(n) special enlarged (bumper) issue
特段 [とくだん]
(n-adv,n-t) special
特注 [とくちゅう]
(n,vs) special order (goods)
特注品 [とくちゅうひん]
(n) article specially made to order
特徴 [とくちょう]
(n) feature
特徴抽出 [とくちょうちゅうしゅつ]
(n) feature extraction
特徴量 [とくちょうりょう]
(n) feature value
特長 [とくちょう]
(n) forte
特定 [とくてい]
(adj-na,n,vs) specific
特定恐怖症 [とくていきょうふしょう]
(n) specific phobias
特定保健用食品 [とくていほけんようしょくひん]
(n) food for specified health uses (e.g., cholesterol reduction)
特定銘柄 [とくていめいがら]
(n) (historical) designated speculative stocks
特定郵便局 [とくていゆうびんきょく]
(n) special post office
特典 [とくてん]
(n) special favor
特電 [とくでん]
(n) special telegram or dispatch (despatch)
特等 [とくとう]
(n) special quality, class or grade
特等席 [とくとうせき]
(n) special seat
特認 [とくにん]
(n,vs) special approval
特派 [とくは]
(n,vs) send specially
特派員 [とくはいん]
(n) correspondent
特配 [とくはい]
(n,vs) special ration
特売 [とくばい]
(n,vs) special sale
特売場 [とくばいじょう]
(n) bargain floor or basement
特売品 [とくばいひん]
(n) bargain goods
特発 [とくはつ]
(n,vs) special (additional) train
特筆 [とくひつ]
(n,vs) special mention
特筆すべき [とくひつすべき]
(exp) worthy of special mention
特筆大書 [とくひつたいしょ]
(n,vs) (printed or written in) large letters
特別 [とくべつ]
(adj-na,adv,n) special
特別エディション [とくべつエディション]
(n) special edition
特別扱い [とくべつあつかい]
(n,vs) special (preferential) treatment
特別委 [とくべつい]
(n) special committee
特別委員会 [とくべついいんかい]
(n) special or ad hoc committee
特別引出し権 [とくべつひきだしけん]
(n) special drawing rights (SDR)
特別運賃 [とくべつうんちん]
(n) special rate
特別会員 [とくべつかいいん]
(n) special member
特別会計 [とくべつかいけい]
(n) special account
特別割引 [とくべつわりびき]
(n) special discount
特別機 [とくべつき]
(n) special plane
特別急行 [とくべつきゅうこう]
(n) limited express train
特別区 [とくべつく]
(n) special ward
特別攻撃隊 [とくべつこうげきたい]
(n) special attack unit
特別行政区 [とくべつぎょうせいく]
(n) special administrative region (i.e. Hong Kong)
特別号 [とくべつごう]
(n) special number
特別国会 [とくべつこっかい]
(n) extraordinary Diet session
特別歳入 [とくべつさいにゅう]
(n) special revenue
特別室 [とくべつしつ]
(n) deluxe suite
特別職 [とくべつしょく]
(n) special position in Government service
特別席 [とくべつせき]
(n) special seat
特別措置 [とくべつそち]
(n) special measure(s)
特別捜査本部 [とくべつそうさほんぶ]
(n) special investigation headquarter
特別総会 [とくべつそうかい]
(n) special meeting
特別損失 [とくべつそんしつ]
(n) extraordinary loss
特別待遇 [とくべつたいぐう]
(n) special treatment
特別背任 [とくべつはいにん]
(n) aggravated breach of trust
特別配当 [とくべつはいとう]
(n) special dividend
特別配当金 [とくべつはいとうきん]
(n) special dividend
特別番組 [とくべつばんぐみ]
(n) special program
特別弁護人 [とくべつべんごにん]
(n) special counsel
特別報酬 [とくべつほうしゅう]
(n) special reward
特別法 [とくべつほう]
(n) special law
特別幕僚 [とくべつばくりょう]
(n) special staff
特別目的事業体 [とくべつもくてきじぎょうたい]
(n) special-purpose entity (SPE)
特別料金 [とくべつりょうきん]
(n) extra charge
特保 [とくほ]
(n) food for specified health uses (e.g., cholesterol reduction)
特保 [トクホ]
(n) food for specified health uses (e.g., cholesterol reduction)
特報 [とくほう]
(n,vs) news flash
特務 [とくむ]
(n) special duty
特務機関 [とくむきかん]
(n) secret military agency
特命 [とくめい]
(n) mission
特命全権公使 [とくめいぜんけんこうし]
(n) minister extraordinary and plenipotentiary
特命全権大使 [とくめいぜんけんたいし]
(n) ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
特免 [とくめん]
(n,vs) special exemption
特約 [とくやく]
(n,vs) special contract
特約店 [とくやくてん]
(n) sole agent
特有 [とくゆう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) characteristic (of)
特融 [とくゆう]
(n) special loan (finance)
特立 [とくりつ]
(n,vs) prominence
特例 [とくれい]
(n) special case
特論 [とくろん]
(n) advanced or master's course at university
督学官 [とくがくかん]
(n) school inspector
督戦 [とくせん]
(n,vs) urging soldiers to fight more vigorously
督戦隊 [とくせんたい]
(n) command group (behind the front lines)
督促 [とくそく]
(n,vs) urge
督促状 [とくそくじょう]
(n) demand note
督励 [とくれい]
(n,vs) encouragement
禿 [はげ]
(n) baldness
禿げる [はげる]
(v1) to lose hair
禿げ山 [はげやま]
(n) bald or denuded mountain
禿げ上がる [はげあがる]
(v5r) to recede
禿げ頭 [はげあたま]
(n) bald head
禿山 [はげやま]
(n) bald or denuded mountain
禿上がる [はげあがる]
(v5r) to become bald fom the forehead
禿鷹 [はげたか]
(n) vulture
禿頭病 [とくとうびょう]
(n) alopecia
禿鷲 [はげわし]
(n) cinereous vulture
篤い [あつい]
(adj) serious
篤い持てなし [あついもてなし]
(n) cordial reception
篤い信仰 [あついしんこう]
(n) deep faith
篤い友情 [あついゆうじょう]
(n) warm friendship
篤と [とくと]
(adv) carefully
篤学 [とくがく]
(adj-na,n) love of learning
篤学の士 [とくがくのし]
(n) devoted scholar
篤行 [とっこう]
(n) virtuous conduct
篤志 [とくし]
(adj-na,n) charity
篤志家 [とくしか]
(n) volunteer
篤実 [とくじつ]
(adj-na,n) sincerity
篤信 [とくしん]
(adj-na,n) devoutness
篤農 [とくのう]
(n) (abbr) exemplary farmer
篤農家 [とくのうか]
(n) exemplary farmer
毒 [どく]
(n) poison
毒々しい [どくどくしい]
(adj) poisonous
毒の有る [どくのある]
(exp) harmful
毒を仰ぐ [どくをあおぐ]
(exp) to take poison
毒を盛る [どくをもる]
(exp) to kill with poison
毒ガス [どくガス]
(n) poison gas
毒液 [どくえき]
(n) venom
毒科学 [どくかがく]
(adj-na) toxicology
毒牙 [どくが]
(n) poison fang
毒蛾 [どくが]
(n) poisonous moth
毒害 [どくがい]
(n,vs) poison
毒気 [どくけ]
(n) (of a) poisonous nature
毒気 [どっき]
(n) (of a) poisonous nature
毒気 [どっけ]
(n) (of a) poisonous nature
毒魚 [どくぎょ]
(n) poisonous fish
毒見 [どくみ]
(n,vs) poison tasting
毒見役 [どくみやく]
(n) taster for poison
毒殺 [どくさつ]
(n,vs) poisoning
毒蛇 [どくじゃ]
(n) poisonous snake
毒蛇 [どくへび]
(n) poisonous snake
毒手 [どくしゅ]
(n) a dirty or underhanded trick
毒酒 [どくしゅ]
(n) poisoned sake
毒除け [どくよけ]
(n) protection against poison
毒消し [どくけし]
(n) antidote
毒人参 [どくにんじん]
(n) hemlock
毒刃 [どくじん]
(n) assassin's dagger
毒性 [どくせい]
(adj-na,n) toxicity
毒舌 [どくぜつ]
(n) wicked tongue
毒腺 [どくせん]
(n) a poison gland
毒素 [どくそ]
(n) toxin
毒草 [どくそう]
(n) poisonous plant
毒茸 [どくきのこ]
(n) toadstool
毒茸 [どくたけ]
(n) toadstool
毒蜘蛛 [どくぐも]
(n) poisonous spider
毒虫 [どくむし]
(n) poisonous insect
毒毒しい [どくどくしい]
(adj) poisonous
毒突く [どくづく]
(v5k) to curse (at someone)
毒筆 [どくひつ]
(n) (wielding a) vicious or poison pen
毒婦 [どくふ]
(n) evil woman
毒物 [どくぶつ]
(n) poison
毒物学 [どくぶつがく]
(n) toxicology
毒味 [どくみ]
(n,vs) poison tasting
毒味役 [どくみやく]
(n) taster for poison
毒矢 [どくや]
(n) poisoned arrow (dart)
毒薬 [どくやく]
(n) poison
毒薬条項 [どくやくじょうこう]
(n) poison pill (anti-takeover measure in business)
独 [どいつ]
(n) Germany
独り [ひとり]
(adv,n) alone
独りごちる [ひとりごちる]
(v1) to talk to oneself
独りっ子 [ひとりっこ]
(n) a child
独りで [ひとりで]
(exp) alone
独りでに [ひとりでに]
(adv) by itself
独りぼっち [ひとりぼっち]
(n) alone
独り稽古 [ひとりげいこ]
(n) practicing by oneself
独り決め [ひとりぎめ]
(n,vs) arbitrary decision
独り言 [ひとりごと]
(n) soliloquy
独り言つ [ひとりごつ]
(v5t) to talk to oneself
独り合点 [ひとりがってん]
(n,vs) rash assumption
独り合点 [ひとりがてん]
(n,vs) rash assumption
独り子 [ひとりご]
(n) a child
独り芝居 [ひとりしばい]
(n,vs) one man show
独り者 [ひとりもの]
(n) single (i.e. unmarried) person
独り住まい [ひとりずまい]
(n) living alone
独り身 [ひとりみ]
(n) unmarried man (woman)
独り占い [ひとりうらない]
(n) divining one's own fortune
独り占め [ひとりじめ]
(n,vs) monopoly
独り善がり [ひとりよがり]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) complacent
独り相撲 [ひとりずもう]
(exp) (1) fighting (tilting at) windmills
独り天下 [ひとりてんか]
(n) being the sole master of the situation
独り天下 [ひとりでんか]
(n) being the sole master of the situation
独り天狗 [ひとりてんぐ]
(n) self-conceited person
独り舞台 [ひとりぶたい]
(n) performing solo (by oneself)
独り歩き [ひとりあるき]
(n,vs) walking alone
独り暮らし [ひとりぐらし]
(n) a single life
独り法師 [ひとりぼっち]
(n) alone
独り法師 [ひとりぽっち]
(n) alone
独り遊び [ひとりあそび]
(exp) playing alone
独り立ち [ひとりだち]
(n,vs) being independent
独り旅 [ひとりたび]
(n) alone
独逸 [どいつ]
(n) Germany
独泳 [どくえい]
(n,vs) swimming alone
独英 [どくえい]
(n) Germany and Britain
独演 [どくえん]
(n,vs) solo
独演会 [どくえんかい]
(n) (holding of) a solo recital or performance
独往 [どくおう]
(n,vs) going on one's own or one's own way
独乙 [どいつ]
(n) Germany
独学 [どくがく]
(n,vs) self-study
独楽 [こま]
(n) spinning top
独楽を回す [こまをまわす]
(exp) to spin a top
独活 [うど]
(n) udo (plant)
独眼 [どくがん]
(n) one-eyed
独居 [どっきょ]
(n,vs) solitude
独居室 [どっきょしつ]
(n) cell (e.g., monk's)
独居房 [どっきょぼう]
(n) (1) single-person cell
独禁法 [どっきんほう]
(n) the Antimonopoly Act
独吟 [どくぎん]
(n,vs) vocal solo
独語 [どくご]
(n,vs) (1) monologue
独航船 [どっこうせん]
(n) independent fishing boat
独行 [どっこう]
(n,vs) going alone
独国 [どくこく]
(n) Germany
独座 [どくざ]
(n,vs) sitting alone
独裁 [どくさい]
(n,vs) dictatorship
独裁国家 [どくさいこっか]
(n) dictatorship
独裁支配 [どくさいしはい]
(n) autocratic rule
独裁者 [どくさいしゃ]
(n) dictator
独裁主義者 [どくさいしゅぎしゃ]
(n) authoritarian
独裁政権 [どくさいせいけん]
(n) dictatorship
独裁政治 [どくさいせいじ]
(n) dictatorship
独裁的 [どくさいてき]
(adj-na) dictatorial
独自 [どくじ]
(adj-na,n) original
独自性 [どくじせい]
(n) originality
独酌 [どくしゃく]
(n,vs) drinking alone
独修 [どくしゅう]
(n,vs) self-education
独習 [どくしゅう]
(n,vs) self-study
独習書 [どくしゅうしょ]
(n) self-study guide or book
独唱 [どくしょう]
(n,vs) vocal solo
独唱会 [どくしょうかい]
(n) vocal recital
独身 [どくしん]
(n) bachelorhood
独身貴族 [どくしんきぞく]
(n) unmarried persons living affluently
独身者 [どくしんしゃ]
(n) unmarried person
独身者 [どくしんもの]
(n) unmarried person
独身生活 [どくしんせいかつ]
(n,vs) bachelor's life
独身寮 [どくしんりょう]
(n) hostel for bachelors
独占 [どくせん]
(n,vs) monopoly
独占企業 [どくせんきぎょう]
(n) monopoly business, enterprise
独占禁止法 [どくせんきんしほう]
(n) antitrust law
独占資本 [どくせんしほん]
(n) monopolistic capital
独占的 [どくせんてき]
(adj-na) monopolistic
独占欲 [どくせんよく]
(n) desire to monopolize
独善 [どくぜん]
(n) self-righteousness
独善主義 [どくぜんしゅぎ]
(n) self-righteousness
独善的 [どくぜんてき]
(adj-na) self-righteous
独創 [どくそう]
(n,vs) originality
独創性 [どくそうせい]
(n) creativity
独創性に富む [どくそうせいにとむ]
(n) ingenious
独創的 [どくそうてき]
(adj-na) creative
独創力 [どくそうりょく]
(n) creative powers
独奏 [どくそう]
(n,vs) a solo
独奏会 [どくそうかい]
(n) a solo recital
独奏者 [どくそうしゃ]
(n) soloist
独走 [どくそう]
(n,vs) running alone
独探 [どくたん]
(n) German spy
独壇場 [どくだんじょう]
(n) field in which one acts unchallenged
独断 [どくだん]
(n,adj-no,adv) one's own judgement (judgment)
独断専行 [どくだんせんこう]
(n,vs) acting arbitrarily on one's own authority
独断論 [どくだんろん]
(n) dogmatism
独得 [どくとく]
(adj-na,n) learning by oneself
独特 [どくとく]
(adj-na,n) peculiarity
独白 [どくはく]
(n,vs) monologue
独仏 [どくふつ]
(n) Germany and France
独文 [どくぶん]
(n) German literature
独房 [どくぼう]
(n) single cell
独房監禁 [どくぼうかんきん]
(n) solitary confinement
独枕 [ひとりまくら]
(n) lonely in bed
独立 [どくりつ]
(adj-na,n,vs) independence (e.g., Ind. Day)
独立運動 [どくりつうんどう]
(n) independence movement
独立記念日 [どくりつきねんび]
(n) Independence Day
独立権 [どくりつけん]
(n) right of or to independence
独立語 [どくりつご]
(n) an independent word
独立行政法人 [どくりつぎょうせいほうじん]
(n) independent administrative corporation (institution, agency)
独立国 [どくりつこく]
(n) independent state or nation
独立国家共同体 [どくりつこっかきょうどうたい]
(n) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
独立採算制 [どくりつさいさんせい]
(n) a self-supporting accounting system
独立祭 [どくりつさい]
(n) Independence Day celebration
独立自存 [どくりつじそん]
(n) independence and self-reliance
独立自尊 [どくりつじそん]
(n) (spirit of) independence and self-respect
独立心 [どくりつしん]
(n) independent spirit
独立性 [どくりつせい]
(n) independence
独立宣言 [どくりつせんげん]
(n) Declaration of Independence
独立戦争 [どくりつせんそう]
(n) American Revolutionary War
独立独行 [どくりつどっこう]
(n) self-reliance
独立独歩 [どくりつどっぽ]
(n) self-reliance
独立発電事業者 [どくりつはつでんじぎょうしゃ]
(n) independent power producer (IPP)
独立班 [どくりつはん]
(n) detachment
独立不羈 [どくりつふき]
(n) acting according to one's own beliefs, being undisturbed by others
独立変数 [どくりつへんすう]
(n) independent variable
独力 [どくりょく]
(n-adv,n-t) one's own effort
独和 [どくわ]
(n) German-Japanese
独話 [どくわ]
(n,vs) talking to oneself
独擅場 [どくせんじょう]
(n) field in which one acts unchallenged
読み [よみ]
(n) reading
読みかける [よみかける]
(v1) to begin to read
読みづらい [よみづらい]
(adj) hard to read
読みやすい [よみやすい]
(n) easy to read
読みやすさ [よみやすさ]
(n) ease of reading
読み応え [よみごたえ]
(n) worthwhile reading
読み下し文 [よみくだしぶん]
(n) transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese
読み下す [よみくだす]
(v5s) to transliterate classical Chinese into Japanese
読み仮名 [よみがな]
(n) pronounciation key for kanji
読み過ぎ [よみすぎ]
(n) reading too much
読み過ごす [よみすごす]
(v5s) to skip over
読み掛ける [よみかける]
(v1) to begin to read
読み誤る [よみあやまる]
(v5r) to misread
読み合せる [よみあわせる]
(v1) to read out and compare or collate
読み合わせる [よみあわせる]
(v1) to read out and compare or collate
読み込む [よみこむ]
(v5m) (1) to express (e.g., emotion in poetry)
読み止しの本 [よみさしのほん]
(n) unfinished book
読み止す [よみさす]
(v5s) to leave half-read or unfinished
読み取り [よみとり]
(n,vs) reading
読み取り機 [よみとりき]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) reader
読み取る [よみとる]
(v5r) (1) to read (someone's) mind
読み手 [よみて]
(n) reader (person)
読み終る [よみおわる]
(v5r) to finish reading
読み終わる [よみおわる]
(v5r) to finish reading
読み出し [よみだし]
(n) (gen) (comp) reading
読み出す [よみだす]
(v5s) to read out (e.g., data from a computer or process)
読み書き [よみかき]
(n) reading and writing
読み上げる [よみあげる]
(v1) to read out loud (and clearly)
読み上げ算 [よみあげざん]
(n) having the figures read aloud by another person
読み振り [よみぶり]
(n) manner of reading
読み辛い [よみづらい]
(adj) hard to read
読み進む [よみすすむ]
(v5m) to go on reading
読み人 [よみびと]
(n) (poetic) author
読み人知らず [よみびとしらず]
(n) (1) author unknown
読み切り [よみきり]
(n) finish reading
読み切る [よみきる]
(v5r) to finish reading
読み損う [よみそこなう]
(v5u) to misread
読み損じる [よみそんじる]
(v1) to fail to read correctly
読み替える [よみかえる]
(v1) to read a kanji with a different pronunciation
読み耽ける [よみふける]
(v5r) to be absorbed in reading
読み耽る [よみふける]
(v5r) to be absorbed in reading
読み直す [よみなおす]
(v5s) to read (a book, etc.) over again
読み難い [よみにくい]
(n) hard to read
読み破る [よみやぶる]
(v5r) to read through (difficult passage or particularly long book)
読み付けている [よみつけている]
(exp) to be accustomed to reading
読み物 [よみもの]
(n) reading matter
読み聞かす [よみきかす]
(v5s) to read to (for) someone
読み聞かせる [よみきかせる]
(v1) to read aloud to another
読み癖 [よみくせ]
(n) idiomatic pronunciation or peculiar reading of a kanji or compound
読み返す [よみかえす]
(v5s) to reread
読み方 [よみかた]
(n) way of reading
読み落とす [よみおとす]
(v5s) to overlook in reading
読み流す [よみながす]
(v5s) to read smoothly
読み良い [よみよい]
(n) easy to read
読む [よむ]
(v5m) to read
読過 [どっか]
(n,vs) finish reading
読会 [どっかい]
(n) reading (of a bill)
読解 [どっかい]
(n,vs) reading comprehension
読解力 [どっかいりょく]
(n) ability to read and understand
読掛ける [よみかける]
(v1) to begin to read
読響 [よみきょう]
(n) (abbr) Yomiuri Symphony
読経 [どきょう]
(n,vs) sutra chanting
読後 [どくご]
(n) after reading a book
読後感 [どくごかん]
(n) one's impressions after reading a book
読者 [どくしゃ]
(n) reader
読者の声 [どくしゃのこえ]
(n) readers voice
読者層 [どくしゃそう]
(n) class of readers
読者欄 [どくしゃらん]
(n) reader's column
読取り [よみとり]
(n,vs) reading
読出し [よみだし]
(n) (gen) (comp) reading
読書 [とくしょ]
(n,vs) reading
読書 [どくしょ]
(n,vs) reading
読書の面白味を味わう [どくしょのおもしろみをあじわう]
(exp) to appreciate the pleasures of reading
読書家 [どくしょか]
(n) avid reader
読書会 [どくしょかい]
(n) a reading circle
読書界 [どくしょかい]
(n) the reading public
読書三到 [どくしょさんとう]
(n) using mind, mouth and eyes to understand a book fully
読書三昧 [どくしょざんまい]
(n) be absorbed in reading
読書三余 [どくしょさんよ]
(n) winter, night, and rainy weather
読書室 [どくしょしつ]
(n) a reading room
読書人 [どくしょじん]
(n) avid reader
読書百遍 [どくしょひゃっぺん]
(exp) Repeated reading (makes the meaning clear)
読書力 [どくしょりょく]
(n) reading ability
読唇術 [どくしんじゅつ]
(n) lip reading
読心術 [どくしんじゅつ]
(n) mind reading
読人知らず [よみびとしらず]
(n) (1) author unknown
読図 [どくず]
(n,vs) reading a map
読替える [よみかえる]
(v1,vt) to be read as
読点 [とうてん]
(n) comma
読破 [どくは]
(n,vs) finish reading a book
読売 [よみうり]
(n) Yomiuri (newspaper)
読物 [よみもの]
(n) reading matter
読本 [とくほん]
(n) reading-book
読本 [どくほん]
(n) reading-book
読了 [どくりょう]
(n,vs) finish reading
読誦 [どくしょう]
(n,vs) reading aloud
読誦 [どくじゅ]
(n,vs) reading aloud
栃の木 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
栃ノ木 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
栃若 [とちわか]
(n) (sumo) era during the 1950s dominated by grand champions Tochinishiki and Wakanohana I
栃若時代 [とちわかじだい]
(n) (sumo) era during the 1950s dominated by grand champions Tochinishiki and Wakanohana I
栃木 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
栃木県 [とちぎけん]
(n) Tochigi prefecture (Kantou area)
橡 [くぬぎ]
(n) (uk) quercus acutissima
橡 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
橡の木 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
橡木 [とちのき]
(n) Japanese horse chestnut
凸レンズ [とつレンズ]
(n) convex lens
凸円 [とつえん]
(n) convexity
凸凹 [でこぼこ]
(adj-na,n) unevenness
凸凹 [とつおう]
(adj-na,n) unevenness
凸凹紙 [とつおうし]
(n) embossed paper
凸角 [とっかく]
(n) convex angle
凸鏡 [とっきょう]
(n) convex lens
凸状 [とつじょう]
(n) protrusion
凸版 [とっぱん]
(n) letterpress
凸版印刷 [とっぱんいんさつ]
(n) letterpress
凸坊 [でこぼう]
(n) beetle-browed boy
凸面 [とつめん]
(n,adj-no) convex surface
凸面鏡 [とつめんきょう]
(n) convex lens
突き [つき]
(n) a thrust
突きっ返す [つきっかえす]
(v5s) to poke in return
突きつける [つきつける]
(v1) to thrust before
突き押し [つきおし]
(n) pushing and showing sumo techniques
突き掛る [つきかかる]
(v5r) to thrust at (with a knife)
突き詰める [つきつめる]
(v1) to investigate thoroughly
突き合せる [つきあわせる]
(v1) to place persons opposite
突き合わせる [つきあわせる]
(v1) to place persons opposite
突き殺す [つきころす]
(v5s) to stab to death
突き刺さる [つきささる]
(v5r) to stick into
突き刺す [つきさす]
(v5s) to stab
突き指 [つきゆび]
(n) jamming a finger (i.e. with a ball)
突き止める [つきとめる]
(v1) to make sure
突き出し [つきだし]
(n) (1) protrusion
突き出す [つきだす]
(v5s) to push out
突き出た [つきでた]
(adj) projecting
突き出る [つきでる]
(v1) to project
突き除ける [つきのける]
(v1) to thrust aside
突き傷 [つききず]
(n) stab wound
突き上げる [つきあげる]
(v1) to push up
突き進む [つきすすむ]
(v5m) to push on
突き通す [つきとおす]
(v5s) to pierce
突き通る [つきとおる]
(v5r) to penetrate
突き転ばす [つきころばす]
(v5s) to knock (a person) down
突き倒す [つきたおす]
(v5s) to push down
突き当たり [つきあたり]
(n) end (e.g., of street)
突き当たる [つきあたる]
(v5r) to run into
突き動かす [つきうごかす]
(v5s) to stimulate
突き破る [つきやぶる]
(v5r) to break through
突き抜く [つきぬく]
(v5k) to pierce
突き抜ける [つきぬける]
(v1) to pierce through
突き飛ばす [つきとばす]
(v5s) to thrust away
突き付く [つきつく]
(v5k) to thrust in front of one's eyes
突き付ける [つきつける]
(v1) to thrust before
突き返す [つきかえす]
(v5s) to poke in return
突き崩す [つきくずす]
(v5s) to crush
突き放す [つきはなす]
(v5s) to thrust away
突き戻す [つきもどす]
(v5s) to thrust back
突き落す [つきおとす]
(v5s) to thrust down
突き落とし [つきおとし]
(n) (sumo winning technique of) thrusting down
突き落とす [つきおとす]
(v5s) to thrust down
突き離す [つきはなす]
(v5s) to thrust away
突き立てる [つきたてる]
(v1) to pierce
突く [つく]
(v5k) (1) to thrust
突く [つつく]
(v5k) (1) to thrust
突っかかる [つっかかる]
(v5r) to charge
突っかける [つっかける]
(v1) to slip on (slippers, sandals, etc)
突っきる [つっきる]
(v5r) to cross
突っぱねる [つっぱねる]
(v1) to reject
突っ掛かる [つっかかる]
(v5r) to charge
突っ掛け [つっかけ]
(n) slip-on
突っ掛ける [つっかける]
(v1) to slip on (slippers, sandals, etc)
突っ込み [つっこみ]
(n) (1) penetration
突っ込む [つっこむ]
(v5m) (1) to thrust something into something
突っ支い [つっかい]
(n) a prop or support
突っ支い棒 [つっかいぼう]
(n) a prop or support
突っ切る [つっきる]
(v5r) to cross
突っ走る [つっぱしる]
(v5r) to run swiftly
突っ張り [つっぱり]
(n) (1) prop
突っ張る [つっぱる]
(v5r) to support
突っ突く [つっつく]
(v5k) to prompt someone
突っ伏す [つっぷす]
(v5s) to fall prostrate
突っ放す [つっぱなす]
(v5s) to thrust or cast away
突っ立つ [つったつ]
(v5t) to stand up
突っ立てる [つったてる]
(v1) to stab
突っ慳貪 [つっけんどん]
(adj-na) (uk) blunt
突っ撥ねる [つっぱねる]
(v1) to reject
突ん出す [つんだす]
(v5s) to push out
突角 [とっかく]
(n) convex angle
突貫 [とっかん]
(n,vs) charge
突貫工事 [とっかんこうじ]
(n) construction at top speed
突貫作業 [とっかんさぎょう]
(n) rush work
突起 [とっき]
(n,vs) protuberance
突撃 [とつげき]
(n,vs) assault
突撃隊員 [とつげきたいいん]
(n) stormtroopers
突出 [とっしゅつ]
(n,vs) projection
突出す [つんだす]
(v5s) to push out
突進 [とっしん]
(n,vs) rush
突先 [とっさき]
(n) tip
突然 [とつぜん]
(adj-na,adj-no,adv) abrupt
突然死 [とつぜんし]
(n) sudden death
突然変異 [とつぜんへんい]
(n) mutation
突端 [とったん]
(n) tip of a headland
突端 [とっぱな]
(n) tip of a headland
突張り [つっぱり]
(n) (1) prop
突堤 [とってい]
(n) breakwater
突入 [とつにゅう]
(n,vs) rushing
突如 [とつじょ]
(adv) suddenly
突如異変 [とつじょいへん]
(n) sudden and dramatic event (incident)
突破 [とっぱ]
(n,vs) breaking through
突破口 [とっぱこう]
(n) breach
突拍子もない [とっぴょうしもない]
(adj) astounding
突拍子も無い [とっぴょうしもない]
(adj) astounding
突発 [とっぱつ]
(n,vs) outbreak
突発性発しん [とっぱつせいはっしん]
(n) exanthem subitum
突発性発疹 [とっぱつせいはっしん]
(n) exanthem subitum
突発的 [とっぱつてき]
(adj-na) sudden
突抜く [つきぬく]
(v5k) to pierce
突抜ける [つきぬける]
(v1) to pierce through
突飛 [とっぴ]
(adj-na,n) erratic
突付く [つきつく]
(v5k) to thrust in front of one's eyes
突風 [とっぷう]
(n) squall
突崩す [つきくずす]
(v5s) to crush
突立 [とったつ]
(n) stand straight up
突慳貪 [つっけんどん]
(adj-na) (uk) blunt
椴 [とどまつ]
(n) fir
届 [とどけ]
(n,n-suf) report
届かない手紙 [とどかないてがみ]
(n) letter that fails to reach its destination
届かぬ願い [とどかぬねがい]
(n) unfulfilled wish
届く [とどく]
(v5k,vi) to reach
届け [とどけ]
(n,n-suf) report
届ける [とどける]
(v1) to deliver
届け出 [とどけで]
(n,vs) report
届け出でる [とどけいでる]
(v1) to give notice
届け出る [とどけでる]
(v1) to report
届け出価格 [とどけでかかく]
(n) reported price
届け出伝染病 [とどけいででんせんびょう]
(n) infectious disease which by law a physician must report to the authorities within 24 hours of diagnosis
届け書 [とどけがき]
(n) (written) report or notification
届け書 [とどけしょ]
(n) (written) report or notification
届け先 [とどけさき]
(n) destination
届け物 [とどけもの]
(n) article to be delivered
届出 [とどけで]
(n,vs) report
届書 [とどけがき]
(n) (written) report or notification
届書 [とどけしょ]
(n) (written) report or notification
鳶 [とび]
(n) (1) (uk) construction worker
鳶 [とんび]
(n) (1) (uk) construction worker
鳶が鷹を生む [とんびがたかをうむ]
(exp) Even plain parents can produce a genius child
鳶口 [とびぐち]
(n) firefighter's hook
鳶職 [とびしょく]
(n) scaffolding or construction worker
鳶職人 [とびしょくにん]
(n) scaffold constructor
鳶色 [とびいろ]
(n) reddish brown
鳶尾 [いちはつ]
(n) iris
寅 [とら]
(n) third sign of Chinese zodiac (The Tiger, 3a.m.-5a.m., east-northeast, January)
寅の刻 [とらのこく]
(n) around four o'clock in the morning
寅年 [とらどし]
(n) year of the tiger
酉 [とり]
(n) tenth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Bird, 5p.m.-7p.m., west, August)
酉の市 [とりのいち]
(n) Bird Day
酉の方角 [とりのほうがく]
(n) west
酉年 [とりどし]
(n) year of the cock
瀞 [とろ]
(n) pool (in a river)
瀞み [とろみ]
(n) (uk) thickness (e.g. of a sauce, oil, etc.)
噸数 [とんすう]
(n) tonnage
屯 [たむろ]
(n) police station
屯 [とん]
(n) ton
屯営 [とんえい]
(n,vs) military camp
屯所 [とんしょ]
(n) post
屯田 [とんでん]
(n,vs) colonization
屯田兵 [とんでんへい]
(n) agricultural soldiers
惇厚 [とんこう]
(adj-na,n) sincere and kindhearted
惇朴 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) (arch) honest and homely
惇睦 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) cordial and friendly
惇樸 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) (arch) honest and homely
敦厚 [とんこう]
(adj-na,n) sincere and kindhearted
敦朴 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) (arch) honest and homely
敦睦 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) (archaic) cordial and friendly
敦樸 [とんぼく]
(adj-na) (arch) honest and homely
敦煌 [とんこう]
(n) simplicity
豚 [ぶた]
(n) pig
豚に真珠 [ぶたにしんじゅ]
(exp) does not go well together
豚の膏 [ぶたのあぶら]
(n) grease of a hog
豚まん [ぶたまん]
(n) steamed yeast bun with minced pork filling
豚カツ [とんカツ]
(n) pork cutlet
豚骨 [とんこつ]
(n) dish made with pork belly and bones, simmered with miso, sake, vegetables, etc. (from Kagoshima)
豚児 [とんじ]
(n) my (foolish) son
豚舎 [とんしゃ]
(n) pigpen
豚汁 [とんじる]
(n) pork miso soup
豚小屋 [ぶたごや]
(n) pigsty
豚草 [ぶたくさ]
(n) ragweed
豚足 [とんそく]
(n) pigs feet
豚肉 [ぶたにく]
(n) pork
豚箱 [ぶたばこ]
(n) police cell
遁げ出す [にげだす]
(v5s) to run away
遁辞 [とんじ]
(n) an excuse
遁術 [とんじゅつ]
(n) (MA) Ninja art of escape
遁世 [とんせい]
(n,vs) seclusion from the world
遁世生活 [とんせいせいかつ]
(n) (living) retired (in seclusion) (from the world)
遁走 [とんそう]
(n,vs) fleeing
遁走曲 [とんそうきょく]
(n) fugue
遁法 [とんぽう]
(n) (MA) Ninja art of escape
頓 [ひたすら]
(adj-na,adv) (uk) nothing but
頓に [とみに]
(adv) suddenly
頓狂 [とんきょう]
(adj-na,n) wild
頓挫 [とんざ]
(n,vs) setback
頓死 [とんし]
(n,vs) sudden death
頓知 [とんち]
(n) (quick or ready) wit
頓智 [とんち]
(n) (quick or ready) wit
頓痴気 [とんちき]
(n) (male) (sl) (uk) numbskull
頓着 [とんじゃく]
(n,vs) being concerned about or mindful of
頓着 [とんちゃく]
(n,vs) being concerned about or mindful of
頓着しない [とんちゃくしない]
(exp) do not care about
頓珍漢 [とんちんかん]
(adj-na,n) absurdity
頓馬 [とんま]
(adj-na,n) idiot
頓服 [とんぷく]
(n,vs) dose of medicine to be taken only once
頓服薬 [とんぷくやく]
(n) dose of medicine to be taken only once
呑み屋 [のみや]
(n) bookmaker
呑み口 [のみぐち]
(n) a tap
呑み行為 [のみこうい]
(n) bookmaking
呑み込み [のみこみ]
(n) (quick or slow to) understand
呑み込む [のみこむ]
(v5m) (1) to gulp down
呑み助 [のみすけ]
(n) tippler
呑み代 [のみしろ]
(n) drink money
呑む [のむ]
(v5m) to drink
呑んで掛かる [のんでかかる]
(v5r) to make light of
呑ん兵衛 [のんべえ]
(n) heavy drinker
呑気 [のんき]
(adj-na,n) (uk) carefree
呑気者 [のんきもの]
(n) happy-go-lucky person
呑口 [のみぐち]
(n) bung hole
呑込む [のみこむ]
(v5m) (1) to gulp down
呑酸 [どんさん]
(n) acid reflux
呑舟の魚 [どんしゅうのうお]
(exp) big fish
呑吐 [どんと]
(n,vs) drinking and vomiting
呑兵衛 [のんべえ]
(io) (n) heavy drinker
曇 [くもり]
(n) cloudiness
曇らす [くもらす]
(v5s) to encloud
曇り [くもり]
(n) cloudiness
曇りがち [くもりがち]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) broken cloud
曇りガラス [くもりガラス]
(n) frosted glass
曇り空 [くもりぞら]
(n) cloudy sky (weather)
曇り勝ち [くもりがち]
(adj-na,n) mostly cloudy
曇り声 [くもりごえ]
(n) depressed voice
曇る [くぐもる]
(v5r) (uk) to mumble
曇る [くもる]
(v5r) to become cloudy
曇天 [どんてん]
(n) dull (cloudy) weather
鈍 [どん]
(adj-na,n) dull
鈍 [なまくら]
(adj-na) (uk) blunt
鈍い [にぶい]
(adj) dull (e.g., a knife)
鈍い [のろい]
(adj) dull (e.g., a knife)
鈍い音 [にぶいおと]
(n) thick sound
鈍い男 [にぶいおとこ]
(n) dullard
鈍らす [にぶらす]
(v5s,vt) to blunt
鈍る [なまる]
(v5r) to become less capable
鈍る [にぶる]
(v5r) to become less capable
鈍黄色 [にぶきいろ]
(n) dull yellow
鈍化 [どんか]
(n,vs) becoming dull
鈍角 [どんかく]
(n) obtuse angle
鈍角三角形 [どんかくさんかくけい]
(n) obtuse triangle
鈍感 [どんかん]
(adj-na,n) thickheadedness
鈍間 [のろま]
(adj-na,n) blockhead
鈍器 [どんき]
(n) blunt weapon
鈍行 [どんこう]
(n) ordinary train
鈍根 [どんこん]
(adj-na,n) slow-witted
鈍才 [どんさい]
(n) stupidity
鈍臭い [どんくさい]
(adj) slow (opposite of fast)
鈍臭い [のろくさい]
(adj) slow (opposite of fast)
鈍重 [どんじゅう]
(adj-na,n) dullness
鈍色 [にびいろ]
(n) dark gray
鈍足 [どんそく]
(n) slow-footed
鈍痛 [どんつう]
(n) dull pain
鈍刀 [どんとう]
(n) dull or blunt sword
鈍物 [どんぶつ]
(n) blockhead
鈍麻 [どんま]
(n,vs) torpor
奈何 [いかん]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) how
奈辺 [なへん]
(n) where
奈落 [ならく]
(n) hell
奈落の底 [ならくのそこ]
(n) abyss
奈良県 [ならけん]
(n) Nara prefecture (Kinki area)
奈良時代 [ならじだい]
(n) Nara period (710-794 CE)
奈良漬 [ならづけ]
(n) vegetables pickled in sake lees
奈良漬け [ならづけ]
(n) vegetables pickled in sake lees
那辺 [なへん]
(n) where
那由他 [なゆた]
(n) 10^60
内 [うち]
(n,adj-no) (1) inside
内々 [うちうち]
(adj-no,adv,n) family circle
内々 [ないない]
(adj-no,adv,n) family circle
内の会社 [うちのかいしゃ]
(n) our company
内の人 [うちのひと]
(n) my husband
内を建てる [うちをたてる]
(exp) to build one's house
内ゲバ [うちゲバ]
(n) violence within a (student) sect
内ポケット [うちポケット]
(n) inside pocket
内圧 [ないあつ]
(n) internal pressure
内安打 [ないあんだ]
(n) infield hit (baseball)
内意 [ないい]
(n) intention
内衣し [うちかくし]
(n) inside pocket
内因 [ないいん]
(n) the actual reason
内隠し [うちかくし]
(n) inside pocket
内謁 [ないえつ]
(n,vs) private audience
内閲 [ないえつ]
(n,vs) private perusal
内宴 [ないえん]
(n) private dinner
内炎 [ないえん]
(n) inner flame
内縁 [ないえん]
(n) common-law marriage
内縁の妻 [ないえんのつま]
(n) common-law wife
内縁関係 [ないえんかんけい]
(n) common-law (de facto) marriage
内苑 [ないえん]
(n) inner garden
内奥 [ないおう]
(n) inner part
内応 [ないおう]
(n,vs) secret understanding
内科 [ないか]
(n) internist clinic
内科医 [ないかい]
(n) physician
内科学 [ないかがく]
(n) internal medicine
内火艇 [ないかてい]
(n) launch
内回り [うちまわり]
(n) inner tracks or lanes
内懐 [うちぶところ]
(n) inside pocket
内海 [うちうみ]
(n) inlet
内海 [うちかい]
(n) inlet
内海 [うちのみ]
(n) inlet
内海 [うつみ]
(n) inlet
内海 [ないかい]
(n) inlet
内界 [ないかい]
(n) inner world
内開き [うちびらき]
(n) opening inward (e.g., door, window)
内外 [うちそと]
(n) inside and outside
内外 [ないがい]
(n) inside and outside
内外人 [ないがいじん]
(n) nationals and foreigners
内外多事 [ないがいたじ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) things being very eventful at home and abroad
内外野 [ないがいや]
(n) infield and outfield
内角 [ないかく]
(n) interior angle
内角球 [ないかっきゅう]
(n) insider
内閣 [ないかく]
(n) cabinet
内閣改造 [ないかくかいぞう]
(n) cabinet reshuffle
内閣閣僚 [ないかくかくりょう]
(n) cabinet members
内閣官房 [ないかくかんぼう]
(n) Cabinet Secretariat
内閣官房長官 [ないかくかんぼうちょうかん]
(n) Chief Cabinet Secretary
内閣支持率 [ないかくしじりつ]
(n) cabinet support rate
内閣総辞職 [ないかくそうじしょく]
(n) en masse resignation of the cabinet
内閣総理大臣 [ないかくそうりだいじん]
(n) Prime Minister or Premier (as the head of a cabinet government)
内閣府 [ないかくふ]
(n) Cabinet Office
内閣法制局 [ないかくほうせいきょく]
(n) Cabinet Legislation Bureau
内掛け [うちがけ]
(n) throwing down by leg work
内割引 [うちわりびき]
(n) band discount
内兜 [うちかぶと]
(n) inside of a helmet
内勘定 [うちかんじょう]
(n) secret account
内患 [ないかん]
(n) internal or domestic trouble
内観 [ないかん]
(n,vs) introspection
内観療法 [ないかんりょうほう]
(n) Naikan therapy (type of group psychotherapy)
内含 [ないがん]
(n,vs) implication
内寄合い [うちよりあい]
(n) family council
内気 [うちき]
(adj-na,n) bashfulness
内規 [ないき]
(n) private regulations
内儀 [ないぎ]
(n) one's wife
内議 [ないぎ]
(n) secret conference
内宮 [ないくう]
(n) Inner Ise Shrine
内宮 [ないぐう]
(n) Inner Ise Shrine
内局 [ないきょく]
(n) bureau in a ministry
内曲球 [ないきょっきゅう]
(n) an incurve
内勤 [ないきん]
(n,vs) office or indoor work
内金 [うちきん]
(n) (1) deposit
内訓 [ないくん]
(n) private or secret orders
内径 [ないけい]
(n) bore
内芸者 [うちげいしゃ]
(n) geisha living in the establishment
内検 [ないけん]
(n,vs) preliminary inspection
内見 [ないけん]
(n,vs) preliminary inspection
内玄関 [うちげんかん]
(n) side entrance
内玄関 [ないげんかん]
(n) side entrance
内股 [うちまた]
(n) inner thigh
内股 [うちもも]
(n) inner thigh
内股に [うちまたに]
(adv) (walking) pigeon-toed
内股膏薬 [うちまたこうやく]
(n) double-dealer
内股膏薬 [うちまたごうやく]
(n) double-dealer
内交渉 [うちこうしょう]
(n) preliminary negotiations
内交渉 [ないこうしょう]
(n) preliminary negotiations
内向 [ないこう]
(n,vs) introvert
内向性 [ないこうせい]
(n) introversion
内向的 [ないこうてき]
(adj-na) introvert
内攻 [ないこう]
(n,vs) (1) (disease) settling in internal organs
内港 [ないこう]
(n) inner harbour
内腔 [ないこう]
(n) lumen
内航 [ないこう]
(n) coastwise service
内項 [ないこう]
(n) (gen) (math) internal terms
内剛 [ないごう]
(n) tough at heart
内剛外柔 [ないごうがいじゅう]
(n) gentle on the outside but tough on the inside
内合 [ないごう]
(n) inferior conjunction
内壕 [うちぼり]
(n) inner moat
内濠 [うちぼり]
(n) inner moat
内国 [ないこく]
(n) home country
内国為替 [ないこくかわせ]
(n) domestic exchange
内国債 [ないこくさい]
(n) internal debt or loans
内国産 [ないこくさん]
(n) domestic product
内国郵便 [ないこくゆうびん]
(n) domestic mail
内沙汰 [うちざた]
(n) secret government business
内債 [ないさい]
(n) domestic loan
内妻 [ないさい]
(n) common-law wife
内済 [ないさい]
(n,vs) settlement out of court
内在 [ないざい]
(n,vs) immanence
内在性 [ないざいせい]
(n) immanence
内在的 [ないざいてき]
(adj-na) immanent
内旨 [ないし]
(n) emperor's secret orders
内視鏡 [ないしきょう]
(n) endoscope
内事 [ないじ]
(n) personal affairs
内侍 [ないし]
(ok) (n) maid of honor
内侍 [ないじ]
(n) maid of honor
内治 [ないじ]
(n) internal or domestic affairs
内治 [ないち]
(n) internal or domestic affairs
内示 [ないし]
(ok) (n,vs) unofficial announcement
内示 [ないじ]
(n,vs) unofficial announcement
内耳 [ないじ]
(n) inner ear
内耳炎 [ないじえん]
(n) inner-ear inflammation
内室 [ないしつ]
(n) one's wife
内実 [ないじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) the facts
内斜視 [ないしゃし]
(n) cross-eyed
内借り [うちがり]
(n,vs) drawing ahead on salary
内需 [ないじゅ]
(n) domestic demand
内需型 [ないじゅがた]
(n) investment-led recovery or growth
内需主導型 [ないじゅしゅどうがた]
(n) domestic demand-led recovery
内住 [ないじゅう]
(n) indwelling (life)
内柔外剛 [ないじゅうがいごう]
(n) tough on the outside but soft at heart
内祝 [うちいわい]
(n) (1) gifts for close relatives or friends
内祝い [うちいわい]
(n) (1) gifts for close relatives or friends
内祝言 [ないしゅうげん]
(n) private wedding
内出血 [ないしゅっけつ]
(n,vs) internal bleeding
内所 [ないしょ]
(n) kitchen
内緒 [ないしょ]
(n,adj-no) secrecy
内緒事 [ないしょごと]
(n) secret
内緒話 [ないしょばなし]
(n) secret talk
内助 [ないじょ]
(n) wife's help
内傷 [ないしょう]
(n) internal wound
内省 [ないせい]
(n,vs) introspection
内証 [ないしょ]
(n,adj-no) secrecy
内証 [ないしょう]
(n,adj-no) secrecy
内証事 [ないしょうごと]
(n) a secret
内証話 [ないしょうばなし]
(n) confidential talk
内情 [ないじょう]
(n) internal conditions
内状 [ないじょう]
(n) internal conditions
内職 [ないしょく]
(n,vs) side job (at home)
内職商法 [ないしょくしょうほう]
(n) homeworking scheme (scam)
内心 [ないしん]
(n-adv,n-t) innermost thoughts
内申 [ないしん]
(n,vs) unofficial report
内申書 [ないしんしょ]
(n) pupil's record
内親王 [ないしんのう]
(n) imperial or royal princess
内診 [ないしん]
(n,vs) pelvic examination
内陣 [ないじん]
(n) inner temple
内政 [ないせい]
(n) municipal
内政干渉 [ないせいかんしょう]
(n) intervention
内政不干渉 [ないせいふかんしょう]
(n) non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation
内積 [ないせき]
(n) inner product
内接 [ないせつ]
(n,vs) inscribed (circle)
内接円 [ないせつえん]
(n) inscribed circle
内戦 [ないせん]
(n) civil war
内線 [ないせん]
(n) phone extension
内線電話 [ないせんでんわ]
(n) extension telephone
内線番号 [ないせんばんごう]
(n) extension number
内鮮一体 [ないせんいったい]
(exp) Japan and Korea as one (slogan from 1910-1945)
内鮮人 [ないせんじん]
(n) Japanese and Koreans
内倉 [うちぐら]
(n) godown within a building or compound
内奏 [ないそう]
(n,vs) secret report to the emperor
内層 [ないそう]
(n) inner layers
内挿 [ないそう]
(n) interpolation
内争 [ないそう]
(n) internal strife
内相 [ないしょう]
(n) prewar Home Minister
内装 [ないそう]
(n,vs) interior design
内臓 [ないぞう]
(n) internal organs
内臓弓 [ないぞうきゅう]
(n) visceral arch
内臓疾患 [ないぞうしっかん]
(n) internal disease
内蔵 [ないぞう]
(n,vs) involvement
内造り [うちづくり]
(n) inside finishing (of a house)
内側 [うちがわ]
(n) inside
内孫 [うちまご]
(n) child of one's heir
内孫 [ないそん]
(n) child of one's heir
内腿 [うちもも]
(n) inner thigh
内貸し [うちがし]
(n,vs) advancing part of a salary
内大臣 [ないだいじん]
(n) Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
内諾 [ないだく]
(n,vs) informal consent
内達 [ないたつ]
(n,vs) unofficial notice
内探 [ないたん]
(n,vs) private inquiry
内談 [ないだん]
(n,vs) private conversation
内地 [ないち]
(n) interior of country
内地人 [ないちじん]
(n) Japanese in Japan proper
内地米 [ないちまい]
(n) homegrown rice
内池 [うちいけ]
(n) garden pond
内着 [うちぎ]
(n) (1) everyday clothes
内中 [うちじゅう]
(n) whole household
内張り [うちばり]
(n) lining
内通 [ないつう]
(n,vs) secret understanding
内通者 [ないつうしゃ]
(n) betrayer
内偵 [ないてい]
(n,vs) secret investigation
内定 [ないてい]
(n,vs) unofficial offer
内庭 [うちにわ]
(n) inner court
内庭 [ないてい]
(n) inner court
内廷 [ないてい]
(n) harem
内弟子 [うちでし]
(n) private pupil
内的 [ないてき]
(adj-na,n) inner
内的根拠 [ないてきこんきょ]
(n) internal ground
内的生活 [ないてきせいかつ]
(n) the inner life
内典 [ないてん]
(n) sutras
内殿 [ないでん]
(n) inner shrine
内渡し [うちわたし]
(n,vs) partial delivery
内湯 [うちゆ]
(n) hotsprings water in the home
内内 [うちうち]
(adj-no,adv,n) family circle
内内 [ないない]
(adj-no,adv,n) family circle
内燃機関 [ないねんきかん]
(n) internal-combustion engine
内発 [ないはつ]
(n) burst of energy from within
内罰的 [ないばつてき]
(adj-na,n) (psychology) intropunitive
内反脚 [ないはんきゃく]
(n) bowleg(ged)
内反足 [ないはんそく]
(n) clubfoot
内皮 [ないひ]
(n) endothelium
内俵 [うちだわら]
(n) bales forming the edge of the sumo ring
内部 [ないぶ]
(n,adj-no) interior
内部監査 [ないぶかんさ]
(n) internal audit
内部監査人 [ないぶかんさじん]
(n) internal auditor
内部工作 [ないぶこうさく]
(n) internal maneuvering
内部構造 [ないぶこうぞう]
(n) inner structure
内部告発 [ないぶこくはつ]
(n) whistleblowing
内部仕様 [ないぶしよう]
(n) internal method
内部生活 [ないぶせいかつ]
(n) the inner life
内部対立 [ないぶたいりつ]
(n) internal strife
内部調査 [ないぶちょうさ]
(n) internal inspection
内部的 [ないぶてき]
(adj-na) internal
内部闘争 [ないぶとうそう]
(n) internal struggle
内部犯行 [ないぶはんこう]
(n) an inside job
内部留保 [ないぶりゅうほ]
(n) (of a company) internal reserves
内風呂 [うちぶろ]
(n) indoor bath
内服 [ないふく]
(n,vs) internal use
内服薬 [ないふくやく]
(n) medicine taken internally
内福 [ないふく]
(adj-na,n) richer than it appears
内払い [うちばらい]
(n,vs) part payment
内分 [ないぶん]
(n,vs) secret
内分泌 [ないぶんぴ]
(n) internal secretion
内分泌 [ないぶんぴつ]
(n) internal secretion
内分泌腺 [ないぶんぴせん]
(n) endocrine gland
内分泌腺 [ないぶんぴつせん]
(n) endocrine gland
内紛 [ないふん]
(n) domestic or internal discord
内聞 [ないぶん]
(n,adj-no) secret
内壁 [ないへき]
(n) inner wall
内弁慶 [うちべんけい]
(n) braggart
内包 [ないほう]
(n,vs) connotation
内報 [ないほう]
(n,vs) tip-off
内方 [ないほう]
(n) inside
内法 [うちのり]
(n) inside measure
内堀 [うちぼり]
(n) inner moat
内幕 [うちまく]
(n) lowdown
内幕 [ないまく]
(n) lowdown
内幕話 [うちまくばなし]
(n) inside information
内膜 [ないまく]
(n) lining membrane
内密 [ないみつ]
(adj-na,n) privacy
内密に [ないみつに]
(adv) confidentially
内務 [ないむ]
(n) internal or domestic affairs
内務省 [ないむしょう]
(n) prewar Ministry of Home Affairs
内務大臣 [ないむだいじん]
(n) prewar Home Minister
内命 [ないめい]
(n,vs) private or secret orders
内面 [うちづら]
(n) the face one presents at home
内面 [ないめん]
(n) inside
内面世界 [ないめんせかい]
(n) one's world within
内面的 [ないめんてき]
(adj-na) inner
内面描写 [ないめんびょうしゃ]
(n) psychological depiction of a literary character
内蒙 [ないもう]
(n) Inner Mongolia
内野 [ないや]
(n) (baseball) infield
内野安打 [ないやあんだ]
(n) infield hit
内野手 [ないやしゅ]
(n) infielder
内野席 [ないやせき]
(n) infield bleachers
内約 [ないやく]
(n,vs) (marriage) engagement
内訳 [うちわけ]
(n) the items
内憂 [ないゆう]
(n) internal or domestic troubles
内憂外患 [ないゆうがいかん]
(n) troubles both at home and abroad
内遊星 [ないゆうせい]
(n) inner planet
内容 [ないよう]
(n) subject
内容見本 [ないようみほん]
(n) sample pages
内容証明 [ないようしょうめい]
(n) certification of contents
内容物 [ないようぶつ]
(n) contents (of the stomach)
内用 [ないよう]
(n,vs) internal use
内用薬 [ないようやく]
(n) medicine taken internally
内乱 [ないらん]
(n) civil war
内覧 [ないらん]
(n,vs) private audience
内裏 [だいり]
(n) imperial palace
内裏雛 [だいりびな]
(n) festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress
内裏様 [だいりさま]
(n) the Emperor
内陸 [ないりく]
(n) inland
内陸国 [ないりくこく]
(n) landlocked country
内陸性気候 [ないりくせいきこう]
(n) continental or inland climate
内陸霧 [ないりくむ]
(n) inland fog
内力 [ないりょく]
(n) internal stress
内輪 [うちわ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) moderate
内輪喧嘩 [うちわげんか]
(n,vs) family quarrel
内輪同志 [うちわどうし]
(n) members of the family
内輪揉め [うちわもめ]
(n) internal dissension
内惑星 [ないわくせい]
(n) inner planet
内枠 [うちわく]
(n) inner frame
内鰐 [うちわに]
(n) knock-kneed
内冑 [うちかぶと]
(n) inside of a helmet
内帑 [ないど]
(n) ruler's private property
内帑金 [ないどきん]
(n) ruler's privy purse
内訌 [ないこう]
(n,vs) internal or domestic discord
内踝 [うちくるぶし]
(n) inner side of the ankle
乍 [ながら]
(prt) (uk) though
凪 [なぎ]
(n) calm
凪ぐ [なぐ]
(v5g) to become calm
薙ぎ倒す [なぎたおす]
(v5s) to mow down
薙ぎ払う [なぎはらう]
(v5u) to mow down
薙ぐ [なぐ]
(v5k) to mow down
薙刀 [なぎなた]
(n) halberd
薙刀術 [なぎなたじゅつ]
(n) art of using a naginata (halberd)
謎 [なぞ]
(n) riddle
謎々 [なぞなぞ]
(n) riddle
謎めく [なぞめく]
(v5k) to be enigmatic or puzzling
謎をかける [なぞをかける]
(exp) to pose a riddle
謎を掛ける [なぞをかける]
(exp) to pose a riddle
謎解き [なぞとき]
(n) solution of a riddle
謎謎 [なぞなぞ]
(n) riddle
灘 [なだ]
(n) open sea
捺印 [なついん]
(n,vs) seal
捺染 [なっせん]
(n,vs) print
鍋 [なべ]
(n,n-suf) saucepan
鍋蓋 [なべぶた]
(n) pan lid
鍋釜 [なべかま]
(n) pots and pans
鍋焼き [なべやき]
(n) scalloped (noodles)
鍋尻 [なべじり]
(n) bottom of a pan or pot
鍋底 [なべぞこ]
(n) (inner) bottom of a pot
鍋底景気 [なべそこけいき]
(n) lingering recession
鍋物 [なべもの]
(n) stew
鍋墨 [なべずみ]
(n) soot on the bottom of a pot or pan
鍋料理 [なべりょうり]
(n) cooking various things in a pot
馴々しい [なれなれしい]
(adj) over-familiar
馴らし手 [ならして]
(n) tamer
馴らす [ならす]
(v5s) to domesticate
馴れた [なれた]
(adj) domesticated
馴れっこ [なれっこ]
(n) familiarity
馴れる [なれる]
(v1) to grow accustomed to
馴れ合い [なれあい]
(n) collusion
馴れ合う [なれあう]
(v5u) to collude (with)
馴れ初め [なれそめ]
(n) start of a romance
馴れ馴れしい [なれなれしい]
(adj) over-familiar
馴化 [じゅんか]
(n,vs) acclimation
馴鹿 [となかい]
(ai:) (n) (uk) reindeer
馴染 [なじ]
(n) intimacy
馴染み [なじみ]
(n) intimacy
馴染み深い [なじみぶかい]
(adj) extremely intimate
馴染む [なじむ]
(v5m) to become familiar with
馴致 [じゅんち]
(n,vs) taming
縄 [なわ]
(n) rope
縄を杭に結わえる [なわをくいにゆわえる]
(exp) to tie (fasten) a rope to a post
縄尻 [なわじり]
(n) end of a rope
縄暖簾 [なわのれん]
(n) rope curtain
縄張 [なわばり]
(n,vs) roping off
縄張り [なわばり]
(n,vs) roping off
縄張り争い [なわばりあらそい]
(n) turf war
縄跳び [なわとび]
(n) (1) skipping rope
縄梯子 [なわばしご]
(n) rope ladder
縄抜け [なわぬけ]
(n) escaping
縄飛び [なわとび]
(n) (1) skipping rope
縄付き [なわつき]
(n) criminal
縄文 [じょうもん]
(n) Jomon period
縄文時代 [じょうもんじだい]
(n) the Jomon period
縄文式土器 [じょうもんしきどき]
(n) straw-rope pattern pottery
縄文土器 [じょうもんどき]
(n) straw rope-patterned ancient Japanese pottery
縄墨 [じょうぼく]
(n) standard
縄目 [なわめ]
(n) knot
南 [なん]
(n) south
南 [みなみ]
(n,vs) South
南々西 [なんなんせい]
(n) south-southwest
南々東 [なんなんとう]
(n) south-southeast
南を受ける [みなみをうける]
(exp) to face the south
南アジア [なんアジア]
(n) South Asia
南アフリカ [みなみアフリカ]
(n) South Africa
南アフリカ連邦 [みなみアフリカれんぽう]
(n) The Union of South Africa
南アメリカ [みなみアメリカ]
(n) South America
南アルプス [みなみアルプス]
(n) southern alps (of Japan)
南ア連邦 [みなみアれんぽう]
(n) (abbr) The Union of South Africa
南カリフォルニア [みなみカリフォルニア]
(n) southern California
南カロライナ [みなみカロライナ]
(n) South Carolina
南クリル [みなみクリル]
(n) South Kuril (Islands)
南シナ海 [みなみシナうみ]
(n) South China Sea
南阿 [なんあ]
(n) South Africa
南阿共和国 [なんあきょうわこく]
(n) Republic of South Africa
南阿戦争 [なんあせんそう]
(n) Boer War
南阿連邦 [なんあれんぽう]
(n) Union of South Africa
南緯 [なんい]
(n) southern latitude
南瓜 [かぼちゃ]
(n) (Japanese) squash
南瓜 [なんか]
(ok) (gikun) (n) (Japanese) squash
南欧 [なんおう]
(n) Southern Europe
南下 [なんか]
(n,vs) going south
南画 [なんが]
(n) Southern School (of Chinese painting)
南回帰線 [みなみかいきせん]
(n) Tropic of Capricorn
南海 [なんかい]
(n) southern sea
南海に散る [なんかいにちる]
(exp) to die in the south sea
南岸 [なんがん]
(n) south coast
南岸沿い [なんがんぞい]
(n) along the southern coast
南岸沿いに [なんがんぞいに]
(adv) along the southern coast
南寄り [なんより]
(n) southerly (wind)
南寄り [みなみより]
(n) southerly (wind)
南京 [なんきん]
(n) Nanjing (city in China)
南京花火 [なんきんはなび]
(n) firecracker
南京玉 [なんきんだま]
(n) glass beads
南京焼き [なんきんやき]
(n) Nanking porcelain
南京錠 [なんきんじょう]
(n) padlock
南京袋 [なんきんぶくろ]
(n) gunny sack
南京虫 [なんきんむし]
(n) bedbug
南京町 [なんきんまち]
(n) Chinatown
南京豆 [なんきんまめ]
(n) peanut
南京米 [なんきんまい]
(n) Chinese rice
南京木綿 [なんきんもめん]
(n) nankeen (cloth)
南京繻子 [なんきんじゅす]
(n) nankeen satin
南極 [なんきょく]
(n) south pole
南極海 [なんきょくかい]
(n) Antarctic Ocean
南極観測 [なんきょくかんそく]
(n) antarctic exploration
南極圏 [なんきょくけん]
(n) Antarctic Circle
南極光 [なんきょくこう]
(n) aurora australis
南極条約 [なんきょくじょうやく]
(n) Antarctic Treaty
南極星 [なんきょくせい]
(n) the southern polar stars
南極帯 [なんきょくたい]
(n) Antarctic Zone
南極大陸 [なんきょくたいりく]
(n) Antarctica
南極点 [なんきょくてん]
(n) the South Pole
南極洋 [なんきょくよう]
(n) Antarctic Ocean
南隅 [なんぐう]
(n) southern corner
南限 [なんげん]
(n) southern limit
南光 [なんこう]
(n) southern lights
南口 [みなみぐち]
(n) south entrance
南向き [みなみむき]
(n) southern exposure
南航 [なんこう]
(n) sailing south
南行 [なんこう]
(n) southbound
南郊 [なんこう]
(n) southern suburbs
南国 [なんこく]
(n) southern countries
南国 [なんごく]
(n) southern countries
南山 [なんざん]
(n) southern mountain
南山の寿 [なんざんのじゅ]
(n) longevity
南支 [なんし]
(n) South China
南支那海 [みなみしなかい]
(n) South China Sea
南十字星 [みなみじゅうじせい]
(n) Southern Cross
南進 [なんしん]
(n,vs) proceeding south
南征北伐 [なんせいほくばつ]
(n) attacking in all directions
南西 [なんせい]
(n) southwest
南西 [みなみにし]
(n) southwest
南船北馬 [なんせんほくば]
(n) constant travelling
南宋 [なんそう]
(n) the Southern Sungs
南側 [なんそく]
(n) south side
南側 [みなみがわ]
(n) south side
南太平洋 [みなみたいへいよう]
(n) South Pacific
南端 [なんたん]
(n) southern tip
南中 [なんちゅう]
(n,vs) crossing the meridian
南朝 [なんちょう]
(n) Southern Dynasty
南天 [なんてん]
(n) (1) the southern sky
南斗 [なんと]
(n) (rare) constellation in Sagittarius
南斗六星 [なんとろくせい]
(n) Milk Dipper
南都 [なんと]
(n) southern capital (Nara)
南東 [なんとう]
(n) southeast
南東 [みなみひがし]
(n) southeast
南南西 [なんなんせい]
(n) south-southwest
南南東 [なんなんとう]
(n) south-southeast
南半 [なんはん]
(n) southern half
南半球 [みなみはんきゅう]
(n) southern hemisphere
南蛮 [なんばん]
(n) (1) southern barbarians
南蛮人 [なんばんじん]
(n) southern barbarians
南蛮船 [なんばんせん]
(n) the early European ships
南蛮渡来 [なんばんとらい]
(n) (articles) imported to Japan by early European traders
南氷洋 [なんひょうよう]
(n) Antarctic Ocean
南氷洋 [なんぴょうよう]
(n) Antarctic Ocean
南部 [なんぶ]
(n) southern part
南部連合国 [なんぶれんごうこく]
(n) Confederate States of America (CSA)
南風 [なんぷう]
(n) south (southerly) wind
南風 [みなみかぜ]
(n) south (southerly) wind
南仏 [なんふつ]
(n) Southern France
南米 [なんべい]
(n) South America
南方 [なんぽう]
(n) south
南方産 [なんぽうさん]
(n) products of the south seas
南北 [なんぼく]
(n) south and north
南北戦争 [なんぼくせんそう]
(n) (U.S.) Civil War
南北朝 [なんぼくちょう]
(n) Northern and Southern Dynasties (1336-1392)
南北朝時代 [なんぼくちょうじだい]
(n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. CE in Japan, 1336-92)
南北問題 [なんぼくもんだい]
(n) North-South problem
南満 [なんまん]
(n) South Manchuria
南無 [なむ]
(conj,int) (gen) (Buddh) amen
南無阿弥陀仏 [なむあみだぶつ]
(exp) (gen) (Buddh) I sincerely believe in Amitabha
南無三宝 [なむさんぼう]
(exp,int) I believe in the Three Treasures of Buddhism
南無妙法蓮華経 [なむみょうほうれんげきょう]
(n) Glory to the Sutra
南面 [なんめん]
(n,vs) (1) south face
南門 [なんもん]
(n) south gate
南洋 [なんよう]
(n) South Seas
南洋材 [なんようざい]
(n) tropical wood
南洋諸島 [なんようしょとう]
(n) South Sea Islands
南溟 [なんめい]
(n) the southern ocean
楠 [くすのき]
(n) camphor tree
楠の木 [くすのき]
(n) camphor tree
楠木 [くすのき]
(n) camphor tree
軟らか [やわらか]
(adj-na,n) soft
軟らかい [やわらかい]
(adj) soft
軟らかい若葉 [やわらかいわかば]
(n) soft young leaf
軟らかい文章 [やわらかいぶんしょう]
(n) informal style
軟らかく話す [やわらかくはなす]
(v5s) to speak gently
軟らかな光 [やわらかなひかり]
(n) soft light
軟らかな土 [やわらかなつち]
(n) soft earth
軟らかな風 [やわらかなかぜ]
(n) gentle breeze
軟化 [なんか]
(n,vs) softening
軟球 [なんきゅう]
(n) soft ball
軟禁 [なんきん]
(n,vs) lenient confinement or house arrest
軟禁状態 [なんきんじょうたい]
(n) (state of) house arrest
軟口蓋 [なんこうがい]
(n) soft palate
軟膏 [なんこう]
(n) ointment
軟鋼 [なんこう]
(n) mild steel
軟骨 [なんこつ]
(n) cartilage
軟骨魚類 [なんこつぎょるい]
(n) cartilaginous fish
軟骨組織 [なんこつそしき]
(n) cartilage tissue
軟式 [なんしき]
(n) (tennis) played with a soft ball
軟式テニス [なんしきテニス]
(n) tennis played with a soft ball
軟式庭球 [なんしきていきゅう]
(n) softball tennis
軟式野球 [なんしきやきゅう]
(n) softball
軟質 [なんしつ]
(n) softness
軟弱 [なんじゃく]
(adj-na,n) weakness
軟弱外交 [なんじゃくがいこう]
(n) weak foreign policy
軟弱路線 [なんじゃくろせん]
(n) weak-hearted approach
軟水 [なんすい]
(n) soft water
軟性 [なんせい]
(n) softness
軟性下疳 [なんせいげかん]
(n) soft chancre
軟体動物 [なんたいどうぶつ]
(n) mollusk
軟着陸 [なんちゃくりく]
(n,vs) soft-landing
軟調 [なんちょう]
(adj-na,n) weakness
軟泥 [なんでい]
(n) sludge
軟鉄 [なんてつ]
(n) soft iron
軟投 [なんとう]
(n) soft pitch (in baseball)
軟派 [なんぱ]
(adj-na,n,vs) (1) flirt
軟判定識別器 [なんはんていしきべつき]
(n) soft-decision discriminator
軟風 [なんぷう]
(n) breeze
軟文学 [なんぶんがく]
(n) love story
軟便 [なんべん]
(n) loose or soft stool
軟論 [なんろん]
(n) weak argument
難 [なん]
(n,n-suf) difficulty
難い [かたい]
(adj,suf) difficult
難い [がたい]
(adj,suf) difficult
難い [にくい]
(adj,suf) difficult
難がある [なんがある]
(exp) to be a problem
難くせ [かたくせ]
(n) fault-finding
難し [かたし]
(adj) (arch) difficult
難しい [むずかしい]
(adj) difficult
難しい [むつかしい]
(adj) difficult
難しい病気 [むずかしいびょうき]
(n) serious disease
難しさ [むずかしさ]
(n) (degree of) difficulty
難なく [なんなく]
(adv) easily
難に遭う [なんにあう]
(exp) to meet with disaster
難易 [なんい]
(n) difficulty
難易度 [なんいど]
(n) degree of difficulty
難解 [なんかい]
(adj-na,n) difficult
難解文の釈 [なんかいぶんのしゃく]
(n) elucidation of a difficult passage
難関 [なんかん]
(n) barrier
難儀 [なんぎ]
(adj-na,n,vs) affliction
難詰 [なんきつ]
(n,vs) reprimand
難球 [なんきゅう]
(n) (baseball) ball which is hard to hit or catch
難局 [なんきょく]
(n) difficult situation
難曲 [なんきょく]
(n) difficult musical piece
難句 [なんく]
(n) difficult phrase
難訓 [なんくん]
(n) difficult reading of a kanji
難件 [なんけん]
(n) difficult matter or case
難語 [なんご]
(n) difficult word
難攻不落 [なんこうふらく]
(n) impregnable
難航 [なんこう]
(n,vs) stormy passage
難行 [なんぎょう]
(n) penance
難行苦行 [なんぎょうくぎょう]
(n,vs) penance
難行道 [なんぎょうどう]
(n) salvation through self-mortification
難産 [なんざん]
(n,vs) difficult delivery (birth)
難視聴 [なんしちょう]
(n) (television or radio signal's) poor reception
難事 [なんじ]
(n) difficulty
難事業 [なんじぎょう]
(n) uphill task
難治 [なんじ]
(n) obstinate
難治 [なんち]
(n) obstinate
難渋 [なんじゅう]
(adj-na,n) retardation
難所 [なんしょ]
(n) rough spot
難症 [なんしょう]
(n) incurable illness
難場 [なんば]
(n) predicament
難色 [なんしょく]
(n) disapproval
難船 [なんせん]
(n,vs) shipwreck
難題 [なんだい]
(n) difficult theme
難中の難 [なんちゅうのなん]
(exp) the hardest thing of all
難聴 [なんちょう]
(n) deafness
難敵 [なんてき]
(n) formidable enemy
難点 [なんてん]
(n) fault
難度 [なんど]
(n) degree of difficulty
難読 [なんどく]
(n) difficult to read (e.g., obscure kanji)
難燃加工 [なんねんかこう]
(n) fireproof
難波潟 [なにわがた]
(n) Naniwa Bay (old name for Osaka Bay)
難破 [なんぱ]
(n,vs) shipwreck
難破船 [なんぱせん]
(n) shipwreck
難病 [なんびょう]
(n) incurable disease
難物 [なんぶつ]
(n) hard problem
難文 [なんぶん]
(n) difficult sentence
難癖 [なんくせ]
(n) fault
難民 [なんみん]
(n) refugees
難民帰還 [なんみんきかん]
(n) return of refugees
難民条約 [なんみんじょうやく]
(n) Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
難無く [なんなく]
(adv) easily
難問 [なんもん]
(n,vs) perplexity
難問山積 [なんもんさんせき]
(n) mountain (pile) of difficult problems
難問題 [なんもんだい]
(n) difficult problem or question
難役 [なんやく]
(n) difficult role
難路 [なんろ]
(n) rough or steep path
汝 [うぬ]
(n) (vulg) you
汝 [なんじ]
(n) (arch) you
二 [に]
(num) two
二けた [ふたけた]
(n) two digits
二つ [ふたつ]
(n) two
二つながら [ふたつながら]
(adv) both
二つ宛 [ふたつあて]
(n) two pieces of
二つ宛 [ふたつづつ]
(n) two pieces of
二つ割り [ふたつわり]
(n) half
二つ共 [ふたつとも]
(n) both
二つ置き [ふたつおき]
(n) every third
二つ乍ら [ふたつながら]
(adv) (uk) both
二つ返事 [ふたつへんじ]
(n) immediate (happy) reply
二つ繭 [ふたつまゆ]
(n) double cocoon
二つ目 [ふたつめ]
(n) one after next
二の丸 [にのまる]
(n) outer citadel
二の句 [にのく]
(n) another word
二の句がつげない [にのくがつげない]
(exp) at a loss for words
二の句が継げない [にのくがつげない]
(exp) at a loss for words
二の次 [にのつぎ]
(n) secondary
二の膳 [にのぜん]
(n) side dish
二の足 [にのあし]
(n) hesitation
二の足を踏む [にのあしをふむ]
(exp) to hesitate
二の町 [にのまち]
(n) inferior
二の舞 [にのまい]
(n) repeating the same failure
二の矢 [にのや]
(n) second arrow
二の腕 [にのうで]
(n) upper arm
二位 [にい]
(n) second place
二尉 [にい]
(n) first lieutenant (JSDF)
二院 [にいん]
(n) the two houses of legislature
二院制 [にいんせい]
(n) bicameral system
二院制度 [にいんせいど]
(n) bicameral system
二王 [におう]
(n) the two guardian Deva kings
二王門 [におうもん]
(n) Deva gate
二化螟虫 [にかめいちゅう]
(n) rice-stem borer
二価 [にか]
(adj-no) divalent
二箇所 [にかしょ]
(n) two parts
二課勉強 [にかべんきょう]
(n,vs) studying two lessons
二回 [にかい]
(n) twice
二階 [にかい]
(n) second floor
二階屋 [にかいや]
(n) two storey house
二階家 [にかいや]
(n) two-story house
二階建 [にかいだて]
(n) two-storied building
二階建て [にかいだて]
(n) two-storied building
二核 [にかく]
(n) binuclear
二割 [にわり]
(n) 20%
二間 [ふたま]
(n) two rooms
二期 [にき]
(n) two periods or terms
二期作 [にきさく]
(n) a semiannual crop
二期制 [にきせい]
(n) two-term system
二義的 [にぎてき]
(adj-na,n) secondary
二義的に [にぎてきに]
(adv) secondarily
二宮 [にぐう]
(n) the Two Ise Shrines
二級 [にきゅう]
(adj-na,n) second grade
二業地 [にぎょうち]
(n) entertainment quarters (food and geisha)
二極化 [にきょくか]
(n) bipolarization
二極真空管 [にきょくしんくうかん]
(n) diode
二筋道 [ふたすじみち]
(n) branch roads
二君 [にくん]
(n) two masters
二君に仕えず [にくんにつかえず]
(exp) to not serve two masters
二軍 [にぐん]
(n) second string players (sports)
二形 [ふたなり]
(n) hermaphrodite
二桁 [ふたけた]
(n) two-digit number
二結び [ふたむすび]
(n) two half hitches
二月 [にがつ]
(n-adv) February
二月 [ふたつき]
(n) two months
二見 [ふたみ]
(adj-no) forked (road, river)
二軒建て [にけんだて]
(exp) duplex (house)
二元 [にげん]
(n) duality
二元的 [にげんてき]
(adj-na) dual
二元放送 [にげんほうそう]
(n) broadcast in which participants speak from different stations
二元方程式 [にげんほうていしき]
(n) (gen) (math) equation with two unknowns
二元論 [にげんろん]
(n) dualism
二原子 [にげんし]
(n) diatomic
二原子分子 [にげんしぶんし]
(n) diatomic molecule
二弦琴 [にげんきん]
(n) two-stringed koto
二言 [にごん]
(n) double-dealing
二言 [ふたこと]
(n) (1) two words
二言三言 [ふたことみこと]
(n) a few words
二言三言言う [ふたことみこという]
(exp) to say a few words
二言目 [ふたことめ]
(n) the constant burden of some people's talk
二股 [ふたまた]
(n) bifurcation
二股膏薬 [ふたまたこうやく]
(n) double-dealer
二股膏薬 [ふたまたごうやく]
(n) double-dealer
二交替 [にこうたい]
(n) day and night shift work schedule
二交替制労働 [にこうたいせいろうどう]
(n) two-shift work program (programme)
二口目 [ふたくちめ]
(n) pet expression
二更 [にこう]
(n) second watch
二項係数 [にこうけいすう]
(n) binomial coefficient
二項式 [にこうしき]
(n) binomial
二項定理 [にこうていり]
(n) binomial theorem
二項分布 [にこうぶんぷ]
(n) binomial distribution
二号 [にごう]
(n) number two
二号さん [にごうさん]
(n) mistress
二国間 [にこくかん]
(adj-no) bilateral
二国間主義 [にこくかんしゅぎ]
(n) bilateralism
二国間相互主義 [にこくかんそうごしゅぎ]
(n) bilateralism
二佐 [にさ]
(n) lieutenant colonel (JSDF)
二三 [にさん]
(n-adv,n-t) two or three
二酸化いおう [にさんかいおう]
(n) sulfur dioxide
二酸化イオウ [にさんかイオウ]
(n) sulfur dioxide
二酸化ケイ素 [にさんかケイそ]
(n) silicon dioxide
二酸化炭素 [にさんかたんそ]
(n) carbon dioxide
二酸化炭素削減義務 [にさんかたんそさくげんぎむ]
(n) carbon dioxide reducing obligation
二酸化炭素削減目標 [にさんかたんそさくげんもくひょう]
(n) CO2-reduction goal
二酸化炭素排出権 [にさんかたんそはいしゅつけん]
(n) right to emit carbon dioxide
二酸化窒素 [にさんかちっそ]
(n) nitrogen dioxide
二酸化硫黄 [にさんかいおう]
(n) sulfur dioxide
二士 [にし]
(n) private (JSDF)
二子 [ふたご]
(n) twins
二死 [にし]
(n) two out
二死後 [にしご]
(n) after two outs
二字 [にじ]
(n) two characters
二次 [にじ]
(n) secondary
二次コン [にじコン]
(n) two-dimensional complex
二次会 [にじかい]
(n) first after-party party
二次関数 [にじかんすう]
(n) quadratic function
二次記憶 [にじきおく]
(n) secondary memory
二次元 [にじげん]
(n) two dimensions
二次体 [にじたい]
(n) (gen) (math) quadratic field
二次的 [にじてき]
(adj-na) secondary
二次方程式 [にじほうていしき]
(n) quadratic equation
二七日 [ふたなぬか]
(n) second week's memorial services
二七日 [ふたなのか]
(n) second week's memorial services
二者 [にしゃ]
(n) two things
二者選一 [にしゃせんいつ]
(n) alternative
二者選一法 [にしゃせんいつほう]
(n) completion test (one out of two choices)
二者択一 [にしゃたくいつ]
(n) alternatively
二手 [ふたて]
(n) two groups
二種 [にしゅ]
(n) second-class (mail)
二週間 [にしゅうかん]
(n) fortnight
二十 [にじゅう]
(n) twenty
二十 [はたち]
(n) (1) 20 years old
二十歳 [はたち]
(n) (1) 20 years old
二十四気 [にじゅうしき]
(n) the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar
二十四時間制 [にじゅうよじかんせい]
(n) around-the-clock system
二十四節気 [にじゅうしせっき]
(n) 24 divisions of the solar year
二十四日 [にじゅうよっか]
(n) twenty-fourth day of the month
二十重 [はたえ]
(n) many-fold
二十世紀 [にじっせいき]
(n) twentieth century
二十世紀 [にじゅっせいき]
(n) twentieth century
二十代 [にじゅうだい]
(n) one's twenties
二十日 [はつか]
(n) twenty days
二十日鼠 [はつかねずみ]
(n) mouse
二十日大根 [はつかだいこん]
(n) the small garden radish
二従兄弟 [さいじゅうけいてい]
(n) second cousin
二従兄弟 [はいとこ]
(n) second cousin
二従兄弟 [はとこ]
(n) second cousin
二従兄弟 [ふたいとこ]
(n) second cousin
二従姉妹 [さいじゅうけいてい]
(n) second cousin
二従姉妹 [はいとこ]
(n) second cousin
二従姉妹 [はとこ]
(n) second cousin
二従姉妹 [ふたいとこ]
(n) second cousin
二重 [にじゅう]
(n) double
二重 [ふたえ]
(n) double
二重あご [にじゅうあご]
(n) double chin
二重あご [ふたえあご]
(n) double chin
二重まぶた [ふたえまぶた]
(n) double-edged eyelid
二重らせん [にじゅうらせん]
(n) double helix (structure of DNA)
二重価格制 [にじゅうかかくせい]
(n) dual price system
二重課税 [にじゅうかぜい]
(n) double taxation
二重外交 [にじゅうがいこう]
(n) dual diplomacy
二重顎 [にじゅうあご]
(n) double chin
二重顎 [ふたえあご]
(n) double chin
二重釜 [にじゅうがま]
(n) jacketed kettle
二重関節 [にじゅうかんせつ]
(n) double-jointed
二重丸 [にじゅうまる]
(n) double circle
二重基準 [にじゅうきじゅん]
(n) double standards
二重橋 [にじゅうばし]
(n) Double Bridge at the Palace
二重結合 [にじゅうけつごう]
(n) (chemical) double bond
二重結婚 [にじゅうけっこん]
(n) bigamy
二重国籍 [にじゅうこくせき]
(n) dual nationality
二重腰 [ふたえごし]
(n) bent back
二重撮影 [にじゅうさつえい]
(n) double exposure
二重三重 [にじゅうさんじゅう]
(n) twofold and threefold
二重写し [にじゅううつし]
(n) double exposure
二重唱 [にじゅうしょう]
(n) vocal duet
二重焼き付け [にじゅうやきつけ]
(n) double printing
二重焦点 [にじゅうしょうてん]
(n) bifocal
二重織り [にじゅうおり]
(n) double-weight cloth
二重身 [にじゅうしん]
(n) doppelganger
二重人格 [にじゅうじんかく]
(n) double personality
二重星 [にじゅうせい]
(n) double star
二重生活 [にじゅうせいかつ]
(n) double life
二重税 [にじゅうぜい]
(n) double duty
二重奏 [にじゅうそう]
(n) instrumental duo
二重窓 [にじゅうまど]
(n) double window
二重底 [にじゅうぞこ]
(n) bottom
二重抵当 [にじゅうていとう]
(n) second mortgage
二重道徳 [にじゅうどうとく]
(n) double standard of morality
二重否定 [にじゅうひてい]
(n) double negative
二重母音 [にじゅうぼいん]
(n) diphthong
二重盲検法 [にじゅうもうけんほう]
(n) double blind trial
二重螺旋 [にじゅうらせん]
(n) double helix (structure of DNA)
二重露出 [にじゅうろしゅつ]
(n) double exposure
二重瞼 [ふたえまぶた]
(n) double-edged eyelid
二女 [にじょ]
(n) second daughter
二乗 [じじょう]
(n,vs) squaring
二乗 [にじょう]
(n,vs) squaring
二乗根 [にじょうこん]
(n) square root
二色 [にしょく]
(n) two-color
二色刷り [にしょくずり]
(n) two-color printing
二食 [にしょく]
(n) two meals (a day)
二食 [にじき]
(n) two meals (a day)
二伸 [にしん]
(n) postscript
二心 [にしん]
(n) duplicity
二心 [ふたごころ]
(n) duplicity
二親 [ふたおや]
(n) parents
二親等 [にしんとう]
(n) relation in the second degree
二進 [にしん]
(adj-na,n) binary
二進も三進も [にっちもさっちも]
(adv,exp) in no way
二進も三進も行かない [にっちもさっちもいかない]
(exp) being driven into a corner
二進一退 [にしんいったい]
(n,vs) two steps forward, one step back
二進法 [にしんほう]
(n) binary number system
二進木 [にしんぎ]
(n) binary tree
二人 [ににん]
(n) two persons
二人 [ふたり]
(n) two persons
二人ずつ [ふたりずつ]
(adj-no) couple
二人づつ [ふたりづつ]
(adj-no) couple
二人とも [ふたりとも]
(n) both (people)
二人宛 [ふたりずつ]
(adj-no) couple
二人宛 [ふたりづつ]
(adj-no) couple
二人共 [ふたりとも]
(n) both (people)
二人殺し [ふたりごろし]
(n) double murder
二人三脚 [ににんさんきゃく]
(n) (1) three-legged race
二人称 [ににんしょう]
(n) (ling) second person
二人前 [ににんまえ]
(adj-no) for two people
二人前 [ふたりまえ]
(adj-no) for two people
二人組 [ににんぐみ]
(n) (1) twosome
二人組 [ふたりぐみ]
(n) (1) twosome
二人分 [ふたりぶん]
(n) two persons' portion
二人目 [ふたりめ]
(n) second person
二人連れ [ふたりづれ]
(n) party of two
二世 [にせい]
(n) (1) second generation
二世の契り [にせのちぎり]
(n) marriage vows
二世の固め [にせのかため]
(n) marriage vows
二世の約束 [にせのやくそく]
(n) marriage vows
二成文系 [にせいぶんけい]
(n) binary system
二線式 [にせんしき]
(n) two-wire-system
二組 [ふたぐみ]
(n) two classes
二曹 [にそう]
(n) sergeant first-class (JSDF)
二槽式 [にそうしき]
(n) two-part washing machine
二相 [にそう]
(n) two-phase
二束 [ふたたば]
(n) two bunches
二束三文 [にそくさんもん]
(n) dirt cheap
二足 [にそく]
(n) two pairs
二足の草鞋 [にそくのわらじ]
(n) many irons in the fire
二足三文 [にそくさんもん]
(n) dirt cheap
二足動物 [にそくどうぶつ]
(n) biped
二大強国 [にだいきょうこく]
(n) (the) two great powers
二大政党主義 [にだいせいとうしゅぎ]
(n) two-party system
二大政党制 [にだいせいとうせい]
(n) two-party system
二段ベッド [にだんベッド]
(n) bunk beds
二段見出し [にだんみだし]
(n) two-line heading
二段構え [にだんがまえ]
(n) keeping an alternative up one's sleeve
二段目 [にだんめ]
(n) former name for makushita division (sumo)
二男 [になん]
(n) second son
二着 [にちゃく]
(n) runner-up
二直 [にちょく]
(n) lining out to second base
二直角 [にちょっかく]
(n) straight angle
二通 [につう]
(n) two copies
二通り [ふたとおり]
(n) duplicate pair
二転三転 [にてんさんてん]
(n,vs) change again and again
二点先取 [にてんせんしゅ]
(n,vs) taking (score) the first two points of the game
二度 [にど]
(n) (1) two times
二度刈り [にどがり]
(n) getting two crops a year
二度咲き [にどざき]
(n) second blooming
二度三度 [にどさんど]
(n) again and again
二度手間 [にどてま]
(n) double effort
二度手間 [にどでま]
(n) double effort
二度添い [にどぞい]
(n) second wife
二度目 [にどめ]
(n) the second time
二刀流 [にとうりゅう]
(n) school which teaches the techniques of fencing with a sword in each hand
二等 [にとう]
(n) second class
二等軍曹 [にとうぐんそう]
(n) staff sergeant
二等賞 [にとうしょう]
(n) second prize
二等親 [にとうしん]
(n) second-degree relative
二等分 [にとうぶん]
(n,vs) bisection
二等分線 [にとうぶんせん]
(n) bisector
二等兵 [にとうへい]
(n) private (e-1)
二等辺三角形 [にとうへんさんかくけい]
(n) isosceles triangle
二等辺三角形 [にとうへんさんかっけい]
(n) isosceles triangle
二頭筋 [にとうきん]
(n) biceps
二頭挽き [にとうびき]
(n) two-horse cart
二頭立て [にとうだて]
(n) two-horse cart
二道 [ふたみち]
(n) branch roads
二日 [ふつか]
(n) second day of the month
二日間 [ふつかかん]
(n) a period of two days
二日酔 [ふつかよい]
(n,vs) hangover
二日酔い [ふつかよい]
(n,vs) hangover
二年生 [にねんせい]
(n) biennial
二年生植物 [にねんせいしょくぶつ]
(n) biennial plant
二年草 [にねんそう]
(n) biennial plant
二念 [にねん]
(n) two ideas
二倍 [にばい]
(n) double
二拍子 [にびょうし]
(n) double time
二八 [にはち]
(n) sixteen
二番 [にばん]
(n) second
二番刈り [にばんかり]
(n) second crop
二番作 [にばんさく]
(n) second crop
二番出世 [にばんしゅっせ]
(n) newly recruited sumo wrestlers in the second round of presentation after mae-zumo
二番星 [にばんぼし]
(n) second star of the evening
二番煎じ [にばんせんじ]
(n) rehash
二番線 [にばんせん]
(n) platform no. 2
二番抵当 [にばんていとう]
(n) second mortgage
二番目 [にばんめ]
(n) second (in a series)
二百 [にひゃく]
(n) two hundred
二百十日 [にひゃくとおか]
(n) 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar)
二百二十日 [にひゃくはつか]
(n) 220th day
二部 [にぶ]
(n) two parts
二部教授 [にぶきょうじゅ]
(n) two-session system
二部合唱 [にぶがっしょう]
(n) two-part chorus
二部合奏 [にぶがっそう]
(n) instrumental duet
二部作 [にぶさく]
(n) two-part work
二部授業 [にぶじゅぎょう]
(n) double (school) sessions
二封 [にふう]
(n) forced out on second
二分 [にぶん]
(n,vs,adj-no) halving
二分の一 [にぶんのいち]
(n) a half
二分音符 [にぶおんぷ]
(n) half note
二分音符 [にぶんおんぷ]
(n) half note
二分休符 [にぶきゅうふ]
(n) minim rest
二分脊椎 [にぶんせきつい]
(n) spina bifida
二分法 [にぶんほう]
(n) dichotomy
二分木 [にぶんぎ]
(n) binary tree
二方 [ふたかた]
(n) both people
二本 [にほん]
(adj) two (long cylindrical things)
二本建て [にほんだて]
(exp) dual system
二本差し [にほんざし]
(n) two-sworded (samurai)
二本棒 [にほんぼう]
(n) simpleton
二本立て [にほんだて]
(n) double feature (movie)
二本立て映画 [にほんたてえいが]
(n) double feature (movie)
二翻役 [りゃんふぁんやく]
(n) winning hand which redoubles the score
二枚 [にまい]
(n) two sheets (pieces) (of paper)
二枚貝 [にまいがい]
(n) bivalve
二枚看板 [にまいかんばん]
(n) the two leading actors (in a play)
二枚腰 [にまいごし]
(n) (in sumo and judo) posture in which the legs are firmly planted
二枚折り [にまいおり]
(n) folio
二枚舌 [にまいじた]
(n,adj-no) double-dealing
二枚目 [にまいめ]
(n) actor in a love scene
二枚目半 [にまいめはん]
(n) comedian who plays a lover's part
二毛作 [にもうさく]
(n) two crops a year
二目 [ふため]
(n) for a second time
二役 [ふたやく]
(n) double role
二様 [によう]
(n) methods
二葉 [によう]
(n) two flat things
二葉 [ふたば]
(n) bud
二卵性双生児 [にらんせいそうせいじ]
(n) fraternal twins
二律背反 [にりつはいはん]
(n) antinomy
二流 [にりゅう]
(n) second-rate
二硫化炭素 [にりゅうかたんそ]
(n) carbon disulfide
二輪 [にりん]
(n) two wheels
二輪車 [にりんしゃ]
(n) two wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc)
二塁 [にるい]
(n) second base
二塁手 [にるいしゅ]
(n) second baseman
二塁打 [にるいだ]
(n) two-base hit
二列 [にれつ]
(n) two rows
二連式 [にれんしき]
(n) duplex
二連銃 [にれんじゅう]
(n) double-barreled gun
二連発 [にれんぱつ]
(n) double-barreled gun
二六時中 [にろくじちゅう]
(adv,n) night and day
尼 [あま]
(n) (col) nun
尼寺 [あまでら]
(n) nunnery
尼僧 [にそう]
(n) priestess
尼僧院 [にそういん]
(n) nunnery
尼甫 [じほ]
(n) Confucius
尼法師 [あまほうし]
(n) nun
弐 [ふたつ]
(n) two (used in legal documents)
弐つ [ふたつ]
(n) two (used in legal documents)
弐心 [にしん]
(n) duplicity
弐心 [ふたごころ]
(n) duplicity
匂い [におい]
(n) odour
匂い菖蒲 [においしょうぶ]
(n) aromatic cane
匂い袋 [においぶくろ]
(n) sachet
匂い油 [においあぶら]
(n) perfumed hair oil
匂い立つ [においたつ]
(v5t) (1) to be enveloped in a smell
匂う [におう]
(v5u,vi) to be fragrant
匂わす [におわす]
(v5s,vt) to give out an odor, scent or perfume (odour)
匂わせる [におわせる]
(v1) to smell of
匂辛夷 [たむしば]
(n) anise magnolia
賑やか [にぎやか]
(adj-na) bustling
賑やかさ [にぎやかさ]
(n) business
賑わい [にぎわい]
(n) prosperity
賑わう [にぎわう]
(v5u) to prosper
賑わす [にぎわす]
(v5s) to make prosperous
肉 [にく]
(n) meat
肉が付く [にくがつく]
(exp) to gain (put on) weight
肉の厚い [にくのあつい]
(n) thick
肉の目方を量る [にくのめかたをはかる]
(exp) to weigh the meat
肉まん [にくまん]
(n) (abbr) manju (steamed bun) with meat filling
肉ジャガ [にくジャガ]
(n) meat and potato stew
肉屋 [にくや]
(n) butcher
肉芽 [にくが]
(n) granulation
肉塊 [にっかい]
(n) piece of meat
肉界 [にくかい]
(n) physical or sensual world
肉感 [にっかん]
(n) sexual feeling
肉感的 [にっかんてき]
(adj-na,n) sensual
肉眼 [にくがん]
(n) naked eye
肉球 [にくきゅう]
(n) (sole of the) paw
肉牛 [にくぎゅう]
(n) beef cattle
肉桂 [にっけい]
(n) cinnamon
肉茎 [にくけい]
(n) (sl) (vulg) dick
肉細 [にくぼそ]
(adj-na,n) lightfaced (type)
肉刺 [まめ]
(n) (col) blister
肉質 [にくしつ]
(n) fleshiness
肉腫 [にくしゅ]
(n) sarcoma
肉汁 [にくじゅう]
(n) meat soup
肉色 [にくいろ]
(n) flesh-color
肉食 [にくしょく]
(n,vs) meat diet
肉食妻帯 [にくじきさいたい]
(n,vs) meat and matrimony (Buddhism)
肉食獣 [にくしょくじゅう]
(n) carnivorous animal
肉親 [にくしん]
(n) blood relationship
肉声 [にくせい]
(n) natural voice (without a microphone)
肉切り庖丁 [にくきりぼうちょう]
(n) carving or butcher's knife
肉太 [にくぶと]
(adj-na,n) boldface (type)
肉体 [にくたい]
(n) the body
肉体関係 [にくたいかんけい]
(n) sexual relations
肉体的 [にくたいてき]
(adj-na) corporeal
肉体美 [にくたいび]
(n) physical beauty
肉体労働 [にくたいろうどう]
(n) manual or physical labor
肉体労働者 [にくたいろうどうしゃ]
(n) manual laborer
肉弾 [にくだん]
(n) human bullet
肉弾戦 [にくだんせん]
(n) warfare in which soldiers fling themselves at the enemy
肉池 [にくち]
(n) stamp pad holder
肉的 [にくてき]
(adj-na,n) physical
肉鍋 [にくなべ]
(n) meat served in a pot
肉入れ [にくいれ]
(n) ink-pad case
肉薄 [にくはく]
(n,vs) come close to
肉迫 [にくはく]
(n,vs) come close to
肉筆 [にくひつ]
(n) one's own handwriting
肉付き [にくづき]
(n) strapping
肉付きのよい [にくづきのよい]
(n) well-fleshed
肉付け [にくづけ]
(n,vs) fleshing out
肉片 [にくへん]
(n) piece (cut) of meat
肉便器 [にくべんき]
(n) (vulg) woman who is treated as a sex object
肉用種 [にくようしゅ]
(n) animal bred for its meat
肉欲 [にくよく]
(n) lust
肉離れ [にくばなれ]
(n,vs) pulled or torn muscle
肉料理 [にくりょうり]
(n) meat dish
肉類 [にくるい]
(n) (kinds of) meat
肉襦袢 [にくじゅばん]
(n) flesh-colored leotards
肉饅 [にくまん]
(n) (abbr) manju (steamed bun) with meat filling
肉饅頭 [にくまんじゅう]
(n) manju (steamed bun) with meat filling
虹 [にじ]
(n) rainbow
虹彩 [こうさい]
(n) iris (of the eye)
虹色 [にじいろ]
(n) rainbow-colored
虹鱒 [にじます]
(n) rainbow trout
虹霓 [こうげい]
(n) literary rainbow
廿日 [はつか]
(n) twenty days
廿日鼠 [はつかねずみ]
(oK) (n) mouse
日 [ひ]
(n-adv,n-t) sun
日々 [にちにち]
(n-adv,n-t) every day
日々 [ひび]
(n-adv,n-t) every day
日々の糧 [ひびのかて]
(n) one's daily bread
日ごろ [ひごろ]
(n-adv,n-t) normally
日にち [ひにち]
(n) the number of days
日に当てる [ひにあてる]
(exp) expose to the sun
日に日に [ひにひに]
(adv) day by day
日の丸 [ひのまる]
(n) the Japanese flag
日の出 [ひので]
(n) sunrise
日の入り [ひのいり]
(n) sunset
日の目 [ひのめ]
(n) sunlight
日の目を見ない [ひのめをみない]
(adj) staying indoors
日めくり [ひめくり]
(n) daily rip-off-a-page calendar
日を限る [ひをかぎる]
(exp) to put a time-limit on
日イ親善 [にちイしんぜん]
(n) friendly relations between Japan and Israel
日ソ [にっソ]
(n) Japanese-Soviet
日ロ [にちロ]
(n) Japanese-Russian (Federation)
日伊 [にちい]
(n) Japan and Italy
日伊辞典 [にちいじてん]
(n) Japanese-Italian dictionary
日一日と [ひいちにちと]
(exp) day by day
日印 [にちいん]
(n) Japan and India
日印関係 [にちいんかんけい]
(n) Japan-India relations
日蔭 [ひかげ]
(n) (the) shade
日陰 [ひかげ]
(n) shadow
日陰の葛 [ひかげのかずら]
(n) club moss
日陰者 [ひかげもの]
(n) person who avoids others
日運動 [にちうんどう]
(n) daily motion
日影 [ひかげ]
(n) sunshine
日永 [ひなが]
(n) long day
日英 [にちえい]
(n) Japanese-English
日英通訳 [にちえいつうやく]
(n) Japanese-English interpreting
日延べ [ひのべ]
(n,vs) postponement
日欧 [にちおう]
(n) Japan and Europe
日加 [にっか]
(n) Japan and Canada
日華 [にっか]
(n) Japan and China
日課 [にっか]
(n) daily lesson
日回り [ひまわり]
(gikun) (n) sunflower
日外アソシエーツ [にちがいアソシエーツ]
(n) Nichigai Associates (publisher)
日掛け [ひがけ]
(n) daily installment
日割り [ひわり]
(n) per-diem rate or payment
日刊 [にっかん]
(n) daily issue
日刊紙 [にっかんし]
(n) daily paper
日刊新聞 [にっかんしんぶん]
(n) daily paper
日干し [ひぼし]
(n,adj-no) sun-dried
日間 [ひあい]
(n) time
日韓 [にっかん]
(n) Japan and Korea
日帰り [ひがえり]
(n,vs) day trip
日帰り手術 [ひがえりしゅじゅつ]
(n) outpatient surgery
日記 [にっき]
(n) diary
日記帳 [にっきちょう]
(n) diary
日記文学 [にっきぶんがく]
(n) literature written in diary form
日脚 [ひあし]
(n) (1) daytime
日給 [にっきゅう]
(n) daily wages
日教組 [にっきょうそ]
(n) teachers' organization
日勤 [にっきん]
(n,vs) day shift
日銀 [にちぎん]
(n) Bank of Japan
日銀券 [にちぎんけん]
(n) Bank of Japan bond
日系 [にっけい]
(n) (of) Japanese descent
日系人 [にっけいじん]
(n) non-Japanese of Japanese descent
日系米人 [にっけいべいじん]
(n) American of Japanese descent
日経 [にっけい]
(n) Nikkei (newspaper, share index)
日経新聞 [にっけいしんぶん]
(n) Nikkei (newspaper) (abbr. of Nippon Keizai)
日計 [にっけい]
(n) daily account
日計表 [にっけいひょう]
(n) daily trial balance sheet
日月 [じつげつ]
(n) sun and moon
日月 [にちげつ]
(n) sun and moon
日月星辰 [じつげつせいしん]
(n) the sun, the moon and the stars
日月星辰 [にちげつせいしん]
(n) the sun, the moon and the stars
日捲り [ひめくり]
(n) daily rip-off-a-page calendar
日限 [ひぎり]
(n) fixed or appointed date
日雇い [ひやとい]
(n) daily employment
日雇い労働者 [ひやといろうどうしゃ]
(n) day laborer
日光 [にっこう]
(n) sunlight
日光に温まる [にっこうにあたたまる]
(exp) to sun oneself
日光浴 [にっこうよく]
(n,vs) sunbathing
日向 [ひなた]
(n) sunny place
日向ぼっこ [ひなたぼっこ]
(n,vs) basking in the sun
日向水 [ひなたみず]
(n) water warmed in the sun
日洪親善 [にっこうしんぜん]
(n) goodwill between Japan and Hungary
日航 [にっこう]
(n) Japan Airlines
日航機 [にっこうき]
(n) JAL aeroplane
日豪 [にちごう]
(n) Japan-Australia
日頃 [ひごろ]
(n-adv,n-t) normally
日差し [ひざし]
(n) sunlight
日傘 [ひがさ]
(n) sunshade
日参 [にっさん]
(n,vs) daily visit (of worship)
日産 [にっさん]
(n) daily output
日子 [にっし]
(n) (number of) days
日誌 [にっし]
(n) diary
日歯連 [にっしれん]
(n) Japan Dentists Federation
日時 [にちじ]
(n) date and time
日時計 [ひどけい]
(n) sundial
日射 [にっしゃ]
(n) solar radiation
日射し [ひざし]
(n) sunlight
日射しを避ける [ひざしをよける]
(exp) to keep out of the sun
日射病 [にっしゃびょう]
(n) heatstroke
日取り [ひどり]
(n) fixed date
日収 [にっしゅう]
(n) daily income
日出 [にっしゅつ]
(n) sunrise
日出ずる国 [ひいずるくに]
(n) Land of the Rising Sun
日除け [ひよけ]
(n) sunshade
日焼 [ひやけ]
(n,vs) (1) sunburn
日焼け [ひやけ]
(n,vs) (1) sunburn
日焼け止め [ひやけどめ]
(n) sunscreen
日照 [にっしょう]
(n) sunlight
日照り [ひでり]
(n) dry weather
日照り雨 [ひでりあめ]
(n) sunshower
日照計 [にっしょうけい]
(n) heliograph
日照権 [にっしょうけん]
(n) the right to sunshine
日照時間 [にっしょうじかん]
(n) daylight hours
日章旗 [にっしょうき]
(n) the Japanese (rising sun) flag
日常 [にちじょう]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) ordinary
日常会話 [にちじょうかいわ]
(n) ordinary (daily life) conversation
日常生活 [にちじょうせいかつ]
(n) everyday life
日常茶飯 [にちじょうさはん]
(n) an everyday occurrence
日常茶飯事 [にちじょうさはんじ]
(n) everyday occurrence
日常品 [にちじょうひん]
(n) everyday necessities
日食 [にっしょく]
(n) solar eclipse
日蝕 [にっしょく]
(n) solar eclipse
日進月歩 [にっしんげっぽ]
(n) steady progress
日数 [にっすう]
(n) a number of days
日数 [ひかず]
(n) a number of days
日雀 [ひがら]
(n) a coal tit
日清戦争 [にっしんせんそう]
(n) Sino-Japanese war (1894-5)
日盛り [ひざかり]
(n) high noon
日西辞典 [にっせいじてん]
(n) Japanese-Spanish dictionary
日切り [ひぎり]
(n) fixed or appointed date
日銭 [ひぜに]
(n) daily income in cash
日鮮一体 [ないせんいったい]
(exp) Japan and Korea as one (slogan from 1910-1945)
日増し [ひまし]
(n) day by day
日増しに [ひましに]
(adv) day by day
日足 [ひあし]
(n) (1) daytime
日替り [ひがわり]
(n) daily special (e.g., meal)
日替り定食 [ひがわりていしょく]
(n) daily lunch or dinner special
日替わり [ひがわり]
(n) daily special (e.g., meal)
日諾 [にちだく]
(n) Japan and Norway
日中 [にっちゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) (1) daytime
日中 [ひなか]
(n-t) daytime
日中韓 [にっちゅうかん]
(n) CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean)
日中韓越 [にっちゅうかんえつ]
(n) CJKV (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese)
日中韓統合 [にっちゅうかんとうごう]
(n) CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) character unification
日中勤務 [にっちゅうきんむ]
(n) daytime work
日中戦争 [にっちゅうせんそう]
(n) Sino-Japanese war
日中友好協会 [にっちゅうゆうこうきょうかい]
(n) Japan-China Amity Association
日朝 [にっちょう]
(n) Japanese-Korean
日朝辞典 [にっちょうじてん]
(n) Japanese-Korean dictionary
日長 [ひなが]
(n) long day
日直 [にっちょく]
(n) day duty
日帝時代 [にっていじだい]
(n) era of Japanese imperialism
日程 [にってい]
(n) schedule
日程表 [にっていひょう]
(n) schedule
日当 [にっとう]
(n) daily allowance
日当 [ひあたり]
(io) (n) exposure to the sun
日当たり [ひあたり]
(n) exposure to the sun
日独 [にちどく]
(n) Japan and Germany
日独伊 [にちどくい]
(n) Japan, Germany and Italy
日独協会 [にちどくきょうかい]
(n) Japan-Germany Society
日内周期 [にちないしゅうき]
(n) diurnal cycle
日南海岸 [にちなんかいがん]
(n) Nichinan coastline
日日 [にちにち]
(n-adv,n-t) every day
日日 [ひにち]
(n) the number of days
日日 [ひび]
(n-adv,n-t) every day
日日の糧 [ひびのかて]
(n) one's daily bread
日乃丸 [ひのまる]
(n) the Japanese flag
日波 [にっぽ]
(n) Japan and Poland
日伯 [にっぱく]
(n) Japan and Brazil
日白 [にっぱく]
(n) Japan and Belgium
日付 [かづけ]
(n) date
日付 [ひづけ]
(n) date
日付け [かづけ]
(n) date
日付け [ひづけ]
(n) date
日付印 [ひづけいん]
(n) date stamp
日付変更線 [ひづけへんこうせん]
(n) International Date Line
日舞 [にちぶ]
(n) Japanese dancing
日葡辞書 [にっぽじしょ]
(n) Japanese-Portuguese dictionary
日覆い [ひおおい]
(n) sunshade
日仏 [にちふつ]
(n) Japan and France
日柄 [ひがら]
(n) lucky or unlucky aspect of a given day
日米 [にちべい]
(n) Japan-America
日米安全保障条約 [にちべいあんぜんほしょうじょうやく]
(n) U.S.-Japan Security Treaty
日米協 [にちべいきょう]
(n) Japan United States Cultural Exchange Association
日米構造協議 [にちべいこうぞうきょうぎ]
(n) Structural Impediments Initiative talks
日米貿易 [にちべいぼうえき]
(n) trade between Japan and USA
日米貿易摩擦 [にちべいぼうえきまさつ]
(n) Japan-U.S. trade friction
日保ち [ひもち]
(n,vs) length of time which food products will keep
日歩 [ひぶ]
(n) daily interest
日暮し [ひぐらし]
(n,adj-no) day-to-day existence
日暮らし [ひぐらし]
(n,adj-no) day-to-day existence
日暮れ [ひぐれ]
(n) twilight
日暮れに [ひぐれに]
(adv) toward the evening
日報 [にっぽう]
(n) daily report
日豊本線 [にっぽうほんせん]
(n) Nippon Main Line (Kagoshima-Miyazaki-Fukuoka Railway)
日墨 [にちぼく]
(n) Japan and Mexico
日没 [にちぼつ]
(n) sunset
日没後 [にちぼつご]
(n) after sunset
日没前 [にちぼつぜん]
(n) before sunset
日本 [にっぽん]
(n) Japan
日本 [にほん]
(n) Japan
日本シリーズ [にほんシリーズ]
(n) Japan Series
日本一 [にっぽんいち]
(n) Japan's best
日本一 [にほんいち]
(n) Japan's best
日本猿 [にほんざる]
(n) Japanese monkey
日本化 [にほんか]
(n) Japanization
日本画 [にほんが]
(n) Japanese paintings
日本海 [にっぽんかい]
(n) Sea of Japan
日本海 [にほんかい]
(n) Sea of Japan
日本海溝 [にほんかいこう]
(n) the Japan Trench
日本海上自衛隊 [にほんかいじょうじえいたい]
(n) Japan maritime self defense force (defence)
日本海流 [にほんかいりゅう]
(n) the Japan Current
日本学 [にほんがく]
(n) Japanology
日本学者 [にほんがくしゃ]
(n) Japanologist
日本学術会議 [にほんがくじゅつかいぎ]
(n) Science Council of Japan
日本学術振興会 [にほんがくじゅつしんこうかい]
(n) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
日本間 [にほんま]
(n) Japanese-style room
日本棋院 [にほんきいん]
(n) Nihon Kiin, central Go organization of Japan
日本規格協会 [にっぽんきかくきょうかい]
(n) Japan Standards Association
日本銀行 [にっぽんぎんこう]
(n) Bank of Japan
日本銀行 [にほんぎんこう]
(n) Bank of Japan
日本軍 [にほんぐん]
(n) Japanese Army
日本経済 [にほんけいざい]
(n) Japanese economy
日本犬 [にほんけん]
(n) a Japanese dog
日本原子力開発機構 [にほんげんしりょくかいはつきこう]
(n) Japan Atomic Energy Agency
日本原子力研究開発機構 [にほんげんしりょくけんきゅうかいはつきこう]
(n) Japan Atomic Energy Agency
日本語 [にっぽんご]
(n) Japanese language
日本語 [にほんご]
(n) Japanese language
日本語に直す [にほんごになおす]
(exp) to render into Japanese
日本語ワープロ [にほんごワープロ]
(n) Japanese word-processing
日本語教本 [にほんごきょうほん]
(n) Japanese text book(s)
日本語能力試験 [にほんごのうりょくしけん]
(n) Japanese Language Proficiency Test
日本語文字 [にほんごもじ]
(n) Japanese character
日本語訳 [にほんごやく]
(n) Japanese translation
日本工業規格 [にほんこうぎょうきかく]
(n) Japan Industrial Standards (JIS)
日本航空 [にっぽんこうくう]
(n) JAL
日本航空自衛隊 [にほんこうくうじえいたい]
(n) Japan air self defense force (defence)
日本高校野球連盟 [こうやれん]
(n) Japan High School Baseball Federation
日本高校野球連盟 [にほんこうこうやきゅうれんめい]
(n) Japan High School Baseball Federation
日本国憲法 [にほんこくけんぽう]
(n) the constitution of Japan
日本国債 [にっぽんこくさい]
(n) Japanese government bond (JGB)
日本国特許庁 [にほんこくとっきょちょう]
(n) Japanese Patent Office
日本国内 [にほんこくない]
(n) Japanese domestic
日本国民 [にほんこくみん]
(n) Japanese citizen(s)
日本三景 [にほんさんけい]
(n) Japan's three famous sights
日本史 [にほんし]
(n) history of Japan
日本紙 [にほんし]
(n) Japanese paper
日本歯科医師連盟 [にっぽんしかいしれんめい]
(n) Japan Dentists Federation
日本時間 [にほんじかん]
(n) Japan time
日本式 [にほんしき]
(n) Japanese style
日本車 [にほんしゃ]
(n) car of Japanese make
日本酒 [にほんしゅ]
(n) sake
日本書紀 [にほんしょき]
(n) Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan)
日本食 [にほんしょく]
(n) Japanese food
日本人 [にっぽんじん]
(n) Japanese person
日本人 [にほんじん]
(n) Japanese person
日本人の外人像 [にほんじんのがいじんぞう]
(n) the Japanese image of foreigners
日本人観光客が落とす金 [にほんじんかんこうきゃくがおとすかね]
(n) money scattered by Japanese tourists
日本人論 [にほんじんろん]
(n) theories of Japanese cultural or racial specificity
日本晴 [にほんばれ]
(n) beautiful weather
日本晴れ [にほんばれ]
(n) beautiful weather
日本製 [にほんせい]
(n) made in Japan
日本相撲協会 [にほんすもうきょうかい]
(n) Japan Sumo Association (JSA)
日本相撲連盟 [にほんすもうれんめい]
(n) Japanese amateur sumo union
日本側 [にほんがわ]
(n) the Japanese
日本茶 [にほんちゃ]
(n) Japanese tea
日本中 [にほんじゅう]
(n) throughout Japan
日本庭園 [にほんていえん]
(n) Japanese-style garden
日本的 [にほんてき]
(adj-na) typically Japanese
日本刀 [にほんとう]
(n) Japanese sword
日本道路公団 [にほんどうろこうだん]
(n) Japan Highway Public Corporation
日本脳炎 [にほんのうえん]
(n) Japanese encephalitis
日本農林規格 [にほんのうりんきかく]
(n) Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS)
日本髪 [にほんがみ]
(n) Japanese coiffure
日本標準時 [にほんひょうじゅんじ]
(n) Japanese Standard Time
日本舞踊 [にほんぶよう]
(n) traditional Japanese dance
日本風 [にほんふう]
(n) Japanese style
日本文学 [にほんぶんがく]
(n) Japanese literature
日本文法 [にほんぶんぽう]
(n) Japanese grammar
日本平 [にほんだいら]
(n) Nihon Plain
日本放送協会 [にっぽんほうそうきょうかい]
(n) NHK
日本放送協会 [にほんほうそうきょうかい]
(n) Japan Broadcasting Corporation
日本薬局方 [にほんやっきょくほう]
(n) Japanese pharmacopeia
日本陸上競技連盟 [にっぽんりくじょうきょうぎれんめい]
(n) Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF)
日本陸上自衛隊 [にほんりくじょうじえいたい]
(n) Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (defence)
日本陸連 [にっぽんりくれん]
(n) (abbr) Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF)
日本料理 [にほんりょうり]
(n) Japanese cooking
日本領 [にほんりょう]
(n) Japanese territory
日本列島 [にほんれっとう]
(n) the Japanese islands
日本労働組合総評議会 [にほんろうどうくみあいそうひょうぎかい]
(n) General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
日毎 [ひごと]
(n-adv,n-t) every day
日毎に [ひごとに]
(adv) daily
日毎夜毎 [ひごとよごと]
(n,n-adv) every day and every night
日夜 [にちや]
(n-adv,n) day and night
日猶同祖論 [にちゆうどうそろん]
(n) hypothesis that Jews and Japanese are of common ancestry
日夕 [にっせき]
(adv,n) day and night
日傭取 [ひようとり]
(n) day laborer
日曜 [にちよう]
(n-adv,n) Sunday
日曜大工 [にちようだいく]
(n) weekend carpenter
日曜日 [にちようび]
(n-adv,n) Sunday
日曜版 [にちようばん]
(n) Sunday edition of a newspaper
日用 [にちよう]
(n) daily use
日用品 [にちようひん]
(n) daily necessities
日立 [ひたち]
(n) Hitachi (company)
日溜まり [ひだまり]
(n) sunny spot
日溜り [ひだまり]
(n) sunny spot
日輪 [にちりん]
(n) the sun
日蓮 [にちれん]
(n) Buddhist priest, 1222-82 (founder of the Nichiren sect)
日露 [にちろ]
(n) Japan-Russian (empire)
日露戦争 [にちろせんそう]
(n) Russo-Japanese War (1904-5)
日録 [にちろく]
(n) journal
日和 [ひより]
(n) weather
日和下駄 [ひよりげた]
(n) geta for wear in dry weather
日和見 [ひよりみ]
(n,vs) waiting and seeing (how the wind blows)
日和見主義 [ひよりみしゅぎ]
(n) opportunism
乳 [ちち]
(n) milk
乳りん [にゅうりん]
(n) areola mammae (circular area around nipple)
乳飲み子 [ちのみご]
(n) baby
乳飲み児 [ちのみご]
(n) nursing baby
乳液 [にゅうえき]
(n) latex
乳化 [にゅうか]
(n,vs) emulsification
乳化剤 [にゅうかざい]
(n) emulsifier
乳価 [にゅうか]
(n) price of milk
乳菓 [にゅうか]
(n) emulsion
乳癌 [にゅうがん]
(n) breast cancer
乳牛 [ちちうし]
(n) milk cow
乳牛 [にゅうぎゅう]
(n) milk cow
乳業 [にゅうぎょう]
(n) dairy industry
乳繰り合う [ちちくりあう]
(v5u) to flirt with one another
乳繰る [ちちくる]
(v5r) to have secret or illicit sexual relations
乳兄弟 [ちきょうだい]
(n) foster brother and sister
乳香 [にゅうこう]
(n) frankincense
乳剤 [にゅうざい]
(n) emulsion
乳搾り [ちちしぼり]
(n,vs) milking
乳搾り器 [ちちしぼりき]
(n) milking machine
乳窄 [ちちしぼり]
(n,vs) milking
乳酸 [にゅうさん]
(n) lactic acid
乳酸飲料 [にゅうさんいんりょう]
(n) lactic-acid drink
乳酸菌 [にゅうさんきん]
(n) lactic-acid bacilli
乳脂肪 [にゅうしぼう]
(n) butterfat
乳歯 [にゅうし]
(n) milk (baby) tooth
乳児 [にゅうじ]
(n) infant
乳児院 [にゅうじいん]
(n) nursery
乳児脚気 [にゅうじかっけ]
(n) infantile beriberi
乳児死亡率 [にゅうじしぼうりつ]
(n) infant mortality
乳質 [にゅうしつ]
(n) milk quality
乳首 [ちくび]
(n) nipple
乳首 [ちちくび]
(n) nipple
乳臭 [にゅうしゅう]
(n) boyishness
乳臭い [ちちくさい]
(adj) smelling of milk
乳臭児 [にゅうしゅうじ]
(n) greenhorn
乳汁 [にゅうじゅう]
(n) milky juice
乳状 [にゅうじょう]
(n) milky
乳状液 [にゅうじょうえき]
(n) milky juice
乳色 [にゅうしょく]
(n) milk white
乳清 [にゅうせい]
(n) whey
乳製品 [にゅうせいひん]
(n) dairy products
乳石英 [にゅうせきえい]
(n) milky quartz
乳腺 [にゅうせん]
(n) mammary gland
乳腺炎 [にゅうせんえん]
(n) mastitis
乳濁 [にゅうだく]
(n) emulsion
乳濁液 [にゅうだくえき]
(n) emulsion
乳糖 [にゅうとう]
(n) milk sugar
乳頭 [にゅうとう]
(n) (mammary) nipple
乳呑み子 [ちのみご]
(n) baby
乳呑児 [ちのみご]
(n) unweaned baby
乳白 [にゅうはく]
(n) milky white
乳白色 [にゅうはくしょく]
(n) milky white
乳鉢 [にゅうはち]
(n) mortar
乳鉢 [にゅうばち]
(n) mortar
乳母 [うば]
(n) wet nurse
乳母 [おんば]
(n) wet nurse
乳母 [にゅうぼ]
(n) wet nurse
乳母車 [うばぐるま]
(n) baby carriage
乳母日傘 [おんばひがさ]
(exp) (bringing up a child) with greatest care pampering (him, her) with material comforts of a rich family
乳母日傘 [おんばひらかさ]
(exp) (bringing up a child) with greatest care pampering (him, her) with material comforts of a rich family
乳房 [ちぶさ]
(n) breast
乳房 [にゅうぼう]
(n) breast
乳房炎 [にゅうぼうえん]
(n) mastitis
乳房再建 [ちぶささいけん]
(n) breast reconstruction
乳房切除 [にゅうぼうせつじょ]
(n) mastectomy
乳房切除術 [にゅうぼうせつじょじゅつ]
(n) mastectomy
乳棒 [にゅうぼう]
(n) pestle
乳幼児 [にゅうようじ]
(n) infants
乳様突起 [にゅうようとっき]
(n) mastoid
乳用牛 [にゅうようぎゅう]
(n) milk cow
乳酪 [にゅうらく]
(n) butter
乳離れ [ちちばなれ]
(n,vs) weaning
乳離れ [ちばなれ]
(n,vs) weaning
乳輪 [にゅうりん]
(n) areola mammae (circular area around nipple)
入 [じゅ]
(n) go in
入 [にゅう]
(n) go in
入り [いり]
(n,n-suf) entering
入りかける [いりかける]
(v1) to be about to enter (a bath, etc.)
入り荷 [いりに]
(n) arrival of goods
入り会い [いりあい]
(n) common (e.g., fishery or hunting ground)
入り海 [いりうみ]
(n) bay
入り掛ける [いりかける]
(v1) to be about to enter (a bath, etc.)
入り交じる [いりまじる]
(v5r,vi) to mix with
入り口 [いりくち]
(n) entrance
入り口 [いりぐち]
(n) entrance
入り口 [はいりぐち]
(n) entrance
入り口点 [いりくちてん]
(n) entry point
入り口点 [いりぐちてん]
(n) entry point
入り江 [いりえ]
(n) inlet
入り込み [いりごみ]
(n) coming in together
入り込む [いりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to go into
入り込む [はいりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to go into
入り混じる [いりまじる]
(v5r,vi) to mix with
入り浸り [いりびたり]
(n) frequenting
入り浸る [いりびたる]
(v5r) to seep in
入り切れる [いりきれる]
(v1) (all) are able to get in
入り船 [いりふね]
(n) incoming ship
入り船 [いりぶね]
(n) incoming ship
入り組む [いりくむ]
(v5m) to be or become complicated
入り相 [いりあい]
(n) sunset
入り替わる [いりかわる]
(v5r,vi) to change places
入り日 [いりひ]
(n) setting sun
入り波 [いりなみ]
(n) incoming wave
入り浜 [いりはま]
(n) salt farm
入り母屋 [いりもや]
(n) gabled, hipped roof
入り婿 [いりむこ]
(n) man who takes his wife's name
入り目 [いりめ]
(n) expenses
入り揚げる [いりあげる]
(v1) to lavish money on
入り用 [いりよう]
(adj-na,n) need
入り乱れる [いりみだれる]
(v1) to be jumbled together
入る [いる]
(v5r) to get in
入る [はいる]
(v5r) to enter
入れ [いれ]
(n-suf) container
入れる [いれる]
(v1) to put in
入れ違い [いれちがい]
(n) passing each other
入れ違う [いれちがう]
(v5u) to pass each other
入れ違える [いれちがえる]
(v1) to misplace
入れ換え [いれかえ]
(n,vs) replacement
入れ換える [いれかえる]
(v1) to replace
入れ換え戦 [いれかえせん]
(n) match-up between sumo wrestlers from different divisions who will probably 'switch' divisions in new ranking
入れ交ぜる [いれまぜる]
(v1,vt) to mix
入れ合わせる [いれあわせる]
(v1) to make up for
入れ込む [いれこむ]
(v5m) to put forth (effort)
入れ混ぜる [いれまぜる]
(v1,vt) to mix
入れ札 [いれふだ]
(n) bid
入れ子 [いれこ]
(n) nest (of boxes)
入れ歯 [いれば]
(n) false tooth
入れ質 [いれしち]
(n) pawning
入れ質 [いれじち]
(n) pawning
入れ食い [いれぐい]
(exp) (fish) biting at every cast
入れ替え [いれかえ]
(n,vs) replacement
入れ替える [いれかえる]
(v1) to replace
入れ替わり [いれかわり]
(n) substitution
入れ替わり立ち替わり [いれかわりたちかわり]
(adv) by turns
入れ替わる [いれかわる]
(v5r,vi) to change places
入れ代える [いれかえる]
(v1) to replace
入れ代わり [いれかわり]
(n) substitution
入れ代わり立ち代わり [いれかわりたちかわり]
(adv) by turns
入れ代わる [いれかわる]
(v5r,vi) to change places
入れ知恵 [いれぢえ]
(n,vs) suggestion
入れ智慧 [いれちえ]
(n) suggestion
入れ智慧 [いれぢえ]
(n,vs) suggestion
入れ物 [いれもの]
(n) container
入れ墨 [いれずみ]
(n,vs) tattoo
入れ毛 [いれげ]
(n) false hair
入れ木 [いれき]
(n) wood inlay
入れ目 [いれめ]
(n) artificial eye
入れ揚げる [いれあげる]
(v1) to lavish money on
入院 [にゅういん]
(n,vs) hospitalization
入院患者 [にゅういんかんじゃ]
(n) in-patients
入営 [にゅうえい]
(n,vs) entering the barracks
入園 [にゅうえん]
(n,vs) enrollment in kindergarten
入園料 [にゅうえんりょう]
(n) kindergarten enrollment fee
入苑 [にゅうえん]
(n) entering the garden
入苑券 [にゅうえんけん]
(n) ticket to the garden
入荷 [にゅうか]
(n,vs) arrival of goods
入会 [いりあい]
(n) common (e.g., fishery or hunting ground)
入会 [にゅうかい]
(n,vs) admission
入会金 [にゅうかいきん]
(n) initiation fee
入会権 [いりあいけん]
(n) common rights
入会式 [にゅうかいしき]
(n) initiation ceremony
入会者 [にゅうかいしゃ]
(n) entrant
入会地 [いりあいち]
(n) commons
入海 [いりうみ]
(n) bay
入閣 [にゅうかく]
(n,vs) joining the cabinet
入学 [にゅうがく]
(n,vs) entry to school or university
入学願書 [にゅうがくがんしょ]
(n) application for admittance to a school
入学金 [にゅうがくきん]
(n) matriculation fee
入学考査 [にゅうがくこうさ]
(n) entrance examination
入学志願者 [にゅうがくしがんしゃ]
(n) applicants for admission
入学試験 [にゅうがくしけん]
(n) entrance examination
入学式 [にゅうがくしき]
(n) school entrance ceremony
入学者 [にゅうがくしゃ]
(n) new student
入学生 [にゅうがくせい]
(n) new student
入学難 [にゅうがくなん]
(n) difficulty of getting into a college
入掛 [いれかく]
(n) called off
入棺 [にゅうかん]
(n) placing in the coffin
入監 [にゅうかん]
(n,vs) imprisonment
入館料 [にゅうかんりょう]
(n) admission fee
入居 [にゅうきょ]
(n,vs) moving into (house)
入居者 [にゅうきょしゃ]
(n) tenant
入渠 [にゅうきょ]
(n,vs) entering a dock
入漁 [にゅうぎょ]
(n) fishing in restricted waters
入漁権 [にゅうぎょけん]
(n) fishing-lot rights
入漁者 [にゅうぎょしゃ]
(n) fishing-lot fisherman
入漁料 [にゅうぎょりょう]
(n) fishing-lot charge
入京 [にゅうきょう]
(n,vs) entering the capital
入境 [にゅうきょう]
(n) crossing a border
入金 [にゅうきん]
(n,vs) deposit
入金票 [にゅうきんひょう]
(n) deposit slip
入庫 [にゅうこ]
(n,vs) warehousing
入御 [にゅうご]
(n) emperor's return to the inner palace
入交 [いりまじり]
(n,vs) mixing with
入口 [いりくち]
(n) entrance
入口 [いりぐち]
(n) entrance
入口 [はいりぐち]
(n) entrance
入口点 [いりくちてん]
(n) entry point
入口点 [いりぐちてん]
(n) entry point
入坑 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) entrance into drift or pit
入校 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) matriculation
入構 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) act of entrance (to a facility)
入構証 [にゅうこうしょう]
(n) entrance badge
入江 [いりえ]
(n) inlet
入港 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) entry into port
入港税 [にゅうこうぜい]
(n) port dues (fees)
入港料 [にゅうこうりょう]
(n) ship's harbor charges
入稿 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) sending material to press (as in printing)
入貢 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) paying tribute
入国 [にゅうこく]
(n,vs) entry to a country
入国管理局 [にゅうこくかんりきょく]
(n) immigration office
入国査証 [にゅうこくさしょう]
(n) entrance visa
入国審査官 [にゅうこくしんさかん]
(n) immigration officer
入国申告書 [にゅうこくしんこくしょ]
(n) disembarkation card
入国税 [にゅうこくぜい]
(n) alien tax
入獄 [にゅうごく]
(n,vs) imprisonment
入魂 [じっこん]
(adj-na,n) (1) intimacy
入魂 [じゅこん]
(adj-na,n) (1) intimacy
入魂 [じゅっこん]
(adj-na,n) (1) intimacy
入魂 [にゅうこん]
(adj-na,n) (1) intimacy
入札 [にゅうさつ]
(n,vs) bid
入札価格 [にゅうさつかかく]
(n) bidding price
入札者 [にゅうさつしゃ]
(n) bidder
入札談合 [にゅうさつだんごう]
(n,vs) collusion before a bid or tender
入試 [にゅうし]
(n) entrance examination
入歯 [いれば]
(n) false tooth
入室 [にゅうしつ]
(n,vs) entering a room
入質 [にゅうしち]
(n,vs) pawning
入舎 [にゅうしゃ]
(n,vs) entering a dormitory
入射 [にゅうしゃ]
(n,vs) incident
入射角 [にゅうしゃかく]
(n) angle of incidence
入射光線 [にゅうしゃこうせん]
(n) incident ray
入社 [にゅうしゃ]
(n,vs) entry to a company
入社試験 [にゅうしゃしけん]
(n) test for a position in a company
入寂 [にゅうじゃく]
(n,vs) death of a priest
入手 [にゅうしゅ]
(n,vs) obtaining
入手難 [にゅうしゅなん]
(n) difficulty of obtaining
入塾 [にゅうじゅく]
(n,vs) entering a private school
入出金 [にゅうしゅっきん]
(n) deposit and withdrawal (of money)
入出力 [にゅうしゅつりょく]
(n) input and output
入所 [にゅうしょ]
(n,vs) entrance
入賞 [にゅうしょう]
(n,vs) winning a prize or place (in a contest)
入賞者 [にゅうしょうしゃ]
(n) prize-winner
入城 [にゅうじょう]
(n,vs) triumphant entry into a castle
入場 [にゅうじょう]
(n,vs) entrance
入場を拒む [にゅうじょうをこばむ]
(exp) to deny (a person) admission
入場を断り [にゅうじょうをことわり]
(n) No Admittance
入場券 [にゅうじょうけん]
(n) ticket of admission
入場権 [にゅうじょうけん]
(n) liberty of entrance
入場式 [にゅうじょうしき]
(n) opening ceremony
入場者 [にゅうじょうしゃ]
(n) visitors
入場税 [にゅうじょうぜい]
(n) admission tax
入場門 [にゅうじょうもん]
(n) admission gate
入場料 [にゅうじょうりょう]
(n) entrance fee
入植 [にゅうしょく]
(n,vs) settlement
入植者 [にゅうしょくしゃ]
(n) settler
入植地 [にゅうしょくち]
(n) settlement (of people on land)
入伸 [にゅうしん]
(n) inspiration
入信 [にゅうしん]
(n,vs) entering the faith
入神 [にゅうしん]
(n) inspiration
入神の技 [にゅうしんのぎ]
(n) skill of superhuman level
入水 [じゅすい]
(n,vs) suicide by drowning
入水 [にゅうすい]
(n,vs) suicide by drowning
入声 [にっしょう]
(n) entering tone
入籍 [にゅうせき]
(n,vs) entry in family register
入船 [にゅうせん]
(n,vs) ship's arrival
入選 [にゅうせん]
(n,vs) chosen (in a competition)
入選者 [にゅうせんしゃ]
(n) winner
入相 [いりあい]
(n) sunset
入相の鐘 [いりあいのかね]
(n) evening bell
入替え部品 [いれかえぶひん]
(n) replacement parts
入退院 [にゅうたいいん]
(n,vs) entering and leaving hospital
入隊 [にゅうたい]
(n,vs) enlistment
入団 [にゅうだん]
(n,vs) enrollment
入知恵 [いれぢえ]
(n,vs) suggestion
入朝 [にゅうちょう]
(n,vs) visiting Japan
入超 [にゅうちょう]
(n) excess of imports
入津 [にゅうしん]
(n,vs) entering a port
入定 [にゅうじょう]
(n,vs) Zen contemplation
入廷 [にゅうてい]
(n,vs) admission to the courtroom
入電 [にゅうでん]
(n,vs) (1) incoming telephone call
入党 [にゅうとう]
(n,vs) joining a political party
入唐 [にっとう]
(n,vs) visit to China
入湯 [にゅうとう]
(n,vs) taking a hot bath
入湯客 [にゅうとうきゃく]
(n) bathing guest at a hot spring
入道 [にゅうどう]
(n) (1) priest
入道雲 [にゅうどうぐも]
(n) gigantic columns of clouds (in summer)
入内 [じゅだい]
(n,vs) imperial bridal party's entry into the court
入日 [いりひ]
(n) setting sun
入念 [にゅうねん]
(adj-na,n) careful
入念に [にゅうねんに]
(adv) with scrupulous care
入梅 [にゅうばい]
(n) entering the rainy season
入費 [にゅうひ]
(n) expenses
入夫 [にゅうふ]
(n,vs) marrying into the wife's family
入府 [にゅうふ]
(n,vs) entering the metropolitan area
入部 [にゅうぶ]
(n,vs) joining a club
入仏 [にゅうぶつ]
(n) enshrining a Buddhist image
入物 [いれもの]
(n) container
入母屋 [いりもや]
(n) gabled, hipped roof
入母屋造り [いりもやづくり]
(n) building with a gabled, hipped roof
入墨 [いれずみ]
(n,vs) tattoo
入幕 [にゅうまく]
(n,vs) advancing to the first grade
入婿 [いりむこ]
(n) man who takes his wife's name
入滅 [にゅうめつ]
(n,vs) dying
入綿 [いれわた]
(n) cotton padding
入木 [にゅうぼく]
(n) calligraphy
入目 [いりめ]
(n) expenses
入目 [いれめ]
(n) artificial eye
入門 [にゅうもん]
(n,vs) primer
入門テキス [にゅうもんテキス]
(n) introductory text
入門書 [にゅうもんしょ]
(n) primer
入用 [にゅうよう]
(adj-na,n) need
入浴 [にゅうよく]
(n,vs) bathe
入来 [にゅうらい]
(n,vs) august visit
入洛 [じゅらく]
(n,vs) proceeding to Kyoto
入洛 [にゅうらく]
(n,vs) proceeding to Kyoto
入力 [にゅうりょく]
(n,vs) input
入力フィールド [にゅうりょくフィールド]
(n) entry field
入力情報 [にゅうりょくじょうほう]
(n) input
入力信号 [にゅうりょくしんごう]
(n) incoming signal
入力線 [にゅうりょくせん]
(n) input
入力装置 [にゅうりょくそうち]
(n) input unit
入力電流 [にゅうりょくでんりゅう]
(n) input
入牢 [にゅうろう]
(n,vs) imprisonment
入冦 [にゅうこう]
(n) invasion
入寇 [にゅうこう]
(n,vs) invasion
入鋏 [にゅうきょう]
(n,vs) (ticket) punching
如き [ごとき]
(oK) (conj) (uk) like
如く [ごとく]
(n) like
如く [しく]
(v5k) to excel
如し [ごとし]
(oK) (n) (uk) like
如意 [にょい]
(n) as one wishes
如意自在 [にょいじざい]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) freely
如雨露 [じょうろ]
(ateji) (n) (uk) watering can
如雨露 [じょろ]
(ateji) (n) (uk) watering can
如何 [いか]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) how
如何 [いかが]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) how
如何 [いかん]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) how
如何 [どう]
(adv) (uk) how
如何いう [どういう]
(adj-pn) (uk) what kind of
如何して [どうして]
(adv,int) (uk) why?
如何しても [どうしても]
(adv) (uk) by all means
如何せん [いかんせん]
(adv,exp) can't be helped
如何ともし難い [いかんともしがたい]
(n) impenetrably difficult
如何なる [いかなる]
(adj-pn) (uk) any kind of (with neg. verb)
如何に [いかに]
(adv,int) how?
如何にして [いかにして]
(exp) how
如何にも [いかにも]
(adv,int) (uk) indeed
如何わしい [いかがわしい]
(adj) (1) (uk) suspicious
如何許 [いかばかり]
(adv) how much
如何程 [いかほど]
(adv,n) how much
如何物 [いかもの]
(n) fake
如何様 [いかさま]
(adv,n) fraud
如何様 [いかよう]
(adj-na) how
如何様師 [いかさまし]
(n) cheat
如月 [きさらぎ]
(n) (obs) second month of the lunar calendar
如月 [にがつ]
(n) (obs) second month of the lunar calendar
如才 [じょさい]
(n) (1) affable
如才ない [じょさいない]
(adj) tactful
如才無い [じょさいない]
(adj) tactful
如在無い [じょさいない]
(adj) tactful
如実 [にょじつ]
(n) reality
如実知見 [にょじつちけん]
(n) perceiving reality as it is
如上 [じょじょう]
(n,adj-no) above-mentioned
如是 [にょぜ]
(n) so
如是我聞 [にょぜがもん]
(n) thus I hear (quote from the sutras)
如菩薩 [にょぼさつ]
(n) Buddha-like compassion
如法 [にょほう]
(n) observance of the Buddha's teachings
如法暗夜 [にょほうあんや]
(n) total (utter) darkness
如来 [にょらい]
(n) Tathagata
如露 [じょうろ]
(ateji) (n) (uk) watering can
如露 [じょろ]
(ateji) (n) (uk) watering can
尿 [にょう]
(n) urine
尿の検査 [にょうのけんさ]
(n) urinalysis
尿意 [にょうい]
(n) the urge to urinate
尿管 [にょうかん]
(adj-na,n) urinary duct
尿器 [にょうき]
(n) urinal
尿検査 [にょうけんさ]
(n) urine analysis
尿酸 [にょうさん]
(n) uric acid
尿素 [にょうそ]
(n) urea
尿素樹脂 [にょうそじゅし]
(n) urea resin
尿道 [にょうどう]
(n) urethra
尿道炎 [にょうどうえん]
(n) inflammation of the urethra
尿毒症 [にょうどくしょう]
(n) uremia
尿路 [にょうろ]
(n) urinary tract
韮 [にら]
(n) (1) shallot (edible plant with flat leaves, Allium ascalonicum)
韮葱 [にらねぎ]
(n) broadleaf wild leek (edible plant with hard tubular leaves, Allium ampeloprasum)
任 [にん]
(n) obligation
任じる [にんじる]
(v1) to appoint
任す [まかす]
(v5s) to entrust
任ずる [にんずる]
(vz) to appoint
任せる [まかせる]
(v1) (1) to entrust to another
任に当たる [にんにあたる]
(exp) to undertake a duty
任を果たす [にんをはたす]
(exp) to fulfill (discharge) one's duty (duties)
任を解かれる [にんをとかれる]
(exp) to be relieved of one's post
任意 [にんい]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) any
任意出頭 [にんいしゅっとう]
(n) voluntarily appearing for police questioning
任意捜査 [にんいそうさ]
(n) search conducted with the consent of the party concerned
任意団体 [にんいだんたい]
(n) private organization (neither controlled nor protected by law)
任意同行 [にんいどうこう]
(n) going along voluntarily to be questioned by law officers
任官 [にんかん]
(n,vs) appointment
任期 [にんき]
(n) term of office
任期中 [にんきちゅう]
(n) during one's tenure
任期満了 [にんきまんりょう]
(n) expiration of term of office
任侠 [にんきょう]
(adj-na,n) chivalry
任手相場 [してそうば]
(n) speculators' (speculative) market
任職 [にんしょく]
(n) ordination
任地 [にんち]
(n) one's post
任天堂 [にんてんどう]
(n) Nintendo (video game company)
任務 [にんむ]
(n) duty
任務部隊 [にんむぶたい]
(n) task force
任命 [にんめい]
(n,vs) appointment
任命権 [にんめいけん]
(n) appointive power
任命式 [にんめいしき]
(n) investiture
任命状 [にんめいじょう]
(n) written appointment
任免 [にんめん]
(n,vs) appointments and dismissal
任用 [にんよう]
(n,vs) appointment
妊む [はらむ]
(v5m) to conceive
妊る [みごもる]
(v5r) to become pregnant
妊産婦 [にんさんぷ]
(n) expectant and nursing mothers
妊娠 [にんしん]
(n,vs) conception
妊娠中絶 [にんしんちゅうぜつ]
(n) abortion
妊娠中毒症 [にんしんちゅうどくしょう]
(n) toxemia of pregnancy
妊婦 [にんぷ]
(n) pregnant woman
妊婦服 [にんぷふく]
(n) maternity clothes
忍ばせる [しのばせる]
(v1) to conceal
忍び [しのび]
(n) stealing (into)
忍びやか [しのびやか]
(adj-na,n) stealthy
忍び逢い [しのびあい]
(n) clandestine meeting
忍び音 [しのびね]
(n) whispering
忍び寄る [しのびよる]
(v5r) to creep
忍び泣き [しのびなき]
(n) quiet weeping
忍び泣く [しのびなく]
(v5k) to shed silent tears
忍び込む [しのびこむ]
(v5m) to creep in
忍び出し [しのびだし]
(n) sneaking out
忍び出す [しのびだす]
(v5s) to sneak out
忍び笑い [しのびわらい]
(n) stifled laugh
忍び声 [しのびごえ]
(n) whispering
忍び足 [しのびあし]
(n) stealthy steps
忍び刀 [しのびがたな]
(n) Ninja sword
忍び難い [しのびがたい]
(adj) intolerable
忍び入る [しのびいる]
(v5r) to steal or sneak or slip into
忍び文字 [しのびもじ]
(n) Ninja script
忍ぶ [しのぶ]
(v5b) (1) to conceal oneself
忍苦 [にんく]
(n,vs) endurance
忍具 [にんぐ]
(n) ninja implement (shuriken, etc.)
忍込む [しのびこむ]
(v5m) to creep in
忍者 [にんじゃ]
(n) Ninja
忍従 [にんじゅう]
(n,vs) submission
忍術 [にんじゅつ]
(n) (MA) Ninjutsu (fighting art of the ninja)
忍耐 [にんたい]
(n,vs) endurance
忍耐強い [にんたいづよい]
(adj) persevering
忍耐力 [にんたいりょく]
(n) fortitude
忍刀 [にんとう]
(n) Ninja sword
忍法 [にんぽう]
(n) ninja arts
認め [みとめ]
(n) approval
認める [したためる]
(v1) to write up
認める [みとめる]
(v1,vt) (1) to recognize
認め印 [みとめいん]
(n) unregistered (informal) seal
認め難い [みとめがたい]
(adj) unapprovable
認印 [みとめいん]
(n) unofficial and unregistered personal seal
認可 [にんか]
(n,vs) approval
認可証 [にんかしょう]
(n) license
認識 [にんしき]
(n,vs) recognition
認識票 [にんしきひょう]
(n) identification tag
認識不足 [にんしきぶそく]
(n) lack of knowledge or understanding
認識論 [にんしきろん]
(n) epistemology
認証 [にんしょう]
(n,vs) (1) certification
認証官 [にんしょうかん]
(n) official whose appointment and dismissal requires Imperial acknowledgement (acknowledgment)
認証式 [にんしょうしき]
(n) attestation (investiture) ceremony
認証者 [にんしょうしゃ]
(n) certifier
認知 [にんち]
(n,vs) acknowledgement
認知科学 [にんちかがく]
(n) cognitive science
認知行動療法 [にんちこうどうりょうほう]
(n) cognitive-behavioral therapy
認知心理学 [にんちしんりがく]
(n) cognitive psychology
認知療法 [にんちりょうほう]
(n) cognitive therapy
認定 [にんてい]
(n,vs) authorization
認定証 [にんていしょう]
(n) certificate
認定投票 [にんていとうひょう]
(n) approval voting
認否 [にんぴ]
(n) approval or disapproval
認容 [にんよう]
(n,vs) acknowledgement
濡らす [ぬらす]
(v5s) to wet
濡れる [ぬれる]
(v1) to get wet
濡れ衣 [ぬれぎぬ]
(n) wet clothes
濡れ羽色 [ぬればいろ]
(n) jet black
濡れ縁 [ぬれえん]
(n) open verandah
濡れ事 [ぬれごと]
(n) love affair
濡れ事師 [ぬれごとし]
(n) (acting) romantic lead
濡れ手 [ぬれて]
(n) wet hands
濡れ手で粟 [ぬれてであわ]
(n) easy profit
濡れ場 [ぬれば]
(n) (drama's) love scene
濡れ色 [ぬれいろ]
(n) color of something wet
濡れ性 [ぬれせい]
(n) wettability
濡れ鼠 [ぬれねずみ]
(n) soaked to the skin
濡れ髪 [ぬれがみ]
(n) newly washed hair
寧 [むしろ]
(io) (adv) rather
寧ろ [むしろ]
(adv) rather
寧日 [ねいじつ]
(n) peaceful day
葱 [ねぎ]
(n) (1) spring (green) onion (edible plant with tubular leaves, Allium tuberosum)
葱坊主 [ねぎぼうず]
(n) onion head
猫 [ねこ]
(n) cat
猫かぶり [ねこかぶり]
(n,vs) feigned innocence or naivete
猫なで声 [ねこなでごえ]
(n) soft, coaxing voice
猫に小判 [ねこにこばん]
(exp) (to cast) pearls before swine
猫の額 [ねこのひたい]
(n) tiny
猫の額のような [ねこのひたいのような]
(exp) very small (particularly of a room or flat)
猫の子一匹居ない [ねこのこいっぴきいない]
(adj) completely deserted
猫の手も借りたい [ねこのてもかりたい]
(n) be extremely busy
猫の目 [ねこのめ]
(n) fickle
猫ばば [ねこばば]
(n,vs) embezzle
猫可愛がり [ねこかわいがり]
(n,vs) doting on someone
猫科 [ねこか]
(n) cat family
猫額大 [びょうがくだい]
(n) tiny
猫額大の土地 [びょうがくだいのとち]
(n) narrow strip of land
猫脚 [ねこあし]
(n) carved table leg with "ball and claw" foot
猫股 [ねこまた]
(n) mythical two-tailed monster cat
猫車 [ねこぐるま]
(n) wheelbarrow
猫舌 [ねこじた]
(n) unable to take (thermally) hot food
猫舌だ [ねこじただ]
(n) have a tongue too sensitive to heat
猫足 [ねこあし]
(n) carved table leg with "ball and claw" foot
猫属 [ねこぞく]
(n) the cat genus
猫背 [ねこぜ]
(n) a bent back
猫板 [ねこいた]
(n) fireside board
猫被り [ねこかぶり]
(oK) (n,vs) feigned innocence or naivete
猫撫で声 [ねこなでごえ]
(n) soft, coaxing voice
猫糞 [ねこばば]
(n,vs) embezzle
猫又 [ねこまた]
(n) mythical two-tailed monster cat
猫目石 [ねこめいし]
(n) cat's-eye (in road)
猫目石 [ねこもくせき]
(n) cat's-eye (in road)
猫柳 [ねこやなぎ]
(n) pussy willow
猫要らず [ねこいらず]
(n) rat poison
猫騙し [ねこだまし]
(n) slapping hands in front of opponent's face to confuse him (sumo)
熱 [ねつ]
(n,n-suf) fever
熱々 [あつあつ]
(adj-na,n) piping hot
熱い [あつい]
(adj) hot (thing)
熱いコーヒー [あついコーヒー]
(n) hot coffee
熱い仲だ [あついなかだ]
(exp) be sweet on each other
熱し易い [ねっしやすい]
(adj) excitable
熱する [ねっする]
(vs-s) to heat
熱っぽい [ねつっぽい]
(adj) (1) feverish
熱り [ほてり]
(n) (1) a glow
熱り [ほとぼり]
(n) (1) remaining heat
熱り立つ [いきりたつ]
(v5t) to get angry
熱を上げる [ねつをあげる]
(exp) to become enthusiastic
熱を伝える [ねつをつたえる]
(exp) to conduct heat
熱愛 [ねつあい]
(n,vs) love passionately
熱愛者 [ねつあいしゃ]
(n) person who is very fond of something
熱意 [ねつい]
(n) zeal
熱陰極 [ねついんきょく]
(n) hot cathode
熱雲 [ねつうん]
(n) glowing cloud
熱延 [ねつえん]
(n) hot rolling
熱演 [ねつえん]
(n,vs) enthusiastic performance
熱汚染 [ねつおせん]
(n) thermal pollution
熱可塑 [ねつかそ]
(n) thermoplastic
熱可塑樹脂 [ねつかそじゅし]
(n) thermoplastic resin
熱可塑性 [ねつかそせい]
(n) thermoplasticity
熱拡散 [ねつかくさん]
(n) thermal diffusion
熱核反応 [ねつかくはんのう]
(n) thermonuclear reaction
熱感 [ねつかん]
(n) feverish
熱願 [ねつがん]
(n,vs) ardent desire
熱器具 [ねつきぐ]
(n) heater
熱機関 [ねつきかん]
(n) heat engine
熱気 [ねっき]
(n) heat
熱気 [ねつけ]
(n) feverish
熱気球 [ねっききゅう]
(n) hot-air balloon
熱気球 [ねつききゅう]
(n) hot-air balloon
熱球 [ねつきゅう]
(n) (baseball) smoking pitch
熱狂 [ねっきょう]
(n,vs) wild enthusiasm
熱狂者 [ねっきょうしゃ]
(n) enthusiast
熱狂的信者 [ねっきょうてきしんじゃ]
(n) fanatic
熱型 [ねっけい]
(n) type of fever
熱血 [ねっけつ]
(n) hot blood
熱血漢 [ねっけつかん]
(n) hot-blooded man
熱血教師 [ねっけつきょうし]
(n) enthusiastic schoolteacher
熱血児 [ねっけつじ]
(n) hot-blooded man
熱原子核 [ねつげんしかく]
(n) thermal nucleus
熱源 [ねつげん]
(n) heat source
熱交換器 [ねつこうかんき]
(n) heat exchanger
熱効率 [ねつこうりつ]
(n) thermal efficiency
熱硬化 [ねつこうか]
(n) thermosetting
熱硬化剤 [ねつこうかざい]
(n) hardener (catalyst in hardening thermosetting materials)
熱硬化物 [ねつこうかぶつ]
(n) thermosetting material (esp. plastics and resins)
熱砂 [ねっさ]
(n) hot sand
熱賛 [ねっさん]
(n) ardent praise
熱射病 [ねっしゃびょう]
(n) heatstroke
熱処理 [ねつしょり]
(n,vs) heat treatment
熱傷 [ねっしょう]
(n) burn
熱唱 [ねっしょう]
(n,vs) singing enthusiastically
熱情 [ねつじょう]
(n) ardour
熱心 [ねっしん]
(adj-na,n) zeal
熱性 [ねっせい]
(n) excitable disposition
熱誠 [ねっせい]
(adj-na,n) earnestness
熱戦 [ねっせん]
(n) fierce fighting
熱線 [ねっせん]
(n) heat ray
熱帯 [ねったい]
(n) tropics
熱帯魚 [ねったいぎょ]
(n) tropical fish
熱帯植物 [ねったいしょくぶつ]
(n) tropical plant
熱帯低気圧 [ねったいていきあつ]
(n) tropical cyclone
熱帯病 [ねったいびょう]
(n) tropical disease
熱帯夜 [ねったいや]
(n) night in which temperature doesn't fall below 25 degrees C
熱帯林 [ねったいりん]
(n) tropical forest
熱中 [ねっちゅう]
(n,vs) nuts!
熱伝導 [ねつでんどう]
(n) heat conduction
熱伝導率 [ねつでんどうりつ]
(n) thermal conductivity
熱電対 [ねつでんつい]
(n) thermocouple
熱度 [ねつど]
(n) degree of heat
熱湯 [ねっとう]
(n) boiling water
熱闘 [ねっとう]
(n) fierce fighting
熱熱 [あつあつ]
(adj-na,n) piping hot
熱波 [ねっぱ]
(n) heat wave
熱発 [ねっぱつ]
(n,vs) fever
熱発生 [ねっぱつせい]
(n) calorification
熱疲労 [ねつひろう]
(n) heat exhaustion
熱病 [ねつびょう]
(n) fever
熱風 [ねっぷう]
(n) hot wind
熱風炉 [ねっぷうろ]
(n) hot-blast stove
熱弁 [ねつべん]
(n) fervent speech
熱望 [ねつぼう]
(n,vs) longing for
熱膨張係数 [ねつぼうちょうけいすう]
(n) thermal expansion coefficient
熱容量 [ねつようりょう]
(n) heat capacity
熱雷 [ねつらい]
(n) heat thunderstorm
熱量 [ねつりょう]
(n) temperature
熱量計 [ねつりょうけい]
(n) calorimeter
熱力学 [ねつりきがく]
(n) thermodynamics
熱力学的 [ねつりきがくてき]
(adj-na) thermodynamic
熱涙 [ねつるい]
(n) hot tears
熱冷まし [ねつさまし]
(n) antifebrile
熱烈 [ねつれつ]
(adj-na,n) ardent
熱燗 [あつかん]
(n) hot sake
年 [とし]
(n-adv,n) year
年々 [としどし]
(n-adv,n-t) years
年々 [ねんねん]
(n-adv,n-t) years
年々歳々 [ねんねんさいさい]
(adv,n) annually
年がら年中 [ねんがらねんじゅう]
(adv,n) all year round
年が寄る [としがよる]
(exp) to grow old
年が年 [としがとし]
(n) considering this age
年が年中 [ねんがねんじゅう]
(adv) all year round
年ごとに [としごとに]
(adv) annually
年で霞んだ目 [としでかすんだめ]
(n) eyes dimmed with age
年に一度 [ねんにいちど]
(n) once a year
年の功 [としのこう]
(n) (arch) old-man's wisdom
年の市 [としのいち]
(n) year-end fair
年の瀬 [としのせ]
(n) New Year's Eve
年の豆 [としのまめ]
(n) beans of the bean-scattering ceremony
年の暮れ [としのくれ]
(n) year end
年ぶり [ねんぶり]
(exp) after an interval of .. years
年までに [ねんまでに]
(adv) before the year ..
年より [としより]
(n) (1) old people
年を越す [としをこす]
(exp) to enter a new year
年を取る [としをとる]
(exp) to grow old
年を拾う [としをひろう]
(exp) to grow old
年益 [ねんえき]
(n) annual profit
年越し [としこし]
(n,vs) New Year's Eve
年下 [としした]
(n) younger
年賀 [ねんが]
(n) New Year's greetings
年賀状 [ねんがじょう]
(n) New Year's card
年賀郵便 [ねんがゆうびん]
(n) New Year's mail
年賀葉書 [ねんがはがき]
(n) New Year's postcard
年会 [ねんかい]
(n) conference
年会費 [ねんかいひ]
(n) annual fee
年回 [ねんかい]
(n) anniversary service (in Buddhism)
年回り [としまわり]
(n) age relationship
年改まる [としあらたまる]
(exp) the New Year dawns
年格好 [としかっこう]
(n) one's age
年額 [ねんがく]
(n) yearly amount
年掛け [としがけ]
(n) yearly payment
年割り [ねんわり]
(n) annual rate
年恰好 [としかっこう]
(n) one's age
年刊 [ねんかん]
(n) annual publication
年鑑 [ねんかん]
(n) yearbook
年間 [ねんかん]
(n-t) year
年間計画 [ねんかんけいかく]
(n) year's plan
年間収益 [ねんかんしゅうえき]
(n) yearly revenue
年寄 [としより]
(n) (1) old people
年寄り [としより]
(n) (1) old people
年寄り子 [としよりご]
(n) child of one's age
年寄り臭い [としよりくさい]
(n) slovenly like an old man
年寄り染みた [としよりじみた]
(adj) characteristic of the aging (ageing)
年寄り役 [としよりやく]
(n) senior's role
年寄る [としよる]
(v5r) to grow old
年寄株 [としよりかぶ]
(n) sumo coaching license stock (licence)
年忌 [ねんき]
(n) death anniversary
年期 [ねんき]
(n) term of service
年期者 [ねんきもの]
(n) apprentice
年期奉公 [ねんきぼうこう]
(n) apprenticeship
年期明け [ねんきあけ]
(n) expiration of a term of service
年季 [ねんき]
(n) term of service
年季奉公 [ねんきぼうこう]
(n) apprenticeship
年久しく [としひさしく]
(adv) for many years
年休 [ねんきゅう]
(n) yearly paid vacation (holiday)
年給 [ねんきゅう]
(n) annual salary
年魚 [あゆ]
(n) sweetfish (freshwater trout)
年強 [としづよ]
(adj-na,n) being older or a senior
年強い [としづよい]
(n) child born in first half of the year
年玉 [としだま]
(n) New Year's gift
年金 [ねんきん]
(n) annuity
年金基金 [ねんきんききん]
(n) pension fund
年金受給者 [ねんきんじゅきゅうしゃ]
(n) a pensioner
年金証書 [ねんきんしょうしょ]
(n) annuity bond
年金制度 [ねんきんせいど]
(n) pension system (scheme)
年金保険 [ねんきんほけん]
(n) annuity insurance
年月 [としつき]
(n) months and years
年月 [ねんげつ]
(n) months and years
年月日 [ねんがっぴ]
(n) date
年限 [ねんげん]
(n) length of time
年後 [ねんご]
(n) years later
年功 [ねんこう]
(n) long service
年功加俸 [ねんこうかほう]
(n) long service allowance
年功序列 [ねんこうじょれつ]
(n) seniority by length of service
年功序列制度 [ねんこうじょれつせいど]
(n) the seniority system
年功制度 [ねんこうせいど]
(n) seniority rule
年甲斐 [としがい]
(n) one's age
年甲斐もない [としがいもない]
(adj) unbecoming
年甲斐も無い [としがいもない]
(adj) unbecoming
年貢 [ねんぐ]
(n) annual tribute
年貢米 [ねんぐまい]
(n) annual rice tax
年号 [ねんごう]
(n) name of an era
年頃 [としごろ]
(adv,n) age
年頃日頃 [としごろひごろ]
(n) these days
年差 [ねんさ]
(n) annual variation
年祭 [ねんさい]
(n) anniversary
年祭り [としまつり]
(n) annual festival
年産 [ねんさん]
(n) annual production
年産額 [ねんさんがく]
(n) annual production
年始 [ねんし]
(n-t) New Year's call
年始回り [ねんしまわり]
(n) New Year's calls
年始状 [ねんしじょう]
(n) New Year's card
年子 [としご]
(n) second child born within a year
年歯 [としは]
(n,adj-no) age
年歯 [ねんし]
(n,adj-no) age
年次 [ねんじ]
(n) chronological
年次総会 [ねんじそうかい]
(n) annual general meeting
年次報告 [ねんじほうこく]
(n) chronological report
年次有給休暇 [ねんじゆうきゅうきゅうか]
(n) annual paid vacation
年式 [ねんしき]
(n) model year (of an automobile, etc.)
年若 [としわか]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) young
年若い [としわかい]
(adj) young
年弱 [としよわ]
(adj-na,n) child born in last half of the year
年取った [としとった]
(adj) aged
年取る [としとる]
(v5r) to grow old
年収 [ねんしゅう]
(n) annual income
年初 [ねんしょ]
(n-adv,n) beginning of the year
年女 [としおんな]
(n) Woman of the Year, referring to a woman born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year
年商 [ねんしょう]
(n) yearly (annual) turnover
年少 [ねんしょう]
(adj-na,n) youth
年少気鋭 [ねんしょうきえい]
(n,adj-no) being young and spirited
年少者 [ねんしょうしゃ]
(n) youth
年上 [としうえ]
(n) older
年振り [ねんぶり]
(exp) after an interval of .. years
年嵩 [としかさ]
(adj-na,n) senior
年数 [ねんすう]
(n) number of years
年生 [ねんせい]
(n) pupil in .. year
年盛り [としざかり]
(n) prime of life
年税 [ねんぜい]
(n) annual tax
年租 [ねんそ]
(n) annual tax
年増 [としま]
(n) mature woman
年代 [ねんだい]
(n) age
年代記 [ねんだいき]
(n) annals
年代順 [ねんだいじゅん]
(n) chronological order
年代物 [ねんだいもの]
(n) antique
年端 [としは]
(n,adj-no) age
年端もいかない [としはもいかない]
(adj) of tender years
年端もいかぬ [としはもいかぬ]
(adj) of tender years
年端も行かない [としはもいかない]
(adj) of tender years
年端も行かぬ [としはもいかぬ]
(adj) of tender years
年男 [としおとこ]
(n) Man of the Year, referring to a man born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year
年中 [ねんじゅう]
(n-adv,n) whole year
年中行事 [ねんじゅうぎょうじ]
(n) annual functions or events
年中行事 [ねんちゅうぎょうじ]
(n) annual functions or events
年中失言 [ねんじゅうしつげん]
(n) always saying the wrong thing
年中無休 [ねんじゅうむきゅう]
(n) open every day of the year
年長 [ねんちょう]
(adj-na,n) seniority
年長ける [としたける]
(v1) to grow old
年長者 [ねんちょうしゃ]
(n) a senior
年度 [ねんど]
(n,n-suf) year
年度初め [ねんどはじめ]
(n) beginning of the (fiscal) year
年度末 [ねんどまつ]
(n) end of the fiscal year
年頭 [としがしら]
(n) the oldest person
年頭 [ねんとう]
(n) the oldest person
年頭教書 [ねんとうきょうしょ]
(n) (U.S.) State of the Union Address
年内 [ねんない]
(n) by the end of the year
年内に [ねんないに]
(adv) within the year
年年 [としどし]
(n-adv,n-t) years
年年 [ねんねん]
(n-adv,n-t) years
年年歳歳 [ねんねんさいさい]
(adv,n) annually
年波 [としなみ]
(n) old age
年輩 [ねんぱい]
(n,adj-no) elderly
年輩者 [ねんぱいしゃ]
(n) elderly person
年配 [ねんぱい]
(n,adj-no) elderly
年配者 [ねんぱいしゃ]
(n) elderly person
年百年中 [ねんびゃくねんじゅう]
(adv) throughout the year
年表 [えんぴょう]
(n) chronological tables
年表 [ねんぴょう]
(n) chronological tables
年譜 [ねんぷ]
(n) chronological record
年賦 [ねんぷ]
(n) annual installment
年分 [ねんぶん]
(n) yearly amount
年別 [ねんべつ]
(n) by years
年甫 [ねんぽ]
(n) beginning of the year
年暮れる [としくれる]
(exp) the year ends
年俸 [ねんぽう]
(n) annual salary
年報 [ねんぽう]
(n) annual report
年忘れ [としわすれ]
(n) year-end drinking party
年毎 [としごと]
(n-t) every year
年毎に [としごとに]
(adv) annually
年末 [ねんまつ]
(n-adv,n-t) end-of-year
年末を凌ぐ [ねんまつをしのぐ]
(exp) to pull through the year end
年末調整 [ねんまつちょうせい]
(n) year-end tax adjustment
年末年始 [ねんまつねんし]
(n) the New Year's holiday
年末迄 [ねんまつまで]
(exp) before the end of this year
年明け [としあけ]
(n) (1) beginning of the year
年明け [ねんあけ]
(n) (1) beginning of the year
年明ける [としあける]
(exp) the New Year dawns
年余 [ねんよ]
(n) more than a year
年来 [ねんらい]
(n-adv,n-t) for some years
年利 [ねんり]
(n) annual interest rate
年率 [ねんりつ]
(n) annual rate (of interest)
年輪 [ねんりん]
(n) annual tree ring
年輪史学 [ねんりんしがく]
(n) dendrochronology
年令 [ねんれい]
(n) age
年礼 [ねんれい]
(n) New Year's greetings
年齢 [ねんれい]
(n) age
年齢を満で数える [ねんれいをまんでかぞえる]
(exp) to count age in full
年齢給 [ねんれいきゅう]
(n) salary based on age
年齢差 [ねんれいさ]
(n) age difference
年齢順 [ねんれいじゅん]
(n) by priority of age
年齢制限 [ねんれいせいげん]
(n) age limit(s)
年齢層 [ねんれいそう]
(n) age range
年老 [としおい]
(n) old person
年老い [としおい]
(n) old person
年老いる [としおいる]
(v1) to grow old
念 [ねん]
(n) sense
念々 [ねんねん]
(n) continually thinking about something
念じる [ねんじる]
(v1) to have in mind
念ずる [ねんずる]
(vz) to pray silently
念のため [ねんのため]
(adv) making sure
念の為 [ねんのため]
(adv) just to be sure
念の入れ方 [ねんのいれかた]
(n) caution
念を押す [ねんをおす]
(exp) to make sure of
念を入れる [ねんをいれる]
(exp) to pay attention to
念押し [ねんおし]
(n,vs) reminder
念願 [ねんがん]
(n,vs) one's heart's desire
念願成就 [ねんがんじょうじゅ]
(n,vs) attainment of one's most cherished desire
念五日 [ねんごにち]
(n) (1) 25th of the month
念校 [ねんこう]
(n) the very final proof (printing)
念写 [ねんしゃ]
(n) spirit photography
念珠 [ねんじゅ]
(n) rosary
念書 [ねんしょ]
(n) memorandum
念頭 [ねんとう]
(n) mind
念頭に置く [ねんとうにおく]
(exp) to give thought to
念動 [ねんどう]
(n) telekinesis
念入り [ねんいり]
(adj-na,n) careful
念入れ [ねんいれ]
(n) care
念念 [ねんねん]
(n) continually thinking about something
念仏 [ねんぶつ]
(n,vs) Buddhist prayer
念仏を唱える [ねんぶつをとなえる]
(exp) to chant (repeat) the name of Buddha
念仏往生 [ねんぶつおうじょう]
(n,vs) passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha
念仏三昧 [ねんぶつざんまい]
(n) being deep in (Buddhist) prayer
念力 [ねんりき]
(n) will-power
念誦 [ねんじゅ]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) invocation
捻くり回す [ひねくりまわす]
(v5s) to twist
捻くる [ひねくる]
(v5r,vt) to twirl
捻くれる [ひねくれる]
(v1) to be contrary
捻じる [ねじる]
(v5r) (1) to screw
捻じれる [ねじれる]
(v1) to twist
捻じ桔梗 [ねじききょう]
(n) Chinese bellflower (slightly screwed)
捻じ伏せる [ねじふせる]
(v1) to hold down
捻り [ひねり]
(n) (1) pinch
捻り手 [ひねりて]
(n) twisting techniques (sumo)
捻り出す [ひねりだす]
(v5s) to work out
捻り潰す [ひねりつぶす]
(v5s) to pinch and crush
捻る [ひねる]
(v5r) to turn (a switch) on or off
捻れる [ねじれる]
(v1) to twist
捻挫 [ねんざ]
(n,vs) sprain
捻子 [ねじ]
(n) (uk) screw
捻出 [ねんしゅつ]
(n,vs) contriving (to raise funds)
捻転 [ねんてん]
(n,vs) twisting
撚る [よる]
(v5r) to twist (yarn)
撚糸 [ねんし]
(n) twisted thread or yarn
燃えかす [もえかす]
(n) cinders
燃える [もえる]
(v1) to burn
燃え移る [もえうつる]
(v5r) (of fire) to spread
燃え殻 [もえがら]
(n) embers
燃え広がる [もえひろがる]
(v5r) to spread (flames)
燃え差し [もえさし]
(n) embers
燃え残り [もえのこり]
(n) embers
燃え種 [もえぐさ]
(n) kindling
燃え出す [もえだす]
(v5s) to catch fire
燃え上がる [もえあがる]
(v5r) to flare up
燃え尽きる [もえつきる]
(v1) to burn out
燃え盛る [もえさかる]
(v5r) to blaze
燃え付く [もえつく]
(v5k) to catch fire
燃え立つ [もえたつ]
(v5t) to blaze up
燃え滓 [もえかす]
(n) cinders
燃す [もす]
(v5s) to burn
燃す [もやす]
(v5s) to burn
燃やす [もやす]
(v5s) to burn
燃焼 [ねんしょう]
(n,vs) burning
燃焼炉 [ねんしょうろ]
(n) combustion furnace
燃費 [ねんぴ]
(n) fuel consumption
燃費基準 [ねんぴきじゅん]
(n) fuel economy standards
燃付く [もえつく]
(v5k) to catch fire
燃料 [ねんりょう]
(n) fuel
燃料を蓄える [ねんりょうをたくわえる]
(exp) to store up fuel
燃料電池 [ねんりょうでんち]
(n) fuel cell
燃料費 [ねんりょうひ]
(n) fuel expenses
燃料棒 [ねんりょうぼう]
(n) (nuclear reactor's) fuel rod
粘々 [ねばねば]
(adj-na,adv,n,vs) stickiness
粘い [ねばい]
(adj) sticky
粘っこい [ねばっこい]
(adj) sticky
粘つく [ねばつく]
(v5k) to be sticky
粘り [ねばり]
(n) stickiness
粘り気 [ねばりけ]
(n) stickiness
粘り強い [ねばりづよい]
(adj) tenacious
粘り腰 [ねばりごし]
(n) strong pelvis or hips
粘り着く [ねばりつく]
(v5k) to be sticky
粘り抜く [ねばりぬく]
(v5k) to stick it out
粘る [ねばる]
(v5r) to be sticky
粘液 [ねんえき]
(n) mucus
粘液質 [ねんえきしつ]
(n) phlegm
粘液分泌腺 [ねんえきぶんぴせん]
(n) mucus gland
粘液分泌腺 [ねんえきぶんぴつせん]
(n) mucus gland
粘液便 [ねんえきべん]
(n) mucous feces
粘性 [ねんせい]
(n) viscosity
粘着 [ねんちゃく]
(n,vs) cohesion
粘着剤 [ねんちゃくざい]
(n,adj-na) adhesive
粘着性 [ねんちゃくせい]
(n) adhesion
粘着力 [ねんちゃくりょく]
(n) adhesive power
粘度 [ねんど]
(n) viscosity
粘土 [ねばつち]
(n) clay
粘土 [ねんど]
(n) clay
粘土作り [ねんどずくり]
(adj-no) made of clay
粘土質 [ねんどしつ]
(n,adj-no) slimy
粘粘 [ねばねば]
(adj-na,adv,n,vs) stickiness
粘板岩 [ねんばんがん]
(n) clay rock
粘付く [ねばつく]
(v5k) to be sticky
粘膜 [ねんまく]
(n) mucous membrane
粘稠 [ねんちゅう]
(adj-na,n) viscous
乃 [の]
(prt) (1) (uk) indicates possessive
乃公 [おれ]
(n) I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)
乃公 [だいこう]
(n) I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)
乃公 [ないこう]
(n) I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)
乃至 [ないし]
(conj) from .. to
乃父 [だいふ]
(n) father
之 [これ]
(int,n) (uk) this
之繞 [しんにゅう]
(n) advance radical
嚢中 [のうちゅう]
(n) in a bag or one's purse
悩ましい [なやましい]
(adj) (1) seductive
悩ましげ [なやましげ]
(adj-na) languishing
悩ます [なやます]
(v5s) to afflict
悩み [なやみ]
(n) trouble(s)
悩みごと [なやみごと]
(n) something causing worry
悩みの種 [なやみのたね]
(n) cause of annoyance
悩む [なやむ]
(v5m) to be worried
悩殺 [のうさつ]
(n,vs) fascinate
悩乱 [のうらん]
(n,vs) worry
濃 [のう]
(pref) dark
濃い [こい]
(adj) thick (as of color, liquid) (colour)
濃いスープ [こいスープ]
(n) thick soup
濃い作り [こいつくり]
(n) heavy makeup
濃い仲である [こいなかである]
(v5r) to be thick (with)
濃グレー [のうグレー]
(n) dark gray
濃煙 [のうえん]
(n) thick smoke
濃艶 [のうえん]
(adj-na,n) charming
濃化 [のうか]
(n,vs) thicken
濃褐色 [のうかっしょく]
(adj-na) dark brown
濃厚 [のうこう]
(adj-na,n) density
濃紺 [のうこん]
(n) dark blue
濃紫 [こむらさき]
(n) dark purple
濃縮 [のうしゅく]
(n,vs) concentrated
濃青色 [のうせいしょく]
(adj-na) dark blue
濃淡 [のうたん]
(n) light and shade
濃淡画像 [のうたんがぞう]
(n) gray-scale image
濃度 [のうど]
(n) concentration
濃度計 [のうどけい]
(n) densitometer
濃密 [のうみつ]
(adj-na,n) thick
濃霧 [のうむ]
(n) heavy fog
濃藍色 [のうらんしょく]
(n,adj-no) dark indigo
濃硫酸 [のうりゅうさん]
(n) concentrated sulfuric acid
濃緑色 [のうりょくしょく]
(adj-na) dark green
納まらない [おさまらない]
(adj) feel grieved
納まり [おさまり]
(n) conclusion
納まり返る [おさまりかえる]
(v1) to be satisfied with one's position
納まる [おさまる]
(v5r) (1) to be in one's place
納め [おさめ]
(n,adj-no) the last
納める [おさめる]
(v1) to obtain
納屋 [なや]
(n) shed
納会 [のうかい]
(n) the last meeting (of the year, the term, etc)
納棺 [のうかん]
(n,vs) placing of body in coffin
納期 [のうき]
(n) appointed day of delivery
納金 [のうきん]
(n,vs) payment
納経 [のうきょう]
(n) copying and presentation of a sutra (to a temple)
納戸 [なんど]
(n) back room
納戸色 [なんどいろ]
(n) grayish blue
納骨 [のうこつ]
(n,vs) laying (a person's) ashes to rest
納骨堂 [のうこつどう]
(n) crypt
納采 [のうさい]
(n) betrothal gift
納札 [のうさつ]
(n,vs) votive card or tablet
納受 [のうじゅ]
(n,vs) acceptance
納所 [なっしょ]
(n) temple office (for receiving offerings or donations)
納税 [のうぜい]
(n,vs) payment of taxes
納税額 [のうぜいがく]
(n) amount of tax due
納税義務 [のうぜいぎむ]
(n) tax liability
納税者 [のうぜいしゃ]
(n) taxpayer
納税申告 [のうぜいしんこく]
(n) income tax return
納税通知書 [のうぜいつうちしょ]
(n) tax notice
納豆 [なっとう]
(n) natto (fermented soybeans)
納得 [なっとく]
(n,vs) consent
納得ずく [なっとくずく]
(n) having consent (e.g. to do something)
納得づく [なっとくづく]
(n) having consent (e.g. to do something)
納得尽く [なっとくずく]
(n) having consent (e.g. to do something)
納入 [のうにゅう]
(n,vs) payment
納杯 [のうはい]
(n) last cup (at a banquet)
納品 [のうひん]
(n,vs) delivery of goods
納品書 [のうひんしょ]
(n) statement of delivery
納付 [のうふ]
(n,vs) payment
納付期限 [のうふきげん]
(n) deadline for payment
納付金 [のうふきん]
(n) contribution
納付者 [のうふしゃ]
(n) payer
納付書 [のうふしょ]
(n) statement of payment (delivery)
納本 [のうほん]
(n,vs) delivery of books
納涼 [のうりょう]
(n) (enjoying the) cool of the evening
能 [のう]
(n,n-suf) talent
能 [よく]
(adv,n,vs) being skilled in
能ある鷹は爪を隠す [のうあるたかはつめをかくす]
(exp) a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve
能がない [のうがない]
(adj) incompetent
能が無い [のうがない]
(adj) incompetent
能く [よく]
(adv,n,vs) being skilled in
能わず [あたわず]
(aux-v) unable to do
能を演ずる [のうをえんずる]
(exp) to play a noh drama
能楽 [のうがく]
(n) Noh play
能楽堂 [のうがくどう]
(n) Noh theatre
能掛かり [のうがかり]
(n) resembling a noh performance
能狂言 [のうきょうげん]
(n) noh farce
能事 [のうじ]
(n) one's work
能書 [のうしょ]
(n) excellent calligraphy
能書き [のうがき]
(n) advertising the excellence of one's wares
能装束 [のうしょうぞく]
(n) Noh costume
能天気 [のうてんき]
(n,adj-na) optimistic
能転気 [のうてんき]
(n,adj-na) optimistic
能登半島 [のとはんとう]
(n) peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture
能動 [のうどう]
(n) active
能動態 [のうどうたい]
(n) active voice
能動的 [のうどうてき]
(adj-na) active
能動免疫 [のうどうめんえき]
(n) active immunity
能筆 [のうひつ]
(n) skillful penmanship
能舞台 [のうぶたい]
(n) noh stage
能文 [のうぶん]
(n) skilled in writing
能文家 [のうぶんか]
(n) skilled writer
能弁 [のうべん]
(adj-na,n) eloquence
能弁家 [のうべんか]
(n) orator
能無し [のうなし]
(n) incompetence
能面 [のうめん]
(n) Noh mask
能役者 [のうやくしゃ]
(n) noh actor
能吏 [のうり]
(n) able official
能率 [のうりつ]
(n) efficiency
能率給 [のうりつきゅう]
(n) efficiency wages
能率給方式 [のうりつきゅうほうしき]
(n) merit system
能率賃金 [のうりつちんぎん]
(n) efficiency wages
能率的 [のうりつてき]
(adj-na) efficient
能力 [のうりょく]
(n) ability
能力給 [のうりょくきゅう]
(n) payment based on ability
能力主義制度 [のうりょくしゅぎせいど]
(n) meritocratic system
能辯 [のうべん]
(adj-na,n) eloquence
脳 [のう]
(n) brain
脳たりん [のうたりん]
(n) slow-witted person
脳の損傷 [のうのそんしょう]
(n) brain damage
脳みそ [のうみそ]
(n) brains
脳溢血 [のういっけつ]
(n) cerebral apoplexy
脳炎 [のうえん]
(n) brain inflammation
脳下垂体 [のうかすいたい]
(n) pituitary gland
脳外科 [のうげか]
(n) brain surgery
脳幹 [のうかん]
(n) brain stem
脳橋 [のうきょう]
(n) pons
脳血栓 [のうけっせん]
(n) cerebral thrombosis
脳梗塞 [のうこうそく]
(n) stroke (blocked blood vessel in brain)
脳硬塞 [のうこうそく]
(n) cerebral infarction
脳挫傷 [のうざしょう]
(n) cerebral contusion
脳細胞 [のうさいぼう]
(n) brain cell
脳珊瑚 [のうさんご]
(n) brain coral
脳死 [のうし]
(n) brain death
脳死判定 [のうしはんてい]
(n) declare of brain death
脳室 [のうしつ]
(n) cerebral ventricle
脳腫瘍 [のうしゅよう]
(n) brain tumor
脳充血 [のうじゅうけつ]
(n) brain congestion
脳出血 [のうしゅっけつ]
(n) cerebral hemorrhage
脳症 [のうしょう]
(n) brain fever
脳振盪 [のうしんとう]
(n) cerebral concussion
脳神経 [のうしんけい]
(n) cranial nerves
脳震盪 [のうしんとう]
(n) cerebral concussion
脳髄 [のうずい]
(n) brain
脳性 [のうせい]
(adj-na,n) cerebral
脳性小児麻痺 [のうせいしょうにまひ]
(n) cerebral palsy
脳性麻痺 [のうせいまひ]
(n) cerebral palsy
脳脊髄液 [のうせきずいえき]
(n) cerebrospinal fluid
脳脊髄膜炎 [のうせきずいまくえん]
(n) cerebrospinal meningitis
脳足りん [のうたりん]
(n) slow-witted person
脳卒中 [のうそっちゅう]
(n) stroke
脳天 [のうてん]
(n) crown of head
脳天気 [のうてんき]
(n,adj-na) optimistic
脳動脈瘤 [のうどうみゃくこぶ]
(n) cerebral aneurysm
脳内出血 [のうないしゅっけつ]
(n) brain hemorrhage
脳軟化症 [のうなんかしょう]
(n) softening of the brain
脳波 [のうは]
(n) brain waves
脳梅毒 [のうばいどく]
(n) cerebral syphilis
脳病 [のうびょう]
(n) brain disease
脳貧血 [のうひんけつ]
(n) cerebral anemia
脳膜 [のうまく]
(n) meninges
脳膜炎 [のうまくえん]
(n) meningitis
脳味噌 [のうみそ]
(n) brains
脳味噌を絞る [のうみそをしぼる]
(exp) to rack one's brains
脳裏 [のうり]
(n) one's mind
脳裡 [のうり]
(n) one's mind
脳漿 [のうしょう]
(n) spinal fluid
膿 [うみ]
(n) pus
膿み爛れる [うみただれる]
(v1) to fester
膿む [うむ]
(v5m) to fester
膿胸 [のうきょう]
(n) pyothorax
膿汁 [のうじゅう]
(n) pus
膿疱 [のうほう]
(n) pustule
膿瘍 [のうよう]
(n) boil
農 [のう]
(n) farming
農園 [のうえん]
(n) plantation
農家 [のうか]
(n) farmer
農科 [のうか]
(n) agricultural course or department
農会 [のうかい]
(n) agricultural association
農学 [のうがく]
(n) agriculture
農学校 [のうがっこう]
(n) agricultural school
農学部 [のうがくぶ]
(n) department of agriculture
農閑期 [のうかんき]
(n) slack season for farmers
農期 [のうき]
(n) farming season
農機具 [のうきぐ]
(n) agricultural machinery and equipment
農漁業 [のうぎょぎょう]
(n) agricultural and fishing industries
農漁民 [のうぎょみん]
(n) the fishing and agrarian populace
農協 [のうきょう]
(n) agricultural cooperative
農業 [のうぎょう]
(n) agriculture
農業家 [のうぎょうか]
(n) farmer
農業協同組合 [のうぎょうきょうどうくみあい]
(n) agricultural cooperative
農業国 [のうぎょうこく]
(n) agricultural country
農業試験場 [のうぎょうしけんじょう]
(n) agricultural experiment station
農具 [のうぐ]
(n) farming implement
農芸 [のうげい]
(n) agriculture and horticulture
農芸化学 [のうげいかがく]
(n) agricultural chemistry
農工 [のうこう]
(n) agriculture and industry
農耕 [のうこう]
(n) farming
農耕民族 [のうこうみんぞく]
(n) agricultural people
農作 [のうさく]
(n) farming
農作業 [のうさぎょう]
(n) farmwork
農作物 [のうさくぶつ]
(n) crops
農産 [のうさん]
(n) agricultural products
農産物 [のうさんぶつ]
(n) agricultural produce
農事 [のうじ]
(n) farming
農事産業 [のうじさんぎょう]
(n) agri business
農事試験場 [のうじしけんじょう]
(n) agricultural experiment station
農場 [のうじょう]
(n) farm (agriculture)
農場主 [のうじょうしゅ]
(n) farmer
農水産 [のうすいさん]
(n) agricultural and marine products
農水省 [のうすいしょう]
(n) agriculture and fisheries minister
農政 [のうせい]
(n) agricultural administration
農相 [のうしょう]
(n) Agriculture Minister
農村 [のうそん]
(n) agricultural community
農村工業 [のうそんこうぎょう]
(n) rural industry
農地 [のうち]
(n) agricultural land
農地委員会 [のうちいいんかい]
(n) agricultural land commission
農地改革 [のうちかいかく]
(n) agrarian reform
農地法 [のうちほう]
(n) Agricultural Land Act
農奴 [のうど]
(n) serf
農奴解放 [のうどかいほう]
(n) emancipation of serfs
農道 [のうどう]
(n) farm road
農博 [のうはく]
(n) doctor of agriculture
農繁期 [のうはんき]
(n) busy farming season
農夫 [のうふ]
(n) peasant
農夫症 [のうふしょう]
(n) farmer's syndrome
農婦 [のうふ]
(n) farm woman
農兵 [のうへい]
(n) (army unit of) conscripted farmers
農法 [のうほう]
(n) farming methods
農牧 [のうぼく]
(n) raising crops and livestock
農牧地 [のうぼくち]
(n) arable and grazing land
農本主義 [のうほんしゅぎ]
(n) principles underpinning an agriculturally based economy
農民 [のうみん]
(n) farmers
農民一揆 [のうみんいっき]
(n) agrarian revolt or uprising
農民運動 [のうみんうんどう]
(n) agrarian movement
農民文学 [のうみんぶんがく]
(n) peasant literature
農務 [のうむ]
(n) agricultural affairs
農薬 [のうやく]
(n) agricultural chemicals
農林 [のうりん]
(n) agriculture and forestry
農林水産省 [のうりんすいさんしょう]
(n) Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
農林水産大臣 [のうりんすいさんだいじん]
(n) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
覗き [のぞき]
(n) peeping
覗き見 [のぞきみ]
(n,vs) peeping tom
覗き込む [のぞきこむ]
(v5m) to look into
覗き魔 [のぞきま]
(n) peeping tom
覗く [のぞく]
(v5k) to peep in
覗魔 [のぞきま]
(n) peeping tom
蚤 [のみ]
(n) flea
蚤の市 [のみのいち]
(n) flea market
蚤取り粉 [のみとりこ]
(n) flea powder
巴 [ともえ]
(n) huge comma design
巴瓦 [ともえがわら]
(n) comma-pattern tile
巴人 [はじん]
(n) uneducated bumpkin
巴戦 [ともえせん]
(n) (1) dogfight
巴旦杏 [はたんきょう]
(n) plum
巴投げ [ともえなげ]
(n) overhead throw in judo
把 [わ]
(n) counter for bundles
把っ手 [とって]
(n) handle
把握 [はあく]
(n,vs) grasp
把持 [はじ]
(n,vs) grasp
把手 [とって]
(n) handle
把手 [はしゅ]
(n) handle
把捉 [はそく]
(n,vs) grasping (a meaning)
播く [まく]
(v5k) to scatter
播種 [はしゅ]
(n,vs) sowing
播州 [ばんしゅう]
(n) old name for part of Hyogo prefecture
播但線 [ばんたんせん]
(n) Bantan Line (railway in Hyogo Prefecture)
覇を唱える [はをとなえる]
(exp) to reign supreme
覇王樹 [さぼてん]
(n) cactus
覇王樹 [はおうじゅ]
(n) cactus
覇王竜 [はおうりゅう]
(n) (obsc) tyrannosaurus rex (dinosaur)
覇気 [はき]
(n) ambition
覇業 [はぎょう]
(n) domination
覇権 [はけん]
(n) hegemony
覇者 [はしゃ]
(n) supreme ruler
覇道 [はどう]
(n) military rule
波 [なみ]
(n) wave
波の音 [なみのおと]
(n) roar of waves
波を切る [なみをきる]
(exp) to cut one's way through the waves
波音 [なみおと]
(n) the sound of waves
波間 [なみま]
(n) on the waves
波間に [なみまに]
(adv) on the waves
波及 [はきゅう]
(n,vs) spread
波及効果 [はきゅうこうか]
(n) ripple effect
波形 [なみがた]
(n) ripple mark
波形 [はけい]
(n) ripple mark
波高 [はこう]
(n) wave height
波止場 [はとば]
(n) wharf
波除け [なみよけ]
(n) sea wall
波乗り [なみのり]
(n,vs) surfing
波状 [はじょう]
(n) wavelike
波状攻撃 [はじょうこうげき]
(n) attacking in waves
波数 [はすう]
(n) frequency (of electromagnetic waves)
波線 [はせん]
(n) wavy line
波打ち際 [なみうちぎわ]
(n) beach
波打つ [なみうつ]
(v5t) to dash against
波打つ髪 [なみうつかみ]
(n) wavy hair
波長 [はちょう]
(n) wavelength
波頭 [なみがしら]
(n) wave crest
波頭 [はとう]
(n) wave crest
波動 [はどう]
(n) surge
波乃花 [なみのはな]
(n) salt
波布 [はぶ]
(n) habu
波布茶 [はぶちゃ]
(n) senna tea
波風 [なみかぜ]
(n) wind and waves
波枕 [なみまくら]
(n) sleeping while on a sea voyage
波面 [はめん]
(n) wave surface
波紋 [はもん]
(n) ripple
波羅蜜 [はらみつ]
(n) paaramitaa
波乱 [はらん]
(n) troubles
波乱曲折 [はらんきょくせつ]
(n) very involved and troublesome situation
波乱万丈 [はらんばんじょう]
(adj-no) full of ups and downs
波蘭 [ぽーらんど]
(n) Poland
波蘭 [ぽらんど]
(n) Poland
波立つ [なみだつ]
(v5t) to be choppy
波立つ海 [なみだつうみ]
(n) choppy sea
波路 [なみじ]
(n) sea route
波浪 [はろう]
(n) waves
波濤 [はとう]
(n) surging sea
波濤万里 [はとうばんり]
(n) faraway lands
波瀾 [はらん]
(n) troubles
波瀾曲折 [はらんきょくせつ]
(n) very involved and troublesome situation
波瀾万丈 [はらんばんじょう]
(adj-na,n) stormy and full of drama
派 [は]
(n,n-suf) clique
派遣 [はけん]
(n,vs) dispatch
派遣軍 [はけんぐん]
(n) expeditionary force
派遣社員 [はけんしゃいん]
(n) temporary worker
派遣隊 [はけんたい]
(n) contingent
派手 [はで]
(adj-na,n) showy
派出 [はしゅつ]
(n,vs) sending out
派出所 [はしゅつしょ]
(n) local police station
派出所 [はしゅつじょ]
(n) local police station
派出婦 [はしゅつふ]
(n) maid or housekeeper (in a visiting arrangement)
派生 [はせい]
(n,vs) derivation
派生語 [はせいご]
(n) derivative
派生的 [はせいてき]
(adj-na) derivative
派閥 [はばつ]
(n) political faction
派閥均衡 [はばつきんこう]
(n) balance of power among factions (within a political party)
派閥抗争 [はばつこうそう]
(n) factional infighting (conflict)
派閥主義 [はばつしゅぎ]
(n) factionalism
派閥人事 [はばつじんじ]
(n) faction-based personnel appointment
派閥政治 [はばつせいじ]
(n) faction-based politics
派閥争い [はばつあらそい]
(n) factional dispute
派閥力学 [はばつりきがく]
(n) factional dynamics
派兵 [はへい]
(n,vs) dispatch of troops
派米 [はべい]
(n,vs) dispatching to the US
破く [やぶく]
(v5k) to tear
破ける [やぶける]
(v1) to get torn
破り [やぶり]
(n,n-suf) getting away from
破る [やぶる]
(v5r,vt) to tear
破れた夢 [やぶれたゆめ]
(n) shattered dream
破れる [やぶれる]
(v1) to get torn
破れ鍋 [われなべ]
(n) a cracked pot
破れ物 [われもの]
(n) fragile item
破れ目 [やぶれめ]
(n) rent
破瓜 [はか]
(n) (1) age 16 (girl)
破瓜病 [はかびょう]
(n) hebephrenia (disorganized schizophrenia) (disorganised)
破屋 [はおく]
(n) tumbledown or dilapidated house
破家 [ばか]
(adj-na,exp,n) fool
破壊 [はかい]
(n,vs) destruction
破壊活動防止法 [はかいかつどうぼうしほう]
(n) (Japanese) Anti-Subversive Activities Act
破壊工作 [はかいこうさく]
(n) subversive activities
破壊者 [はかいしゃ]
(n) destroyer
破壊主義 [はかいしゅぎ]
(n) destructionism
破壊主義者 [はかいしゅぎしゃ]
(n) destructionist
破壊的 [はかいてき]
(adj-na) destructive
破壊分子 [はかいぶんし]
(n) subversive
破壊力 [はかいりょく]
(n) destructive power or energy or force
破戒 [はかい]
(n) breaking a commandment (usually religious)
破戒僧 [はかいそう]
(n) depraved monk
破格 [はかく]
(adj-na,n) extraordinary
破顔 [はがん]
(n,vs) giving a broad smile
破顔一笑 [はがんいっしょう]
(n,vs) smiling broadly
破顔大笑 [はがんたいしょう]
(n,vs) breaking into a hearty laugh
破棄 [はき]
(n,vs) revocation
破鏡 [はきょう]
(n) broken mirror
破局 [はきょく]
(n) catastrophe
破獄 [はごく]
(n,vs) jail-breaking
破砕 [はさい]
(n,vs) crushing
破砕機 [はさいき]
(n) crusher
破砕性 [はさいせい]
(n) crushable
破砕性爆弾 [はさいせいばくだん]
(n) daisy cutter bomb
破擦音 [はさつおん]
(n) affricative sound (ling)
破産 [はさん]
(n,vs) (personal) bankruptcy
破産会社 [はさんかいしゃ]
(n) bankrupt company
破産管財人 [はさんかんざいにん]
(n) trustee or administrator in bankruptcy
破産裁判所 [はさんさいばんしょ]
(n) bankruptcy court
破産者 [はさんしゃ]
(n) a bankrupt or insolvent person
破産申請 [はさんしんせい]
(n) petition for bankruptcy
破産宣告 [はさんせんこく]
(n) adjudication of bankruptcy
破産法 [はさんほう]
(n) bankruptcy act or laws
破算 [はさん]
(n,vs) checking
破邪 [はじゃ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) (sense of) crushing evil
破邪顕正 [はじゃけんしょう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) (sense of) crushing evil and spreading the truth
破傷風 [はしょうふう]
(adj-na,n) tetanus
破鐘 [われがね]
(n) cracked bell
破水 [はすい]
(n,vs) water breaking (during pregnancy)
破線 [はせん]
(n) dotted line
破船 [はせん]
(n) a shipwreck
破損 [はそん]
(n,vs) damage
破綻 [はたん]
(n,vs) failure
破綻を来す [はたんをきたす]
(exp) to be ruined
破談 [はだん]
(n) cancellation
破竹 [はちく]
(n) breaking bamboo
破茶目茶 [はちゃめちゃ]
(n) (uk) nonsense
破調 [はちょう]
(n) out of tune
破天荒 [はてんこう]
(adj-na,n) unheard-of
破風 [はふ]
(n) gable
破物 [われもの]
(n) fragile item
破片 [はへん]
(n) fragment
破防法 [はぼうほう]
(n) (abbr) (Japanese) Anti-Subversive Activities Act
破魔弓 [はまゆみ]
(n) (ceremonial) bow used to drive off evil
破魔矢 [はまや]
(n) (ceremonial) arrow used to drive off evil
破滅 [はめつ]
(n,vs) ruin
破目 [われめ]
(n) chasm
破門 [はもん]
(n,vs) excommunication
破約 [はやく]
(n,vs) breach of contract
破落戸 [ごろつき]
(n) (uk) rogue
破倫 [はりん]
(n) immorality
破裂 [はれつ]
(n,vs) explosion
破裂音 [はれつおん]
(n) plosive sound (ling)
破廉恥 [はれんち]
(adj-na,n) infamy
破廉恥罪 [はれんちざい]
(n) infamous crime or offense (offence)
破牢 [はろう]
(n,vs) prison breaking
破毀 [はき]
(n,vs) revocation
破摧 [はさい]
(n,vs) crushing
婆 [ばば]
(n) old woman
婆あ [ばばあ]
(n) old woman
婆さん [ばあさん]
(n) grandmother
婆や [ばあや]
(n) wet nurse
婆抜き [ばばぬき]
(n) old maid
婆羅門 [ばらもん]
(n) Brahman
罵り [ののしり]
(n,adj-no) abuse
罵る [ののしる]
(v5r) to speak ill of
罵言 [ばげん]
(n) abuse
罵声 [ばせい]
(n) boos
罵倒 [ばとう]
(n,vs) abuse
罵詈 [ばり]
(n,vs) abuse
罵詈雑言 [ばりぞうごん]
(n) vilification
罵詈讒謗 [ばりざんぼう]
(n,vs) reviling
芭蕉 [ばしょう]
(n) banana plant
芭蕉梶木 [ばしょうかじき]
(n) sailfish
馬 [うま]
(n) (1) horse
馬が合う [うまがあう]
(exp) to get on well (with a person)
馬に乗る [うまにのる]
(exp) to get on (mount) a horse
馬の合う [うまのあう]
(exp) to get along well with
馬の骨 [うまのほね]
(n) person of doubtful origin
馬の耳に念仏 [うまのみみにねんぶつ]
(exp) not heeding what others say
馬の足 [うまのあし]
(n) minor or untalented actor (relegated to roles such as the legs of a stage horse)
馬の背 [うまのせ]
(n) horseback
馬を控える [うまをひかえる]
(exp) to hold back a horse
馬を肥やす [うまをこやす]
(exp) to fatten a horse
馬屋 [うまや]
(n) stable
馬回り [うままわり]
(n) a daimyo's (mounted) guards or retainers
馬革 [ばかく]
(n) horsehide
馬脚 [ばきゃく]
(exp,n) give oneself away
馬脚を表わす [ばきゃくをあらわす]
(exp) to reveal the true nature
馬脚を露わす [ばきゃくをあらわす]
(exp) to reveal the true nature
馬具 [ばぐ]
(n) harness
馬喰 [ばくろう]
(n) horse dealer
馬鍬 [まぐわ]
(n) harrow
馬鍬 [まんが]
(n) harrow
馬券 [ばけん]
(n) (horse racing) betting ticket
馬耕 [ばこう]
(n,vs) tilling with horses
馬克 [まるく]
(n) (Deutsche) mark
馬刺し [ばさし]
(n) raw horsemeat dish
馬子 [まご]
(n) packhorse driver
馬子にも衣裳 [まごにもいしょう]
(exp) anybody can look good with the right clothes (lit: clothes on a packhorse driver)
馬子にも衣装 [まごにもいしょう]
(exp) anybody can look good with the right clothes (lit: clothes on a packhorse driver)
馬市 [うまいち]
(n) horse market
馬耳東風 [ばじとうふう]
(n) utter indifference
馬鹿 [ばか]
(adj-na,exp,n) fool
馬鹿げた [ばかげた]
(adj) absurd
馬鹿げる [ばかげる]
(v1) to look foolish
馬鹿な事を為る [ばかなことをする]
(exp) to do a silly thing
馬鹿な真似 [ばかなまね]
(n) tomfoolery
馬鹿に [ばかに]
(adv,exp) (uk) to a ridiculous extent
馬鹿にする [ばかにする]
(exp) to make fun of
馬鹿にならない [ばかにならない]
(exp) something not insignificant
馬鹿に出来ない [ばかにできない]
(exp) someone (something) not to be trifled with
馬鹿の壁 [ばかのかべ]
(exp) phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand
馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない [ばかはしななきゃなおらない]
(exp) once a fool, always a fool
馬鹿も一芸 [ばかもいちげい]
(exp) even a fool has one talent
馬鹿やろう [ばかやろう]
(int) (col) (id) (uk) idiot!
馬鹿らしい [ばからしい]
(adj) absurd
馬鹿を見る [ばかをみる]
(exp) to feel like an idiot
馬鹿安値 [ばかやすね]
(n) ridiculously low price
馬鹿高値 [ばかたかね]
(n) ridiculously high price
馬鹿者 [ばかもの]
(n) stupid person
馬鹿受け [ばかうけ]
(n) great hit
馬鹿臭い [ばかくさい]
(adj) absurd
馬鹿笑い [ばかわらい]
(n,vs) horselaugh
馬鹿正直 [ばかしょうじき]
(adj-na,exp,n) honest to a fault
馬鹿騒ぎ [ばかさわぎ]
(n,vs) horseplay
馬鹿丁寧 [ばかていねい]
(adj-na,n) overly polite
馬鹿当り [ばかあたり]
(n) great hit
馬鹿馬鹿しい [ばかばかしい]
(adj) stupid
馬鹿面 [ばかづら]
(n) foolish face
馬鹿野郎 [ばかやろう]
(int) (col) (id) (uk) idiot!
馬鹿律儀 [ばかりちぎ]
(n,adj-na) honest and straightforward to a fault
馬鹿力 [ばかぢから]
(n) great physical power
馬鹿話 [ばかばなし]
(n) foolish talk
馬鹿慇懃 [ばかいんぎん]
(n,adj-na) overdone politeness
馬車 [ばしゃ]
(n) coach
馬車馬 [ばしゃうま]
(n) cart-horse
馬主 [うまぬし]
(n) (race)horse owner
馬主 [ばしゅ]
(n) (race)horse owner
馬主 [ばぬし]
(n) (race)horse owner
馬首 [ばしゅ]
(n) neck of a horse
馬術 [ばじゅつ]
(n) horse-riding
馬小屋 [うまごや]
(n) stable
馬上 [ばじょう]
(n) horseback
馬乗り [うまのり]
(n) horseback riding
馬場 [ばば]
(n) horse-riding ground
馬食 [ばしょく]
(n,vs) heavy eating
馬身 [ばしん]
(n) horse's length
馬酔木 [あしび]
(n) Japanese andromeda
馬酔木 [あせび]
(n) Japanese andromeda
馬丁 [ばてい]
(n) batman
馬跳 [うまとび]
(n,vs) (game of) leapfrog
馬跳び [うまとび]
(n,vs) (game of) leapfrog
馬追い [うまおい]
(n) loading a horse with passengers or baggage
馬蹄 [ばてい]
(n) horse's hooves
馬蹄形 [ばていけい]
(n) horseshoe-shaped
馬刀貝 [まてがい]
(n) razor clam
馬頭 [ばとう]
(n) Hayagriva
馬頭観音 [ばとうかんのん]
(n) Kannon image decorated with an ornament in the shape of a horse's head
馬肉 [ばにく]
(n) horsemeat
馬蝿 [うまばえ]
(n) horse botfly
馬番連勝 [ばばんれんしょう]
(n) post (horse racing)
馬肥やし [うまごやし]
(n) (burr) clover
馬匹 [ばひつ]
(n) horses
馬糞 [ばふん]
(n) horse dung
馬糞 [まぐそ]
(n) horse dung
馬返し [うまがえし]
(n) point along a (mountain) pass beyond which a horse cannot travel
馬方 [うまかた]
(n) packhorse driver
馬面 [うまづら]
(n) Black Scraper (fish)
馬陸 [やすで]
(n) millipede
馬糧 [ばりょう]
(n) horse feed
馬力 [ばりき]
(n) horse-power
馬鈴薯 [じゃがいも]
(n) (uk) potato
馬鈴薯 [ばれいしょ]
(n) (uk) potato
馬齢 [ばれい]
(n) humble term for refer to one's own age
馬橇 [ばそり]
(n) horse-drawn sleigh
馬勒 [ばろく]
(n) bridle
俳 [はい]
(n) actor
俳画 [はいが]
(n) briefly drawn picture
俳句 [はいく]
(n) haiku poetry (17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables)
俳号 [はいごう]
(n) pseudonym of a haiku poet
俳人 [はいじん]
(n) haiku poet
俳聖 [はいせい]
(n) famous haiku poet
俳壇 [はいだん]
(n) the world of the haiku
俳文 [はいぶん]
(n) prose with a poetic haiku flavor (flavour)
俳味 [はいみ]
(n) subdued taste
俳名 [はいみょう]
(n) haiku poet's name
俳名 [はいめい]
(n) haiku poet's name
俳優 [はいゆう]
(n) actor
俳優崩れ [はいゆうくずれ]
(n) down-and-out ex-film star
俳友 [はいゆう]
(n) (haiku) poetry pals
俳徊 [はいかい]
(n,vs) loitering
俳諧 [はいかい]
(n) haikai (humourous haiku) (humorous)
俳諧師 [はいかいし]
(n) writer of haikai poems
俳謔 [はいぎゃく]
(n) joke
廃する [はいする]
(vs-s) (1) to abolish
廃り [すたり]
(n) waste
廃る [すたる]
(v5r) to go out of use
廃れた [すたれた]
(adj) out of date
廃れた家を興す [すたれたいえをおこす]
(exp) to restore a family to its former prosperity
廃れる [すたれる]
(v1) to go out of use
廃ガス [はいガス]
(n) waste gas
廃案 [はいあん]
(n) rejected bill (project)
廃位 [はいい]
(n,vs) dethronement
廃液 [はいえき]
(n) waste liquid
廃園 [はいえん]
(n,vs) neglected or abandoned garden
廃屋 [はいおく]
(n) dilapidated house
廃家 [はいか]
(n,vs) deserted or ruined house
廃刊 [はいかん]
(n,vs) ceasing to publish
廃艦 [はいかん]
(n,vs) decommissioned warship
廃棄 [はいき]
(n,vs) annulment
廃棄物 [はいきぶつ]
(n) waste matter
廃虚 [はいきょ]
(n) castle ruins
廃業 [はいぎょう]
(n,vs) cessation of business
廃語 [はいご]
(n) obsolete word
廃坑 [はいこう]
(n,vs) abandoned mine
廃校 [はいこう]
(n,vs) abolition or closing of a school
廃鉱 [はいこう]
(n,vs) abandoned mine
廃合 [はいごう]
(n,vs) abolition and amalgamation
廃合整理 [はいごうせいり]
(n) reorganization
廃材 [はいざい]
(n) scrap wood
廃山 [はいざん]
(n,vs) abandoned mine
廃残 [はいざん]
(n) down-and-out
廃止 [はいし]
(n,vs) abolition
廃止された [はいしされた]
(adj) extinct
廃疾 [はいしつ]
(n) disablement
廃疾条件 [はいしつじょうけん]
(n) disability clause
廃車 [はいしゃ]
(n,vs) decommissioned vehicle
廃除 [はいじょ]
(n,vs) (legal) exclusion or removal
廃人 [はいじん]
(n) cripple
廃絶 [はいぜつ]
(n,vs) extinction
廃線 [はいせん]
(n) discontinued line
廃船 [はいせん]
(n) scrapped vessel
廃退 [はいたい]
(n,vs) decay
廃嫡 [はいちゃく]
(n,vs) disinheritance
廃帝 [はいてい]
(n) dethroned emperor or king
廃刀令 [はいとうれい]
(n) sword prohibition
廃熱 [はいねつ]
(n) remaining heat
廃藩 [はいはん]
(n) abolition of the han system
廃藩置県 [はいはいちけん]
(n) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871)
廃藩置県 [はいはんちけん]
(n) abolition of clans and establishment of prefectures
廃盤 [はいばん]
(n) records out of production
廃品 [はいひん]
(n) waste
廃仏毀釈 [はいぶつきしゃく]
(n) anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era
廃物 [はいぶつ]
(n) scrap
廃物利用 [はいぶつりよう]
(n) recycling
廃兵 [はいへい]
(n) disabled soldier
廃滅 [はいめつ]
(n,vs) decay
廃油 [はいゆ]
(n) waste oil
廃要素 [はいようそ]
(n) obsolescent
廃墟 [はいきょ]
(n) ruins
廃頽 [はいたい]
(n,vs) decay
拝 [はい]
(n) worship
拝ませる [おがませる]
(exp) to allow to worship
拝み倒す [おがみたおす]
(v5s) to persuade someone to consent
拝む [おがむ]
(v5m) to worship
拝謁 [はいえつ]
(n,vs) audience (with Emperor)
拝火教 [はいかきょう]
(n) Zoroastrianism
拝賀 [はいが]
(n,vs) congratulations
拝外的 [はいがいてき]
(adj-na) proforeign
拝観 [はいかん]
(n,vs) see
拝観料 [はいかんりょう]
(n) entrance fee
拝顔 [はいがん]
(n,vs) meeting (with another person)
拝顔の栄 [はいがんのえい]
(n) honor of seeing (a person)
拝金 [はいきん]
(n) money-worship
拝金主義 [はいきんしゅぎ]
(n) mammonism
拝金主義の塊 [はいきんしゅぎのかたまり]
(n) money-worshiper
拝金主義の固まり [はいきんしゅぎのかたまり]
(n) money-worshiper
拝金主義者 [はいきんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) mammonist
拝具 [はいぐ]
(int,n) term used in closing a formal letter
拝啓 [はいけい]
(int,n) Dear (so and so)
拝見 [はいけん]
(n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing
拝察 [はいさつ]
(n,vs) surmise
拝辞 [はいじ]
(n,vs) resigning
拝謝 [はいしゃ]
(n,vs) giving thanks
拝借 [はいしゃく]
(n,vs) (hum) (pol) borrowing
拝受 [はいじゅ]
(n,vs) (hum) receiving (accepting)
拝承 [はいしょう]
(n,vs) hear
拝聴 [はいちょう]
(n,vs) enjoyment
拝呈 [はいてい]
(n,vs) presenting
拝殿 [はいでん]
(n) front shrine
拝読 [はいどく]
(n,vs) reading
拝眉 [はいび]
(n,vs) having the pleasure of seeing (a person)
拝復 [はいふく]
(int,n) salutation of a formal letter of response (in reply to your letter, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, etc.)
拝物教 [はいぶつきょう]
(n) fetishism
拝聞 [はいぶん]
(n,vs) hear
拝命 [はいめい]
(n,vs) receiving an official appointment
拝領 [はいりょう]
(n,vs) receiving (from a superior)
拝礼 [はいれい]
(n,vs) worship
排する [はいする]
(vs-s) to push aside
排ガス [はいガス]
(n) exhaust gas
排液 [はいえき]
(n) drainage
排煙 [はいえん]
(n,vs) smoke (dispersal)
排外 [はいがい]
(n) anti-foreign
排外運動 [はいがいうんどう]
(n) anti-foreign movement
排外的 [はいがいてき]
(adj-na) exclusive
排気 [はいき]
(n,vs) exhaust
排気ガス [はいきガス]
(n) exhaust fumes
排気管 [はいきかん]
(n) exhaust pipe
排気口 [はいきこう]
(n) exhaust port
排気弁 [はいきべん]
(n) exhaust valve
排気量 [はいきりょう]
(n) (engine) displacement
排撃 [はいげき]
(n,vs) rejection
排出 [はいしゅつ]
(n,vs) evacuation
排出基準 [はいしゅつきじゅん]
(n) effluent standard(s)
排出物 [はいしゅつぶつ]
(n) discharge
排除 [はいじょ]
(n,vs) exclusion
排障器 [はいしょうき]
(n) obstruction guard
排水 [はいすい]
(n,vs) drainage
排水管 [はいすいかん]
(n) drainpipe
排水孔 [はいすいこう]
(n) osculum
排水溝 [はいすいこう]
(n) drainage
排水条件 [はいすいじょうけん]
(n) drainage conditions
排水量 [はいすいりょう]
(n) displacement (of a ship)
排水路 [はいすいろ]
(n) drainage channel
排斥 [はいせき]
(n,vs) rejection
排斥運動 [はいせきうんどう]
(n) agitation for expulsion
排雪 [はいせつ]
(n,vs) removal of snow
排他 [はいた]
(n) exclusion
排他主義 [はいたしゅぎ]
(n) exclusion principle
排他的 [はいたてき]
(adj-na) exclusive
排他律 [はいたりつ]
(n) exclusion principle (physics)
排日 [はいにち]
(n) anti-Japanese
排尿 [はいにょう]
(n,vs) urination
排便 [はいべん]
(n,vs) defecation
排卵 [はいらん]
(n,vs) ovulation
排卵誘発剤 [はいらんゆうはつざい]
(n) ovulation-inducing drug
排列 [はいれつ]
(n,vs) (1) arrangement
排泄 [はいせつ]
(n,vs) excretion
排泄器官 [はいせつきかん]
(n) excretory organ
排泄物 [はいせつぶつ]
(n) excretion
敗る [やぶる]
(v5r,vt) to tear
敗れる [やぶれる]
(v1) to be defeated
敗を取る [はいをとる]
(exp) to suffer a defeat
敗因 [はいいん]
(n) cause of defeat
敗軍 [はいぐん]
(n) defeat
敗血症 [はいけつしょう]
(n) blood poisoning
敗残 [はいざん]
(n,vs) defeat
敗残兵 [はいざんへい]
(n) remnants of a defeated army
敗者 [はいしゃ]
(n) the defeated
敗者復活戦 [はいしゃふっかつせん]
(n) repechage
敗将 [はいしょう]
(n) defeated general
敗色 [はいしょく]
(n) signs of defeat
敗色が濃い [はいしょくがこい]
(n) the team appears to be headed for defeat
敗戦 [はいせん]
(n,vs) defeat
敗戦国 [はいせんこく]
(n) defeated country
敗戦投手 [はいせんとうしゅ]
(n) losing pitcher
敗訴 [はいそ]
(n,vs) loss of a court-case
敗走 [はいそう]
(n,vs) take flight
敗退 [はいたい]
(n,vs) being defeated
敗報 [はいほう]
(n) news of defeat
敗亡 [はいぼう]
(n,vs) defeat (in battle)
敗北 [はいぼく]
(n,vs) defeat (as a verb it means 'to be defeated')
敗北感 [はいぼくかん]
(n) sense of defeat
敗北主義 [はいぼくしゅぎ]
(n) defeatism
敗滅 [はいめつ]
(n,vs) be scattered or crushed in defeat
杯 [さかずき]
(n) wine cups
杯 [はい]
(n) counter for cupfuls
杯 [ぱい]
(n) counter for cupfuls
杯を干す [さかずきをほす]
(exp) to drink the cup dry
杯を差す [さかずきをさす]
(exp) to offer a cup (of sake)
杯を重ねる [はいをかさねる]
(exp) to have one cup of sake after another
杯事 [さかずきごと]
(n) pledge made over winecups
杯洗 [はいせん]
(n) sink
杯盤 [はいばん]
(n) glasses and plates
杯盤狼藉 [はいばんろうぜき]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) party or banquet falling into a jumble
牌 [ぱい]
(n) tile (mah-jongg)
背 [せい]
(n) height
背が丸い [せがまるい]
(n) round-backed
背が高い [せがたかい]
(n) tall (person)
背が低い [せがひくい]
(n) short (person)
背く [そむく]
(v5k) to run counter to
背ける [そむける]
(v1) to turn one's face away
背に腹はかえられない [せにはらはかえられない]
(exp) to not be able to escape an urgent problem without making some sacrifice
背の順 [せのじゅん]
(n) order of height
背の明いた服 [せのあいたふく]
(n) garment open at the back
背びれ [せびれ]
(n) dorsal fin
背もたれ [せもたれ]
(n) back (of a chair)
背を向ける [せをむける]
(exp) to pretend not to see
背圧 [はいあつ]
(n) back pressure
背泳 [はいえい]
(n) backstroke
背泳ぎ [せおよぎ]
(n) backstroke (swim.)
背開き [せびらき]
(n) slicing a fish down its back
背格好 [せかっこう]
(n) one's height or stature
背革 [せがわ]
(n) leatherbound
背割り [せわり]
(n) slicing a fish down its back
背教 [はいきょう]
(n) apostasy
背教者 [はいきょうしゃ]
(n) apostate
背筋 [せすじ]
(n) (1) the muscles along the spine
背筋 [はいきん]
(n) (1) the muscles along the spine
背筋が寒くなる [せすじがさむくなる]
(exp) a chill runs down one's spine
背筋力 [はいきんりょく]
(n) strength of one's back
背景 [はいけい]
(n) background
背戸 [せど]
(n) back door or entrance
背後 [はいご]
(n) back
背後関係 [はいごかんけい]
(n) background (of an episode)
背広 [せびろ]
(n) business suit
背高 [せいたか]
(n) tall
背黒ジャッカル [せぐろジャッカル]
(n) black-backed jackal (carnivore, Canis mesomelas)
背黒鰺刺 [せぐろあじさし]
(n) sooty tern
背骨 [せぼね]
(n) spine
背丈 [せたけ]
(n) stature
背伸び [せのび]
(n,vs) standing on tiptoe
背信 [はいしん]
(n,vs) betrayal
背信者 [はいしんしゃ]
(n) traitor
背水の陣 [はいすいのじん]
(exp) last stand
背走 [はいそう]
(n,vs) running backwards
背馳 [はいち]
(n,vs) inconsistency
背中 [せなか]
(n) back (of body)
背中の痛み [せなかのいたみ]
(n) backache
背中を出す [せなかをだす]
(exp) to bare one's back
背中を流す [せなかをながす]
(exp) to rinse one's back
背中合わせ [せなかあわせ]
(n) back to back
背徳 [はいとく]
(n) corruption
背日性 [はいじつせい]
(n) negative heliotropism
背任 [はいにん]
(n,vs) breach of trust (law)
背任罪 [はいにんざい]
(n) breach of trust
背嚢 [はいのう]
(n) knapsack
背抜き [せぬき]
(n) unlined in the back
背反 [はいはん]
(n,vs) revolting
背反行為 [はいはんこうい]
(n) act of disobedience (betrayal)
背番号 [せばんごう]
(n) number on player's back
背比べ [せいくらべ]
(n) comparing heights
背比べ [せくらべ]
(n) comparing heights
背美鯨 [せみくじら]
(n) a right whale
背鰭 [せびれ]
(n) dorsal fin
背負い投げ [しょいなげ]
(n) back or shoulder throw
背負い投げ [せおいなげ]
(n) back or shoulder throw
背負う [しょう]
(v5u) to be burdened with
背負う [せおう]
(v5u) to be burdened with
背部 [はいぶ]
(n) back
背文字 [せもじ]
(n) lettering on the spine of a book
背縫い [せぬい]
(n) back seam
背面 [はいめん]
(n) rear
背面跳び [はいめんとび]
(n) Fosbury-back flop
背面飛行 [はいめんひこう]
(n) inverted flight
背戻 [はいれい]
(n,vs) disobeying
背約 [はいやく]
(n,vs) a broken promise
背理 [はいり]
(n,vs) absurdity
背離 [はいり]
(n,vs) estranged
背凭れ [せもたれ]
(n) back (of a chair)
肺 [はい]
(n) lung
肺がん [はいがん]
(n) lung cancer
肺が弱い [はいがよわい]
(n) have a weak chest
肺を病んでいる [はいをやんでいる]
(exp) to suffer from tuberculosis
肺ガン [はいガン]
(n) lung cancer
肺炎 [はいえん]
(n) pneumonia
肺活量 [はいかつりょう]
(n) lung capacity
肺肝 [はいかん]
(n) lungs and livers
肺癌 [はいがん]
(n) lung cancer
肺気腫 [はいきしゅ]
(n) emphysema
肺魚 [はいぎょ]
(n) lungfish
肺結核 [はいけっかく]
(n) pulmonary tuberculosis
肺塞栓症 [はいそくせんしょう]
(n) pulmonary embolism
肺実質 [はいじっしつ]
(n) lung substance
肺浸潤 [はいしんじゅん]
(n) pulmonary infiltration
肺水腫 [はいすいしゅ]
(n) pulmonary edema
肺尖 [はいせん]
(n) pulmonary apex
肺臓 [はいぞう]
(n) lungs
肺炭疽 [はいたんそ]
(n) inhalation anthrax
肺病 [はいびょう]
(n) lung disease
肺病病み [はいびょうやみ]
(n) patient with pulmonary tuberculosis
肺胞 [はいほう]
(n) alveolus
肺門 [はいもん]
(n) pulmonary hilum
肺葉 [はいよう]
(n) pulmonary lobe
肺腑 [はいふ]
(n) lungs
輩 [ともがら]
(n) comrade
輩 [やから]
(n) a party (of people)
輩出 [はいしゅつ]
(n,vs) turning out in great numbers
配 [はい]
(n,vs) disposition
配り物 [くばりもの]
(n) present
配る [くばる]
(v5r) to distribute
配意 [はいい]
(n,vs) regard
配下 [はいか]
(n) subordinates
配管 [はいかん]
(n,vs) plumbing
配管工 [はいかんこう]
(n) plumber
配管工業 [はいかんこうぎょう]
(n) plumbing
配球 [はいきゅう]
(n) mixing of pitches
配給 [はいきゅう]
(n,vs) distribution (e.g., films, rice)
配給系 [はいきゅうけい]
(n) chain of distribution
配給所 [はいきゅうじょ]
(n) distribution center
配給米 [はいきゅうまい]
(n) rationed rice
配偶 [はいぐう]
(n,vs) combination
配偶子 [はいぐうし]
(n) gamete
配偶者 [はいぐうしゃ]
(n) spouse
配合 [はいごう]
(n,vs) combination
配合禁忌 [はいごうきんき]
(n) incompatibility (of drugs)
配剤 [はいざい]
(n,vs) compounding of medicine
配車 [はいしゃ]
(n,vs) allocation or dispatching of cars (despatching)
配所 [はいしょ]
(n) place of exile
配乗 [はいじょう]
(n,vs) manning (e.g., vessel)
配色 [はいしょく]
(n,vs) color scheme
配信 [はいしん]
(n,vs) distribution
配水 [はいすい]
(n,vs) water supply
配水管 [はいすいかん]
(n) conduit (pipe)
配線 [はいせん]
(n,vs) wiring
配線図 [はいせんず]
(n) wiring diagram
配船 [はいせん]
(n,vs) assignment of vessels
配膳 [はいぜん]
(n,vs) setting a place or the table
配膳室 [はいぜんしつ]
(n) pantry
配膳人 [はいぜんにん]
(n) waiter
配送 [はいそう]
(n,vs) delivery
配属 [はいぞく]
(n,vs) assignment (of a person to somewhere)
配属者 [はいぞくしゃ]
(n) person attached to some unit
配属将校 [はいぞくしょうこう]
(n) commissioned officer attached to a school
配達 [はいたつ]
(n,vs) delivery
配達証明 [はいたつしょうめい]
(n) delivery certificate
配達人 [はいたつにん]
(n) delivery person
配達先 [はいたつさき]
(n) destination
配達料 [はいたつりょう]
(n) delivery charge
配置 [はいち]
(n,vs) arrangement (of resources)
配置転換 [はいちてんかん]
(n,vs) reshuffling
配置薬 [はいちやく]
(n) medicine left by a salesman, and paid for when used
配点 [はいてん]
(n,vs) allotment (allocation) of marks
配電 [はいでん]
(n,vs) distribution of electricity
配電所 [はいでんしょ]
(n) power (sub)station
配電線 [はいでんせん]
(n) power line
配電盤 [はいでんばん]
(n) distributing board (panel)
配当 [はいとう]
(n,vs) dividend
配当金 [はいとうきん]
(n) dividend
配当落ち [はいとうおち]
(n) dividend off
配当率 [はいとうりつ]
(n) dividend rate
配備 [はいび]
(n,vs) deploy
配備命令 [はいびめいれい]
(n) deployment order
配付 [はいふ]
(n,vs) distributing
配布 [はいふ]
(n,vs) distribution
配分 [はいぶん]
(n,vs) distribution
配分的正義 [はいぶんてきせいぎ]
(n) distributive justice
配分法 [はいぶんほう]
(n) allocation
配本 [はいほん]
(n,vs) distribution of books
配役 [はいやく]
(n) cast (of a play)
配流 [はいる]
(n,vs) exile
配慮 [はいりょ]
(n,vs) consideration
配列 [はいれつ]
(n,vs) (1) arrangement
倍 [ばい]
(n,vi,vs,vt) twice
倍にして返す [ばいにしてかえす]
(exp) to repay double the original amount
倍にする [ばいにする]
(exp) to double
倍音 [ばいおん]
(n) overtone
倍加 [ばいか]
(n,vs) doubling
倍額 [ばいがく]
(n) double amount
倍旧 [ばいきゅう]
(n,adj-no) redoubled
倍数 [ばいすう]
(n) multiple
倍精度 [ばいせいど]
(adj-na,n) double-precision
倍増 [ばいぞう]
(n,vs) double
倍増し [ばいまし]
(n,vs) doubling
倍大 [ばいだい]
(n) double size
倍率 [ばいりつ]
(n) magnification
培う [つちかう]
(v5u) to cultivate
培地 [ばいち]
(n) culture medium
培養 [ばいよう]
(n,vs) cultivation
培養液 [ばいようえき]
(n) culture fluid
培養基 [ばいようき]
(n) (culture) medium
培養土 [ばいようど]
(n) potting soil
媒介 [ばいかい]
(n,vs) intermediary
媒介物 [ばいかいぶつ]
(n) medium
媒介変数 [ばいかいへんすう]
(n) parameter
媒質 [ばいしつ]
(n) medium
媒酌 [ばいしゃく]
(n,vs) matchmaking
媒酌人 [ばいしゃくにん]
(n) matchmaker
媒染 [ばいせん]
(n,vs) color fixing
媒染剤 [ばいせんざい]
(n) mordant
媒体 [ばいたい]
(n) media
媒体終端 [ばいたいしゅうたん]
(n) end of medium (EM)
梅 [うめ]
(n) (1) plum
梅の実 [うめのみ]
(n) Japanese apricot
梅を塩に漬ける [うめをしおにつける]
(exp) to preserve plums in salt
梅雨 [つゆ]
(n) rainy season
梅雨 [ばいう]
(n) rainy season
梅雨期 [ばいうき]
(n) rainy season
梅雨空 [つゆぞら]
(n) overcast sky in the rainy season
梅雨晴れ [つゆばれ]
(n) sunny spell during rainy season
梅雨前線 [ばいうぜんせん]
(n) seasonal rain front
梅雨入り [つゆいり]
(n,vs) beginning of the rainy season
梅雨明け [つゆあけ]
(n,vs) the end of the rainy season
梅園 [ばいえん]
(n) plum garden or orchard
梅花 [ばいか]
(n) ume (plum) blossoms
梅干 [うめぼし]
(n) dried plum
梅干し [うめぼし]
(n) dried plum
梅擬き [うめもどき]
(n) ilex
梅見 [うめみ]
(n) plum-blossom viewing
梅酒 [うめしゅ]
(n) sake with plums
梅酢 [うめず]
(n) plum vinegar
梅毒 [ばいどく]
(n) syphilis
梅林 [ばいりん]
(n) ume (plum) grove
梅暦 [うめごよみ]
(n) plum blossoms (as a harbinger of spring)
煤 [すす]
(n) soot
煤ける [すすける]
(v1) to be sooty
煤煙 [ばいえん]
(n) dirty smoke
煤払い [すすはらい]
(n) (traditional Japanese end-of-the-year) housecleaning
買い [かい]
(n) buying
買いあおる [かいあおる]
(v5r) to bid up
買いかぶる [かいかぶる]
(v5r) to overestimate
買いたて [かいたて]
(exp) brand new
買いつけ [かいつけ]
(n) buying
買いオペ [かいオペ]
(n) (abbr) buying operation
買いオペレーション [かいオペレーション]
(n) buying operation
買い掛け [かいかけ]
(n) account purchase
買い掛け金 [かいかけきん]
(n) accounts payable
買い換える [かいかえる]
(v1) to buy a replacement
買い気 [かいき]
(n) buying mood
買い求める [かいもとめる]
(v1) to buy
買い漁る [かいあさる]
(v5r) to spend money freely
買い言葉 [かいことば]
(n) tit for tat
買い控え [かいびかえ]
(n) restrained buying
買い込む [かいこむ]
(v5m) to purchase
買い支え [かいささえ]
(n) buying support
買い主 [かいぬし]
(n) buyer
買い取り [かいとり]
(n,vs) purchase
買い取り式専用チューナー [かいとりしきせんようチューナー]
(n) integrated receiver-decoder
買い取る [かいとる]
(v5r) to buy
買い手 [かいて]
(n) buyer
買い手市場 [かいてしじょう]
(n) a buyer's market
買い受ける [かいうける]
(v1) to purchase
買い集める [かいあつめる]
(v1) to buy up
買い出し [かいだし]
(n) purchase
買い初め [かいぞめ]
(n) first purchase of the year
買い上げ [かいあげ]
(n) buying
買い上げる [かいあげる]
(v1) to buy
買い食い [かいぐい]
(n) buying (and immediately consuming) sweets
買い切る [かいきる]
(v5r) to buy up
買い占め [かいしめ]
(n) buying up of goods
買い占める [かいしめる]
(v1) to buy up
買い煽る [かいあおる]
(v5r) to bid up
買い足す [かいたす]
(v5s) to make additional purchases
買い替える [かいかえる]
(v1) to buy a replacement
買い叩く [かいたたく]
(v5k) to beat down prices
買い値 [かいね]
(n) buying price
買い置き [かいおき]
(n) a stock (of goods)
買い得 [かいどく]
(n) bargain
買い得品 [かいどくひん]
(n) good bargain
買い入れ [かいいれ]
(n) buying
買い入れる [かいいれる]
(v1) to purchase
買い被る [かいかぶる]
(v5r) to overestimate
買い付け [かいつけ]
(n) buying
買い付ける [かいつける]
(v1) to buy in
買い物 [かいもの]
(n) shopping
買い物客 [かいものきゃく]
(n) shopper
買い物袋 [かいものぶくろ]
(n) shopping bag
買い方 [かいかた]
(n) buyer
買い戻し [かいもどし]
(n) repurchase
買い戻す [かいもどす]
(v5s) to buy back
買い与える [かいあたえる]
(v1) to buy as a gift
買い立て [かいたて]
(exp) brand new
買い溜め [かいだめ]
(n,vs) stocking up on
買う [かう]
(v5u) to buy
買って出る [かってでる]
(exp,v1) to volunteer
買わんである [かわんである]
(exp) a must to buy
買掛金 [かいかけきん]
(n) accounts payable
買主 [かいぬし]
(n) buyer
買取 [かいとり]
(n,vs) purchase
買取り [かいとり]
(n,vs) purchase
買手 [かいて]
(n) buyer
買収 [ばいしゅう]
(n,vs) buying
買収工作 [ばいしゅうこうさく]
(n) bribery scheme
買春 [ばいしゅん]
(n,vs) prostitution
買占め [かいしめ]
(n) buying up of goods
買叩く [かいたたく]
(v5k) to beat down prices
買得 [かいどく]
(n) bargain
買付 [かいつけ]
(n) buying
買付け [かいつけ]
(n) buying
買物 [かいもの]
(n) shopping
買物客 [かいものきゃく]
(n) shopper
買物袋 [かいものぶくろ]
(n) shopping bag
売り [うり]
(n,n-suf) sale
売りつける [うりつける]
(v1) to palm off
売りオペ [うりオペ]
(n) (abbr) selling operation
売りオペレーション [うりオペレーション]
(n) selling operation
売り家 [うりいえ]
(n) house for sale
売り家 [うりや]
(n) house for sale
売り掛け [うりかけ]
(n) credit sales
売り掛け金 [うりかけきん]
(n) accounts receivable
売り急ぐ [うりいそぐ]
(v5g) to sell in haste
売り玉 [うりぎょく]
(n) short interest
売り建て [うりだて]
(n) (in the stock market) short commitment
売り言葉 [うりことば]
(n) inflammatory words
売り広げる [うりひろげる]
(v1) to find a market for
売り広める [うりひろめる]
(v1) to expand a market
売り込み [うりこみ]
(n) sales promotion
売り込む [うりこむ]
(v5m) to build a market for
売り捌き [うりさばき]
(n) selling
売り捌く [うりさばく]
(v5k) to sell out
売り子 [うりこ]
(n) salesboy
売り児 [うりこ]
(n) sales clerk
売り主 [うりぬし]
(n) seller
売り手 [うりて]
(n) seller
売り手市場 [うりてしじょう]
(n) seller's market
売り渋る [うりしぶる]
(v5r) to be reluctant to sell
売り出し [うりだし]
(n) (bargain) sale
売り出す [うりだす]
(v5s) to put on sale
売り上げ [うりあげ]
(n) amount sold
売り上げ成長 [うりあげせいちょう]
(n) sales growth
売り場 [うりば]
(n,adj-no) place where things are sold
売り食い [うりぐい]
(n) living by selling off one's possessions
売り尽くす [うりつくす]
(v5s) to sell out
売り尽す [うりつくす]
(v5s) to sell out
売り声 [うりごえ]
(n) hawker's or vendor's cry
売り惜しむ [うりおしむ]
(v5m) to hold back on or restrict sales of
売り切る [うりきる]
(v5r) to sell out
売り切れ [うりきれ]
(n) sold-out
売り切れる [うりきれる]
(v1) to be sold out
売り叩く [うりたたく]
(v5k) to beat down prices
売り値 [うりね]
(n) selling price
売り渡し [うりわたし]
(n) sale and delivery
売り渡す [うりわたす]
(v5s) to sell over to
売り買い [うりかい]
(n,vs) trade
売り飛ばす [うりとばす]
(v5s) to dispose of
売り付ける [うりつける]
(v1) to palm off
売り払う [うりはらう]
(v5u) to dispose of
売り物 [うりもの]
(n) article for sale
売り歩く [うりあるく]
(v5k) to peddle
売り方 [うりかた]
(n) seller
売り立て [うりたて]
(n) auctioning or selling off
売る [うる]
(v5r) to sell
売れっ子 [うれっこ]
(adj-na,n) favorite
売れっ子歌手 [うれっこかしゅ]
(n) popular singer
売れる [うれる]
(v1) to be sold
売れ口 [うれくち]
(n) outlet
売れ行き [うれゆき]
(n) sales
売れ高 [うれだか]
(n) sales
売れ残り [うれのこり]
(n) backlog
売れ残る [うれのこる]
(v5r) to remain unsold
売れ足 [うれあし]
(n) sales
売淫 [ばいいん]
(n,vs) prostitution
売価 [ばいか]
(n) selling price
売掛勘定 [うりかけかんじょう]
(n) credit account
売掛金 [うりかけきん]
(n) accounts receivable
売却 [ばいきゃく]
(n,vs) sale
売却益 [ばいきゃくえき]
(n) profit on sales
売行 [うれゆき]
(n) sales
売行き [うれゆき]
(n) sales
売国 [ばいこく]
(n) selling out (betrayal) of one's own country
売国奴 [ばいこくど]
(n) traitor (to one's country)
売子 [うりこ]
(n) salesboy
売手 [うりて]
(n) seller
売出 [うりだし]
(n) (bargain) sale
売春 [ばいしゅん]
(n,vs) prostitution
売春宿 [ばいしゅんやど]
(n) brothel
売春婦 [ばいしゅんふ]
(n) prostitute
売春婦 [ばいしゅんぷ]
(n) prostitute
売春防止法 [ばいしゅんぼうしほう]
(n) (Japanese) Anti-Prostitution Law (of 1956)
売女 [ばいた]
(n) (col) (uk) whore
売笑婦 [ばいしょうふ]
(n) prostitute
売上 [うりあげ]
(n) amount sold
売上金 [うりあげきん]
(n) proceeds
売上高 [うりあげだか]
(n) sales
売上税 [うりあげぜい]
(n) sales tax
売上票 [うりあげぴょう]
(n) sales slip
売場 [うりば]
(n,adj-no) place where things are sold
売人 [ばいにん]
(n) trader
売店 [ばいてん]
(n) shop
売渡証 [うりわたししょう]
(n) bill of sale
売買 [ばいばい]
(n,vs) trade
売買契約 [ばいばいけいやく]
(n) contract for (of) sale
売買高 [ばいばいだか]
(n) sales amount
売品 [ばいひん]
(n) articles for sale
売文 [ばいぶん]
(n) hack writer
売卜 [ばいぼく]
(n) fortunetelling (as an occupation)
売名 [ばいめい]
(n) self-advertisement
売名行為 [ばいめいこうい]
(n) act of self-advertisement
売約 [ばいやく]
(n,vs) sales contract
売約済み [ばいやくすみ]
(n) Sold (typically a sign on something that has already been sold)
売薬 [ばいやく]
(n) patent medicine
賠償 [ばいしょう]
(n,vs) reparations
賠償金 [ばいしょうきん]
(n) indemnities
賠責 [ばいせき]
(n) liability insurance
陪観 [ばいかん]
(n,vs) view with a superior
陪侍 [ばいじ]
(n) retainer
陪従 [ばいじゅう]
(n,vs) waiting upon
陪乗 [ばいじょう]
(n,vs) riding in the same carriage (car) (with a superior)
陪食 [ばいしょく]
(n,vs) dining with one's superior(s)
陪審 [ばいしん]
(n) jury
陪審員 [ばいしんいん]
(n) juror
陪審制 [ばいしんせい]
(n) jury system
陪審制度 [ばいしんせいど]
(n) jury system
陪臣 [ばいしん]
(n) rear vassal
陪席 [ばいせき]
(n,vs) sitting with one's superior
這々 [ほうほう]
(n) confusedly
這いずる [はいずる]
(v5r) (uk) to creep
這い回る [はいまわる]
(v5r) to creep about
這い出す [はいだす]
(v5s) to crawl or creep out of
這い出る [はいでる]
(v1) to crawl or creep out of
這い松 [はいまつ]
(n) creeping pine
這い上がる [はいあがる]
(v5r) to creep up
這い這い [はいはい]
(n,vs) creeping
這い蹲う [はいつくばう]
(v5u) to grovel
這い蹲る [はいつくばる]
(v5r) to grovel
這う [はう]
(v5u) to creep
這入り込む [はいりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to go into
這這 [ほうほう]
(n) confusedly
蝿 [はえ]
(n) fly
蝿取り [はいとり]
(n) catching flies
蝿取り [はえとり]
(n) catching flies
蝿取り草 [はえとりそう]
(n) Venus flytrap
蝿地獄 [はえじごく]
(n) Venus flytrap
蝿帳 [はいちょう]
(n) fly-net cupboard
秤 [はかり]
(n) scales
萩 [はぎ]
(n) bush clover
萩原 [はぎはら]
(n) reedy field
萩原 [はぎわら]
(n) reedy field
萩属 [はぎぞく]
(n) Lespedeza (genus)
伯 [はく]
(n) count
伯楽 [はくらく]
(n) cattle or horse trader
伯楽 [ばくろう]
(n) cattle or horse trader
伯兄 [はっけい]
(n) the eldest son
伯爵 [はくしゃく]
(n) count
伯叔 [はくしゅく]
(n) brothers
伯仲 [はくちゅう]
(n,vs) matching someone
伯備線 [はくびせん]
(n) Hakubi Line (West Tottori-Okayama Railway)
伯夫人 [はくふじん]
(n) countess
伯父 [おじ]
(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)
伯父 [はくふ]
(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)
伯父さん [おじさん]
(n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged gentleman
伯父貴 [おじき]
(n) uncle
伯母 [おば]
(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)
伯母 [はくぼ]
(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)
伯母さん [おばさん]
(n) (1) (uk) aunt
伯林 [べるりん]
(n) Berlin
伯剌西爾 [ぶらじる]
(n) Brazil
剥 [はく]
(n) coming off
剥がす [はがす]
(v5s) to tear off
剥がれる [はがれる]
(v1) to come unstuck from
剥き出し [むきだし]
(adj-na,n) nakedness
剥き出す [むきだす]
(v5s) to show
剥き身 [むきみ]
(n) shellfish removed from the shell
剥ぎ取り [はぎとり]
(n) pad (of paper)
剥ぎ取る [はぎとる]
(v5r) to tear off
剥く [むく]
(v5k) to peel
剥ぐ [はぐ]
(v5g) to tear off
剥ぐ [へぐ]
(v5g) to tear off
剥ける [むける]
(v1) to peel off
剥げる [はげる]
(v1) to come off
剥げ落ちる [はげおちる]
(v1) to peel off
剥し暦 [はがしごよみ]
(n) calendar pad
剥す [はがす]
(io) (v5s) to tear off
剥る [へずる]
(v5r) to pilfer
剥れる [むくれる]
(v1) (1) (uk) to become angry or sullen
剥焼 [すきやき]
(n) (gen) (food) thin slices of beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan
剥身 [すきみ]
(n) slice of meat or fish
剥身 [むきみ]
(n) shellfish removed from the shell
剥製 [はくせい]
(n,vs) (1) stuffing
剥製術 [はくせいじゅつ]
(n) taxidermy
剥奪 [はくだつ]
(n,vs) deprivation
剥脱 [はくだつ]
(n,vs) coming off
剥片 [はくへん]
(n) flake
剥落 [はくらく]
(n,vs) to peel off
剥離 [はくり]
(n,vi,vt) to peel off
博 [はく]
(n,n-suf,vs) doctor
博 [ばく]
(n,n-suf,vs) doctor
博す [はくす]
(v5s) to win
博する [はくする]
(vs-s) to win
博愛 [はくあい]
(n) charity
博愛家 [はくあいか]
(n) philanthropist
博愛主義 [はくあいしゅぎ]
(n) altruism
博愛主義者 [はくあいしゅぎしゃ]
(n) philanthropist
博引 [はくいん]
(n,vs) extensive references (in a text)
博引旁証 [はくいんぼうしょう]
(n,vs) citing copious references
博雅 [はくが]
(adj-na,n) well-informed
博雅 [ばくが]
(adj-na,n) well-informed
博学 [はくがく]
(adj-na,n) erudition
博学者 [はくがくしゃ]
(n) pundit
博学多才 [はくがくたさい]
(n) wide knowledge and versatile talents
博学多識 [はくがくたしき]
(n) erudition and extensive knowledge
博学力行 [はくがくりょっこう]
(n) wide learning and energetic activity
博士 [はかせ]
(n) (1) expert
博士 [はくし]
(n) (1) doctorate
博士課程 [はかせかてい]
(n) doctoral course
博士課程 [はくしかてい]
(n) doctoral course
博士号 [はかせごう]
(n) doctor's degree
博士号 [はくしごう]
(n) doctor's degree
博士論文 [はかせろんぶん]
(n) Doctoral dissertation
博士論文 [はくしろんぶん]
(n) Doctoral dissertation
博識 [はくしき]
(adj-na,n) extensive knowledge
博識多才 [はくしきたさい]
(n,adj-na) wide knowledge and versatile talents
博捜 [はくそう]
(n,vs) searching far and wide
博打 [ばくち]
(n) gambling
博打打ち [ばくちうち]
(n) gambling
博大 [はくだい]
(adj-na,n) large and wide
博徒 [ばくと]
(n) gambler
博物 [はくぶつ]
(n) wide learning
博物学 [はくぶつがく]
(n) natural history
博物館 [はくぶつかん]
(n) museum
博聞 [はくぶん]
(adj-na,n) well-informed
博聞強記 [はくぶんきょうき]
(n,adj-no) widely-read with a remarkable retentive memory
博覧 [はくらん]
(n) extensive reading
博覧会 [はくらんかい]
(n) fair
博覧強記 [はくらんきょうき]
(n) encyclopedic knowledge and strong memory
博覧多識 [はくらんたしき]
(n,adj-no) erudition and extensive knowledge
博労 [ばくろう]
(n) cattle or horse trader
博奕 [ばくえき]
(n) gambling
博奕 [ばくち]
(n) gambling
博奕宿 [ばくちやど]
(n) gambling den
博奕打ち [ばくちうち]
(n) gambler
拍を数える [はくをかぞえる]
(exp) to count beats
拍子 [はくし]
(n) (musical) time
拍子 [ひょうし]
(n) (musical) time
拍子記号 [ひょうしきごう]
(n) time signature
拍子抜け [ひょうしぬけ]
(n,vs) disappointment
拍子木 [ひょうしぎ]
(n) wooden clappers
拍車 [はくしゃ]
(n) (riding) spur
拍車を掛ける [はくしゃをかける]
(exp) to expedite
拍手 [はくしゅ]
(n,vs) clapping hands
拍手喝采 [はくしゅかっさい]
(n,vs) clapping and cheering
拍数 [はくすう]
(n) count of beats in music
拍動 [はくどう]
(n,vs) pulsation
柏 [かしわ]
(n) oak
柏 [はく]
(n) oak
柏手 [かしわで]
(n) clapping one's hands in prayer (at a shrine)
柏鵬 [はくほう]
(n) (sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
柏鵬時代 [はくほうじだい]
(n) (sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
柏槙 [びゃくしん]
(n) juniper
柏木 [かしわぎ]
(n) oak-tree
柏餅 [かしわもち]
(n) rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves
泊 [はく]
(n,suf) counter for nights of a stay
泊まり [とまり]
(n) stay
泊まり込み [とまりこみ]
(n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to circumstances
泊まり番 [とまりばん]
(n) night duty
泊まる [とまる]
(v5r) to stay at (e.g., hotel)
泊める [とめる]
(v1) to give shelter to
泊り [とまり]
(n) stay
泊り掛け [とまりがけ]
(n) staying over
泊り客 [とまりきゃく]
(n) overnight guest
泊り込み [とまりこみ]
(n) staying somewhere (overnight) due to circumstances
泊り込む [とまりこむ]
(v5m) to stay overnight
泊り賃 [とまりちん]
(n) hotel charges
泊る [とまる]
(v5r) to stay at (e.g., hotel)
泊を重ねる [はくをかさねる]
(exp) to stay long
泊地 [はくち]
(n) anchorage
白 [しろ]
(n) white
白々しい [しらじらしい]
(adj) (1) barefaced (e.g., lie)
白い [しろい]
(adj) white
白いままの紙 [しろいままのかみ]
(n) blank (unwritten) paper
白い物 [しろいもの]
(n) something white
白い目で見る [しろいめでみる]
(exp) to look coldly at
白ける [しらける]
(v1) to be spoiled or become subdued (e.g., lively atmosphere) (spoilt)
白け世代 [しらけせだい]
(n) generation of young people (esp. of the 1970s) apathetic about social issues
白げる [しらげる]
(v1) to polish (rice)
白だと判る [しろだとわかる]
(v5r) to be found innocent
白っぽい [しろっぽい]
(adj) whitish
白の帽子 [しろのぼうし]
(n) white hat
白む [しらむ]
(v5m) to grow light
白む [しろむ]
(v5m) to grow light
白め [しろめ]
(n) pewter
白を切る [しらをきる]
(exp) to feign ignorance
白バイ [しろバイ]
(n) motorcycle police
白ワイン [しろワイン]
(n) white wine
白亜 [はくあ]
(n) (1) chalk
白亜館 [はくあかん]
(n) The White House
白亜紀 [はくあき]
(n) Cretaceous Period
白亜質 [はくあしつ]
(n,adj-no) chalky
白衣 [はくい]
(n) white robe
白衣 [びゃくい]
(n) white robe
白衣 [びゃくえ]
(n) white robe
白衣明妃 [びゃくえみょうひ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) Pandara
白羽 [しらは]
(n) white feather
白雨 [はくう]
(n) rain shower
白瓜 [しろうり]
(n) melon cucumber
白雲 [しらくも]
(n) white clouds
白雲 [はくうん]
(n) white clouds
白雲石 [はくうんせき]
(n) dolomite
白雲木 [はくうんぼく]
(n) fragrant styrax
白煙 [はくえん]
(n) white smoke
白鉛鉱 [はくえんこう]
(n) white lead
白化個体 [はくかこたい]
(n) albino
白河夜船 [しらかわよふね]
(exp) being fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)
白禍 [はっか]
(n) White Peril (i.e. takeover by white race(s))
白樫 [しらかし]
(n) quercus myrsinifolia
白樺 [しらかば]
(n) white birch
白樺 [しらかんば]
(n) white birch
白眼 [しろめ]
(n) whites of the eyes
白眼 [はくがん]
(n) whites of the eyes
白眼視 [はくがんし]
(n,vs) frowning on someone
白旗 [しらはた]
(n) white flag
白旗 [しろはた]
(io) (n) white flag
白旗 [はっき]
(n) white flag
白蟻 [しろあり]
(n) termite
白菊 [しらぎく]
(n) white chrysanthemum
白詰め草 [しろつめくさ]
(n) white clover
白魚 [しらうお]
(n) whitebait
白玉 [しらたま]
(n) white gem
白玉粉 [しらたまこ]
(n) rice flour
白玉楼 [はくぎょくろう]
(n) the dead
白金 [しろがね]
(iK) (n) (1) silver
白金 [はっきん]
(n) platinum (Pt)
白金族 [はっきんぞく]
(n) platinum group
白銀 [しろがね]
(n) (1) silver
白銀 [はくぎん]
(n) silver
白熊 [しろくま]
(n) polar bear
白鯨 [はくげい]
(n) (1) white whale
白血球 [はっけっきゅう]
(n) leucocyte
白血球の数の低下 [はっけっきゅうのかずのていか]
(n) agranulocytosis (not enough white blood cells)
白血球の数の低下 [はっけっきゅうのすうのていか]
(n) agranulocytosis (not enough white blood cells)
白血病 [はっけつびょう]
(n) leukemia
白狐 [しろぎつね]
(n) albino fox
白狐 [びゃっこ]
(n) albino fox
白胡麻 [しろごま]
(n) white sesame seeds
白光 [はっこう]
(n) white light
白黒 [しろくろ]
(n,adj-no) black and white
白骨 [はっこつ]
(n) white (bleached) bone
白砂 [しらす]
(n) white sand
白砂 [はくさ]
(n) white sand
白砂 [はくしゃ]
(n) white sand
白砂青松 [はくさせいしょう]
(n) white sand and green pines
白砂青松 [はくしゃせいしょう]
(n) white sand and green pines
白砂糖 [しろざとう]
(n) white sugar
白菜 [はくさい]
(n) Chinese cabbage
白鷺 [しらさぎ]
(n) white heron
白札 [しろふだ]
(n) honour (honor) awarded to samurai in Tosa
白山 [はくさん]
(n) mountain in Gifu Prefecture
白子 [しらこ]
(n) (1) soft roe
白子 [しらす]
(n) young of sardines
白子 [しろこ]
(n) albino
白子干し [しらすぼし]
(n) dried young sardines
白子鳩 [しらこばと]
(n) collared dove
白糸 [しらいと]
(n) white thread
白紙 [はくし]
(n) blank paper
白紙委任 [はくしいにん]
(n,vs) carte blanche
白紙還元 [はくしかんげん]
(n,vs) be returned (sent back) to the drawing board
白紙撤回 [はくしてっかい]
(n,vs) complete revocation
白磁 [はくじ]
(n) white porcelain
白耳義 [べるぎー]
(n) Belgium
白酒 [しろざけ]
(n) sweet white sake
白寿 [はくじゅ]
(n) 99th birthday
白州 [しらす]
(n) bar of white sand
白洲 [しらす]
(n) (1) white sandbar
白書 [はくしょ]
(n) white paper
白焼き [しらやき]
(n) grilled without seasoning
白状 [はくじょう]
(n,vs) confession
白色 [はくしょく]
(n) white
白色光 [はくしょくこう]
(n) white light
白色人種 [はくしょくじんしゅ]
(n) Caucasians
白身 [しろみ]
(n) (1) white of egg
白人 [はくじん]
(n) white person
白人種 [はくじんしゅ]
(n) white race
白刃 [しらは]
(n) drawn sword
白刃 [はくじん]
(n) drawn sword
白水 [しろみず]
(n) color of water after washing rice (colour)
白水社 [はくすいしゃ]
(n) Hakusuisha (publisher)
白星 [しろぼし]
(n) white circle
白雪 [しらゆき]
(n) white snow
白雪 [はくせつ]
(n) white snow
白雪姫 [しらゆきひめ]
(n) Snow White
白川夜舟 [しらかわよふね]
(n) sound asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)
白川夜船 [しらかわよふね]
(exp) being fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)
白扇 [はくせん]
(n) white fan
白線 [はくせん]
(n) white line
白銑 [はくせん]
(n) white pig iron
白鼠 [しろねずみ]
(n) white rat or mouse
白装束 [しろしょうぞく]
(n) white clothing
白太 [しらた]
(n) sapwood
白滝 [しらたき]
(n) noodles made from konnyaku
白濁 [はくだく]
(n,vs) cloudiness
白檀 [びゃくだん]
(n) sandalwood
白檀油 [びゃくだんゆ]
(n) sandalwood oil
白地 [しろじ]
(n) white background
白地図 [はくちず]
(n) blank map
白痴 [はくち]
(n) idiot
白茶ける [しらちゃける]
(v1) to fade
白昼 [はくちゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) daytime
白昼公然 [はくちゅうこうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) openly and in broad daylight
白昼堂々 [はくちゅうどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) openly (unashamedly) in broad daylight
白昼堂堂 [はくちゅうどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) openly (unashamedly) in broad daylight
白昼夢 [はくちゅうむ]
(n) daydream
白長須鯨 [しろながすくじら]
(n) blue whale
白鳥 [しらとり]
(n) (1) swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.)
白鳥 [しろとり]
(n) (1) swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.)
白鳥 [はくちょう]
(n) (1) swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.)
白鳥の歌 [はくちょうのうた]
(n) swan song
白鳥の湖 [はくちょうのみずうみ]
(n) Swan Lake (ballet)
白鳥座 [はくちょうざ]
(n) (constellation) Cygnus
白鉄鉱 [はくてっこう]
(n) marcasite
白田売買 [しろたばいばい]
(n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow
白桃 [はくとう]
(n) white peach
白灯油 [はくとうゆ]
(n) kerosene
白頭翁 [はくとうおう]
(n) windflower
白頭鷲 [はくとうわし]
(n) bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
白銅 [はくどう]
(n) nickel and copper alloy
白銅貨 [はくどうか]
(n) nickel coin
白内障 [はくないしょう]
(n) cataract
白虹 [はっこう]
(n) (rare) white rainbow
白日 [はくじつ]
(n) bright sunshine
白日夢 [はくじつむ]
(n) daydream
白熱 [はくねつ]
(n,vs) white heat
白熱戦 [はくねつせん]
(n) furious fighting
白熱電球 [はくねつでんきゅう]
(n) light bulb
白熱灯 [はくねつとう]
(n) incandescent lamp
白波 [しらなみ]
(n) (1) whitecaps
白馬 [あおうま]
(n) (1) white horse
白馬 [しろうま]
(n) (1) white horse
白馬 [はくば]
(n) (1) white horse
白馬非馬 [はくばひば]
(n) sophistry
白梅 [しらうめ]
(n) white plum blossoms
白拍子 [しらびょうし]
(n) dancing girl
白白 [しらじら]
(adv) growing light
白白 [はくはく]
(adj-na) clear
白白しい [しらじらしい]
(adj) (1) barefaced (e.g., lie)
白鉢巻 [しろはちまき]
(n) white hairband
白髪 [しらが]
(n) white or grey hair (gray)
白髪 [はくはつ]
(n) white or grey hair (gray)
白髪交じり [しらがまじり]
(adj-no) grizzled
白髪交じりの髪 [しらがまじりのかみ]
(n) grizzled hair
白髪混じり [しらがまじり]
(adj-no) grizzled
白髪染め [しらがぞめ]
(n) hair dye
白髪頭 [しらがあたま]
(n) gray or silver haired (grey)
白帆 [しらほ]
(n) white sail
白斑 [はくはん]
(n) white or bright spot
白飯 [しろめし]
(n) cooked white rice
白飯 [はくはん]
(n) cooked white rice
白眉 [はくび]
(n) fine example
白鼻心 [はくびしん]
(n) civet (animal)
白百合 [しらゆり]
(n) white lily
白票 [はくひょう]
(n) blank ballot
白描 [はくびょう]
(n) plain sketch
白浜 [しらはま]
(n) white sandy beach
白葡萄酒 [しろぶどうしゅ]
(n) white wine
白物 [しろもの]
(n) (abbr) white goods
白物家電 [しろものかでん]
(n) white goods
白粉 [おしろい]
(n) (face) powder
白粉花 [おしろいばな]
(n) marvel-of-Peru
白文 [はくぶん]
(n) unpunctuated Chinese texts
白兵 [はくへい]
(n) unsheathed sword
白兵戦 [はくへいせん]
(n) hand-to-hand combat
白米 [はくまい]
(n) (white) rice
白壁 [しらかべ]
(n) white plaster wall
白壁 [はくへき]
(n) white plaster wall
白房 [しろぶさ]
(n) white tassel hung above the southwest corner of a sumo ring
白墨 [はくぼく]
(n) chalk
白魔 [はくま]
(n) heavy snowfall
白味噌 [しろみそ]
(n) light-brown miso
白妙 [しろたえ]
(n) white cloth
白妙菊 [しろたえぎく]
(n) type of chrysanthemum (white leafed) (senecio cineria)
白無垢 [しろむく]
(n) white kimono
白面 [しらふ]
(n) sobriety
白面 [はくめん]
(n) fair complexion
白木 [しらき]
(n) plain wood
白木屋 [しろきや]
(n) Shirokiya (department store)
白木蓮 [はくもくれん]
(n) white magnolia
白目 [しろめ]
(n) pewter
白目 [しろめ]
(n) whites of the eyes
白夜 [はくや]
(n) white (arctic) night
白夜 [びゃくや]
(n) white (arctic) night
白楊 [どろのき]
(n) Japanese aspen
白楊 [はくよう]
(n) Japanese aspen
白楊 [はこやなぎ]
(n) Japanese aspen
白蓮 [びゃくれん]
(n) white lotus
白露 [しらつゆ]
(n) morning dew
白露 [はくろ]
(n) morning dew
白浪 [しらなみ]
(n) (1) whitecaps
白蝋 [はくろう]
(n) white wax
白蝋病 [はくろうびょう]
(n) Raynaud's disease
白話 [はくわ]
(n) colloquial Chinese
白話小説 [はくわしょうせつ]
(n) novel written in colloquial Chinese
白堊 [はくあ]
(n) (1) chalk
白癬 [しらくも]
(n) ringworm
白癬 [はくせん]
(n) ringworm
白皙 [はくせき]
(n) white
白膠木 [ヌルデ]
(n) Japanese sumac
白鑞 [しろめ]
(n) pewter
白鱚 [しろぎす]
(n) Japanese whiting
箔 [はく]
(n) foil
箔がつく [はくがつく]
(exp) to increase in value
箔が付く [はくがつく]
(exp) to increase in value
箔押し [はくおし]
(n,vs) cover with gold or silver leaf
箔力粉 [はくりきこ]
(iK) (n) wheat flour of low viscosity
粕 [かす]
(n) sake lees
粕取り [かすとり]
(n) bootleg sake
粕汁 [かすじる]
(n) soup made with sake lees
粕漬け [かすづけ]
(n) (fish or vegetables) pickled in sake lees
舶載 [はくさい]
(n,vs) ocean transportation
舶用機関 [はくようきかん]
(n) marine engine
舶来 [はくらい]
(n,adj-no) imported
舶来品 [はくらいひん]
(n) imported article
薄 [うす]
(pref) light (e.g., colour, color)
薄 [すすき]
(n) Japanese pampas grass
薄々 [うすうす]
(adv) thinly
薄い [うすい]
(adj) thin
薄い色 [うすいいろ]
(n) light color
薄い板 [うすいいた]
(n) sheet
薄っぺら [うすっぺら]
(adj-na,n) very thin (cheap)
薄のろ [うすのろ]
(adj-na,n) half-wit
薄ばか [うすばか]
(adj-na,n) dimwit
薄まる [うすまる]
(v5r) to become weak
薄め [うすめ]
(adj-na,n) slight
薄める [うすめる]
(v1) to dilute
薄ら [うすら]
(adv,adj) (1) (uk) thinly
薄ら [うっすら]
(adv,adj) (1) (uk) thinly
薄らぐ [うすらぐ]
(v5g) to become thin
薄らと [うっすらと]
(adv) dimly
薄ら寒い [うすらさむい]
(adj) chilly
薄ら馬鹿 [うすらばか]
(n) simpleton
薄れる [うすれる]
(v1) to fade
薄暗い [うすぐらい]
(adj) dim
薄暗がり [うすくらがり]
(n) semi-darkness
薄羽蜉蝣 [うすばかげろう]
(n) ant lion
薄雲 [うすぐも]
(n) thin clouds
薄縁 [うすべり]
(n) thin, bordered mat
薄塩 [うすじお]
(n) lightly salted
薄汚い [うすぎたない]
(adj) filthy
薄汚ない [うすぎたない]
(adj) filthy
薄汚れる [うすよごれる]
(v1) to get slightly dirty (all over)
薄化粧 [うすげしょう]
(n,vs) light makeup
薄荷 [はっか]
(n) mint
薄荷精 [はっかせい]
(n) essence of peppermint (mint)
薄荷糖 [はっかとう]
(n) peppermint
薄気味悪い [うすきみわるい]
(adj) weird
薄給 [はっきゅう]
(n) small (meagre, meager) salary
薄遇 [はくぐう]
(n,vs) poor or inhospitable reception
薄型 [うすがた]
(adj-no) low-profile
薄型テレビ [うすがたテレビ]
(n) flat television
薄絹 [うすぎぬ]
(n) thin or light silk
薄倖 [はっこう]
(adj-na,n) unhappiness
薄光 [はっこう]
(n) faint light
薄口 [うすくち]
(n) light (flavor, flavour)
薄幸 [はっこう]
(adj-na,n) unhappiness
薄紅 [うすくれない]
(n) light pink
薄紅 [うすべに]
(n) light pink
薄志 [はくし]
(n) weak-willed
薄志弱行 [はくしじゃっこう]
(n) infirm of purpose and lacking in decision
薄紙 [うすがみ]
(n) thin paper
薄紫色 [うすむらさきいろ]
(n) orchid
薄紗 [はくさ]
(n) delicate gauze
薄謝 [はくしゃ]
(n) small consideration (remuneration, token of gratitude)
薄弱 [はくじゃく]
(adj-na,n) feebleness
薄手 [うすで]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) of thin make
薄商い [うすあきない]
(n) light trading
薄焼き [うすやき]
(n) lightly fried or baked
薄笑い [うすわらい]
(n,vs) faint smile
薄情 [はくじょう]
(adj-na,n) unfeeling
薄色 [うすいろ]
(n) pale color
薄刃 [うすば]
(n) thin (blade)
薄切り [うすぎり]
(n) thin slice
薄雪 [うすゆき]
(n) light snowfall
薄雪草 [うすゆきそう]
(n) type of flowering, high-altitude perennial
薄地 [うすじ]
(n) thin cloth
薄茶 [うすちゃ]
(n) weak tea
薄着 [うすぎ]
(n,vs) lightly dressed
薄曇り [うすぐもり]
(n,adj-no) slightly cloudy
薄鈍 [うすのろ]
(adj-na,n) half-wit
薄肉 [うすにく]
(n) light red
薄肉彫り [うすにくぼり]
(n) bas-relief
薄日 [うすび]
(n) soft light
薄馬鹿 [うすばか]
(adj-na,n) dimwit
薄白い [うすじろい]
(adj) whitish
薄薄 [うすうす]
(adv) thinly
薄板 [うすいた]
(n) laminate
薄皮 [うすかわ]
(n) thin skin
薄氷 [うすごおり]
(n) thin ice
薄氷 [はくひょう]
(n) thin ice
薄物 [うすもの]
(n) lightweight fabric or clothing
薄片 [はくへん]
(n) flake
薄暮 [はくぼ]
(n) dusk
薄暮れ [うすぐれ]
(n) (arch) evening
薄墨 [うすずみ]
(n) thin or diluted ink
薄膜 [うすまく]
(n) thin film
薄膜 [はくまく]
(n) thin film
薄味 [うすあじ]
(adj-no) bland
薄味 [はくみ]
(n) thin taste
薄命 [はくめい]
(n) misfortune
薄明 [はくめい]
(n) twilight
薄明かり [うすあかり]
(n) dim or faint light
薄目 [うすめ]
(adj-na,n) slight
薄揚げ [うすあげ]
(n) deep-fried tofu
薄葉 [うすよう]
(n) Japanese tissue
薄利 [はくり]
(n) small profits
薄利多売 [はくりたばい]
(n) small profits and quick returns
薄力粉 [はくりきこ]
(n) wheat flour of low viscosity
薄緑 [うすみどり]
(n) light green
薄靄 [うすもや]
(n) thin mist
迫り出す [せりだす]
(v5s) to push (a thing) out
迫り上がる [せりあがる]
(v5r) (uk) to gradually rise
迫る [せまる]
(v5r) to draw near
迫害 [はくがい]
(n,vs) persecution
迫害者 [はくがいしゃ]
(n) persecutor
迫撃 [はくげき]
(n,vs) close attack
迫撃砲 [はくげきほう]
(n) mortar
迫持 [せりもち]
(n) arch
迫出す [せりだす]
(v5s) to push (a thing) out
迫真 [はくしん]
(n,adj-no) reality
迫力 [はくりょく]
(n) force
迫力満点 [はくりょくまんてん]
(n) full impact
曝け出す [さらけだす]
(v5s) to expose
曝し者 [さらしもの]
(n) pilloried criminal exposed to public view
曝し首 [さらしくび]
(n) exposure of a severed head
曝す [さらす]
(v5s) (1) to expose (to the air, to the public, to danger, etc.)
曝書 [ばくしょ]
(n,vs) airing of books
曝露 [ばくろ]
(n,vs) disclosure
漠然 [ばくぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) obscure
漠漠 [ばくばく]
(adj-na,n) vast
爆 [ばく]
(int) exclamation
爆ぜる [はぜる]
(v1) to burst open
爆音 [ばくおん]
(n) (sound of an) explosion or detonation
爆撃 [ばくげき]
(n,vs) bombing (raid)
爆撃機 [ばくげきき]
(n) bomber
爆砕 [ばくさい]
(n,vs) blasting
爆死 [ばくし]
(n,vs) bomb victim
爆傷 [ばくしょう]
(n) damage or injuries caused by bombing or an explosion
爆笑 [ばくしょう]
(n,vs) roar of laughter
爆心 [ばくしん]
(n) center of an explosion
爆心地 [ばくしんち]
(n) centre of explosion
爆睡 [ばくすい]
(adj-na) fast asleep
爆走 [ばくそう]
(n,vs) roaring sound
爆弾 [ばくだん]
(n) bomb
爆弾声明 [ばくだんせいめい]
(n) bombshell announcement
爆弾宣言 [ばくだんせんげん]
(n) bombshell announcement (declaration)
爆弾発言 [ばくだんはつげん]
(n) bombshell announcement (statement)
爆弾発表 [ばくだんはっぴょう]
(n) bombshell announcement (statement)
爆竹 [ばくちく]
(n) firecracker
爆沈 [ばくちん]
(n,vs) blowing up and sinking
爆燃 [ばくねん]
(n) (1) deflagration
爆破 [ばくは]
(n,vs) blast
爆破予告 [ばくはよこく]
(n) bomb warning
爆発 [ばくはつ]
(n,vs) explosion
爆発管 [ばくはつかん]
(n) detonator
爆発性 [ばくはつせい]
(n) explosiveness
爆発的 [ばくはつてき]
(adj-na) explosive
爆発物 [ばくはつぶつ]
(n) explosive (material)
爆発力 [ばくはつりょく]
(n) explosive power
爆風 [ばくふう]
(n) blast
爆薬 [ばくやく]
(n) explosive
爆雷 [ばくらい]
(n) depth charge
爆裂 [ばくれつ]
(n,vs) exploding
爆裂弾 [ばくれつだん]
(n) bomb
縛に就く [ばくにつく]
(v5k) to be arrested
縛め [いましめ]
(n) caution
縛りつける [しばりつける]
(v1) to tie
縛り込む [しばりこむ]
(v5m) to bind together
縛り首 [しばりくび]
(n) (death by) hanging
縛り上げる [しばりあげる]
(v1) to bind (tie) up
縛り付ける [しばりつける]
(v1) to tie
縛る [しばる]
(v5r) to tie
莫れ [なかれ]
(prt) must not
莫迦 [ばか]
(oK) (adj-na,exp,n) fool
莫逆 [ばくぎゃく]
(n) cordial relations
莫逆 [ばくげき]
(n) cordial relations
莫大 [ばくだい]
(adj-na,n) enormous
莫大小 [めりやす]
(pt:,es:) (n) knitting (es: medias, pt: meias)
莫連 [ばくれん]
(n) worldly woman
駁論 [ばくろん]
(n,vs) refutation
麦 [むぎ]
(n) wheat
麦の秋 [むぎのあき]
(n) wheat harvest
麦扱き [むぎこき]
(n,vs) wheat threshing
麦価 [ばくか]
(n) price of wheat
麦芽 [ばくが]
(n) malt
麦芽糖 [ばくがとう]
(n) maltose
麦角 [ばっかく]
(n) ergot
麦刈り [むぎかり]
(n) wheat harvest
麦球 [むぎきゅう]
(n) wheat bulb
麦作 [むぎさく]
(n) wheat raising
麦蒔 [むぎまき]
(n,vs) wheat planting
麦蒔き [むぎまき]
(n,vs) sowing wheat or barley
麦酒 [ばくしゅ]
(n) (uk) beer
麦酒 [びいる]
(n) (uk) beer
麦秋 [ばくしゅう]
(n) wheat harvest
麦秋 [むぎあき]
(n) wheat harvest
麦焦がし [むぎこがし]
(n) parched-barley flour
麦焦し [むぎこがし]
(n) parched-barley flour
麦束 [むぎたば]
(n) wheat sheaf
麦打ち [むぎうち]
(n) wheat threshing
麦茶 [むぎちゃ]
(n) barley tea
麦笛 [むぎぶえ]
(n) wheat-straw whistle
麦田 [むぎた]
(n) rice field used to grow wheat
麦湯 [むぎゆ]
(n) parched-barley tea
麦踏み [むぎふみ]
(n) treading wheat plants
麦畑 [むぎばたけ]
(n) wheat field
麦飯 [ばくはん]
(n) boiled barley and rice
麦飯 [むぎめし]
(n) boiled barley and rice
麦粉 [むぎこ]
(n) wheat flour
麦粒腫 [ばくりゅうしゅ]
(n) sty (on the eyelid)
麦類 [むぎるい]
(n) wheat variety
麦藁 [むぎわら]
(n) wheat (barley) straw
麦藁細工 [むぎわらさいく]
(n) straw work
麦藁帽子 [むぎわらぼうし]
(n) straw hat
麦藁蜻蛉 [むぎわらとんぼ]
(n) dragonfly
麦搗き [むぎつき]
(n) polishing wheat
麦稈 [ばっかん]
(n) wheat (barley) straw
麦稈 [むぎわら]
(n) wheat (barley) straw
麦稈細工 [むぎわらざいく]
(n) straw work
麦稈帽子 [むぎわらぼうし]
(n) straw hat
函れる [いれる]
(v1) to put into
函蓋 [かんがい]
(n) box and cover
函渠 [かんきょ]
(n) drain with an oblong cross-section
函人 [かんじん]
(n) armorer
函数 [かんすう]
(oK) (n) function (e.g., math, programming, programing)
函嶺 [かんれい]
(n) the Hakone Mountains
箱 [はこ]
(n) box
箱に収まる [はこにおさまる]
(exp) to be stored in a box
箱の底 [はこのそこ]
(n) bottom of a box
箱屋 [はこや]
(n) box maker
箱火鉢 [はこひばち]
(n) brazier encased in a wooden box
箱詰め [はこづめ]
(n,adj-no) packed in a box (i.e. chocolates)
箱師 [はこし]
(n) train or bus thief
箱舟 [はこぶね]
(n) ark (i.e. Noah's)
箱書き [はこがき]
(n) autograph or note of authentication written on a box containing an art work
箱船 [はこぶね]
(n) ark (i.e. Noah's)
箱庭 [はこにわ]
(n) miniature garden
箱入り [はこいり]
(n,adj-no) cased
箱入り娘 [はこいりむすめ]
(n) girl who has led a sheltered life
箱馬車 [はこばしゃ]
(n) box-shaped (horse-drawn) carriage
箱物行政 [はこものぎょうせい]
(n) government (public policy) focusing on the construction of public (community) buildings
箱枕 [はこまくら]
(n) pillow encased in a box
箱柳 [はこやなぎ]
(n) Japanese aspen
箸 [はし]
(n) chopsticks
箸で漬け物を挟む [はしでつけものをはさむ]
(exp) to hold a pickle with chopsticks
箸休め [はしやすめ]
(n) palate-cleansing side dish
箸置き [はしおき]
(n) chopstick rest
箸箱 [はしばこ]
(n) chopstick case
肇国 [ちょうこく]
(n,vs) founding of a state
肇歳 [ちょうさい]
(n) beginning of the year
筈 [はず]
(n) (uk) expectation that something took place, will take place or was in some state
櫨 [はぜ]
(n) (Japanese) wax tree
櫨 [はぜのき]
(n) (Japanese) wax tree
櫨の木 [はぜのき]
(n) (Japanese) wax tree
肌 [はだ]
(n,n-suf) (1) skin
肌あれ [はだあれ]
(n,vs) dry skin
肌が合わない [はだがあわない]
(adj) cannot go together (with)
肌で感じる [はだでかんじる]
(v1) to understand from experience
肌を許す [はだをゆるす]
(exp) to surrender one's chastity to a man
肌寒い [はださむい]
(adj) chilly
肌寒い [はだざむい]
(adj) chilly
肌荒 [はだあれ]
(n,vs) dry skin
肌荒れ [はだあれ]
(n,vs) dry skin
肌合 [はだあい]
(n) disposition
肌合い [はだあい]
(n) person's disposition
肌骨 [きこつ]
(n) skin and bones
肌色 [はだいろ]
(n) flesh-coloured
肌触り [はだざわり]
(n) the touch of
肌身 [はだみ]
(n) body
肌身離さず [はだみはなさず]
(adv) always carry
肌脱ぎ [はだぬぎ]
(n) naked to the waist
肌着 [はだぎ]
(n) underwear
肌膚 [きふ]
(n) skin
肌理 [きめ]
(n) grain
肌襦袢 [はだじゅばん]
(n) (Japanese-style) underwear
畑 [はたけ]
(n) field
畑を起こす [はたけをおこす]
(exp) to plow a field
畑を作る [はたけをつくる]
(exp) to farm
畑違い [はたけちがい]
(n) out of one's line
畑作 [はたさく]
(n) dry field farming
畑水練 [はたけすいれん]
(n) studying (which seems like swimming in a field)
畑鼠 [はたねずみ]
(n) field mouse
畑打ち [はたうち]
(n,vs) ploughing
畑地 [はたち]
(n) farmland
畠 [はたけ]
(n) plowed (cultivated) field (ploughed)
八 [はち]
(num) eight
八 [や]
(num) eight
八 [やっつ]
(num) eight
八 [やつ]
(num) eight
八つ [やっつ]
(num) eight
八つ [やつ]
(num) eight
八つあたりに [やつあたりに]
(adv) indiscriminately
八つ橋 [やつはし]
(n) (1) type of sweet made with bean paste (local delicacy in Kyoto)
八つ口 [やつくち]
(n) kimono underarm sleeve
八つ手 [やつで]
(n) eight-fingered-leaf shrub
八つ手網 [やつであみ]
(n) eight-armed scoop net
八つ切り [やつぎり]
(n) octavo format (about 21.5 to 16.5 cm)
八つ折り判 [やつおりばん]
(n) octavo
八つ当たり [やつあたり]
(n) outburst of anger
八つ頭 [やつがしら]
(n) yam
八つ目鰻 [やつめうなぎ]
(n) lamprey eel
八つ裂き [やつざき]
(n) tearing limb from limb
八の字 [はちのじ]
(n) figure eight
八ツ橋 [やつはし]
(n) (1) type of sweet made with bean paste (local delicacy in Kyoto)
八角形 [はっかくけい]
(n) eight-sided shape
八角形 [はっかっけい]
(n) eight-sided shape
八掛 [はっかけ]
(n) inside cloth used around cuff and hem
八橋 [やつはし]
(n) (1) type of sweet made with bean paste (local delicacy in Kyoto)
八極拳 [はっきょくけん]
(n) (MA) Eight Extremities Fist
八九分 [はっくぶ]
(n) nearly
八苦 [はっく]
(n) the eight pains (of Buddhism)
八卦 [はっけ]
(n) eight trigrams
八卦掌 [はっけしょう]
(n) (MA) eight trigrams palm
八景 [はっけい]
(n) eight picturesque sights
八月 [はちがつ]
(n-adv) August
八紘 [はっこう]
(n) the eight directions
八紘一宇 [はっこういちう]
(n) universal brotherhood
八荒 [はっこう]
(n) the national boundaries
八朔 [はっさく]
(n) Hassaku orange
八字髭 [はちじひげ]
(n) finely-trimmed moustache
八手 [やつで]
(n) eight-fingered-leaf shrub
八州 [やしま]
(n) (old name for) Japan
八洲 [やしま]
(n) (old name for) Japan
八十 [はちじゅう]
(n) eighty
八十 [やそ]
(n) eighty
八十 [やそじ]
(n) eighty
八十代 [はちじゅうだい]
(n) the eighties (age, years, etc.)
八十八夜 [はちじゅうはちや]
(n) eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring
八十路 [やそじ]
(n) eighty years of age
八重 [やえ]
(n) multilayered
八重の潮路 [やえのしおじ]
(n) distant seas
八重雲 [やえくも]
(n) layers of clouds
八重雲 [やえぐも]
(n) layers of clouds
八重垣 [やえがき]
(n) fences within fences
八重旗雲 [やえはたぐも]
(n) banner clouds in layers
八重咲き [やえざき]
(n) double blossom
八重桜 [やえざくら]
(n) double-flowered cherry tree
八重歯 [やえば]
(n) double tooth
八重八重 [やえやえ]
(n,adj-no) multilayered
八丈島 [はちじょうじま]
(n) Hachijo Island
八切 [やつぎり]
(n) octavo format (about 21.5 to 16.5 cm)
八千歳 [やちとせ]
(n) 8000 years
八千草 [やちぐさ]
(n) variety of plants
八千代 [やちよ]
(n) eternity
八千年 [はっせんねん]
(n) 8000 years
八千年 [やちとせ]
(n) 8000 years
八大地獄 [はちだいじごく]
(n) The Eight Greater (Buddhist) Hells
八達 [はったつ]
(n,vs) (roads) running in all directions
八端 [はったん]
(n) twilled fabric
八丁 [はっちょう]
(n) skillfulness
八潮路 [やしおじ]
(n) long sea voyage
八挺 [はっちょう]
(n) skillfulness
八道 [はちどう]
(n) the 8 districts of feudal Japan
八日 [ようか]
(n) eight days
八幡 [はちまん]
(adv,n) God of War
八幡の薮知らず [やわたのやぶしらず]
(n) labyrinth
八幡宮 [はちまんぐう]
(n) Shrine of the God of War
八幡知らず [やわたしらず]
(exp) labyrinth
八百 [はっぴゃく]
(n) eight hundred
八百屋 [やおや]
(n) greengrocer
八百長 [やおちょう]
(n) put-up job
八百八橋 [はっぴゃくやばし]
(n) the large number of bridges over canals and rivers in Naniwa (present-day Osaka)
八百八寺 [はっぴゃくやでら]
(n) the large number of temples in Kyoto
八百八町 [はっぴゃくやちょう]
(n) the whole enormous extent of Edo
八百万 [やおよろず]
(n) myriads
八福 [はちふく]
(n) the Beatitudes
八分 [はっぷん]
(n-t) eight minutes
八分音符 [はちぶおんぷ]
(n) 8th note
八分目 [はちぶめ]
(n) eight-tenths
八分目 [はちぶんめ]
(n) eight-tenths
八文字 [はちもんじ]
(n) (in) the shape of the character hachi (eight)
八辺形 [はちへんけい]
(n) octagon
八宝菜 [はっぽうさい]
(n) chop suey
八方 [はっぽう]
(n) all sides
八方丸く収まる [はっぽうまるくおさまる]
(exp) to find a solution (after struggle)
八方塞がり [はっぽうふさがり]
(n) all doors closed
八方美人 [はっぽうびじん]
(n) one who is affable to everybody
八方睨み [はっぽうにらみ]
(n) staring at or watching all sides
八本 [はちほん]
(adj) eight (long cylindrical things)
八本 [はっぽん]
(adj) eight (long cylindrical things)
八面 [はちめん]
(n) eight faces
八面体 [はちめんたい]
(n) octahedron
八面玲瓏 [はちめんれいろう]
(n) beautiful from all sides
八面六臂 [はちめんろっぴ]
(n) competent in all fields (lit: 8 faces and 6 arms)
八目鰻 [やつめうなぎ]
(n) lamprey eel
八郎潟 [はちろうがた]
(n) Lagoon Hachiro
八艘飛び [やそうとび]
(n) leap up from the initial charge in order to surprise the opponent (sumo)
鉢 [はち]
(n) a bowl
鉢の花 [はちのはな]
(n) flower in a pot
鉢の開いた頭 [はちのひらいたあたま]
(n) flat-crowned head
鉢巻 [はちまき]
(n,vs) headband
鉢巻き [はちまき]
(n,vs) headband
鉢合わせ [はちあわせ]
(n) bumping of heads
鉢植え [はちうえ]
(n) potted plant
鉢物 [はちもの]
(n) food served in bowls
溌剌 [はつらつ]
(adj-t,adv-to) lively
発 [はつ]
(n,suf) (1) departure
発がん性 [はつがんせい]
(n) carcinogenic
発する [はっする]
(vs-s) to fire (a gun)
発つ [たつ]
(v5t) to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
発ガン性物質 [はつガンせいぶっしつ]
(n) carcinogen
発案 [はつあん]
(n,vs) idea
発案権 [はつあんけん]
(n) the right to introduce a bill or measure
発案者 [はつあんしゃ]
(n) original proposer
発意 [はつい]
(n,vs) idea
発育 [はついく]
(n,vs) (physical) growth
発育期 [はついくき]
(n) growth period
発育盛り [はついくざかり]
(n) period of rapid growth
発駅 [はつえき]
(n) starting (train) station
発煙 [はつえん]
(n) emitting smoke
発煙筒 [はつえんとう]
(n) smoke candle
発音 [はつおん]
(n,vs) pronunciation
発音記号 [はつおんきごう]
(n) phonetic symbol
発火 [はっか]
(n,vs) firing
発火点 [はっかてん]
(n) point of ignition
発芽 [はつが]
(n,vs) burgeoning
発会 [はっかい]
(n,vs) opening a meeting
発会式 [はっかいしき]
(n) opening ceremony
発覚 [はっかく]
(n,vs) detection
発刊 [はっかん]
(n,vs) publish
発汗 [はっかん]
(n,vs) sweating
発艦 [はっかん]
(n,vs) aeroplane taking off from a warship (airplane)
発癌 [はつがん]
(n) cancer causing
発癌性 [はつがんせい]
(n) carcinogenic
発癌物質 [はつがんぶっしつ]
(n) carcinogen
発揮 [はっき]
(n,vs) exhibition
発起 [ほっき]
(n,vs) proposal
発起人 [ほっきにん]
(n) originator
発議 [はつぎ]
(n,vs) proposal
発給 [はっきゅう]
(n,vs) issuance
発狂 [はっきょう]
(n,vs) madness
発禁 [はっきん]
(n) (1) (abbr) sale prohibited
発禁本 [はっきんぼん]
(n) banned book
発句 [ほっく]
(n) hokku (haiku)
発掘 [はっくつ]
(n,vs) (1) excavation
発券 [はっけん]
(n,vs) (bank)note issuing
発見 [はっけん]
(n,vs) discovery
発見者 [はっけんしゃ]
(n) discoverer
発見料 [はっけんりょう]
(n) finder's fee
発現 [はつげん]
(n,vs) (1) revelation
発言 [はつげん]
(n,vs) utterance
発言権 [はつげんけん]
(n) right to speak
発言者 [はつげんしゃ]
(n) speaker
発言力 [はつげんりょく]
(n) forcefulness of speech
発語 [はつご]
(n,vs) speech
発光 [はっこう]
(n,vs) luminescence
発光ダイオード [はっこうダイオード]
(n) light emitting diode
発光植物 [はっこうしょくぶつ]
(n) luminous plant
発光体 [はっこうたい]
(n) luminous body
発光塗料 [はっこうとりょう]
(n) luminous paint
発光動物 [はっこうどうぶつ]
(n) luminous animal
発効 [はっこう]
(n,vs) coming into effect
発効日 [はっこうび]
(n) effective date
発向 [はっこう]
(n,vs) departure for a specified destination
発航 [はっこう]
(n,vs) departure of a ship
発行 [はっこう]
(n,vs) (1) issue (publications)
発行スケジュール [はっこうスケジュール]
(n) publishing schedule
発行会社 [はっこうがいしゃ]
(n) issuing company (e.g., of a credit card)
発行市場 [はっこうしじょう]
(n) issue market
発行者 [はっこうしゃ]
(n) publisher
発行所 [はっこうしょ]
(n) publishing house
発行所 [はっこうじょ]
(n) publishing house
発行日 [はっこうび]
(n) date of issue or publication
発行部数 [はっこうぶすう]
(n) number of copies printed
発酵 [はっこう]
(n,vs) fermentation
発酵素 [はっこうそ]
(n) a ferment
発酵乳 [はっこうにゅう]
(n) yoghurt
発作 [ほっさ]
(n,vs) fit
発作的 [ほっさてき]
(adj-na) spasmodic(ally)
発散 [はっさん]
(n,vs) letting feelings out
発射 [はっしゃ]
(n,vs) firing
発射台 [はっしゃだい]
(n) launching pad
発射薬 [はっしゃやく]
(n) propellant
発車 [はっしゃ]
(n,vs) departure of a vehicle
発出 [はっしゅつ]
(n,vs) issue
発祥 [はっしょう]
(n,vs) origin
発祥地 [はっしょうち]
(n) cradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.)
発情 [はつじょう]
(n,vs) rut
発情期 [はつじょうき]
(n) the mating season
発条 [ぜんまい]
(n) (uk) spring (e.g., coil, leaf)
発条 [はつじょう]
(n) (uk) spring (e.g., coil, leaf)
発条 [ばね]
(n) (uk) spring (e.g., coil, leaf)
発条仕掛け [ばねじかけ]
(n) spring action (motor, etc.)
発色 [はっしょく]
(n,vs) coloring
発色現像 [はっしょくげんぞう]
(n) (color, colour) development
発信 [はっしん]
(n,vs) dispatch
発信音 [はっしんおん]
(n) tone
発信局 [はっしんきょく]
(n) sending office
発信人 [はっしんにん]
(n) sender of a message
発信側 [はっしんがわ]
(n) sender
発心 [ほっしん]
(n,vs) spiritual awakening
発振 [はっしん]
(n,vs) oscillation
発振器 [はっしんき]
(n) oscillator
発振機 [はっしんき]
(n) oscillator
発疹 [はっしん]
(n,vs) rash
発疹 [ほっしん]
(n,vs) rash
発疹チフス [はっしんチフス]
(n) typhus (epidemic)
発進 [はっしん]
(n,vs) departure
発水 [はっすい]
(n,vs) water repelling
発生 [はっせい]
(n,vs) outbreak
発生学 [はっせいがく]
(n) genetics
発生率 [はっせいりつ]
(n) frequency
発声 [はっせい]
(n,vs) utterance
発声器官 [はっせいきかん]
(n) vocal organs
発声投票 [はっせいとうひょう]
(n) voice vote
発声法 [はっせいほう]
(n) vocalization
発想 [はっそう]
(n,vs) expression (music)
発想法 [はっそうほう]
(n) way of thinking
発走 [はっそう]
(n,vs) start (of a race)
発送 [はっそう]
(n,vs) sending
発足 [はっそく]
(n,vs) starting
発足 [ほっそく]
(n,vs) starting
発達 [はったつ]
(n,vs) development
発達を促す [はったつをうながす]
(exp) to accelerate development
発達心理学 [はったつしんりがく]
(n) developmental psychology
発達段階 [はったつだんかい]
(n) developmental stage
発端 [ほったん]
(n) the beginning
発着 [はっちゃく]
(n,vs) arrival and departure
発着所 [はっちゃくじょ]
(n) landing place for steamers
発注 [はっちゅう]
(n,vs) ordering (materials)
発註 [はっちゅう]
(n,vs) ordering (materials)
発展 [はってん]
(n,vs) development
発展性 [はってんせい]
(n) possibilities
発展中 [はってんちゅう]
(n) under development
発展的解消 [はってんてきかいしょう]
(n) dissolution of several sections into a new organization (organisation)
発展途上国 [はってんとじょうこく]
(n) developing country
発電 [はつでん]
(n,vs) generation (e.g., power)
発電機 [はつでんき]
(n) dynamo
発電子 [はつでんし]
(n) armature
発電所 [はつでんしょ]
(n) power plant
発頭人 [ほっとうにん]
(n) originator
発動 [はつどう]
(n,vs) invoke (law)
発動機 [はつどうき]
(n) engine
発熱 [はつねつ]
(n,vs) get a fever
発熱量 [はつねつりょう]
(n) calorific value
発破 [はっぱ]
(n) explosive blast
発馬 [はつば]
(n,vs) start (of a horse race)
発売 [はつばい]
(n,vs) sale
発売禁止 [はつばいきんし]
(n) prohibition of sale
発売元 [はつばいもと]
(n) sales (selling) agency
発売中 [はつばいちゅう]
(n) now on sale
発売日 [はつばいび]
(n) day something goes on sale
発表 [はっぴょう]
(n,vs) announcement
発表会 [はっぴょうかい]
(n) (1) recital (i.e. of music, by a pupil)
発表者 [はっぴょうしゃ]
(n) announcer
発病 [はつびょう]
(n,vs) attack (disease)
発布 [はっぷ]
(n,vs) proclamation
発憤 [はっぷん]
(n,vs) inspired
発奮 [はっぷん]
(n,vs) inspired
発菩提心 [はつぼだいしん]
(n) deciding to embrace Buddhism
発泡 [はっぽう]
(n,vs) foaming
発泡スチロール [はっぽうスチロール]
(n) styrofoam
発泡剤 [はっぽうざい]
(n) foaming agent
発砲 [はっぽう]
(n,vs) firing
発砲事件 [はっぽうじけん]
(n) shooting incident
発明 [はつめい]
(n,vs) invention
発明家 [はつめいか]
(n) inventor
発明者 [はつめいしゃ]
(n) inventor
発明品 [はつめいひん]
(n) invention
発問 [はつもん]
(n,vs) asking or putting a question
発揚 [はつよう]
(n,vs) exalting
発令 [はつれい]
(n,vs) official announcement
発露 [はつろ]
(n,vs) appearance
発話 [はつわ]
(n) utterance
発勁 [はっけい]
(n) (MA) release internal power
醗酵 [はっこう]
(n,vs) fermentation
髪 [かみ]
(n) hair
髪が薄い [かみがうすい]
(n) have thin hair
髪の毛 [かみのけ]
(n) hair (head)
髪を解く [かみをほどく]
(exp) to let down one's hair
髪を上げる [かみをあげる]
(exp) to put up one's hair
髪を垂らす [かみをたらす]
(exp) to let one's hair hang down
髪を整える [かみをととのえる]
(exp) to arrange (tidy up) one's hair
髪を切る [かみをきる]
(exp) to cut hair
髪を梳かす [かみをとかす]
(exp) to comb (one's hair)
髪型 [かみがた]
(n) hairdo
髪形 [かみがた]
(n) hair style
髪結い [かみゆい]
(n) hairdresser
髪結い床 [かみゆいどこ]
(n) barbershop
髪綱 [かみづな]
(n) rope made of hair
髪床 [かみどこ]
(n) barber
髪飾り [かみかざり]
(n) hair ornaments
髪切り虫 [かみきりむし]
(n) long-horned beetle
髪置き [かみおき]
(n) ceremony for child growing hair long
髪油 [かみあぶら]
(n) hair oil
伐 [ばつ]
(n) strike
伐つ [うつ]
(v5t) to strike
伐採 [ばっさい]
(n,vs) lumbering
伐倒 [ばっとう]
(n,vs) felling
伐木 [ばつぼく]
(n) felling
罰 [ばち]
(n) (divine) punishment
罰 [ばつ]
(n,n-suf) punishment
罰が当たる [ばちがあたる]
(exp) (uk) you'll pay for that!
罰する [ばっする]
(vs-s) to punish
罰を与える [ばつをあたえる]
(exp) to punish (a child, etc.)
罰金 [ばっきん]
(n) fine
罰則 [ばっそく]
(n) penal regulations
罰点 [ばってん]
(n) (uk) cross mark
罰当たり [ばちあたり]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) damned
罰当り [ばちあたり]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) damned
罰杯 [ばっぱい]
(n) alcohol which must be drunk as a penalty
罰俸 [ばっぽう]
(n,vs) punitive wage cut
抜かす [ぬかす]
(v5s) to omit
抜からぬ顔 [ぬからぬかお]
(n) shrewd face
抜かり [ぬかり]
(n) blunder
抜かる [ぬかる]
(v5r) to make a mistake
抜き [ぬき]
(adv) (1) in succession
抜きにして [ぬきにして]
(exp) leaving out
抜きん出る [ぬきんでる]
(v1) to excel
抜き荷 [ぬきに]
(n) pilfered goods
抜き去る [ぬきさる]
(v5r) to (sur)pass
抜き合わせる [ぬきあわせる]
(v1) to draw swords and face off
抜き差し [ぬきさし]
(n) inserting and deleting
抜き差しならぬ [ぬきさしならぬ]
(n) a sticky situation
抜き刷り [ぬきずり]
(n) offprint
抜き糸 [ぬきいと]
(n) drawn thread
抜き取り検査 [ぬきとりけんさ]
(n) sequential sampling inspection (with reposition)
抜き取る [ぬきとる]
(v5r) to pull out
抜き手 [ぬきて]
(n) (swimming) overarm stroke
抜き出す [ぬきだす]
(v5s) to start to pull out
抜き書き [ぬきがき]
(n) an extract
抜き身 [ぬきみ]
(n) naked (drawn) sword
抜き足で [ぬきあしで]
(exp) stealthily
抜き足差し足 [ぬきあしさしあし]
(exp) stealthy footsteps
抜き打ち [ぬきうち]
(n) drawing a katana and attacking in the same stroke
抜き打ち解散 [ぬきうちかいさん]
(n) sudden dissolution of a legislature
抜き読み [ぬきよみ]
(n) skimming a text
抜き放す [ぬきはなす]
(v5s) to unsheathe one's sword
抜き放つ [ぬきはなつ]
(v5t) to unsheathe
抜く [ぬく]
(v5k) (1) to extract
抜ける [ぬける]
(v1) to come out
抜け殻 [ぬけがら]
(n) casting off skin
抜け駆け [ぬけがけ]
(n,vs) stealing a march on
抜け穴 [ぬけあな]
(n) loophole
抜け作 [ぬけさく]
(n) fool
抜け参り [ぬけまいり]
(n,vs) secret or unauthorized pilgrimage (unauthorised)
抜け出す [ぬけだす]
(v5s) to slip out
抜け出る [ぬけでる]
(v1) to excel
抜け上がる [ぬけあがる]
(v5r) to be balding in the front
抜け替わる [ぬけかわる]
(v5r) to shed
抜け道 [ぬけみち]
(n) loophole
抜け忍 [ぬけにん]
(n) runaway Ninja
抜け毛 [ぬけげ]
(n) fallen hair
抜け目 [ぬけめ]
(n) imprudence
抜け目ない [ぬけめない]
(adj) shrewd
抜け落ちる [ぬけおちる]
(v1) to shed hair
抜け裏 [ぬけうら]
(n) byway
抜去 [ばっきょう]
(n) removed
抜群 [ばつぐん]
(adj-na,n) pre-eminence
抜穴 [ぬけあな]
(n) loophole
抜剣 [ばっけん]
(n,vs) drawing one's sword
抜山蓋世 [ばつざんがいせい]
(n) great strength and energy (of a mighty hero)
抜糸 [ばっし]
(n,vs) removal (extraction) of stitches
抜歯 [ばっし]
(n,vs) tooth extraction
抜粋 [ばっすい]
(n,vs) extract
抜染 [ぬきぞめ]
(n) discharge printing
抜染 [ばっせん]
(n) discharge printing
抜足差足 [ぬきあしさしあし]
(exp) stealthy footsteps
抜擢 [ばってき]
(n,vs) selection (e.g., for a job position)
抜刀 [ばっとう]
(n,vs) drawing a sword
抜道 [ぬけみち]
(n) loophole
抜忍 [ぬけにん]
(n) runaway Ninja
抜錨 [ばつびょう]
(n,vs) setting sail
抜本塞源 [ばっぽんそくげん]
(n) eradication of (sources of) evil
抜本的 [ばっぽんてき]
(adj-na) drastic
抜枠 [ばっすい]
(iK) (n,vs) extract
抜萃 [ばっすい]
(n,vs) extract
筏 [いかだ]
(n) (uk) raft
閥 [ばつ]
(n,n-suf) clique
閥を作る [ばつをつくる]
(exp) to form a clique
閥族 [ばつぞく]
(n) clan