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5000 Cards in this Set

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関節 [かんせつ]
(n) joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc)
関節リウマチ [かんせつリウマチ]
(n) rheumatoid arthritis
関節炎 [かんせつえん]
(adj-na,n) arthritis
関節技 [かんせつわざ]
(n) locking technique in judo
関説 [かんせつ]
(n,vs) allusion
関大 [かんだい]
(n) (abbr) Kansai University
関知 [かんち]
(n,vs) concern
関東 [かんとう]
(n) Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)
関東一円 [かんとういちえん]
(n) whole district of Kanto
関東軍 [かんとうぐん]
(n) Kwantung Army (Japanese armed forces in Manchukuo)
関東大震災 [かんとうだいしんさい]
(n) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923
関東弁 [かんとうべん]
(n) Kantou dialect
関頭 [かんとう]
(n) crossroads
関白 [かんぱく]
(n) chief advisor to the Emperor (adviser)
関門 [かんもん]
(n) barrier
関門海峡 [かんもんかいきょう]
(n) Kanmon Straits (between Honshu and Kyushu)
関与 [かんよ]
(n,vs) participation
関聯 [かんれん]
(n,suf) relation
関連 [かんれん]
(n,suf) relation
関連会社 [かんれんがいしゃ]
(n) associated company
関連業者 [かんらんぎょうしゃ]
(n) related tradespeople
関連項目 [かんれんこうもく]
(n) related item
関連事項 [かんれんじこう]
(n) related (relevant) matters
関連質問 [かんれんしつもん]
(n) interpellation on related matters
関連商品 [かんれんしょうひん]
(n) related product
関連性 [かんれんせい]
(n) relatedness
関脇 [せきわけ]
(n) sumo wrestler of the third highest rank
陥せい [かんせい]
(n,vs) trap
陥る [おちいる]
(v5r) to fall
陥れる [おとしいれる]
(v1) to tempt
陥入 [かんにゅう]
(n,vs) subsiding
陥没 [かんぼつ]
(n,vs) cave-in
陥没湖 [かんぼつこ]
(n) lake formed in volcanic caldera
陥落 [かんらく]
(n,vs) fall
陥穽 [かんせい]
(n,vs) trap
韓国 [かんこく]
(n) (South) Korea
韓国語 [かんこくご]
(n) Korean language
韓国人 [かんこくじん]
(n) Korean person
韓国総合株価指数 [かんこくそうごうかぶかしすう]
(n) Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI)
韓人 [からびと]
(n) Korean person (elegant term)
館 [かん]
(n,suf) house
館 [たち]
(n) (1) mansion
館 [やかた]
(n) (1) mansion
館娃 [かんあい]
(n) palace (in China built by Wu Dynasty King)
館員 [かんいん]
(n) personnel (of public building)
館外 [かんがい]
(n) outside a building
館主 [かんしゅ]
(n) manager
館長 [かんちょう]
(n) superintendent
館内 [かんない]
(n) in the building
丸 [まる]
(n) (1) circle
丸々 [まるまる]
(adv,n) completely
丸々と [まるまると]
(exp) plump
丸々と太った [まるまるとふとった]
(adj) rotund
丸い [まるい]
(adj) round
丸くなって [まるくなって]
(exp) in a circle (ring)
丸く治まる [まるくおさまる]
(exp) to settle peacefully
丸ごと [まるごと]
(adv) in its entirety
丸っきり [まるっきり]
(adv) completely
丸っこい [まるっこい]
(adj) round
丸っ切り [まるっきり]
(adv) completely
丸で [まるで]
(adv) quite
丸で成ってない [まるでなってない]
(adj) not good at all
丸の侭 [まるのまま]
(n) in its entirety
丸まる [まるまる]
(v5r) to become rounded
丸み [まるみ]
(n) roundness
丸める [まるめる]
(v1) to make round
丸め込む [まるめこむ]
(v5m) (1) to coax
丸を付ける [まるをつける]
(exp) to mark a correct answer with a circle
丸暗記 [まるあんき]
(n,vs) indiscriminate memorizing
丸一 [まるいち]
(n) bisected-circle seal
丸一ヶ月 [まるいっかげつ]
(n) the whole month
丸一月 [まるひとつき]
(n) the whole month
丸一週間 [まるいっしゅうかん]
(n) the whole week
丸一日 [まるいちにち]
(n) the whole day
丸一年 [まるいちねん]
(n) the whole year
丸一晩 [まるいちばん]
(n) whole night
丸屋根 [まるやね]
(n) dome
丸覚え [まるおぼえ]
(n,vs) full memorization
丸括弧 [まるがっこ]
(n) parentheses
丸刈り [まるがり]
(n) close clipping
丸瓦 [まるがわら]
(n) concave roof tile
丸干し [まるぼし]
(n) (fish, vegetables, etc.) dried whole
丸丸 [まるまる]
(adv,n) completely
丸丸と [まるまると]
(exp) plump
丸丸と太った [まるまるとふとった]
(adj) rotund
丸顔 [まるがお]
(n) round face
丸鋸 [まるのこ]
(n) circular saw
丸型 [まるがた]
(n) (1) round shape
丸形 [まるがた]
(n) (1) round shape
丸見え [まるみえ]
(n) completely visible
丸公 [まるこう]
(n) official price
丸鋼 [まるこう]
(n) round steel bar
丸腰 [まるごし]
(n) unarmed
丸剤 [がんざい]
(n) pill
丸材 [まるざい]
(n) log
丸事 [まるごと]
(adv) in its entirety
丸持ち [まるもち]
(n) moneyed man
丸写し [まるうつし]
(n,vs) copying in entirety (verbatim)
丸取り [まるどり]
(n,vs) monopolizing
丸首 [まるくび]
(n) round-necked (T-shirt)
丸十 [まるじゅう]
(n) cross in a circle
丸出し [まるだし]
(n) bare
丸傷 [たまきず]
(n) bullet wound
丸勝ち [まるがち]
(n) complete victory
丸焼き [まるやき]
(n) barbecue
丸焼け [まるやけ]
(n) total fire loss
丸焼けになった [まるやけになった]
(adj) completely burned
丸石 [まるいし]
(n) boulder
丸切り [まるきり]
(adv) (uk) anything but
丸洗い [まるあらい]
(n,vs) washing kimonos without taking them apart
丸窓 [まるまど]
(n) circular window
丸損 [まるぞん]
(n) total loss
丸太 [まるた]
(n) log
丸太ん棒 [まるたんぼう]
(n) log
丸太材 [まるたざい]
(n) round timber
丸太小屋 [まるたごや]
(n) log cabin
丸太足場 [まるたあしば]
(n) scaffolding
丸帯 [まるおび]
(n) one-piece sash
丸彫り [まるぼり]
(n) three dimensional sculpture
丸潰れ [まるつぶれ]
(n) complete ruin
丸底 [まるぞこ]
(adj-na) round-bottom
丸天井 [まるてんじょう]
(n) arched ceiling
丸砥石 [まるといし]
(n) grindstone
丸禿 [まるはげ]
(n) complete baldness
丸呑み [まるのみ]
(n,vs) swallowing whole
丸秘 [まるひ]
(n,adj-no) confidential
丸鼻蜂 [まるはなばち]
(n) bumblebee
丸負け [まるまけ]
(n) complete defeat
丸抱え [まるがかえ]
(n) completely financed
丸坊主 [まるぼうず]
(n) close-cropped head
丸本 [まるほん]
(n) reciter's book
丸本 [まるぼん]
(n) reciter's book
丸味 [まるみ]
(n) roundness
丸網機 [まるあみき]
(n) circular knitting machine
丸儲け [まるもうけ]
(n,vs) clear gain
丸木 [まるき]
(n) log
丸木橋 [まるきばし]
(n) log bridge
丸木舟 [まるきぶね]
(n) dugout canoe
丸木船 [まるきぶね]
(n) dugout canoe
丸木造り [まるきづくり]
(n) rustic work
丸薬 [がんやく]
(n) pill
丸葉青だも [まるばあおだも]
(n) ash
丸裸 [まるはだか]
(adj-na,n) nude
丸裸にする [まるはだかにする]
(exp) to strip a person of all his or her clothes
丸裸になる [まるはだかになる]
(exp) to be stripped of all one's clothes
丸諳記 [まるあんき]
(n,vs) indiscriminate memorizing
丸鑿 [まるのみ]
(n) (a) gouge
丸髷 [まるまげ]
(n) married woman's hairdo
含ます [ふくます]
(v5s) to soak
含ませる [ふくませる]
(v1,vt) to soak
含まれない [ふくまれない]
(adj) not to be included
含まれる [ふくまれる]
(v1,vi) to be included
含み [ふくみ]
(n) implication
含み資産 [ふくみしさん]
(n) hidden assets
含み笑い [ふくみわらい]
(n,vs) suppressed laugh
含み声 [ふくみごえ]
(n) muffled voice
含む [ふくむ]
(v5m) (1) to contain
含める [ふくめる]
(v1,vt) to include
含め煮 [ふくめに]
(n,vs) food boiled in sugar syrup
含意 [がんい]
(n,vs) (1) implication
含塵率 [がんじんりつ]
(n) dust content
含水 [がんすい]
(adj-no) hydrated
含水化合物 [がんすいかごうぶつ]
(n) hydrate
含水炭素 [がんすいたんそ]
(n) carbohydrate
含蓄 [がんちく]
(n,vs) implication
含蓄の有る [がんちくのある]
(exp) pregnant
含糖 [がんとう]
(n) sugar content
含糖量 [がんとうりょう]
(n) sugar content
含味 [がんみ]
(n,vs) taste
含油層 [がんゆそう]
(n) oil strata
含有 [がんゆう]
(n,vs) contain
含有率 [がんゆうりつ]
(n) content by percentage
含有量 [がんゆうりょう]
(n) content (of a mineral, etc.)
含量 [がんりょう]
(n) content
含嗽 [うがい]
(n,vs) gargle
含嗽 [がんそう]
(n,vs) gargle
含嗽薬 [がんそうやく]
(n) gargle medicine
含羞 [がんしゅう]
(n) shyness
含羞む [はにかむ]
(v5m) (uk) to be shy
含羞草 [おじぎそう]
(n) (1) mimosa
岸 [きし]
(n) bank
岸頭 [がんとう]
(n) shore
岸壁 [がんぺき]
(n) wharf
岸辺 [きしべ]
(n) bank (of a river)
巌々とした [がんがんとした]
(adj) craggy
巌巌とした [がんがんとした]
(adj) craggy
巌窟 [がんくつ]
(n) cave
巌頭 [がんとう]
(n) top of a massive rock
玩ぶ [もてあそぶ]
(v5b) to play with
玩具 [おもちゃ]
(n) (uk) toy
玩具 [がんぐ]
(n) (uk) toy
玩具屋 [おもちゃや]
(n) toy shop
玩物喪志 [がんぶつそうし]
(n) forgetting one's serious objectives by becoming engrossed in trivial pursuits
玩味 [がんみ]
(n,vs) relish
玩弄 [がんろう]
(n,vs) make sport of
玩弄物 [がんろうぶつ]
(n) plaything
癌 [がん]
(n) cancer
癌遺伝子 [がんいでんし]
(n) oncogene
癌研 [がんけん]
(n) Cancer Research Institute
癌細胞 [がんさいぼう]
(n) cancer cell
癌腫 [がんしゅ]
(n) carcinoma
眼 [まなこ]
(n) (1) eye
眼 [め]
(n) (1) eye
眼が冴える [めがさえる]
(exp) to be wide-awake
眼をたれる [がんをたれる]
(v1) to stare menacingly
眼を付ける [がんをつける]
(exp) to fasten one's eye on (a person)
眼医者 [めいしゃ]
(n) eye doctor
眼下 [がんか]
(n) under one's eyes
眼科 [がんか]
(n) ophthalmology
眼科医 [がんかい]
(n) ophthalmologist
眼界 [がんかい]
(n) range of vision
眼球 [がんきゅう]
(n) eyeball
眼球銀行 [がんきゅうぎんこう]
(n) eye bank
眼鏡 [がんきょう]
(n) spectacles
眼鏡 [めがね]
(n) spectacles
眼鏡をかける [めがねをかける]
(exp) to wear glasses
眼鏡を外す [めがねをはずす]
(exp) to take off one's glasses
眼鏡を掛ける [めがねをかける]
(exp) to wear glasses
眼鏡違い [めがねちがい]
(n) misjudgment
眼鏡猿 [めがねざる]
(n) tarsier
眼鏡屋 [めがねや]
(n) optician
眼鏡橋 [めがねばし]
(n) arched bridge
眼鏡蛇 [めがねへび]
(n) Indian cobra
眼光 [がんこう]
(n) glint in eye
眼光紙背 [がんこうしはい]
(n) reading between the lines
眼光炯々 [がんこうけいけい]
(adj-t,adv-to) having piercing eyes
眼光炯炯 [がんこうけいけい]
(adj-t,adv-to) having piercing eyes
眼孔 [がんこう]
(n) eye socket
眼高手低 [がんこうしゅてい]
(n) able to criticize but not to create (criticise)
眼差し [まなざし]
(n) (a) look
眼識 [がんしき]
(n) discrimination
眼疾 [がんしつ]
(n) eye disease
眼精疲労 [がんせいひろう]
(n) eyestrain
眼前 [がんぜん]
(n) before one's eyes
眼帯 [がんたい]
(n) eyepatch or bandage
眼中 [がんちゅう]
(n) consideration
眼中にない [がんちゅうにない]
(adj) think nothing of
眼底 [がんてい]
(n) fundus of the eye
眼底出血 [がんていしゅっけつ]
(n) hemorrage in the fundus of the eye
眼点 [がんてん]
(n) eyespot
眼軟膏 [がんなんこう]
(n) eye ointment
眼病 [がんびょう]
(n) eye disease
眼福 [がんぷく]
(n) a sight for sore eyes
眼目 [がんもく]
(n) core
眼力 [がんりき]
(n) insight
眼力 [がんりょく]
(n) insight
眼瞼 [がんけん]
(n) eyelid
眼窩 [がんか]
(n) eye socket
岩 [いわ]
(n) rock
岩雲雀 [いわひばり]
(adj-na,n) alpine accentor
岩燕 [いわつばめ]
(n) house martin (bird) (Delichon urbica nigrimentalis)
岩塩 [がんえん]
(n) rock salt
岩屋 [いわや]
(n) cavern
岩塊 [がんかい]
(n) mass of rock
岩絵の具 [いわえのぐ]
(n) natural mineral pigments
岩角 [いわかど]
(n) edge or corner of a stone
岩間 [いわま]
(n) among rocks
岩魚 [いわな]
(n) char (type of fish)
岩窟 [がんくつ]
(n) cave
岩穴 [いわあな]
(n) cavern
岩戸 [いわと]
(n) rock door (to a cave)
岩根 [いわね]
(n) rock
岩山 [いわやま]
(n) rocky mountain
岩室 [いわむろ]
(n) cave
岩手県 [いわてけん]
(n) Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)
岩床 [がんしょう]
(n) bedrock
岩礁 [がんしょう]
(n) reef
岩場 [いわば]
(n) rocky area
岩清水 [いわしみず]
(n) water trickling from rocks
岩石 [がんせき]
(n) rock
岩石学 [がんせきがく]
(n) petrology
岩石圏 [がんせきけん]
(n) lithosphere
岩層 [がんそう]
(n) rock formation
岩棚 [いわたな]
(n) ledge
岩棚 [いわだな]
(n) ledge
岩田帯 [いわたおび]
(n) belt used for back support after fifth month of pregnancy
岩登り [いわのぼり]
(n) rock climbing
岩波 [いわなみ]
(n) Iwanami (publisher)
岩肌 [いわはだ]
(n) bare rock
岩盤 [がんばん]
(n) bedrock
岩壁 [がんぺき]
(n) wall of rock
岩脈 [がんみゃく]
(n) dike
岩漿 [がんしょう]
(n) magma
翫ぶ [もてあそぶ]
(v5b) to play with
贋 [にせ]
(adj-na,n) imitation
贋アカシア [にせアカシア]
(n) black locust
贋印 [にせいん]
(n) forged seal
贋金 [にせがね]
(n) counterfeit money
贋作 [がんさく]
(n,vs) fake
贋作 [にせさく]
(n,vs) fake
贋札 [がんさつ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
贋札 [にせさつ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
贋札 [にせふだ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
贋者 [にせもの]
(n) imposter
贋手紙 [にせてがみ]
(n) forged letter
贋首 [にせくび]
(n) falsified severed head
贋造 [がんぞう]
(n,vs) counterfeiting
贋造紙幣 [がんぞうしへい]
(n) counterfeit paper money
贋物 [がんぶつ]
(n) spurious article
贋物 [にせもの]
(n) spurious article
雁 [かり]
(n) wild goose
雁 [かりがね]
(n) wild goose
雁 [がん]
(n) wild goose
雁が音 [かりがね]
(n) wild goose
雁の使い [かりのつかい]
(n) (a) letter
雁の文 [かりのふみ]
(n) (a) letter
雁の便り [かりのたより]
(n) (a) letter
雁擬き [がんもどき]
(n) deep-fried tofu mixed with thinly sliced vegetables
雁金 [かりがね]
(n) wild goose
雁行 [がんこう]
(n,vs) the flight formation of geese
雁骨 [かりがねぼね]
(n) scapula
雁字搦みに [がんじがらみに]
(adv) (bind) firmly
雁字搦め [がんじがらめ]
(n) bound hand and foot
雁字搦めに [がんじがらめに]
(adv) (bind) firmly
雁首 [かりくび]
(n) (1) (something resembling a) goose's neck
雁首 [がんくび]
(n) (1) pipe bowl
雁首そろえる [がんくびそろえる]
(exp) to sit silently at a meeting
雁首をそろえる [がんくびをそろえる]
(exp) to sit silently at a meeting
雁首を揃える [がんくびをそろえる]
(exp) to sit silently at a meeting
雁首揃える [がんくびそろえる]
(exp) to sit silently at a meeting
雁書 [がんしょ]
(n) letter
雁爪 [がんずめ]
(n) Japanese rake
雁爪 [がんづめ]
(n) Japanese rake
雁皮紙 [がんぴし]
(n) rice paper
雁木 [がんぎ]
(n) stepped pier
雁木車 [がんぎぐるま]
(n) escape wheel
雁木鑢 [がんぎやすり]
(n) rasp
雁来紅 [がんらいこう]
(n) tampala
雁来紅 [はげいとう]
(n) tampala
頑 [かたくな]
(adj-na) (uk) obstinate
頑として [がんとして]
(adv,exp) firmly, stubbornly
頑な [かたくな]
(adj-na) (uk) obstinate
頑強 [がんきょう]
(adj-na,n) dogged
頑愚 [がんぐ]
(adj-na,n) obstinate and foolish
頑健 [がんけん]
(adj-na,n) robust health
頑健無比 [がんけんむひ]
(n,adj-na) being of very robust health
頑固 [がんこ]
(adj-na,n) stubbornness
頑固一徹 [がんこいってつ]
(n,adj-na) stubborn
頑固親父 [がんこおやじ]
(n) stubborn (obstinate) father
頑丈 [がんじょう]
(adj-na,n) solid
頑是ない [がんぜない]
(adj) innocent
頑是無い [がんぜない]
(adj) innocent
頑張って [がんばって]
(exp) Hold on
頑張り [がんばり]
(n) tenacity
頑張り屋 [がんばりや]
(n) someone who battles on in difficult circumstances
頑張る [がんばる]
(v5r) to persist
頑冥 [がんめい]
(adj-na,n) stubbornness
頑迷 [がんめい]
(adj-na,n) stubbornness
頑迷固陋 [がんめいころう]
(n,adj-na) obstinate
顔 [かお]
(n) face (person)
顔から火が出る [かおからひがでる]
(v1) to be extremely embarrassed
顔がきく [かおがきく]
(exp) to have a lot of influence
顔が利く [かおがきく]
(exp) to be well known
顔が立つ [かおがたつ]
(exp) to save one's face
顔つき [かおつき]
(n) (outward) looks
顔なじみ [かおなじみ]
(n) acquaintance
顔に泥を塗る [かおにどろをぬる]
(exp) to bring disgrace (dishonor, dishonour) on
顔の広い人 [かおのひろいひと]
(n) person with many contacts
顔の作り [かおのつくり]
(n) features of the face
顔ぶれ [かおぶれ]
(n) (1) personnel
顔をしかめる [かおをしかめる]
(v1) to grimace
顔をつぶす [かおをつぶす]
(exp) to cause loss of face
顔を掩う [かおをおおう]
(exp) to cover one's face
顔を合わせる [かおをあわせる]
(v1) to meet
顔を上げる [かおをあげる]
(exp) to raise one's face
顔を赤らめる [かおをあからめる]
(exp) to change color
顔を潰される [かおをつぶされる]
(exp) to lose face
顔を背ける [かおをそむける]
(exp) to turn one's face away
顔を覆う [かおをおおう]
(exp) to cover one's face
顔を立てる [かおをたてる]
(v1) to save face
顔アップ [かおアップ]
(n) close-up of a face
顔汚し [かおよごし]
(n) a disgrace or dishonor (dishonour)
顔形 [かおかたち]
(n-t) features
顔繋ぎ [かおつなぎ]
(n,vs) getting or keeping acquainted with
顔見せ [かおみせ]
(n) making an appearance
顔見世 [かおみせ]
(n) making an appearance
顔見知り [かおみしり]
(n) acquaintance
顔向け [かおむけ]
(n) face another
顔合せ [かおあわせ]
(n,vs) meeting together
顔合わせ [かおあわせ]
(n,vs) meeting together
顔黒 [がんぐろ]
(n,vs) blackening the body
顔作り [かおづくり]
(n) shape of the head
顔写真 [かおじゃしん]
(n) photographic portrait
顔射 [がんしゃ]
(n) ejaculation onto partner's face
顔出し [かおだし]
(n,vs) putting in an appearance
顔色 [かおいろ]
(n) complexion
顔色 [がんしょく]
(n) complexion
顔触れ [かおぶれ]
(n) (1) personnel
顔着 [がんちゃく]
(n) (sl) face landing (used by BMX riders)
顔馴染 [かおなじみ]
(n) acquaintance
顔馴染み [かおなじみ]
(n) acquaintance
顔付き [かおつき]
(n) (outward) looks
顔負け [かおまけ]
(n,vs) embarrassed
顔文字 [かおもじ]
(n) smiley (face made up of characters)
顔貌 [かおかたち]
(n-t) features
顔面 [がんめん]
(n) face (of person)
顔面紅潮 [がんめんこうちょう]
(n) one's face turning red
顔面蒼白 [がんめんそうはく]
(n) one's face turning pale (ashen)
顔役 [かおやく]
(n) influential man
顔立ち [かおだち]
(n) looks
顔料 [がんりょう]
(n) colorant
願 [がん]
(n) prayer
願い [ねがい]
(n) desire
願い下げ [ねがいさげ]
(n) cancellation
願い下げる [ねがいさげる]
(v1) to withdraw a request
願い求める [ねがいもとめる]
(v1) to entreat
願い事 [ねがいごと]
(n) wish
願い主 [ねがいぬし]
(n) applicant
願い出 [ねがいで]
(n) application
願い出る [ねがいでる]
(v1) to apply for
願う [ねがう]
(v5u) to desire
願ったり叶ったり [ねがったりかなったり]
(n) everything working out as desired
願わくは [ねがわくは]
(adv) I pray
願わくわ [ねがわくわ]
(ik) (exp) I pray
願わしい [ねがわしい]
(adj) desirable
願をかける [がんをかける]
(exp) to make a wish (to a god)
願を掛ける [がんをかける]
(exp) to make a wish (to a god)
願意 [がんい]
(n) object of an application
願解き [がんほどき]
(n) release from a vow
願掛け [がんがけ]
(n) Shinto or Buddhist prayer
願事 [ねがいごと]
(n) wish
願主 [がんしゅ]
(n) temple petitioner
願酒 [がんしゅ]
(n) praying at a temple or shrine for help to stop drinking
願書 [がんしょ]
(n) written application or petition
願状 [がんじょう]
(n) written request
願文 [がんもん]
(n) Shinto or Buddhist prayer (read)
願望 [がんぼう]
(n,vs) desire
願望 [がんもう]
(n,vs) desire
願面 [がんめん]
(n) the front page of an application blank
願立て [がんだて]
(n,vs) Shinto or Buddhist prayer
願力 [がんりき]
(n) the power of prayer (in Buddhism)
企て [くわだて]
(n) plan
企てる [くわだてる]
(v1) to plan
企み [たくらみ]
(n) plan
企む [たくらむ]
(v5m) (uk) to scheme
企画 [きかく]
(n,vs) planning
企画課 [きかくか]
(n) planning section
企画室 [きかくしつ]
(n) planning office
企画書 [きかくしょ]
(n) proposal (business)
企画性 [きかくせい]
(n) ability to make plans
企画部 [きかくぶ]
(n) planning department
企劃 [きかく]
(n,vs) plan
企及 [ききゅう]
(n,vs) attempt
企業 [きぎょう]
(n) enterprise
企業イメージ [きぎょうイメージ]
(n) corporate image
企業トップ [きぎょうトップ]
(n) senior executives
企業プラン [きぎょうプラン]
(n) corporate plan (business)
企業化 [きぎょうか]
(n) commercialization
企業家 [きぎょうか]
(n) industrialist
企業会計 [きぎょうかいけい]
(n) corporate accounting
企業会計原則 [きぎょうかいけいげんそく]
(n) corporate accounting principles
企業間信用 [きぎょうかんしんよう]
(n) inter-business credit
企業危機管理 [きぎょうききかんり]
(n) corporate risk management
企業業績 [きぎょうぎょうせき]
(n) corporate earnings
企業行動 [きぎょうこうどう]
(n) corporate activity
企業合同 [きぎょうごうどう]
(n) (a) trust
企業合併 [きぎょうがっぺい]
(n) merger
企業債務 [きぎょうさいむ]
(n) corporate debt
企業在庫 [きぎょうざいこ]
(n) business inventory
企業者 [きぎょうしゃ]
(n) industrialist
企業収益 [きぎょうしゅうえき]
(n) corporate earnings
企業心 [きぎょうしん]
(n) enterprising spirit
企業整備 [きぎょうせいび]
(n) curtailment of business operations
企業責任 [きぎょうせきにん]
(n) corporate responsibility
企業戦略 [きぎょうせんりゃく]
(n) corporate strategy (business)
企業体質 [きぎょうたいしつ]
(n) financial content
企業倒産 [きぎょうとうさん]
(n) corporate bankruptcy
企業投資 [きぎょうとうし]
(n) corporate spending
企業内 [きぎょうない]
(n) company-internal
企業内教育 [きぎょうないきょういく]
(n) corporate in-service training
企業内組合 [きぎょうないくみあい]
(n) enterprise union
企業年金 [きぎょうねんきん]
(n) company pension
企業年金制度 [きぎょうねんきんせいど]
(n) corporate pension plan
企業犯罪 [きぎょうはんざい]
(n) corporate crime
企業秘密 [きぎょうひみつ]
(n) company or industrial secret
企業風土 [きぎょうふうど]
(n) corporate culture
企業別組合 [きぎょうべつくみあい]
(n) enterprise union
企業連合 [きぎょうれんごう]
(n) cartel
企図 [きと]
(n,vs) plan
企望 [きぼう]
(n,vs) looking forward to
伎 [き]
(n) deed
伎 [ぎ]
(n) deed
伎楽 [ぎがく]
(n) ancient music
伎芸 [ぎげい]
(n) art of kabuki
伎女 [ぎじょ]
(n) woman entertainer
伎能 [ぎのう]
(iK) (n) technical skill
伎倆 [ぎりょう]
(n) ability
危うい [あやうい]
(adj) dangerous
危うく [あやうく]
(adv) almost
危ない [あぶない]
(adj) dangerous
危ながる [あぶながる]
(v5r) to be afraid of
危なく [あぶなく]
(adv) nearly
危なげない [あぶなげない]
(adj) safe
危なっかしい [あぶなっかしい]
(adj) dangerous
危な気 [あぶなげ]
(adj-na,n) possibility of danger
危ぶむ [あやぶむ]
(v5m) to fear
危める [あやめる]
(v1) to wound
危絵 [あぶなえ]
(n) suggestive or indecent picture
危害 [きがい]
(n) injury
危機 [きき]
(n) crisis
危機一髪 [ききいっぱつ]
(n) by a hair's breath
危機一髪の脱出 [ききいっぱつのだっしゅつ]
(n) escape by a hairsbreadth
危機感 [ききかん]
(n) sense of impending crisis
危機管理 [ききかんり]
(n) crisis management
危機管理委員会 [ききかんりいいんかい]
(n) crisis committee
危機打者 [ききだしゃ]
(n) pinch hitter
危機突破 [ききとっぱ]
(n) crisis relief
危気 [あぶなげ]
(adj-na,n) possibility of danger
危疑 [きぎ]
(n,vs) fear
危急 [ききゅう]
(n) emergency
危急存亡 [ききゅうそんぼう]
(n) life-and-death matter
危急存亡の時 [ききゅうそんぼうのとき]
(n) crisis
危急存亡の秋 [ききゅうそんぼうのとき]
(n) crisis
危局 [ききょく]
(n) crisis
危極 [ききょく]
(n) crisis
危虞 [きく]
(n,vs) fear
危虞 [きぐ]
(n,vs) fear
危険 [きけん]
(adj-na,n) danger
危険を厭わない [きけんをいとわない]
(adj) do not mind running a risk
危険を冒す [きけんをおかす]
(exp) to brave (defy) a danger
危険因子 [きけんいんし]
(n) risk factor
危険角度 [きけんかくど]
(n) critical angle
危険極まる [きけんきわまる]
(exp) extremely dangerous
危険思想 [きけんしそう]
(n) dangerous thoughts
危険視 [きけんし]
(n,vs) regarded as dangerous
危険信号 [きけんしんごう]
(n) danger signal
危険人物 [きけんじんぶつ]
(n) dangerous character
危険性 [きけんせい]
(n) riskiness
危険地帯 [きけんちたい]
(n) danger zone
危険日 [きけんび]
(n) dangerous day (one on which conception is likely to occur)
危険負担 [きけんふたん]
(n) risk-bearing
危険物 [きけんぶつ]
(n) hazardous materials
危坐 [きざ]
(n,vs) sitting up straight
危地 [きち]
(n) dangerous position
危篤 [きとく]
(n) critical illness
危篤である [きとくである]
(v5r) to be in critical condition
危篤状態 [きとくじょうたい]
(n) critical condition
危難 [きなん]
(n) peril
危峰 [きほう]
(n) high, steep peak
危殆 [きたい]
(n) danger
危惧 [きく]
(n,vs) fear
危惧 [きぐ]
(n,vs) fear
危懼 [きく]
(n,vs) fear
危懼 [きぐ]
(n,vs) fear
喜がる [よがる]
(v5r) to satisfy oneself
喜の字 [きのじ]
(n) 77th birthday
喜ばしい [よろこばしい]
(adj) delightful
喜ばす [よろこばす]
(v5s) to delight
喜び [よろこび]
(n) joy
喜びに輝く目 [よろこびにかがやくめ]
(n) eyes sparkling with joy
喜びを顔に表す [よろこびをかおにあらわす]
(exp) to show happiness on one's face
喜び勇む [よろこびいさむ]
(v5m) to be in high spirits
喜ぶ [よろこぶ]
(v5b) to be delighted
喜んで [よろこんで]
(adv) (col) with pleasure ..
喜悦 [きえつ]
(n,vs) joy
喜歌う [よろこびうたう]
(v5u) to rejoice and sing
喜歌劇 [きかげき]
(n) comic opera
喜劇 [きげき]
(n) comedy
喜劇映画 [きげきえいが]
(n) comic film
喜捨 [きしゃ]
(n,vs) almsgiving
喜寿 [きじゅ]
(n) 77th birthday
喜色 [きしょく]
(n) glad countenance
喜色満面 [きしょくまんめん]
(exp) being all smiles with joy
喜怒哀楽 [きどあいらく]
(n) human emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor) (humour)
喜望峰 [きぼうほう]
(n) Cape of Good Hope
器 [うつわ]
(n) (1) bowl
器械 [きかい]
(n) instrument
器械体操 [きかいたいそう]
(n) apparatus gymnastics
器楽 [きがく]
(n) instrumental music
器楽曲 [きがくきょく]
(n) piece of instrumental music
器官 [きかん]
(n) organ (of body)
器機 [きき]
(n) machinery and tools
器具 [きぐ]
(n) utensil
器材 [きざい]
(n) tools and materials
器財 [きざい]
(n) tool
器質的 [きしつてき]
(adj-na) organic
器物 [きぶつ]
(n) container
器用 [きよう]
(adj-na,n) skillful
器用貧乏 [きようびんぼう]
(adj-na,n) Jack of all trades and master of none
器量 [きりょう]
(n) looks
器量人 [きりょうじん]
(n) talented individual
器量負け [きりょうまけ]
(n) too beautiful or talented for one's own good
基 [もと]
(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin
基 [もとい]
(n) basis
基づく [もとづく]
(v5k) to be grounded on
基因 [きいん]
(n,vs) cause
基音 [きおん]
(n) fundamental tone (note)
基幹 [きかん]
(n) mainstay
基幹業務 [きかんぎょうむ]
(n) mission-critical task
基幹産業 [きかんさんぎょう]
(n) key industries
基教 [ききょう]
(n) Christianity
基金 [ききん]
(n) fund
基源 [きげん]
(n) origin
基軸 [きじく]
(n) key
基軸通貨 [きじくつうか]
(n) (principal) reserve currency
基準 [きじゅん]
(n) standard
基準外賃金 [きじゅんがいちんぎん]
(n) extra wages
基準点 [きじゅんてん]
(n) point of reference
基準内賃金 [きじゅんないちんぎん]
(n) fixed wages
基準法 [きじゅんほう]
(n) basic law
基数 [きすう]
(n) cardinal number
基数の補数 [きすうのほすう]
(n) radix complement
基石 [きせき]
(n) cornerstone
基線 [きせん]
(n) base line
基礎 [きそ]
(n,adj-no) foundation
基礎科学 [きそかがく]
(n) basic science
基礎研究 [きそけんきゅう]
(n) basic research
基礎工事 [きそこうじ]
(n) foundation works
基礎控除 [きそこうじょ]
(n) basic or standard deduction
基礎試験 [きそしけん]
(n) preclinical study
基礎体温 [きそたいおん]
(n) basal body temperature
基礎代謝 [きそたいしゃ]
(n) basal metabolism
基礎知識 [きそちしき]
(n) fundamental knowledge
基礎的 [きそてき]
(adj-na) fundamental
基地 [きち]
(n) base
基地局 [きちきょく]
(n) base station
基地閉鎖 [きちへいさ]
(n) (military) base closing
基調 [きちょう]
(n) basis
基底 [きてい]
(n) base
基底構造 [きていこうぞう]
(n) deep structure
基底部門 [きていぶもん]
(n) base component
基点 [きてん]
(n) datum point
基督 [きりすと]
(n) Christ
基督教 [きりすときょう]
(n) Christianity
基板 [きばん]
(n) (gen) (comp) substrate
基盤 [きばん]
(n) (1) foundation
基盤ソフト [きばんソフト]
(n) software infrastructure
基付く [もとづく]
(v5k) to be grounded on
基部 [きぶ]
(n) base
基本 [きほん]
(n,adj-no) foundation
基本コンセプト [きほんコンセプト]
(n) basic concept
基本概念 [きほんがいねん]
(n) basic overview
基本給 [きほんきゅう]
(n) base pay
基本原理 [きほんげんり]
(n) fundamental idea
基本語 [きほんご]
(n) basic vocabulary item
基本合意 [きほんごうい]
(n) basic agreement
基本周波数 [きほんしゅうはすう]
(n) fundamental frequency
基本条件 [きほんじょうけん]
(n) basic conditions
基本単位 [きほんたんい]
(n) standard unit
基本的 [きほんてき]
(adj-na) fundamental
基本的に [きほんてきに]
(adv) basically
基本的人権 [きほんてきじんけん]
(n) fundamental human rights
基本法 [きほんほう]
(n) fundamental law
奇々怪々 [ききかいかい]
(adj-na,n) very strange
奇しくも [くしくも]
(adv) strangely
奇っ怪 [きっかい]
(adj-na,n) strange
奇なる [きなる]
(exp) odd
奇をてらう [きをてらう]
(exp) to make a display of one's originality (eccentricity)
奇を衒う [きをてらう]
(exp) to make a display of one's originality (eccentricity)
奇異 [きい]
(adj-na,n) odd
奇縁 [きえん]
(n) strange coincidence
奇貨 [きか]
(n) curiosity
奇貨可居 [きかおくべし]
(exp) You must seize every golden opportunity
奇怪 [きかい]
(adj-na,n) strange
奇怪 [きっかい]
(adj-na,n) strange
奇怪千万 [きかいせんばん]
(n,adj-na) very strange (mysterious, weird)
奇怪千万 [きっかいせんばん]
(n,adj-na) very strange (mysterious, weird)
奇観 [きかん]
(n) wonderful sight
奇巌 [きがん]
(n) massive rock of unusual shape
奇岩 [きがん]
(n) strangely shaped rocks
奇岩怪石 [きがんかいせき]
(n) strangely shaped rocks and bizarre stones
奇奇怪怪 [ききかいかい]
(adj-na,n) very strange
奇矯 [ききょう]
(adj-na,n) eccentric
奇矯な癖 [ききょうなへき]
(n) eccentric habit
奇偶 [きぐう]
(n) odd and even numbers
奇遇 [きぐう]
(adj-na,n) unexpected meeting
奇形 [きけい]
(adj-na,n) (1) birth defect
奇形児 [きけいじ]
(n) deformed child
奇計 [きけい]
(n) clever scheme
奇警 [きけい]
(adj-na,n) witty
奇効 [きこう]
(n) remarkable effect
奇行 [きこう]
(n) eccentricities
奇骨 [きこつ]
(n) eccentric
奇才 [きさい]
(n) genius
奇策 [きさく]
(n) clever scheme
奇策縦横 [きさくじゅうおう]
(n) ingenious scheme
奇手 [きしゅ]
(n) surprise move
奇習 [きしゅう]
(n) strange custom
奇襲 [きしゅう]
(n,vs) surprise attack
奇襲攻撃 [きしゅうこうげき]
(n) kamikaze attack
奇術 [きじゅつ]
(n) magic
奇術師 [きじゅつし]
(n) conjurer
奇書 [きしょ]
(n) unusual book
奇勝 [きしょう]
(n) beauty spot
奇人 [きじん]
(n) eccentric person
奇瑞 [きずい]
(n) auspicious (good) omen
奇数 [きすう]
(n) odd number
奇声 [きせい]
(n) strange voice
奇跡 [きせき]
(n) miracle
奇跡的 [きせきてき]
(adj-na) miraculous
奇蹟 [きせき]
(n) miracle
奇想 [きそう]
(n) fantastic idea
奇想曲 [きそうきょく]
(n) capriccio
奇想天外 [きそうてんがい]
(adj-na,n) fantastic idea
奇体 [きたい]
(adj-na,n) strange
奇態 [きたい]
(adj-na,n) strange or odd posture or figure
奇態なことに [きたいなことに]
(adv) strange to say
奇談 [きだん]
(n) strange story
奇知 [きち]
(n) extraordinary wisdom
奇智 [きち]
(n) extraordinary wisdom
奇天烈 [きてれつ]
(adj-na,n) very strange
奇特 [きとく]
(adj-na,n) praiseworthy
奇特 [きどく]
(adj-na,n) praiseworthy
奇抜 [きばつ]
(adj-na,n) novel
奇病 [きびょう]
(n) strange disease
奇聞 [きぶん]
(n) strange news
奇兵 [きへい]
(n) commandos
奇癖 [きへき]
(n) strange habit
奇弁 [きべん]
(n) sophistry
奇妙 [きみょう]
(adj-na,n) strange
奇妙さ [きみょうさ]
(n) strangeness
奇妙な話 [きみょうなはなし]
(n) strange story
奇妙な話だが [きみょうなはなしだが]
(exp) curiously enough
奇問 [きもん]
(n) tricky question
奇麗 [きれい]
(adj-na) (uk) pretty
奇麗な器 [きれいなうつわ]
(n) beautiful bowl
奇麗好き [きれいずき]
(adj-na,n) liking to keep things clean
奇麗事 [きれいごと]
(n) whitewashing
奇麗所 [きれいどころ]
(n) geisha girls
奇譚 [きたん]
(n) mysterious story
嬉々 [きき]
(adj-t,adv-to) gleeful
嬉しい [うれしい]
(adj) happy
嬉しがらせ [うれしがらせ]
(n) flattery
嬉しがる [うれしがる]
(v5r) to be glad
嬉しそう [うれしそう]
(adj-na) delightful
嬉し泣き [うれしなき]
(exp) weeping for joy
嬉し涙 [うれしなみだ]
(n) happy tears
嬉嬉 [きき]
(adj-t,adv-to) gleeful
嬉戯 [きぎ]
(n,vs) frisking
嬉笑 [きしょう]
(n) happy laughter
寄こす [よこす]
(v5s) (1) to send
寄す [よす]
(v5s) (arch) to bring near
寄せ [よせ]
(n,n-suf) last moves (in go, shogi, or chess)
寄せかける [よせかける]
(v1) to rest or lean against
寄せつける [よせつける]
(v1) to get close to
寄せる [よせる]
(v1) (1) to come near
寄せ掛ける [よせかける]
(v1) to rest or lean against
寄せ算 [よせざん]
(n) addition
寄せ手 [よせて]
(n) attacking army
寄せ集め [よせあつめ]
(n) mish-mash
寄せ集める [よせあつめる]
(v1) to put together
寄せ書き [よせがき]
(n,vs) (1) write jointly
寄せ切れ [よせぎれ]
(n) patchwork
寄せ太鼓 [よせだいこ]
(n) drums sounded in the morning to draw the crowds to sumo
寄せ棟造り [よせむねづくり]
(n) house with a hipped roof
寄せ鍋 [よせなべ]
(n) pot of chicken, seafood, and vegetables
寄せ付けない [よせつけない]
(adj) keep away
寄せ付ける [よせつける]
(v1) to get close to
寄せ木 [よせぎ]
(n) wooden mosaic
寄せ木細工 [よせぎざいく]
(n) wooden mosaic work
寄せ木造り [よせぎづくり]
(n) joined block construction of a statue
寄っかかる [よっかかる]
(v5r) to lean against
寄っ掛る [よっかかる]
(v5r) to lean against
寄りかかる [よりかかる]
(v5r,vi) to lean against
寄り掛かる [よりかかる]
(v5r,vi) to lean against
寄り寄り [よりより]
(adv) sometimes
寄り合い [よりあい]
(n) (a) meeting
寄り合い所帯 [よりあいじょたい]
(n) congeries of many households
寄り合う [よりあう]
(v5u) to gather
寄り集まる [よりあつまる]
(v5r) to gather together
寄り身 [よりみ]
(n) (sumo) push an opponent out with one's body
寄り切り [よりきり]
(n) (sumo) holding opponent's belt while pushing from the ring
寄り添う [よりそう]
(v5u) to get close
寄り倒し [よりたおし]
(n) (sumo) knock an opponent over while holding his belt
寄り道 [よりみち]
(n,vs) dropping in on the way
寄り付き [よりつき]
(n) opening session
寄り付く [よりつく]
(v5k) to approach
寄り目 [よりめ]
(n) cross-eyed
寄り縋る [よりすがる]
(v5r) to cling to
寄る [よる]
(v5r) to visit
寄ると触ると [よるとさわると]
(exp) whenever they come together
寄る辺 [よるべ]
(n) place to go
寄越す [よこす]
(v5s) (1) to send
寄金 [ききん]
(n) contribution
寄寓 [きぐう]
(n,vs) lodging with
寄語 [きご]
(n,vs) sending word by
寄港 [きこう]
(n,vs) stopping at a port
寄港地 [きこうち]
(n) port of call
寄稿 [きこう]
(n,vs) contribution (e.g., to newspaper)
寄稿者 [きこうしゃ]
(n) contributor (of articles)
寄航 [きこう]
(n,vs) calling at a port or airport
寄合い [よりあい]
(n) (a) meeting
寄合う [よりあう]
(v5u) to gather
寄合所帯 [よりあいじょたい]
(n) congeries of many households
寄集め [よせあつめ]
(n) mish-mash
寄宿 [きしゅく]
(n,vs) lodging
寄宿舎 [きしゅくしゃ]
(n) boarding house
寄宿生 [きしゅくせい]
(n) boarding student
寄宿料 [きしゅくりょう]
(n) fee for board and lodging
寄書 [きしょ]
(n,vs) contributed article
寄書き [よせがき]
(n,vs) (1) write jointly
寄食 [きしょく]
(n,vs) parasitism
寄信 [きしん]
(n) sending a letter
寄進 [きしん]
(n,vs) contribution
寄生 [きせい]
(n,vs) parasitism
寄生火山 [きせいかざん]
(n) parasite volcano
寄生植物 [きせいしょくぶつ]
(n) parasitic plant
寄生生物 [きせいせいぶつ]
(n) parasite
寄生虫 [きせいちゅう]
(n) parasite
寄生虫症 [きせいちゅうしょう]
(n) giardiasis
寄生木 [やどりぎ]
(gikun) (n) mistletoe
寄席 [よせ]
(n) musical hall
寄贈 [きそう]
(n,vs) donation
寄贈 [きぞう]
(n,vs) donation
寄贈者 [きそうしゃ]
(n) donor
寄贈者 [きぞうしゃ]
(n) donor
寄贈品 [きぞうひん]
(n) gift
寄託 [きたく]
(n,vs) deposit
寄添う [よりそう]
(v5u) to get close
寄付 [きふ]
(n,vs) contribution
寄付く [よりつく]
(v5k) to approach
寄付を請う [きふをこう]
(exp) to solicit donations
寄付金 [きふきん]
(n) donation
寄付金を募る [きふきんをつのる]
(exp) to make an appeal for contributions
寄付行為 [きふこうい]
(n) act of endowment or donation
寄附 [きふ]
(n,vs) contribution
寄与 [きよ]
(n,vs) contribution
寄留 [きりゅう]
(n,vs) temporary residence
寄留者 [きりゅうしゃ]
(n) temporary resident
寄留地 [きりゅうち]
(n) one's temporary residence
寄縋る [よりすがる]
(v5r) to cling to
岐阜 [ぎふ]
(n) Gifu (pn)
岐阜県 [ぎふけん]
(n) Gifu prefecture (Chuubu area)
岐路 [きろ]
(n) forked road
希 [まれ]
(adj-na,n) rare
希求 [ききゅう]
(n,vs) aspiring to
希元素 [きげんそ]
(n) rare element
希釈 [きしゃく]
(n,vs) dilution
希釈液 [きしゃくえき]
(n) diluted solution
希釈熱 [きしゃくねつ]
(n) heat of dilution
希書 [きしょ]
(n) rare book
希少 [きしょう]
(adj-na,n) scarce
希少価値 [きしょうかち]
(n) rare
希図 [きと]
(n,vs) hopefully planning
希世 [きせい]
(n) rare
希代 [きたい]
(adj-na,adj-no) rare
希代 [きだい]
(adj-na,adj-no) rare
希代未聞 [きたいみもん]
(n,adj-no) unheard-of
希土 [きど]
(n) rare earth
希土類 [きどるい]
(n) rare earth (chem)
希土類元素 [きどるいげんそ]
(n) rare earth elements
希薄 [きはく]
(adj-na,n) thin (e.g., air)
希望 [きぼう]
(n,vs) hope
希望に沿う [きぼうにそう]
(exp) to meet someone's requirements
希望価格 [きぼうかかく]
(n) asking price
希望者 [きぼうしゃ]
(n) person interested in doing something
希望退職 [きぼうたいしょく]
(n) voluntary retirement
希望的 [きぼうてき]
(adj-na) wishful
希望的観測 [きぼうてきかんそく]
(n) wishful thinking
希有 [けう]
(adj-na,n) rare
希硫酸 [きりゅうさん]
(n) dilute sulfuric acid
希臘 [ぎりしゃ]
(n) Greece
幾 [いく]
(n,pref) some
幾 [ほとほと]
(adv) quite
幾たび [いくたび]
(adv,n) (how) many times
幾つ [いくつ]
(n) how many?
幾つか [いくつか]
(exp) (a) few
幾ら [いくら]
(adv,n) how much?
幾らか [いくらか]
(adv,n-t) some
幾らかの [いくらかの]
(exp) some
幾らでも [いくらでも]
(exp) as many (much) as one likes
幾ら何でも [いくらなんでも]
(exp) under no circumstances
幾ら欠点が有っても [いくらけってんがあっても]
(exp) with all one's faults
幾ら勉強しても [いくらべんきょうしても]
(exp) however hard one may work
幾何 [いくばく]
(adv,n-t) how many
幾何 [きか]
(n) geometry
幾何も無く [いくばくもなく]
(adv) not long after
幾何学 [きかがく]
(n) geometry
幾何級数 [きかきゅうすう]
(n) geometric series or progression
幾何平均 [きかへいきん]
(n) geometric average or mean
幾久しく [いくひさしく]
(adv) forever
幾許 [いくばく]
(adv,n-t) how many
幾許も無く [いくばくもなく]
(adv) not long after
幾重 [いくえ]
(n) multi-plied
幾人 [いくたり]
(n) number of people
幾人 [いくにん]
(n) number of people
幾世 [いくよ]
(n) generations
幾千 [いくせん]
(n) thousand
幾千と云う人 [いくせんというひと]
(n) thousands of people
幾多 [いくた]
(adv,n) many
幾代 [いくよ]
(n) generations
幾通り [いくとおり]
(n) number of ways
幾程 [いくほど]
(adv) how many
幾度 [いくたび]
(adv,n) (how) many times
幾度 [いくど]
(adv,n) (how) many times
幾度となく [いくどとなく]
(adv) on countless occasions
幾日 [いくにち]
(n) how many days?
幾日も [いくにちも]
(n) for many days
幾年 [いくとせ]
(n-adv) number of years
幾年 [いくねん]
(n-adv) number of years
幾年にも亘る [いくねんにもわたる]
(exp) to extend over so many years
幾分 [いくぶん]
(adv,n) somewhat
幾夜 [いくよ]
(n) number of nights
幾夜も [いくよも]
(n) for several nights
忌々しい [いまいましい]
(adj) annoying
忌が明ける [きがあける]
(exp) to come out of mourning
忌まわしい [いまわしい]
(adj) abominable
忌まわしい事件 [いまわしいじけん]
(n) abominable incident
忌ま忌ましい [いまいましい]
(adj) annoying
忌み [いみ]
(n) abstinence
忌み嫌う [いみきらう]
(v5u) to detest
忌み言葉 [いみことば]
(n) taboo word
忌み日 [いみび]
(n) unlucky day
忌み明け [いみあけ]
(n) end of mourning
忌む [いむ]
(v5m) to detest
忌むべき [いむべき]
(exp) abominable
忌引 [きびき]
(n) absence from work (school) due to mourning
忌引き [きびき]
(n) absence from work (school) due to mourning
忌垣 [いがき]
(n) fence around a shrine
忌忌しい [いまいましい]
(adj) annoying
忌嫌う [いみきらう]
(v5u) to detest
忌言葉 [いみことば]
(n) taboo word
忌詞 [いみことば]
(n) taboo word
忌中 [きちゅう]
(n) mourning
忌日 [きじつ]
(n) an anniversary of a person's death
忌日 [きにち]
(n) an anniversary of a person's death
忌避 [きひ]
(n,vs) (1) evasion
忌服 [きふく]
(n) mourning
忌明け [いみあけ]
(n) end of mourning
忌明け [きあけ]
(n) end of mourning
忌憚 [きたん]
(n,vs) reserve
忌諱 [きい]
(n,vs) displeasure
忌諱 [きき]
(n,vs) displeasure
揮う [ふるう]
(v5u) to exert
揮発 [きはつ]
(n,vs) volatilization
揮発性 [きはつせい]
(n) volatile
揮発度 [きはつど]
(n) volatility
揮発物質 [きはつぶっしつ]
(n) volatile substance
揮発油 [きはつゆ]
(n) volatile oil
揮毫 [きごう]
(n,vs) writing
揮毫料 [きごうりょう]
(n) writing or painting fee
机 [つくえ]
(n) desk
机でする仕事 [つくえでするしごと]
(n) desk work (job)
机の下 [つくえのした]
(n) under the desk
机の上の本 [つくえのうえのほん]
(n) book on the desk
机の足 [つくえのあし]
(n) legs of a table
机を動かす [つくえをうごかす]
(exp) to move (shift) a desk
机下 [きか]
(n) word of respect added to the addressee's name on a letter
机上 [きじょう]
(n,adj-no) (1) on the desk
机上の空論 [きじょうのくうろん]
(n) academic gossip
机上空論 [きじょうくうろん]
(n) impractical desktop theory (proposition)
机辺 [きへん]
(n) near a desk
旗 [はた]
(n) flag
旗に乳を付ける [はたにちをつける]
(exp) to sew loops on a flag
旗を出す [はたをだす]
(exp) to hang out a flag
旗を揚げる [はたをあげる]
(exp) to raise (hoist) a flag
旗を立てる [はたをたてる]
(exp) to hoist a flag
旗印 [はたじるし]
(n) (design on a) banner
旗下 [きか]
(n,adj-no) under one's command
旗竿 [はたざお]
(n) flagstaff
旗艦 [きかん]
(n) flagship
旗魚 [かじき]
(n) spearfish
旗鼓 [きこ]
(n) banner and drums
旗鼓堂々 [きこどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) with colors flying and band playing
旗鼓堂堂 [きこどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) with colors flying and band playing
旗行列 [はたぎょうれつ]
(n) flag procession
旗手 [きしゅ]
(n) standard-bearer
旗色 [はたいろ]
(n) situation
旗振り [はたふり]
(n) flagwaving
旗亭 [きてい]
(n) restaurant
旗頭 [はたがしら]
(n) leader
旗二流 [はたにりゅう]
(n) two flags
旗二旒 [はたにりゅう]
(n) two flags
旗日 [はたび]
(n) national holiday
旗標 [はたじるし]
(n) (design on a) banner
旗弁 [きべん]
(n) standard (type of flower)
旗本 [はたもと]
(n) shogunal vassal
旗門 [きもん]
(n) (slalom) gate
旗揚げ [はたあげ]
(n,vs) raising an army
旗幟 [きし]
(n) flag
旗幟鮮明 [きしせんめい]
(n) making one's attitude (position, stand) clear (Literally, unfurling and clearly showing one's banner)
既 [き]
(pref) previously
既に [すでに]
(adv) already
既に [すんでに]
(adv) already
既の事 [すってのこと]
(adv) almost
既の事 [すんでのこと]
(adv) almost
既の所で [すんでのところで]
(exp) almost
既往 [きおう]
(n) the past
既往症 [きおうしょう]
(n) medical history
既往歴 [きおうれき]
(n) case or medical history
既刊 [きかん]
(n,adj-no) already published
既決 [きけつ]
(n) decided
既決囚 [きけつしゅう]
(n) a convict
既婚 [きこん]
(n,adj-no) marriage
既婚者 [きこんしゃ]
(n) married person
既婚男性 [きこんだんせい]
(n) married man
既済 [きさい]
(n,adj-no) paid up
既視感 [きしかん]
(n) deja vu
既習 [きしゅう]
(n,vs) already learned
既出 [きしゅつ]
(n,adj-no) something previously covered (e.g., topic, question)
既述 [きじゅつ]
(n,vs) previously mentioned or described
既遂 [きすい]
(n) (abbr) (deed) already committed or perpetrated
既成 [きせい]
(n,adj-no) established
既成の事実 [きせいのじじつ]
(n) established fact
既成概念 [きせいがいねん]
(n) stereotype
既成観念 [きせいかんねん]
(n) ready-made ideas
既成事実 [きせいじじつ]
(n) established fact
既製 [きせい]
(n,adj-no) ready-made
既製品 [きせいひん]
(n) ready-made goods
既製服 [きせいふく]
(n) ready-made clothes
既設 [きせつ]
(n) established
既設線 [きせつせん]
(n) lines in operation
既存 [きそん]
(n,adj-no) existing
既知 [きち]
(adj-na,n) already known
既知数 [きちすう]
(n) (gen) (math) known quantity
既定 [きてい]
(n) default
既定値 [きていち]
(n) default value
既定路線 [きていろせん]
(n) established (existing) policy (procedure(s))
既得 [きとく]
(n) vested
既得権 [きとくけん]
(n) vested rights
既読 [きどく]
(adj) (abbr) already read
既発表 [きはっぴょう]
(adj-no) already published
既報 [きほう]
(n) previous report
既望 [きぼう]
(n) (by the lunar calendar) 16th night of the month
既約 [きやく]
(adj-na,n) irreducible
既約表現 [きやくひょうげん]
(n) (gen) (math) irreducible representation
既約分数 [きやくぶんすう]
(n) irreducible fraction
期 [き]
(n,n-suf) period
期す [きす]
(v5s) to expect
期する [きする]
(vs-s) to expect
期間 [きかん]
(n) period
期限 [きげん]
(n) term
期限を延ばす [きげんをのばす]
(exp) to extend the term
期限切れ [きげんぎれ]
(n,adj-no) expiration of a term
期限付き [きげんつき]
(adj-no) with a fixed time
期差選任 [きさせんにん]
(n) staggered terms (applied to corporate directors as a defensive measure against hostile takeovers)
期首 [きしゅ]
(n) beginning of a term
期成 [きせい]
(n) realization of an objective
期成同盟 [きせいどうめい]
(n) association formed to carry out an objective
期待 [きたい]
(n,vs) expectation
期待感 [きたいかん]
(n) feeling of expectation
期待権 [きたいけん]
(n) expectant right (as opposed to a vested right)
期待値 [きたいち]
(n) the expectation value (statistics)
期待通りに [きたいどおりに]
(exp) as expected (positive events)
期待薄だ [きたいうすだ]
(n) not to be depended on
期内 [きない]
(n) during a period
期日 [きじつ]
(n) fixed date
期日を早める [きじつをはやめる]
(exp) to advance the date (of)
期末 [きまつ]
(n) end of term
期末試験 [きまつしけん]
(n) final exam
棋院 [きいん]
(n) shogi (go) hall
棋界 [きかい]
(n) the go (shogi) world
棋客 [きかく]
(n) shogi or go player
棋客 [ききゃく]
(n) shogi or go player
棋士 [きし]
(n) shogi player
棋聖 [きせい]
(n) great master of go (shogi)
棋道 [きどう]
(n) art of shogi (go)
棋譜 [きふ]
(n) record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc.
棋風 [きふう]
(n) one's style of playing shogi or go
棄てる [すてる]
(v1) to throw away
棄て売り [すてうり]
(n,vs) sacrifice sale
棄却 [ききゃく]
(n,vs) rejection
棄権 [きけん]
(n,vs) abstain from voting
棄権者 [きけんしゃ]
(n) non-voter
棄言葉 [すてことば]
(n) sharp parting remark
棄子 [すてご]
(n) abandoned child
棄死 [きし]
(n) exposing a corpse in the city
棄児 [きじ]
(n) abandoned child
棄児 [すてご]
(n) abandoned child
棄世 [きせい]
(n) death
棄損 [きそん]
(n,vs) damage
棄背 [きはい]
(n) giving up and turning back
棄約 [きやく]
(n) breaking a promise
棄老 [きろう]
(n) old person thrown away in the mountains
棄捐 [きえん]
(n,vs) donation
機 [き]
(n) (1) chance
機 [はた]
(n) loom
機が熟すのを待つ [きがじゅくすのをまつ]
(exp) to wait for a ripe moment
機に乗じる [きにじょうじる]
(exp) to take advantage of an opportunity
機を見るに敏なり [きをみるにびんなり]
(exp) be quick at seizing an opportunity
機位 [きい]
(n) position of aircraft
機運 [きうん]
(n) opportunity
機影 [きえい]
(n) sight (signs) of an aeroplane (airplane)
機縁 [きえん]
(n) opportunity
機屋 [はたや]
(n) weaver
機化 [きか]
(n) mechanization
機会 [きかい]
(n) chance
機会を外す [きかいをはずす]
(exp) to miss a chance
機会均等 [きかいきんとう]
(n) equal opportunity
機械 [きかい]
(n) machine
機械を扱う [きかいをあつかう]
(exp) to handle a tool
機械化 [きかいか]
(n,vs) mechanization
機械科 [きかいか]
(n) course in (of) mechanical engineering
機械学 [きかいがく]
(n) mechanics
機械警備 [きかいけいび]
(n) card-key system
機械語 [きかいご]
(n) machine language
機械工 [きかいこう]
(n) machinist
機械工学 [きかいこうがく]
(n) mechanical engineering
機械工業 [きかいこうぎょう]
(n) the machine industry
機械仕掛け [きかいじかけ]
(n) mechanical
機械的 [きかいてき]
(adj-na) mechanical
機械馬鹿 [きかいばか]
(n) skilled engineer (mechanic) who is clumsy in all other matters
機械文明 [きかいぶんめい]
(n) technical civilization
機械編み [きかいあみ]
(n) machine-woven
機械翻訳 [きかいほんやく]
(n) machine translation
機械油 [きかいあぶら]
(n) machine oil
機械論 [きかいろん]
(n) (in philosophy) mechanism
機関 [きかん]
(n) (1) mechanism
機関庫 [きかんこ]
(n) roundhouse
機関座 [きかんざ]
(n) seat of an engine
機関士 [きかんし]
(n) engineer
機関紙 [きかんし]
(n) bulletin
機関誌 [きかんし]
(n) bulletin
機関室 [きかんしつ]
(n) engine room
機関車 [きかんしゃ]
(n) locomotive
機関手 [きかんしゅ]
(n) locomotive engineer
機関銃 [きかんじゅう]
(n) machine gun
機関長 [きかんちょう]
(n) chief engineer
機関投資家 [きかんとうしか]
(n) institutional investor
機器 [きき]
(n) machinery and tools
機宜 [きぎ]
(n) opportunity
機業 [きぎょう]
(n) weaving or textile industry
機業家 [きぎょうか]
(n) textile industrialist
機具 [きぐ]
(n) (tools and) equipment
機嫌 [きげん]
(n) humour
機嫌が取りにくい [きげんがとりにくい]
(exp) hard to please
機嫌が取り悪い [きげんがとりにくい]
(exp) hard to please
機嫌をとる [きげんをとる]
(exp) to curry favour
機嫌を取る [きげんをとる]
(exp) to curry favour
機嫌を損ねる [きげんをそこねる]
(exp) to displease
機嫌気褄 [きげんきづま]
(n) humor
機嫌上戸 [きげんじょうご]
(n) merry drinker
機嫌買い [きげんかい]
(n) fickle
機嫌奉伺 [きげんほうし]
(n) inquiring into the health (frame of mind) of someone
機巧 [きこう]
(n) trick
機構 [きこう]
(n) mechanism
機構改革 [きこうかいかく]
(n) reorganization
機甲 [きこう]
(n) armour (e.g., tank)
機根 [きこん]
(n) (1) patience
機才 [きさい]
(n) shrewdness
機材 [きざい]
(n) machine parts
機軸 [きじく]
(n) axis
機種 [きしゅ]
(n) type of equipment
機首 [きしゅ]
(n) nose (of plane)
機銃 [きじゅう]
(n) machine gun
機銃掃射 [きじゅうそうしゃ]
(n) machine-gun fire
機序 [きじょ]
(n) mechanism
機上 [きじょう]
(n) aboard an aeroplane (airplane)
機織り [はたおり]
(n) weaving
機織り虫 [はたおりむし]
(n) grasshopper
機先 [きせん]
(n) forestall
機先を制する [きせんをせいする]
(exp) to beat someone to the punch
機体 [きたい]
(n) fuselage
機知 [きち]
(n) wit
機知に富む [きちにとむ]
(exp) to be quick-witted
機知縦横 [きちじゅうおう]
(n,adj-no) being very witty
機智 [きち]
(n) wit
機智縦横 [きちじゅうおう]
(n,adj-no) being very witty
機長 [きちょう]
(n) pilot
機転 [きてん]
(n) quick wittedness
機動 [きどう]
(n) maneuver
機動演習 [きどうえんしゅう]
(n) maneuvers
機動計画 [きどうけいかく]
(n) scheme of maneuver
機動警察 [きどうけいさつ]
(n) mobile police
機動性 [きどうせい]
(n) cavalry
機動隊 [きどうたい]
(n) riot police
機動部隊 [きどうぶたい]
(n) mobile troops
機動力 [きどうりょく]
(n) mobility
機内 [きない]
(n) inside a plane
機内食 [きないしょく]
(n) in-flight meal
機能 [きのう]
(n,vs) function
機能キー [きのうキー]
(n) function key
機能語 [きのうご]
(n) keyword
機能主義 [きのうしゅぎ]
(n) functionalism
機能障害 [きのうしょうがい]
(n) functional disorder
機能単一化文法 [きのうたんいつかぶんぽう]
(n) functional unification grammar
機能的 [きのうてき]
(adj-na) functional
機帆船 [きはんせん]
(n) motorized sailboat
機尾 [きび]
(n) tail (of an aeroplane, airplane)
機微 [きび]
(n) niceties
機敏 [きびん]
(adj-na,n) smart
機鋒 [きほう]
(n) brunt
機密 [きみつ]
(n) secrecy
機密事項 [きみつじこう]
(n) confidential matters
機密性 [きみつせい]
(n) confidentiality
機密費 [きみつひ]
(n) secret funds
機密文書 [きみつぶんしょ]
(n) confidential document
機密保護 [きみつほご]
(n) security e.g., data, password, etc.
機雷 [きらい]
(n) (sea) mine
機雷原 [きらいげん]
(n) minefield
機略 [きりゃく]
(n) resources
機略縦横 [きりゃくじゅうおう]
(n,adj-no) very resourcefully using tactics adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment
帰す [かえす]
(v5s) to send back
帰って来る [かえってくる]
(vk) to return
帰り [かえり]
(n) return
帰りがけ [かえりがけ]
(n-t) (1) on the way back
帰りしな [かえりしな]
(exp) (1) when about to go back
帰り掛け [かえりがけ]
(n-t) (1) on the way back
帰り支度 [かえりじたく]
(n) preparations for returning (home)
帰り着く [かえりつく]
(v5k) to arrive home
帰り道 [かえりみち]
(n) the way back or home
帰り路 [かえりみち]
(n) the way back or home
帰る [かえる]
(v5r) to go back
帰れ [かえれ]
(n) Go home
帰れる [かえれる]
(v1) to get out
帰依 [きえ]
(n,vs) devotion
帰一 [きいつ]
(n,vs) united into one
帰営 [きえい]
(n,vs) returning to military duty
帰化 [きか]
(n,vs) naturalization
帰化植物 [きかしょくぶつ]
(n) naturalized plant
帰化人 [きかじん]
(n) naturalized citizen
帰艦 [きかん]
(n,vs) returning to one's (war)ship
帰還 [きかん]
(n,vs) repatriation
帰還者 [きかんしゃ]
(n) returnee
帰還不能限界点 [きかんふのうげんかいてん]
(n) the point of no return
帰還兵 [きかんへい]
(n) returned soldier
帰休 [ききゅう]
(n,vs) (military) leave
帰京 [ききょう]
(n,vs) returning to Tokyo
帰郷 [ききょう]
(n,vs) homecoming
帰結 [きけつ]
(n,vs) conclusion
帰校 [きこう]
(n,vs) returning to school
帰港 [きこう]
(n,vs) returning to port
帰航 [きこう]
(n,vs) homeward voyage or flight
帰国 [きこく]
(n,vs) return to country
帰国の途に就く [きこくのとにつく]
(exp) to leave for home
帰国セール [きこくセール]
(n) sale of one's belongings before returning to one's country
帰国子女 [きこくしじょ]
(n) child who has returned to his or her country
帰国子女枠 [きこくしじょわく]
(n) special consideration for students who have lived abroad
帰参 [きさん]
(n,vs) returning to the service of one's master
帰社 [きしゃ]
(n,vs) return to office
帰趣 [きしゅ]
(n) direction
帰順 [きじゅん]
(n,vs) submission
帰省 [きせい]
(n,vs) homecoming
帰心 [きしん]
(n) homesickness
帰趨 [きすう]
(n,vs) tendency
帰巣性 [きそうせい]
(n) homing instinct
帰巣本能 [きそうほんのう]
(n) homing instinct
帰属 [きぞく]
(n,vs) belonging to
帰属意識 [きぞくいしき]
(n) (a feeling of) identification (with)
帰村 [きそん]
(n,vs) returning to one's village
帰宅 [きたく]
(n,vs) returning home
帰着 [きちゃく]
(n,vs) return
帰朝 [きちょう]
(n,vs) returning from abroad
帰途 [きと]
(n) on the way back
帰投 [きとう]
(n,vs) return to base of soldiers, military aircraft or ships
帰任 [きにん]
(n,vs) return to one's post
帰納 [きのう]
(n,vs) inductive
帰納的 [きのうてき]
(adj-na,n) inductive
帰納法 [きのうほう]
(n) induction
帰農 [きのう]
(n,vs) take up farming again
帰帆 [きはん]
(n,vs) returning sailboat
帰伏 [きふく]
(n,vs) submission
帰服 [きふく]
(n,vs) submission
帰無仮説 [きむかせつ]
(n) null hypothesis
帰来 [きらい]
(n,vs) returning
帰路 [きろ]
(n-adv,n-t) one's way back
毅然 [きぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) fortitude
毅然として [きぜんとして]
(exp) with resolution
気 [き]
(n) spirit
気 [げ]
(suf) (uk) seeming
気がある [きがある]
(exp) to have an interest (in something)
気がいい [きがいい]
(adj) good-natured
気がかり [きがかり]
(adj-na,n) anxiety
気がする [きがする]
(exp) (1) to have a hunch
気がつく [きがつく]
(v5k) (1) to notice
気が引ける [きがひける]
(v1) to feel awkward
気が遠くなる [きがとおくなる]
(exp) (1) to feel overwhelmed
気が緩ん [きがゆるん]
(n) lack of vigilance
気が気でない [きがきでない]
(exp) feel uneasy
気が強い [きがつよい]
(exp) strong-willed
気が狂う [きがくるう]
(exp) to go mad
気が向かない [きがむかない]
(adj) be not inclined (to do)
気が向く [きがむく]
(exp) to feel like
気が荒い [きがあらい]
(adj) bad-tempered
気が合う [きがあう]
(exp) to get along (with someone)
気が差す [きがさす]
(exp) to feel uneasy
気が済む [きがすむ]
(exp) to be satisfied
気が散る [きがちる]
(exp) to get distracted
気が若い [きがわかい]
(adj) young at heart
気が弱い [きがよわい]
(exp) timid
気が重い [きがおもい]
(adj) depressed
気が小さい [きがちいさい]
(adj) timid
気が進まない [きがすすまない]
(exp) reluctant to
気が早い [きがはやい]
(adj) short-tempered
気が多い [きがおおい]
(adj) fickle
気が大きい [きがおおきい]
(adj) generous
気が短い [きがみじかい]
(adj) quick-tempered
気が張る [きがはる]
(exp) to strain every nerve
気が長い [きがながい]
(adj) patient
気が転倒する [きがてんとうする]
(exp) to be upset
気が抜ける [きがぬける]
(exp) to be let down
気が付く [きがつく]
(v5k) (1) to notice
気が紛れる [きがまぎれる]
(exp) to be diverted (distracted) from
気が変 [きがへん]
(adj-na) insane
気が変わる [きがかわる]
(exp) to change one's mind
気が利く [きがきく]
(n) (1) sensible
気が立つ [きがたつ]
(exp) to be excited about
気さく [きさく]
(adj-na,n) frank
気だて [きだて]
(n) disposition
気だるい [けだるい]
(adj) languid
気っ風 [きっぷ]
(n) character
気づかう [きづかう]
(v5u) to worry about
気づく [きづく]
(v5k) to notice
気どり [きどり]
(n) affectation
気どる [きどる]
(v5r) to affect
気にかかる [きにかかる]
(v5r,vi) to weigh on one's mind
気にかける [きにかける]
(v1,vt) to weigh on one's mind
気にする [きにする]
(exp) to mind (negative nuance)
気にするな [きにするな]
(exp) Never mind!
気になる [きになる]
(exp,vi) to be on one's mind
気に掛かる [きにかかる]
(v5r,vi) to weigh on one's mind
気に掛ける [きにかける]
(v1,vt) to weigh on one's mind
気に座る [きにすわる]
(exp) to offend
気に召す [きにめす]
(exp) to like
気に障る [きにさわる]
(exp) to hurt one's feelings
気に食わない [きにくわない]
(adj) unable to stomach
気に入り [きにいり]
(n) favorite
気に入る [きにいる]
(v5r) to be pleased with
気に留める [きにとめる]
(exp) to (keep in) mind
気のせい [きのせい]
(n) in (my, your) imagination
気のない [きのない]
(adj) indifferent
気の詰まる [きのつまる]
(exp) stuffy
気の向く侭に [きのむくままに]
(adv) at one's fancy (whim)
気の毒 [きのどく]
(adj-na,n) pitiful
気の利いた [きのきいた]
(adj) sensible
気はくがない [きはくがない]
(exp) lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
気は確かだ [きはたしかだ]
(n) be in one's senses
気まぐれ [きまぐれ]
(adj-na,n) whim
気まぐれで [きまぐれで]
(exp) on a whim
気まずい [きまずい]
(adj) (uk) unpleasant
気まま [きまま]
(adj-na,n) willful
気も狂わんばかり [きもくるわんばかり]
(adv) frantically
気をつかう [きをつかう]
(exp) to pay attention to another's needs
気をつける [きをつける]
(exp) to be careful
気を悪くする [きをわるくする]
(exp) to take offense (at)
気を引く [きをひく]
(exp) to attract someone's affection
気を休め [きをやすめ]
(int) (Stand) at ease!
気を許す [きをゆるす]
(exp) to let one's guard down
気を遣う [きをつかう]
(exp) to pay attention to another's needs
気を散らす [きをちらす]
(exp) to distract a person's attention
気を使う [きをつかう]
(exp) to attend to
気を取られる [きをとられる]
(v1) to have one's attention attracted (caught)
気を取り直す [きをとりなおす]
(exp) to completely rethink
気を静める [きをしずめる]
(exp) to becalm one's feelings
気を入れる [きをいれる]
(exp) to do in earnest
気を配る [きをくばる]
(exp) to pay attention
気を付け [きをつけ]
(exp) (Stand to) attention!
気を付けて [きをつけて]
(exp) take care
気を付ける [きをつける]
(exp) to be careful
気を腐らす [きをくさらす]
(exp) to be in the blues
気圧 [きあつ]
(n) atmospheric pressure
気圧される [けおされる]
(v1) to be overawed (overpowered)
気圧計 [きあつけい]
(n) barometer
気圧配置 [きあつはいち]
(n) pressure pattern
気安い [きやすい]
(adj) relaxed
気位 [きぐらい]
(n) pride
気慰み [きなぐさみ]
(n) diversion
気移り [きうつり]
(n,vs) distraction
気違い [きちがい]
(n) madness
気違いじみる [きちがいじみる]
(v1) to go mad
気違い沙汰 [きちがいざた]
(n) madness
気違い染みている [きちがいじみている]
(exp) to be slightly crazy
気違い染みる [きちがいじみる]
(v1) to go mad
気韻 [きいん]
(n) dignity
気韻生動 [きいんせいどう]
(n) being animated (vivid) with grace (elegance, refinement)
気宇 [きう]
(n) breadth of mind
気宇広大 [きうこうだい]
(n) magnanimous
気宇壮大 [きうそうだい]
(n,adj-na) magnanimous in one's attitude of mind
気欝 [きうつ]
(adj-na,n) gloom
気欝症 [きうつしょう]
(n) hypochondria
気運 [きうん]
(n) luck
気鋭 [きえい]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) spirited
気炎 [きえん]
(n) high spirits
気炎万丈 [きえんばんじょう]
(n) in high spirits
気焔万丈 [きえんばんじょう]
(n) in high spirits
気温 [きおん]
(n) atmospheric temperature
気化 [きか]
(n,vs) vaporization
気化器 [きかき]
(n) vaporizer
気化熱 [きかねつ]
(n) vaporization heat
気概 [きがい]
(n) strong spirit
気学 [きがく]
(n) Fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle
気楽 [きらく]
(adj-na,n) at ease
気楽にいこうぜ [きらくにいこうぜ]
(exp) take it easy
気楽に行こうぜ [きらくにいこうぜ]
(exp) take it easy
気掛かり [きがかり]
(adj-na,n) anxiety
気掛り [きがかり]
(adj-na,n) anxiety
気管 [きかん]
(n) trachea
気管支 [きかんし]
(n) bronchial tube
気管支炎 [きかんしえん]
(n) bronchitis
気管支肺炎 [きかんしはいえん]
(n) bronchial pneumonia
気管支喘息 [きかんしぜんそく]
(n) bronchial asthma
気管切開 [きかんせっかい]
(n) tracheotomy
気管内チューブ [きかんないチューブ]
(n) tracheal tube
気詰まり [きづまり]
(adj-na,n) constraint
気詰り [きづまり]
(adj-na,n) constraint
気休め [きやすめ]
(n) soothing
気休めに [きやすめに]
(adv) for peace of mind
気球 [ききゅう]
(n) balloon
気強い [きづよい]
(adj) reassuring
気狂い [きちがい]
(n) madness
気狂いじみる [きちがいじみる]
(v1) to go mad
気狂い沙汰 [きちがいざた]
(n) madness
気狂い染みている [きちがいじみている]
(exp) to be slightly crazy
気狂い染みる [きちがいじみる]
(v1) to go mad
気胸 [ききょう]
(n) pneumothorax
気苦労 [きぐろう]
(n) worry
気軽 [きがる]
(adj-na,n) cheerful
気軽い [きがるい]
(adj) cheerful
気兼ね [きがね]
(adj-na,n,vs) hesitance
気圏 [きけん]
(n) atmosphere
気懸かり [きがかり]
(adj-na,n) anxiety
気遣い [きづかい]
(n) consideration
気遣う [きづかう]
(v5u) to worry about
気遣わしい [きづかわしい]
(adj) anxiously
気後れ [きおくれ]
(n,vs) nervous
気候 [きこう]
(n) climate
気候学 [きこうがく]
(n) climatology
気候帯 [きこうたい]
(n) climatic zone
気候風土 [きこうふうど]
(n) climate and natural features (of a region)
気功 [きこう]
(n) (MA) breathing exercise
気孔 [きこう]
(n) stoma
気構え [きがまえ]
(n) pose
気高い [けだかい]
(adj) sublime
気合 [きあい]
(n) scream
気合い [きあい]
(n) scream
気合いをかける [きあいをかける]
(exp) to cheer on
気合いを掛ける [きあいをかける]
(exp) to cheer on
気合い負け [きあいまけ]
(n) being overawed
気骨 [きこつ]
(n) (moral) backbone
気骨稜々 [きこつりょうりょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
気骨稜稜 [きこつりょうりょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
気根 [きこん]
(n) aerial root
気散じ [きさんじ]
(adj-na,n) recreation
気持 [きもち]
(n) feeling
気持ち [きもち]
(n) feeling
気持ちいい [きもちいい]
(adj) good feeling
気持ちよい [きもちよい]
(adj) good feeling
気持ち悪い [きもちわるい]
(adj) bad feeling
気室 [きしつ]
(n) air chamber
気質 [かたぎ]
(n) spirit
気質 [きしつ]
(n) spirit
気弱 [きよわ]
(adj-na,n) timid
気取り [きどり]
(n) affectation
気取り屋 [きどりや]
(n) snob
気取る [きどる]
(v5r) to affect
気取る [けどる]
(v5r) to suspect
気受け [きうけ]
(n) popularity
気重 [きおも]
(adj-na,n) heavy-hearted
気象 [きしょう]
(n) weather
気象衛星 [きしょうえいせい]
(n) weather satellite
気象学 [きしょうがく]
(n) meteorology
気象観測 [きしょうかんそく]
(n) weather observation
気象観測船 [きしょうかんそくせん]
(n) weather ship
気象情報 [きしょうじょうほう]
(n) weather (meteorology) information
気象台 [きしょうだい]
(n) meteorological observatory
気象庁 [きしょうちょう]
(n) Meteorological Agency
気象通報 [きしょうつうほう]
(n) weather report
気障 [きざ]
(adj-na) affectation
気丈 [きじょう]
(adj-na,n) stout-hearted
気丈夫 [きじょうぶ]
(adj-na,n) reassuring
気乗り [きのり]
(n,vs) interested in
気乗りしない [きのりしない]
(adj) indisposed
気乗り薄 [きのりうす]
(adj-na) unenthusiastic
気色 [きしょく]
(n) mood
気色 [けしき]
(n) mood
気色ばむ [けしきばむ]
(v5m) to grow angry
気触れる [かぶれる]
(v1) to react to
気心 [きごころ]
(n) temper
気振り [けぶり]
(n) sign
気随 [きずい]
(adj-na,n) willful
気随気儘 [きずいきまま]
(n) as one pleases
気勢 [きせい]
(n) fervour
気勢を削ぐ [きせいをそぐ]
(exp) to diminish (dampen) the spirit
気性 [きしょう]
(n) disposition
気晴し [きばらし]
(n,vs) recreation
気晴らし [きばらし]
(n,vs) recreation
気絶 [きぜつ]
(n,vs) faint
気前 [きまえ]
(n) generosity
気前のよい [きまえのよい]
(n) lavish
気組み [きぐみ]
(n) attitude
気早 [きばや]
(adj-na,n) quick-tempered
気相 [きそう]
(n) gas phase
気送管 [きそうかん]
(n) pneumatic tube
気息 [きそく]
(n) breathing
気息奄々 [きそくえんえん]
(adj-na,n) gasping for breath
気息奄奄 [きそくえんえん]
(adj-na,n) gasping for breath
気体 [きたい]
(n) vapour
気怠い [けだるい]
(adj) languid
気短 [きみじか]
(adj-na,n) short-tempered
気団 [きだん]
(n) air mass
気恥しい [きはずかしい]
(adj) embarrassed
気恥ずかしい [きはずかしい]
(adj) embarrassed
気張る [きばる]
(v5r) to strain or exert oneself
気長 [きなが]
(adj-na,n) patient
気転 [きてん]
(n) quick wittedness
気筒 [きとう]
(n) cylinder
気働き [きばたらき]
(n) taking appropriate action
気動車 [きどうしゃ]
(n) train powered by a diesel or internal-combustion engine
気道 [きどう]
(n) respiratory tract
気難しい [きむずかしい]
(adj) hard to please
気難しい [きむづかしい]
(adj) hard to please
気任せ [きまかせ]
(adj-na,n) doing as one pleases
気嚢 [きのう]
(n) air bladder or sac
気配 [きはい]
(n) indication
気配 [けはい]
(n) indication
気配り [きくばり]
(n,vs) care
気迫 [きはく]
(n) spirit
気迫がない [きはくがない]
(exp) lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
気抜け [きぬけ]
(n,vs) dispiritedness
気疲れ [きづかれ]
(n,vs) mental fatigue
気品 [きひん]
(n) (1) elegance
気不味い [きまずい]
(adj) (uk) unpleasant
気付 [きづけ]
(suf) Care Of (CO)
気付き [きづき]
(n) awareness
気付く [きづく]
(v5k) to notice
気付け [きつけ]
(n) encouragement
気付け [きづけ]
(n) encouragement
気付け薬 [きつけぐすり]
(n) restorative
気負い [きおい]
(n) fighting spirit
気負い立つ [きおいたつ]
(v5t) to rouse oneself
気負う [きおう]
(v5u) to get worked up
気風 [きっぷ]
(n) character
気風 [きふう]
(n) character
気分 [きぶん]
(n) feeling
気分が弾む [きぶんがはずむ]
(exp) to cheer up
気分が良い [きぶんがよい]
(adj) feel good (pleasant)
気分一新 [きぶんいっしん]
(n) complete change of mood
気分屋 [きぶんや]
(n) moody person
気分高揚 [きぶんこうよう]
(n) feeling exhilarated
気分次第 [きぶんしだい]
(n) according to (depending on) the mood of the moment
気分爽快 [きぶんそうかい]
(n) feeling great (refreshed)
気分転換 [きぶんてんかん]
(n) change of pace
気紛れ [きまぐれ]
(adj-na,n) whim
気変り [きがわり]
(n,vs) changing one's mind
気変わり [きがわり]
(n,vs) changing one's mind
気保養 [きほよう]
(n) diversion
気泡 [きほう]
(n) (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)
気胞 [きほう]
(n) bladder
気忙しい [きぜわしい]
(adj) restless
気侭 [きまま]
(adj-na,n) willful
気味 [きみ]
(n) sensation
気味 [ぎみ]
(n-suf) -like
気密 [きみつ]
(adj-na,n) airtight
気密室 [きみつしつ]
(n) airtight chamber
気脈 [きみゃく]
(n) blood vessel
気無精 [きぶしょう]
(adj-na,n) laziness
気迷い [きまよい]
(n) wavering
気落ち [きおち]
(n,vs) discouraged
気立 [きだて]
(io) (n) disposition
気立て [きだて]
(n) disposition
気流 [きりゅう]
(n) atmospheric current
気力 [きりょく]
(n) willpower
気力旺盛 [きりょくおうせい]
(n,adj-na) being full of energy (drive, motivation, vitality)
気力横溢 [きりょくおういつ]
(n) being full of vitality (energy)
気儘 [きまま]
(adj-na,n) willful
気儘勝手 [きままかって]
(n,adj-na) self-willed
気儘放題 [きままほうだい]
(n,adj-na) as selfishly (willfully) as one pleases
気鬱 [きうつ]
(adj-na,n) gloom
気鬱症 [きうつしょう]
(n) depression
気魄 [きはく]
(n) spirit
気魄がない [きはくがない]
(exp) lacking spirit, vigour (vigor)
汽圧 [きあつ]
(n) steam pressure
汽缶 [きかん]
(n) boiler
汽缶室 [きかんしつ]
(n) boiler room
汽車 [きしゃ]
(n) train (steam)
汽車賃 [きしゃちん]
(n) train fare
汽水 [きすい]
(n) brackish water
汽船 [きせん]
(n) steamship
汽船積み [きせんずみ]
(n) shipment by steamer
汽艇 [きてい]
(n) (steam) launch
汽笛 [きてき]
(n) steam whistle
汽罐 [きかん]
(n) boiler
畿内 [きない]
(n) territories in the vicinity of the capital and under direct imperial rule
祈とう [きとう]
(n,vs) prayer
祈とう者 [きとうしゃ]
(n) person who prays
祈とう書 [きとうしょ]
(n) prayer book
祈り [いのり]
(n) prayer
祈り求める [いのりもとめる]
(exp) to pray for
祈る [いのる]
(v5r,vi) to pray
祈願 [きがん]
(n,vs) prayer
祈誓 [きせい]
(n,vs) vow
祈請 [きせい]
(n,vs) entreaty
祈祷 [きとう]
(n,vs) prayer
祈祷師 [きとうし]
(n) medicine man
祈祷者 [きとうしゃ]
(n) person who prays
祈祷書 [きとうしょ]
(n) prayer book
祈年祭 [きねんさい]
(n) prayer service for a good crop
祈年祭 [としごいのまつり]
(n) prayer service for a good crop
祈念 [きねん]
(n,vs) prayer
季 [き]
(n) season
季刊 [きかん]
(n) quarterly (e.g., magazine)
季刊雑誌 [きかんざっし]
(n) quarterly (magazine)
季刊誌 [きかんし]
(n) a quarterly (magazine)
季語 [きご]
(n) seasonal word (in haiku)
季候 [きこう]
(n) season
季子 [きし]
(n) last child
季春 [きしゅん]
(n) late spring
季節 [きせつ]
(n) season
季節はずれ [きせつはずれ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unseasonable
季節外れ [きせつはずれ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unseasonable
季節感 [きせつかん]
(n) a sense of the seasons
季節調整 [きせつちょうせい]
(n) seasonal adjustment
季節的 [きせつてき]
(adj-na) seasonal
季節風 [きせつふう]
(n) seasonal winds
季節変異 [きせつへんい]
(n) seasonal variation
季節労働 [きせつろうどう]
(n) seasonal labor
季節労働者 [きせつろうどうしゃ]
(n) seasonal laborer
季題 [きだい]
(n) (in haiku) word or theme which indicates a season
季末 [きまつ]
(n) end of the season
稀 [まれ]
(adj-na,n) rare
稀釈 [きしゃく]
(n,vs) dilution
稀書 [きしょ]
(n) rare book
稀少 [きしょう]
(adj-na,n) scarce
稀世 [きせい]
(n) rare
稀代 [きだい]
(adj-no) uncommon
稀土 [きど]
(oK) (n) rare earth
稀薄 [きはく]
(adj-na,n) thin (e.g., air)
稀崩壊 [きほうかい]
(n) rare decay (particle physics)
稀有 [けう]
(adj-na,n) rare
稀硫酸 [きりゅうさん]
(n) dilute sulfuric acid
稀覯本 [きこうぼん]
(n) rare book
紀伊國屋 [きのくにや]
(n) Large bookstore with big foreign book section (main branch, Shinjuku)
紀元 [きげん]
(n) (1) era
紀元後 [きげんご]
(n) post-era
紀元節 [きげんせつ]
(n) (historical) Empire Day
紀元前 [きげんぜん]
(n-adv,n-t) pre-era
紀行 [きこう]
(n) traveller's journal
紀行文 [きこうぶん]
(n) traveller's journal
紀勢本線 [きせいほんせん]
(n) Kisei Main Line (Wakayama-Mie Railway)
紀要 [きよう]
(n) bulletin
紀律 [きりつ]
(n) rules
徽章 [きしょう]
(n) insignia
規格 [きかく]
(n) standard
規格化 [きかくか]
(n,vs) standardization
規格原案 [きかくげんあん]
(n) standards draft
規格判 [きかくばん]
(n) standard size
規格品 [きかくひん]
(n) standardized article or goods
規矩 [きく]
(n) rule
規矩準縄 [きくじゅんじょう]
(n) rules and standards
規準 [きじゅん]
(n) standard
規準化 [きじゅんか]
(n,vs) normalize
規制 [きせい]
(n,vs) regulation
規制解除 [きせいかいじょ]
(n) deregulation
規制緩和 [きせいかんわ]
(n) deregulation
規正 [きせい]
(n,vs) correction
規則 [きそく]
(n) rules
規則で縛る [きそくでしばる]
(v5r) to restrict (a person) by rule
規則を守る [きそくをまもる]
(exp) to abide (by the rules)
規則を破る [きそくをやぶる]
(exp) to violate the rules
規則を敗る [きそくをやぶる]
(exp) to break the rule
規則違反 [きそくいはん]
(n) breach of the rules
規則書 [きそくしょ]
(n) rulebook
規則正い [きそくただしい]
(adj) regular
規則正しい [きそくただしい]
(adj) regular
規則的 [きそくてき]
(adj-na) systematic
規定 [きてい]
(n,adj-no,vs) regulation
規定打席 [きていだせき]
(n) regulation at batting (baseball)
規定値 [きていち]
(n) control value
規程 [きてい]
(n) official regulations
規範 [きはん]
(n) model
規範的 [きはんてき]
(adj-na) normative
規模 [きぼ]
(n) scale
規模の経済 [きぼのけいざい]
(n) economies of scale
規約 [きやく]
(n) agreement
規律 [きりつ]
(n) order
記 [き]
(n,n-suf) chronicle
記す [しるす]
(v5s) to note
記憶 [きおく]
(n,vs) (1) memory
記憶障害 [きおくしょうがい]
(n) defect of memory
記憶素子 [きおくそし]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) storage cell
記憶喪失 [きおくそうしつ]
(n) loss of memory
記憶装置 [きおくそうち]
(n) storage (device)
記憶媒体 [きおくばいたい]
(n) storage medium
記憶法 [きおくほう]
(n) mnemonic
記憶容量 [きおくようりょう]
(n) storage capacity
記憶力 [きおくりょく]
(n) memory
記憶力がいい [きおくりょくがいい]
(n) having good memory
記紀 [きき]
(n) the Kojiki and Nihonshoki
記号 [きごう]
(n,adj-no) symbol
記号で表す [きごうであらわす]
(v5s) to represent by signs
記号トークン [きごうトークン]
(n) sign token
記号論 [きごうろん]
(n) semiotics
記号論理学 [きごうろんりがく]
(n) symbolic logic
記載 [きさい]
(n,vs) mention
記載事項 [きさいじこう]
(n) items mentioned
記事 [きじ]
(n) article
記事文 [きじぶん]
(n) descriptive composition
記者 [きしゃ]
(n) reporter
記者会見 [きしゃかいけん]
(n) press conference
記者席 [きしゃせき]
(n) press gallery
記者団 [きしゃだん]
(n) press group
記述 [きじゅつ]
(n,vs) description
記述子 [きじゅつし]
(n) descriptor
記述的妥当性 [きじゅつてきだとうせい]
(n) descriptive adequacy
記述文法 [きじゅつぶんぽう]
(n) descriptive grammar
記章 [きしょう]
(n) medal
記数法 [きすうほう]
(n) numeration system
記帳 [きちょう]
(n,vs) registry
記入 [きにゅう]
(n,vs) entry
記念 [きねん]
(n,vs) commemoration
記念館 [きねんかん]
(n) memorial hall
記念祭 [きねんさい]
(n) anniversary
記念式典 [きねんしきてん]
(n) memorial ceremony
記念写真 [きねんしゃしん]
(n) souvenir photograph
記念樹 [きねんじゅ]
(n) memorial tree
記念出版 [きねんしゅっぱん]
(n) commemorative publication
記念切手 [きねんきって]
(n) special issue stamp
記念日 [きねんび]
(n) holiday
記念碑 [きねんひ]
(n) monument
記念品 [きねんひん]
(n) souvenir
記念物 [きねんぶつ]
(n) souvenir
記念論文集 [きねんろんぶんしゅう]
(n) collection of essays contributed in celebration of something
記譜 [きふ]
(n) writing a musical score
記譜法 [きふほう]
(n) musical notation
記法 [きほう]
(n) notation
記名 [きめい]
(n,vs) signature
記名株 [きめいかぶ]
(n) registered stock
記名投票 [きめいとうひょう]
(n) signed ballot
記録 [きろく]
(n,vs) record
記録に載せる [きろくにのせる]
(exp) to put on record
記録を破る [きろくをやぶる]
(exp) to break the record
記録映画 [きろくえいが]
(n) documentary film
記録係 [きろくがかり]
(n) record keeper
記録的 [きろくてき]
(adj-na) record(-setting)
記録文学 [きろくぶんがく]
(n) reportage
記誦 [きしょう]
(n,vs) memorizing
貴い [たっとい]
(adj) precious
貴い [とうとい]
(adj) precious
貴い家柄である [たっといいえがらである]
(exp) to be of noble birth
貴い命 [たっといいのち]
(n) precious life
貴ぶ [たっとぶ]
(v5b) to value
貴ぶ [とうとぶ]
(v5b) to value
貴ガス [きガス]
(n) inert gas
貴意 [きい]
(n) (hon) your will
貴下 [きか]
(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)
貴家 [きか]
(n) your home (respectful)
貴簡 [きかん]
(n) your letter (polite)
貴翰 [きかん]
(n) your letter (polite)
貴金属 [ききんぞく]
(n) precious metal
貴金属卸 [ききんぞくおろし]
(n) wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals
貴君 [きくん]
(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)
貴兄 [きけい]
(n) you (elder brother)
貴顕 [きけん]
(n) distinguished person
貴顕紳士 [きけんしんし]
(n) gentlemen of (high) eminence
貴顕紳商 [きけんしんしょう]
(n) merchant prince
貴公 [きこう]
(n) (pronoun) you (younger person)
貴公子 [きこうし]
(n) young noble
貴国 [きこく]
(n) your country (respectful)
貴札 [きさつ]
(n) your letter (respectful)
貴姉 [きし]
(n) term of respect in addressing ladies or anothers older sister
貴紙 [きし]
(n) (hon) your magazine
貴誌 [きし]
(n) (hon) your magazine
貴社 [きしゃ]
(n) (your) company
貴種 [きしゅ]
(n) noble birth
貴酬 [きしゅう]
(n) reply (epistolary)
貴重 [きちょう]
(adj-na,n) precious
貴重品 [きちょうひん]
(n) valuables
貴所 [きしょ]
(n) your place
貴女 [あなた]
(oK) (n) (fem) you
貴女 [きじょ]
(oK) (n) (fem) you
貴職 [きしょく]
(n) you (used in business, government, esp. for high-level people)
貴信 [きしん]
(n) letter, etc. from another party (polite)
貴紳 [きしん]
(n) noble
貴人 [きじん]
(n) aristocrat
貴賎 [きせん]
(n) high and low
貴僧 [きそう]
(n) high priest
貴族 [きぞく]
(n,adj-no) noble
貴族院 [きぞくいん]
(n) House of Lords
貴族政治 [きぞくせいじ]
(n) aristocracy
貴族的 [きぞくてき]
(adj-na) aristocratic
貴台 [きだい]
(n) honorific used in company correspondence
貴男 [たかお]
(n) male pronoun
貴地 [きち]
(n) (hon) your place
貴店 [きてん]
(n) your store or shop (respectful)
貴殿 [きでん]
(n) polite 2nd person pronoun
貴卑 [きび]
(n) high and low class
貴賓 [きひん]
(n) noble visitor
貴婦人 [きふじん]
(n) lady
貴風 [きふう]
(n) class size of bonsai trees (25-35cm)
貴方 [あなた]
(n) (hum) (uk) you
貴方 [きほう]
(n) (hum) (uk) you
貴方々 [あなたがた]
(n) (uk) you (plural) (When you want to sound flagrantly flattering)
貴方任せ [あなたまかせ]
(exp) leaving everything to Buddha's providence
貴方方 [あなたがた]
(n) (uk) you (plural) (When you want to sound flagrantly flattering)
貴名 [きめい]
(n) your name (respectful)
貴様 [きさま]
(n) (vulg) you
貴覧 [きらん]
(n) your (visual) observation (respectful)
貴輪 [きりん]
(n) (sumo) era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
貴輪時代 [きりんじだい]
(n) (sumo) era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
貴賤 [きせん]
(n) high and low
貴賤上下 [きせんしょうか]
(n) high and low
貴賤上下 [きせんじょうげ]
(n) high and low
貴賤貧富 [きせんひんぷ]
(n) high and low, and rich and poor
起きあがる [おきあがる]
(v5r) to rise
起きる [おきる]
(v1) (1) to get up
起き掛け [おきがけ]
(n) first thing after rising
起き出す [おきだす]
(exp) to get out of bed
起き上がり小法師 [おきあがりこぼし]
(n) self-righting doll
起き上がる [おきあがる]
(v5r) to rise
起き直る [おきなおる]
(v5r) to sit up
起き抜け [おきぬけ]
(n) first thing after rising
起き伏し [おきふし]
(adv,n) rising and going to bed
起こす [おこす]
(v5s) to raise
起こり [おこり]
(n) source
起こりうる [おこりうる]
(v5uru) to be possible to occur
起こり得る [おこりうる]
(v5uru) to be possible to occur
起こる [おこる]
(v5r) to occur
起す [おこす]
(io) (v5s) to raise
起ち居 [たちい]
(n) one's movement
起つ [たつ]
(v5t) to rise up
起案 [きあん]
(n,vs) drafting
起因 [きいん]
(n,vs) cause
起臥 [きが]
(n,vs) daily life
起居 [ききょ]
(n,vs) behavior
起居挙動 [ききょきょどう]
(n) behavior
起居振舞 [たちいふるまい]
(n) behavior
起居動作 [ききょどうさ]
(n) behavior
起業 [きぎょう]
(n,vs) starting a business
起業家精神 [きぎょうかせいしん]
(n) entrepreneurial spirit
起句 [きく]
(n) opening line
起結 [きけつ]
(n) beginning and end
起原 [きげん]
(n) origin
起源 [きげん]
(n) origin
起工 [きこう]
(n,vs) setting to work
起工式 [きこうしき]
(n) groundbreaking or cornerstone-laying ceremony
起稿 [きこう]
(n,vs) drafting
起座 [きざ]
(n,vs) sitting up in bed
起債 [きさい]
(n,vs) issuing of bonds
起算 [きさん]
(n,vs) starting to count
起死 [きし]
(n) saving from the brink of death
起死回生 [きしかいせい]
(n) revival of the dead
起磁力 [きじりょく]
(n) magnetomotive force
起重機 [きじゅうき]
(n) crane
起床 [きしょう]
(n,vs) rising
起承転結 [きしょうてんけつ]
(n) (1) introduction, development, turn and conclusion (quadripartite structure of certain Chinese poetry)
起震車 [きしんしゃ]
(n) earthquake simulation vehicle
起請 [きしょう]
(n,vs) vow
起請文 [きしょうもん]
(n) (historical) written vow to the gods
起訴 [きそ]
(n,vs) prosecution
起訴状 [きそじょう]
(n) (written) indictment
起訴猶予 [きそゆうよ]
(n) suspension of indictment
起草 [きそう]
(n,vs) drafting
起点 [きてん]
(n) starting point
起電 [きでん]
(n,vs) generation of electricity
起電機 [きでんき]
(n) electric generator
起電力 [きでんりょく]
(n) electromotive force
起動 [きどう]
(n,vs) startup
起動機 [きどうき]
(n) starter
起動時 [きどうじ]
(n) startup (point in) time
起動時間 [きどうじかん]
(n) startup (interval of) time
起爆 [きばく]
(n,vs) exploding
起爆剤 [きばくざい]
(n) triggering explosive
起爆装置 [きばくそうち]
(n) detonator
起爆薬 [きばくやく]
(n) triggering explosive
起抜け [おきぬけ]
(n) first thing after rising
起筆 [きひつ]
(n,vs) beginning to write
起票 [きひょう]
(n,vs) issue of a voucher
起伏 [きふく]
(n,vs) undulation
起毛 [きもう]
(n) nap raising
起用 [きよう]
(n,vs) appointment
起立 [きりつ]
(n,vs) standing up
軌を一にする [きをいつにする]
(exp) to concur
軌間 [きかん]
(n) (railroad) gauge
軌条 [きじょう]
(n) a rail
軌跡 [きせき]
(n) (1) locus
軌道 [きどう]
(n) (1) orbit
軌道修正 [きどうしゅうせい]
(n) orbital adjustment
軌道船 [きどうせん]
(n) orbiter
軌範 [きはん]
(n) model
輝々 [きき]
(n) brilliance
輝かしい [かがやかしい]
(adj) brilliant
輝かしい業績 [かがやかしいぎょうせき]
(n) bright future
輝かす [かがやかす]
(v5s) to light up
輝き [かがやき]
(n) radiance
輝き渡る [かがやきわたる]
(v5r) to shine out far and wide
輝く [かがやく]
(v5k) to shine
輝安鉱 [きあんこう]
(n) stibnite (mineral)
輝輝 [きき]
(n) brilliance
輝石 [きせき]
(n) pyroxene
輝線 [きせん]
(n) bright line
輝度 [きど]
(n) brightness
輝煌帝 [きこうてい]
(n) poetic word for the sun
飢え [うえ]
(n) hunger
飢える [うえる]
(v1) to starve
飢える [かつえる]
(v1) to be starved
飢え死に [うえじに]
(n,vs) (death from) starvation
飢きん [ききん]
(n) famine
飢餓 [きが]
(n) hunger
飢餓療法 [きがりょうほう]
(n) inaniation treatment
飢渇 [きかつ]
(n,vs) hunger and thirst
飢寒 [きかん]
(n) hunger and cold
飢死に [うえじに]
(n,vs) (death from) starvation
飢民 [きみん]
(n) starving people
飢饉 [ききん]
(n) famine
騎行 [きこう]
(n,vs) horseback riding
騎士 [きし]
(n) knight
騎士道 [きしどう]
(n) chivalry
騎射 [きしゃ]
(n,vs) shooting on horseback
騎手 [きしゅ]
(n) horseman
騎乗 [きじょう]
(n,adj-no) mount
騎馬 [きば]
(n) horse-riding
騎馬戦 [きばせん]
(n) cavalry battle
騎馬民族 [きばみんぞく]
(n) an equestrian tribe
騎兵 [きへい]
(n) cavalry
鬼 [おに]
(n) ogre
鬼ごっこ [おにごっこ]
(n) game of tag
鬼ヶ島 [おにがしま]
(n) mythological island of demons
鬼火 [おにび]
(n) will-o'-the-wisp
鬼課長 [おにかちょう]
(n) unsympathetic manager
鬼海星 [おにひとで]
(n) crown-of-thorns starfish
鬼瓦 [おにがわら]
(n) ridge-end tile
鬼気 [きき]
(n) ghastly
鬼気迫る [ききせまる]
(exp) bloodcurdling
鬼刑事 [おにけいじ]
(n) crack detective
鬼胡桃 [おにぐるみ]
(n) manchurian walnut
鬼才 [きさい]
(n) wizard
鬼子 [おにご]
(n) child born with teeth
鬼子母神 [きしもじん]
(n) goddess of childbirth and children
鬼歯 [おにば]
(n) protruding tooth (like a fang)
鬼女 [きじょ]
(n) demoness
鬼将軍 [おにしょうぐん]
(n) lion-hearted general
鬼神 [おにがみ]
(n) fierce god
鬼神 [きしん]
(n) fierce god
鬼神 [きじん]
(n) fierce god
鬼籍 [きせき]
(n) roster of the dead
鬼籍に入る [きせきにいる]
(exp) to pass away
鬼畜 [きちく]
(n) brute
鬼婆 [おにばば]
(n) hag
鬼婆 [おにばばあ]
(n) hag
鬼百合 [おにゆり]
(n) tiger lily (East Asian plant, Lilium lancifolium)
鬼武者 [おにむしゃ]
(n) daredevil warrior
鬼兵隊 [きへいたい]
(n) cavalry
鬼面 [きめん]
(n) mask of a devil
鬼面伝心 [きめんでんしん]
(n) of a fearsome countenance, but kind as a Buddha
鬼面仏心 [きめんぶっしん]
(n) having the face of a devil and the heart of Buddha
鬼門 [きもん]
(n) the northeastern (unlucky) direction
鬼蓮 [おにばす]
(n) prickly water lily
鬼哭啾々 [きこくしゅうしゅう]
(adj-t,adv-to) spine-chilling (hair-raising) (like the wailing and weeping of a restless ghost)
鬼哭啾啾 [きこくしゅうしゅう]
(adj-t,adv-to) spine-chilling (hair-raising) (like the wailing and weeping of a restless ghost)
亀 [かめ]
(n) tortoise
亀の甲 [かめのこう]
(n) tortoise shell
亀の甲より年の功 [かめのこうよりとしのこう]
(n) The older, the wiser
亀の子 [かめのこ]
(n) young tortoise
亀の子たわし [かめのこたわし]
(n) tortoise-shaped scrubbing brush (from company name)
亀の子束子 [かめのこたわし]
(n) tortoise-shaped scrubbing brush (from company name)
亀の手 [かめのて]
(n) barnacle
亀鑑 [きかん]
(n) pattern
亀甲 [きっこう]
(n) tortoise shell
亀甲模様 [きっこうもよう]
(n) hexagonal pattern
亀頭 [きとう]
(n) glans
亀卜 [かめうら]
(n) tortoise-shell divination
亀卜 [きぼく]
(n) tortoise-shell divination
亀裂 [きれつ]
(n) crack
偽 [ぎ]
(adj-na,n) imitation
偽 [にせ]
(adj-na,n) imitation
偽り [いつわり]
(n) lie
偽り語る [いつわりかたる]
(v5r) to speak falsely
偽り者 [いつわりもの]
(n) impostor
偽り誓う [いつわりちかう]
(v5u) to swear falsely
偽る [いつわる]
(v5r) to lie
偽悪 [ぎあく]
(n) pretense of evil
偽悪趣味 [ぎあくしゅみ]
(n) propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible
偽印 [ぎいん]
(n) forged seal
偽学 [ぎがく]
(n) false science
偽金 [にせがね]
(n) counterfeit money
偽君子 [ぎくんし]
(n) hypocrite
偽君子 [にせくんし]
(n) hypocrite
偽計 [ぎけい]
(n) deceptive plan
偽言 [ぎげん]
(n) falsehood
偽作 [ぎさく]
(n,vs) apocryphal work
偽札 [ぎさつ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
偽札 [にせさつ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
偽札 [にせふだ]
(n) counterfeit paper money
偽史 [ぎし]
(n) falsified history
偽似症 [ぎじしょう]
(n) suspected case
偽者 [にせもの]
(n) imposter
偽書 [ぎしょ]
(n) spurious letter
偽小切手 [ぎこぎって]
(n) counterfeit check (cheque)
偽称 [ぎしょう]
(n,vs) assuming a false name
偽証 [ぎしょう]
(n,vs) false evidence
偽証罪 [ぎしょうざい]
(n) crime of perjury
偽証者 [ぎしょうしゃ]
(n) perjurer
偽性 [ぎせい]
(adj-na) pseudo
偽誓 [ぎせい]
(n) perjury
偽善 [ぎぜん]
(n) hypocrisy
偽善者 [ぎぜんしゃ]
(n) hypocrite
偽装 [ぎそう]
(n,vs) disguise
偽装工作 [ぎそうこうさく]
(n,vs) diversionary tactics (maneuvering)
偽装難民 [ぎそうなんみん]
(n) fake (phony) refugee
偽装爆発物 [ぎそうばくはつぶつ]
(n) booby trap
偽造 [ぎぞう]
(n,vs) forgery
偽造印 [ぎぞういん]
(n) forged seal
偽造罪 [ぎぞうざい]
(n) forgery
偽造紙幣 [ぎぞうしへい]
(n) fake bill
偽造品 [ぎぞうひん]
(n) fake or forgery
偽足 [ぎそく]
(n) pseudopodium
偽電 [ぎでん]
(n) false telegram
偽妊娠 [ぎにんしん]
(adj-na) false pregnancy
偽版 [ぎはん]
(n) pirated edition
偽筆 [ぎひつ]
(n) forged handwriting
偽物 [ぎぶつ]
(n) spurious article
偽物 [にせもの]
(n) spurious article
偽兵 [ぎへい]
(n) dummy soldiers
偽報 [ぎほう]
(n) false report
偽本 [ぎほん]
(n) spurious book
偽膜 [ぎまく]
(n) false membrane
偽名 [ぎめい]
(n) alias (false name)
偽薬 [ぎやく]
(n) inactive placebo
儀 [ぎ]
(n) rule
儀刑 [ぎけい]
(n) model
儀型 [ぎけい]
(n) model
儀形 [ぎけい]
(n) model
儀式 [ぎしき]
(n) ceremony
儀式主義 [ぎしきしゅぎ]
(n) ritualism
儀式張る [ぎしきばる]
(v5r) to formalize
儀式用 [ぎしきよう]
(adj-no) ceremonial
儀装 [ぎそう]
(n) ceremonial equipment
儀装馬車 [ぎそうばしゃ]
(n) state carriage
儀典 [ぎてん]
(n) ceremony
儀典長 [ぎてんちょう]
(n) chief of protocol
儀刀 [ぎとう]
(n) ceremonial sword
儀範 [ぎはん]
(n) precedent
儀表 [ぎひょう]
(n) (a) model
儀容 [ぎよう]
(n) bearing
儀礼 [ぎれい]
(n) etiquette
儀礼的 [ぎれいてき]
(adj-na) formal
儀礼兵 [ぎれいへい]
(n) guard of honor
儀仗 [ぎじょう]
(n) cortege
儀仗兵 [ぎじょうへい]
(n) guard of honor
儀宸 [ぎしん]
(n) empress dowager's home
妓生 [キーセン]
(n) gi-saeng
妓楼 [ぎろう]
(n) brothel
宜しい [よろしい]
(adj) (hon) good
宜しかったら [よろしかったら]
(n) if you don't mind
宜しく [よろしく]
(adv,exp) well
宜しくやる [よろしくやる]
(v5r) to make cozy with (cosy)
戯える [そばえる]
(v1) to play pranks
戯かす [じゃらかす]
(v5s) to call for jokes
戯け [おどけ]
(n) (a) pleasantry
戯ける [おどける]
(v1) to jest
戯ける [たわける]
(v1) to jest
戯け口 [おどけぐち]
(n) joke
戯け芝居 [おどけしばい]
(n) comedy
戯け者 [おどけもの]
(n) joker
戯け者 [たわけもの]
(n) joker
戯け話 [おどけばなし]
(n) funny story
戯る [たわむる]
(v5r) (arch) to be playful
戯れ [たわむれ]
(n) play
戯れる [ざれる]
(v1) (1) to be playful
戯れる [じゃれる]
(v1) (1) to be playful
戯れる [たわむれる]
(v1) (1) to be playful
戯れ歌 [ざれうた]
(n) funny song
戯れ言 [ざれごと]
(n) a joke
戯れ事 [ざれごと]
(n) wanton sporting
戯れ事 [たわむれごと]
(n) wanton sporting
戯歌 [ざれうた]
(n) funny song
戯画 [ぎが]
(n) caricature
戯絵 [ざれえ]
(n) picture drawn in fun
戯曲 [ぎきょく]
(n) play
戯言 [ぎげん]
(n) nonsense
戯言 [ざれごと]
(n) nonsense
戯言 [たわこと]
(n) nonsense
戯言 [たわごと]
(n) nonsense
戯交わす [ざれかわす]
(v5s) to exchange jokes
戯作 [ぎさく]
(n) cheap literature
戯作 [げさく]
(n) cheap literature
戯作三昧 [げさくざんまい]
(n) being absorbed in writing popular novels (cheap fictions)
戯作者 [げさくしゃ]
(n) fiction writer
戯事 [ざれごと]
(n) wanton sporting
戯事 [たわむれごと]
(n) wanton sporting
戯書 [ぎしょ]
(n) rambling writings
戯笑 [ぎしょう]
(n) playful laughter
戯評 [ぎひょう]
(n) humorous (sarcastic) comments (humourous)
戯文 [ぎぶん]
(n) humorous writing
技 [わざ]
(n) art
技を磨く [わざをみがく]
(exp) to improve one's skill
技官 [ぎかん]
(n) technical official
技監 [ぎかん]
(n) engineer-in-chief
技芸 [ぎげい]
(n) arts
技研 [ぎけん]
(n) technical research institute
技工 [ぎこう]
(n) craft
技巧 [ぎこう]
(n) technique
技巧的 [ぎこうてき]
(adj-na) polished
技師 [ぎし]
(n) engineer
技手 [ぎしゅ]
(n) assistant engineer
技手 [ぎて]
(n) assistant engineer
技術 [ぎじゅつ]
(n) art
技術移転 [ぎじゅついてん]
(n) technology transfer
技術援助 [ぎじゅつえんじょ]
(n) technological assistance
技術革新 [ぎじゅつかくしん]
(n) technological innovation
技術協力 [ぎじゅつきょうりょく]
(n) technical cooperation
技術士 [ぎじゅつし]
(n) consulting engineer
技術者 [ぎじゅつしゃ]
(n) engineer
技術水準 [ぎじゅつすいじゅん]
(adj-no) state-of-the-art
技術提携 [ぎじゅつていけい]
(n) technical cooperation
技術的 [ぎじゅつてき]
(adj-na) technical
技術同士 [ぎじゅつどうし]
(n) technical works
技術畑の人 [ぎじゅつばたけのひと]
(n) career technician
技術面 [ぎじゅつめん]
(n) technical side
技術料 [ぎじゅつりょう]
(n) technical fee
技術力 [ぎじゅつりょく]
(n) technological strength
技倒 [ぎとう]
(n) (boxing) technical knockout (TKO)
技能 [ぎのう]
(n) technical skill
技能者 [ぎのうしゃ]
(n) technician
技能賞 [ぎのうしょう]
(n) (sports or sumo) technique prize
技法 [ぎほう]
(n) technique
技量 [ぎりょう]
(n) ability
技倆 [ぎりょう]
(n) ability
擬い [まがい]
(n) imitation
擬い物 [まがいもの]
(n) an imitation
擬える [なぞらえる]
(v1) to pattern after
擬餌 [ぎじ]
(n) artificial bait
擬音 [ぎおん]
(n) imitative sounds (drama, broadcasting)
擬音語 [ぎおんご]
(n) example of onomatopoeia
擬革 [ぎかく]
(n) imitation leather
擬革紙 [ぎかくし]
(n) imitation leather
擬古 [ぎこ]
(n,vs) imitation of classical styles
擬古主義 [ぎこしゅぎ]
(n) archaism
擬古典的 [ぎこてんてき]
(adj-na) pseudoclassic
擬古文 [ぎこぶん]
(n) classical style
擬死 [ぎし]
(n) feigning death
擬似 [ぎじ]
(n,pref) suspected
擬人 [ぎじん]
(n) personification
擬人化 [ぎじんか]
(n,vs) personification
擬人法 [ぎしんほう]
(n) personification
擬人法 [ぎじんほう]
(n) personification
擬制 [ぎせい]
(n) legal fiction
擬勢 [ぎせい]
(n,vs) bluff
擬声語 [ぎせいご]
(n) onomatope (i.e. word formed by onomatopoeia)
擬製 [ぎせい]
(n,vs) imitation
擬装 [ぎそう]
(n,vs) disguise
擬態 [ぎたい]
(n) mimesis
擬態語 [ぎたいご]
(n) mimetic word (not mimicking sound)
擬爆弾 [ぎばくだん]
(n) dummy bomb
擬宝珠 [ぎぼうし]
(ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob
擬宝珠 [ぎぼうしゅ]
(ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob
擬宝珠 [ぎぼし]
(n) bridge railing-post knob
擬毛 [ぎもう]
(n) imitation wool
欺き惑わす [あざむきまどわす]
(v5s) to deceive and lead astray
欺く [あざむく]
(v5k) to deceive
欺瞞 [ぎまん]
(n,vs) deception
欺瞞者 [ぎまんしゃ]
(n) deceiver
欺瞞的 [ぎまんてき]
(adj-na) deceptive
欺騙 [ぎへん]
(n) deception
犠牛 [ぎぎゅう]
(n) sacrificial bullock
犠牲 [ぎせい]
(n) victim
犠牲フライ [ぎせいフライ]
(n) sacrifice fly
犠牲者 [ぎせいしゃ]
(n) victim
犠牲的 [ぎせいてき]
(adj-na) self-sacrificing
犠打 [ぎだ]
(n) sacrifice fly
犠飛 [ぎひ]
(n) sacrifice fly (baseball)
疑 [ぎ]
(n) doubt
疑い [うたがい]
(n) doubt
疑いが晴れる [うたがいがはれる]
(exp) to be cleared of a charge
疑いを晴らす [うたがいをはらす]
(exp) to dispel doubts
疑いを抱く [うたがいをいだく]
(exp) to harbor suspicion
疑い深い [うたがいぶかい]
(adj) doubting
疑う [うたがう]
(v5u) to doubt
疑り [うたぐり]
(n) doubt
疑る [うたぐる]
(v5r) to doubt
疑わしい [うたがわしい]
(adj) doubtful
疑わしい節 [うたがわしいふし]
(n) dubious points
疑雲 [ぎうん]
(n) cloud of suspicion
疑義 [ぎぎ]
(n) doubt
疑獄 [ぎごく]
(n) scandal
疑獄事件 [ぎごくじけん]
(n) bribery scandal (case)
疑似 [ぎじ]
(n,pref) suspected
疑似コレラ [ぎじコレラ]
(n) para-cholera
疑似体験療法 [ぎじたいけんりょうほう]
(n) exposure therapy
疑似直接目的語 [ぎじちょくせつもくてきご]
(n) pseudo-direct object
疑似恋愛 [ぎじれんあい]
(n) pseudo-romance
疑字 [ぎじ]
(n) character of questionable form
疑辞 [ぎじ]
(n) questionable word
疑心 [ぎしん]
(n) doubt
疑心暗鬼 [ぎしんあんき]
(n) Suspicion will raise bogies
疑点 [ぎてん]
(n) doubtful point
疑念 [ぎねん]
(n) doubt
疑問 [ぎもん]
(n) question
疑問詞 [ぎもんし]
(n) interrogative word
疑問代名詞 [ぎもんだいめいし]
(n) interrogative pronoun
疑問氷解 [ぎもんひょうかい]
(n) one's doubts being cleared away (dispelled, resolved)
疑問票 [ぎもんひょう]
(n) disputed ballot
疑問符 [ぎもんふ]
(n) question mark
疑問文 [ぎもんぶん]
(n) interrogative sentence
疑陽性 [ぎようせい]
(adj) pseudo-positive
疑惑 [ぎわく]
(n) doubt
疑惧 [ぎぐ]
(n) apprehension
疑懼 [ぎく]
(n,vs) apprehension
祇園 [ぎおん]
(n) entertainment district in Kyoto
祇園祭 [ぎおんまつり]
(n) Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th)
義 [ぎ]
(n) justice
義を重んじる [ぎをおもんじる]
(exp) to value honor
義を破る [ぎをやぶる]
(exp) to break faith with
義援 [ぎえん]
(n) donation
義援金 [ぎえんきん]
(n) donation money
義眼 [ぎがん]
(n) artificial eye
義旗 [ぎき]
(n) flag of righteousness
義気 [ぎき]
(n) chivalry
義挙 [ぎきょ]
(n) noble undertaking
義侠 [ぎきょう]
(n) chivalry
義侠心 [ぎきょうしん]
(n) chivalrous spirit
義金 [ぎきん]
(n) contribution
義訓 [ぎくん]
(n) reading of a kanji by meaning
義軍 [ぎぐん]
(n) righteous army
義兄 [ぎけい]
(n) brother-in-law
義兄弟 [ぎきょうだい]
(n) brother-in-law
義士 [ぎし]
(n) loyal retainer
義姉 [ぎし]
(n) sister-in-law (elder)
義子 [ぎし]
(n) adopted child
義肢 [ぎし]
(n) artificial limb
義歯 [ぎし]
(n) artificial tooth
義手 [ぎしゅ]
(n) artificial arm (hand)
義塾 [ぎじゅく]
(n) private school
義心 [ぎしん]
(n) chivalrous spirit
義臣 [ぎしん]
(n) loyal retainer
義人 [ぎじん]
(n) selfless (pious, righteous) man
義絶 [ぎぜつ]
(n,vs) disownment
義戦 [ぎせん]
(n) a crusade
義足 [ぎそく]
(n) artificial leg
義賊 [ぎぞく]
(n) chivalrous thief
義太夫 [ぎだゆう]
(n) gidayuu (form of ballad drama)
義太夫語り [ぎだゆうかたり]
(n) gidayuu reciter
義太夫節 [ぎだゆうぶし]
(n) music in gidayuu ballad drama
義弟 [ぎてい]
(n) younger brother-in-law
義父 [ぎふ]
(n) father-in-law
義憤 [ぎふん]
(n) righteous indignation
義兵 [ぎへい]
(n) soldier or army dedicated to a righteous cause
義母 [ぎぼ]
(n) mother-in-law
義妹 [ぎまい]
(n) sister in law (younger)
義民 [ぎみん]
(n) public-spirited or self-sacrificing individual
義務 [ぎむ]
(n) duty
義務づける [ぎむづける]
(v1) to obligate
義務感 [ぎむかん]
(n) sense of duty (obligation)
義務教育 [ぎむきょういく]
(n) compulsory education
義務的 [ぎむてき]
(adj-na) compulsory
義務付け [ぎむづけ]
(n) obligation
義務付ける [ぎむづける]
(v1) to obligate
義勇 [ぎゆう]
(n) heroism
義勇軍 [ぎゆうぐん]
(n) volunteer army
義勇兵 [ぎゆうへい]
(n) volunteer soldier
義理 [ぎり]
(n,adj-no) duty
義理のお兄さん [ぎりのおにいさん]
(n) one's brother-in-law
義理の兄 [ぎりのあに]
(n) one's brother-in-law
義理の姉 [ぎりのあね]
(n) one's sister-in-law
義理の父 [ぎりのちち]
(n) one's father-in-law
義理の母 [ぎりのはは]
(n) one's mother-in-law
義理を欠く [ぎりをかく]
(exp) to fail in one's social duties
義理を立てる [ぎりをたてる]
(exp) to be faithful
義理チョコ [ぎりチョコ]
(n) obligatory-gift chocolate
義理一遍 [ぎりいっぺん]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) perfunctory
義理堅い [ぎりがたい]
(adj) possessed of a strong sense of duty
義理合い [ぎりあい]
(n) social relationship
義理人情 [ぎりにんじょう]
(n) duty and humanity
義理立て [ぎりだて]
(n,vs) doing one's duty
義烈 [ぎれつ]
(n) heroism
義和団 [ぎわだん]
(n) (in Chinese history) the Boxers
義捐 [ぎえん]
(n,vs) contribution
義捐金 [ぎえんきん]
(n) donation money
蟻 [あり]
(n) ant
蟻巻 [ありまき]
(n) aphid
蟻継 [ありつぎ]
(n,vs) dovetail joint
蟻継ぎ [ありつぎ]
(n,vs) dovetail joint
蟻酸 [ぎさん]
(n) formic acid
蟻食 [ありくい]
(n) anteater
蟻食い [ありくい]
(n) anteater
蟻地獄 [ありじごく]
(n) ant lion
蟻塚 [ありづか]
(n) anthill
蟻蜂 [ありばち]
(n) velvet ant
誼 [ぎ]
(n) friendship
誼 [よしみ]
(n) friendship
誼み [よしみ]
(n) friendship
議に上る [ぎにのぼる]
(exp) to come up for discussion
議案 [ぎあん]
(n) (1) legislative bill
議員 [ぎいん]
(n) member of the Diet, congress or parliament
議員特権 [ぎいんとっけん]
(n) parliamentary immunity
議員立法 [ぎいんりっぽう]
(n) legislation introduced by a Diet member
議院 [ぎいん]
(n) congress or parliament
議院運営委員会 [ぎいんうんえいいいんかい]
(n) House Steering Committee
議院運営委員長 [ぎいんうんえいいいんちょう]
(n) House Steering Committee Chairman
議院内閣制 [ぎいんないかくせい]
(n) parliamentary system of government
議会 [ぎかい]
(n) Diet
議会主義 [ぎかいしゅぎ]
(n) parliamentarism
議会制民主主義 [ぎかいせいみんしゅしゅぎ]
(n) parliamentary democracy
議会政治 [ぎかいせいじ]
(n) parliamentarism
議決 [ぎけつ]
(n,vs) resolution
議決機関 [ぎけつきかん]
(n) legislative organ
議決権 [ぎけつけん]
(n) voting right
議士 [ぎし]
(n) councillor
議事 [ぎじ]
(n) proceedings
議事堂 [ぎじどう]
(n) Diet building
議事妨害 [ぎじぼうがい]
(n) obstruction of proceedings
議事録 [ぎじろく]
(n) record of proceedings
議場 [ぎじょう]
(n) assembly hall
議席 [ぎせき]
(n) parliamentary seat
議題 [ぎだい]
(n) topic of discussion
議題に上す [ぎだいにのぼす]
(exp) to bring up for discussion
議長 [ぎちょう]
(n) chairman
議長を務める [ぎちょうをつとめる]
(exp) to act as chairman
議長職権 [ぎちょうしょっけん]
(n) authority as chairperson or president, etc.
議定 [ぎじょう]
(n,vs) agreement
議定 [ぎてい]
(n,vs) agreement
議定書 [ぎていしょ]
(n) protocol
議了 [ぎりょう]
(n,vs) finishing discussion
議論 [ぎろん]
(n,vs) argument
議論の末に [ぎろんのすえに]
(adv) after a heated discussion
議論の余地 [ぎろんのよち]
(exp) room for argument
議論を戦わす [ぎろんをたたかわす]
(exp) to have a discussion
議論を要点だけに絞る [ぎろんをようてんだけにしぼる]
(exp) to narrow an argument down
議論百出 [ぎろんひゃくしゅつ]
(n) diverse arguments arising in great numbers
議論沸騰 [ぎろんふっとう]
(n,vs) discussion (argument) becoming heated
掬い取る [すくいとる]
(v5r) to dip or scoop up
掬い出す [すくいだす]
(v5s) to bail (water out of a boat)
掬い上げる [すくいあげる]
(v1) to dip or scoop up
掬い投げ [すくいなげ]
(n) (sumo) variety of beltless arm throw
掬い網 [すくいあみ]
(n) scoop net
掬う [すくう]
(v5u) to scoop
菊 [きく]
(n) chrysanthemum
菊の花 [きくのはな]
(n) chrysanthemum
菊の御紋 [きくのごもん]
(n) Imperial chrysanthemum emblem
菊花 [きくか]
(n) chrysanthemum
菊花 [きっか]
(n) chrysanthemum
菊月 [きくづき]
(n) the ninth month in the lunar calendar
菊作り [きくづくり]
(n) chrysanthemum growing
菊人形 [きくにんぎょう]
(n) chrysanthemum-shaped puppet
菊石 [きくいし]
(n) ammonite (traditional name)
菊判 [きくばん]
(n) A5
鞠 [まり]
(n) ball
吉凶 [きっきょう]
(n) sunshine and shadow
吉凶禍福 [きっきょうかふく]
(n) good and bad fortune, and weal and woe
吉事 [きちじ]
(n) an auspicious event
吉事 [きつじ]
(n) an auspicious event
吉祥 [きちじょう]
(n) lucky omen
吉祥 [きっしょう]
(n) lucky omen
吉祥天 [きちじょうてん]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) goddess
吉祥天 [きっしょうてん]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) goddess
吉相 [きっそう]
(n) auspicious appearance
吉兆 [きっちょう]
(n) lucky omen
吉徴 [きっちょう]
(n) lucky omen
吉日 [きちじつ]
(n) lucky day
吉日 [きちにち]
(n) lucky day
吉報 [きっぽう]
(n) good news
吉例 [きちれい]
(n) festive annual custom
吉例 [きつれい]
(n) festive annual custom
吃り [どもり]
(n) stammer
吃りながら [どもりながら]
(n) stuttering(ly)
吃る [どもる]
(v5r) to stammer
吃音 [きつおん]
(n) stammering
吃逆 [しゃっくり]
(n,vs) (uk) hiccough
吃驚 [きっきょう]
(adv,n,vs) (uk) surprise
吃驚 [びっくり]
(adv,n,vs) (uk) surprise
吃驚仰天 [きっきょうぎょうてん]
(n,vs) astonished
吃驚仰天 [びっくりぎょうてん]
(n,vs) astonished
吃緊 [きっきん]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) very important
吃水 [きっすい]
(n) sea gauge
喫う [すう]
(v5u) to smoke
喫する [きっする]
(vs-s) to take
喫煙 [きつえん]
(n,vs) smoking
喫煙室 [きつえんしつ]
(n) a smoking room
喫煙者 [きつえんしゃ]
(n) smoker
喫煙車 [きつえんしゃ]
(n) a smoking car
喫煙所 [きつえんしょ]
(n) smoking area (corner)
喫煙所 [きつえんじょ]
(n) smoking area (corner)
喫煙席 [きつえんせき]
(n) smoking seat
喫驚 [きっきょう]
(adv,n,vs) (uk) surprise
喫驚 [びっくり]
(adv,n,vs) (uk) surprise
喫緊 [きっきん]
(adj-na,n) urgency
喫緊事 [きっきんじ]
(n) urgent (pressing) matter
喫水 [きっすい]
(n) draft (of ship)
喫水線 [きっすいせん]
(n) water line (ship)
喫茶 [きっさ]
(n) tea drinking
喫茶店 [きっさてん]
(n) coffee lounge
喫飯 [きっぱん]
(n,vs) (rare) taking a meal
桔梗 [ききょう]
(n) Chinese bellflower
橘 [たちばな]
(n) kind of citrus fruit
詰まらせる [つまらせる]
(v1) to make shorter
詰まらない [つまらない]
(adj) (1) (uk) dull
詰まらなさそう [つまらなさそう]
(adj-na) (uk) bored
詰まらなそう [つまらなそう]
(adj-na) (uk) bored
詰まり [つまり]
(adv,n) in short
詰まる [つまる]
(v5r) (1) to be blocked
詰まるところ [つまるところ]
(adv) in sum
詰まる所 [つまるところ]
(adv) in sum
詰み [つみ]
(n) checkmate
詰む [つむ]
(v5m) to become fine
詰め [つめ]
(n,suf) stuffing
詰め [づめ]
(n,suf) stuffing
詰めかける [つめかける]
(v1) to crowd (a house)
詰めている [つめている]
(exp) to be in attendance (on duty)
詰めて通う [つめてかよう]
(exp) to frequent tirelessly
詰める [つめる]
(v1) (1) to pack
詰め掛ける [つめかける]
(v1) to crowd (a house)
詰め寄る [つめよる]
(v5r) to draw near
詰め襟 [つめえり]
(n) stand-up collar
詰め碁 [つめご]
(n) composed go problem
詰め合せる [つめあわせる]
(v1) to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
詰め合わせ [つめあわせ]
(n) combination
詰め合わせる [つめあわせる]
(v1) to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
詰め込み主義 [つめこみしゅぎ]
(n) (belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning
詰め込む [つめこむ]
(v5m) to cram
詰め所 [つめしょ]
(n) station
詰め将棋 [つめしょうぎ]
(n) chess problem
詰め切る [つめきる]
(v5r) to be or remain always on hand
詰め替える [つめかえる]
(v1) to repack
詰め腹 [つめばら]
(n) being forced to commit seppuku
詰め物 [つめもの]
(n) filling or packing material
詰らない [つまらない]
(adj) (1) (uk) dull
詰り [つまり]
(adv,n) in short
詰る [なじる]
(v5r) to rebuke
詰掛ける [つめかける]
(v1) to crowd (a house)
詰寄る [つめよる]
(v5r) to draw near
詰屈した [きっくつした]
(adj) rugged
詰合せる [つめあわせる]
(v1) to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
詰合わせ [つめあわせ]
(n) combination
詰合わせる [つめあわせる]
(v1) to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
詰込む [つめこむ]
(v5m) to cram
詰所 [つめしょ]
(n) station
詰将棋 [つめしょうぎ]
(n) chess problem
詰責 [きっせき]
(n,vs) (rare) reproach
詰切る [つめきる]
(v5r) to be or remain always on hand
詰草 [つめくさ]
(n) white Dutch clover
詰替える [つめかえる]
(v1) to repack
詰物 [つめもの]
(n) filling or packing material
詰問 [きつもん]
(n,vs) cross-examination
砧 [きぬた]
(n) wooden or stone block for beating cloth
杵 [きね]
(n) mallet
杵柄 [きねづか]
(n) mallet handle
黍 [きび]
(n) (common) millet (panicum miliaceium L.)
黍魚子 [きびなご]
(n) member of round herring family
黍団子 [きびだんご]
(n) millet dumplings
却 [きゃく]
(n) instead
却ける [しりぞける]
(v1,vt) to repel
却って [かえって]
(adv) on the contrary
却下 [きゃっか]
(n,vs) rejection
客 [きゃく]
(n) guest
客を通す [きゃくをとおす]
(exp) to show a guest in
客扱い [きゃくあつかい]
(n,vs) hospitality
客員 [かくいん]
(n) guest (associate) member
客員 [きゃくいん]
(n) guest (associate) member
客員研究員 [きゃくいんけんきゅういん]
(n) visiting researcher
客引き [きゃくひき]
(n,vs) touting
客演 [きゃくえん]
(n,vs) guest appearance
客観 [きゃっかん]
(n) objective
客観主義 [きゃっかんしゅぎ]
(n) objectivism
客観主義者 [きゃっかんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) objectivist
客観性 [きゃっかんせい]
(n) objectivity
客観的 [きゃっかんてき]
(adj-na) objectivity
客間 [きゃくま]
(n) parlor
客間に通る [きゃくまにとおる]
(exp) to enter the parlor (parlour)
客寄せ [きゃくよせ]
(n) attracting customers
客筋 [きゃくすじ]
(n) clientele
客月 [かくげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) last month
客月 [きゃくげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) last month
客語 [かくご]
(n) (ling) object
客語 [きゃくご]
(n) (ling) object
客止め [きゃくどめ]
(n,vs) draw a full house
客死 [かくし]
(n,vs) dying abroad
客死 [きゃくし]
(n,vs) dying abroad
客室 [きゃくしつ]
(n) drawing room
客室乗務員 [きゃくしつじょうむいん]
(n) cabin crew
客舎 [かくしゃ]
(n) hotel
客舎 [きゃくしゃ]
(n) hotel
客車 [きゃくしゃ]
(n) passenger car
客種 [きゃくだね]
(n) clientele
客受け [きゃくうけ]
(n,vs) enjoying popularity among the customers
客商売 [きゃくしょうばい]
(n) hotel
客人 [きゃくじん]
(n) caller
客席 [きゃくせき]
(n) guest seating
客船 [きゃくせん]
(n) passenger boat
客膳 [きゃくぜん]
(n) low tray of food for guests
客僧 [きゃくそう]
(n) priest traveling as part of his training (travelling)
客層 [きゃくそう]
(n) quality of customers
客足 [きゃくあし]
(n) customers
客体 [かくたい]
(n) object
客体 [きゃくたい]
(n) object
客待ち [きゃくまち]
(n,vs) waiting for customers
客単価 [きゃくたんか]
(n) average amount from one customer
客殿 [きゃくでん]
(n) reception hall (in a temple or palace)
客土 [かくど]
(n) land which one visits
客土 [きゃくど]
(n) land which one visits
客年 [かくねん]
(n-adv,n-t) last year
客年 [きゃくねん]
(n-adv,n-t) last year
客分 [きゃくぶん]
(n) guest
客用 [きゃくよう]
(n) for use of customers or guests
客離れ [きゃくばなれ]
(n) customers losing interest in product or shop
脚 [あし]
(n) leg
脚韻 [きゃくいん]
(n) rhyme
脚下 [きゃっか]
(n) at one's feet
脚気 [かっけ]
(n) beriberi
脚光 [きゃっこう]
(n) footlight
脚色 [きゃくしょく]
(n,vs) dramatization (e.g., film)
脚色者 [きゃくしょくしゃ]
(n) movie adapter
脚線美 [きゃくせんび]
(n) beauty of leg lines
脚注 [きゃくちゅう]
(n) footnote
脚註 [きゃくちゅう]
(n) footnote
脚長 [あしなが]
(adj-no) long-legged(ness)
脚長蜂 [あしながばち]
(n) long-legged wasp
脚半 [きゃはん]
(n) leggings
脚付き [あしつき]
(n) (1) something (equipped) with legs
脚部 [きゃくぶ]
(n) leg
脚本 [きゃくほん]
(n) script
脚本家 [きゃくほんか]
(n) scriptwriter
脚立 [きゃたつ]
(n) footstool
脚力 [きゃくりき]
(n) walking ability
脚力 [きゃくりょく]
(n) walking ability
脚絆 [きゃはん]
(n) gaiters
虐げられた人々 [しいたげられたひとびと]
(n) the oppressed
虐げられた人人 [しいたげられたひとびと]
(n) the oppressed
虐げる [しいたげる]
(v1) to oppress
虐め [いじめ]
(n) bullying
虐殺 [ぎゃくさつ]
(n,vs) atrocity
虐使 [ぎゃくし]
(n,vs) driving someone too hard
虐政 [ぎゃくせい]
(n) tyranny
虐待 [ぎゃくたい]
(n,vs) ill-treatment
逆 [ぎゃく]
(adj-na,n) reverse
逆さ [さかさ]
(n) reverse
逆さま [さかさま]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) inversion
逆さ言葉 [さかさことば]
(n) word said backwards
逆さ睫 [さかさまつげ]
(n) turned-in eyelashes
逆なで [ぎゃくなで]
(n,vs) rubbing the wrong way (e.g., a cat)
逆なで [さかなで]
(n,vs) rubbing the wrong way (e.g., a cat)
逆に [ぎゃくに]
(adv) conversely
逆になる [さかになる]
(exp) to turn upside down
逆らう [さからう]
(v5u) to go against
逆ポーランド式 [ぎゃくポーランドしき]
(n) reverse Polish notation
逆運 [ぎゃくうん]
(n) a twist of fate
逆縁 [ぎゃくえん]
(n) (1) (gen) (Buddh) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good Buddhist
逆回転 [ぎゃくかいてん]
(n) spinning the opposite way
逆巻く [さかまく]
(v5k) surging water or waves
逆関数 [ぎゃくかんすう]
(n) (gen) (math) the inverse function
逆境 [ぎゃっきょう]
(n) adversity
逆玉 [ぎゃくたま]
(n) man who marries a wealthy or upwardly-mobile woman
逆光 [ぎゃっこう]
(n) (abbr) backlighting
逆光線 [ぎゃくこうせん]
(n) backlight
逆光線 [ぎゃっこうせん]
(n) backlight
逆効果 [ぎゃくこうか]
(n) backfire
逆効果 [ぎゃっこうか]
(n) backfire
逆行 [ぎゃっこう]
(n,vs) adverse
逆行列 [ぎゃくぎょうれつ]
(n) (gen) (math) inverse matrix
逆恨み [さかうらみ]
(n,vs) unjustified resentment through misunderstanding
逆作用 [ぎゃくさよう]
(n) reaction
逆三角形 [ぎゃくさんかくけい]
(n) inverted triangle
逆三角形 [ぎゃくさんかっけい]
(n) inverted triangle
逆産 [ぎゃくざん]
(n) baby born feet (or buttocks) first
逆算 [ぎゃくさん]
(n,vs) count
逆子 [さかご]
(n) breech (foot) presentation
逆児 [さかご]
(n) baby born feet (or buttocks) first
逆手 [ぎゃくて]
(n) (1) underhand or backhand grip (e.g., in tennis)
逆手 [さかて]
(n) (1) underhand or backhand grip (e.g., in tennis)
逆修 [ぎゃくしゅ]
(n) (1) (gen) (Buddh) holding a memorial service for oneself
逆襲 [ぎゃくしゅう]
(n,vs) counterattack
逆順 [ぎゃくじゅん]
(n) reverse order
逆鞘 [ぎゃくざや]
(n) (discount rate) negative spread
逆上 [ぎゃくじょう]
(n,vs) frenzy
逆上がり [さかあがり]
(n) (gymnastics) pulling oneself upward with a forward, circling movement
逆上せ [のぼせ]
(n) hot flash
逆上せる [のぼせる]
(v1) to feel dizzy
逆上せ上がる [のぼせあがる]
(v5r) to be beside oneself
逆上る [さかのぼる]
(oK) (v5r) to go back
逆心 [ぎゃくしん]
(n) treachery
逆臣 [ぎゃくしん]
(n) treacherous retainer
逆数 [ぎゃくすう]
(n) reciprocal number
逆性石鹸 [ぎゃくせいせっけん]
(n) positive or antiseptic soap
逆接 [ぎゃくせつ]
(n) contradictory conjunction (but, however, etc.)
逆説 [ぎゃくせつ]
(n) paradox
逆説的 [ぎゃくせつてき]
(adj-na) paradoxical
逆宣伝 [ぎゃくせんでん]
(n,vs) counterpropaganda
逆相 [ぎゃくそう]
(n,adj-no) antiphase
逆賊 [ぎゃくぞく]
(n) rebel
逆探知 [ぎゃくたんち]
(n,vs) phone trace
逆潮 [ぎゃくちょう]
(n) weather tide
逆潮 [さかしお]
(n) weather tide
逆剃り [さかぞり]
(n,vs) shaving against the grain
逆提案 [ぎゃくていあん]
(n) counter-proposal
逆転 [ぎゃくてん]
(n,vs) (sudden) change
逆転勝ち [ぎゃくてんがち]
(n,vs) winning after defeat seems certain
逆転層 [ぎゃくてんそう]
(n) inversion layer
逆転分布係数 [ぎゃくてんぶんぷけいすう]
(n) population inversion factor
逆転優勝 [ぎゃくてんゆうしょう]
(n,vs) upset victory
逆徒 [ぎゃくと]
(n) rebel
逆凪 [さかなぎ]
(n) backlash (after use of 'magic')
逆波 [さかなみ]
(n) choppy seas
逆剥け [さかむけ]
(n) a hangnail
逆比 [ぎゃくひ]
(iK) (n) inverse ratio
逆比例 [ぎゃくひれい]
(n,vs) (being in) inverse proportion to
逆撫で [ぎゃくなで]
(n,vs) rubbing the wrong way (e.g., a cat)
逆撫で [さかなで]
(n,vs) rubbing the wrong way (e.g., a cat)
逆風 [ぎゃくふう]
(n) head wind
逆噴射 [ぎゃくふんしゃ]
(n) (col) (obs) reverse thrust
逆夢 [さかゆめ]
(n) a dream which is contradicted by reality
逆命題 [ぎゃくめいだい]
(n) a counterproposition
逆茂木 [さかもぎ]
(n) abatis
逆毛 [さかげ]
(n) hair which is combed back or puffed up or teased
逆戻り [ぎゃくもどり]
(n,vs) retrogression
逆輸出 [ぎゃくゆしゅつ]
(n) reexportation
逆輸入 [ぎゃくゆにゅう]
(n,vs) reimportation
逆様 [さかさま]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) inversion
逆用 [ぎゃくよう]
(n,vs) abuse
逆落し [さかおとし]
(n) plunging or dropping an object headfirst (down a precipice)
逆立ち [さかだち]
(n,vs) handstand
逆立つ [さかだつ]
(v5t) to stand up
逆立てる [さかだてる]
(v1) to ruffle (up)
逆流 [ぎゃくりゅう]
(n,vs) counter-current
逆旅 [げきりょ]
(n) inn
逆鱗 [げきりん]
(n) imperial wrath
逆浪 [ぎゃくろう]
(n) choppy seas
逆浪 [げきろう]
(n) choppy seas
逆浪 [さかなみ]
(n) choppy seas
逆捩じ [さかねじ]
(n) turning an object in the wrong direction
逆睫 [さかさまつげ]
(n) turned-in eyelashes
逆睫 [さかまつげ]
(n) turned-in eyelashes
丘 [おか]
(n) hill
丘に対する部屋 [おかにたいするへや]
(n) room facing a hill
丘を下る [おかをくだる]
(exp) to go down a hill
丘上 [きゅうじょう]
(n) hilltop
丘疹 [きゅうしん]
(n) pimple
丘辺 [おかべ]
(n) vicinity of a hill
丘陵 [きゅうりょう]
(n) hill
丘陵地帯 [きゅうりょうちたい]
(n) hill country
久々 [ひさびさ]
(adj-na,adv,n) long time
久しい [ひさしい]
(adj) long
久しい昔 [ひさしいむかし]
(n) a long time ago
久しく [ひさしく]
(n) for a long time
久しぶり [ひさしぶり]
(exp) after a long time
久しぶりに [ひさしぶりに]
(adv) after a long time
久し振り [ひさしぶり]
(exp) after a long time
久遠 [きゅうえん]
(n) eternity
久遠 [くおん]
(n) eternity
久懐 [きゅうかい]
(n) long-cherished hope
久久 [ひさびさ]
(adj-na,adv,n) long time
久慈目 [くじめ]
(n) type of greenling (fish)
久方 [ひさかた]
(n) sky
久方振り [ひさかたぶり]
(adj-na,n) long time
久闊 [きゅうかつ]
(n) neglect of friends
久濶 [きゅうかつ]
(n) neglect of friends
久濶を叙す [きゅうかつをじょす]
(exp) to apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologise)
仇 [あだ]
(n) (1) foe
仇 [かたき]
(n) (1) foe
仇敵 [きゅうてき]
(n) bitter enemy
仇討ち [あだうち]
(n) vengeance
仇同氏 [かたきどうし]
(n) enemy
仇名 [あだな]
(n,vs) nickname
仇讎 [きゅうしゅう]
(n) revenge
休 [きゅう]
(n,vi,vs) rest
休ませる [やすませる]
(v1) to excuse (someone)
休まる [やすまる]
(v5r) to be rested
休み [やすみ]
(n) (1) rest
休み休み [やすみやすみ]
(adv) resting at times
休み所 [やすみどころ]
(n) resting place
休み場 [やすみば]
(n) resting place
休み茶屋 [やすみじゃや]
(n) wayside teahouse
休み中 [やすみちゅう]
(n) closed
休む [やすむ]
(v5m,vi) to rest
休める [やすめる]
(v1) to rest
休め地 [やすめち]
(n) fallow land
休らう [やすらう]
(v5u) to rest
休意 [きゅうい]
(n,vs) peace
休演 [きゅうえん]
(n,vs) suspending performance
休暇 [きゅうか]
(n) holiday
休暇願い [きゅうかねがい]
(n) application for leave
休火山 [きゅうかざん]
(n) dormant volcano
休会 [きゅうかい]
(n,vs) adjournment
休会明け [きゅうかいあけ]
(n) reassembling of a legislature
休学 [きゅうがく]
(n,vs) temporary absence from school
休刊 [きゅうかん]
(n,vs) suspension of publication
休刊日 [きゅうかんび]
(n) newspaper holiday
休閑 [きゅうかん]
(n) fallowing
休閑地 [きゅうかんち]
(n) fallow land
休館 [きゅうかん]
(n,vs) library or museum closure
休漁 [きゅうりょう]
(n,vs) suspension of fishing
休業 [きゅうぎょう]
(n,vs) closed (e.g., store)
休業日 [きゅうぎょうび]
(n) business holiday
休憩 [きゅうけい]
(n,vs) rest
休憩時間 [きゅうけいじかん]
(n) rest time
休憩室 [きゅうけいしつ]
(n) restroom
休憩所 [きゅうけいじょ]
(n) restroom
休校 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) closing school (temporarily)
休耕 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) lying fallow
休航 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) suspension of sailings
休講 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) lecture cancelled
休載 [きゅうさい]
(n,vs) nonappearance in print
休止 [きゅうし]
(n,vs) pause
休止符 [きゅうしふ]
(n) rest (music)
休祥 [きゅうしょう]
(n) good omen
休場 [きゅうじょう]
(n,vs) (1) theater closure
休職 [きゅうしょく]
(n,vs) temporary retirement
休心 [きゅうしん]
(n,vs) rest assured
休診 [きゅうしん]
(n,vs) no medical examinations (today)
休診日 [きゅうしんび]
(n) doctor's no-consultation day
休錘 [きゅうすい]
(n) idle spindles
休戚 [きゅうせき]
(n) weal and woe
休戦 [きゅうせん]
(n,vs) truce
休戦会談 [きゅうせんかいだん]
(n) armistice conference
休戦記念日 [きゅうせんきねんび]
(n) Armistice Day
休戦協定 [きゅうせんきょうてい]
(n) cease-fire agreement
休戦条約 [きゅうせんじょうやく]
(n) armistice treaty
休戦地帯 [きゅうせんちたい]
(n) demilitarized zone
休息 [きゅうそく]
(n,vs) rest
休息時間 [きゅうそくじかん]
(n) recess
休息所 [きゅうそくじょ]
(n) restroom
休足 [きゅうそく]
(n) resting
休怠 [きゅうたい]
(n) laziness
休廷 [きゅうてい]
(n,vs) court recess
休廷日 [きゅうていび]
(n) no-court day
休転 [きゅうてん]
(n) not running (elevator)
休電 [きゅうでん]
(n,vs) electricity cut-off
休電日 [きゅうでんび]
(n) no-electricity day
休日 [きゅうじつ]
(n-adv,n) holiday
休日明け [きゅうじつあけ]
(n) the day after a holiday
休泊所 [きゅうはくじょ]
(n) temporary quarters
休符 [きゅうふ]
(n) rest (in music)
休眠 [きゅうみん]
(n,vs) idle
休眠期 [きゅうみんき]
(n) dormant season
休養 [きゅうよう]
(n,vs) rest
休養室 [きゅうようしつ]
(n) rest or recreation room
及ばず乍ら [およばずながら]
(adv) to the best of my ability, poor though it be
及ばない [およばない]
(exp) unnecessary
及び [および]
(conj) and
及びもつかない [およびもつかない]
(exp) far beyond one's power
及びも付かぬ [およびもつかぬ]
(exp) far beyond one's power
及び腰 [およびごし]
(n) bent back
及び難い [およびがたい]
(adj) hard to attain to
及ぶ [およぶ]
(v5b) to reach
及ぼす [およぼす]
(v5s) to exert
及第 [きゅうだい]
(n,vs) passing an examination
及第者 [きゅうだいしゃ]
(n) successful examinee
及第点 [きゅうだいてん]
(n) passing mark
及落 [きゅうらく]
(n) success or failure (in examinations)
吸いこむ [すいこむ]
(v5m) (1) to inhale
吸いつける [すいつける]
(v1) to attract
吸い飲み [すいのみ]
(n) feeding cup
吸い殻 [すいがら]
(n) cigarette end (butt)
吸い寄せる [すいよせる]
(v1) to draw in
吸い口 [すいくち]
(n) mouthpiece
吸い込み [すいこみ]
(n) drawing
吸い込み口 [すいこみぐち]
(n) inlet
吸い込む [すいこむ]
(v5m) (1) to inhale
吸い取り紙 [すいとりがみ]
(n) blotting paper
吸い取る [すいとる]
(v5r) to suck up
吸い出す [すいだす]
(v5s) to suck (or draw) out
吸い上げ [すいあげ]
(n) suction
吸い上げる [すいあげる]
(v1) (1) to pump off or out
吸い付く [すいつく]
(v5k) to stick to
吸い付ける [すいつける]
(v1) to attract
吸い物 [すいもの]
(n) Japanese-style soup
吸う [すう]
(v5u) to smoke
吸引 [きゅういん]
(n,vs) absorption
吸飲 [きゅういん]
(n,vs) sucking in
吸飲み [すいのみ]
(n) feeding cup
吸音 [きゅうおん]
(n,vs) sound absorption
吸音材 [きゅうおんざい]
(n) acoustic material
吸殻 [すいがら]
(n) cigarette end (butt)
吸寄せる [すいよせる]
(v1) to draw in
吸気 [きゅうき]
(n) inspiration
吸金剛 [ここんごう]
(n) Hevajra
吸血 [きゅうけつ]
(n) sucking blood
吸血鬼 [きゅうけつき]
(n) vampire
吸血動物 [きゅうけつどうぶつ]
(n) bloodsucker
吸口 [すいくち]
(n) mouthpiece
吸込み [すいこみ]
(n) drawing
吸込み口 [すいこみぐち]
(n) inlet
吸込む [すいこむ]
(v5m) (1) to inhale
吸湿 [きゅうしつ]
(n) moisture absorbing
吸湿剤 [きゅうしつざい]
(n) desiccant
吸湿性 [きゅうしつせい]
(n) absorbency
吸取る [すいとる]
(v5r) to suck up
吸取紙 [すいとりがみ]
(n) blotting paper
吸収 [きゅうしゅう]
(n,vs) absorption
吸収合併 [きゅうしゅうがっぺい]
(n) merger
吸収剤 [きゅうしゅうざい]
(n) an absorbent
吸収力 [きゅうしゅうりょく]
(n) absorbing power
吸出す [すいだす]
(v5s) to suck (or draw) out
吸上げ [すいあげ]
(n) suction
吸上げる [すいあげる]
(v1) (1) to pump off or out
吸塵 [きゅうじん]
(n,vs) dust vacuuming
吸水 [きゅうすい]
(n,vs) water absorption
吸水性 [きゅうすいせい]
(n) water absorbency
吸着 [きゅうちゃく]
(n,vs) adsorption
吸入 [きゅうにゅう]
(n,vs) inhalation
吸入器 [きゅうにゅうき]
(n) an inhaler
吸盤 [きゅうばん]
(n) sucker
吸付く [すいつく]
(v5k) to stick to
吸付ける [すいつける]
(v1) to attract
吸物 [すいもの]
(n) Japanese-style soup
宮家 [みやけ]
(n) residence or family of a prince
宮居 [みやい]
(n,vs) shrine
宮刑 [きゅうけい]
(n) castration
宮崎県 [みやざきけん]
(n) Miyazaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)
宮参り [みやまいり]
(n,vs) shrine visit
宮仕え [みやづかえ]
(n,vs) court service
宮司 [ぐうじ]
(n) (Shinto) chief priest
宮室 [きゅうしつ]
(n) palace
宮守 [みやもり]
(n) court or shrine guard
宮城 [きゅうじょう]
(n) Imperial Palace
宮城県 [みやぎけん]
(n) Miyagi prefecture (Touhoku area)
宮人 [みやびと]
(n) (noble) courtier
宮中 [きゅうちゅう]
(n) imperial court
宮庭 [きゅうてい]
(n) the Palace
宮廷 [きゅうてい]
(n) the Court
宮廷音楽 [きゅうていおんがく]
(n) court music
宮廷画家 [きゅうていがか]
(n) court painter
宮殿 [きゅうでん]
(n) palace
宮田家 [みやたけ]
(n) the Miyata family
宮内省 [くないしょう]
(n) (obs) the Imperial Household Department
宮内庁 [くないちょう]
(n) Imperial Household Agency
宮様 [みやさま]
(n) prince
宮様お二所 [みやさまおふたところ]
(n) two Imperial princes
弓 [ゆみ]
(n) bow (and arrow)
弓を引く [ゆみをひく]
(exp) to draw a bow
弓具 [きゅうぐ]
(n) things used in archery
弓形 [きゅうけい]
(n,adj-no) arched
弓形 [ゆみがた]
(n,adj-no) arched
弓形 [ゆみなり]
(n,adj-no) arched
弓形になる [ゆみなりになる]
(exp) to bend backward
弓弦 [ゆづら]
(n) bowstring
弓弦 [ゆづる]
(n) bowstring
弓弦 [ゆみづる]
(n) bowstring
弓師 [ゆみし]
(n) bow maker
弓取り式 [ゆみとりしき]
(n) bow-twirling ceremony at the end of a day of sumo wrestling
弓取式 [ゆみとりしき]
(n) bow-twirling ceremony at the end of a day of sumo wrestling
弓手 [ゆんで]
(n) one's left hand
弓術 [きゅうじゅつ]
(n) (Japanese) archery
弓状 [きゅうじょう]
(n,adj-no) bow-shaped
弓勢 [ゆんぜい]
(n) strength needed to pull back a bow
弓箭 [きゅうせん]
(n) bows and arrows
弓張り [ゆみはり]
(n) paper lantern with bow-shaped handle
弓張り月 [ゆみはりづき]
(n) crescent moon
弓張り提灯 [ゆみはりぢょうちん]
(n) paper lantern with bow-shaped handle
弓道 [きゅうどう]
(n) (Japanese) archery
弓馬 [きゅうば]
(n) archery and horsemanship
弓馬槍剣 [きゅうばそうけん]
(n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship
弓馬刀槍 [きゅうばとうそう]
(n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship
弓矢 [きゅうし]
(n) bow and arrow
弓矢 [ゆみや]
(n) bow and arrow
弓矢八幡 [ゆみやはちまん]
(n) god of war
急 [きゅう]
(adj-na,n) (1) urgent
急いで [いそいで]
(exp) hurriedly
急かす [せかす]
(v5s) to hurry
急かせる [せかせる]
(v1) to hurry up
急がせる [いそがせる]
(v1) to hasten (the work)
急がば回れ [いそがばまわれ]
(exp) less haste, more speed
急きたてられる [せきたてられる]
(v1) to be hurried
急きょ [きゅうきょ]
(adj-na,adv) hurriedly
急き込む [せきこむ]
(v5m) to sound agitated, hurried, flustered
急き立てる [せきたてる]
(v1) to hurry (up)
急ぎ [いそぎ]
(n-adv,n) urgent
急ぎ足 [いそぎあし]
(n) fast pace
急く [せく]
(v5k) to hurry
急ぐ [いそぐ]
(v5g) to hurry
急ごしらえ [きゅうごしらえ]
(adj-na,n) hastily made
急な坂 [きゅうなさか]
(n) sudden drop
急な流れ [きゅうなながれ]
(n) swiftly running river
急を救う [きゅうをすくう]
(exp) to help (a person) out of danger
急カーブ [きゅうカーブ]
(n) sharp curve (turn)
急ピッチ [きゅうピッチ]
(adj-na,n) quick pace
急火 [きゅうか]
(n) sudden fire
急火 [きゅうび]
(n) sudden fire
急患 [きゅうかん]
(n) emergency case
急傾斜 [きゅうけいしゃ]
(n) steep slope (incline)
急激 [きゅうげき]
(adj-na,n) sudden
急減 [きゅうげん]
(n,vs) sudden decrease
急勾配 [きゅうこうばい]
(n) steep slope
急行 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) express (e.g., train that bypasses many stations)
急行券 [きゅうこうけん]
(n) express ticket
急行停車駅 [きゅうこうていしゃえき]
(n) express station
急行便 [きゅうこうびん]
(n) express mail
急行料金 [きゅうこうりょうきん]
(n) express charge
急行列車 [きゅうこうれっしゃ]
(n) express train
急降下 [きゅうこうか]
(n,vs) swoop
急降下爆撃 [きゅうこうかばくげき]
(n) dive bombing
急告 [きゅうこく]
(n,vs) urgent notice
急込む [せきこむ]
(v5m) to sound agitated, hurried, flustered
急坂 [きゅうさか]
(n) steep slope
急坂 [きゅうはん]
(n) steep slope
急使 [きゅうし]
(n) express messenger
急死 [きゅうし]
(n,vs) sudden death
急斜面 [きゅうしゃめん]
(n) steep slope
急襲 [きゅうしゅう]
(n,vs) raid
急峻 [きゅうしゅん]
(adj-na,n) steep
急所 [きゅうしょ]
(n) vitals
急上昇 [きゅうじょうしょう]
(n,vs) sudden rise
急場 [きゅうば]
(n) emergency
急伸 [きゅうしん]
(n,vs) sudden rise (esp. of stock prices)
急信 [きゅうしん]
(n) urgent message or dispatch (despatch)
急進 [きゅうしん]
(n,vs) rapid progress
急進主義 [きゅうしんしゅぎ]
(n) radicalism
急進主義者 [きゅうしんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) radical (person)
急進的 [きゅうしんてき]
(adj-na) radical
急進党 [きゅうしんとう]
(n) radical political party
急進派 [きゅうしんは]
(n) radical faction or group
急須 [きゅうす]
(n) small teapot
急須の口 [きゅうすのくち]
(n) spout of a teapot
急性 [きゅうせい]
(n) acute (e.g., illness)
急性感染症 [きゅうせいかんせんしょう]
(n) acute infection
急成長 [きゅうせいちょう]
(n,vs) rapid growth
急成長企業 [きゅうせいちょうきぎょう]
(n) rapidly growing company
急逝 [きゅうせい]
(n,vs) sudden death
急切 [きゅうせつ]
(n) under pressure
急設 [きゅうせつ]
(n,vs) hurried construction
急先鋒 [きゅうせんぽう]
(n) van (of a movement)
急送 [きゅうそう]
(n,vs) dispatch
急増 [きゅうぞう]
(n,vs) explosion
急造 [きゅうぞう]
(n,vs) hurried construction
急速 [きゅうそく]
(adj-na,n) rapid (e.g., progress)
急追 [きゅうつい]
(n,vs) (being in) hot pursuit
急停車 [きゅうていしゃ]
(n) sudden stop
急展開 [きゅうてんかい]
(n) rapid development
急転 [きゅうてん]
(n,vs) sudden change
急転悪化 [きゅうてんあっか]
(n) suddenly turning for the worse
急転換 [きゅうてんかん]
(n) sudden change
急転直下 [きゅうてんちょっか]
(n,vs) suddenly and precipitately
急騰 [きゅうとう]
(n,vs) sudden rise
急難 [きゅうなん]
(n) sudden or unexpected disaster
急派 [きゅうは]
(n,vs) dispatch
急迫 [きゅうはく]
(n,vs) urgency
急迫した [きゅうはくした]
(adj) urgent
急病 [きゅうびょう]
(n) sudden illness
急病人 [きゅうびょうにん]
(n) an emergency patient or case
急変 [きゅうへん]
(n,vs) (1) accident
急募 [きゅうぼ]
(n,vs) urgent recruit
急報 [きゅうほう]
(n,vs) urgent report or message
急務 [きゅうむ]
(n) urgent business
急用 [きゅうよう]
(n) urgent business
急落 [きゅうらく]
(n,vs) sudden fall
急立てる [せきたてる]
(v1) to hurry (up)
急流 [きゅうりゅう]
(n) swift current
急冷 [きゅうれい]
(n,vs) rapid cooling
急拵え [きゅうごしらえ]
(adj-na,n) hastily made
急遽 [きゅうきょ]
(adj-na,adv) hurriedly
救い [すくい]
(n) help
救い主 [すくいぬし]
(n) savior (the Savior)
救い出す [すくいだす]
(v5s) to rescue
救い上げる [すくいあげる]
(v1) to pick up and rescue
救う [すくう]
(v5u) to rescue from
救ける [たすける]
(v1) to help
救援 [きゅうえん]
(n,vs) relief
救援活動 [きゅうえんかつどう]
(n) rescue operation
救援軍 [きゅうえんぐん]
(n) reinforcements
救援隊 [きゅうえんたい]
(n) relief party
救援投手 [きゅうえんとうしゅ]
(n) relief pitcher
救援物資 [きゅうえんぶっし]
(n) relief supplies
救急 [きゅうきゅう]
(n) first-aid
救急ヘリコプター [きゅうきゅうヘリコプター]
(n) ambulance helicopter
救急医療 [きゅうきゅういりょう]
(n) emergency medicine
救急患者 [きゅきゅかんじゃ]
(n) emergency patient
救急車 [きゅうきゅうしゃ]
(n) ambulance
救急箱 [きゅうきゅうばこ]
(n) first-aid kit
救急病院 [きゅうきゅうびょういん]
(n) emergency hospital
救急法 [きゅうきゅうほう]
(n) (knowledge of) first-aid
救護 [きゅうご]
(n,vs) relief
救護活動 [きゅうごかつどう]
(n) relief (aid) work
救護所 [きゅうごしょ]
(n) first-aid station
救護班 [きゅうごはん]
(n) relief squad
救荒 [きゅうこう]
(n,vs) famine relief
救荒作物 [きゅうこうさくもつ]
(n) hardy plants
救国 [きゅうこく]
(n) patriot devoted to the salvation of his country
救国済民 [きゅうこくさいみん]
(n) saving a nation and providing relief to people
救済 [きゅうさい]
(n,vs) relief
救済策 [きゅうさいさく]
(n) relief measure
救済者 [きゅうさいしゃ]
(n) savior
救出 [きゅうしゅつ]
(n,vs) rescue
救出作戦 [きゅうしゅつさくせん]
(n) rescue mission
救助 [きゅうじょ]
(n,vs) relief
救助船 [きゅうじょせん]
(n) lifeboat
救助隊 [きゅうじょたい]
(n) rescue team or party
救助網 [きゅうじょあみ]
(n) safety net
救助網 [きゅうじょもう]
(n) safety net
救世 [きゅうせい]
(n) salvation
救世軍 [きゅうせいぐん]
(n) Salvation Army
救世主 [きゅうせいしゅ]
(n) saviour
救難 [きゅうなん]
(n) rescue
救難ヘリコプター [きゅうなんヘリコプター]
(n) rescue helicopter
救難船 [きゅうなんせん]
(n) rescue ship
救貧 [きゅうひん]
(n) poor relief
救民 [きゅうみん]
(n) disaster relief
救命 [きゅうめい]
(n) lifesaving
救命センター [きゅうめいセンター]
(n) hospital emergency room
救命ボート [きゅうめいボート]
(n) lifeboat
救命具 [きゅうめいぐ]
(n) lifesaving equipment
救命艇 [きゅうめいてい]
(n) lifeboat
朽ちる [くちる]
(v1) to rot
朽ち果てる [くちはてる]
(v1) to rust away
朽ち木 [くちき]
(n) decayed tree
朽ち葉 [くちば]
(n) decayed leaves
朽ち葉色 [くちばいろ]
(n) yellow-brown
朽壊 [きゅうかい]
(n,vs) rotting and crumbling
朽廃 [きゅうはい]
(n,vs) decay
朽木 [くちき]
(n) decayed tree
朽葉 [くちば]
(n) decayed leaves
求む [もとむ]
(v5m) to want
求め [もとめ]
(n) request
求めに応じる [もとめにおうじる]
(exp) to answer a request
求める [もとめる]
(v1) to seek
求愛 [きゅうあい]
(n,vs) courting
求愛誇示 [きゅうあいこじ]
(n) courtship display
求縁 [きゅうえん]
(n,vs) courtship
求刑 [きゅうけい]
(n,vs) prosecution
求婚 [きゅうこん]
(n,vs) marriage proposal
求婚広告 [きゅうこんこうこく]
(n) matrimonial advertisement
求婚者 [きゅうこんしゃ]
(n) suitor
求妻広告 [きゅうさいこうこく]
(n) advertisement for a wife
求償 [きゅうしょう]
(n,vs) claim for damages
求職 [きゅうしょく]
(n,vs) job hunting
求職係 [きゅうしょくがかり]
(n) applicant interviewer
求職広告 [きゅうしょくこうこく]
(n) situation-wanted advertisement
求職者 [きゅうしょくしゃ]
(n) job applicant
求職申し込み [きゅうしょくもうしこみ]
(n) job application
求心 [きゅうしん]
(n) centripetal
求心力 [きゅうしんりょく]
(n) centripetal force
求人 [きゅうじん]
(n,vs) offer of job (situation)
求人口 [きゅうじんぐち]
(n) job vacancy
求人広告 [きゅうじんこうこく]
(n) help wanted advertisements
求人市場 [きゅうじんいちば]
(n) job market
求人誌 [きゅうじんし]
(n) job advertisement
求人者 [きゅうじんしゃ]
(n) employer
求人情報誌 [きゅうじんじょうほうし]
(n) job magazine
求人難 [きゅうじんなん]
(n) labor shortage
求積 [きゅうせき]
(n) mensuration
求道 [きゅうどう]
(n) seeking for truth
求道者 [きゅうどうしゃ]
(n) investigator
求法者 [ぐほうしゃ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) inquirer
汲々 [きゅうきゅう]
(adj-na,n) diligence
汲々としている [きゅうきゅうとしている]
(exp) to be absorbed in
汲み干す [くみほす]
(v5s) to empty out
汲み込む [くみこむ]
(v5m) to fill with water
汲み取り [くみとり]
(n) dipping up (night soil)
汲み取る [くみとる]
(v5r) to scoop out
汲み出す [くみだす]
(v5s) to pump out
汲み上げる [くみあげる]
(v1) to draw
汲み置き [くみおき]
(n) drawn water
汲み分ける [くみわける]
(v1) to apportion drawn water
汲み立て [くみたて]
(n,adj-no) freshly-drawn
汲む [くむ]
(v5m) (1) to draw (water)
汲干す [くみほす]
(v5s) to empty out
汲汲 [きゅうきゅう]
(adj-na,n) diligence
汲汲としている [きゅうきゅうとしている]
(exp) to be absorbed in
汲込む [くみこむ]
(v5m) to fill with water
汲取 [くみとり]
(n) dipping up (night soil)
汲取り [くみとり]
(n) dipping up (night soil)
汲取る [くみとる]
(v5r) to scoop out
汲取口 [くみとりぐち]
(n) hole for pumping out cesspool
汲出す [くみだす]
(v5s) to pump out
汲上げる [くみあげる]
(v1) to draw
汲置き [くみおき]
(n) drawn water
泣かされる [なかされる]
(n) (1) to be moved to tears
泣かす [なかす]
(v5s) (1) to make someone cry
泣かせる [なかせる]
(v1) (1) to make someone cry
泣き [なき]
(n) weeping
泣きじゃくる [なきじゃくる]
(v5r) to sob
泣きっ面 [なきっつら]
(n) tearful face
泣きつく [なきつく]
(v5k) to cling to .. in tears
泣きべそ [なきべそ]
(n) face contorted and about to cry
泣き喚く [なきわめく]
(v5k) to cry
泣き顔 [なきがお]
(n) tear-stained face
泣き叫ぶ [なきさけぶ]
(v5b) to cry and shout
泣き言 [なきごと]
(n) complaint
泣き止む [なきやむ]
(v5m) to stop crying
泣き腫らす [なきはらす]
(v5s) to weep one's eyes out
泣き出す [なきだす]
(v5s) to burst into tears
泣き処 [なきどころ]
(n) weak point
泣き所 [なきどころ]
(n) weak point
泣き笑い [なきわらい]
(n,vs) smile while crying
泣き上戸 [なきじょうご]
(n) maudlin drinker
泣き寝入り [なきねいり]
(n,vs) crying oneself to sleep
泣き真似 [なきまね]
(n) feigned or crocodile tears
泣き声 [なきごえ]
(n,vs) cry
泣き虫 [なきむし]
(n) crybaby
泣き沈む [なきしずむ]
(v5m) to abandon oneself to grief
泣き通す [なきとおす]
(v5s) to keep crying
泣き潰す [なきつぶす]
(v5s) to cry one's eyes out
泣き濡れる [なきぬれる]
(v1) to be tear-stained
泣き付く [なきつく]
(v5k) to cling to .. in tears
泣き伏す [なきふす]
(v5s) to break down crying
泣き別れ [なきわかれ]
(exp) part in tears
泣き暮す [なきくらす]
(v5s) to spend one's days in tears and sorrow
泣き暮らす [なきくらす]
(v5s) to spend one's days in tears and sorrow
泣き崩れる [なきくずれる]
(v1) to break down crying
泣き味噌 [なきみそ]
(n) crybaby
泣き明かす [なきあかす]
(v5s) to weep the night out
泣き明す [なきあかす]
(v5s) to weep the night out
泣き面 [なきつら]
(n) tearful face
泣き面に蜂 [なきつらにはち]
(exp,n) misfortunes seldom come alone
泣き落とす [なきおとす]
(v5s) to persuade by tears
泣き縋がる [なきすがる]
(v5r) to cling tearfully to another person
泣く [なく]
(v5k) to cry
泣く泣く [なくなく]
(adv) tearfully
泣ける [なける]
(v1) to shed tears
泣喚く [なきわめく]
(v5k) to cry
泣叫ぶ [なきさけぶ]
(v5b) to cry and shout
泣腫らす [なきはらす]
(v5s) to weep one's eyes out
泣出す [なきだす]
(v5s) to burst into tears
泣笑い [なきわらい]
(n,vs) smile while crying
泣寝入り [なきねいり]
(n,vs) crying oneself to sleep
泣訴 [きゅうそ]
(n,vs) imploring with tears in one's eyes
泣沈む [なきしずむ]
(v5m) to abandon oneself to grief
泣潰す [なきつぶす]
(v5s) to cry one's eyes out
泣付く [なきつく]
(v5k) to cling to .. in tears
泣伏す [なきふす]
(v5s) to break down crying
泣別れ [なきわかれ]
(exp) part in tears
泣暮す [なきくらす]
(v5s) to spend one's days in tears and sorrow
泣崩れる [なきくずれる]
(v1) to break down crying
泣明す [なきあかす]
(v5s) to weep the night out
泣落とす [なきおとす]
(v5s) to persuade by tears
泣縋がる [なきすがる]
(v5r) to cling tearfully to another person
灸 [きゅう]
(n) moxibustion
灸治 [きゅうじ]
(n,vs) treatment with moxa
灸点 [きゅうてん]
(n,vs) moxa-treatment points
球 [きゅう]
(n) globe
球 [たま]
(n) globe
球威 [きゅうい]
(n) (pitcher's) stuff
球威の有る投球 [きゅういのあるとうきゅう]
(n) (baseball) powerful delivery
球宴 [きゅうえん]
(n) baseball all-star game
球界 [きゅうかい]
(n) the baseball world
球戯 [きゅうぎ]
(n) billiards
球技 [きゅうぎ]
(n) any ball game
球菌 [きゅうきん]
(n) coccus
球形 [きゅうけい]
(n,adj-no) globular or spherical shape
球茎 [きゅうけい]
(n) (plant) bulb
球茎甘藍 [きゅうけいかんらん]
(n) kohlrabi
球根 [きゅうこん]
(n) (plant) bulb
球座標 [きゅうざひょう]
(n) spherical coordinates
球拾い [たまひろい]
(n) fetching balls
球乗り [たまのり]
(n) balancing on a ball
球場 [きゅうじょう]
(n) baseball stadium
球状 [きゅうじょう]
(n) spherical
球審 [きゅうしん]
(n) baseball chief umpire
球速 [きゅうそく]
(n) speed of a pitched ball
球体 [きゅうたい]
(n) sphere
球団 [きゅうだん]
(n) baseball team
球電 [きゅうでん]
(n) ball lightning
球面 [きゅうめん]
(n) spherical surface
球面幾何学 [きゅうめんきかがく]
(n) spherical geometry
球面鏡 [きゅうめんきょう]
(n) spherical mirror
球面三角法 [きゅうめんさんかくほう]
(n) spherical trigonometry
究める [きわめる]
(v1) (1) to carry to extremes
究極 [きゅうきょく]
(n,adj-no) ultimate
究極目的 [きゅうきょくもくてき]
(n) extreme purpose
究明 [きゅうめい]
(n,vs) investigation (esp. in academic and scientific contexts)
究理 [きゅうり]
(n,vs) study of natural laws
究竟 [きゅうきょう]
(n,vs) ultimate
究竟 [くっきょう]
(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) excellent
窮する [きゅうする]
(vs-s) (1) (arch) to be hard pressed
窮すれば通ず [きゅうすればつうず]
(exp) Necessity is the mother of invention
窮まりない [きわまりない]
(adj) extremely
窮まり無い [きわまりない]
(adj) extremely
窮まる [きわまる]
(v5r) to terminate
窮み無き [きわみなき]
(n) without limit
窮める [きわめる]
(v1) (1) to carry to extremes
窮境 [きゅうきょう]
(n) predicament
窮極 [きゅうきょく]
(n,adj-no) ultimate
窮極目的 [きゅうきょくもくてき]
(n) extreme purpose
窮屈 [きゅうくつ]
(adj-na,n) narrow
窮策 [きゅうさく]
(n) desperate measure
窮死 [きゅうし]
(n,vs) dying in miserable circumstances
窮状 [きゅうじょう]
(n) distress
窮措大 [きゅうそだい]
(n) poor student (scholar)
窮鼠 [きゅうそ]
(n) cornered rat or mouse
窮鼠噛猫 [きゅうそごうびょう]
(exp) A cornered rat will bite the cat
窮地 [きゅうち]
(n) dilemma
窮鳥 [きゅうちょう]
(n) cornered bird
窮追 [きゅうつい]
(n,vs) cornered
窮迫 [きゅうはく]
(n,vs) financial difficulty
窮乏 [きゅうぼう]
(n,vs) poverty
窮民 [きゅうみん]
(n) poor people
窮余 [きゅうよ]
(n) extremity
窮余の策 [きゅうよのさく]
(n) desperate measure
級 [きゅう]
(n,n-suf) class, grade, rank
級数 [きゅうすう]
(n) (gen) (math) series
級長 [きゅうちょう]
(n) head of class
級友 [きゅうゆう]
(n) classmate
糾う [あざなう]
(v5u) to twist (something)
糾合 [きゅうごう]
(n,vs) rally
糾弾 [きゅうだん]
(n,vs) blame
糾明 [きゅうめい]
(n,vs) searching examination
糾問 [きゅうもん]
(n,vs) inquiry
給 [きゅう]
(n-suf) wage
給う [たまう]
(v5u) to receive
給金 [きゅうきん]
(n) (one's) pay
給血 [きゅうけつ]
(n,vs) donation of blood
給源 [きゅうげん]
(n) supply source
給仕 [きゅうじ]
(n,vs) office boy (girl)
給食 [きゅうしょく]
(n,vs) school lunch
給水 [きゅうすい]
(n,vs) water supply
給水管 [きゅうすいかん]
(n) water pipe
給水車 [きゅうすいしゃ]
(n) water wagon
給水所 [きゅうすいじょ]
(n) water station
給水制限 [きゅうすいせいげん]
(n) water supply restrictions
給水栓 [きゅうすいせん]
(n) hydrant
給水塔 [きゅうすいとう]
(n) water tower
給電 [きゅうでん]
(n,vs) supplying electricity
給電線 [きゅうでんせん]
(n) feeder
給湯 [きゅうとう]
(n,vs) hot-water supply
給湯器 [きゅうとうき]
(n) hot-water heater
給排水 [きゅうはいすい]
(n,vs) water supply and drainage
給費 [きゅうひ]
(n,vs) provision of expenses
給費生 [きゅうひせい]
(n) scholarship student
給付 [きゅうふ]
(n,vs) (1) payment
給付金 [きゅうふきん]
(n) payment
給油 [きゅうゆ]
(n,vs) supply of oil
給油所 [きゅうゆしょ]
(n) petrol filling station
給油所 [きゅうゆじょ]
(n) petrol filling station
給油船 [きゅうゆせん]
(n) (oil) tanker
給与 [きゅうよ]
(n,vs) allowance
給与所得 [きゅうよしょとく]
(n) earned income
給与所得者 [きゅうよしょとくしゃ]
(n) salaried employee
給与水準 [きゅうよすいじゅん]
(n) pay level
給与体系 [きゅうよたいけい]
(n) a wage structure
給養 [きゅうよう]
(n,vs) maintaining
給料 [きゅうりょう]
(n) salary
給料支払小切手 [きゅうりょうしはらいこぎって]
(n) paycheck
給料袋 [きゅうりょうぶくろ]
(n) pay envelope
給料日 [きゅうりょうび]
(n) payday
旧 [きゅう]
(n,pref) ex-
旧ソ連 [きゅうソれん]
(n) former Soviet Union
旧悪 [きゅうあく]
(n) past misdeeds
旧衣 [きゅうい]
(n) worn-out clothes
旧詠 [きゅうえい]
(n) ancient poems
旧怨 [きゅうえん]
(n) old grudge
旧縁 [きゅうえん]
(n) old relationship
旧恩 [きゅうおん]
(n) old favors
旧仮名遣い [きゅうかなづかい]
(n) former (i.e. before the post-WWII reforms) kana usage in writing the yomikata of kanji
旧仮名使い [きゅうかなづかい]
(n) former (i.e. before the post-WWII reforms) kana usage in writing the yomikata of kanji
旧家 [きゅうか]
(n) old family
旧懐 [きゅうかい]
(n) love of antiquity
旧株 [きゅうかぶ]
(n) old stock (in a firm)
旧刊 [きゅうかん]
(n) back number
旧勘定 [きゅうかんじょう]
(n) old account
旧官 [きゅうかん]
(n) former government official
旧慣 [きゅうかん]
(n) old customs
旧歓 [きゅうかん]
(n) old joy
旧漢字 [きゅうかんじ]
(n) old-style kanji
旧観 [きゅうかん]
(n) former state
旧館 [きゅうかん]
(n) old (older) building
旧規 [きゅうき]
(n) old regulations
旧記 [きゅうき]
(n) old chronicle
旧儀 [きゅうぎ]
(n) traditional ceremony
旧誼 [きゅうぎ]
(n) old friendship
旧居 [きゅうきょ]
(n) former residence
旧教 [きゅうきょう]
(n) (Roman) Catholicism
旧教徒 [きゅうきょうと]
(n) (Roman) Catholic
旧軍人 [きゅうぐんじん]
(n) ex-soldier
旧型 [きゅうがた]
(n) old style
旧型 [きゅうけい]
(n) old style
旧形式 [きゅうけいしき]
(n) old-structure form
旧劇 [きゅうげき]
(n) classical drama
旧故 [きゅうこ]
(n) antiquity
旧交 [きゅうこう]
(n) old friendship
旧好 [きゅうこう]
(n) old friendship
旧稿 [きゅうこう]
(n) old manuscript
旧号 [きゅうごう]
(n) old name
旧国 [きゅうこく]
(n) ancient nation
旧恨 [きゅうこん]
(n) old grudge
旧債 [きゅうさい]
(n) old debt
旧妻 [きゅうさい]
(n) former wife
旧作 [きゅうさく]
(n) one's old publication
旧市 [きゅうし]
(n) (abbr) old town
旧市街 [きゅうしがい]
(n) the old town
旧師 [きゅうし]
(n) one's old teacher
旧思想 [きゅうしそう]
(n) old-fashioned idea
旧事 [きゅうじ]
(n) past events
旧事 [くじ]
(n) past events
旧字 [きゅうじ]
(n) old characters
旧字体 [きゅうじたい]
(n) old character form
旧時 [きゅうじ]
(n-adv,n-t) ancient times
旧式 [きゅうしき]
(adj-na,n) old type
旧識 [きゅうしき]
(n) old friend
旧主 [きゅうしゅ]
(n) former lord
旧主人 [きゅうしゅじん]
(n) former lord
旧習 [きゅうしゅう]
(n) old customs
旧称 [きゅうしょう]
(n) old name
旧章 [きゅうしょう]
(n) ancient laws
旧新約聖書 [きゅうしんやくせいしょ]
(n) Old and New Testaments
旧新約全書 [きゅうしんやくぜんしょ]
(n) Old and New Testaments
旧臣 [きゅうしん]
(n) old retainer
旧人 [ふるびと]
(n) the deceased
旧世界 [きゅうせかい]
(n) the old world
旧制 [きゅうせい]
(n) old system
旧制度 [きゅうせいど]
(n) old system
旧姓 [きゅうせい]
(n) one's former (maiden) name
旧棲 [きゅうせい]
(n) old home
旧栖 [きゅうせい]
(n) old home
旧正月 [きゅうしょうがつ]
(n) Lunar calendar New Year
旧製 [きゅうせい]
(n) former manufacture
旧石器時代 [きゅうせっきじだい]
(n) Old Stone Age
旧跡 [きゅうせき]
(n) historic ruins
旧跡 [ふるあと]
(n) historic ruins
旧蹟 [きゅうせき]
(n) historic ruins
旧蹟 [ふるあと]
(n) historic ruins
旧説 [きゅうせつ]
(n) old theory
旧蔵 [きゅうぞう]
(n,vs) one's old possessions
旧俗 [きゅうぞく]
(n) old customs
旧村 [きゅうそん]
(n) old village
旧体制 [きゅうたいせい]
(n) old regime
旧態 [きゅうたい]
(n) old state of affairs
旧態依然 [きゅうたいいぜん]
(adj-na) remain unchanged (from the old state of things)
旧大陸 [きゅうたいりく]
(n) the Old World
旧宅 [きゅうたく]
(n) former residence
旧知 [きゅうち]
(n) old friend
旧地 [きゅうち]
(n) former property
旧敵 [きゅうてき]
(n) old enemy
旧典 [きゅうてん]
(n) tradition
旧都 [きゅうと]
(n) the old capital
旧土 [きゅうど]
(n) former property or territory
旧冬 [きゅうとう]
(n-adv,n-t) former winters
旧套 [きゅうとう]
(n) conventionalism
旧套墨守 [きゅうとうぼくしゅ]
(n,vs) clinging to old customs
旧道 [きゅうどう]
(n) old road
旧年 [きゅうねん]
(n-adv,n-t) the old year
旧年 [ふるとし]
(n-adv,n-t) the old year
旧年末 [きゅうねんまつ]
(n) end of last year
旧波 [きゅうは]
(n) old school
旧派 [きゅうは]
(n) the old school
旧版 [きゅうはん]
(n) old edition
旧版 [きゅうばん]
(n) old edition
旧藩 [きゅうはん]
(n) former clan
旧藩主 [きゅうはんしゅ]
(n) former feudal lord
旧盤 [きゅうばん]
(n) old bowl (platter)
旧夫 [きゅうふ]
(n) former husband
旧婦 [きゅうふ]
(n) former wife
旧封 [きゅうほう]
(n) former fief
旧風 [きゅうふう]
(n) old customs
旧物 [きゅうぶつ]
(n) old things
旧聞 [きゅうぶん]
(n) old news
旧弊 [きゅうへい]
(adj-na,n) old-fashioned
旧弊打破 [きゅうへいだは]
(n) breaking down antiquated notions
旧法 [きゅうほう]
(n) old law
旧邦 [きゅうほう]
(n) old country
旧盆 [きゅうぼん]
(n) Bon Festival of the lunar calendar
旧幕 [きゅうばく]
(n) the old feudal government
旧幕時代 [きゅうばくじだい]
(n) the shogunate period
旧夢 [きゅうむ]
(n) ancient dream
旧名 [きゅうめい]
(n) former name
旧約 [きゅうやく]
(n) Old Testament
旧約聖書 [きゅうやくせいしょ]
(n) Old Testament
旧約全書 [きゅうやくぜんしょ]
(n) Old Testament
旧訳 [きゅうやく]
(n) old translation
旧友 [きゅうゆう]
(n) crony
旧遊の地 [きゅうゆうのち]
(n) familiar haunts
旧来 [きゅうらい]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) traditional
旧里 [きゅうり]
(n) home town
旧里 [ふるさと]
(n) home town
旧流 [きゅうりゅう]
(n) old current
旧領 [きゅうりょう]
(n) old fief
旧例 [きゅうれい]
(n) old custom
旧暦 [きゅうれき]
(n) old lunar calendar
旧址 [きゅうし]
(n) historic ruins
旧墟 [きゅうきょ]
(n) ruins remains
旧痾 [きゅうあ]
(n) persistent disease
旧臘 [きゅうろう]
(n-adv,n-t) last December
旧趾 [きゅうし]
(n) ruins
牛 [うし]
(n) cattle
牛の鞄 [ぎゅうのかばん]
(n) cowhide bag
牛の歩み [うしのあゆみ]
(n) snail's pace
牛飲馬食 [ぎゅういんばしょく]
(n,vs) heavy eating and drinking
牛疫 [ぎゅうえき]
(n) cattle plague
牛蛙 [うしがえる]
(n) bullfrog
牛角 [ぎゅうかく]
(n) horns
牛革 [ぎゅうかわ]
(n) cowhide
牛缶 [ぎゅうかん]
(n) canned beef
牛鬼蛇神 [ぎゅうきだしん]
(n,adj-no) wicked and perverse
牛後 [ぎゅうご]
(n) rump of cattle
牛刺 [ぎゅうさし]
(n) sliced raw beef
牛脂 [ぎゅうし]
(n) beef tallow
牛飼い [うしかい]
(n) cattleman
牛耳る [ぎゅうじる]
(v5r) to control
牛舎 [ぎゅうしゃ]
(n) cow shed
牛車 [うしぐるま]
(n) ox carriage (for Heian era nobles)
牛車 [ぎっしゃ]
(n) ox carriage (for Heian era nobles)
牛車 [ぎゅうしゃ]
(n) ox carriage (for Heian era nobles)
牛小屋 [うしごや]
(n) cow shed
牛刀 [ぎゅうとう]
(n) meat cleaver
牛痘 [ぎゅうとう]
(n) cow pox
牛頭馬頭 [ごずめず]
(n) one of the demons in the Buddhist hell with a human body and the head of a bull or horse
牛鍋 [ぎゅうなべ]
(n) sukiyaki
牛肉 [ぎゅうにく]
(n) beef
牛乳 [ぎゅうにゅう]
(n) (cow's) milk
牛乳に浸したパン [ぎゅうにゅうにひたしたパン]
(n) bread dunked in milk
牛乳屋 [ぎゅうにゅうや]
(n) dairy
牛馬 [ぎゅうば]
(n) horses and cattle
牛皮 [ぎゅうかわ]
(n) cowhide
牛皮 [ぎゅうひ]
(n) cowhide
牛糞 [ぎゅうふん]
(n) cattle manure
牛歩 [ぎゅうほ]
(n) snail's pace
牛歩戦術 [ぎゅうほせんじゅつ]
(n) snail's pace tactics
牛酪 [ぎゅうらく]
(n) butter
牛丼 [ぎゅうどん]
(n) rice covered with beef and vegetables
牛氈鹿 [うしかもしか]
(n) gnu
牛羚羊 [うしかもしか]
(n) gnu
牛蒡 [ごぼう]
(n) burdock (root)
去なす [いなす]
(v5s) to parry
去られん坊 [さられんぼう]
(n) divorcing woman
去る [さる]
(v5r) (1) to leave
去る十一月 [さるじゅういちがつ]
(n) last November
去月 [きょげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) last month
去就 [きょしゅう]
(n,vs) committing one's self
去勢 [きょせい]
(n,vs) castration
去勢牛 [きょせいうし]
(n) bullock
去声 [きょしょう]
(n) falling tone
去声 [きょせい]
(n) falling tone
去年 [きょねん]
(n-adv,n-t) last year
去年 [こぞ]
(n-adv,n-t) last year
去来 [きょらい]
(n,vs) coming and going
去痰 [きょたん]
(n) expectoration
居たたまれない [いたたまれない]
(exp) unable to stay (on)
居た堪れない [いたたまれない]
(exp) unable to stay (on)
居ても立ってもいられない [いてもたってもいられない]
(exp) unable to contain oneself
居ても立っても居られない [いてもたってもいられない]
(exp) unable to contain oneself
居ながらにして [いながらにして]
(exp) from one's seat
居もしない [いもしない]
(adj) (1) (uk) invisible
居る [いる]
(v1) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)
居る [おる]
(v5r) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)
居を構える [きょをかまえる]
(exp) to take up one's residence
居間 [いま]
(n) living room (western style)
居間兼食堂 [いまけんしょくどう]
(n) living room-cum-dining room
居間兼寝室 [いまけんしんしつ]
(n) living room and bedroom
居候 [いそうろう]
(n,vs) lodger who pays nothing for room and board
居候生活 [いそうろうせいかつ]
(n) living in another person's house without paying for food and lodging
居合い [いあい]
(n) iai
居合い抜き [いあいぬき]
(n) while on one knee, drawing a sword and slashing one's opponent
居合わせる [いあわせる]
(v1) to happen to be present
居合道 [いあどう]
(n) the art of drawing the Japanese longsword
居座り [いすわり]
(n) remaining
居座る [いすわる]
(v5r) to remain
居催促 [いざいそく]
(n,vs) refusal to leave
居残り [いのこり]
(n,vs) detention
居残る [いのこる]
(v5r) to stay behind
居士 [こじ]
(n) a lay Buddhist
居室 [きょしつ]
(n) living room
居酒屋 [いざかや]
(n) bar
居住 [きょじゅう]
(n,vs) residence
居住い [いずまい]
(n) one's seated posture
居住まい [いずまい]
(n) one's seated posture
居住権 [きょじゅうけん]
(n) the right of residence
居住者 [きょじゅうしゃ]
(n) resident
居住証明書 [きょじゅうしょうめいしょ]
(n) certificate of residence
居住水準 [きょじゅうすいじゅん]
(n) housing standards
居住性 [きょじゅうせい]
(n) liveability
居住地 [きょじゅうち]
(n) residence
居所 [いどころ]
(n) whereabouts
居所 [きょしょ]
(n) whereabouts
居丈高 [いたけだか]
(adj-na,n) high-handed
居城 [きょじょう]
(n) castle of a daimyo
居場所 [いばしょ]
(n) whereabouts
居常 [きょじょう]
(n-adv,n-t) daily life
居食い [いぐい]
(n,vs) living in idleness
居心地 [いごこち]
(n) comfort
居心地がよい [いごこちがよい]
(n) comfortable (to live in)
居心地が悪い [いごこちがわるい]
(adj) uncomfortable
居心地のよい [いごこちのよい]
(n) snug
居然 [きょぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) calm or at rest
居続ける [いつづける]
(v1) to stay on (e.g., at one's friends house)
居待ち [いまち]
(n) sitting while waiting
居着く [いつく]
(v5k) to settle down
居中調停 [きょちゅうちょうてい]
(n) mediation
居直り強盗 [いなおりごうとう]
(n) thief who threatens violence when detected
居直る [いなおる]
(v5r) (1) to sit up properly straight
居乍ら [いながら]
(adv) from where one sits
居抜き [いぬき]
(n) going concern
居敷 [いしき]
(n) kimono seat lining
居並ぶ [いならぶ]
(v5b) to sit in a row
居眠り [いねむり]
(n,vs) dozing
居眠り運転 [いねむりうんてん]
(n) falling asleep at the wheel
居留 [きょりゅう]
(n,vs) residence
居留守 [いるす]
(n) pretending to be out
居留地 [きょりゅうち]
(n) foreign settlement
居留民 [きょりゅうみん]
(n) a resident
巨 [きょ]
(n) big
巨 [こ]
(n) big
巨い [おおきい]
(adj) big
巨なる [おおいなる]
(adj) big
巨悪 [きょあく]
(n) great evil
巨億 [きょおく]
(n) millions
巨魁 [きょかい]
(n) ringleader
巨額 [きょがく]
(adj-na,n) great sum
巨漢 [きょかん]
(n) giant
巨艦 [きょかん]
(n) large warship
巨岩 [きょがん]
(n) huge rock
巨躯 [きょく]
(n) big frame
巨鯨 [きょげい]
(n) huge whale
巨口 [きょこう]
(n) big mouth
巨根 [きょこん]
(n) (sl) (vulg) large penis (lit. "giant root")
巨細 [きょさい]
(adj-na,n) large and small matters
巨細 [こさい]
(adj-na,n) large and small matters
巨材 [きょざい]
(n) big timber
巨財 [きょざい]
(n) huge fortune
巨視的 [きょしてき]
(adj-na,n) macroscopic
巨資 [きょし]
(n) large capital
巨獣 [きょじゅう]
(n) large animal
巨匠 [きょしょう]
(n) master
巨商 [きょしょう]
(n) wealthy merchant
巨象 [きょぞう]
(n) gigantic elephant
巨鐘 [おおがね]
(n) large hanging bell
巨人 [きょじん]
(n) giant
巨人軍 [きょじんぐん]
(n) Giants (Japanese baseball team)
巨人国 [きょじんこく]
(n) land of giants
巨人党 [きょじんとう]
(n) Giants fan
巨星 [きょせい]
(n) giant star
巨石 [きょせき]
(n) megalith
巨石記念物 [きょせききねんぶつ]
(n) megalith
巨船 [きょせん]
(n) ocean liner
巨像 [きょぞう]
(n) huge image
巨賊 [きょぞく]
(n) big-time bandit
巨体 [きょたい]
(n) large build
巨大 [きょだい]
(adj-na,n) huge
巨大な額 [きょだいながく]
(n) colossal amount
巨大企業 [きょだいきぎょう]
(n) corporate giant
巨大銀行 [きょだいぎんこう]
(n) megabank
巨大症 [きょだいしょう]
(n) gigantism
巨大複合企業 [きょだいふくごうきぎょう]
(n) large conglomerate
巨大分子 [きょだいぶんし]
(n) macromolecule
巨弾 [きょだん]
(n) huge projectile
巨盗 [きょとう]
(n) big-time robber
巨頭 [きょとう]
(n) leader
巨乳 [きょにゅう]
(n) huge breasts
巨波 [きょは]
(n) billow
巨舶 [きょはく]
(n) ocean liner
巨費 [きょひ]
(n) great cost
巨富 [きょふ]
(n) great riches
巨篇 [きょへん]
(n) great (literary) work
巨編 [きょへん]
(n) great (literary) work
巨歩 [きょほ]
(n) long strides
巨峰 [きょほう]
(n) gigantic peak
巨砲 [きょほう]
(n) huge gun
巨万 [きょまん]
(n) huge fortune
巨木 [きょぼく]
(n) big tree
巨利 [きょり]
(n) huge profit
巨刹 [きょさつ]
(n) large temple
巨擘 [きょはく]
(n) authority
拒む [こばむ]
(v5m) to refuse
拒止 [きょし]
(n,vs) refusal
拒食 [きょしょく]
(n,vs) refusing food
拒食症 [きょしょくしょう]
(n) anorexia
拒絶 [きょぜつ]
(n,vs) refusal
拒絶反応 [きょぜつはんのう]
(n) rejection
拒否 [きょひ]
(n,vs) denial
拒否権 [きょひけん]
(n) right of veto
拒否反応 [きょひはんのう]
(n) rejection
拠り所 [よりどころ]
(n) grounds
拠る [よる]
(v5r) (1) (uk) to be due to
拠金 [きょきん]
(n) subscription
拠守 [きょしゅ]
(n) defense
拠出 [きょしゅつ]
(n) donation
拠所 [よりどころ]
(n) grounds
拠点 [きょてん]
(n) (gen) (mil) position
拠点とする [きょてんとする]
(exp) to be based in (a place)
拠点に置く [きょてんにおく]
(exp) to be based in (a place)
挙がる [あがる]
(v5r) to become prosperous
挙げた [あげた]
(adj) brought up (e.g., topic)
挙げて [あげて]
(adv) all
挙げられる [あげられる]
(v1) (gen) (comp) to be arrested
挙げる [あげる]
(v1) (1) to raise
挙げ句 [あげく]
(n-adv,n-t) in the end
挙げ句の果て [あげくのはて]
(adv,n) finally
挙げ足を取る [あげあしをとる]
(exp) to find fault with someone
挙って [こぞって]
(adv) (uk) all
挙る [こぞる]
(v5r) (1) to assemble everything together
挙句 [あげく]
(n-adv,n-t) in the end
挙句の果て [あげくのはて]
(adv,n) finally
挙行 [きょこう]
(n,vs) celebration (of ceremony)
挙国 [きょこく]
(n) the whole nation
挙国一致 [きょこくいっち]
(n,vs) national unity
挙止 [きょし]
(n) bearing
挙式 [きょしき]
(n,vs) holding a ceremony
挙手 [きょしゅ]
(n,vs) raising (holding up) one's hand
挙証 [きょしょう]
(n) (presentation of) proof
挙措 [きょそ]
(n) behavior
挙措言動 [きょそげんどう]
(n) speech and behavior
挙措進退 [きょそしんたい]
(n) behavior
挙党 [きょとう]
(n,vs) entire (political) party
挙動 [きょどう]
(n,vs) conduct
挙動不審 [きょどうふしん]
(n) suspicious behavior
挙兵 [きょへい]
(n,vs) raising an army
挙用 [きょよう]
(n,vs) appointment
渠魁 [きょかい]
(n) ringleader
虚 [うろ]
(n) hollow
虚々実々 [きょきょじつじつ]
(n) full of wiles and tricks
虚々実々の戦い [きょきょじつじつのたたかい]
(exp) match between persons equal in shrewdness
虚ける [うつける]
(v1) (1) to become empty (hollow)
虚しい [むなしい]
(adj) vacant
虚しい名声 [むなしいめいせい]
(n) empty name
虚しく [むなしく]
(v5k) in vain
虚しくなる [むなしくなる]
(v5r) to die
虚ろ [うつろ]
(adj-na,n) blank
虚ろな目 [うつろなめ]
(n) vacant eyes
虚を捨てて実を取る [きょをすててじつをとる]
(exp) to discard the shadow for the substance
虚を衝く [きょをつく]
(exp) to attack the enemy in his unguarded moment
虚位 [きょい]
(n) nominal rank
虚栄 [きょえい]
(n) vanity
虚栄心 [きょえいしん]
(n) vanity
虚仮 [こけ]
(n) folly
虚仮威し [こけおどし]
(n) bluff
虚仮猿 [こけざる]
(n) foolish monkey
虚学 [きょがく]
(n) the soft sciences (social science, humanities, etc.)
虚偽 [きょぎ]
(n,adj-no,vs) untrue
虚虚実実 [きょきょじつじつ]
(n) full of wiles and tricks
虚虚実実の戦い [きょきょじつじつのたたかい]
(exp) match between persons equal in shrewdness
虚業 [きょぎょう]
(n) risky business
虚空 [こくう]
(n) empty space
虚空蔵 [こくうぞう]
(n) Akasagarbha (bodhisattva)
虚血性 [きょけつせい]
(adj-no) ischemic
虚言 [きょげん]
(n) falsehood
虚構 [きょこう]
(n,adj-no) fictitious (imaginary) thing
虚根 [きょこん]
(n) imaginary root (in mathematics)
虚字 [きょじ]
(n) kanji representing verb or adjective
虚辞 [きょじ]
(n) falsehood
虚式 [きょしき]
(n) imaginary expression
虚実 [きょじつ]
(n) truth or falsehood
虚実混交 [きょじつこんこう]
(n) mishmash of truth and untruth
虚実混淆 [きょじつこんこう]
(n) mishmash of truth and untruth
虚実皮膜 [きょじつひまく]
(exp) the difference between truth and fiction in art being very subtle
虚弱 [きょじゃく]
(adj-na,n) feebleness
虚弱児 [きょじゃくじ]
(n) physically weak or sickly child
虚弱体質 [きょじゃくたいしつ]
(n) weak constitution
虚飾 [きょしょく]
(n) ostentation
虚心 [きょしん]
(adj-na,n) impartiality
虚心坦懐 [きょしんたんかい]
(n) with an open and calm mind
虚心担懐 [きょしんたんかい]
(n) candidness
虚心平気 [きょしんへいき]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) with an open and calm mind
虚数 [きょすう]
(n) (gen) (math) complex number
虚数単位 [きょすうたんい]
(n) imaginary unit
虚勢 [きょせい]
(n) bluff
虚勢を張る [きょせいをはる]
(exp) to bluff
虚説 [きょせつ]
(n) groundless rumor
虚像 [きょぞう]
(n) virtual image
虚脱 [きょだつ]
(n,vs) prostration
虚脱感 [きょだつかん]
(n) despondency
虚脱状態 [きょだつじょうたい]
(n) state of lethargy
虚誕 [きょたん]
(n) exaggerated talk
虚伝 [きょでん]
(n) false rumor
虚聞 [きょぶん]
(n) false rumor
虚報 [きょほう]
(n) false alarm
虚無 [きょむ]
(n) nihility
虚無主義 [きょむしゅぎ]
(n) nihilism
虚無僧 [こむそう]
(n) mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke sect (wearing a sedge hood and playing a shakuhachi flute)
虚無的 [きょむてき]
(adj-na) nihilistic
虚無党 [きょむとう]
(n) the Nihilists
虚無恬淡 [きょむてんたん]
(n,adj-no) rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless
虚名 [きょめい]
(n) false reputation
虚妄 [きょもう]
(n) falsehood
虚礼 [きょれい]
(n) empty (useless) formalities
許 [もと]
(adv) under (esp. influence or guidance)
許 [もと]
(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin
許し [ゆるし]
(n) pardon
許す [ゆるす]
(v5s) (1) to permit
許り [ばかり]
(prt) (uk) approximately
許り [ばっかり]
(prt) (uk) approximately
許りでなく [ばかりでなく]
(exp) not only .. but (also)
許りに [ばかりに]
(adv) (uk) (simply) because
許可 [きょか]
(n,vs) permission
許可書 [きょかしょ]
(n) permit
許可証 [きょかしょう]
(n) permit
許可制 [きょかせい]
(n) license system
許嫁 [いいなずけ]
(n) fiance(e)
許婚 [いいなずけ]
(n) fiance(e)
許諾 [きょだく]
(n,vs) consent
許認可権 [きょにんかけん]
(n) ministerial authority to grant permits and approvals
許否 [きょひ]
(n) approval and disapproval
許容 [きょよう]
(n,vs) permission
許容誤差 [きょようごさ]
(n) allowable error
許容線量 [きょようせんりょう]
(n) maximum permissible dose
許容範囲 [きょようはんい]
(n) one's tolerance level
許容量 [きょようりょう]
(n) maximum permissible level or dosage
距たる [へだたる]
(v5r) to be distant
距てる [へだてる]
(v1) to be shut out
距骨 [きょこつ]
(n) talus
距爪 [きょそう]
(n) cockspur
距離 [きょり]
(n) distance
距離を開く [きょりをひらく]
(exp) to open the distance
距離感 [きょりかん]
(n) sense (feeling) of distance
距離計 [きょりけい]
(n) range finder
距跋渉毛 [きょけつしょげ]
(n) chain weapon with a sickle on one end and a ring on the other
鋸 [のこぎり]
(n) saw
鋸屑 [のこくず]
(n) sawdust
鋸鮫 [のこぎりざめ]
(n) saw shark
鋸歯 [きょし]
(n) teeth of a saw
鋸歯 [のこぎりば]
(n) teeth of a saw
鋸歯 [のこば]
(n) teeth of a saw
鋸草 [のこぎりそう]
(n) milfoil
漁 [りょう]
(n) fishing
漁り [あさり]
(n) search
漁り火 [いさりび]
(n) fire for luring fish at night
漁る [あさる]
(v5r) to fish for
漁家 [ぎょか]
(n) fishing household
漁火 [いさりび]
(n) fire for luring fish at night
漁火 [ぎょか]
(n) fire for luring fish at night
漁獲 [ぎょかく]
(n,vs) fishing
漁獲高 [ぎょかくだか]
(n) catch of fish
漁獲物 [ぎょかくぶつ]
(n) catch of fish
漁獲量 [ぎょかくりょう]
(n) haul (catch) (of fish)
漁期 [ぎょき]
(n) fishing season
漁期 [りょうき]
(n) fishing season
漁業 [ぎょぎょう]
(n) fishing (industry)
漁業協定 [ぎょぎょうきょうてい]
(n) fisheries agreement
漁業権 [ぎょぎょうけん]
(n) fishing rights
漁業専管水域 [ぎょぎょうせんかんすいいき]
(n) exclusive fishing zone
漁業法 [ぎょぎょうほう]
(n) Fisheries Act
漁区 [ぎょく]
(n) fishing ground
漁具 [ぎょぐ]
(n) fishing tackle
漁港 [ぎょこう]
(n) fishing harbour
漁師 [りょうし]
(n) fisherman
漁師町 [りょうしまち]
(n) fishing village
漁礁 [ぎょしょう]
(n) reef where fish live and breed
漁場 [ぎょじょう]
(n) fishing grounds
漁場 [ぎょば]
(n) fishing grounds
漁場 [りょうば]
(n) fishing grounds
漁色 [ぎょしょく]
(n) lechery
漁色家 [ぎょしょくか]
(n) lecher
漁船 [ぎょせん]
(n) fishing boat
漁村 [ぎょそん]
(n) fishing village
漁夫 [ぎょふ]
(n) fisher
漁夫の利 [ぎょふのり]
(n) profiting while others fight
漁法 [ぎょほう]
(n) method of fishing
漁民 [ぎょみん]
(n) fishermen
漁網 [ぎょもう]
(n) fishing net
漁猟 [ぎょりょう]
(n) fishing and hunting
漁労 [ぎょろう]
(n) fishing
漁撈 [ぎょろう]
(n) fishing
魚 [うお]
(n) fish
魚 [さかな]
(n) fish
魚つり [うおつり]
(n) fishing
魚つり [さかなつり]
(n) fishing
魚の食い [さかなのくい]
(exp) fish biting (striking, taking bait)
魚の目 [うおのめ]
(n) corn on the foot
魚を丸ごと食べる [さかなをまるごとたべる]
(exp) to eat a fish whole
魚を捕る [さかなをとる]
(exp) to catch fish
魚を揚げる [さかなをあげる]
(exp) to fry fish
魚屋 [さかなや]
(n) fish market
魚河岸 [うおがし]
(n) riverside fish market
魚介 [ぎょかい]
(n) marine products
魚介類 [ぎょかいるい]
(n) marine products
魚貝 [ぎょかい]
(n) marine products
魚貝類 [ぎょかいるい]
(n) marine products
魚眼レンズ [ぎょがんレンズ]
(n) fisheye lens
魚群 [ぎょぐん]
(n) school of fish
魚群探知機 [ぎょぐんたんちき]
(n) fishfinder
魚座 [うおざ]
(n) (constellation) Pisces
魚市場 [うおいちば]
(n) fish market
魚信 [ぎょしん]
(n) bite (of a fish on a hook)
魚心あれば水心 [うおごころあればみずごころ]
(n) mutual back-scratching
魚精 [ぎょせい]
(n) milt
魚族 [ぎょぞく]
(n) fish
魚体 [ぎょたい]
(n) fish body
魚拓 [ぎょたく]
(n) fish print
魚釣り [うおつり]
(n) fishing
魚釣り [さかなつり]
(n) fishing
魚梯 [ぎょてい]
(n) fish ladder
魚灯 [ぎょとう]
(n) lights to lure fish
魚道 [ぎょどう]
(n) path taken by school of fish
魚肉 [ぎょにく]
(n) fish meat
魚板 [ぎょばん]
(n) wooden gong shaped like a fish
魚肥 [ぎょひ]
(n) fertilizer made from fish parts (fertiliser)
魚腹 [ぎょふく]
(n) fish entrails
魚粉 [ぎょふん]
(n) fish meal
魚網 [ぎょもう]
(n) fishing net
魚油 [ぎょゆ]
(n) fish oil
魚雷 [ぎょらい]
(n) torpedo
魚雷艇 [ぎょらいてい]
(n) torpedo boat
魚雷発射管 [ぎょらいはっしゃかん]
(n) torpedo tube
魚竜 [ぎょりゅう]
(n) ichthyosaur
魚料理 [ぎょりょうり]
(n) seafood dinner
魚鱗 [ぎょりん]
(n) fish scales
魚類 [ぎょるい]
(n) the fishes
魚類学 [ぎょるいがく]
(n) study of fish
魚籠 [びく]
(n) (wicker) basket used for carrying fish
亨運 [こううん]
(n) prosperity
亨通 [こうつう]
(n) doing well
享楽 [きょうらく]
(n,vs) enjoyment
享楽気分 [きょうらくきぶん]
(n) enjoyable (pleasant) feeling (atmosphere)
享楽主義 [きょうらくしゅぎ]
(n) epicureanism
享楽生活 [きょうらくせいかつ]
(n) gay life
享楽的 [きょうらくてき]
(adj-na) pleasure-seeking
享持 [きょうじ]
(n) securing rights and profits
享受 [きょうじゅ]
(n,vs) reception
享受者 [きょうじゅしゃ]
(n) recipient
享年 [きょうねん]
(n) one's age at death
享有 [きょうゆう]
(n,vs) possession
京 [けい]
(n) 10,000,000,000,000,000
京 [みやこ]
(n) capital
京セラ [きょうセラ]
(n) Kyocera (company name)
京華 [けいか]
(n) capital
京響 [きょうきょう]
(n) (abbr) Kyoto Symphony Orchestra
京形 [きょうがた]
(n) style current in the capital
京劇 [きょうげき]
(n) classical Chinese opera
京劇 [けいげき]
(n) classical Chinese opera
京菜 [きょうな]
(n) type of rape, potherb mustard, komatsuna, mizuna (Brassica juncea var. japonica)
京阪 [けいはん]
(n) Kyoto-Osaka
京阪神 [けいはんしん]
(n) Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe
京師 [けいし]
(n) capital
京滋地方 [けいじちほう]
(n) Kyoto-Shiga district
京女 [きょうおんな]
(n) Kyoto woman
京人 [けいじん]
(n) citizen of the capital
京人形 [きょうにんぎょう]
(n) Kyoto doll
京成 [けいせい]
(n) train line Tokyo - Narita
京大 [きょうだい]
(n) (abbr) Kyoto University
京地 [きょうち]
(n) the capital
京都 [きょうと]
(n) Kyoto
京都の産 [きょうとのさん]
(n) native of Kyoto
京都議定書 [きょうとぎていしょ]
(n) Kyoto Protocol
京都市 [きょうとし]
(n) Kyoto (city)
京都大学 [きょうとだいがく]
(n) Kyoto University
京都府 [きょうとふ]
(n) Kyoto (metropolitan area)
京都府警 [きょうとふけい]
(n) Kyoto Prefectural Police
京表 [きょうおもて]
(n) vicinity of Kyoto
京浜 [けいひん]
(n) Tokyo and Yokohama
京風 [きょうふう]
(n) Kyoto style
京物 [きょうもの]
(n) Kyoto products
京方 [きょうがた]
(n) the direction of Kyoto
京葉 [けいよう]
(n) Tokyo and Chiba
京洛 [きょうらく]
(n) capital
京洛 [けいらく]
(n) capital
供 [きょう]
(n,vs) offer
供 [とも]
(n,vs) accompanying
供え [そなえ]
(n) offering
供える [そなえる]
(v1) to offer
供え物 [そなえもの]
(n) offering
供宴 [きょうえん]
(n) banquet
供応 [きょうおう]
(n,vs) treat
供花 [きょうか]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供花 [くうげ]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供花 [くげ]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供華 [きょうか]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供華 [くうげ]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供華 [くげ]
(n) offering of flowers (at shrine,grave, etc.)
供回り [ともまわり]
(n) retinue
供犠 [くぎ]
(n) sacrifice
供給 [きょうきゅう]
(n,vs) supply
供給コスト [きょうきゅうコスト]
(n) supply cost
供給過多 [きょうきゅうかた]
(n) excessive supply
供給源 [きょうきゅうげん]
(n) source of supply
供給者 [きょうきゅうしゃ]
(n) supplier
供給地 [きょうきゅうち]
(n) supply center
供給路 [きょうきゅうろ]
(n) supply route
供血 [きょうけつ]
(n,vs) donation of blood
供血者 [きょうけつしゃ]
(n) blood donor
供御 [くご]
(n) emperor's meal
供御 [ぐご]
(n) emperor's meal
供祭 [ぐさい]
(n) offerings
供出 [きょうしゅつ]
(n,vs) delivery
供出米 [きょうしゅつまい]
(n) (farmers') rice deliveries
供述 [きょうじゅつ]
(n,vs) affidavit
供述者 [きょうじゅつしゃ]
(n) deponent
供述書 [きょうじゅつしょ]
(n) affidavit
供進 [ぐしん]
(n) giving offerings
供人 [ともびと]
(n) companion
供勢 [ともぜい]
(n) attendants
供揃い [ともぞろい]
(n) attendants
供待ち [ともまち]
(n,vs) attendant's waiting room
供託 [きょうたく]
(n,vs) deposit
供託金 [きょうたくきん]
(n) deposit of money
供託者 [きょうたくしゃ]
(n) depositor
供託物 [きょうたくぶつ]
(n) something deposited
供物 [くもつ]
(n) offering
供物 [そなえもの]
(n) offering
供物台 [くもつだい]
(n) altar
供米 [きょうまい]
(n) rice delivered to the government
供米 [くまい]
(n) rice offered to a god
供奉 [ぐぶ]
(n,vs) accompanying
供与 [きょうよ]
(n,vs) giving
供用 [きょうよう]
(n,vs) offer for use
供養 [くよう]
(n,vs) memorial service for the dead
供養塚 [くようづか]
(n) unknown person's grave
供養塔 [くようとう]
(n) memorial tower
供覧 [きょうらん]
(n) display
供料 [きょうりょう]
(n) offering
侠 [きゃん]
(adj-na,n) tomboy
侠気 [おとこぎ]
(n) chivalrous spirit
侠気 [きょうき]
(n) chivalrous spirit
侠客 [きょうかく]
(n) self-styled humanitarian
侠客 [きょうきゃく]
(n) self-styled humanitarian
侠骨 [きょうこつ]
(n) chivalrous spirit
侠女 [きょうじょ]
(n) gallant woman
侠勇 [きょうゆう]
(n) gallantry
僑 [きょう]
(n) temporary home
兇 [きょう]
(n) wickedness
兇悪 [きょうあく]
(adj-na,n) atrocious
兇漢 [きょうかん]
(n) villain
兇器 [きょうき]
(n) dangerous weapon
兇具 [きょうぐ]
(n) dangerous weapon
兇行 [きょうこう]
(n) violence
兇手 [きょうしゅ]
(n) assassin
兇状 [きょうじょう]
(n) crime
兇状持ち [きょうじょうもち]
(n) a criminal
兇刃 [きょうじん]
(n) assassin's dagger
兇賊 [きょうぞく]
(n) villain
兇弾 [きょうだん]
(n) assassin's plot
兇徒 [きょうと]
(n) outlaw
兇変 [きょうへん]
(n) catastrophe
兇暴 [きょうぼう]
(adj-na,n) brutal
兇猛 [きょうもう]
(adj-na,n) fierce
兇類 [きょうるい]
(n) wicked gang
兇悍 [きょうかん]
(n) heinousness
競い合う [きそいあう]
(v5u) to compete with
競い肌 [きおいはだ]
(n) manliness
競う [きそう]
(v5u) to emulate
競り合い [せりあい]
(n) competition
競り合う [せりあう]
(v5u) to struggle for
競り市 [せりいち]
(n) auction market
競り勝つ [せりかつ]
(v5t) to win after tough bidding
競り上げる [せりあげる]
(v1) to bid up the price of
競り売り [せりうり]
(n) an auction
競り落とす [せりおとす]
(v5s) to knock down the price of
競る [せる]
(v5r) to compete
競映 [きょうえい]
(n) competitive showing of films
競泳 [きょうえい]
(n,vs) swimming race
競演 [きょうえん]
(n,vs) recital contest
競技 [きょうぎ]
(n,vs) game
競技会 [きょうぎかい]
(n) athletic meet
競技会場 [きょうぎかいじょう]
(n) venue
競技者 [きょうぎしゃ]
(n) agonist
競技場 [きょうぎじょう]
(n) field
競合 [きょうごう]
(n,vs) contention
競合い [せりあい]
(n) competition
競合関係 [きょうごうかんけい]
(n) competitive relationship
競合者 [きょうごうしゃ]
(n) competitor
競合脱線 [きょうごうだっせん]
(n) train derailment due to a concurrence of causes
競作 [きょうさく]
(n,vs) competition for better work
競勝つ [せりかつ]
(v5t) to win after tough bidding
競漕 [きょうそう]
(n,vs) regatta
競争 [きょうそう]
(n,vs) competition
競争価格 [きょうそうかかく]
(n) competitive price
競争関係 [きょうそうかんけい]
(n) competitive relationship
競争市場 [きょうそうしじょう]
(n) competitive market
競争者 [きょうそうしゃ]
(n) competitor
競争場裡 [きょうそうじょうり]
(n) an (the) arena of competition
競争心 [きょうそうしん]
(n) competitive spirit
競争相手 [きょうそうあいて]
(n) competitor
競争馬 [きょうそうば]
(n) racehorse
競争売買 [きょうそうばいばい]
(n) auction
競争率 [きょうそうりつ]
(n) ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants
競争力 [きょうそうりょく]
(n) competitive power
競走 [きょうそう]
(n,vs) race
競走馬 [きょうそうば]
(n) racehorse
競艇 [きょうてい]
(n) boat race
競馬 [けいば]
(n) horse racing
競馬々 [けいばうま]
(n) racehorse
競馬場 [けいばじょう]
(n) racecourse
競馬新聞 [けいばしんぶん]
(n) racing form
競馬馬 [けいばうま]
(n) racehorse
競売 [きょうばい]
(n,vs) auction
競売 [けいばい]
(n,vs) auction
競売り [せりうり]
(n) an auction
競売人 [きょうばいにん]
(n) auctioneer
競歩 [きょうほ]
(n) walking race
競輪 [けいりん]
(n) bicycle race
競輪場 [けいりんじょう]
(n) cycle racing track (course)
競輪選手 [けいりんせんしゅ]
(n) professional cyclist
競翔 [きょうしょう]
(n) flying race (between pigeons)
共 [きょう]
(n) (1) both
共 [とも]
(n) (1) both
共 [ども]
(suf) indicates plural - humble referring to oneself, disdainful referring to others
共々 [ともども]
(adv) together
共々に [ともどもに]
(adv) together
共に [ともに]
(adv,vs) sharing with
共のハンカチ [とものハンカチ]
(n) handkerchief of the same cloth
共依存 [きょういぞん]
(n,adj-no) codependence
共営 [きょうえい]
(n,vs) joint management
共栄 [きょうえい]
(n) mutual prosperity
共栄圏 [きょうえいけん]
(n) co-prosperity sphere
共益 [きょうえき]
(n) common profit
共益費 [きょうえきひ]
(n) monthly fee for common areas of an apartment building (lighting, etc)
共演 [きょうえん]
(n,vs) appearing together
共演者 [きょうえんしゃ]
(n) costar
共稼ぎ [ともかせぎ]
(n,vs) working together
共学 [きょうがく]
(n,vs) coeducation
共学制 [きょうがくせい]
(n) coeducational plan
共感 [きょうかん]
(n,vs) sympathy
共観福音書 [きょうかんふくいんしょ]
(n) diatessaron
共起 [きょうき]
(n,vs) cooccurrence
共共 [ともども]
(adv) together
共共に [ともどもに]
(adv) together
共襟 [ともえり]
(n) same-colored neckband (coloured)
共形 [きょうけい]
(adj-pn) conformal (mathematics, physics)
共形場理論 [きょうけいばりろん]
(n) conformal field theory (physics)
共催 [きょうさい]
(n,vs) joint sponsorship
共済 [きょうさい]
(n) mutual aid
共済事業 [きょうさいじぎょう]
(n) mutual aid enterprise
共済組合 [きょうさいくみあい]
(n) cooperative society
共産 [きょうさん]
(n) communism
共産化 [きょうさんか]
(n) communization
共産軍 [きょうさんぐん]
(n) communist army
共産系 [きょうさんけい]
(n) communist controlled
共産圏 [きょうさんけん]
(n) communist sphere
共産国家 [きょうさんこっか]
(n) communist nation
共産国家郡 [きょうさんこっかぐん]
(n) Communist bloc
共産主義 [きょうさんしゅぎ]
(n) communism
共産主義国 [きょうさんしゅぎこく]
(n) communist country
共産主義者 [きょうさんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) communist
共産陣営 [きょうさんじんえい]
(n) the Communist camp
共産地区 [きょうさんちく]
(n) communist area
共産中国 [きょうさんちゅうごく]
(n) Communist China
共産党 [きょうさんとう]
(n) Communist Party
共産党細胞 [きょうさんとうさいぼう]
(n) communist cell
共産党政治局 [きょうさんとうせいじきょく]
(n) Politburo
共産党宣言 [きょうさんとうせんげん]
(n) The Communist Manifesto
共産党中央委員会 [きょうさんとうちゅうおういいんかい]
(n) Central Committee of the Communist Party
共産分子 [きょうさんぶんし]
(n) communist elements
共助 [きょうじょ]
(n,vs) cooperation
共晶 [きょうしょう]
(n,adj-no) eutectic point
共食い [ともぐい]
(n,vs) cannibalism (in animals)
共寝 [ともね]
(n,vs) sleeping together
共振 [きょうしん]
(n,vs) resonance
共進会 [きょうしんかい]
(n) competitive exhibition
共棲 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) symbiosis
共生 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) symbiosis
共生生物 [きょうせいせいぶつ]
(n) symbiont
共切れ [ともぎれ]
(n) same cloth (for patching)
共栓 [ともせん]
(n) stopper
共存 [きょうそん]
(n,vs) coexistence
共存 [きょうぞん]
(n,vs) coexistence
共存共栄 [きょうそんきょうえい]
(n,vs) co-existence and co-prosperity
共存共栄 [きょうぞんきょうえい]
(n,vs) co-existence and co-prosperity
共著 [きょうちょ]
(n) collaboration
共著者 [きょうちょしゃ]
(n) collaborator
共通 [きょうつう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no,vs) commonness
共通エリア [きょうつうエリア]
(n) common area
共通一次試験 [きょうつういちじしけん]
(n) common first-stage (university entrance) examination
共通言語 [きょうつうげんご]
(n) lingua franca
共通語 [きょうつうご]
(n) (1) common term
共通点 [きょうつうてん]
(n) common feature
共倒れ [ともだおれ]
(n,vs) falling together
共闘 [きょうとう]
(n,vs) joint struggle
共働 [きょうどう]
(n) co-action (biology)
共働き [ともばたらき]
(n,vs) dual income
共同 [きょうどう]
(n,vs) cooperation
共同井戸 [きょうどういど]
(n) common well
共同一致 [きょうどういっち]
(n) unanimous cooperation
共同因子 [きょうどういんし]
(n) (math) cofactor
共同会見 [きょうどうかいけん]
(n) news conference
共同管理 [きょうどうかんり]
(n) joint control
共同企業 [きょうどうきぎょう]
(n) joint venture
共同企業体 [きょうどうきぎょうたい]
(n) joint venture
共同記者会見 [きょうどうきしゃかいけん]
(n) joint press conference
共同義務者 [きょうどうぎむしゃ]
(n) co-debtor
共同救済基金 [きょうどうきゅうさいききん]
(n) community chest
共同軍事演習 [きょうどうぐんじえんしゅう]
(n) joint military exercise
共同経営 [きょうどうけいえい]
(n) joint management
共同計算 [きょうどうけいさん]
(n) pooling
共同権利者 [きょうどうけんりしゃ]
(n) co-creditor
共同研究 [きょうどうけんきゅう]
(n) collaborative research
共同作業 [きょうどうさぎょう]
(n) group work
共同持ち株会社 [きょうどうもちかぶがいしゃ]
(n) joint holding company
共同社会 [きょうどうしゃかい]
(n) communal society
共同者 [きょうどうしゃ]
(n) coworker
共同住宅 [きょうどうじゅうたく]
(n) settlement
共同出資 [きょうどうしゅっし]
(n) joint investment
共同水栓 [きょうどうすいせん]
(n) common faucet
共同炊事場 [きょうどうすいじば]
(n) community kitchen
共同性 [きょうどうせい]
(n) cooperation
共同生活 [きょうどうせいかつ]
(n) community life
共同声明 [きょうどうせいめい]
(n) joint declaration
共同責任 [きょうどうせきにん]
(n) joint responsibility
共同宣言 [きょうどうせんげん]
(n) joint declaration
共同戦線 [きょうどうせんせん]
(n) united front
共同線 [きょうどうせん]
(n) party line
共同疎開 [きょうどうそかい]
(n) community evacuation
共同祖界 [きょうどうそかい]
(n) international settlement
共同組合 [きょうどうくみあい]
(n) cooperative
共同創設者 [きょうどうそうせつしゃ]
(n) co-founder
共同捜査 [きょうどうそうさ]
(n) joint investigation
共同相続人 [きょうどうそうぞくにん]
(n) joint heir
共同体 [きょうどうたい]
(n) cooperative body
共同農場 [きょうどうのうじょう]
(n) collective farm
共同便所 [きょうどうべんじょ]
(n) comfort station
共同募金 [きょうどうぼきん]
(n) community chest
共同墓地 [きょうどうぼち]
(n) public cemetery
共同謀議 [きょうどうぼうぎ]
(n) conspiracy
共同防衛 [きょうどうぼうえい]
(n) joint defense
共白髪 [ともしらが]
(n) growing old together (a couple)
共犯 [きょうはん]
(n) complicity
共犯関係 [きょうはんかんけい]
(n) complicity (in a crime)
共犯者 [きょうはんしゃ]
(n) accomplice
共販 [きょうはん]
(n) cooperative selling
共販会社 [きょうはんがいしゃ]
(n) cooperative sales company
共布 [ともぬの]
(n) same cloth
共編 [きょうへん]
(n,vs) joint editorship
共編者 [きょうへんしゃ]
(n) coeditor
共謀 [きょうぼう]
(n,vs) conspiracy
共謀者 [きょうぼうしゃ]
(n) conspirator
共鳴 [きょうめい]
(n,vs) resonance
共鳴り [ともなり]
(n,vs) resonance
共鳴者 [きょうめいしゃ]
(n) sympathizer
共鳴板 [きょうめいばん]
(n) sound(ing) board
共役 [きょうえき]
(n) (gen) (math) conjugation
共訳 [きょうやく]
(n,vs) team-translation (e.g. carried out by more than one person)
共訳者 [きょうやくしゃ]
(n) joint translators
共有 [きょうゆう]
(n,vs) share
共有結合 [きょうゆうけつごう]
(n) covalent bond
共有財産 [きょうゆうざいさん]
(n) community property
共有者 [きょうゆうしゃ]
(n) joint owners
共有地 [きょうゆうち]
(n) public land
共有物 [きょうゆうぶつ]
(n) common property
共用 [きょうよう]
(n,vs) common use
共裏 [ともうら]
(n) lining a kimono with the same material as the kimono itself
共立 [きょうりつ]
(n,vs) joint
共力 [きょうりょく]
(iK) (n,vs) cooperation
共労者 [きょうろうしゃ]
(n) coworker
共和 [きょうわ]
(n) republicanism
共和国 [きょうわこく]
(n) republic
共和主義 [きょうわしゅぎ]
(n) republicanism
共和制 [きょうわせい]
(n) republicanism
共和制度 [きょうわせいど]
(n) republicanism
共和政 [きょうわせい]
(n) republicanism
共和政治 [きょうわせいじ]
(n) republican government
共和政体 [きょうわせいたい]
(n) republican form of government
共和党 [きょうわとう]
(n) Republican Party
共軛 [きょうやく]
(n) (gen) (math) conjugation
凶 [きょう]
(n) evil
凶悪 [きょうあく]
(adj-na,n) atrocious
凶悪犯罪 [きょうあくはんざい]
(n) atrocious crime
凶音 [きょういん]
(n) bad news
凶漢 [きょうかん]
(n) villain
凶器 [きょうき]
(n) dangerous weapon
凶具 [きょうぐ]
(n) dangerous weapon
凶荒 [きょうこう]
(n) poor crops
凶行 [きょうこう]
(n) violence
凶歳 [きょうさい]
(n) poor crop year
凶作 [きょうさく]
(n) bad harvest
凶事 [きょうじ]
(n) calamity
凶事の兆し [きょうじのきざし]
(n) omen of disaster
凶手 [きょうしゅ]
(n) assassin
凶状 [きょうじょう]
(n) crime
凶状持ち [きょうじょうもち]
(n) a criminal
凶刃 [きょうじん]
(n) assassin's dagger
凶相 [きょうそう]
(n) (1) bad luck (result from fortune telling)
凶賊 [きょうぞく]
(n) villain
凶宅 [きょうたく]
(n) unlucky house
凶弾 [きょうだん]
(n) assassin's plot
凶弾に斃れる [きょうだんにたおれる]
(exp) to be shot to death by an assassin
凶兆 [きょうちょう]
(n) evil omen
凶徒 [きょうと]
(n) outlaw
凶党 [きょうとう]
(n) gang
凶日 [きょうじつ]
(n) unlucky day
凶年 [きょうねん]
(n) bad year
凶聞 [きょうぶん]
(n) bad news
凶変 [きょうへん]
(n) catastrophe
凶報 [きょうほう]
(n) bad news
凶暴 [きょうぼう]
(adj-na,n) brutal
凶夢 [きょうむ]
(n) bad dream
凶猛 [きょうもう]
(adj-na,n) fierce
凶類 [きょうるい]
(n) wicked gang
協 [きょう]
(n-suf,n-pref) cooperation
協会 [きょうかい]
(n) association
協会旅費 [きょうかいりょひ]
(n) travel allowance paid to salaried sumo wrestlers for tournaments held outside Tokyo
協技者 [きょうぎしゃ]
(n) contestant
協議 [きょうぎ]
(n,vs) conference
協議員 [きょうぎいん]
(n) delegate
協議会 [きょうぎかい]
(n) conference
協議会員 [きょうぎかいいん]
(n) conferees
協議官 [きょうぎかん]
(n) conferees
協議事項 [きょうぎじこう]
(n) agenda
協議所 [きょうぎしょ]
(n) conference site
協議書 [きょうぎしょ]
(n) agreement (document)
協議離婚 [きょうぎりこん]
(n) divorce by consent
協業 [きょうぎょう]
(n,vs) cooperative industry
協賛 [きょうさん]
(n,vs) support
協商 [きょうしょう]
(n,vs) negotiation
協商国 [きょうしょうこく]
(n) allies
協心 [きょうしん]
(n,vs) unison
協心戮力 [きょうしんりくりょく]
(n,vs) combined (concerted) efforts
協奏曲 [きょうそうきょく]
(n) concerto
協調 [きょうちょう]
(n,vs) (1) cooperation
協調作業 [きょうちょうさぎょう]
(n) interworking
協調主義 [きょうちょうしゅぎ]
(n) collaboration
協調性 [きょうちょうせい]
(n) cooperative personality
協定 [きょうてい]
(n,vs) arrangement
協定案 [きょうていあん]
(n) agreement
協定書 [きょうていしょ]
(n) agreement
協定世界時 [きょうていせかいじ]
(n) Coordinated Universal Time
協働 [きょうどう]
(n,vs) cooperation
協同 [きょうどう]
(n,vs) cooperation
協同組合 [きょうどうくみあい]
(n) cooperative
協同動作 [きょうどうどうさ]
(n) concerted action
協約 [きょうやく]
(n,vs) pact
協約国 [きょうやくこく]
(n) high contracting powers
協約書 [きょうやくしょ]
(n) written agreement
協力 [きょうりょく]
(n,vs) cooperation
協力一致 [きょうりょくいっち]
(n,vs) combined (concerted) efforts
協力鋼 [きょうりょくこう]
(n) high-tension steel
協力者 [きょうりょくしゃ]
(n) cooperative worker
協力態勢 [きょうりょくたいせい]
(n) readiness to cooperate
協和 [きょうわ]
(n,vs) concord
協和音 [きょうわおん]
(n) consonance
匡 [きょう]
(n) correct
匡救 [きょうきゅう]
(n,vs) delivering from sin
匡正 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) reform
卿 [けい]
(n) lord
卿相 [けいしょう]
(n) court nobles and state ministers
叫く [わめく]
(v5k) (uk) to shout
叫び [さけび]
(n) shout
叫び出す [さけびだす]
(v5s) to let out a cry
叫び声 [さけびごえ]
(n) shout
叫ぶ [さけぶ]
(v5b) to shout
叫喚 [きょうかん]
(n,vs) shout
叫換 [きょうかん]
(iK) (n,vs) shout
叫号 [きょうごう]
(n,vs) crying aloud
喬志 [きょうし]
(n) pride
喬木 [きょうぼく]
(n) tall tree
境 [さかい]
(n) border
境域 [きょういき]
(n) boundary
境界 [きょうかい]
(n) boundary
境界線 [きょうかいせん]
(n) boundary line
境界値問題 [きょうかいちもんだい]
(n) boundary value problem
境界調整 [きょうかいちょうせい]
(n) alignment
境界標 [きょうかいひょう]
(n) landmark
境界理論 [きょうかいりろん]
(n) bounding theory
境涯 [きょうがい]
(n) circumstances
境遇 [きょうぐう]
(n) environment
境地 [きょうち]
(n) one's lot
境内 [けいだい]
(n) compound
境目 [さかいめ]
(n) border
峡間 [きょうかん]
(n) between the mountains
峡谷 [きょうこく]
(n) glen
峡部 [きょうぶ]
(n) isthmus
峡湾 [きょうわん]
(n) fjord
強 [きょう]
(n-suf) a little over
強い [つよい]
(adj) strong
強いて [しいて]
(adv) by force
強いて言えば [しいていえば]
(n) if I'm forced to say something
強いられて [しいられて]
(exp) under compulsion
強いられている [しいられている]
(exp) to be under compulsion
強いられてする [しいられてする]
(exp) to act under compulsion
強いる [しいる]
(v1) to force
強い所 [つよいところ]
(n) strong point
強い心 [つよいこころ]
(n) stout heart (mind)
強か [したたか]
(adj-na,adv) determined
強か者 [したたかもの]
(n) desperate character
強がり [つよがり]
(n) show of courage
強がる [つよがる]
(v5r) to cry sour grapes
強さ [つよさ]
(n) strength
強ち [あながち]
(adv) (arch) not necessarily
強ばる [こわばる]
(v5r) to stiffen
強まる [つよまる]
(v5r) to get strong
強み [つよみ]
(n) forte
強める [つよめる]
(v1) to strengthen
強圧 [きょうあつ]
(n,vs) pressure
強圧手段 [きょうあつしゅだん]
(n) coercive (high-handed) measure
強意 [きょうい]
(n) emphasis
強引 [ごういん]
(adj-na,n) overbearing
強引に [ごういんに]
(adv) forcibly
強運 [きょううん]
(n) good luck
強音 [きょうおん]
(n) accent
強化 [きょうか]
(n,vs) strengthen
強化合宿 [きょうかがっしゅく]
(n) training camp
強化食品 [きょうかしょくひん]
(n) fortified foods
強化米 [きょうかまい]
(n) fortified rice
強火 [つよび]
(n) high flame or heat (in cooking)
強姦 [ごうかん]
(n,vs) violation
強姦罪 [ごうかんざい]
(n) rape
強含み [つよふくみ]
(n) strengthening
強含み市況 [つよふくみしきょう]
(n) bull market
強気 [ごうぎ]
(adj-na) (1) great
強気 [つよき]
(adj-na,n) firm
強気市場 [ごうぎいちば]
(n) bull market
強気相場 [つよきそうば]
(n) strong (bull(ish)) market
強記 [きょうき]
(n,vs) retentive memory
強弓 [ごうきゅう]
(n) tightly drawn bow
強結合 [きょうけつごう]
(n) strong coupling (physics)
強健 [きょうけん]
(adj-na,n) robust health
強権 [きょうけん]
(n) power of the state
強肩 [きょうけん]
(n) strong throwing arm
強固 [きょうこ]
(adj-na,n) firmness
強硬 [きょうこう]
(adj-na,n) firm
強硬策 [きょうこうさく]
(n) drastic measures
強硬手段 [きょうこうしゅだん]
(n) tough measure
強硬派 [きょうこうは]
(n) diehards
強硬論 [きょうこうろん]
(n) hard line
強行 [きょうこう]
(n,vs) forcing
強行軍 [きょうこうぐん]
(n) forced march
強行採決 [きょうこうさいけつ]
(n) steamroller voting
強行突破 [きょうこうとっぱ]
(n,vs) force (bulldoze) one's way through
強剛 [きょうごう]
(adj-na,n) veteran
強豪 [きょうごう]
(adj-na,n) veteran
強国 [きょうこく]
(n) strong nation
強腰 [つよごし]
(n) firm or tough stance
強酸 [きょうさん]
(n) strong acid
強者 [きょうしゃ]
(n) strong person
強弱 [きょうじゃく]
(n) strength
強襲 [きょうしゅう]
(n,vs) assault
強縮 [きょうしゅく]
(adj-na,n) tetanus
強将 [きょうしょう]
(n) strong general
強情 [ごうじょう]
(adj-na,n) obstinacy
強情我慢 [ごうじょうがまん]
(n,adj-no) obstinate and self-assertive
強情頑固 [ごうじょうがんこ]
(n,adj-na) headstrong
強心剤 [きょうしんざい]
(n) cardiotonic drug
強振 [きょうしん]
(n,vs) swinging hard
強震 [きょうしん]
(n) severe earthquake
強靭 [きょうじん]
(adj-na,n) tough
強制 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) obligation
強制執行 [きょうせいしっこう]
(n) execution
強制収容 [きょうせいしゅうよう]
(n) enforced relocation
強制収容所 [きょうせいしゅうようじょ]
(n) concentration camp
強制処分 [きょうせいしょぶん]
(n) compulsory execution
強制疎開 [きょうせいそかい]
(n) forced evacuation
強制送還 [きょうせいそうかん]
(n) forced repatriation
強制中断 [きょうせいちゅうだん]
(n,vs) forcing to a stop
強制的 [きょうせいてき]
(adj-na) forced
強制保険 [きょうせいほけん]
(n) mandatory insurance
強制力 [きょうせいりょく]
(n) compelling force
強制労働 [きょうせいろうどう]
(n) forced labor
強勢 [きょうせい]
(adj-na,n) splendid
強請 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) blackmail
強請 [ごうせい]
(n,vs) blackmail
強請る [ねだる]
(v5r) (1) to solicit
強請る [ゆする]
(v5r) (1) to solicit
強訴 [ごうそ]
(n,vs) direct petition
強壮 [きょうそう]
(adj-na,n) able-bodied
強壮剤 [きょうそうざい]
(n) a tonic
強相関電子系 [きょうそうかんでんしけい]
(n) strongly correlated electron system
強打 [きょうだ]
(n,vs) smiting
強打者 [きょうだしゃ]
(n) slugger (baseball)
強大 [きょうだい]
(adj-na,n) mighty
強奪 [ごうだつ]
(n,vs) (1) pillage
強奪者 [ごうだつしゃ]
(n) robber
強奪物 [ごうだつぶつ]
(n) plunder
強談 [ごうだん]
(n,vs) tough negotiations
強張る [こわばる]
(v5r) to stiffen
強調 [きょうちょう]
(n,vs) emphasis
強直 [きょうちょく]
(adj-na,n) rigidity
強敵 [きょうてき]
(n) formidable enemy
強電線 [きょうでんせん]
(n) power line
強度 [きょうど]
(adj-na,n) strength
強盗 [ごうとう]
(n) robbery
強盗にはいる [ごうとうにはいる]
(exp) to commit a robbery
強突張り [ごうつくばり]
(adj-na,n) (1) stubbornness
強迫 [きょうはく]
(n,vs) compelling
強迫観念 [きょうはくかんねん]
(n) obsession
強迫神経症 [きょうはくしんけいしょう]
(n) obsessional neurosis
強飯 [こわめし]
(n) rice with red beans (eaten on celebratory occasions)
強風 [きょうふう]
(n) strong wind
強兵 [きょうへい]
(n) powerful army
強弁 [きょうべん]
(n,vs) insisting (unreasonably)
強暴 [きょうぼう]
(adj-na,n) brutality
強膜 [きょうまく]
(n) sclera
強慢 [ごうまん]
(iK) (adj-na,n) pride
強味 [つよみ]
(n) strong point
強綿薬 [きょうめんやく]
(n) guncotton
強要 [きょうよう]
(n,vs) coercion
強慾 [ごうよく]
(adj-na,n) greed
強欲 [ごうよく]
(adj-na,n) greed
強欲非道 [ごうよくひどう]
(n,adj-na) abnormally and inhumanly greedy
強力 [きょうりょく]
(adj-na,n) powerful
強力 [ごうりき]
(adj-na,n) herculean strength
強力犯 [ごうりきはん]
(n) violent crime
強力粉 [きょうりきこ]
(n) bread flour
強力無比 [きょうりょくむひ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) being the strongest
強烈 [きょうれつ]
(adj-na,n) strong
怯える [おびえる]
(v1) to become frightened
怯む [ひるむ]
(v5m) (uk) to falter
怯懦 [きょうだ]
(adj-na,n) cowardice
恐々 [きょうきょう]
(adj-na,int,n) respect (epistolary usage)
恐々 [こわごわ]
(adv) fearfully
恐い [こわい]
(adj) scary
恐がり [こわがり]
(n) coward
恐がる [こわがる]
(v5r) to be afraid of
恐らく [おそらく]
(adv) perhaps
恐るべき [おそるべき]
(adj-pn) dreadful
恐るる勿れ [おそるるなかれ]
(n) Be not afraid
恐る恐る [おそるおそる]
(adv) timidly
恐れ [おそれ]
(n) fear
恐れがある [おそれがある]
(exp) to be in danger of
恐れていた通り [おそれていたとおり]
(n) as apprehended
恐れる [おそれる]
(v1) to fear
恐れ気 [おそれげ]
(n) appearance of fear
恐れ気もなく [おそれげもなく]
(adv) courageously
恐れ戦く [おそれおののく]
(v5k) to tremble with fear
恐れ多い [おそれおおい]
(adj) awesome
恐れ入る [おそれいる]
(v5r) to be filled with awe
恐ろしい [おそろしい]
(adj) terrible
恐悦 [きょうえつ]
(n,vs) delight
恐悦がる [きょうえつがる]
(exp) to chuckle with delight
恐悦至極 [きょうえつしごく]
(n,adj-na) extremely and humbly delighted
恐嚇 [きょうかく]
(n,vs) (rare) intimidation
恐喝 [きょうかつ]
(n,vs) threat
恐喝罪 [きょうかつざい]
(n) (the crime of) extortion
恐恐 [きょうきょう]
(adj-na,int,n) respect (epistolary usage)
恐恐 [こわごわ]
(adv) fearfully
恐慌 [きょうこう]
(n,vs) panic
恐妻家 [きょうさいか]
(n) hen-pecked husband
恐妻病 [きょうさいびょう]
(n) wife-phobia
恐察 [きょうさつ]
(n,vs) taking another's opinion into consideration (term of respect)
恐持て [こわもて]
(n) deferential treatment (out of fear)
恐縮 [きょうしゅく]
(exp,n) shame
恐水病 [きょうすいびょう]
(n) hydrophobia
恐怖 [きょうふ]
(n,vs) fear
恐怖映画 [きょうふえいが]
(n) horror film
恐怖症 [きょうふしょう]
(n) morbid fear
恐怖心 [きょうふしん]
(n) fear
恐怖政治 [きょうふせいじ]
(n) politics of fear
恐竜 [きょうりゅう]
(n) dinosaur
恐龍 [きょうりゅう]
(n) dinosaur
恐惶謹言 [きょうこうきんげん]
(exp) Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
恐惶敬白 [きょうこうけいはく]
(exp) Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
恐懼 [きょうく]
(n,vs) being struck with awe
恐懼感激 [きょうくかんげき]
(n,vs) being struck with awe
恭しい [うやうやしい]
(adj) respectful
恭しく [うやうやしく]
(adv) reverentially
恭賀 [きょうが]
(n) respectful congratulations
恭賀新年 [きょうがしんねん]
(exp,n) Happy New Year!
恭敬 [きょうけい]
(n) respect
恭倹 [きょうけん]
(adj-na,n) respectfulness and modesty
恭謙 [きょうけん]
(adj-na,n) (uk) modesty
恭順 [きょうじゅん]
(n,vs) allegiance
挟まる [はさまる]
(v5r) to get between
挟み撃ち [はさみうち]
(n,vs) pincer attack
挟み込む [はさみこむ]
(v5m) to insert
挟み将棋 [はさみしょうぎ]
(n) piece-capturing board game
挟み上げる [はさみあげる]
(v1) to pick up (with chopsticks)
挟み切る [はさみきる]
(v5r) to nip off
挟み打ち [はさみうち]
(n,vs) pincer attack
挟み虫 [はさみむし]
(n) earwig
挟む [さしはさむ]
(v5m) (1) to insert
挟む [はさむ]
(v5m) to interpose
挟撃 [きょうげき]
(n,vs) pincer movement
挟撃作戦 [きょうげきさくせん]
(n) pincer operation (tactic)
挟殺 [きょうさつ]
(n,vs) (baseball) rundown
挟書 [きょうしょ]
(n) possession of books
挟瞼器 [きょうけんき]
(n) entropion forceps
教え [おしえ]
(n) teachings
教える [おしえる]
(v1) to teach
教え込む [おしえこむ]
(v5m) to train to
教え子 [おしえご]
(n) student
教え方 [おしえかた]
(n) method of teaching
教え諭す [おしえさとす]
(v5s) to give guidance
教わる [おそわる]
(v5r) to be taught
教案 [きょうあん]
(n) lesson or teaching plan
教委 [きょうい]
(n) (abbr) Board of Education
教育 [きょういく]
(n,adj-no,vs) training
教育に携わる人々 [きょういくにたずさわるひとびと]
(n) those who participate in education
教育に携わる人人 [きょういくにたずさわるひとびと]
(n) those who participate in education
教育委員会 [きょういくいいんかい]
(n) Board of Education
教育家 [きょういくか]
(n) educator
教育課程 [きょういくかてい]
(n) curriculum
教育改革 [きょういくかいかく]
(n) educational reform
教育界 [きょういくかい]
(n) education world or circles
教育学 [きょういくがく]
(n) pedagogy
教育学部 [きょういくがくぶ]
(n) department of education
教育玩具 [きょういくがんぐ]
(n) educational toy
教育基本法 [きょういくきほんほう]
(n) (Japanese) Education Act
教育機関 [きょういくきかん]
(n) educational institution
教育行政 [きょういくぎょうせい]
(n) educational administration
教育産業 [きょういくさんぎょう]
(n) education-related industries
教育実習 [きょういくじっしゅう]
(n) teaching practice
教育者 [きょういくしゃ]
(n) educationalist
教育省 [きょういくしょう]
(n) Department of Education
教育心理学 [きょういくしんりがく]
(n) educational psychology
教育制度 [きょういくせいど]
(n) education(al) (a school) system
教育長 [きょういくちょう]
(n) superintendent of education
教育勅語 [きょういくちょくご]
(n) Imperial Rescript on Education
教育的 [きょういくてき]
(adj-na) educational
教育費 [きょういくひ]
(n) education or school expenses
教育法 [きょういくほう]
(n) teaching method
教員 [きょういん]
(n) teaching staff
教員組合 [きょういんくみあい]
(n) teachers' union
教王 [きょうおう]
(n) Pope
教化 [きょうか]
(n,vs) culture
教科 [きょうか]
(n) subject
教科書 [きょうかしょ]
(n) text book
教会 [きょうかい]
(n) church
教会員 [きょうかいいん]
(n) church member
教会音楽 [きょうかいおんがく]
(n) church music
教会史 [きょうかいし]
(n) church history
教会旋法 [きょうかいせんぽう]
(n) church modes (music)
教会堂 [きょうかいどう]
(n) church
教会法 [きょうかいほう]
(n) canon law
教会暦 [きょうかいれき]
(n) church calendar
教戒 [きょうかい]
(n,vs) exhortation
教学 [きょうがく]
(n,vs) education and learning
教官 [きょうかん]
(n) teacher
教義 [きょうぎ]
(n) creed
教区 [きょうく]
(n) parish
教区民 [きょうくみん]
(n) parishioner
教具 [きょうぐ]
(n) teaching tools
教訓 [きょうくん]
(n,vs) lesson
教訓を垂れる [きょうくんをたれる]
(exp) to lecture
教訓的 [きょうくんてき]
(adj-na) instructive
教権 [きょうけん]
(n) ecclesiastical or educational authority
教護 [きょうご]
(n,vs) juvenile reform
教護院 [きょうごいん]
(n) reform school
教皇 [きょうこう]
(n) Pope
教皇庁 [きょうこうちょう]
(n) Vatican
教唆 [きょうさ]
(n,vs) instigation
教唆者 [きょうさしゃ]
(n) instigator
教唆扇動 [きょうさせんどう]
(n,vs) instigation and abetment
教唆煽動 [きょうさせんどう]
(n,vs) instigation and abetment
教材 [きょうざい]
(n) teaching materials
教材費 [きょうざいひ]
(n) teaching material fees
教師 [きょうし]
(n) teacher (classroom)
教師に向いている [きょうしにむいている]
(exp) to be cut out for a teacher
教示 [きょうじ]
(n,vs) instruction
教室 [きょうしつ]
(n) classroom
教主 [きょうしゅ]
(n) founder of a religious sect
教授 [きょうじゅ]
(n,vs) teaching
教授会 [きょうじゅかい]
(n) faculty meeting
教授陣 [きょうじゅじん]
(n) faculty
教授法 [きょうじゅほう]
(n) teaching methodology
教習 [きょうしゅう]
(n,vs) training
教習所 [きょうしゅうじょ]
(n) training institute
教習生 [きょうしゅうせい]
(n) trainee
教書 [きょうしょ]
(n) (presidential) message
教場 [きょうじょう]
(n) classroom
教条 [きょうじょう]
(n) tenet
教条主義 [きょうじょうしゅぎ]
(n) dogmatism
教職 [きょうしょく]
(n) teaching certificate
教職員 [きょうしょくいん]
(n) teaching staff
教職員組合 [きょうしょくいんくみあい]
(n) teachers' union
教職課程 [きょうしょくかてい]
(n) teacher-training curriculum
教生 [きょうせい]
(n) (abbr) student teacher
教籍 [きょうせき]
(n) church membership
教祖 [きょうそ]
(n) founder of a religious sect
教則 [きょうそく]
(n) rules of teaching
教則本 [きょうそくぼん]
(n) manual
教卓 [きょうたく]
(n) teacher's desk
教団 [きょうだん]
(n) religious organization
教壇 [きょうだん]
(n) platform
教程 [きょうてい]
(n) curriculum
教典 [きょうてん]
(n) scriptures
教徒 [きょうと]
(n) believer
教頭 [きょうとう]
(n) deputy head teacher
教導 [きょうどう]
(n,vs) instruction
教派 [きょうは]
(n) sect
教範 [きょうはん]
(n) teaching method
教父 [きょうふ]
(n) godfather
教鞭 [きょうべん]
(n) teacher's whip
教法 [きょうほう]
(n) religious law
教本 [きょうほん]
(n) textbook
教務 [きょうむ]
(n) school affairs
教務課 [きょうむか]
(n) educational affairs section
教門 [きょうもん]
(n) study of Buddhist theory
教諭 [きょうゆ]
(n,vs) teacher
教養 [きょうよう]
(n,vs) culture
教養課程 [きょうようかてい]
(n) general education course
教養学部 [きょうようがくぶ]
(n) college of general education
教養小説 [きょうようしょうせつ]
(n) bildungsroman
教養番組 [きょうようばんぐみ]
(n) educational channel
教養部 [きょうようぶ]
(n) college of liberal arts (general education)
教理 [きょうり]
(n) doctrine
教歴 [きょうれき]
(n) one's teaching experience
教練 [きょうれん]
(n,vs) (mil) drill
教誨 [きょうかい]
(n,vs) exhortation
橋 [はし]
(n) bridge
橋かけ [はしかけ]
(n,vs) bridge building
橋げた [はしげた]
(n) bridge girder
橋の西詰め [はしのにしずめ]
(n) western edge of a bridge
橋架 [きょうか]
(n) bridge girder
橋架け [はしかけ]
(n,vs) bridge building
橋脚 [きょうきゃく]
(n) bridge pier
橋脚舟 [きょうきゃくしゅう]
(n) pontoon
橋桁 [はしげた]
(n) bridge girder
橋杭 [はしぐい]
(n) bridge pillar
橋台 [きょうだい]
(n) bridge abutment
橋渡し [はしわたし]
(n,vs) bridge building
橋頭保 [きょうとうほ]
(n) bridgehead
橋頭保 [きょうとうほう]
(n) bridgehead
橋頭堡 [きょうとうほ]
(n) bridgehead
橋頭堡 [きょうとうほう]
(n) bridgehead
橋畔 [きょうはん]
(n) approach to a bridge
橋梁 [きょうりょう]
(n) bridge
橋杙 [はしぐい]
(n) bridge pillar
況して [まして]
(adv,exp) (1) still more
況してや [ましてや]
(exp) (uk) much less
況んや [いわんや]
(exp) much more
狂い [くるい]
(n) deviation
狂い回る [くるいまわる]
(v5r) to rave
狂い咲き [くるいざき]
(n) off-season flowering
狂い咲く [くるいざく]
(v5k) to bloom out of season
狂い死に [くるいじに]
(n,vs) death in madness
狂う [くるう]
(v5u) to go mad
狂おしい [くるおしい]
(adj) crazy about
狂おしい思い [くるおしいおもい]
(n) maddening thought
狂しい [くるおしい]
(adj) crazy about
狂わす [くるわす]
(v5s) to drive mad
狂歌 [きょうか]
(n) comic (satirical) tanka
狂喜 [きょうき]
(n,vs) wild joy
狂喜乱舞 [きょうきらんぶ]
(n,vs) boisterous dance
狂気 [きょうき]
(n) madness
狂牛病 [きょうぎゅうびょう]
(n) bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
狂句 [きょうく]
(n) type of comic haiku
狂犬 [きょうけん]
(n) mad dog
狂犬病 [きょうけんびょう]
(n) rabies
狂言 [きょうげん]
(n) play
狂言回し [きょうげんまわし]
(n) a supporting, but indispensable role
狂言強盗 [きょうげんごうとう]
(n) fake (staged) robbery
狂言自殺 [きょうげんじさつ]
(n) faked suicide
狂言誘拐 [きょうげんゆうかい]
(n) fake (staged) kidnapping
狂言綺語 [きょうげんきご]
(n) (a derogatory term for) fiction
狂死 [きょうし]
(n,vs) dying insane
狂詩 [きょうし]
(n) (Edo-period) type of humorous poem (humourous)
狂詩曲 [きょうしきょく]
(n) rhapsody
狂者 [きょうしゃ]
(n) insane person
狂女 [きょうじょ]
(n) madwoman
狂信 [きょうしん]
(n,vs) (religious) fanaticism
狂信者 [きょうしんしゃ]
(n) religious fanatic
狂信的 [きょうしんてき]
(adj-na) fanatic
狂人 [きょうじん]
(n) lunatic
狂想曲 [きょうそうきょく]
(n) rhapsody
狂騒 [きょうそう]
(n) mania
狂態 [きょうたい]
(n) disgraceful behavior
狂的 [きょうてき]
(adj-na,n) insane
狂風 [きょうふう]
(n) raging wind
狂文 [きょうぶん]
(n) (Edo-period) humorous literature (humourous)
狂暴 [きょうぼう]
(adj-na,n) rage
狂奔 [きょうほん]
(n,vs) rushing around
狂乱 [きょうらん]
(n,vs) fury
狂瀾 [きょうらん]
(n) raging waves
狂瀾怒涛 [きょうらんどとう]
(n) maelstrom
狂躁 [きょうそう]
(n) mania
狭い [せまい]
(adj) narrow
狭い部屋 [せまいへや]
(n) small room
狭き門 [せまきもん]
(n) narrow gate
狭まる [せばまる]
(v5r,vi) to narrow
狭める [せばめる]
(v1,vt) to narrow
狭間 [はざま]
(n) (1) interval
狭軌 [きょうき]
(n) narrow gauge
狭軌鉄道 [きょうきてつどう]
(n) narrow-gauge railway
狭義 [きょうぎ]
(n,adj-no) narrow sense (e.g., of a word)
狭苦しい [せまくるしい]
(adj) cramped
狭窄 [きょうさく]
(adj-na,n) stricture
狭小 [きょうしょう]
(adj-na,n) narrow
狭心症 [きょうしんしょう]
(n) heart attack
狭霧 [さぎり]
(n) mist
狭量 [きょうりょう]
(adj-na,n) narrow-mindedness
狭隘 [きょうあい]
(adj-na,n) narrow
矯めつ眇めつ [ためつすがめつ]
(adv,exp,vs) scrutiny
矯める [ためる]
(v1) to straighten
矯め直す [ためなおす]
(v5s) to set up again
矯角殺牛 [きょうかくさつぎゅう]
(exp) trying to straighten the horns of a bull, and killing it in the process
矯激 [きょうげき]
(adj-na,n) radical
矯飾 [きょうしょく]
(n,vs) affectation
矯正 [きょうせい]
(n,vs) correction
矯正視力 [きょうせいしりょく]
(n) corrected eyesight
矯風 [きょうふう]
(n) reform of morals
胸 [むね]
(n) breast
胸が悪くなる [むねがわるくなる]
(exp) to feel sick
胸が苦しい [むねがくるしい]
(exp) have a pain in one's chest
胸が痛む様な出来事 [むねがいたむようなできごと]
(n) painful incident
胸にジーンと来る [むねにジーンとくる]
(exp) to have one's heart touched (by something very moving)
胸に畳む [むねにたたむ]
(exp) to keep to oneself
胸を患う [むねをわずらう]
(exp) to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis
胸を借りる [むねをかりる]
(exp) junior sumo wrestler allowed to practice attack on his senior (practise)
胸を出す [むねをだす]
(exp) senior sumo wrestler having training bouts with his junior during practice (practise)
胸を貸す [むねをかす]
(exp) senior sumo wrestler enduring attacks from his junior during practice (practise)
胸を張る [むねをはる]
(exp) to throw out one's chest
胸を痛める [むねをいためる]
(exp) to worry oneself (about)
胸を反らす [むねをそらす]
(exp) to be puffed up with pride
胸を病む [むねをやむ]
(exp) to become consumptive
胸囲 [きょうい]
(n) chest measurement
胸泳 [きょうえい]
(n) breaststroke
胸奥 [きょうおう]
(n) one's heart of hearts
胸臆 [きょうおく]
(n) one's inmost thoughts (feelings)
胸回り [むねまわり]
(n) around one's chest
胸懐 [きょうかい]
(n) heart
胸郭 [きょうかく]
(n) chest
胸間 [きょうかん]
(n) chest
胸筋 [きょうきん]
(n) pectoral (muscle)
胸襟 [きょうきん]
(n) one's heart
胸苦しい [むなぐるしい]
(adj) (feeling of) tightness in the chest
胸元 [むなもと]
(n) breast
胸腔 [きょうくう]
(n) thorax
胸腔 [きょうこう]
(n) thorax
胸高 [むなだか]
(adj-na,n) obi worn high on the waist
胸骨 [きょうこつ]
(n) breastbone
胸座 [むなぐら]
(n) collar
胸三寸 [むねさんずん]
(n) heart
胸算用 [むなざんよう]
(n,vs) calculating in one's head
胸算用 [むねざんよう]
(n,vs) calculating in one's head
胸焼け [むねやけ]
(n,vs) heartburn
胸章 [きょうしょう]
(n) medal
胸飾り [むねかざり]
(n) brooch
胸水 [きょうすい]
(n) pleural fluid
胸声 [きょうせい]
(n) low singing voice
胸積もり [むなづもり]
(n) calculating in one's head
胸先 [むなさき]
(n) chest
胸先三寸 [むなさきさんずん]
(n) one's mind
胸腺 [きょうせん]
(n) thymus
胸倉 [むなぐら]
(n) collar
胸騒ぎ [むなさわぎ]
(n) uneasiness
胸像 [きょうぞう]
(n) bust (statue)
胸中 [きょうちゅう]
(n) one's heart
胸椎 [きょうつい]
(n) thoracic vertebra(e)
胸痛 [きょうつう]
(n) chest pain
胸底 [きょうてい]
(n) the bottom of one's heart
胸当て [むねあて]
(n) breastplate
胸突き八丁 [むなつきはっちょう]
(n) the most trying spot or period
胸乳 [むなち]
(n) breasts
胸乳 [むなぢ]
(n) breasts
胸板 [むないた]
(n) breast
胸部 [きょうぶ]
(n) chest
胸部外科 [きょうぶげか]
(n) thoracic surgery
胸部疾患 [きょうぶしっかん]
(n) chest disease
胸幅 [むねはば]
(n) breadth of the chest
胸糞 [むなくそ]
(n) disgust
胸糞 [むねくそ]
(n) disgust
胸糞が悪い [むなくそがわるい]
(adj) annoying
胸壁 [きょうへき]
(n) chest walls
胸膜 [きょうまく]
(n) pleura
胸膜炎 [きょうまくえん]
(n) pleurisy
胸毛 [むなげ]
(n) chest hair
胸裏 [きょうり]
(n) one's heart
脅 [きょう]
(n) threaten
脅える [おびえる]
(v1) to become frightened
脅かし [おどかし]
(n) threat
脅かして金を取る [おどかしてかねをとる]
(exp) to scare money out of (a person)
脅かす [おどかす]
(v5s) to threaten
脅かす [おびやかす]
(v5s) to threaten
脅し [おどし]
(n) threat
脅しつける [おどしつける]
(v1) to threaten
脅し取る [おどしとる]
(v5r) to extort (money)
脅し付ける [おどしつける]
(v1) to threaten
脅し文句 [おどしもんく]
(n) threatening words
脅す [おどす]
(v5s) to threaten
脅やかす [おびやかす]
(io) (v5s) to threaten
脅威 [きょうい]
(n,vs) threat
脅嚇 [きょうかく]
(n,vs) (rare) intimidation
脅喝 [きょうかつ]
(n,vs) threat
脅迫 [きょうはく]
(n,vs) threat
脅迫罪 [きょうはくざい]
(n) intimidation
脅迫者 [きょうはくしゃ]
(n) person making threats
脅迫状 [きょうはくじょう]
(n) threatening or intimidating letter
脅迫的 [きょうはくてき]
(adj-na) menacing
脅迫電話 [きょうはくでんわ]
(n) telephone threat (e.g., of a bomb)
興 [きょう]
(n) interest
興 [こう]
(n) interest
興がる [きょうがる]
(v5r) to be amused or interested in
興が有る [きょうがある]
(exp) to be fun
興ざめ [きょうざめ]
(adj-na,n) kill-joy
興じる [きょうじる]
(v1) to amuse oneself
興す [おこす]
(v5s) to revive
興ずる [きょうずる]
(vz) to amuse oneself
興る [おこる]
(v5r) to rise
興を冷ます [きょうをさます]
(exp) to be a wet-blanket
興亜 [こうあ]
(n) Asia development
興起 [こうき]
(n,vs) rise
興業 [こうぎょう]
(n,vs) industrial enterprise
興業銀行 [こうぎょうぎんこう]
(n) industrial bank
興銀 [こうぎん]
(n) (abbr) industrial bank
興行 [こうぎょう]
(n,vs) entertainment industry
興行化 [こうぎょうか]
(n,vs) staging or filming a story
興行界 [こうぎょうかい]
(n) entertainment world
興行権 [こうぎょうけん]
(n) promotional or production rights
興行師 [こうぎょうし]
(n) showman
興行主 [こうぎょうぬし]
(n) showman
興行成績 [こうぎょうせいせき]
(n) box-office record
興国 [こうこく]
(n,vs) making a country prosperous
興産 [こうさん]
(n) industry
興趣 [きょうしゅ]
(n) interest (in something)
興信所 [こうしんじょ]
(n) detective agency
興信録 [こうしんろく]
(n) directory
興醒し [きょうざまし]
(adj-na,n) kill-joy
興醒まし [きょうざまし]
(adj-na,n) spoiling the fun
興醒め [きょうざめ]
(adj-na,n) kill-joy
興醒める [きょうざめる]
(v1) to lose interest
興替 [こうたい]
(n) rise and fall (of nations)
興廃 [こうはい]
(n,vs) rise and fall (of nations)
興敗 [こうはい]
(n,vs) rise and fall (of nations)
興奮 [こうふん]
(n,vs) excitement
興奮気味 [こうふんぎみ]
(n) being somewhat excited (agitated)
興奮剤 [こうふんざい]
(n) stimulant
興亡 [こうぼう]
(n) rise and fall
興亡盛衰 [こうぼうせいすい]
(n) rise and fall
興味 [きょうみ]
(n) interest (in something)
興味が薄い [きょうみがうすい]
(adj) uninteresting
興味索然 [きょうみさくぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) uninteresting
興味深い [きょうみぶかい]
(adj) very interesting
興味津々 [きょうみしんしん]
(adj-t,adv-to) very interesting
興味津津 [きょうみしんしん]
(adj-t,adv-to) very interesting
興味本位 [きょうみほんい]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) popular (literature, etc.)
興隆 [こうりゅう]
(n,vs) rise
興冷め [きょうざめ]
(iK) (adj-na,n) kill-joy
蕎麦 [そば]
(n) soba (buckwheat noodles)
蕎麦屋 [そばや]
(n) buckwheat-noodle restaurant
蕎麦殻 [そばがら]
(n) buckwheat chaff
蕎麦粉 [そばこ]
(n) buckwheat flour
郷に入っては郷に従え [ごうにいってはごうにしたがえ]
(exp) when in Rome, do as the Romans do
郷関 [きょうかん]
(n) one's hometown
郷軍 [ごうぐん]
(n) veteran
郷国 [きょうこく]
(n) one's native land
郷士 [ごうし]
(n) country samurai
郷社 [ごうしゃ]
(n) village shrine
郷愁 [きょうしゅう]
(n) nostalgia
郷俗 [きょうぞく]
(n) village customs
郷村 [ごうそん]
(n) villages
郷土 [きょうど]
(n) native place
郷土愛 [きょうどあい]
(n) love for one's hometown
郷土芸能 [きょうどげいのう]
(n) folk entertainment
郷土史 [きょうどし]
(n) local history
郷土小説 [きょうどしょうせつ]
(n) local story
郷土色 [きょうどしょく]
(n) local color
郷土文学 [きょうどぶんがく]
(n) folk literature
郷土料理 [きょうどりょうり]
(n) local cuisine
郷党 [きょうとう]
(n) people from one's hometown
郷邑 [きょうゆう]
(n) hamlet
郷里 [きょうり]
(n) birth-place
鏡 [かがみ]
(n) mirror
鏡に映る [かがみにうつる]
(exp) to be reflected in a mirror
鏡に自分の姿を映す [かがみにじぶんのすがたをうつす]
(exp) to reflect oneself in a mirror
鏡を抜く [かがみをぬく]
(exp) to uncask
鏡花水月 [きょうかすいげつ]
(n) flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface
鏡開き [かがみびらき]
(n) (1) cutting the New Year's rice cake (January 11th)
鏡割 [かがみわり]
(n) breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel
鏡割り [かがみわり]
(n) breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel
鏡鑑 [きょうかん]
(n) paragon
鏡高 [きょうこう]
(n) height of a mirror stand
鏡像 [きょうぞう]
(n) (1) reflected image
鏡台 [きょうだい]
(n) dresser
鏡板 [かがみいた]
(n) panel
鏡面 [きょうめん]
(n) mirror surface
鏡餅 [かがみもち]
(n) orange-flavoured mochi
響 [ひびき]
(io) (n) echo
響き [ひびき]
(n) echo
響き渡る [ひびきわたる]
(v5r) to resound
響く [ひびく]
(v5k) to resound
響めき [どよめき]
(n) (uk) commotion
響めく [どよめく]
(v5k) to resound
響笛 [きょうてき]
(n) vibrating pipe
響動めき [どよめき]
(n) (uk) commotion
饗する [きょうする]
(vs-s) to treat
饗宴 [きょうえん]
(n) feast
饗応 [きょうおう]
(n,vs) entertainment
驚かされる [おどろかされる]
(v1) to be surprised
驚かす [おどろかす]
(v5s) to surprise
驚がく [きょうがく]
(n,vs) surprise
驚き [おどろき]
(n) surprise
驚き入る [おどろきいる]
(v5r) to be astonished
驚く [おどろく]
(v5k) to be surprised
驚くべき [おどろくべき]
(exp) astonishing
驚異 [きょうい]
(n) wonder
驚異的 [きょういてき]
(adj-na) wonderful
驚喜 [きょうき]
(n,vs) pleasant surprise
驚嘆 [きょうたん]
(n,vs) wonder
驚歎 [きょうたん]
(n,vs) admiration
驚天動地 [きょうてんどうち]
(n) astounding
驚倒 [きょうとう]
(n,vs) sensational
驚愕 [きょうがく]
(n,vs) surprise
仰々しい [ぎょうぎょうしい]
(adj) exaggerated
仰ぎ見る [あおぎみる]
(v1) to look up
仰ぎ奉る [あおぎたてまつる]
(v5r) (pol) to look up
仰ぎ望み [あおぎのぞみ]
(n,vs) look to (for help)
仰ぐ [あおぐ]
(v5g) to look up (to)
仰けぞる [のけぞる]
(v5r) to bend (backward)
仰しゃる [おっしゃる]
(v5aru) (hon) (uk) to say
仰せ [おおせ]
(n) statement
仰せつかる [おおせつかる]
(v5r) to receive a command
仰せつける [おおせつける]
(v1) to command
仰せられる [おおせられる]
(v1) (pol) to say
仰せ付かる [おおせつかる]
(v5r) to receive a command
仰せ付ける [おおせつける]
(v1) to command
仰っしゃる [おっしゃる]
(v5aru) (hon) (uk) to say
仰のく [あおのく]
(v5k) to look up
仰のける [あおのける]
(v1) to turn up (one's face or a card)
仰むく [あおむく]
(v5k) to look upward
仰る [おっしゃる]
(v5aru) (hon) (uk) to say
仰るとおりです [おっしゃるとおりです]
(exp) (hon) I agree with you
仰る通りです [おっしゃるとおりです]
(exp) (hon) I agree with you
仰臥 [ぎょうが]
(n,vs) lie on one's back
仰角 [ぎょうかく]
(n) dramatic angle
仰仰しい [ぎょうぎょうしい]
(adj) exaggerated
仰見る [あおぎみる]
(v1) to look up
仰向く [あおむく]
(v5k) to look upward
仰向け [あおむけ]
(n) face up
仰向ける [あおむける]
(v1) to turn up (one's face)
仰山 [ぎょうさん]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) large quantity
仰視 [ぎょうし]
(n,vs) looking up to
仰天 [ぎょうてん]
(n,vs) being amazed
仰反る [のけぞる]
(v5r) to bend back
仰奉る [あおぎたてまつる]
(v5r) (pol) to look up
仰望 [ぎょうぼう]
(n,vs) look to (for help)
仰有る [おっしゃる]
(v5aru) (hon) (uk) to say
仰様に [のけざまに]
(adv) on one's back
凝 [ぎょう]
(n) freeze
凝 [こり]
(n) stiffness (in shoulders)
凝 [しこり]
(n) stiffness (in shoulders)
凝った [こった]
(adj) elaborate
凝った装飾 [こったそうしょく]
(n) elaborate ornaments
凝める [みつめる]
(oK) (v1) (uk) to stare at
凝らす [こごらす]
(v5s,vt) to freeze
凝らす [こらす]
(v5s) to concentrate
凝らせる [こごらせる]
(v1,vt) to freeze
凝り [こり]
(n) stiffness (in shoulders)
凝り [しこり]
(n) stiffness (in shoulders)
凝り固まる [こりかたまる]
(v5r) to coagulate
凝り性 [こりしょう]
(adj-na,n) fastidiousness
凝る [こごる]
(v5r) to congeal
凝る [こる]
(v5r) (1) to grow stiff
凝る [しこる]
(v5r) to stiffen
凝塊 [ぎょうかい]
(n) clot
凝灰岩 [ぎょうかいがん]
(n) tuff
凝議 [ぎょうぎ]
(n,vs) deliberation
凝結 [ぎょうけつ]
(n,vs) coagulation
凝血 [ぎょうけつ]
(n,vs) blood clot
凝固 [ぎょうこ]
(n,vs) coagulation
凝固まり [こりかたまり]
(n) coagulation
凝固点 [ぎょうこてん]
(n) freezing point
凝脂 [ぎょうし]
(n) solidified oil
凝視 [ぎょうし]
(n,vs) stare
凝集 [ぎょうしゅう]
(n,vs) cohesion
凝集力 [ぎょうしゅうりょく]
(n) cohesive power
凝縮 [ぎょうしゅく]
(n,vs) condensation
凝然として [ぎょうぜんとして]
(exp) quietly
凝滞 [ぎょうたい]
(n,vs) delay
凝着 [ぎょうちゃく]
(n,vs) adhesion
凝着力 [ぎょうちゃくりょく]
(n) adhesion
凝乳 [ぎょうにゅう]
(n) curd
凝念 [ぎょうねん]
(n) concentration of thought
凝望 [ぎょうぼう]
(n,vs) looking intently
凝立 [ぎょうりつ]
(n,vs) standing absolutely still
尭々 [ぎょうぎょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) high (as of a mountain)
尭尭 [ぎょうぎょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) high (as of a mountain)
暁 [あかつき]
(n) dawn
暁の空 [あかつきのそら]
(n) dawning sky
暁闇 [あかつきやみ]
(n) moonless dawn
暁光 [ぎょうこう]
(n) the light of dawn
暁星 [ぎょうせい]
(n) morning star
暁天 [ぎょうてん]
(n) dawn
業 [ごう]
(n) Buddhist karma
業 [わざ]
(n) deed
業が深い [ごうがふかい]
(adj) be past redemption
業とする [ぎょうとする]
(exp) to work at a profession
業わい [なりわい]
(n) occupation
業を煮やす [ごうをにやす]
(exp) to lose one's temper
業因 [ごういん]
(n) karma
業果 [ごうか]
(n) effects of karma
業火 [ごうか]
(n) hell fire
業界 [ぎょうかい]
(n) industry
業界アナリスト [ぎょうかいアナリスト]
(n) industry analyst
業界紙 [ぎょうかいし]
(n) trade journal
業界初 [ぎょうかいはつ]
(exp) the industry's first ..
業界団体 [ぎょうかいだんたい]
(n) industry group
業界動向 [ぎょうかいどうこう]
(n) industry trend
業界標準 [ぎょうかいひょうじゅん]
(n) industry-wide standard
業況 [ぎょうきょう]
(n) condition of industry, enterprise, etc.
業況判断指数 [ぎょうきょうはんだんしすう]
(n) diffusion index (DI)
業苦 [ごうく]
(n) karmic suffering
業師 [わざし]
(n) tricky wrestler
業者 [ぎょうしゃ]
(n) trader
業種 [ぎょうしゅ]
(n) type of industry
業績 [ぎょうせき]
(n) achievement
業績悪化 [ぎょうせきあっか]
(n) downturn
業績下方修正 [ぎょうせきかほうしゅうせい]
(n) profit warning
業績見通し [ぎょうせきみとおし]
(n) earnings estimates (forecast, outlook, projection)
業績賞与 [ぎょうせきしょうよ]
(n) performance bonus
業績予想 [ぎょうせきよそう]
(n) earnings forecast (outlook, projection)
業態 [ぎょうたい]
(n) business conditions
業突張り [ごうつくばり]
(adj-na,n) (1) stubbornness
業病 [ごうびょう]
(n) incurable disease
業腹 [ごうはら]
(adj-na,n) spite
業物 [わざもの]
(n) sharp sword
業報 [ごうほう]
(n) karma effects
業務 [ぎょうむ]
(n) (1) business
業務の外部委託 [ぎょうむのがいぶいたく]
(n) outsourcing
業務課長 [ぎょうむかちょう]
(n) head of business department
業務改善命令 [ぎょうむかいぜんめいれい]
(n) business improvement order
業務上過失 [ぎょうむじょうかしつ]
(n) (professional) negligence
業務上過失致死 [ぎょうむじょうかしつちし]
(n) professional negligence resulting in death
業務提携 [ぎょうむていけい]
(n) business partnership
業務妨害 [ぎょうむぼうがい]
(n) interference with somebody's duties
業務用 [ぎょうむよう]
(n,adj-no) business use
局 [きょく]
(n,n-suf) (1) channel (i.e. TV or radio)
局 [つぼね]
(n) court lady
局に当たる [きょくにあたる]
(exp) to deal with a situation
局を結ぶ [きょくをむすぶ]
(exp) to be settled
局員 [きょくいん]
(n) clerk
局外 [きょくがい]
(n) the outside
局外者 [きょくがいしゃ]
(n) outsider
局外中立 [きょくがいちゅうりつ]
(n) neutrality
局限 [きょくげん]
(n,vs) limit
局舎 [きょくしゃ]
(n) bureau
局所 [きょくしょ]
(n,adj-no) section
局所分岐 [きょくしょぶんき]
(n) local jump
局所麻酔 [きょくしょますい]
(n) local anesthesia
局地 [きょくち]
(n) municipal
局地戦争 [きょくちせんそう]
(n) limited (scale) war
局地的 [きょくちてき]
(adj-na) local
局地風 [きょくちふう]
(n) local wind
局長 [きょくちょう]
(n) bureau director
局番 [きょくばん]
(n) telephone exchange number
局部 [きょくぶ]
(n) part
局部麻酔 [きょくぶますい]
(n) local anesthesia
局報 [きょくほう]
(n) official bulletin
局面 [きょくめん]
(n) checkerboard
局面一転 [きょくめんいってん]
(n) sudden reversal in the tide of events
局面打開 [きょくめんだかい]
(n) breakthrough in the situation
局留め [きょくどめ]
(n) general delivery
曲 [きょく]
(n,n-suf) tune
曲 [くせ]
(n) a habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice)
曲々 [くまぐま]
(n) nooks
曲々しい [まがまがしい]
(adj) (1) (uk) ominous
曲がり [まがり]
(n) curvature
曲がりかど [まがりかど]
(n) street corner
曲がりくねる [まがりくねる]
(v5r,vi) to bend many times
曲がりなりにも [まがりなりにも]
(adv) though imperfect
曲がり角 [まがりかど]
(n) street corner
曲がり道 [まがりみち]
(n) roundabout road
曲がり目 [まがりめ]
(n) corner
曲がり路 [まがりみち]
(n) roundabout road
曲がる [まがる]
(v5r) to turn
曲が曲がしい [まがまがしい]
(adj) (1) (uk) ominous
曲げ [まげ]
(n) flexure
曲げる [まげる]
(v1) to bend
曲げ易い [まげやすい]
(adj) pliant
曲げ物 [まげもの]
(n) circular box
曲のない [きょくのない]
(adj) uninteresting
曲の無い [きょくのない]
(adj) uninteresting
曲りくねる [まがりくねる]
(v5r,vi) to bend many times
曲り角 [まがりかど]
(n) street corner
曲り形にも [まがりなりにも]
(adv) though imperfect
曲り尺 [まがりじゃく]
(n) common Japanese foot
曲り目 [まがりめ]
(n) corner
曲る [まがる]
(io) (v5r) to turn
曲を付ける [きょくをつける]
(exp) to write music for a song
曲悪 [きょくあく]
(n) wickedness
曲飲み [きょくのみ]
(n) drinking while doing an acrobatic stunt