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33 Cards in this Set

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Goods and Services Productive Resources


Managerial Talent



Natural Resources


Provides for food grown on farms with technology

Scarcity & Choice

Limited goods and services restricts options and choices

Opportunity Cost

A decision to use resources in one way prohibits it from being used in another opportunity

Rational Self Interest

Individuals pursue opportunities to increase their utility


Pleasure or happiness from consuming a product or service

Marginal Analysis

Compares benefit and cost resulting in a marginal or extra change

Scientific Model

1. Observe real behavior and outcome

2. Hypothesis

3. Test hypothesis

4. Accept/Reject/Modify hypothesis

5. Continue to test hypothesis

Theories of Behavior

1. Develop on individuals

2. Institutions

3. 1 & 2 are engaged in production, consumption, or exchange of goods

4. Economic principles based on generalization relating to economic behavior


Decision making by individual consumer, industry, or business firm


Examines the economy as a whole or its sub divisions

Positive (Economist)

Describes what is and the cause of it

(Factual based analysis)

Normative Economics

Economic policy which incorporates judgement about what the economy should be like or what particular policy actions should be recommended to achieve the desired goal

Opportunity Cost

People choose and incur the value of the next best option

Supply & Demand

Need to make decisions because wants exceed the means

Limited Income

Forces Decision

Types of Income

1. Wages

2. Interest

3. Dividends

4. Rental

5. Trust


Products produced to satisfy our needs and utilities


Actions for which we pay income


Satisfy consumer needs from the purchase of demands for goods and services

Budget Line (or Constraint)

Shows the relationship between 2 products

Straight Line

Shows constant opportunity cost for both goods

Full Employement

Employing all or less than full employment determine the production level

Fixed Resources

Quantity and quality of production are fixed

Fixed Technology

The technology available at the time of production


Satisfies needs directly


Satisfies needs indirectly

Law of Increasing Opportunity

The production of a particular good increases, the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit rises

Economic Resources

1. Land

2. Labor

3. Capital

4. Entrepreneurial Ability


The social science that explains how individuals, institutions, and society make and opportunity cost decision

Economic Perspective

1. Scarcity

2. Choice

3. Purposeful Behavior

4. Marginal Analysis

Economics Employs

The scientific method and this form tests the hypotheses of cause and effect and the relationships to generate theories, laws and principles into an economic model

Optimal Point of Production Possibilities Curve

Points within the curve: fully attainable

Points outside the curse: unattainable

(Measured until MB=MC)