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22 Cards in this Set

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What the computer code is trying to predict (eg if an email is spam or not, or if a set of particles is a jet or not)


Input variables to predict label, eg. Words in an email


Piece of data,

Labeled has a label and feature

Unlabled has feature only


Thing that does the predicting, ie maps feature, x, to a predicted label y'

Regression model

Classification model

Regression: predicts continuous variables

Classification: predicts discrete values

Emperical risk minimization

Training a model to reduce loss

Gradient decent algorithm

Pick a random w1 value. Calculate gradient of loss vs w graph at that point. Pick a new point that moves as a fraction of the gradient vector.

Learning rate and optimum learning rate

Learning rate: contant to multiply the gradient to get a new point


1D = is 1/f"(x)

2+D = inverse of Hessian (matrix of 2nd Partial Derivatives)

! For general convex functions, story is more complex

All module imports for creating (basic) machine learning model with tensor flow

Stochastic gradient decent (SGD)

Mini batch gradient decent (mini-batch SGD)

SGD = Batch size of 1

mbSGD = typically 10 to 1000 examples chosen at random

Building a model with tensorflow, all steps

Step 1: define features and configure feature columns

Step 2: define the target

Step 3: configure linear regressor

Step 4

Input function

Step 5 (actual training function with tensor flow)

Step 6 evaluation and prediction

One-hot encoding

Multi-hot encoding

One hot

Make a feature of strings into a vector where each dimension represents a possible string (oov- out of vocabulary- is every string not accounted for, eg "hdkehijrla" for a road name)

Each vector is a 1 or 0 (bool) for if the feature is equal to that.


One-hot but many dimensions have a 1.

Sparse representation

Only consider and store non zero values in one-hot or multi-hot vectors (so if feature is street name and there are a million streets, the vector doesn't have to have a million dimensions)

Z score

Scaling using stdevs from the mean

Scaledvalue = (val - mean) / stdev

Usually between -3 and 3

Code to create buckets from lattitude using pandas