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34 Cards in this Set

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despised; loathed
lie; evasion
strengthens; reinforces
busy; hard working
careless; heedless
disturbance; agitation
pure; natural
bravery; courage
flinch; retreat
theoretical; unproven
scold; reprimand
what does the lady in waiting report about her mistress
reports she walks in her sleep, writes on a paper then goes back to sleep
what two treatments does the doctor suggest for lady Macbeth
get a priest and keep an eye on her remove anything that could be a danger
who is leading the English army
Malcolm, siward, macduff
what are the reports about Macbeth
he has lost it, gone mad, become more trecherous
according to angus Macbeth feels his kingship hanging loosely on him like a giant robe on a dwarfish theif what is he comparing? what does he mean?
comparsions to Macbeth's ability to rule
how does Macbeth reassure himself that he will not lose his kingdom to malcolm
he recalls witches prophecies
how does Macbeth treat his servant? what does this indicate about Macbeth's mood
treats his servants harsh critizes calls name. hes in a bit of a frenzy
doctors opinion of lady Macbeth's illness and how she should be treated
mental illness and she needs to cure herself
what is Malcolm's plan to surprise macbeths soldiers
conceal themselves with brances from trees of birman woods which make it seems the woods is moving
what reason does malcolm give for those who remain with macbeth
those who continue to serve him do only by force
what is the strange noise that macbeth hears
women crying because lady macbeth is dead
in Macbeth soliloquy he compares life to what several things
a walking shadow, a bad actor, a tale told by an idiot, a brief candle. all those short lasting
whom does malcolm choose to lead the siege of the castle
siward and his son
why does Macbeth brag that "i smile at swords, and laugh scornfully at any weapons".
the witches prophecy. no man born to woman can kill Macbeth
what does macduff ask fortune to do for him
to find Macbeth
what good news does siward give macduff
macbeths castle surrendered
macbeth boasts that he has "a charmed life that cannot be lost to a man born to a women" what is macduffs reply
that he was prematurely ripped from his mother's womb. he was a csection
when macbeth learns of macduff's birth of what does he accuse the witches
that they trick with words of double meanings
what are king Malcolm's first orders
his thanes and kingsmen from now on will called earls
how does malcolm believe that lady macbeth died
by taking her own life