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113 Cards in this Set

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When will the witches meet again

When the storm is over

What is currently happening in the region

A war

Who do they plan to meet with


What two shapes can these witches transform into

A toad and a cay

Who gives the king an update on the battle


Who is the rebel they fight against


Where did the rebel army come from?

Western Isles (Ireland)

Who violently won the battle


What unexpected enemy joined the battle?

Norwegian army

Why doesn't the sergeant tell the king more

He needs medical help

Besides macdonwald who else betrayed the king

Thane of cawdor

What is the name of norway's King?


Who gets promoted?


Where has the second witch been

Killing pigs

What did the first witch get revenge against the sailors wife

Cut off his thumbs

What problem was Macbeth having

He's lost

What prophecy do the witches give Macbeth

He will become a king

What prophecy do the witches give banquo

He will die and defendants will be kings.

Who was Sinel?

Thane of Glamis

What news do Ross and angus bring Macbeth

He will be king of cawdor

What does Macbeth realize

Prophecy is right

Who did the king just execute

Thane of Cawdor

Who does Duncan promote to Prince of Cumberland


What does Macbeth think of this promotion

He's mad but he knows his way to the throne.

Who is the letter from


What does lady Macbeth think about the promotion

Nervous because he doesn't have what it takes.

Now that her husband has been promoted what is her plan

Deceive the king and kill him

Who does lady Macbeth ask for help

Evil spirits

What does lady Macbeth decide to do with her guest

Murder him

What is Duncan's view of macbeths castle

He thinks it's nice

How does lady Macbeth greet Duncan


Why did Duncan lose Macbeth

He was faster.

What excuse does Macbeth give in his soliloquy

Duncan is nice

To show her sincerity what image does lady Macbeth use

Nipple pluck?

How does lady Macbeth plan to take care of the guards?

Get them drunk

Who can't sleep


What was the subject of his dream

3 witches

In macbeths soliloquy what image does he see in front of him

A bloody dagger

What pagan goddess does Macbeth mention


What is the signal that Lady Macbeth's job is done?

The bell

What excuse does lady Macbeth give for not killing the chamberlains herself

Reminds her of her dad

What word could Macbeth not say


What do the voices say to Macbeth

Sleep no more

What mistake does Macbeth make with the coverup

He brought the daggers with him

What interrupts the murder cover up

Someone knocking

Who is the gatekeeper of the underworld that the porter mentions


Who knocked at the door?

Macduff and Lennox

What excuse does the porter not give for answering the door sooner

He was drunk

What supernatural sign was given to Lennox

Screams of death

What horrible sight does macduff find

Dead bodies

Who suspiciously leaves the murder scene

Malcolm and donalbain

What does Macbeth do in order to show how upset he is

Kills the Chamberlains

To show her innocence what does lady Macbeth do


Where do donalbain and Malcolm flee

Ireland and England

What does the old man say is the worse he's seen in 70 years


Who does Ross think should be the new king of Scotland


What does banquo being up that suddenly makes Macbeth suspicious of him

That he's leaving with Fleance

Who has Macbeth pinned the murders on

Malcolm and donalbain

Why does Macbeth ask if Fleance is going with banquo

He wants to kill him and his descendants

What is the importance of the seedless crown mentioned in the soliloquy

He won't have kids

Why does Macbeth ask if they are gospell'd

So they won't have guilt

What instructions does he give regarding Fleance

Kill him good

What are the early symptoms of the curse placed in the macbeth's


What does lady Macbeth think of the plan

Don't kill anymore people.

What is the purpose of the 3rd murderer?

To kill them

What happens to Fleance and banquo

Banquo dies

Fleance leaves

How did the murderer kill Banquo

Slit his throat

What interrupts macbeths party

Ghost of banquo

What excuse does lady Macbeth give her guests

He's always been like this

What f-word does lady Macbeth use in addressing her husband

Fie on it

Who is Macbeth now suspicious now


Why is Hecate angry

The witches gave Macbeth prophecies without asking

What problem does he have with Macbeth

He changed the free will of himself

Who does Lennox thjnk killed banquo


Where is macduff hiding


Who does macduff ask for help

King of England

What chant do the witches has to make their spell work?

Double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble

What is Lady Macbeth imagining

A spot on her hand she missed while washing

What is specifically bothering lady Macbeth

1) killing Duncan

2) killing banquo

3) killing macduffs wife

Where did the good guys stop

Birnam woods

What action do the Scottish nobles take

Give obedience where obedience is needed

Why doesn't Macbeth worry

Because the spirits said not to

How many Englishman are marching on his castle


Who is Macbeth's General


What is wrong with lady Macbeth

She's confessing things

What plans does Malcolm create

Hold branches in front of them

What happened to lady Macbeth

She died / insomnia

What is approaching the castle

A moving grove

What does Macbeth compare himself to

A bear

Who does Macbeth kill

Young Siward

What is macduffs big surprise

Wasn't born of a woman

What does macduff carry around after the battle is done

Macbeths head

Who becomes king of Scotland


What chant do the witches use to make their spell work

Double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble

What human body parts are put im the cauldron

Liver nose lips finger

What phrase do the witches use when Macbeth approaches

By pricking my thumbs something wicked this way comes

What is the first apparition

Head with horns

What does the first apparition mean

He's saying to be afraid of Macduff

What is the second apparition

A bloody child

What does the second apparition mean

No one born of a woman kill him

What is the third apparition

Child with a crown and tree

What does the third apparition mean

Safe until the woods come to the castle

What is the final apparition

8 kings and ghost of banquo

What does the final apparition mean

Banquo's sons won't be long until 8th generation

What bad news does Lennox give Macbeth

Macduff fled to England

What is lady macduffs view of her husband


What is the sons view of traitors

Everyone must be hung

What is macduffs view of Macbeth

Black devil

Who does macduff think should be king


Who do they get to help the war

King Edward and old Siward

Who has been spying on the macbeths


What does the spy say

Scotland is a mess

What does Ross initially lie about

The macduffs family was fine