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5 Cards in this Set

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In Excel, the response TRUE and FALSE are known as _______ ______. To achieve this, ______ operators are needed like =,<>, and >=. _____ operators are evaluated after arithmetic ones, so if formula is =(3+3)=6/3, (3+3) is eval. first, the 6/3, then whether they are equal. ______ operators can also evaluate text labels (ie. C2="Hello"). >, >=, etc can work as well, evaluating where a word is alphabetically (ie. ="Goodbye">"Hello" come up FALSE). This works with _____ as well.

True or False: Relational expressions are not case sensitive.

True or False: With relational operators, a greater value is one that appears earlier in the alphabet.
Boolean values; relational; Relational; relational; dates


OR function setup: ______

AND function setup: ______

NOT function setup: _______

Cannot use a range in Boolean expression (ie. =OR(D4:D21>90)). It evaluates it like this =D:D>90, using the same row to evaluate. Use another function at the end of the list comparing the Boolean values. Example?

Can also uses arrays to solve this problem (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)

You cannot use two operators (<=, >=, =, etc.) within the same logical_test argument of an IF function unless you also use OR or AND.
=OR(logical arg. 1, logical arg. 2...)

=AND(logical arg. 1, logical arg. 2...)

=NOT(logical arg. 1)
NOT is unlike AND / OR in this sense

=D4>90 for all list. At the bottom... =OR(D4:D21)
Examples of conditional formatting tools?

What tab is the conditional formatting button on?

Do text values require quotation marks?

What can you not change in Conditional Formatting?

If >1 conditional formatting rule exists, and they are not mutually exclusive, then if both rules are true, they will both be applied. However, if they conflict (ex: 2 different background colors), the ____ rule to be applied will be the overrule the others. Also note, the ____ rule created will appear _____. Another way to circumvent this is by unchecking the "_________" check box on the rule main menu.

If you to format a cell (like title) based on the values in another cell, then use "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" in the conditional formatting menu

The comparison phrase of "between" is used to set upper and lower limits ______ (inclusive/exclusive) of the specified values.
data bars (color), color scales (gradients), and icons.


No, Excel's Conditional Formatting adds them automatically

Font size or type (can change font style).

first; last; first; Stop if true

IF function is Boolean logical function that returns a value if TRUE and a value if FALSE. Like others, the IF function allows you to ____ additional formulas as its argument (including other _______.

If Function style?

Examples of log. test?

If text is desired for values if true/false, then quotation marks are needed. Value_if_false is considered optional, and if omitted returns FALSE. To return a blank cell, type ""

Don't use the IF function if unnecessary (ie. =IF(G6>0, TRUE, FALSE)
nest. IF functions

=IF(logical test, value if true, value if false)

- value True or False
- relational expression / Boolean logical expression resulting in T or F
Analyze this code:

=IF(NOT(OR(K3:M3)), "Reject", IF(OR(AND(K3, NOT(OR(L3:M3))), AND(OR(L3:M3), NOT(K3))), "Further Evaluate", "Accept"))

What is the absolute value function?

=AND(F3,NOT(OR(G3:H3))) is an example of a(n) _____ construct.

=NOT(OR(K3:M3)) is an example of a(n) _____ construct.
= if it is false that either K3 or L3 or M3 are true, then reject, otherwise, if either (K3 is true and it is false that L3 or M3 are true), or (L3 or M3 are true and K3 is not true), then Further Evaluate, otherwise Accept.



"None of"