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21 Cards in this Set

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Classic triad of Rickettsiae infection
fever, headache, rash (replicate in endothelium = vasculitis)
What class of organism are Rickettsiae?
obligate intracell bacteria
List 3 host factors that Rickettsiae take advantage of during infection
Three things Coxiella more dangerous than other Rickettsiae?
1. respiratory transmission (instead of through arthropods),
2. resist lysosomal degradation,
3. long term viability outside the cell (resist drying)
Two intracellular locations Rickettsiae can replicate
1. w/in phagosome,
2. in cytoplasm (use phospholipase A to exit phagosome)
3 ways Rickettsiae can spread w/in a host
1. via neighboring cells,
2. budd off,
3. lyse cell
Typical vector & reservoir of Rickettsiae
Vector = insects (ticks, fleas, mites, lice);
Reservoir = rodents
Typical tx of Rickettsia infection
Cause, vector, reservoir of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Cause = Rickettsia rickettsii,
Vector = wood & dog tick,
Reservoir = dogs, sm rodents
Presentation of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
1. fever,
2. severe headache,
3. rash initially involving extremities
Where is the highest distribution of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in the US?
SE Atlantic, S central states
Cause & vector of Rickettsialpox
Rickettsia akari from bloodsucking mites
3 phases of Rickettsialpox infection
1. firm red papule/vesicle at bite site that turns black,
2. classic triad sxs,
3. self-limiting course (non-lethal)
Cause, vector & reservoir of Epidemic typhus
Rickettsia prowazekii from body louse (in feces), human reservoir
Contrast the rash found in RMSF & Epidemic Typhus*
RMSF = starts on extremities,
ET = starts on trunk
RMSF on wRists, Typhus on Trunk
What is Brill-Zinsser dz
milder relapse of Epidemic typhus
What is the spread of Epidemic typhus assoc'd w/?
unsanitary conditions and crowding
Cause, vector & reservoir of Endemic (Murine) typhus
Rickettsia typhi, rat/cat flea vector, rodent reservoir
Typical location of Endemic Typhus in US
temperate/subtropical coastal areas
2 forms of Ehrlichiosis
1. human monocyte ehrlichiosis (HME),
2. granulocytic ehrlichiosis (GE)
For both forms of Ehrlichiosis, common presentation & lab findings
present w/ flu like illness, show leuko/thrombocytopenia & elevated transaminases