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70 Cards in this Set

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Why do we breath?
supply oxygen and remove CO2, maintain acid base balance of blood
what are the mechanics of respiration
elastic recoil and compliance, diffusion of o2 and co2
When you breathe in, O2 is higher or lower in the alveoli
collapsed alveoli is called
Right lung has how many lobes? Left has?
3 and 2
hypoxia is
decreased oxygen
hypercapnia is
increase co2
the body responds to what changes first where respiration is concerned?
hypoxia, lack of o2
What is the Hering Breuer felex?
its affect is strech sensors in the alveoli, if the lungs are sterched too much, they stop breathing
pro receptors in the body respond to ___ to increase ___
exercise to increase respiration
Hemoptysis is
subjective assessment for respirations include
cough, dyspnea, chest pain, smoking history, enviromental exposure, meds, past med/surg
kyphosis is
convex back
barrel chest is
enlarged chest area, rigid
5 p's of circulatory checks
what laboratory diagnostic tests would you do for pneumonia
C & S of sputum, gram stain,
ABG, Hg, Hct
abnormal clubbing of the finger tips would be found r/t
chronis hypoxia
a really good sign for pulmonary edema is
crackles or rales, usually hear at the end of respiration
adventitious sounds are
crackles, wheezing, rhonchi, stridor
where do you ausculate for crackles or rales
over the lung filds, heard in the lung bases first with pumonary edema, caused by interstitial lungs water and deflated alveoli popping open
where is the best place to ausculate for rhonchi?
over the large airways, timing-inspiration and exhalation more pornounced on exhalation, caused by narrow airways from mucuous secretions, sounds like intermitent rumbling
where is the best place to ausculate for wheezing
over the lung fields and airways occurs on inhale and exhale from narrowed airways, high pitched shisling
Chest pain is very common for a pulmonary ____.
have decreased breath sounds
This describes what? apprehension, tachypnea, chest pain, confusion, dyspnea, cough heoptysis, pallor, fever, decreased breath sounds-rales and friction rub over affected areas
pulmonary embolus
this describes what? tachypnea, cough, intercostal retraction, flaring of nare, dyspnea, apprehension, use of accessory muscles, inhalation and exhalation wheezing, diminished breath sounds
this describes what? tachypnea, used of accessory mucles, incread expiratory time, intercostal retraction, increase AP diameter of chest, rales, shochi, wheezed, decreased intensity of breath sounds
this describes what? tachypnea, cyanosis, trachea deviated to the side of pneumothorax, decreased movement of the ches on the side of the pneumothorax, decrease breath sounds
describes what? tachypnea, cough fever, decrease diaphragm movement, occasiona rhonchi, fine medium rales increased tactile fremitius
describes what? tachypnea, tachycardia, trachea deviated to the side of the affected area, decrease chest expansion on affeted dside, occasional rales
describes what? occasional tachpnea, trahcea deviated from side of effusion, decreased breath sounds over area, occasional rales
pleural effusion
describes what? tachpnea, apprehension, use of accessory muscles, frothy putum, distended neck veins, tachycardia, pmi displaces, initally fine rales progress to coarse, wheezing may be present
pulmonary edema
Collapsed section of alveoli or an entire lung due to 1. Obstruction, 2. Compression, 3. Lack of surfactant
Infection in lung that leaves alveolar membrane edematous and porous, allowing RBC and WBC’s to pass from blood to alveoli. Alveoli fill up with bacteria, debris, fluid and blood cells replacing alveolar air
lobular pneumonia
This Assessment might indicate what?
Pain in chest with breathing
Increased RR, HR
Productive cough
lobular pneumonia
Common after surgery, use incentive spirometer
Barrel chest, use of accessory muscles. Shortness of breath. Tachypnea. Pursed lip breathing

Decreased breath sounds, prolonged expiration. Muffled heart sounds from over distention of lungs
Reaction to allergen causing bronchospasm, inflammation, bronchiole edema and mucous in the airways
Effusion-Collection of excess fluid in intrapleural space.
pleural effusion
Dyspnea, possible pain
Increased respirations, dry cough, tachycardia, cyanosis, abdominal distention. Tracheal shift away from affected side

Decreased or absent
breath sounds
pleural effusion
Pneumothorax-Free air in pleural space causing lung collapse; spontaneous, traumatic, tension
Unequal chest expansion. If large, tachypnea, cyanosis, tracheal shift to unaffected side, apprehension

Breath sounds decreased or absent on affected side.
Thrombus, fat or air bubble lodge in right heart and occlude pulmonary vessels
Pulmonary Embolism-
Increased permeability of pulmonary capillaries and alveolar epithelium
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Dyspnea, apprehensive

Restless, disoriented, cough, thin frothy sputum, retractions, decreased PaO2-alkalosis

Crackles, rhonchi
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Is it possible to determine the type of pneumonia by clinical manifestations
sputum color in pneumonia would indicate what?
Sputum production rust colored for Klebsiella and strep and staphylococal
pneumonia (community acauired)
Most common forms of bacterial pneumonia are
Streptococcal pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeurginosa, Legionella
Most common forms of viral pneumonia are
Influenza, parainfluenza, Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus
this pneumonia smells really bad and is thick green
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
If a person has a community acquired pneumonia they would
dvelop within 48 hours of admit or prior to admit
HAP, hospital acquired pneumonia happens how
compromised host defenses impaired, reaches lower resp tract and overwhelms, e coli, influenza, MRSA
pus in pleural cavity
A general term applied to a symptom complex involving the epiglottis, glottis and larynx characterized by hoarseness and a barking cough, and inspiratory stridor as a result of edema of larynx and airway obstruction. May have fever. Generally occurs at night
croup most common in 1-3 yo, after 3 often bacterial, starts as URI
Use of accessory muscles marked by retraction on inspiration. Implies blockage of branch of respiratory tree
Inspiratory stridor is generally from obstruction
above the glottis-foreign body
Expiratory stridor is generally from obstruction
below the trachea
irreversible lung distention and ABG imbalance is what
Primary symptoms of COPD are
cough, sputum production and dyspnea
for a child with croup do not use
Drooling, forward position, stridor and retractions DO NOT depress tongue- may cause laryngeal spasm and complete tracheal obstruction in event of epiglottitis
to suction a trach limit suction to
2-3 times and 10-15 seconds each
why do you always need a tach kit when cleaning a trach
incase the pt coughs it out, only replace straps with two nurses, reinsert immeadiately if expelled
If pt uses a metered dose inhaler teach to use
1-2" from opening of mouth, if steriod-rinse mouth out after to avoid thrush
Inflammation and narrowing of bronchial airways
asthma and bronchitis
asthma has ___ wheeze
the presence of air in the pleural space is known as
Salmetrol (Serevent) 2 inhalations every 12 hoursr
relaxes smooth muscles brochodilatory, reduces broncho spasms in exercise induced or COPD maintenance, use with maintenance meds
flovent used for
asthma maintenance, rinse mouth after, decrease inflammation
therapy for postural drainage with percussion is for
loosening secretion for coughing or expectant in pneumonia or mucous
antibiotic used for pneumonia would be based on
C & S and patients history