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12 Cards in this Set

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a foreign key imposes a specific kind of integrity to related tables. What is the name of this integrity?


A(n) _______ consists of individual user views of portions of the database

External-Level Schema

An attribute that is used as a linkage from records in one table to a record in another table is specified as the _________.

Foreign Key

Data are stored on a computer system in files. The two basic file types are:

Master and Transaction

Which of the following statements is NOT true with respect to the characteristics of the Master and the Transaction files?

a transaction file is similar to a ledger in a manual accounting system.

Which of the following cannot be blank (null)?

Primary Key

Every DBMS provides for the three basic functions of creating, changing, and querying the database. Sets of commands (languages) exist to perform each of the three functions. Select the option that matches the order of the languages to the order of the functions: querying, creating, and changing the database.


When creating a table to store info from purchase order source documents, one must consider where to store each data item. At times, several tables are created to store all of the data items. For a purchase order, identify which table would be required for storage of the data.

Purchase order table, purchase order line item table, vendor table, inventory table

Third normal form is a term used to describe:

a data base that is well structured.

Anomalies can oocur in a poorly designed database. One type of anomaly occurs when the removal of a record in the customer table inadvertantly removes info about sales. What is the name of this anomaly?

Delete Anomaly

"Get me the date attribute of the third tuple in the sales order relation" What is being requested?

The person want the value in the date fiedl of the third record in the sales order table.

The file-oriented approach to data storage creates a set of files for each application program. The data-base approach combines all of the files in a database and lets the application programs pull the data that they need through a DBMS. Which of the following are statements is/are correct?

All of the above are correct:

-the database approach separates the logical view of data from the physical view

-the database approach reduces the amount of data redundancy in an organization

-the database approach views data as an organizational resource that should be managed by the organization rather than by individual departments.