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47 Cards in this Set

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machination is a carefully crafted scheme or plot, usually to achieve some sinister goal
an artful or secret plot or scheme, esp. one with evil intent


A plot to steal something is an example of a machination.

[incredibly complicated machinations to assassinate the president that inevitably failed]

[There will be as much machination as is required for this goal]

ষড়যন্ত্র করা
চক্রান্ত করা
অভিসন্ধি করা


[the hackers machinated a way to steal credit numbers from the company's Web site]
very generous or forgiving, esp. toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself
মহানুভব, বিশালহৃদয়, মহৎ


[Haney is a true sportsman, always magnanimous and complimentary to his rivals]

[Mrs. Jones magnanimously offered the little boy a cookie when he came over to confess that he had accidentally broken her window while playing baseball]

To be magnanimous is to have magnanimity
a rich, powerful, or very successful businessperson
ধনশালী ব্যক্তি
ক্ষমতাবান্ ব্যক্তি


[Experience also shows that our present rulers and corporate magnates will not yield without a fight]


অস্বাচ্ছন্দ্য বোধ, অস্থিরতাবোধ

A general feeling of mental uneasiness, depression, lethargy (ঝিমুনি), or discomfort whose exact cause is difficult to identify


a mild sickness, not symptomatic of any disease or ailment (অসুস্থতা)


[Fatigue occurs with malaise in many common diseases]

[My malaise hindered me from attending school today]

[a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise]


illegal or dishonest activity especially by a public official or a corporation


[The investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate malfeasance]

very serious and dangerous (in medical: likely to grow and spread in a rapid and uncontrolled way that can cause death)


very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect

Malignant is used to describe tumors or physical conditions that are life-threatening.

[Lina has had recurring (occur again) tumors since the operation; we’re just glad that none of them have proved malignant]

[a powerful and malignant influence]


to pretend to be sick to avoid doing work


[Indolent Leon always malingered when it was his turn to clean up the house]


[Modeling clay is very malleable. So is Stuart. We can make him do whatever we want him to do]


having or showing a wish to do evil to others

পরের অমঙ্গল কামনাকারী

পরশ্রীকাতর,  ঈর্ষাপরায়ণ


someone or something that is harmful or evil




[The malevolent step mother locked Cinderella in the broom closet]


the intention or desire to do evil; ill will






[I bear no malice toward anybody]


[She claimed that her criticisms were without malice]

causing or intended to cause harm;
evil in nature or effect;
to say bad things about (someone or something) publicly
[a candidate who believes that it is possible to win an election without maligning anyone]
[she had a strong and malign influence]
an official order to do something
an authority to act in a certain way


Mandate can also be a verb. To mandate something is to command or require it or to give someone an authority to act in a certain way.

[Royal mandates must be obeyed]

[he officially handed them the mandate to form a government]



সুস্পষ্ট,  স্পষ্টত প্রতীয়মান

clearly shown or visible

easy to understand or recognize




to show (something) clearly

স্পষ্টভাবে প্রকাশ করা




[Their sadness was manifest in their faces]


[Ray manifested signs of severe depression]


a written statement that describes the policies, goals, and opinions of a person or group

উদ্দেশ্য, কর্মসূচি প্রভৃতি সম্বন্ধে প্রকাশ্য ঘোষণা-পত্র




[The group's manifesto focused on helping the poor and stopping violence]


to arrange (a group of people, such as soldiers) in an orderly way


to move or lead (a group of people) in a careful way


to arrange or prepare (something, such as your thoughts or ideas) in a clear, effective, or organized way




an officer of the highest rank in some military forces


a federal official who is responsible for doing the things that are ordered by a court of law, finding and capturing criminals, etc




[She carefully marshaled her thoughts before answering the question]


[the general marshaled his troops]


of or relating to war or soldiers




having to do with combat




[one of the basic tenets of martial law]


[martial arts]





to kill (someone) for refusing to give up a belief or cause



[she was martyred for her faith]

to become a student at a school and especially in a college or university
[Benny told everyone he was going to Harvard, but he actually matriculated to the local junior college]


silly and overly sentimental




[He became maudlin and started crying like a child]


an unorthodox or independent-minded person who refuses to follow the customs or rules of a group


a nonconformist




[The maverick police offic er got in trouble with the department for using illegal means to track down criminals]


a well-known phrase that expresses a general truth about life or a rule about behavior


an old saying




[We always tried to live our lives according to the maxim that it is better to give than to receive]


মধ্যস্থতা করা

intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation


to have an effect or influence in causing (something) to happen




[He is attempting to mediate a settlement between the company and the striking workers]


(of a voice, sound or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear




[a rich, mellifluous voice that gets her a lot of work in radio and TV commercials]


মিথ্যাবাদী,  অসত্য

not honest

likely to tell lies

based on lies




[The newspaper story was mendacious and hurtful]


[Thieves are naturally mendacious]


a beggar





[those wretched mendicants on the streets of Calcutta]


an experienced and trusted adviser

a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
বিজ্ঞ ও বিশ্বস্ত পরামর্শদাতা ও পথপ্রদর্শক




[After college, her professor became her close friend and true mentor]


[The young intern was mentored by the country's top heart surgeon]


a hired soldier;


some one who will do anything for money




caring only about making money




[His motives in choosing a career were purely mercenary]


[Our business contains a few dedicated workers and many, many mer ce nar ies, who want to make a quick buck and then get out]


emotionally unpredictable;

rapidly changing in mood




[the boss's mood is so mercurial that we never know how he's going to react to anything]


[Mercurial Helen was crying one minute, laughing the next]


[A person with a mercurial personality is one who changes rapidly and unpredictably between one mood and another]


a magical change in form;

a striking or sudden change




[We have watched her metamorphosis from a shy schoolgirl into a self-confident businesswoman]


[a company that has gone through a series ofmetamorphoses]


the world in miniature


something (such as a place or an event) that is seen as a small version of something much larger




[The village is a microcosm of the whole country]


[Our community, which holds so many different communities, institutions, busi ness es, and types of people, is a microcosm of the larger world]


সামাজিক পরিবেশ

পারিপার্শ্বিক পরিবেশ

environment; surroundings

a person's social environment




[young, innovative artists thrive in the freewheeling milieu that a big city offers]


[he grew up in a military milieu]


freewheeling - not controlled or limited


very tiny




[Hank’s salary was minuscule, but the benefits were pretty good]





disliking humankind and avoiding human society




The opposite of a misanthrope is a philanthropist


[a misanthropic drunken loner]


[a misanthropic outlook on life that probably stems from a childhood filled with physical and emotional abuse]





a person who hates women




to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful

উপশম করা, প্রশমিত করা,  তীব্রতা হ্রাস করা

alleviate,  assuage, palliate




[medicines used to mitigate a patient's suffering]


to calm (someone) down

শান্ত করা,  কোমল করা,  প্রশমিত করা

appease the anger or anxiety of (someone)




[Lucy mollified the angry police officer by kissing his hand]


[The baby-sitter was unable to mollify the cranky child, who cried all night]


characterized by massiveness, total uniformity, rigidity, invulnerability, etc


solid, uniform & unbroken


formed of a single large block of stone




[A huge corporation is often said to be monolithic, especially if it is enormous and powerful and all its parts are dedicated to the same purpose]


[a monolithic society]


[a boat with a monolithic hull]


[This 1980-81 piece is his last monolithic sculpture and his last to be of a single material]





(of a person) at the point of death




[an actor who is trying to revive his moribund career]


[The steel industry in this country was moribund a few years ago, but now it seems to be reviving somewhat]


বিষণ্ণ,  রূক্ষ,  খিটখিটে

very sad or unhappy & ill-tempered


[Louise was always so morose about everything that she was nev er any fun to be with]


[He became morose and withdrawn and would not talk to anyone]


a sad mood or feeling

মনমরা,  বিষাদ




[she felt a little melancholy]


[The girls tried to cheer up their melancholy roommate]


[My cat was shot and so my sister was in a melancholy mood for awhile]


to humiliate;


to cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed and foolish




[I was mortified when my father asked my girlfriend wheth er she thought I was a dumb, pathetic wimp]


dull and ordinary;


relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things;




[Dee’s job was so mundane she sometimes had trouble remem ber ing whether she was at work or asleep]


[mundane chores, like washing dishes]


[They lead a pretty mundane life]


[prayer and meditation helped her put her mundane worries aside]


very generous





[The munificent millionaire gave lots of money to any char i ty that came to him with a request]


lack of foresight




[The president suffered from economic myopia; he was unable to see the consequences of his fiscal policies]


(medical) a condition of the eye that makes it difficult to see objects that are far away




a huge number

অগণ্য, অসংখ্য




[A country sky on a clear night is filled with a myriad of stars]


[There are a myriad of reasons why I don’t like school]



A period of thought