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77 Cards in this Set

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Drain head and neck region?
cervical nodes
Location of cervical nodes?
along lower border of mandible, in front of and behind ears, deep neck alongside major blood vessels
Where do all cervical nodes drain eventually?
deep cervical chain
Where do cervical nodes empty on one side?
jugular trunks of same side
Where does left jugular trunk empty?
thoracic duct
Where does right jugular trunk empty?
right lymphatic duct
What is a major way infections and cancer can spread?
via lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage system is intimately connected to which system of vessels?
Where does right side of head, neck, UE and thorax empty?
right lymphatic duct
Where does the majority of the body empty?
thoracic duct
Where do superficial cervical nodes drain?
superior deep cervical nodes
What are the superficial cervical nodes of the head region?
occipital, posterior auricular, superficial parotid, submandibular, submental nodes
Where are the occipital nodes?
superficial cervical nodes on back of head
Where are the posterior auricular nodes?
superficial cervical nodes behind ears near mastoid processes
Where are the superficial parotid nodes?
superficial cervical nodes on parotid gland in front of ear
Where are the submandibular nodes?
superficial cervical nodes below the mandible
Where do the facial nodes empty?
submandibular nodes
What are the facial nodes?
infraorbital, maxillary, buccal, mandibular nodes
Where do submental nodes empty?
submandibular nodes
Where are the submental nodes?
superficial cervical nodes on anterior mandible below mental protuberance
What are the superficial cervical nodes found in the neck?
superficial cervical chain
Where is the superficial cervical chain of the neck located?
on top of SCM m.
Where are the deep cervical nodes located?
deep to SCM m. and parallel to carotid sheath
Which group of deep cervical nodes drains the head region?
superior group of deep cervical nodes
Which group of deep cervical nodes drains the chest and neck region?
inferior group of deep cervical nodes
Which m. is used as a reference point and is close to the inferior group of deep cervical nodes?
omohyoid m.
Which node collects drainage from the tonsils?
jugulo-digastric node
Which node lies inferior to angle of the mandible?
jugulo-digastric node
Which node is located at the top of the superior group of deep cervical nodes?
jugulo-digastric node
Which node is part of the inferior group of deep cervical nodes?
jugulo-omohyoid node
Which node lies near the tendon of the omohyoid m.?
jugulo-omohyoid node
Which node drains the tongue?
jugulo-omohyoid node
Which nodes drain head and neck region?
superior group of deep cervical nodes
Which nodes drain the midline?
Nodes on both sides (bilateral drainage)
Which nodes drain the lateral part of the face including the eyelids?
parotid nodes
Which nodes drain the anterior face, including medial eyes, nose, upper lip, gums, teeth, most of the tongue and lateral lower lip?
submandibular nodes
Where do submandibular and parotid nodes empty?
deep cervical nodes
Which nodes drain the area posterior to the ear and the scalp?
posterior auricular and occipital nodes
Which nodes drain the upper lip and lateral portion of the lower lip?
submandibular nodes
Which nodes drain midline of lower lip, floor of the mouth, and the tip of the tongue?
submental nodes
Where do submental nodes empty?
submandibular nodes
Which nodes drain anterior tip of tongue?
submental nodes
Which nodes drain lateral portion of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
submandibular nodes
Which nodes drain midline of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
inferior deep cervical nodes bilaterally
Which nodes drain posterior 1/3 of tongue?
superior deep cervical nodes bilaterally
Which nodes drain the scalp anterior to the ear?
superficial parotid and buccal nodes
What forms natural planes of cleavage in the neck during surgery?
fascial compartments of the neck
What allows structures in the neck to move and pass over each other easily while swallowing and turning the head and neck?
fascial coverings
What can provide a route for the spread of infection in the neck?
spaces created by the concentric fascial rings
Which layer of fascia lies between the dermis of the skin and deep fascia?
superficial cervical fascia
Which layer of fascia contains cutaneous nn., blood and lymphatic vessels, and superficial lymph nodes?
superficial cervical fascia
Which layer of fascia contains the platysma m.?
superficial cervical fascia
Which layer of fascia blends inferiorly w/ the superficial fascia of the deltoid, pectoral, and back regions?
superficial cervical fascia
What are the 3 layers of deep cervical fascia?
investing (enveloping) fascia, visceral, prevertebral
Which layer of fascia circles the neck and envelops the SCM and trapezius mm.?
investing (enveloping) fascia
Which layer of fascia covers the submandibular and parotid glands, masseter and temporalis mm. superiorly?
investing (enveloping) fascia
The stylomandibular ligament is a modification of which layer?
investing (enveloping) fascia
What is formed when the investing (enveloping) layer splits to attach to the anterior and posterior portion of the sternum?
suprasternal space
What contains the inferior ends of the anterior jugular vv., fat, and deep lymph nodes?
suprasternal space
What are the two divisions of visceral fascia?
pretracheal and buccopharyngeal divisions
Which division of visceral fascia lies anteriorly and in front of the trachea and thyroid?
pretracheal division
Which division of visceral fascia lies posteriorly and covers the posterior wall of the pharynx and infrahyoid mm.?
buccopharyngeal division
Which layer of fascia runs superiorly to the hyoid bone and inferiorly to the fibrous pericardium around the great vessels?
visceral fascia
Which layer of fascia encloses the infrahyoid mm.?
visceral fascia
Which layer of fascia tethers the omohyoid m.?
visceral fascia
Which layer of fascia contains the pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, posterior nasal and oral cavities, and thyroid gland?
visceral fascia
Which layer of fascia surrounds the deep mm. of the neck, spinal nn., and vertebrae?
prevertebral fascia
Which layer of fascia extends from the base of the skull to the T3 vertebrae, where it fuses w/ the anterior longitudinal ligament?
prevertebral fascia
Which layer of fascia extends laterally to form the axillary sheath that surrounds axillary vessels and the brachial plexus?
prevertebral fascia
Which layer of fascia contains the superior portions of the sympathetic trunk?
prevertebral fascia
What is the space between the prevertebral and buccopharyngeal fascia?
retropharyngeal space
Which space allows movement of the pharynx, larynx, and esophagus relative to the vertebral column during swallowing?
retropharyngeal space
Which space is closed superiorly by the base of the skull and laterally by the carotid sheath?
retropharyngeal space
Which space opens inferiorly into the mediastinum?
retropharyngeal space
Which space provides a route for spread of infections from the neck to the mediastinum?
retropharyngeal space
What is the tubular fascial structure from the base of the skull to the root of the neck?
carotid sheath
What is embedded around carotid sheath?
deep cervical nodes and ansa cervicalis