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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of the LymFATic System?

-Transports fluid called lymph

-keps body safe from harmful things that enter the body

What is the spleen

-filter like bean shaped organ

-recycles old red blood cells

-storage for white blood cells

What are the LymFATic Vessels

-transports lymph through the body

What are lymph nodes

-t-cells or lymphocytes gets produced (type of white blood cell)

-bacteria collected from lymph gets destroyed

What is the Thymus?

-organ where T-cells mature and develop

-found in front of heat and behind the sternum

What is the appendix?

-where some lymphoid cells are found

what are the Tonsils?

-first line of defence for bacteria when they enter the mouth

What type of system is the LymFATic?

-uses nutrients

-cats as filter for blood

-leaves the blood cells and reds of plasma

-filters waste from staying in blood and keeps nutrients

Hodgkin's Lymphoma

-Common disease of LymFATic

-type of blood cell tumor (lymphoma)

-comes from lymphocytes

-occurs when white blood cells become diseased

-also known as hodgkin's disease

how does the LymFATic system interacts with other systems?

-with circulatory system by ridding fluids of harmful substances

-returns those fluid back to circulatory

What is interesting tech for the LymFATic system?

too lazy for this part. I'll do it later

What is the purpose of the Muscular System

-helps move

-keeps your heart beating

-keeps you upright

-controls facial expression and speech

Helps you digest food

what are muscle fibres?

-tiny elastics strand that make up the muscle

stretch and contract to move the muscle

What is the Cardiac muscle?

-found only in heart

-made of material called myocardium

-makes heart pump, which circulates blood throughout body

What is the Smooth muscles?

-Muscle in walls of internal organs

-found in stomach , intestines, blood vessels, bladder etc.

What type of system is the Muscular?

-is a controlling system

-controls all body movement

What is the interaction with the nervous system?

-nervous system transports messages from brain to body

-delivers messages to muscles about when and how to move

What it the interactions with the digestive system

-smooth muscles inside the stomach expands and contracts to squeeze food through

-also control urination and defecation

Common dysfunction of the Muscular System?

-high stress on muscle cause stress and muscle fibres to break

-common strained areas: hamstrings, groin, back, calf

-stretching lengthens muscles, makes it less liekly to strain

what is and interesting tech on the muscualar system?

-IMS (intramuscular Stimulation) is as method used to relieve muscle tension

-involves putting thin needle into the tense muscle

-special machine then run electrical current through needle

-current makes the muscle twitch, and relieves tension

Where is the sternocleidomasetroid located?

on the neck

Where are the Deltoids located?

on top of the shoulder and the uppermost part of the arm

Where are the Triceps located?

Behind of upper arm

Where are the drugs hidden?

In the white house

Where are the biceps found?

In the front side of the upper arm

where are the pectoralis located?

On the chest from the shoulder to the breast bone

Where are the rectus abdominis located?

also known as abs, begins at the pubic bone to sternum.

where are the hamstrings located?

runs back of thigh

Where are the quadriceps located?

front of the thigh

Where are the gastrocnemius located?

back of the lower leg, part of calf

What is the purpose of the circulatory system?

-supply rest of systems with oxygen and nutrients

What is the circulatory system made of?

-heart,arteries, veins, liver, kidneys

What is the heart?

-pumps the blood

what is the Artery?

-splits into multiple veins and carries the blood from the heart elsewhere

What are the veins?

-carries the blood out of the arteries to the organs

What is the liver?

-takes the nutrients out of the blood and stores it until they are needed

What is the Kidney?

Purifies the blood and sends the waste matter to the excretory system

What type of system is the circulatory system?

-uses nutrients

-heart requires nutrients to pump blood

What system does the Circulatory system interact with?

-muscular system and the skeletal system

How does the Circulatory system interact with the muscular system?

-Circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to muscles

How does the Circulatory system interact with the skeletal system?

-blood in Circulatory system is created in the marrow of the bones

What is the common disease of the Circulatory system ?

-the heart attack

What is the heart attack?

-a myocardial infarction happens when fat hardens inside a vein and cause the muscle tissue to dies resulting in death if untreated

What is an interesting tech in the Circulatory system ?

The 3D stem cell printing

What is an stem cell?

-cells that can self-replenish (create more of themselves) and change into another kind of celld

What is an Omnipotent?

-can turn into any cell

-create complete organisms

-found in fertilized eggs

What is a Pluripotent?

-descendants of omnipotent

-turn into almost any cell

What is Multipotent?

-turn into specific families of cells

What is the point of Stem cells?

-can create replacement of heart and artery