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15 Cards in this Set

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What are closed-eneded tubes that are found among most blood capillary networks?
lymphatic capillaries
When are lymphatic capillaries not found among blood capillaries?
In the red bone marrow and central nervous system
What are lymphatic capillaries?
closed-ended tubes that are found among most blood capillary networks
How are lymphatic capillaries similar to a blood capillary?
its wall is an endothelium,
How are lymphatic capillaries different than blood vessels?
larger in diameter, lack a basement membrane, and have overlapping endothelial cells
What do the overlapping endothelial cells do?
act like one-way flaps: when interstitial fluid pressure rises, the margins of the endothelial cells push into the lymphatic capillary lumen and allow interstitial fluid to enter. When the pressure increases in the lymphatic capillary, the cell wall margin pushes back into place next to the adjacent endothelial cell. The fluid is now trapped in the lymph capillary and cannot be released back into the tissues.
What does the small intestine contain?
Special types of lymphatic capillaries called "lacteals" that pick up not only interstitial fluid, but also dietary lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamins that must be dissolved in lipids before they can be absorbed)
What are lacteals and where are they located?
special types of lypmhatic capillaries that pick up interstitial fluid and also dietary lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamins that must be dissolved in lipids before they can be absorbed), located in the small intestine
What do lymphatic capillaries merge to form?
lymphatic vessels
How do lymphatic vessels resemble small veins?
both contain 3 tunics (intima, media, externa), one-way vlaves
What do the valves in the lymphatic vessels do?
prevent lymph from pooling in the vessel and help prevent lymph backflow
What helps move lymph through vessels?
contraction of nearby skeletal muscles
Lymphatic fluid passes repeatedly through what to be repeatedly examined for the presence of foreign/pathologic material?
lymph nodes
Explain the path of lymph
Capillaries to vessels to muscles, lymph nodes all along the way examine the presence of foreign or pathogenic materials. Phagocytic cells eat bacteria here.
What are formed by merging lymphatic vessels?
lymphatic trunks