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33 Cards in this Set

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Lymphatic Pathologies







Lymphatic System

Helps maintain fluid balance, transports, nutrients and metabolic wastes along with disease-fighting functions.

Anatomical structures of lymphatic system

-lymph (fluid)

-lymph vessels

- lymph glands

-lymph nodes

-organs that move lymph fluid through vessels

-lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells)

(Ex; bone marrow, thymus, spleen, tonsils,MALT-Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue)

Manifestations of lymphatic and immune


-skin discoloration

-unexplained bruising or skin pigmentation

-presence of rash, hives or scaliness

-enlarged lymph nodes


-limbs unequal in temperature

-history of chronic fatigue

-failure to gain or maintain weight

-excercise intolerance

-unexplained weight loss

Specific immunity

When pathogens penetrate the first line of

defense, the lymphatic system becomes


Can be acquired



artificially: vaccinations

Adaptive immunity

Responses recognize specific pathogens and

respond by launching an attack against them should they reappear.

Primary cells involved in adaptive immunity

Specialized lymphocytes called T cells and B Cells

All blood cells are formed

In red bone marrow

Autoimmune diseases

T and B cells are unable to distinguish the body's own tissues from something that is foreign to the body.

These cells then attack the tissues.


*Lymphedema: abnormal accumulation of fluids within interstitial spaces caused by impaired lymph flow which causes swelling

Primary: is rare caused by malformation during fetal development

Secondary:caused by condition that creates a loss of lymph transport and impairs flow and causes swelling


*Abnormal accumulation of fluids resulting from an overloaded lymph transport system which cause she swelling. (Normal functioning)

Pitting edema

Leaves a depression or pit in the skin for several minutes after firm pressure is applied and


Non-pitting edema

Does not leave a dent after the skin is compressed and released.

*most edema is non-pitting

Etiology of Lymphedema

Infections, tumors, or damage or surgical

removal of lymphatic structures

Etiology of edema

May be caused by venous stasis as a consequence of sitting too long.

Some medications

Often a presenting sign of heart, liver, and kidney disease

Associated with certain injuries as well as local systemic inflammatory [processes

Lower extremities:heart



Signs and symptoms of Lymphedema

Benign: presents with discomfort but rarely pain

Malignant: commonly described as painful

Treatment of Lymphedema/edema

-Limit salt intake

-Elevation of the area above level of heart

-Compressive bandages or stockings

-Gentle joint movements to encourage drainage

-Diuretics may be used to reduce fluid volume in edema but not Lymphedema


Massage considerations for Lymphedema

-avoid red and warm areas

- in Lymphedema avoid if client indicates

tendency to swell in that area

-in case of edema elevate no inflamed swollen area on cushion to elevate

-light pressure to stretch skin and improve lymph flow

--apply technique in the direction of normal

lymphatic flow toward groin or axillae plus soles of foot

-consider other medical conditions

-heat and all forms of thermal therapy are



Infection and inflammation of lymphatic vessels

It is most often a complication of a bacterial

infection indicating that a primary infection is spreading


Enlarged local lymph nodes

*Local contraindication

Non-Hodgkin Lymphona (malignant Lymphona)

Most common

Men more likely to get

More common in pre adolescence and in 50-70yr old

More widespread with multiple node involvement and non organized metas teases in early stages.

Well advanced at dianosis

Hodgkin Disease

Cancer of lymph nodes

First signs: large painless non tender lymph nodes in cervical area can be painful after drinking alcohol

Low grade fever, night sweats, weight loss,

fatigue and anemia


Altered immunologic responses to otherwise harmless substances

Approximately 50 million people in the US have allergies


Substance that produces allergic reaction

Type 1 allergic reaction

Most common reactions

Most perilous is anaphylaxis

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Prolonged and severe tiredness and disabling


Diagnosis is made after 50% decrease in activities of daily living for at least 6 months and has had at least four of more than 60 symptoms published by CDS and fatigue does not have

identifiable cause

Appears to be linked to an overactive immune


Signs and Symptoms of CFS

Confusion and memory deficits

Sleep disturbance

Influenza-like symptoms

Sore throat , headache fever, unexplained muscle soreness joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes

w/tenderness in neck or armpits

Depression is frequent complaint

Orthostatic hypotension

CFS massage considerations

Gentle massage

Ask about current symptoms

May reduce treatment time to 30 min

Lighter than normal pressure to keep from

further fatiguing client


(SLE) chronic autoimmune, inflammatory disease in which connective tissue is under attack.

Affects skin, bones, joints, nervous system, kidneys, lungs, and other organs.

Blood and blood vessels involved leading to

Raynaud's disease

2 other types (DLE) affects only skin

and drug-induced triggered by medication used to treat hypertension and arrhythmias resolving after medication is withdrawn.

Lupus treatment and massage considerations

Avoid aggravating factors: sun exposure, stress and activities that induce excessive fatigue

Massage contraindicated during periods of exacerbation or fever

During periods of remission a gentle full body massage is indicated avoiding areas with rash

Multiple myeloma

Cancer with plasma cells

Occurs in multiple bone marrow sites in the body

A high serum calcium level occurs as bone is


Frequent infections as well as anemia and

bleeding tendencies.

Raynaud's may be present

Disorders of kidney are common

Complaints of weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and weigh loss in addition to pain


Viral infection characterized by progressive impairment of the immune response and increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and malignant tumors

Stage IV- final stage of HIV

Average time from exposure to development of AIDS is just over 10 years

.9% of world's current population is infected with HIV

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