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17 Cards in this Set

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State function of lymphatic system

Carry interstitial fluid from tissue back to cardiovascular circulation and provide location for immune system to monitor the body

What parts make up yhr lymphatic system

2 parts, the lymphatic vesselsbehich transport fluids and lymphoid tissue and organs which house phagocytic cells and lymphocytes

How does fluid get into and out of lymphatic vessels

Hydrostatic and osmotic pressure cause fluid to be expelled in arterial end and reabsorbed in venous end in capillaries

What is lymph made of

It's made of interstatial fluid and plasma proteins that escape blood and must be returned

What happens if lymphatic fluid is not returned

If accumulates forming edema

Characteristics of lymphatic vessels

Permeable, have mini valves, one way tubes.

How is lymphatic system split and what does it drain

Right duct drains right arm, right head, right throat.

Left duct drains rest of body

Characteristics of lymphatic vessels

Thin walled

Large ones have valves

What causes lymph to move


Skelatel muscle

Change in thorax pressure

Smooth muscle in walls of large lymphatics

Function of lymph nodes

To remove foreign material from lymphatic stream and to produce lymphocytes that function in immune response

Where can you find large clusters of lymph nodes

In inguinal region, axillary, and cervical region

Explain structure of lymph nodes

1cm long

Burried in surrounding ct

Covered in fibrous capsule

Kidney shaped

Has soft reticular CT internally

Trabeculae CT divided into compartments

Cells of lymph noed have

Lymphocytic follicles with germinal center in outer cortex

Remaining cortical cells are t lymphocytes that circulate continously between blood, lymph node, lymphatic stream

Medullary has T and B lymphocytes

Descrive relationship of lymph with afferent and efferent vessels

It enters via afferent and exits via efferent

Theres less efferent to increase pressure and slow down drainage

What happens to germinal centers when B cells are activated

As B cells divide into plasma cells and increase in number the germinal centers increase in size

What tissue makes up lymph organs

Reticular CT

Where is lymph filtered

In lymph nodes only