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22 Cards in this Set

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Borellia burgdorferi: gram positive or negative
B. burdorferi: What media is this grown in?
B. burdorferi: How does this bug travel in the body?
via skin, nerves, lymphatics, blood
B. burdorferi: Where is the infection?
1. synovium of joints
2. chronic arthritis
3. nerves and CNS
4. heart
5. erythma migrans (EM)
B. burdorferi: Describe erythema migrans?
non-petechial, clear center, may occur anywhere not just at bite
B. burdorferi: What are the early stage symptoms of Lyme Disease (3-32 days)?
1. EM rash
2. fever, mm soreness, headache
B. burdorferi: What are the secondary stage symptoms of Lyme Disease (weeks / months)?
Neuro symptoms
- Bell's palsy (CN VII)
- cardiac manifestation (AV conduction defects)
B. burdorferi: What are the late stage symptoms of Lyme Disease (months/years)?
- migratory polyarthritis
- chronnic fatigue syndrome
- fibromyalgia
B. burdorferi: What do you look for on a Western blot
OpsA, B and C most prevalent
Name 3 types of spirocetes
1. Borellia
2. Treponema
3. Leptospira
Vector for Lyme Disease
anthropods: Ixodes ricinus
Reservoirs for Lyme Disease
small rodents, white footed mouse transmit to ticks
Amplifier for Lyme Disease
white tailed deer, no transmission from deer to tick
What is the B. Burdorferi Life Cycle
- Rodents infect tick larvae
- Nymphs ticks infect humans and mice
- Adult ticks infect humans and deer
How long after a tick bite do you have before infection sets in ?
couple of days
Lyme Disease: Tx for early stage
doxy, amox, erythro
Lyme Disease: Tx for late stage
doxy, amox, pen G, ceftriaxone
What is STARI?
Southestern Tick associated Rash Illness
What is STARI frequently misdiagnosed as?
Lyme Disease
What tick transmits STARI?
Lone Star tick
Is there a Lyme Disease Vaccine?
Yes, but pulled off the market
What is the mechanism of the Lyme Disease vaccine?
blocks OpsA when the bug is in the midgut