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121 Cards in this Set

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KeynotesQ: Problems of self-esteem and low self-confidence
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Bullying to family/subordinates and obsequious to superiors
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Intellectual and withdrawn, depression
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Anxiety about health, conflicts, career
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Weeps on being thanked
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Reverses letters and words when speaking or writing
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Stage fright (Arg Nitr)
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Worse morning on waking
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Worse missing meal or fasting
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Better open air
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Flaring of the alae nasi
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Deep furrows of brow or jowls
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Grey hair
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Desire sweets
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Averse cold drinks
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Loud rumbling in abdomen
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Bloated and distended abdomen worse eating
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Early satiety
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Ravenous appetite
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Wakes at night to eat, bulimia
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Heartburn with sour eructations
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Sexual promiscuity/Adultery
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Impotence/Premature ejaculation
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Right sided herpes
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Cracks on heel
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: One hand or foot colder than other
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Feet offensive
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Sleep only on right
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
KeynotesQ: Waking from hunger
KeynotesA: Lycopodium
EssencesQ: Lycopodium
EssencesA: Cowardice
FearsQ: Commitment, Marriage, Public Speaking, Ghosts, more
FearsA: Lycopodium
<HC1>C MPG%FearsQ: Lycopodium
FearsA: Commitment, Marriage, Public speaking, Ghosts (C MPG)
DelusionsQ: Has childish fantasies
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
DelusionsQ: Sees flies
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
DelusionsQ: Images in sleep
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
DelusionsQ: Hears music in evening every day
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
<HC1>SLC%DelusionsQ: Of being in two places at the same time
DelusionsA: Silica (2), Lycopodium (2), Cenchris contortrix (2) (SLC)
DelusionsQ: Presumptuous
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
DelusionsQ: Sees people in room on entering
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
DelusionsQ: Seems as if everything would vanish
DelusionsA: Lycopodium
<HC1>SAW%FoodCravingsQ: Lycopodium
FoodCravingsA: SWEETS (#1), Alcohol, Warm drinks (SAW)
<HC1>CO%FoodAversionsQ: Lycopodium
FoodAversionsA: COLD DRINKS (#1), Oysters (CO)
SidednessQ: Lycopodium
SidednessA: Right
SleepPosnQ: Lycopodium
SleepPosnA: Right side
TimeAggQ: Lycopodium
TimeAggA: 4-8 PM, Better midnight
<HC1>LPlat%SimilaritiesQ: Gratiola
SimilaritiesA: Lycopodium and Platina (LPlat)
<HC1>LM%SimilaritiesQ: Plumbum
SimilaritiesA: Lycopodium, Medorrhinum (LM)
ContraindicationsQ: Desire cold drinks (except in pharyngitis)
ContraindicationsA: Lycopodium
ContraindicationsQ: No GI symptoms
ContraindicationsA: Lycopodium
<HC1>SLIP SCNm%ComplementsQ: Lycopodium
ComplementsA: Sulph, Lach, Iod, Puls, Sep, Chel, Nat Mur (SLIP SCNm)
<HC1>LPhos%ComplementsQ: Argentum Nitricum
ComplementsA: Lycopodium, Phosphorous (LPhos)
ComplementsQ: Baryta Carbonica
ComplementsA: Lycopodium
ComplementsQ: Chelidonium
ComplementsA: Lycopodium
<HC1>HCL%ComplementsQ: Graphites
ComplementsA: Hepar, Causticum, Lycopodium (Concordant) (HCL)
<HC1>NHL%ComplementsQ: Lachesis
ComplementsA: Nitric Acid, Hepar, Lycopodium (NHL)
<HC1>SAIL B%ComplementsQ: Natrum muriaticum
ComplementsA: Sepia, Apis, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Bryonia (SAIL B)
<HC1>KSL FTC%ComplementsQ: Pulsatilla
ComplementsA: Kali Sulph, Silica, Lycopodium, Fluoricum Acidum, Tuberculinum, Calcarea carbonica (KSL FTC)
<HC1>LINN'S%ComplementsQ: Sepia
ComplementsA: Lycopodium, Ignatia, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Sabadilla (LINN'S)
KeynotesQ: Focus on genito-urinary tract
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: More urging & dysuria when the bladder is nearly empty
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Dropsy
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Nocturnal enuresis in first sleep
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Mucus in urine
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Aching, tender, full bladder, passes large quantities of clear urine without relief
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Dull pain in right kidney < pressure
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Pain in testicles and spermatic cord
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Pain in sacroiliac joint
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Want of self-confidence
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Responsibility
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Shrieking, screaming, shouting in sleep
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Worse from vaccination
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Excessive appetite
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Diabetes insipidus
KeynotesA: Equisetum
KeynotesQ: Headache in upper part of eye, wave-like pains, fullness
KeynotesA: Equisetum
ComplementsQ: Equisetum
ComplementsA: Silica
KeynotesQ: Symptoms of worms, esp. tapeworm infestation
KeynotesA: Filix mas (Male shield fern) (smallest dose of tincture - Hahnemann)
KeynotesQ: Irritable, morose
KeynotesA: Filix mas
KeynotesQ: Ailments during puberty
KeynotesA: Filix mas
KeynotesQ: Swelling of glands
KeynotesA: Filix mas
KeynotesQ: Blindness, blue rings around eyes
KeynotesA: Filix mas
KeynotesQ: Colic, painless hiccough
KeynotesA: Filix mas
KeynotesQ: Antidote for poison of snakes and spiders
KeynotesA: Selaginella apis (Creeping selaginella - a moss)
KeynotesQ: Excoriation & inflammation of the mucous membranes
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Hemorrhages & abnormal bleeding
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Great offensiveness in the inflamed part
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: HA worse before menses
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Mouth offensive
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: DIFFICULT DENTITION, child is irritable & crying (Cham)
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Gums inflamed, spongy & bleed or ulcerate easily
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Leucorrhea with itching, swelling & excoriation of vulva
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Menses excoriating and offensive
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Metrorrhagia worse coition
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: PMS with irritability, HA, nausea
KeynotesA: Kreosotum
FearsQ: Sex, in women
FearsA: Kreosotum
FearsQ: Kreosotum
FearsA: Sex, in women
FoodCravingsQ: Kreosotum
FoodCravingsA: Smoked food (Causticum)
DelusionsQ: Floating in air in a wavy haze
DelusionsA: Kreosotum
KeynotesQ: Chilly and worse cold
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Worse during winter
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Seasickness, motion sickness, airplane sickness
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Eruptions & moisture of genitalia, scrotum, thighs
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Perineal herpes and excoriation
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Dry eczema of the hands in laborers
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Dry, cracking skin disease, cracks deep & bloody
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Skin problems worse winter, better summer
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Psoriasis, eczema, herpes simplex, herpes zoster
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Low spirited, with dimness of sigh
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Sadness during menses, with weeping
KeynotesA: Petroleum
KeynotesQ: Indecisiveness, irresolution
KeynotesA: Petroleum
FearsQ: That death is near and must hurry to settle affairs (Aconite)
FearsA: Petroleum
FearsQ: Petroleum
FearsA: That death is near and must hurry to settle affairs (Aconite)
DelusionsQ: That she has three arms
DelusionsA: Petroleum
<HC1>PS%DelusionsQ: Has three legs
DelusionsA: Petroleum, Stramonium (PS)
<HC1>PA%DelusionsQ: Has a threefold body
DelusionsA: Petroleum, Arsenicum Album (PA)
DelusionsQ: One limb is double
DelusionsA: Petroleum
DelusionsQ: Two babies in bed
DelusionsA: Petroleum
DelusionsQ: Bed occupied by another person
DelusionsA: Petroleum
DelusionsQ: Someone is lying near
DelusionsA: Petroleum
DelusionsQ: Cold breeze blows on head
DelusionsA: Petroleum
FoodAversionsQ: Petroleum
FoodAversionsA: MEAT, FAT