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85 Cards in this Set

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Requires the nurse's full attention and involves a concerted effort to understand the full verbal and nonverbal message being sent.
Active Listening
Attendance of nonverbally to what the person is saying through eye contact and nodding, or verbally through encouraging phrases such as "Uh huh" and "I see".
Passive Listening
Lack of appetite resulting in the inability to eat. This symptom can occur in many disease conditions.
A condition of debility, loss of strength and energy, and depleted vitality.
A circulatory condition in which the myocardium contracts steadily but at a rate of less than 60 contractions per minute
Difficulty in passing stools or an incomplete or infrequent passage of hard stools. There are many causes, both organic and functional
Difficulty in passing stools or an incomplete or infrequent passage of hard stools. There are many causes, both organic and functional
A sudden audible expulsion of air from the lungs. ... is an essential protective response that
Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by an increase of deoxygertated hemoglobin in the blood.
The secretion of sweat, especially the profuse secretion associated with an elevated body temperature, physical exertion, exposure to heat, and mental or emotional stress.
Frequent passage of loose liquid stools; generally results from increased motility in the colon. This is usually a sign of an underlying disorder. The characteristics of the diarrhea give evidence as to the source. Dark black, tarry stools can mean there is bleeding in the intestines. Bright red blood in the feces indicates active bleeding from the lower portion of the intestinal tract.
A shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing that may be caused by certain heart and lung conditions, strenuous exercise, or anxiety.
Discoloration of an area of the skin or mucous membrane caused by the extravasation of blood into the subcutaneous tissues as a result of trauma to the underlying blood vessels or by fragility of the vessel walls (also called a bruise).
An abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces. It may be caused by overhydration, excess sodium intake, capillary hyperpermiability, or loss of serum albumin (a protein), which causes fluid to leave the vessels and collect in the interstitial space. Skin that is ...tous will be taut and shiny. Pitting may occur when the skin is pressed; a small indentation will remain after the finger is removed.
Redness or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes that is the result of dilation and congestion of superficial capillaries; ... is seen in a mild sunburn.
An abnormal elevation of the temperature of the body above 98.6" F (37° C) because of disease. It (fever, pyrexia) results from an imbalance between the elimination and production of heat. Infection and many different diseases may lead to elevated temperature.
Pertaining to something that has a foul, putrid, or offensive odor. Also called malodorous.
The protective response of the tissues of the body to irritation or injury.
Yellow tinge to the skin; it may indicate obstruction in the flow of bile from the liver.
The state or quality of being indifferent, apathetic, or sluggish.
A sensation often leading to the urge to vomit. Common causes include intense pain, gallbladder disease, inflammation of the stomach, paralytic ileus, and food poisoning.
An abnormal condition in which a person must sit or stand to breathe deeply or comfortably. Occurs in many disorders of the respiratory and cardiac system.
A symptom of itching and an uncomfortable sensation leading to an urge to scratch. Some causes are allergy, infection, jaundice, elevated serum urea, and skin irritation.
An unpleasant sensation caused by noxious (extremely destructive or harmful) stimulation of the sensory nerve endings. It is a cardinal symptom of inflammation and is valuable in the diagnosis of many disorders and conditions. Pain may be mild or severe, chronic, acute, burning, dull or sharp, precisely or poorly localized, or referred.
An unnatural paleness or absence of color in the skin; it may result from a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes (red blood cells).
A creamy, viscous, pale yellow or yellow-green fluid exudate that is the result of fluid remains of liquefied necrosis of tissues. Bacterial infection is the most common cause. The character of the pus, ineluding its color, consistency, quantity, or odor, may be of diagnostic significance.
Purulent drainage (pus)
An unhealthy, yellow color; usually said of a complexion or skin.
The color of the sclera is yellow. This jaundice is due to coloring of the sclera with bilirubin that infiltrates all tissues of the body.
Scteral icterus
An abnormal condition in which the heart contracts regularly but at a rate greater than 100 beats per minute. The heart rate accelerates in response to fever, exercise, or nervous excitement.
An abnormally rapid rate of breathing seen in many disease conditions.
To expel the contents of the stomach through the esophagus and out of the mouth. The quality of the vomitus can give a clue to the underlying cause. "Coffee ground" vomitus indicates bleeding in the stomach. The blood takes on a coffee ground appearance because of the effect of the digestive juices. Vomiting of bright red blood could be a sign of gastric hemorrhage.
Mnemonic for assessing status of emergency patients: Airway, Breathing, Circulation; utilized in one- or two-rescuer CPR.
Movement of an extremity away from the midline of the body.
Misuse, as of an addictive substance such as alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, etc.
Being answerable for one's own actions.
Proccess whereby a professional association or nongovernmental agency grants recognition to an institution or agency for demonstrated ability in a special area of practice.
A disease that begins abruptly with marked intensity of severe signs and symptoms and then often subsides after a period of treatment is called an ... disease.
What LOC stands for?
Level Of Consciousness
What refers to fluid, cells, or other substances that have been slowly exuded, or discharged, from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membrane, usually as a result of inflammation or injury?
What are classified as sibilant or sonorous.
What are produced by fluid in the bronchioles and alveoil?
° C is for...
° F is for...
1° is for...
2° is for...
PRN means...
As often as necessary, when required.
ad lib is for...
freely as desired
FUO is for...
fever of unknown origin
either g, gm, or Gm means...
Nothing by os,
Nothing by mouth.
OD is for...
optical density;
ac is for
before meals
H&P means...
History and physical examination
KVO means...
Keep Vein Open
KUB is for...
Kidney, ureters, and bladder (radiograph)
Abnormality occurring after birth that compromises heart function.
acquired heart disorder
Acquired condition that impairs the body's ability to fight infection; the end stage of the continuum of HIV infection, in which the infected person has a CD4 count (lymphocytes) of 200 cells/mm3 or less.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
AIDS is for...
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Peripheral cyanosis; the blue discoloration of the hands and feet in most infants at birth that may persist for 7 to 10 days.
Giving full attention and a concerted effort to understand the message being sent.
active listening
Force that moves molecules into cells without regard for their positive or negative charge; requires energy.
active transport
Those activities of daily life, such as toileting, bathing, dressing, and grooming, that promote maintenance of functional abilities and independence in the environment.
activities of daily living, ADL
ADL is for
activities of daily living
Statement of a health problem that a nurse is licensed and competent to treat.
actual nursing diagnosis
Complementary and alternative medicine therapy that uses gentle pressure at points on the body; used primarily for prevention and relief of symptoms of muscle tension.
Complementary and alternative medicine therapy that stimulates certain points on the body by insertion of special needles to modify the perception of pain, normalize physiologic functions, and treat or prevent disease.
Having a short and relatively severe course; a disease process characterized by a relatively short duration of signs and symptoms that are usually severe and begin abruptly.
Intense, unpleasant sensation of short duration, lasting less that 6 months.
acute pain
Adjustment to changing life situations by using various strategies.
Protection that provides a specific reaction to each invading antigen and has the unique ability to remember the antigen that caused the attack.
adaptive immunity
Excessive use or abuse, displayed by psychologic disturbance, decline of social and economic function, and uncontrollable consumption indicating dependence.
One who exhibits a pattern of compulsive and habitual use of a substance or practice to cope with psychological pain from conflict and anxiety.
addictive personality
Movement of an extremity toward the axis of the body.
A substance produced in the mitochondria from nutrients and capable of releasing energy that, in turn, enables the cell to work.
adenosine triphosphate
Additional, as in additional drug or treatment.
Entry of a patient into a health care facility.
Family unit with adoptive children who are chosen and taken into the family by legal process and raised as the family's own.
adoptive family
A community-based program designed to meet the needs of functionally or cognitively impaired adults through an individualized plan of care.
adult day care
Signed and witnessed documents providing specific instructions for health care treatment in the event that the person is unable to make those decisions personally at the time they are needed.
advance directives
Rise in rank or importance; a promotion, progress, improvement.
A harmful, unintended reaction to a drug administered at a normal dosage.
adverse drug reaction
A person who acts on behalf of another person.
External manifestation of inner feeling or emotions, often reflected by facial expression.
Charting notation when a patient leaves a health care facility without a physician's order for discharge.
against medical advice (AMA)
AMA is for...
against medical advice