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26 Cards in this Set

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what is a sign of complication of the IV administration of furosemide ?
Which patient should a nurse working in the renal unit visit first ?
patient one hour post-renal transplant
Nurse caring for pt. with a pulmonary embolus, notes several petechiae on his chest and abdomen, what should the nurse do first?
contact the physician
patient 3 days after bowl resection suddenly develops chest pain and shortness of breath, assessments reveal BP 160/40, severe tachycardia, nurses first action should be?
place patient in high fowlers position
when a patient questions why they have to be stuck so many times a day, what rationale explanation for checking the patients blood glucose level frequently should the nurse give?
blood glucose levels are checked to be able to adjust the dosage of your insulin
A diaphragm is the best method of contraception for a diabetic instead of birth control pills because?
a diaphragm is a noninvasive method of contraception that will not alter the blood glucose levels
when a diabetic has a cold, and doesn't know what to do about their insulin, the nurse should instruct them that?
infections cause altercations and increase insulin needs, so they need to check their blood glucose levels and and urine ketones at least every 4 hours
which activity should a patient from a fractured hip refrain from?
crossing their legs at the knee
which sign would indicate a complication for a client with Graves disease?
shortness of breath
when a patient who was terminally ill dies, the nurse should?
tag the body prior to the funeral home notification
A patient has multiple myloma, and is prescribed cyclophosphamide (cytoxan). during treatment the nurse should instruct the patient to?
report hematuria
a cancer pt. has an order of Adriamycin, what would be a unexpected effect that would be a concern to the nurse ?
cardiac dysrythmias
a pt taking allopurinol should be taught to?
drink 8 glasses of water a day
how long should a patient with tuberculosis take their prescription for INH?
approximately one year and then be re-evaluated
A patient with MRSA receiving Vancomycin IV experiences "red man" syndrome, the nurse should?

red man= adverse reaction to vanco
slow the infusion and monitor the blood pressure
Can a client scheduled for hysterectomy and a client with a tubal ligation share the same room?
A newborn with Physiologic Jaundice is caused by?
an immature liver
What is "NAEGEL'S RULE" to estimate the expected date of delivery?
add one year, subtract 3 months, add 7 days to the first days of the last menstrual period
What is an expected finding in a normal newborn ?
Acrocyanosis- blue/ discoloration
Who can legally place a psychiatric patient who is in an uncontrolled rage in seclusion?
registered nurse
what would be an understanding of the appropriate care of a suicidal patient?
asking them if they have a plan?
the output from a clients indwelling catheter is 500mls for the past 10 hours, the nurse should?
nothing because the output is within normal limits
to demonstrate the concept of caring for a patient with radical mastectomy, the nurse should ?
arrange a visit from a member of REACH or RECOVERY support group.
it can help with the acceptance of the diagnosis
the first sign of thermal injury related to the use of a heating pad or a hot compress is?
When a doctor orders 2 medications to be given intramuscularly, the nurse should?
determine whether the medications can be combined
based on the knowledge of diversity, the nurse knows that obtaining a CBC will be most distressing for a patient who is?
ASIAN- because asians believe that life is in the blood, and that a part of the body is taken when blood is withdrawn