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55 Cards in this Set

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Where is the lumbar plexus formed?

anterio rami of the upper four lumbar nerves

Nerves exiting on the lateral border of the lumbar plexus

Femoral nerve

Iliohypogastric nerve

Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh

Ilioinguinal nerve

Nerves existing on the medial border at the pelvic brim of the lumbar plexus

Obturator nerve

4th lumbar nerve (for lumbosacral plexus)

nerves exiting on the anterior border of the lumbar plexus

Genitofemoral nerve

Nerves of the lumbar plexus that only have one root

Iliohypogastric (L1)

Ilioinguinal (L1)

Nerves of the lumbar plexus that have two roots

Genitofemoral (L1&L2)

Lateral cutaneous (L2&L3)

Nerves of the lumbar plexus that has three roots

Femoral (L2, L3, L4)

Obturator (L2, L3, L4)

Root/s of iliohypogastric


Root/s of ilioinguinal


Root/s of genitofemoral

L1 & L2

Root/s of lateral cutaneous nerve

L2 & L3

Root/s of Femoral

L2, L3, L4

Root/s of Obturator

L2, L3, L4

Largest branch of lumbar plexus

Femoral Nerve

Branch of femoral nerve found in the abdomen

Muscular branch to iliacus muscle

Branch of femoral nerve found in the anterior thigh

Muscular branch of Sartorius

Muscular branch of Pectineus

Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve

Medial femoral cutaneous nerve

Branch of the femoral nerve in the posterior division of the thigh

Muscular branches of Quadriceps Femoris

Saphenous nerve

The obturator nerve leaves the pelvis and enters the thigh via

obturator foramen

Anterior branches of Obturator nerve


Adductor Brevis


Adductor Longus

Posterior branches of Obturator Nerve

Adductor brevis

Obturator externus

Adductor magnus

Roots of the lumbosacral trunk

L4 and L5

Anterior relations of Lumbosacral plexus


Internal iliac vessels

Posterior relations of lumbosacral plexus

Piriformis muscle

Branches to the pelvic cavity and perineum

Pudendal nerve

Nerve to the Piriformis muscle

Pelvic Splanchnic nerve

Perforating cutaneous nerve

Roots of pudendal nerve

S2, S3, S4

The pudendal nerve leaves through the

greater sciatic foramen

The pudendal nerve enters the perineum through the

Lesser sciatic foramen

Constitute the sacral part of the parasympathetic system

Pelvic splanchnic nerves

Roots of the pelvic splanchnic nerves


Supplies the skin of the lower medial part of the buttock

Perforating cutaneous nerve

Largest branch in the body

Sciatic nerve

Roots of Sciatic Nerve


Muscles supplied by the Superior gluteal nerve

Gluteus medius

Gluteus minimus

Tensor Fasciae Latae

Muscles supplied by the inferior gluteal muscle

Gluteus Maximus muscle

Muscles supplied by the nerve to the obturator internus

Obturator internus

Superior Gamellus muscle

Supplied by the posterior cutaneous of the thigh

Skin of the buttock and the back of the thigh

Two terminal branches of the sciatic nerve

Tibial and Common peroneal nerve

Two terminal branches of the peroneal nerve

Superficial and deep peroneal nerve

Common entrance of the terminal branches of the sciatic nerve

Popliteal fossa

The superficial peroneal nerves descends from

Peroneus longus and brevis

The deep peroneal nerve descends from

extensor digitorum longus

Muscular branches of the superficial peroneal nerve

Peroneus longus and brevis

Arises in the lower third of the thigh

Tibial nerve

Sural nerve is a branch of what nerve

Tibial nerve

Nerves that arise beneath the flexor retinaculum

Medial and lateral plantar nerve

The medial and lateral plantar nerve lie between

abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis

Muscular branches of the Medial plantar Nerve

Abductor hallucis



First lumbrical

Main trunk of the Lateral plantar nerve

Quadratus plantae and ADM

Anterior upper relations of Femoral artery

Upper skin and fascia

The femoral artery posteriorly lies



adductor longus

Anterior Lower relation of the femoral artery


Lateral branches of the femoral artery

Superficial circumflex iliac artery

Superficial epigastric artery

Superficial external pudendal artery

Deep external pudendal artery

profunda femoris artery

Descending genicular artery

Roots of Superior Gluteal Nerve


Roots of Inferior Gluteal Nerve


Roots of Posterior Cutaneous Nerve
