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37 Cards in this Set

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Type I mechanics are neutral or non-neutral?
Type II mechanics are neutral or non-neutral?
What part of the lower spine is exception to Fyette mechanics and why?
L5/S1; many spinal anomalies and trauma that causes loss of stability
Moton in lumbar spine permitted by?
bones and joints
Motion in lumbar spine restrained by?
Motion in lumbar spine produced and stabilized by?
What plane are lumbar facets oriented in?
sagittal plane
What feature of discs contribute to lumbar lordosis?
thicker anteriorly
How do IV discs receive nutrition?
they are avascular but get nutrients via diffusion from vertebrae
What is most common disc herniation?
What feature of post long lig predisposes to disc herniation?
it becomes smaller and weaker further down spine
What are the 4 FB check ligs?
supraspinous, interspinous, post long lig, capsular lig
What is the kinetic lig and why?
Lig flavum; purest form of elastc tissue in body, stores kinetic E
What is the SB check lig?
interrverse lig - anterior layer of lumbodorsal fascia
What is the rotational check lig?
iliolumbar lig
How do IV discs check rotation?
alternating direction of fibers in adjacent lamina
What is the backbending check lig?
ant long lig
Describe ant long lig
backbending check lig, 2x as strong as post, traction on lig causes osteophytes, looses elasticity and ruptures at lower force w/ age
What is purpose of thoracolumbar fascia?
encircle abdomen and supports spinal column
What are 4 ways thoracolumbar fascia becomes unstable?
weakness, hernias, incisions, pregnancy
What is function of short paraspinal muscles?
invol, stabilize and balane spine - cause and maintain SD
What is function of long paraspinal m?
vol, movers of spine
Describe intertverse m
deep paraspinals, attach b/t lumbar tverse processes, action - segemental SB, stabilization; inn - post primary spinal n
Describe interspinalis m
deep paraspinal; attaches T11-L5 on interspinous lig; action - Ext, stabilize; inn - post 1ary spinal n
Describe rotatores brevis
deep paraspinal; attaches tverse processes to SP 1 segment above; action - rotate segement to opposite side; inn - post 1ary spinal n
What is attachment of rotatores longus?
tverse process to SP 2 segments above
What m initiates flexion of trunk?
rectu abdominus
What 4 m vol ext spine?
iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus thoracis, spinalis thoracis, multifidus
Diaphragmatic overuse or hypertonicity causes what dysfunction?
flexed dys of upper lumbar segments
At what part of motion does psoas major work?
active as part of balance in seated position
What will position of pt be w. psoas spasm?
SB to side of spasm and flexion, obeys type II mechanics
How will hypertonic quadratus lumborum present?
SB to side of hypertonicity
Where does Lat dorsi tfer lumbar and lower thoracic problems?
How will serratus post inferior act in fixed inhalation (emphysema)?
rotate L1-3 away from side of m contraction - so contraction on R causes L rotation
Veins of the spine allow what to happen?
spread of bladder or pelvis inf to vertebrae causing osteomyelitis ot epidural abscess; main route of metastasis of prostate cx
Describe blood flow to spinal n roots
when stretched to 8% of total length flow is significantly, when stretche 15% of length blood flow stops
What happens to n roots limited in motion by fibrosis or entrapment?
n becomes ischemic