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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the administrative and operational command and control center for the Coast Guard, located in Washington, DC?
Coast Guard Headquarters
The senior officer at headquarters and of the Coast Guard is...
the Commandant
What are the roles of the Commandant?
- Planning, supervising, and coordinating the overall
activities of the CG
- Directing the policy and administration of the GC
under the general supervision of the Secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security
- Providing immediate direction to Headquarters units
Activities Europe, Areas, and Headquarters Units fall under the command and control of _______________________.
The commandant is a ____________-star admiral.
_________________ _________________ is responsible to the Commandant for the administration and command of European Units.
Activities Europe
What are the 2 special responsibilities of Activities Europe?
(1) European Loran-C system
(2) Mediterranean Sea, Norwegian Sea, and Icelandic Loran-C Chain
What are the 5 staff divisions of Activities Europe?
- Civil Engineering
- Comptroller
- Loran-C
- Personnel and Readiness
- Marine Safety Division
Name the two regions of the Coast Guard
Atlantic Area and Pacific Area
Each _____________ has District offices, one Maintenance and Logistics Command (MLC), and cutters.

A. District
B. Area
C. Headquarters Unit
D. Sector
A. Area
Certain units such as High Endurance Cutters (WHEC), Medium Endurance Cutters (WMEC), and Marine Safety and Security Teams (MSSTs) fall under the direct oversight of _______________.

A. Districts
B. Sectors
C. Headquarters Units
D. Areas
D. Areas
True or False

The Atlantic and Pacific Areas are lead by Vice Admirals (three-star admirals)
True of False

MLCs are lead by three-star admirals (Vice Admirals)

One- or two-star admirals (Rear Admirals)
Civil engineering, electronics systems, naval engineering, health and safety, legal, finance, personnel, and inspection are all services provided by the _________.
MLCs have oversight of

A. Integrated Support Commands (ISCs)
B. Civil Engineering Units (CEUs)
C. Support Centers
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
True of False

Districts are commanded by Rear Admirals (one- or two-star admirals), who report directly to their area commanders.
How many district offices does the Atlantic Area have and what are they?
- 1st District: Boston, Massachusetts
- 5th District: Portsmouth, Virginia
- 7th District: Miami, Florida
- 8th District: New Orleans, Louisiana
- 9th District: Cleveland, Ohio
How many district offices does the Pacific Area have and what are they?
- 11th District: Alameda, California
- 13th District: Seattle, Washington
- 14th District: Honolulu, Hawaii
- 17th District: Juneau, Alaska
_________________ are responsible for the administration and general direction of units under their authority and assuring that the functions and duties of the CG are performed efficiently, safely, and economically.
Cutters, over 180' in length, are under the control of

A. Area commands
B. District commands
A. Area commands
Cutters, 180' and smaller, are under the control of

A. Area commands
B. District commands
B. District commands
There are ______ Coast Guard units in the field that report directly to headquarters.
True or False

The Commandant is the Commanding Officer of Headquarters

(The commandant is NOT the Commanding Officer of Headquarters)
Where is the 1st District Office located--city and Area?
Boston, Massachusetts
Atlantic Area
Where is the 5th District Office located--city and Area?
Portsmouth, Virginia
Atlantic Area
Where is the 7th District Office located--city and Area?
Miami, Florida
Atlantic Area
Where is the 8th District Office located--city and Area?
New Orleans, Louisiana
Atlantic Area
Where is the 9th District Office located--city and Area?
Cleveland, Ohio
Atlantic Area
Where is the 11th District Office located--city and Area?
Alameda, CA
Pacifica Area
Where is the 13th District Office located--city and Area?
Seattle, Washington
Pacific Area
Where is the 14th District Office located--city and Area?
Honolulu, Hawaii
Pacific Area
Where is the 17th District Office located--city and Area?
Juneau, Alaska
Pacific Area