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26 Cards in this Set

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study of how and why number of individuals change over time
study of factors that determine size and structure of populations through time
life tables
summarizes the probability that an individual will survive and reproduce in any given year over its entire lifetime
-survivorship, and fecundidty
-proportion of offspring that survive to a particular age
-3 curves
- humans
- survivorship through life is high and most approach the maximum life span of species
- songbirds
- most individuals experience relatively constant survivorship throughout life
- plants
- high death rates early in life with high survivorship after maturity
number of female offspring produced by each female in population
age-specific fecundity
average number of female offspring produced by a female in a given age class
Population growth
Growth rate = N x r

r→per-capita rate of increase
(r = b - d)
intrinsic rate of increase, rmax
when birth rates per individual are as high as possible and deat rates per individual is as low as possible
exponential population growth
when r does not change over time
density independent
when increase in size of a population does not affect r
- factors are usually abiotic
population density
number of individuals per unit area
density dependent
population density gets very high and should decrease r
- factors are usually biotic
- density dependent changes in survivorship and fecundity cause logistic population growth
Carrying capacity, K
max number of individuals in a population that can be supported in a a particular habitat over sustained period of time
logistic growth equation describes logistic population growth
change in growth rate that occurs as a function of its population size
population dynamics
changes in populations through time
population of populations
- individuals from a species occupy many small patches of habitat so that they form many independent populations
- overall number of individuals stays relatively stable
population cycles
regular fluctuatiions in size
replacement rate
each woman producing exactly enough offspring to replace herself and her offspring's father: zero population growth
population viability analysis
model that estimates liklihood that a population will avoid extinction for a given time period
Key Concept

Life tables summarize how likely it is that individuals of each age class in a population will survive and reproduce
- Basic tool in demography
- resources available to an individual are always limited, so any increase in allocation of resources to survival and competitive ability necessitates decrease in the resources allocated to reproduction
Key Concept

THe growth rate of a population can be calculated from life-table data or from direct observation of changes in population size over time
- exponential growth rate when r doesnt change, but eventually hit carrying capacity resulting in logistic growth
- as population density increases, survivorship and fecundity may decrease → increased death rates and lowered birth rates
Key Concept

Wide variety of patterns in population size over time: no growth, regular cycles, continued growth independent of population size
- density dependent factors drive regular population cycles
- change in age structure can cause change in population size
- large amount of juveniles is likely to increase rapidly in size
Key Concept

Data from population ecology studies help evaluate prospects for endangered species
- history of metapopulation driven by birth and death of populations
- migration among habitat patches is essential for stability of a metapopulation
- PVAestimates probability that a population will persist for a certain number of years under a prescribed set of demographic and habitat conditions