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20 Cards in this Set

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Therapeutic communication
A. Focused on client , respectful, sincere, patient
B. Empathy
C. Outcome Oriented Confidential
1. Charteristics of Effective Therapeutic Caring Nurses
A. Trust- Effective communicator and change agent, keeping promises being there and using therapeutic communication
B. Empathy- is defined as understanding the client by mentally placing him in the client situation, sympathy is described as being sorry for a client reacting to the situation as a friend would under the same circumstance
C. Therapeutic Humor- Done with common sense and in good taste , provide a positive tone to the conversation and show caring early in the relationship
A. Non Verbal
support emphasize or contradict what the verbal part of the message implies. Most communication is nonverbal
B. Types of non verbal communication
1. Active listening- Convey readiness to hear and understand what client says without argument judgment of interruption not passive like silence Turn toward client lean forward less theraatening eye level . Decrease interruptions
2. Silence- Full concentration on client observe and interpret the client meaning
3. Paralanguage- Clarity quality pitch tone and tempo . Speaking clearly.
4. Eye Contact, Body Postures and Gestures- convey interst and caring different culutres have different views of eye contact open friendly facial expression initial
5. Appearance and Touch
C. Verbal Communication
Deals with the content of what is said during therapeutic interaction, lifelong learning skill.
D. TypesC. Verbal Communication
1. Simplicity-Nurse role to explain words and medical problems in way that the client can understand
2. General Leads- Tells the listener that reception is occurring, encourage client to communicate further
3. Open ended relevant questions-Encourage the client to elaborate on a subject, do not require a yes or no answer, begin with who what when or where, avoid why question because the put client in defensive mode
4. Sharing an observation- Nurse need to observe behavior in the client neutral and allow client to confirm or deny the nurses observation, used to imitate conversation
5. Restating-Uses a segment of what the client has said exactly. let’s client know nurse is following the intent of the interaction not to be used frequently because client may believe that they are being mocked.
6. Clarification-Essential, must clarify the meaning of the statement, leads such as I don’t quite understand.
7. Summarization- Helpful way to conclude an interview or therapeutic interaction clarify expected outcomes and list action to be taken by then individual closure
E. Verbal Communication Blocks
words spoken by the nurse that decrease the ability of the nurse to get at the heart of the clients needs
1. False Assurance-phrases the nurse might say after a client may after client reveals major problem or concern. “Your be okay”
2. Giving Advice- Although client s frequently ask for advice giving advice foster a feeling of dependency and leads the client to believe the nurse know what is best for him or her. Do not impose her or his will
3. Moralistic- Adopting a judge mental attitude, negates the clients right to choose and belittle feeling the client may express. Need to be aware of personal values
4. Changing the subject
2. Characteristic of active listening
Convey readiness to hear and understand what client says without argument judgment of interruption not passive like silence Turn toward client lean forward less threatening eye level . Decrease interruptions
3. Delegation of task( how determined)
Defined as the transfer of responsibility for the performance of an activity form one individual to another while retain accountability fo the outcome- Five Rights of Delegation
Five Rights of Delegation
1. Person(Who)-support person but not substitute for their professional scope
2. Task(What)- Rn must be aware that is the task nothe responsibility and accountability for the outcome that is being delegated match right person to task is critical for quality care
3. Circumstance(When)
4. Direction/communication(where)
5. Supervision- Confirm that task has been completed and evaluated
4. Considerations with the use of interpreters-
the nurse should obtain a knowledgeable translator to assist with the instruction, all effort should be made not to use the family or friend as an interpreter unless the patent has given specific permission to do so.
Client Education
Health teaching shortens hospital stays minimized complication and reduces symptoms of illness and surgery in each teaching interaction there is a shared learning experience mostly geared toward and esigned for the individual client
Timing of information
plan a series of instruction that build on previous knowledge and lays the ground work for future learning , teach from easy to difficult know to unknown
Consideration for education of different ages
Pedagogy is the science of teaching children and adolescent, children and adolescent have varying limitation in attention concentration and cognitive and psychomotor skill related to developmental level.
Children use dolls dress up or imitation , use video video game and computer interactive simple term consistent repetition and reinforce ment
Andragogy is study of how adults learn , generally motivated learners sometimes lead busy lives and or lack the self-confidence to try something new. Learn best when they see a clear and immediate need for information to be integrated inot their lifestyle.
Elderly present materials slowly give frequent feedback use gesture decrease distractions.
6. Format of providing information
( lecture, role-play, return demonstration
A. Lecture
effective and efficient way to tech several people at once can capitalize on the diversity of other members of the health care team, does not promote active participation , less effective for affective and psychomotor learning or in most acute care hospital setting where client need shorter and more individualized instruction
B. Role play-
Action out feeling or behaviors gives the learner a chance to experience relive or anticipate a situation, emphasis ethe cognitive and affective domains of learning, play with puppets and dolls has poven effective in preparing young children for procedures and helping them express negative felling about hospitalization, adult fell uncomfortable when used this process
C. Return demonstration
-ideal way of teaching procedures techniques exercise and use of special l equipment. Model of body parts provide step by step instruction in short sequential teaching session usually works best for complex procedure
7. Documentation of teaching
Documentation of teaching and learning is set by agency policy and procedure; each agency must determine the method of documentation and the types of clinical records that meet the agency requirement for client teaching. Should include- learning needs teaching intervention planned and implemented, outcome achieved or not achieve and revision or changes in teaching methods used
8. Cultural awareness, competence, and accommodation
Take into consideration the client language education socioeconomic background and cultural factors when deciding what vocabulary to use in teaching. Be sensitive to client unfamiliarity with medical terms and jargon.