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103 Cards in this Set

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Airborne Infection Isolation Precautions
standard precaution for patients with known or suspected serious illnesses transmitted by airborne droplet nuclei
Contact Precautions
standard precaution for patients with known or suspected serious illnesses easily transmitted by direct patient contact or by contact with items in the patients environment
Droplet Precautions
standard precaution for patients with known or suspected serious illnesses transmitted by large particle droplet
Health Care-associated infections (HAIs)
infections transmitted to a person while receiving health care services
Incubation Period
Begins when the organism first enters the body and lasts until the onset of symptoms
Infection Prevention and control
rely on medical and surgical asepsis, Standard Precautions, and Transmission-Based Precautions to prevent or control the spread of microorganisms
preventing contact between a patient and others to prevent the spread of infection
increased white blood cells, increase in the number leukocytes in the blood , resulting from infection from other causes
Not feeling "Right"
Prodormal Period
is the short time from the onset of vague, nonspecific symtoms to the beginning ofspecific symtoms of infection
Standard Precautions
to facilitate breaking the chain of infection, these precautions protect both the nurse and patient and are to be used for every patient contact. they include the use in hand hygiene and ppe
chemical substance that can kill or alter the growth of bacterial microorganisms
killing or suppressing growth of microorganisms
chemical compound that is used on skin or tissue to inhibit the growth of or to eliminate microorganisms
the practice of making the environment and objects free of microorganisms
free of microorganisms
single celled microorganism lacking a nucleus that reproduce from every few minutes up to several weeks
dead tissue or foreign matter
are solutions containing chemical compounds such as phenol, alcohol , or chlorine that kill or inactivate nearly all microorganism
tiny- primitive organisms of the plant kingdom that contain chorophyll
parasitic worms or flukes belonging to the animal kingdom
Immune Response
the bodies reaction to substances interpreted as nonself
biologic response modifier that affects cellular growth
Medical Asepsis
the practice of reducing the number of organisms present or reducing the risk for transmission of organisms
organisms only visible with a microscope
microorganisms capable of causing disease
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
includes gloves gowns masks protective eye wear shoe covering and hair covering
protein particles that lack nucleic acid, not activated by usual methods for destroying bacteria or viruses. they do not trigger an immue response but can cause degenerative neurologic disease
one-celled microscopic organism , animal kingdom
small , round or rod-shaped microorganism that are transmitted by the bites of lice, ticks , fleas and mites
Standard Precautions
Delineate methods for avoiding direct contact with all body secretions except sweat , whether or not visible blood is present
without pathologic organisms
are methods used in the process of destroying all microorganism , pathogens or pathogenic products
Surgical Asepsis
the practice of preparing and handling materials in a way that prevents the patients exposure to living organisms
extremely small can only be seen with an electron microscope. theyre composed of particles of nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA with a protein coat and sometimes a membranous envelope. viruses can grow and replicate only within a living cell. once inside cells , viruses can trigger an immune reaction or damage cells
needs oxygen to live and grow
able to live and grow only in the absence of oxygen
an agent that is able to kill or destroy bacteria
microorganisms take up residence and grow
Community-Associated infection
an infection that was present
transmission of infectious microorganisms from one person or object to another
propagation of living organisms or tissue ion special media conducive to the growth
an agent that reduces the number of viable microorgnaism
a heat-stable toxin associated with the outer membrane of certain gram-neg bacteria that is released when the cells are disrupted
an unstable, highly toxic by-product of select microorganisms that can be found in both gram-positive and gram-neg bacteria
fluid in or on tissue surface that have escaped from blood vessels in response to inflammation and that can contain protein and cellular debris .
bacteria that lose the stain in Grams method of staining
Bacteria that retain the stain in Grams method of staining
Health care-associated infection
infection that was not present or incubating on admission to a health care facility ;acquired during hospitalization
an animal or plant that harbors an provides sustenance for another organism ( a parasite)
Invasion and multiplication in body tissue of microorganism that cause cellular injury
localized response caused by injury or destruction of tissue's that serves to contain the injurious agent and injured tissue
cells capable of ingesting particulate matter
the engulfing of microorganism and foreign particle by phagocytes
oval bodies formed within bacterial as a resting stage during the life cycle of the cell: characterized by resistance to a environmental change
a poison ; a poisonous protein produced by certain bacteria
carrier that transports an infective agent from one host to another, such as animals insects and rodents
degree to which a microorganism and cause infection in the host or invade the host
Transmission-Based Precautions
are based on interrupting the mode of transmission by identifying the specific secretions, body fluids , tissues, or excretions that might be infective.
moisture and particle proof
are very small organism without a cell wall
is the entry of an infectious agent into the body that multiples and causes tissue damage
normal flora
normal flora prevent harmful microorganism by
by occupying receptor sites on cells, monopolizing the nutrients and secreting substances that are toxic to other microorganisms
Gram staining
performed to help in classifying the bacteria's outer cell surface also effective in determining most effective method to use in eliminating the microorganism
sensitivity tests
performed to determine which antibiotic is most effective against the bacteria
4 most common multidrug resistant organism
Standard precautions plus transmission based precautions include
airborne infection isolation precautions, contract, or droplet precautions
Causative agent
Link 1 any microorganism or biologic agent capable of causing disease
the 4 stages of infection process are
incubation, prodrome, illness and convalescence
Portal of Exit
Link 3 The route by which a pathogen leaves the body of its host
disinfection and sterilization
methods used in the process of destroying all microorganisms , pathogens or pathogenic products
the most effective mean in destroying viruses is to expose them to high temperatures for a specified amount of time , 250 for20/30 minutes using a steam sterilizer . 320 for 90minutes to 3 hours if using a dry sterilization
CDC Center for disease Control and Prevention
a government agency, information on aspects of infectious disease, including their prevention and control
Link 2 places where organisms are found
Mode of Transfer
Link 4 direct or indirect interaction
Portal of entry
Link 5 enters the body through mucous membranes of the eyes nose mouth trachea or skin.
Susceptible Host
Link 6 a human host must be susceptible by virtue of age, state of health, or broken skin
what are the 3 basic purposes of inflammation response
neutralize and destroy harmful agents , limit their spread to other tissue in the body, prepare the damaged tissues for repair
during inflammation what 2 chemicals are released
Histamine and serotonin
what are the bodies 3 body defenses in order
skin, fever mechanism, immune response
Naturally Acquired immunity
Passive Acquired immunity
given an antitoxin or antiserum
Naturally acquired passive immunity
fetus receives antibodies from the mother
Artificially acquired immunity
dead or inactive microorganisms or their toxins
Artificially acquired passive immunity
antibodies derived from infected blood of people or animals
Medical Asepsis is referred to as clean technique because
most but not all microorganisms are destroyed
in a surgical scrub what is included
hands are washed with soap and water first, then scrubbed with a fda approved antimicrobial scrub agent or alcohol based antiseptic hand rub agent
in personally cleaning and disinfection what is the process
first clean with cold ,when visible material is removed wash then with hot and soapy water, its considered clean but not sterile. disinfect cleaning equipment and sink when completed
Sterilization is the best method for eliminating microorganisms from equipment and supplies, true or false
what are 5 methods of sterilization
steam under pressure, dry heat, ethylene oxide, liquid chemicals and hydrogen peroxide gas plasma
for cleaning items in the home , how long should you boil the item
15 minutes
infection preventionist
spread of an infection is most likely to happen in which stage of infection
prodromal period
illness period
localized and systemic signs and symptoms appear
patients with compromised immune status are often placed in what kind of isolation
protective isolation
in what order is the full ppe put in and removed
Gown, mask , goggles then gloves

removal includes

Gloves, goggles , gown then mask
when do you wear a regular mask compared to a N95
Droplet is regular Airborne is N95
regulations protect health care workers from Occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens in the workplace were set by
what are the 4 rules of surgical asepsis
know what is sterile, know what is not sterile , separate sterile from unsterile , remedy contamination immediately