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27 Cards in this Set

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What is contained within the Superficial fascia?
Sup veins, lymph nodes and vessels and cutaneous nerves
What is superficial fascia?
Subcutaneous layer immediately deep to the skin/cutaneous layer. Made of loose CT and fat
What are the characteristics of superficial veins?
Carry blood inferior to superior, can be seen beneath skin, normally pass superficial to the nerves.
Where does blood from the common dorsal digital veins drain into?
Dorsal metatarsal veins. There are a total of 8 common dorsal digitals, labeled 1-8 from medial to lateral. Not in hallux
What does the proper dorsal digital vein of the hallux drain?
The Dorsomedial aspect of the hallux and 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, becomes the MEDIAL MARGINAL VEIN
What do the medial marginal veins drain?
Medial border of forefoot and proper dorsal digital vein of hallux, drains into great saphenous
What does the lateral marginal vein drain?
Lateral border of forefoot and proper digital vein of the 5th toe, drains into small saphenous v.
Where are the dorsal metatarsal veins?
There is one for each of 4 intermetatarsal spaces. each gets blood from 2 common dorsal digitals; drains to dorsal venous arch
What does the dorsal venous arch drain into?
Great saphenous medially and small saphenous laterally
What is the path of the small saphenous vein, and what does it become?
dorsal venous arch and lateral marginal vein make it. It passes POSTERIOR to the lateral malleolus of the ankle to later become the popliteal vein.
What are the components, path, and destination of the great Saphenous vein?
Medial dorsal venous arch and medial marginal make it; it passes ANTERIOR to medial malleolus of ankle. Travels up medial aspect of leg, joins femoral vein
What is unique about the superficial palntar venous network, and what does it drain into?
It has NO valves, and drains into the medial and lateral marginal veins or dorsal digital veins
What are the 2 groups of superficial lymph nodes in the inguinal region.
Horizontalm lie along the inguinal ligament, and vertical which are near the fossa ovalis
Where is the deep inguinal lymph nodes?
deep to fascia lata, along the femoral vein near its termination. Not in subcutaneous layer
What does the deep inguinal lymph node drain?
Deep tissues of the lower limb
What do the popliteal lymph nodes drain?
posterolateral aspect of the leg and lateral aspect of the foot. then drain into the deep inguinal nodes.
How will an infection of the 5th toe bo observed in lymph nodes?
First in the popliteal's then the deep inguinals
How will an infection of the hallux be observed in in lypmh nodes?
First in vertical superficial's then maybe deep inguinals, but definitely the external iliac's
If an infection on the dorsum of the foot, will inflame which lymph nodes first?
Anterior tibial first.
An infection on the planta of the foot, will cause which lymph node to inflame first?
What are cutaneous nerves?
Nerves that exit deep fascia and enter superficial fascia and supply skin w/ sensory and autonomic symp. fibers
Component of Subcostal n?
Component of Femoral branch of Genitofemoral n?
L1 and L2 (anterior thigh just inferior to groin
Components of Ilioinguinal nerve?
L1 only, Supplies medial thigh just inferior to groin
Components and dermatome of Lateral femoral cutaneous?
L2 and L3; anterolateral aspect of thigh
Components of the Intermediate femoral cuatneous?
L2 L3, Anterior aspect of thigh
Medial femoral cutaneous components?
L2 L3, anteromedial aspect of the thigh