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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the largest and most superficial muscle of the anterior crural compartment?
tibialis anterior
what muscle of the anterior crural compartment is palpable at the proximal paart of the anterior aspect of the leg?
anterior tibialis
what muscle is the primary extensor of the foot?
anterior tibialis
what muscle is found lateral to the tibialis anterior and anterior to the extensor hallicus longus?
extensor digitorum longus
what muscle of the anterior crural compartment is spindle-shaped?
extensor digitorum longus
what tendon is seen over the anterolateral ankle during gait?
extensor digitorum longus
what tendon is seen over the anteromedial ankle during gait?
tibialis anterior
Which muscles of the anterior crural compartment pass within both the superior and inferior extensor retinaculums
extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anterior
which muscles of the anterior crurual compartment pass deep to the superior and within the inferior extensor retinaculums
extensor hallicus longus and fibular tertius
which muscle is deep to the tibialis anterior and superficial to the extensor digitorum longus?
extensor hallicus longus
what muscle tendon is visible at the ankle, dorsalmedil foot and First MPJ during contaction
extensor hallicus longus
the fibularis tertius may be part of what other muscle
extensor digitorum longus
what is the tendonous slip from the extensor hallicus longus or occasionally the tibialis anterior muscle?
extensor hallicus capsularis
which Ant. crural muscle inverts the foot?
tibialis anterio
which Ant. crurual muslce extends the lesser digits
extensor digitorum longus
which Ant. crural muscle hepls in eversion of the foot
fibular tertius
describe the pathway of the fibularis longus tendon to it's insertion
post. to lateral malleolus, deep to the superior fibular retinaculum, inferior to the fibular trochlea of the calcaneus, deep to the inferior fibular retinaculum, along the fibular sulcus of the cuboid to insertion
what muscle tenses the capsule of the 1st MPJ during extension preventing impingement of the capsule?
extensor hallicus capsularis
what muscles can be visible along the lateral foot during muscle contraction
fibularis longus and brevis
what muscle stabalizes the metatarsal during the propouslive phase of gait?
fibularis longus
describe the position of the fibularis brevis in comparision to the fibualris longus
medial and anterior and inferior
describe the pathway of the fibularis brevis tendon as it passes to insertion
post. to lateral malleolus, deep to the superior fibular retinaculum, superior to the fibular trochlea of the calcaneus, within the inferior fibular retinaculum, to insertion
what is the action of the fibularis quartus?
pronation of the subtalar joint
what are the nerve and arterial supplies for the anterior crural muscles
deep fibular nerve and anterior tibial artery
what are the nerve and arterial supplies for the lateral compartment
superficial fibular nerve and fibular artery