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18 Cards in this Set

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predisone and budesonide
- acute tx
- good for chrons and Ulcerative colitis
Imuran, Cyclosporin, Methotrexate
- Take 3-6 months to be effectice
- Suppress bone marrow
- pancreatic inflammation
** No methotrexate in pregnancy**
- all good for crohns and UC
Infliximab (Remicade)
adalimumab (Humira)
- biological therapy
- immunosupressants
- Crohns and UC
- inhibit tumor necrosis factor
- given IV to induce or maintain remission
- may reactivate hepatitis, TB, and promote lymphoma
normal ostomy output
can be as much as 1500-2000 mL/ 24 hrs
Diagnostics to avoid in divertiulitits
Bareium enema and colonoscopy
- perforation and paritinitis risk
Most common cause of lowere GI hemorrhage
IBs fiber amount
>20 grams per day
Diverticulosis fiber amount
25-30 grams per day
- may need fiber supplements
1/2 of all colorectal cancers occur where?
rectosigmoid area- 85% rise from polyps
Colorectal screening guidelines from CDC
- begin age 50 through age 75 (age 75+ screening depends on clinical decision)
- Earlier for high risk pts
- 3 consecutive fecal occult blood samples every year
- flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 yrs
**colonoscopy every 10 year- gold standard for screening**
- bloody stools, left side of colon
- dark, bloody stools (kind of eggplant covered)
- right side of colon
stoma care
- assessed q 8h
- color should be pink, rose, brick red
- dusky blue= ischemia
- brown/black = necrosis
- pale =anemia
- red to purple = inadequate blood supply

- edema is mild to moderate post op (2-3 weeks)
- moderate - severe = obstrution or trauma

small amount of bleeding especially when touched
- moderate to large--> REPORT TO SURGEON! lowere GI bleed?
pouch care
- should contain odros and drainage and protect skin
- barriers should last 5-7 days (depends on many factors)
- hard to seal if has creases
- ful bags are heavy and may pull seal away
**EMPTY when 1/3 full!
post op ostomy diet
- no diet restrictions except limit intake of gas and odor producing foods:
- beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel spouts, asparagus, potatoes, corn, noodles, wheat
- change pounch q 4-7 days
- control not possible
- watery
- observe for K, Na, and fluid deficits
Ileostomy output
24-48 h post op: negligible
high volume (1000-1800) with perstalsis
- as small bowel adapts may be ~500 mL/day

- increase fluids to 2-3L/day (includes sports drinks (electrolytes), not just H2O)
- more excessive loss related to heat and sweating
- educated pt on s/s of electrolye imbalance

-low fiber, increase gradually
- chew foods extremely well especially:
- popcorn, coconut, mushrooms, olives, stringy vegetables, food with skins, dried fruits, meats with casing (sausage, etc.), shrimp/lobster
** High risk for obstruction of stoma!
adaptation to ostomy
ADL's resumes within 8 weeks
- no heavy lifting
- no sports where trauma of stoma is possible
- bathing and swimming is OK

- sexual dysfunction
- female arousal only affected if complete vagina removed, pregnancy possible but may need to be limited
- psychological and social will affect sexual dysfunction also