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46 Cards in this Set

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O: Iliac fossa & T12-L5
I: Lesser trochanter
A: Hip flexion
N: Femoral
Rectus femoris
I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: Hip flexion, knee extension
N: Femoral
I: Prox medial tibia
A: Hip flexion, hip abduction, hip lateral rotation
N: Femoral
Tensor Fasciae Latae
I: Lateral tibial condyle via IT band
A: Hip flexion, Hip Abduction, Hip medial rotation
N: Gluteal
Adductor Magnus
O: Ischium & pubis
I: Adductor tubercle & linea aspera
A: Hip adduction
N: Obturator
Adductor Longus
O: Pubis
I:Middle 3rd of linea aspera
A: Hip adductor
N: Obturator
Adductor Brevis
O: Pubis
I: Pectineal line & proximal linea aspera
A: Hip adductor
N: Obturator
O: Superior ramus of pubis
I: Pectineal line of femur
A: Hip flexion & adduction
N: Femoral
O: Body of pubis
I: Medial tibial condyle (anteriorly)
A: Hip adduction
N: Obturator
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial tibial condyle (posteriorly)
A: Hip extension, Knee flexion
N: Sciatic
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Anterior tibia
A: Hip extension, Knee flexion
N: Sciatic
Biceps femoris
(Long head)
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Head of fibula
A: Hip extension, Knee flexion
N: Sciatic
Biceps femoris
(Short head)
O: Linea aspera
I: Head of fibula
A: Knee flexion
N: Sciatic
Gluteus maximus
O: Posterior sacrum & Ilium
I: Posterior femur, distal to greater trochanter & IT
A: Hip extension & lateral rotation
N: Gluteal
Gluteus medius
O: Lateral ilium
I: Greater trochanter
A: Hip Abduction
N: Gluteal
Gluteus minimus
O: Lateral ilium
I: Greater trochanter
A: Hip lateral rotation
N: Hip abduction & medial rotation
O: Sacrum
I: Greater trochanter
A: Hip lateral rotation
N: Anterior ramus
Quadratus femoris
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Intertrochanteric crest
A: Hip lateral rotation
N: Quadratus femoris
Rectus femoris
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Hip flexion, knee extension
N: Femoral
Vastus lateralis
O: Greater trochanter
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Knee extension
N: Femoral
Vastus medialis
O: Lesser trochanter
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Knee extension
N: Femoral
Name the 3 hamstrings
1. Biceps femoris
2. Semimembranosus
3. Semitendinosus
What makes up the pes anserine group?
4 Ligaments of knee
Anterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Medial collateral ligament
Lateral collateral ligament
Function of ACL & PCL
ACL: prevents anterior forces of tibia on femur
PCL: prevents posterior forces of tibia on femur
What muscle protects the knee from backward forces by holding the knee in extension?
What is the triangular ligament on the medial side of the foot that holds up the arch?
Deltoid ligament
Weakest ligament and most common site of ankle sprains
Anterior talofibular ligament
Ligament connects calcaneus to navicular and supports arch.
Spring ligament
(Plantar calcaneonavicular)
Vastus intermedius
O: Medial to greater trochanter
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Knee extension
N: Femoral
O: Lateral femoral condyle
I: Medial tibial condyle (posteriorly)
A: Knee flexion
N: Tibial
O: Medial & lateral femoral condyles
I: Calcaneus via Achille's tendon
A: Knee flexion & Ankle plantar flexion
N: Tibial
Tibialis anterior
O: Lateral tibia
I: Under foot to base of 1st metatarsal
A: Ankle dorsiflexion & inversion
N: Peroneal
What bony landmark is felt at the peak of the arch
What 2 muscles make up the "stirrup" that holds up the arch
Tibialis anterior (medial)
Peroneus longus (lateral)
What 3 muscles go around the medial malleolus and under the foot?
Tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Extensor digitorum longus
O: Lateral tibial condyle & proximal fibula
I: Distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
A: Extension of 4 toes & Ankle dorsiflexion
N: Peroneal
Extensor Hallucis longus
O: Anterior fibular
I: Dorsum of big toe
A: Extension of big toe & ankle dorsiflexion
N: Peroneal
O: Fibular head & posterior tibia
I: Calcaneus via achilles tendon
A: Ankle Plantar flexion
N: Tibial
O: Lateral femoral condyle
I: Calcaneus via achilles tendon
A: Ankle plantar flexion
N: Tibial
Flexor digitorum longus
O: Posteromedial distal tibia
I: Base of distal phalanges of 4 toes
A: Flexion of 4 toes & Ankle plantar flexion, assists with inversion
N: Tibial
Flexor hallucis longus
O: Fibula
I: Great toe
A: Flexion of big toe, ankle plantar flexion, assists with inversion
N: Tibial
Tibialis posterior
O: Interosseus membrane & tibia & fibula
I: Tarsals & metatarsals
A: Plantarflexion & inversion
N: Tibial
Peroneus longus
O: Head of fibula & lateral tibial condyle
I: Behind lateral malleolus to 1st cuneiform & metatarsal
A: Plantar flexion & eversion
N: Peroneal
Peroneus brevis
O: lower 1/3rd of fibular
I: Base of 5th metatarsal
A: Plantar flexion & eversion
N: Peroneal
Peroneus tertius
O: distal fibula
I: dorsal surface of 5th metatarsal
A: Dorsiflexion & eversion
N: Peroneal