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28 Cards in this Set

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Iliopsoas (Psoas Major)
Origin: transverse process of lumber vertebrae, inter-vertebral disc
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Action: flex thigh, vertebral column
Nerve: nerve to psoas (L2,L3)
Blood: lumber branch of iliolumbar
chief flexor of thigh
when thigh is fixed - trunk
advances limb in walking
active in standing
Iliopsoas (Iliacus)
O: iliac fossa, anterior sacrum, iliolumber ligament
I: lesser trochanter
A: flex thigh
N: muscular branch of femoral nerve
B: iliac branch of iliolumber
Tensor Fascia Lata
O: outer lip of iliac crest and ASIS
I: middle 1/3 of thigh along iliotibial tract (like gluteus max)
A: flex thigh, rotate medially, abduct
N: superior gluteal nerve
B: superior gluteal artery, lateral femoral circumflex
Gluteus Maximus
O: BEHIND posterior gluteul line, dorsal sacrum, coccyx, sacroTuberous ligament, aponeurosis of erector spinae muscle and gluteal aponeurosis
I: Main: iliotibial tract of fascia lata, gluteal tuberocity of femur, lateral linea aspera
A: EXTENSOR of thigh, LATERAL rotate, ABduct
N: INFERIOR gluteal nerve (L5-S1)
B: SUPERIOR & INFERIOR gluteal artery, 1st perforating branch of profunda femoris
Gluteus Medius
O: between posterior gluteul line and and anterior gluteul line, gluteul aponeirosis
I: lateral surface of greater trochanter
A: ABduct, rotates thight MEDIALLY
N: SUPERIOR gluteul nerve (L4-S1)
B: SUPERIOR gluteul artery
Paralysis:waddling gate
Gluteus Minimus
O: between anterior and inferior gluteul lines and margin of greater sciatic notch
I: anterior border of GREATER trochanter
A: ABducts, rotate medially
N: SUPERIOR gluteul nerve
B: SUPERIOR gluteul artery
O: pelvic surface of SACRUM, sacroTuberous ligament, ilium below PIIS
I: upper border of GREATER trochanter
A: rotates thigh LATERAL, ABducts
N: ventral rami of S1,S2 from sacral plexis
B: superior AND inferior gluteal arteries, internal pudendal
exits GREATER sciatic
Superior Gamellus
O: ischial SPINE
I: upper margin of obturator internus tendon, medial surface of GREATER trochanter
A: rotates LATERAL
N: nerve to obturator internus(L5-S2)
B: INFERIOR gluteal artery
Obturator Internus
O: obturator membrane, hip, greatet sciatic notch to pelvic line obturator foramen
I: medial surface of GREATER trochanter
A: rotate LATERAL, ABducts
N: nerve to obturator internus
B: superior AND inferior gluteal arteries, internal pudendal
Exits LESSER Sciatic
Inferior Gamellus
I: medial surface of GREATER trochanter
A: rotates LATERAL
N: nerve to quad. femoris (L4-S1)
B: INFERIOR gluteal artery
Obturator Externus
O: external surface of pubis and ischium
I: trochanteric fossa of femur
A: rotates LATERAL, ADducts
N: posterior branch of obturator nerve (L2-L4)
B: obturator, medial femoral circumflex
Quadratus Femoris
O: lateral margin of ischial tuberosity
I: intertrochanteric crest, quadrate tubercle
A: rotate LATERAL, ADducts
N: nerve to quadratus femoris
B: medial femoral circumflex, INFERIOR gluteal artery
Tensor Fascia Lata
O: outer lip of iliac crest as AS
I: middle 1/3 of thigh along iliotibial tract
A: rotate MEDIAL, FLEX thigh, ABduct
N: superior gluteal nerve
B: SUPERIOR gluteal artery, lateral femoral circumflex
I: helps ABducts gluteal max
Rectus Femoris
O: AIIS (straight head); acetabulum (reflexed head)
I: upper border of patella
A: flexor of thigh extensor of leg
N: femoral nerve
B: lateral femoral circumflex
Vastus medialis
I: ligamentum patella, medial patella, knee joint capsule
A: EXTEND leg, draws patella MEDIALLY
N: femoral nerve
I: femoral, profunda femoris, genicular branch of popliteal artery
Vastus Intermedial
O: upper 2/3 of anterior/lateral femur
I: rectus femoris tendons, ligamentum patellae
N: Femoral nerve
B: lateral femorial circumflex
Vastius Lateralis
I: lateral patellar border, lig. patella. lateral condyle of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
BL lateral femoral circumflex, lateral superoir genicular
I: Medial tibia, covers gracilis & semiT
A: FLEX thigh & leg, rotates LATERAL
N: Femoral nerver (L2-L4)
B: muscular branch of femoral artery
lateral border of femoral triangle; clvers adductor canal or subsartorial canal

"Cross legged"
Adductor Longus
O: pubis
I: linea aspera
A: Adducts tight, flex knee
N: anterior branch of obturator nerve
B: obturator artery, medial femoral circumflex
Floor of femoral triangle
Ossificaton gives Riders bone
Adductor Brevis
O: INFERIOR ramus of pubis
A: ADduct; Flex
N: anterior branch of obturator
B: obturator artery, media; femoral circumflex
Adductor Magnus
(Adductor part)
O: ischiopubic ramus
I: medial linea aspera
A: ADduct, flex
N: Posterior branch of obturator
B: medial circumflex
Adductor Magnus
(Extensor part)
O: ischial tuberosity & ramus
I: linea aspera, medial supracondylar ridge, adductor tublerce
N: Tibial
B: Medial circumflex
O: like semimembranosus
O:LOWER margin inferior ramus of pubis
I: UPPER part of medial tibia
A: rotate MEDIAL; ADduct thighl FLEX leg
N: anterior branch of obturator nerve
B: profuda femoris, obturator and medial circumflex
most medial
O: PECTINEAL LINE, between iliopectieal eminence and pubic tubercle
I: pectineal line of femur
A:Rotate MEDIAL, ADduct, FLEX
N: Femoral (like most in ant.) accessory obturator nerve (L3,L4)
B: medial femoral circumflex, obturator artery
located with anterior compartment
O: ischial tuberosity & ramus
I: (superficial) oblique popliteal ligament of knee, medial border and soliel line of tibia; (deep) medial condyle of tibia
A:FLEX leg, EXTEND thigh, rotate MEDIALLY
N: Tibial part of sciatic
B: profunda femoris & popliteal arteries
O: like adductor magnus extensor part
O: ischial tuberosity (with long head of biceps)
I: pes anserinus (deep to sartorius, distal to gracilis)
A: FLEX leg, EXTEND thigh, rotate MEDIALLY
N: tibial part of sciatic
B: profunda femoris & popliteal arteries
Biceps Femoris (short head)
O: lateral lip of LINEA ASPERA
I: lateral condyle of tibia
A: FLEX leg, EXTEND thigh, rotate LATERAL
N: common peroneal
O: 1 joint
O: long-2 joints
I: lateral border of popliteal fossa
Biceps Femoris (long head)
O: ischial tuberosity AND sacrotuberous ligament
I: lateral condyle of tibia
A: FLEX leg, EXTEND thigh, rotate LATERAL
N: tibial part of sciatic
B: profunda femoris & popliteal arteries
O: 2 joints