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37 Cards in this Set

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bears weight of the upper body when sitting and standing
transfers weight from axial skeleton to lower appendicular skeleton for standing and walking
attachments for muscles of locomotion and posture
Pelvic Girdle
fusion of the coccyx begins at the
3 innominate bones
right and left coxae join together at 2 places
symphysis pubis
sacroiliac joints
what type of joint is the symphysis pubis
ampiarthritic symphysis
proof of movement because over time there is wear and tear on this joint
what articulates with the femur, where the support of the femur is
lunate surface
opening for the lunate surface, transverse ligament will run between the lunate surface and this
acetabular notch
Glutes and lots of other muscles attach at the
iliac crest
landmark to look for symmetry of the pelvis
anterior superior iliac spine
rough edge of bone, primary attachment for the hamstring
ischial tuberosity
decreases the amount of weight carried, there is a thick tissue accross to allow for muscular attachment
obturator foramen
line that runs from superior posterior to inferior anterior of the pelvic girdle through the iliac and the pubis
arcuate line
the upper pelvis and the lower pelvis are separated by the
pelvic brim (linea terminales)
five anterior parts of the femur
greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric line, neck, head
9 muscles attach to this line on the femur
linea aspera
normal angle between head/neck to shaft of femur
125 degrees
when the angle between head/neck and shaft of femur is less than 125 degrees
coxa vara
when the angle between head/neck and shaft of femur is greater than 125 degrees
coxa valga
angle viewed in the frontal plane between the neck of the femur and the shaft
angle of inclination
angle viewed in the transverse plane between the neck and the femoral condyles
angle of torsion
normal angle of torsion
12-15 degrees anterior to femoral condyles
angle of torsion greater than 15 degrees
anteversion, pidgeon toed
angle of torsion less than 12 degrees
retroversion, splay foot
four landmarks of the distal femur
adductor tubercle
lateral femoral condyle
medial femoral condyle
intercondylar notch
which femoral condyle is longer?
what are the femoral condyles covered in?
hyaline cartilage
four landmarks of the proximal tibia
Gerdy's tubercle, medial condyle, lateral condyle, tuberosity of the tibia
which tibial condyle is more convex?
Fibula has a _______ joint with the tibia
main nerve that goes around the fibula
peroneal nerve
facets of the patella
3 medial
3 lateral
1 odd
what are the tibia and the fibula held together by?
three types of phalanges
distal, middle, proximal
three cuneiform names
medial, intermediate, lateral
common stress fracture in the fifth metatarsal due to lateral cutting movement
Jones fracture
bones of the foot which lie within tendons of the flexor hallicus breves
five types of tarsal bones
cuneiforms, cuboid, navicular, talus, calcaneous