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28 Cards in this Set

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argument form
is a group of sentencee forms such that ALL its substituion instances are arguments.

p -> q
p / :. q
Method of Proof means?
aka what?
demonstrates the validity (nut not invalidity) of sentential arugments

aka Natural Deduction
Denying the Antecedent (invalid)
p -> q
~p /:. ~q

If for p we sub a False sentence and for q we sub a True sentence,

result is Denying the Abntecedent that as True Premises and False Conclusion
Affirming the Consequent (invalid)
p -> q
p /:. q
Modus Ponens (MP)
p -> q
p /:. q
Modus Tollens (MT)
p -> q
~p /:. ~q
Disjunctive Syllogism (DS)
two forms:
1. p v q
~p /:. q

2. p v q
~q /:. p

Given that at least on of two sentences is True and one of the sentences is definitely false, it follows that the other sentene MUST be True.
Hypothetical Syllogism (HS)
p -> q
q -> r /:. p -> r
Simplification (Simp)
two forms:
p . q /:. p and p . q /:. q

2 sentences are both True you can infer that one of the sentences is True.

Rule used to take apart Conjunctions.
Conjunction (Conj)
q /:. p . q

Take any 2 lines of a proof and put them together tomake a conjunctions.

Rule used to put Simplifications together
Addition (Add)
p /:. p v q
Constructive Dilemma (CD)
p v q
p -> r
q -> s /:. r v s

requires you to cite 3 lines in the proof.
You need a disjunction and 2 conditionals, the antecedednts of the 2 conditionals are the 2 disjuncts fo the disjuntion.
Implicational arument forms
are one directional arugment forms.

A . B to A BUT NOT A to A . B
Principles of Strategy:
if you have a premise that is a conditional, see if you have another line that allos you to employ
MP, MT or HS.
Principles of Strategy:
If you have a premise that is a disjunction, look for ways to employ
Principles of Strategy:
If you have a line that is a negation, see if you can use
MT or DS
Principles of Strategy:
Whenever the same sentence occurs on 2 differetn lines, look for ways to apply ___________ using those 2 lines.
MP, MT, DS or HS
Doulbe Negation (DN)
p /:. ~~p or it can be ~~p /:. p

permits inferences from any substituion instance of p to the analogous sub instance of ~~p, and...

from any sub instance of ~~p to the analogus sub instance of p.
Equivalence argument forms
argument form that permit inferences in both directions.
because they permit inferences from given statements to statements with which they are logically equivalent.
DeMorgan's Theorem (DeM)
~(p . q) :: ~p v ~q
~(p v q) :: ~p . ~q
Implicational argument forms MUST be used on ("parts of" or whole) lines only
Equivalence forms may be used on ("parts of" or whole) lines only.
Parts of
Replacement has to be _ throughout.
a) Uniform
b) Not be Uniform
Not be Uniform
Substitution has to be _ throughout.
a) Uniform
b) Not be Uniform
A -> (B -> A) is not logiccally equivalent to p -> (q -> p) because the LATTER
a) statement form contains 2 variables and has no truth-value
b) contains statement constants and has a definite truth-value.
a) statement form contains 2 variables and has no truth-value
A -> (B -> A) is not logiccally equivalent to p -> (q -> p) because the FORMER
a) statement form contains 2 variables and has no truth-value
b) contains statement constants and has a definite truth-value.
b) contains statement constants and has a definite truth-value.
Commutation (Comm)
p v q :: q v p
p . q :: q . p

reversing the order of statements connected by "." or "v"

Does NOT work for "->"
Association (Assoc)
p v (q v r) :: (p v q) v r
p . (q . r) :: (p . q) . r

THe movement of parentheses in either of the ways specified doesn't change the truth values of compound sentenctes in which they occur