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61 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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The frontonasal, mandibular, and maxillary prominences form around the?
Which of the following does not contribute to formation of the face?
splanchnic mesoderm
Which of the following is a derivative of the 1st pharyngeal arch?
sphenomandibular ligament
Which of the following is a derivative of the 1st pharyngeal cleft?
external auditory meatus
The 1st pharyngeal pouch will give rise to the?
middle ear cavity
The 2nd pharyngeal arch can form the
superior part of the hyoid body and its lesser cornua
The second pharyngeal cleft helps form the
cervical sinus
The nerves that are associated with the 1st and 2nd arches are the __________, respectively.
trigeminal / facial
The 3rd pharyngeal arch is associated the ________ nerve.
The thymus and inferior parathyroid glands are derivatives of ______________.
3rd pharyngeal pouch
The superior parathyroid glands are derivatives of the _____________.
4th pharyngeal pouch
The ultimobranchial body is related to the ______ pouch and it gives rise to C cells
that will _________ serum calcium.
5th / decrease
The 4th and 6th arches are related to the ________ and ________ nerves, respectively.
superior laryngeal / recurrent laryngeal
Failure of neural crest migration can result in facial malformations and __________.
persistent truncus arteriosus
Early tongue development has a median swelling of the 1st pharyngeal arch called which of the following?
tuberculum impar
The alae of the nose are formed by the _____________.
lateral nasal prominences
The thyroid gland begins its descent from the _______, in the tongue, and terminates
anterior to the trachea below the thyroid cartilage. Be specific!
foramen cecum
The nasolacrimal ducts are formed by mergence and fusion of the _________ and __________ prominences.
lateral nasal / maxillary
The upper lip is formed by the mergence and fusion of the _________ and __________ prominences.
medial nasal / maxillary
The premaxilla or intermaxillary segment is formed by the ________ prominences.
medial nasal
Cleft lip is due to failure of the _______________ to fuse.
nasomedial and maxillary processes
A defect in forebrain development can lead to concurrent problems with facial development called ___________.
Neural crest cells give rise to ______________ which make _________.
odontoblasts / dentin
The membranous labyrinth of the inner ear is derived from the ___________.
otic placode
The otic vesicle is derived from ______________.
The cochlea is formed by part of the ____________.
The semicircular canals are associated with being formed from the ____________.
The connection between the saccule and the cochlear duct is the _____________.
ductus reuniens
Otoliths are associated with the _____________.
macula of the utricle and saccule
Which of the following makes up a part of the tympanic membrane?
Which of the following form the external and internal cavities of the ear?
1st cleft and pouch
The facial nerve innervates the __________ muscle.
Which of the following pairs forms the auricle?
1st and 2nd arches
The optic vesicles are out growths of the _____________.
The lens vesicle is derived from _____________.
Which of the following is not a part of the inner layer of the optic cup?
pigment cells
The most anterior portion of the retina will form the ___________.
The blue eyes, seen in newborns or light skinned individuals, is due to which of the following?
Light reflecting back from the pigmented layer of the iris
The sclera of the eyeball is continuous with which of the following?
dura mater
The cornea is continuous with the _____________.
Which of the following is not a part of the cornea?
The shape of the lens is performed by which of the following muscles?
A coloboma is due to a defect in closure of the _____________.
choroid fissure
The mitotically active layer of the epidermis is the _____________ layer.
Melanosomes are derived from ______________.
neural crest cells
Arrector pili muscle is derived from ______________.
Products of the fetal sebaceous glands accumulate on the surface of the skin as _______.
vernix caseosa
Formation of a complete mammary gland is known as ___________.
The ____________is also called the midbrain.
The optic vesicles are the extension of the ______________.
. When the production of neuroblasts ceases, the formation of __________ and
ependymal cells begins from neuroepithelial cells.
In the gray matter are found __________________.
protoplasmic astrocytes
In the developing spinal cord, the intermediate stratum is called the _______ zone.
You will tend to find cell bodies of neurons in the ______________ zone.
Which of the following is true?
The sulcus limitans separates the basal and alar plates.
During development, neurons become assembled into functional networks by growing out axons and dendrites, collectively called ___________.
The condition where both meninges and spinal cord protrude from the surface of the body is __________.
The hindbrain is also called the ______________.
The outer layer of the cerebellar cortex is the ___________ layer.
The Edinger-Westphal nuclei are found in the ______________.
The adenohypophysis develops from ___________ epithelium, also called ___________.
ectodermal / Rathke's pouch