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17 Cards in this Set

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What was the first fraternity colony at fsu?
Gamma Rho
What happened December 5th 1948
Our first new member pledge ceremony
What happened in 1949?
We won the first scholar ship greek trophey at FSU
Where was our first fraternity house at fsu located?
Dale Mabry Army air force field where TCC is now located
who was the 1st colley award given to, and what year?
Captain Donald Ramsden, 1959
who was the 2nd one given to and what year?
Carl C Butler the 3rd in 1961
Where was the 1960s house located?
at 109 Wildwood
what happened in the 1980s?
Gamma Rho moved into a 32 room house at 629 west Pensacola ST
what were the highest active members weve ever had and what year was this?
139 members, 1989
what happened in the 1990's?
Gamma Rho recieved 2 major hazing violations than in early summer 2000 nationals pulled our charter from fsu
what happened to allow gamma rho to return?
a 12 to 4 vote, however we were still on probation for 2 years
What date did Nationals send the L.E.Cs and what were there names?
august 2004. Michael Mayer and Josh Wilson
What happened December 5th 2004?
First Colonization by Bjorn Gas
When was the first official rush and how many bids were handed out>
September 13-16 2005. 24 bids handed out
What date were Gamma Rho members given the right to be called brothers?
March 24 2006
What date was the colony deemed a fullinternational charter and how many brothers were in this class>
March 25th, 2006. 45 brothers
when was the first ritual initiation
march 5th 1949