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24 Cards in this Set

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Order of nerve blockade
B Autonomic; decreased BP
C Temp., Dull pain
A d Sharp pain
A g Muscle tone
A b Touch
A a Motor, then Proprioception
Purpose of adding HCO3 to LA?
Alkalinization increases % of non-ionized LA speeding onset
3 things you need to know to determine if majority of drug is in non-ionized or ionized form
1 If drug is an acid or a base
2 pKa of the drug
3 pH that the drug is going into
which part of the LA is lipophlic?

Which part is hydrophilic?

What is the other part of the structure?
The benzene ring is lipophilic

The quat. amine group is hydrophilic.

The hydrocarbon chain is what makes the LA an ester or an amide
Purpose of adding epinephrine to LA?
Vasoconstriction results in decreased absorption & increased duration by preventing washout. Also decreases systemic toxicity due to slower absorption.
Chlorprocaine trade name, class, pKa, onset, duration, & use, concentration
Nesacaine, Ester, 9.0, fast, short, epidural & peripheral blocks, low toxicity allow use of high (>3%) conc. to speed onset
Cocaine class, pKa, & use
Ester, 8.7, topical
Procaine class, & pKa
Ester, 8.9
Tetracaine trade name, class, pKa, duration, & use, preparation
Pontocaine, Ester, 8.2, longest of all spinal agents, Spinal & axillary blocks, mix with sterile water for hypobaric spinal perineal(prone/jackknife) cases
Metabolism of esters
Plasma pseudocholineterase, forms PABA which may cause allergic reactions
Metabolism of amides
Hepatic amidases, not borken down to PABA, but have PABA as preservative. Do not use with allergy to LAs
Dibucaine trade name, class, pKa,
Nupercaine, amide, 8.8, used to diagnose psudocholinesterase deficiency
Bupivicaine trade name, class, pKa, & use, max dose, adverse effects
Marcaine, amide, 8.1, infiltration, neuraxial & peripheral blocks, max dose 2-3 mg/kg, no conc. over 0.5% due to unresuscitatable collapse, small therapeutic window/cardiotoxicity is a concern
Benzocaine class, & use, adverse effects
amide, used in sprays, can cause methemoglobinemia, treat with methylene blue 1-2 mg/kg IV
Ropivicaine trade name, class, pKa, onset, uses
Naropin, amide, 8.1, similar onset to bupivicaine (marcaine), causes vasoconstriction(as cocaine), popular in OB because motor is spared, max dose of 2-3 mg/kg, similar to bupivicaine but is not an s-isomer
Lidocaine trade name, class, pKa, onset, duration, & use, concentration
Xylocaine, amide, 7.8, safer if IV due to higher toxicity ratio, max dose 5mg/kg plain, 7 mg/kg with epi, used for infiltration, topical, IV. Only LA given IV regularly to blunt resp. to intubation of min. pain from propofol inj.
Prilocaine trade name, class, pKa, adverse effects
Citanest, amide, 7.8, dose-dependent methemoglobinemia, cyanotic/chocolate colored blood, tx with methylene blue 1-2 mg/kg, spontaneous recovery after d/c prilocaine (citanset)
Etidocaine trade name, class, pKa
Duranest, amide, 7.7
Mepivicaine trade name, class, pKa
Carbocaine, amide, 7.6, used for axillary & peripheral blocks
1st sign of LA toxicity?
circumoral numbness

subjective, so you won't see this if under GA
If under GA, 1st sign of LA toxicity?
Tachycxardia, HTN r/t excitatory effects
Stages of LA toxicity
1 CNS excitation - numbness, tinnitus, metallic taste
2 CV excitation -tchy, HTN
3 Late CNS symtpoms - shivering, twitching, siezures, LOC, apnea
4 Late CV symptoms - brady, hypotension, dysrhythmias, asystole
Interventions for LA toxicity
Stop drug
Call for help
100% O2
Hyperventilate - raise siezure threshold, low CO2 causes vasoconstriction & decreases delivery of LA to brain
Benzos/Barbs - raise siezure threshold
Prevention of LA toxicity
Right dose/concentration of LA
Use test dose
Monitor closely
Benzodiazepines (Versed) on everyone to raise siezure threshold
Epi as vascular marker to prevent intra-arterial injection