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56 Cards in this Set

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Staffing refers to:

a. describing job responsibilities

b. recruitment and selection of nurse

c. filling work force requirement

d. establishing qualifications for employment

Answer: c. filling work force requirement

The most fiscally responsible method for determining staffing needs for a hospital unit would be using:

a. Maximum patient load capacity of the unit

b. Numbers of patients present for the upcoming shift

c. The agreed-upon staffing formula presently in use

d. Total beds on the unit

Answer: c. The agreed-upon staffing formula presently in use

This statement on loading is TRUE:

a. loading must achieve organizational goals at all cost

b. satisfaction and motivation are different

c. No single motivation sufficiently explain human behavior

d. There are no average person just unique ones

Answer: a. loading must achieve organizational goals at all cost

The main basis for endorsement while doing nursing rounds during a change of shift is primarily which one of the following?

a. Information in the Kardex

b. the client’s health needs

c. Prescribed medication and therapy

d. Routine nursing care

Answer: b. the client’s health needs

Situation : The Nursing Service Director of leading hospitals in Manila wants all her patients to get the care they rightfully deserve. With the permission of the hospitals board, she asked one of the best head nurses to organize a unit in such a way that patients are categorized according to the severity of illness. She wants this unit to be a role model of quality patient care. The health personnel were assigned in a manner that they meet the needs of the patients accordingly. Which of the following statements about patient classification systems is the most accurate?

a. Classification systems are able to solve staffing problems.

b. Nursing care hours assigned to a classification system should remain constant.

c. A good classification system is without fault.

d. Internal and external forces may affect classification systems.

Answer: d. Internal and external forces may affect classification systems

Which of the following is an outcome of decentralized staffing?

a. Provide increased fairness to employees through consistent, objective, and impartial application

b. Is cost-effective because it allows better use of resources

c. Managers are given the autonomy to more closely control the staffing on their units, resulting in an increase in self-esteem and team work

d. Improves the availability of data for monitoring the

Answer: c. Managers are given the autonomy to more closely control the staffing on their units, resulting in an increase in self-esteem and team work

Which statement is most accurate concerning decentralized staffing?

a. It carries risk that employees may be treated unequally or inconsistently.

b. It uses one individual or a computer to do the staffing.

c. The manager’s role is that of making minor adjustments or providing input

d. It provides good control for the organization

Answer: a. It carries risk that employees may be treated unequally or inconsistently

Which of the following is the BEST reason for classifying patients according to the severity of illness from the nursing viewpoint?

a. Nursing care of clients is better planned

b. Professionals and non-professionals are delineated

c. Staffing requirements are met

d. Overtime work is avoided

Answer: a. Nursing care of clients is better planned

The most realistic and appropriate goal for a manager in regards to staffing and scheduling is to:

a. Schedule staff so there is no overtime

b. Ensure that there is adequate staff to meet all the needs of each patient

c. Develop trust in staff by seeing that staffing is carried out in a fair manner

d. Ensure that staff usually have days off and special requests granted

Answer: c. Develop trust in staff by seeing that staffing is carried out in a fair manner

Which is the most accurate statement regarding staffing and scheduling policies?

a. It is more important to communicate policies verbally than in writing.

b. It is necessary that policies are written in a manner that allows some flexibility

c. Policies should focus on the process

d. Managers should have

Answer: b. It is necessary that policies are written in a manner that allows some flexibility

Alexandra is tasked to organize the new wing of the hospital. She was given the authority to do as she deems fit. She is aware that the director of nursing has substantial trust and confidence in her capabilities, communicates through downward and upward channels and usually uses the ideas and opinions of her staff. Which of the following is her style of management?

a) Benevolent –authoritative

b) Consultative/ Democratic

c) Exploitive-authoritative

d) Multicratic

answer: b) Consultative/ Democratic

Situation: Nurses encounter various types of situations that calls for management and decisionmaking. Under varying conditions the best approach to management is: Management by:

a. situation

b. policy

c. goals

d. objective

answer: a. situation

Your democratic leadership is best demonstrated when you:

a. share leadership with others

b. respect opinion of others

c. make acceptable decisions

d. uphold professional standards

answer: b. respect opinion of others

Situation: Your head nurse participated in a 2 week seminar. You were designated to be officer-in charge of your nursing unit.In unit planning which of the following questions initiate the process?

a. How to schedule activities

b. What is to be accomplished

c. Who will do the planning

d. Where to get unit supplies

answer: b. What is to be accomplished

To accomplish the nursing unit work, you shouldfirst get information about:

a. Objectives of the unit

b. Nursing budget

C. Nursing service organization chart

D. Mission of the hospital

answer: a. Objectives of the unit

You are a new staff nurse in San Juan Hospital and you observe that the medical unit is understaffed. What will you do?

a. Observe for 1 – 2 weeks how nursing care is going on

b. Ask the hospital director to hire additional nurses

c. Decide to transfer to another hospital

d. Pull out another nurse from another unit

answer: a. Observe for 1 – 2 weeks how nursing care is going on

It itemizes the organization’s predicted expenses and expected revenues for a given period of time.

a. Budget process

b. Budget

c. Capital budget

d. Cost management

answer: b. Budget

A budget allocated to daily expenses such as salaries, utilities, repairs, maintenance, and patient care supplies.

a. Capital budget

b. Operating budget

c. Labor budget

d. Direct Cost

answer: b. Operating budget

Are often considered investments, thus they are scrutinized more carefully during the budgeting process

a. Capital purchase

b. Direct cost

c. Labor budget

d. Operating budget

answer: a. Capital purchase

Which of the following is the responsibility of the unit manager in fiscal planning?

a. To shelter staff from feeling a responsibility for achieving budgetary planning goals

b. To monitor and evaluate all aspects of the unit’s budget control

c. To streamline the number of subordinates involved in the budgetary process

d. To control unpredictable census variations that may undermine the personnel

answer: b. To monitor and evaluate all aspects of the unit’s budget control

It is one of the most vital functions of the budget – and the functionthat the nurse manager will be most involved with on a daily basis.

a. Process audit

b. Monitoring progress

c. Performance evaluation

d. Budget process

answer: b. Monitoring progress

If an item is “cost-effective,” it can be understood that:

a. It is the least expensive product available on the market at the time of purchase

b. It is worth the cost

c. It is reimbursable by third-party insurance companies

d. Its cost was anticipated in the current budget cycle

answer: b. It is worth the cost

The LARGEST of the budget expenditures for health careorganizations is:

a. The workforce or personnel budget

b. Short-term capital acquisitions

c. The operating budget

d. Supplies and equipment

answer: a. The workforce or personnel budget

This provides the framework for performance

a. Planning

b. Organizing

c. Directing

d. Controlling

answer: a. Planning

In utilizing her knowledge of management, the head nurse as the leader of the unit is expected first to?

a. Formulate with the members, policies to be followed in the ward

b. Evaluate the care rendered to clients

c. Plan with members the nursing care of patient

d. Delegate tasks to be done by her members

answer: c. Plan with members the nursing care of patient

The following are true to planning, except:

a. It helps reduce the risks of decision making problem solving,

b. It is a thinking or conceptual act that is frequently committed to writing

c. This is the grouping of activities for the purpose of achieving objectives.

d. the forecasting of events – the building of an operational plan

answer: c. This is the grouping of activities for the purpose of achieving objectives.

You were designated by your head nurse to be the nursing team leader. What is the first thing you should do?

a. gather information about patients assigned to the team

b. call directive-giving conference

c. classify group activities and schedule their patients

d. establish objectives for team patients

answer: d. establish objectives for team patients

This is an example of a patient care unit objective:

a. To ensure adequate unit supplies/ materials

b. To provide safe nursing care

c. To use the Kardex system of charting

d. To determine the number of nursing staff needed

answer: b. To provide safe nursing care

Nursing management goals are best achieved bywhich of the following:

a. Management and staff nurses workingtogether

b. Discussion with staff

c. Knowing work schedule

d. Selection of competent staff

answer: d. Selection of competent staff

Policies that are neither written nor stated verbally and that have developed over time are called:

a. Implied policies

b. Expressed policies

c. Understood precedents

d. The organizational culture

answer: a. Implied policies

A mission statement is best defined as:

a. A statement that reflects the organization’s work, why and how it is done

b. Annual actions specified as needed to attain the goals

c. An organizational framework of decentralized leadership and autonomous decision-making

d. A brief, fairly broad statement that reflects the organization’s purpose, it key principles, or values, and its customers or clients.

answer: d. A brief, fairly broad statement that reflects the organization’s purpose, it key principles, or values, and its customers or clients.

To be well organized and increase productivity on the unit, the most important component is to have:

a. Adequate resources

b. A well-trained staff

c. A well-thought-out plan

d. Time to carry out your duties

answer: c. A well-thought-out plan

Miss Sanchez is assigned to pull new team leaders for one month. As a team leader the initial activity would be which of the following?

a. Document all nursing care rendered by the staff

b. Evaluate the performance of the staff

c. Organize the work load

d. Get the patient assignment

answer: c. Organize the work load

You are a new staff in the medical ward. Mrs.Castro is a patient who complains about anything done for her in the morning shift.The best action to take is:

a. Refer her to the doctor

b. Do not listen to her complaints

c. Consult your head nurse for advise

d. Label her as “difficult” patient

answer: c. Consult your head nurse for advise

Which of the following is true about an organization’s chain of command?

a. It allows nurses to question orders and consult with the hierarchy of the organization

b. It is used only for nursing issues and does not apply to physicians

c. It prevents nurses from moving more than one level above the nurse’s level of employment

d. It does not require that the nurse reveals specific patient information

answer: a. It allows nurses to question orders and consult with the hierarchy of the organization

In one of those times that you function as a charge nurse, during doctor’s rounds, you found yourself faced with the following activities. Which should you give priority?

a. Attend to nursing student’s inquiry

b. Go with the doctor’s rounds

c. Write report required by the head nurse

d. Respond to patient call for assistance

answer: b. Go with the doctor’s rounds

Miss Yap. a clinical instructor, resented youreminding students about early charting.What should you do?

a. confront Miss Yap as soon as possible

b. do not call again attention of students

c. discuss the problem with co-staff nurses

d. present the problem to your head nurse

answer: d. present the problem to your head nurse

Hospital and management showed lack of concern for the nurse. Which of the following action would you initially take?

a. Arrange for a dialogue between a selected group of nurses and management

b. Resign from your position stating abuse of management

c. Discuss the problem with other health related groups

d. Organize the nurse and other health workers to go on strike

answer: a. Arrange for a dialogue between a selected group of nurses and management

Regardless of the method of nursing care delivery the head nurse is still accountable for all nursing care of patients in the ward. This is an application of the principle of:

a. Scalar principle

b. proper channeling of communication

c. Unity of command

d. Command responsibility

answer: d. Command responsibility

A manager with narrow span of control will:

a. directly supervise more than 10 staff members

b. have greater opportunities for direct observation and control of staff

c. tend to oversee staff with high levels of training

d. be unable to motivate staff members

answer: b. have greater opportunities for direct observation and control of staff

Optimum span of control:

a. Is between 40 and 60

b. Varies with the manager’s abilities, the employee’s maturity, and task complexity

c. Is less than five

d. Cannot be achieved in an organization with aline / staff organization structure

answer: b. Varies with the manager’s abilities, the employee’s maturity, and task complexity

Which of the following is a symptom of poor organization structure?

a. Communication follows the chain of command.

b. The smallest possible number of managers exists to keep units functioning.

c. The chain of command is fairly short.

d. There is a heavy reliance on committees to solve unit problems

answer: d. There is a heavy reliance on committees to solve unit problems

Situation: Miss Gregorio is a head nurse in the ward where there are fourth year students affiliating for their Related Learning in management.

The clinical instructor of the students usually assigned two patients for each. The students are responsible for the 24 hour nursing care plan of each of the patient assigned to them. This method of nursing care delivery is called:

a. Team approach

b. Functional method

c. Case management

d. Primary nursing

answer: d. Primary nursing

Which of the following is true about evidence-based care?

a. It supports doing above knowing

b. It uses the best evidence if the evidence fits current protocols

c. It uses outcomes research to develop care strategies anddelivery

d. It requires nurses to conduct their own research

answer: c. It uses outcomes research to develop care strategies and delivery

Which of the following statements best describes functional nursing care delivery?

a. Nursing care is patient centered.

b. The nurse must be a licensed person.

c. Emphasis is on “getting the work done".

d. It is also known as total patient care.

answer: c. Emphasis is on “getting the work done".

You are assigned to administer medications to all patients throughout your shift. This is an example of:

a. Team nursing

b. Case method nursing

c. Primary care delivery

d. Functional nursing care

answer: d. Functional nursing care

You have accepted position as a staff nurse where you will practice small team or modular nursing, with you being the only RN. Select an appropriate role expectation for your role fulfillment.

a. Planning nursing care independently of others

b. Maintaining a professional attitude

c. Being responsible for care planning 24 hours a day

d. Carrying out the majority of personal care for patients on your team

answer: b. Maintaining a professional attitude

The care delivery model in which one nurse is responsible for all aspects of patient care for that nurse’s shift is called:

a. Functional nursing

b. Team nursing

c. Total patient care

d. Patient-focused care

answer: c. Total patient care

Primary nursing care:

a. Requires minimal RN staffing

b. Is easy to implement

c. Provides challenging work

d. Has proved to be a failure

answer: c. Provides challenging work

The first step to successful delegation is:

a. Plan

b. Intervene

c. Evaluate

d. Assess

answer: d. Assess

A registered nurse who is prioritizing patient outcomes that are the most important is engaged in which part of the delegation process?

a. Assessing

b. Planning

c. Intervening

d. Evaluating

answer: b. Planning

Which of the following is true about delegation to a novice?

a. Novices should not be delegated to as they have insufficient experience

b. Novices need rules to guide their actions

c. Novices are able to recognize patterns in their work and can thus handle delegation

d. Novices are able to see the big picture as well as the individual situation

answer: b. Novices need rules to guide their actions

Transferring the authority to perform a selected nursing task to a competent individual in a selected situation is called:

a. Evaluation

b. Promotion

c. Feedback

d. Delegation

answer: d. Delegation

Which of the following is not one of the “five rights” of delegation?

a. Right task

b. Right person

c. Right direction

d. Right experience

answer: d. Right experience

Feedback that restates instructions and makes sure there is no confusion is called:

a. Clarifying

b. Interpretive

c. Judgmental

d. Personal feedback

answer: a. Clarifying

Nancy is the supervisor of the Southwest wing area. Her subordinates follow her because of hertitle, she has:

a. Reward power

b. Coercive power

c. Legitimate power

d. Expert power

answer: c. Legitimate power