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34 Cards in this Set

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President Thomas S. Monson
- Saturday Morning Opening
"Live True to the Faith" (Gilbert, AZ temple presentation)
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Saturday Morning
You will be called to DEFEND YOUR FAITH.
- Story: Sister missionary sworn, spit, and thrown food at.
- "Pure Christ-like love can change the world"
- The narrow path can be traveled with the love of and steadfastness in Christ.
Ronald A. Rasband
Saturday Morning
"What do you want me to do? What do you want me to say?
1. Love
2. Prayer
3. Thank those helping
- Respond with love
- Serve
- Find the joy in bearing another's burdens
Carlos H. Amados
Saturday Morning
"Go and sin no more, for thy sins are forgiven thee."
- Remain faithful to Him until the end.
Sister Linda S. Reeves
Saturday Morning
Remember how MERCIFUL our beloved Savior is.
- You are not alone
- Daily Scripture study
- Prayer
Take responsibility for your own spirituality
Elder Neil L. Andersen
Saturday Morning
"The world will not glide calmly toward the 2nd coming."
- Temptation of the adversary
- Look to Christ, and they will strengthen you.
CIVIL laws can't change the MORAL laws of our Savior
- Families are a treasure of heaven
- Stand for what you believe, even if you're "alone"
President Henry B. Eyring
Saturday Morning
A Feeling of HOPE
"...you hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine."
*Henrich Eyring*
- Eternal life = family life/bonds through choices made.
- Have an example of FAITH and HOPE in your heart as you serve others.
Righteousness must be CHOSEN--it can not be FORCED upon us.
Wait patiently and in FAITH
- Scripture study
- Prayer
Let HIM be the leader of your family
Who gave the sustainings of Church callings?
President Uchtdorf -- Saturday Afternoon
Who gave the Church Auditing Department Report?
Elder Kevin Jergensen -- Saturday Afternoon
Who gave the statistical report?
Elder Brook P. Hales -- Saturday Afternoon
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Saturday Afternoon
FAITH is the antidote to FEAR.
- Our faith will be tested and challenged = a FACT of mortality
"Religion" = "To tie back go God"
- Are we SECURELY TIED to God? Or something/one else?
"Look unto me for peace -- doubt not, fear not."
Don't HIDE truth in God
* Scriptural Knowledge! = protection
"All men have fears -- but those who face their fears with faith have courage as well."
Elder Richard G. Scott
Saturday Afternoon
"...you should do as I have done unto you."
Grandmother = helped to feel gospel need
Wife = "I will marry a RETURNED MISSIONARY"
LOVE those you want to help
- Share experiences
- Give them confidence of your love
- Testimony
- serve them
"We all grow line upon line"
Elder Robert D. Hales
Saturday Afternoon
- He learned obedience through sacrifice (even though he was perfect).
- Remember/realize the consequences of choices
Don't fall to love Satan more than the Savior
- Martin Harris/Joseph Smith & the lost manuscript
Elder Claudio D. Zivic
Saturday Afternoon
Be a DOER of the LORD'S WORD
- Don't take the wrong path
- Don't fear man more than God
Elder W. Craig Zwick
Saturday Afternoon
Story: Truck engine failure, wife jumps out with their son. "I was trying to save our son."
"Words firm in information can also be soft with spirit"
"What are you thinking?"
- Understand each other's perspectives
- Cultivate & care together
- Just as HE always cares what we're thinking.
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Saturday Afternoon
Family History & Temple Work
- "Now What?"
- Exalted and saved in the process of doing work for our ancestors
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Sunday Morning
Sorrows, Burdens, & Trials -- Facing the end.
* 1 thing to make life better & not bitter = GRATITUDE. *
- Thankfulness shouldn't be proportional to the amount of blessings we receive (it should be more)
- Through eyes of faith - look past present day challenges
- Have faith that one day you'll understand trials
Why do we RESIST endings?
- Have knowledge of Eternal life
- Endings = a pause
"There are no endings, only eternal beginnings"
- Don't look forward to the rainbow, enjoy the rain.
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Sunday Morning
Be PERSISTENT - even in the face of discouragement
Oct 2011 - "Thus, my church be called 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'"
Oct 2013 - Be led to one person - mission experience
"Without the completed action, the invitation is hollow"
Preach My Gospel
- A guide book for ALL of us.
Little 8-yr-old boy in Buenos Aries. "Primary children can be missionaries too."
Sister Jean A. Stevens
(1st Counselor of Primary Presidency)
Sunday Morning
Lay a foundation of FAITH
- God is watching - He is always aware of you
You can feel peace in the midst of turmoil
The Gospel isn't a checklist - but a way for us to live and grow
"The Gospel is not weight; it is wings. It carries us."
Gary E. Stevenson
Sunday Morning
Noelle & the Olympics, bob-sledding
* This life is your 4-minute performance
To receive your "next medal"
- Self-discipline
- Scripture study
- Prayer
- Church attendance
Run with patience
The atonement can always help improve your 4 minutes
"I am a competitor-I want to do my best, but I want my competitors to do their best." - Tora, olympic medalist
Elder David A. Bednar
Sunday Morning
4-wheel drive pick-up truck - Stuck in the snow
- The load of wood gave it enough tracking to get out.
"Spiritual Traction"
- We all have our own loads
"Take my yoke upon you..."
- We are yoked TO and WITH the Lord
- Trust & come closer to Him
- He will ease our burdens
There isn't one thing you will experience that Christ doesn't understand
- DO and BECOME better through the Atonement of Christ.
President Thomas S. Monson
- Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning
LOVE is the very essence of the Gospel.
- Be kind.
* Story: Bernice & Arlene- seamstresses
God gives you people to love and serve every day
* Story: Little boy - injured artery - plane - $ gathered
CHARITY: The purest love of Christ
- Be considerate, compassionate, caring
FORGIVENESS - should go hand in hand with love (it heals)
President Boyd K. Packer
Sunday Afternoon
God lives. He is our Father
- Out of ALL names, he CHOSE "Father"
- Prayerful pleadings - touch others
- Holy Ghost = peace & guidance
William R. Walker
Sunday Afternoon
"Live true to the faith" -- Gilbert, AZ youth group
Church History/Ancestors
Dont Forget:
1. The blessings of the Temple
2. We are blessed w/ a Prophet of God
* Honor the legacy of our righteous forefathers
Elder L. Tom Perry
Sunday Afternoon
Beloved family members living close together
"Who is the driver of the team of horses?" - THE LORD.
- But the horse has to be taught to be obedient
- Small tug of the reins = the gentle tug of the Spirit.
* Obedience
* Repentance
- Obedience is a CHOICE - the "spiritual bit in your mouth"
Lawrence E. Corbridge
Sunday Afternoon
Opposition is a "companion" of Truth
- Even the Son of God had things opposing Him
- We are more than "human" we are CHILDREN OF GOD
"Through the atonement ALL mankind may be saved..."
- The FAMILY is the pattern of heaven
Do as young Joseph - ASK OF GOD.
Michael U. Teh
Sunday Afternoon
The Lord has His own ways of helping you determine the things that are really necessary in life
- Critical to realize: When you have ENOUGH
- Where your treasure is - your heart doth lie
Marcos A Aidukaitis
Sunday Afternoon
"One should not roam through garbage."
- Internet = good for learning, but can also doubt faith and hope
SHARE the fruits/words of the Gospel
Seed of the Gospel:
- Desire
- Enlarge
- Enlighten
- Delicious
Be WILLING to do GOD'S WILL, and have FAITH in His promises.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Sunday Afternoon
= He is independent and everlasting
Have CONFIDENCE in Christ
- Christ's atonement ended the human predicament, we just have to overcome personal predicaments (with His help)
The GRACE of Christ is REAL
President Thomas S. Monson
- Sunday Afternoon
Sunday Afternoon
Take time to re-read the talks
- They are deserving of our review & study
"may we resolve to do a little better than we have done in the past."
- The Lord will see through our difficulties, no matter what they may be
* Realize how much He loves you, and how WILLING He is to come SO CLOSE to you.
Conducted Saturday Morning & Sunday Afternoon
President Uchtdorf
Conducted Saturday Afternoon & Sunday Morning
President Eyring
Sang Saturday Morning & both Sunday Sessions
Sang Saturday Afternoon
Orem Institute group