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22 Cards in this Set

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What state accounted for the greatest % of US commercial sheep and lamb slaughter in 2011?


In 2011, ________% of the federally inspected ovine slaughter numbers consisted of lambs and yearlings, whereas the remaining ________% consisted of sheep.

90% and 10%

List the 2 age/sex classes of animals you have evaluated in ANEQ 250 laboratory for the past few weeks.

A. __________________

B. __________________

A-maturity / 3 to 9 months / Whether

B-maturity / 9 to 14 months / Whether

To be classified as "lamb" a carcass must have 2 _________ joints. In contrast, "sheep" carcasses have at least 1 _________ joint.

Break and Spool

Is the type of joint present on the trotters of a lamb carcass a better predictor of the relative age of a Ewe lamb or a Wether lamb.

Ewe Lamb

Carcasses classified as "Lamb" are most likely to have USDA quality grades of ____________, __________, or ____________.

Good, Choice, or Prime

List 2 other factors (in addition to the type of joints present on the trotters) that are considered by a grader when assigning an ovine carcass to a maturity category.

A. _______________________

B. _______________________

A. Rib bone color and thickness

B. Color of loin

Maturity Group Approximate Age (months)

________________ ___________________________

________________ ___________________________

________________ ___________________________

________________ ___________________________

Maturity Group Approximate Age (months)

Lamb A 3 - 8 months

Lamb B 9 - 14 months

Yearling Mutton 15 - 24 months

Mutton > 24 months

What 3 USDA quality grades usually consist of carcasses produced by mature sheep?

1. Good

2. Utility

3. Cull

Besides carcass maturity, what 2 major factors also are considered when assigning a quality grade to a lamb carcass?

A. Lean quality

B. Carcass confirmation

The term _____________ refers to the heavy neck and shoulders of a lamb carcass produced by an intact male lamb. If very pronounced, these characteristics can cause the quality grade to be reduced by up to _________ full grades.

Bucky, 2

What 4 wholesale cuts of lamb represent more than 80% of total carcass value?

A. ____________________

B. ____________________

C. ____________________

D. ____________________

A. Sholder

B. Rack

C. Loin

D. Leg

What term is used to refer to the collective weight of these 4 cuts expressed as a percentage of carcass weight?

Carcass Cutability

Characterize an "average" market lamb with respect to:

A. Fat thickness: _______inch

B. Ribeye area: _______ square inches

C. Carcass Weight: _______ pounds

D. Dressing % (shorn): _______ %

E. Leg Score: ________

A. .25 inch

B. 2.8 square inches

C. 70 pounds

D. 54 %

E. 12

Accurately describe changes aassociated with an increase in degree of finish in market lambs?

As lambs become fatter, dressing % increases, carcass cutability decreases, and carcass cut - out value decreases.

At what two locations on a lamb carcass would you evaluate flank streaking?

A. ___________________

B. ___________________

A. upper flank

B. lower Flank

For a lamb carcass to be eligible for grading by USDA, _____________ must not exceed 1% of carcass weight.

K. P. Fat

What two factors affect lamb carcass cutability?

A. ________________

B. ________________

A. degree of fnish

B. degree of muscling

What three primary factors are used to determine the USDA quality grade of n ovine carcass?

A. __________________

B. __________________

C. __________________

A. maturity

B. carcass conformation

C. Lean Quality

If a live market lamb has 0.20 inch estimated fat thickness, what would be the best estimated of the lambs lean quality score? ______________

High choice

______________ is a subjective evaluation of muscle-to-bone ratio, based on visual assessments of thickness of muscling in the leg, relative to skeletal size.

Leg Score

According to USDA, what is the minimum amount external fat thickness required for lamb carcass to qualify for the Choice and Prime grades?


.07 inches