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70 Cards in this Set

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a form of an extended metaphor in which people, objects and actions in a narrative symbolize bigger ideas and principles outside of the narrative
Dr. Heidregger's Experiment
the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words
Peter Piper picked peck of pickled peppers
a reference to a familiar person, place, thing or idea (something most people would know about)
"Venus smiles not in a house of tears"
character or force that goes a against the protagonist in a literary work
Voldemort in the Harry Potter series
a brief statement embodying a general truth or observation
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
something a character says that is meant for the audience and not other characters onstage
Romeo (aside): Shall I hear more, or ahall I speak at this?
the repetition of vowel sounds in words
fleet feet sweep by sleeping geeks
blank verse/iambic pentameter
a form of poetry that is written with 10 syllables per line, with every other syllable stressed beggining from the second
"In sooth I know not why I am so sad"
a natural pause or break
England-how I long for thee!
cast of characters
a listing of parts in a play, usually accompanied by the name of the actor who plays that particular role (often in order of appearance or size of characters)
Regina Brooks
Teddy Burnett
Daphne Davis
a purging of emotions
The fight scene at the beggining of Romeo and Juliet because the characters are getting their anger out and that is coming across to the audience.
a person or animal responsible for thoughts and actions within a literary work; they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece literature
Harry Potter
the method a writer uses to reveal infomation about a character such as physical appearence, personality traits, etc.
Huck Finn's father is characterized as abusive and alcoholic.
the highest point in a story or play, where all the action comes together and the reaches its peak
The climax in the Crucible is when John Proctor rips up the document that states he confesses to witchcraft
a dramatic work that is light and often humorous and usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict
The Rules of Comedy is an example of a comedy.
a form of poetry that uses an extended metaphor to liken something to another that is seemingly different
Huswifery, a poem from Purtian literature is an example of a conceit
the struggle in a story, drama, or other literary work (the problem that needs to be resolved)
The conflict in Harry Potter is that he needs to kill Voldemort and save the entire wizarding community.
repetition of consonant sounds in words
deep dark dreaded death
the final outcome of the main complication in a story
The denouement in Harry Potter is when he defeats Voldemort.
the way people speak in a particular area or region
Jim speaks with a certain dialect in Huckleberry Finn "Yo' ole father doan know yit..."
conversation between characters in a drama or narrative
Regina: Lily, I think somebody is here!
Lily: See your hallucinating without your toast!
the authors choice of words
Archiac diction uses words such as "thee" and "thou"
1) a play
2) anything related to theater
1) Romeo and Juliet
2) I have drama class 7th hour
dramatic foil
the use of two characters with usually oppostie traits to highlight the contrasting qualities within eachother
Benvolio is a peace-maker who avoids fighting and Tybalt is always ready to fight. These two characters are an example of dramatic foil.
dramatic irony
a contradiction between what a character knows and what the reader or audience knows
Paris speaks to Friar Lawrence of marrying Juliet, however, the audience knows Juliet has already married Romeo.
dynamic character
a character that changes throughout the story
Reverend Hale is a dynamic character because his views of witchcraft and accusations change as the play progresses.
the capability to intellectually understand another's emotions and feelings
If you have experinced a death in your family, you can feel empathy towards a friend whose family member has passed away.
end rhyme
occurs when words at the end of two or more lines of poetry sound similar in their final vowel-consonant pattern
Perhaps this sword shall end my great sorrow
For I cannot bera to see tommorrow
a long, narrative poem telling of the deeds of a hero and the values of his society
a passage located at the end of a story or play that adds closure and often tells what happens to the characters when the story/play is over
The epilouge in the Crucible informs us that Abigail goes to Boston and becomes a prostitute.
a title attatched to someone's name; often reflecting their personality traits
Tybalt, Prince of Cats
a short, literary composition of a single subject usually reflecting the personal views of the author
My Romeo and Juliet essay was about how Friar Lawrence is innocent rather than guilty.
the beggining part of a story or play that provides background information needed to understand the charcaters and the action
The first few chapters of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" are part of the expositon because they reveal information necessary to later understand the story.
falling action
the events that take place after the climax and lead up to the resolution
The falling action in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is when Harry and Hermione go back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak. This occurs after the climax, but before the resolution.
figurative langauge/figures of speech
language used to create a special effect, often beyond the literal meaning of the words
similies, puns, metaphors
flat character
a minor character who is not very well-developed and usually fades into the background (doesn't change or develop)
Betty Parris in "The Crucible"
the regular unit of rhythm, which when repeated, makes up a verse
five feet is called a pentameter and there is an accent on every second syllable
hinting at events that will take place in the future
In Star Wars, Obi Wan asks Anakin- "Why do I get the feeling you will be the death of me?" Later on, Anakin kills Obi Wan.
free verse
poetry written without proper rules regarding meter, rhythm, rhyme, etc.
I closed my eyes
And felt the raindrops on my skin
I danced around in the rain
an extreme exaggertion often used for effect or to draw attention to an idea
"A thousand times goodnight"
a metrical foot consisting of one stessed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable or one short syllable followed by one long one
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought
the use of langauge to form mental images, figures, or likenesses of things
It was a dark and stormy night...
inciting incident
event that occurs in which the reader is introduced to the conflict
the inciting incident in the crucible is they crying out at the end of act one
internal rhyme
the similar vowel-consanant pattern between two words within a line
Tell Pat to go on the mat.
a contradiction between appearance and reality
In the Odyssey, Odyssseus and his men go in a cave looking for food. Instead, they find a Cyclops who will eat them for food. This is ironic because it appears they will find food but in reality they are the food.
local color
the presentation of a certain region through superstitions, dialect, morals, etc.
Mark Twain uses the Southwestern dialect in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" to portray local color.
a comparsion between two things without using the words like or as
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
regularized rythmns that arrange accents at equal intervals in time
A dimeter consists of two feet.
oen character is speaking for a considerable amount of time, revealing innermost thoughts and feelings (is intended for other characters on stage)
the prince's speech in act one, scene one of romeo and juliet
the feeling or attitude of a piece of literature
the mood of "The Black Veil" is dark and mysterious.
a reoccuring theme
The Montague-Capulet fued
a story that is passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition in order to explain natural phenomenon, religion, etc.
The Odyssey is an example of a myth from Greek times.
narrative style/point of view
the perspective from which a peice of literature in written (can be 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person)
Romeo and Juliet is written in third person.
"Never was there a story of more woe than that of Juliet and her Romeo"
words that sounds exactly how they are spelled
putting two contradictory terms together
jumbo shrimp
a brief or simple narrative that illustrates a moral or religious lesson
The Ministers's Black Veil
a statement that appears to be contradictory but may hold a certain truth
In order to keep the community together the Salem Purtians developed a theocracy but ultimatly that was what broke them apart and led to their downfall.
Use of similar or identical language, structures, events or ideas in different parts of a text
Dr. Kings speech uses parallelism because he keeps returning to the idea that someday all peopel will be united. He gets this point across when he repeats the phrase "I have a dream..."
giving human-like qualities to non-living objects
death came creeping like a cold winter night
the author of a drama or theatrical work
William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet
all the events that happen in a literary work (plan of action)
The plot of Harry Potter is that a young boy struggles to defeat one of the darkest wizards of all time and save the magical community from impending doom.
a passage at the beggining of the story or play that introduces the topic and provides some background information
The prolouge of "I Just Wanna Tell Somebody" introduces the topic of child abuse, letting the audience know what the play will be about.
the main character in a play, drama or other literary work; is dynamic
Harry Potter is the protagonist in the Harry Potter series
a play on words by sound or meaning
A bicycle can't stand alone because it is two-tired.
4 lines of poetry
Come Pat
Sit on the mat
Look at the cat
She is very fat
the theory of writing in which the familiar, ordinary aspects of life are depicted in a matter of fact, straightforward manner designed to reflect life as it actually is
"I Just Wanna Tell Somebody" depicts child abuse in America onstage as it happens in real life
the similar vowel-consonant pattern between two words
rhyme scheme
the pattern of similar words in their final vowel-consonant sounds used in poem, generally indicated by letters
Shakespeare's sonnet XVIII is written in a b a b
rising action
events that follow the exposition and lead up to teh climax of the story
In Harry Potter and the Sorcers's Stone Harry must undergo a series of tasks before he can get to the stone and fight the real battle.
round character
a well-developed, memorable, character that comes to life and is dynamic
Harry Potter is a round character