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65 Cards in this Set

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The hobo ASSUAGED his hunger by chomping down a half-eaten burger from the trashcan.
to satisfy or appease
( eg: hunger/thirst )
The skimpy, skinny sumo wrestler was IMPOTENT compared to the broad, huge one.
lacking physical strength or vigor; weak
The naughty boy made his first IMPRUDENT action when he threw the paper airplane across the room.
unwise; in poor judgment
- adj
My friend expressed her disagreement in her stepmom's TYRANNICAL ways.
exercising power unjustly, oppressive
Compared to the other people in the school, his clothing was ECCENTRIC compared to others; it was all dark and black.
unconventional and unusual
Her style of clothing was QUAINT, with her high neckline and flared jeans.
attractively old-fashioned;
cleverly made; artful
Her REPERTOIRE was broad; she could do anything from painting to singing.
the range or number of skills or special accomplishments of a particular person or group
Because she failed her pig quiz, she was VAPID for the rest of the day, not willing to talk to anyone else.
lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull
The sky outside was NEBULOUS, I presumed it would rain.
cloudy, misty, or hazy
The long clang from the kitchen DIVERTED his attention from his piece he was practicing.
turned aside from a course of direction
Harvard promised an AUSPICIOUS future for all attendees of their college.
marked by success; prosperous; giving promise of happiness
She walked into the room of chaos so PLACIDLY that people turned and stared.
calmly or quietly, undisturbed by disorder
The teacher was so surprised at the student's ASININE response that she let out a snort.
utterly silly or stupid
Columbus expected the fierce Native Americans to treat him dangerously, but instead they gave him a CORDIAL welcome.
warm and sincere; friendly
The angry driver started to spit out INVECTIVE at the person who had crashed into his car.
abusive language
The CANTANKEROUS twins were so noisy that no one wanted to babysit for them.
quarrelsome; disagreeable; difficult to handle
Her strong, MELANCHOLY aura caused everyone to be gloomy as well.
sad, depressed, gloomy
His FEEBLE attempt at fighting back at the bully made the bully laugh in return.
lacking strength, weak
The teacher's INDIGNANT attitude towards the bully showed no trace of sympathy.
filled with anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy
The twins' CONTENTIOUS relationship was always a public embarassment to their mother.
He complained that the task was too TEDIOUS, so he quit right on the spot.
tiresome due to strength, slowness, or dullness; boring
His tall height was FORMIDABLE compared to everyone else's in the basketball team.
arousing fear, dread, or alarm
She spent the whole day in PENSIVE daydreams because her crush had asked her out romantically.
deeply, often dreamily thoughtful
Susie spent almost a year away from home, and there she experienced many phrases of EDIFICATION.
intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement, enlightenment
He always approached life with FORTITUDE, not afraid to face mistakes or try new things.
strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage
The whole class was surprisingly PLACID when the teacher told them to work on homework.
calm, quiet
His hair was UNCOUTH without the gel he put on every morning.
crude, unrefined
He CONCEDED that she was right about the problem on the math test.
to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper
She seemed to have a hard time understanding what was wrong with the situation, so her friend had to ELUCIDATE for her throughly.
to make clear or plain, especially by explanation, clarify
His sister CORROBORATED her younger brother's crime of stealing cookies by pointing to the crumbs on his cheeks.
to strengthen or support with additional evidence; make more certain
The INDIGENOUS habit of the village was to allow the men to enter the huts first, before the women.
originating and living or occuring naturally in an area/environment
Her mother's tongue was quick and ACRIMONIOUS to scold her for going out with the "bad boy."
bitter and sharp in language or tone
Her face was completely DEVOID of emotion when her friend died.
completely lacking; destitue, empty
The boy's drumming of his pencil was causing the class to become PEEVED.
annoyed or resentful
Her shifting, uncomfortable gaze made her purpose in the room FURTIVE.
shifty; having hidden motives
Her voice was VEHEMENT when she spoke for the starving children in Africa.
characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion
He was chastized was his IMPERTLINENT towards adults.
rudeness; disrespect
Everyone was afraid to talk to her because she seemed to be more and more IRASCIBLE everyday.
prone outbursts of temper; easily annoyed
The father REPRIMANDED the child for trying to throw a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store.
to convey disapproval of
She wandered around in STOLID disappointment yesterday because she did not make the volleyball team.
hard to arouse, showing no emotion
The little boy gazed admiringly at the MINSTREL with all of his attention as he told amazing stories.
traveling entertainer, poet, musician
The company's SLOGAN was so lame that instead of buying their products, everyone made a joke out of it.
a motto that expresses the aims or nature of an enterprise
The MAUSOLEUM looked eerie and cold, only accompanied by bare trees near the doorway.
large stately tomb or building for the dead
He threw the ball in a TRAJECTORY so his partner could catch the ball.
curved path of something hurdling through space
Her snobbish attitude was extremely ODIOUS; everyone kept within a ten foot radius of her.
arousing strong dislike
The HERESY in the Christian magazine raised a dispute over the issue of abortion.
an opinion or doctrine contrary to common religious beliefs
When an explicit song is played in a school dance, the majority of the song is CENSORED to change its appropriateness.
to change or prohibit any material to make it acceptable
The HEARTH was dusty and emitted a smell.
floor of a fireplace
Her anger towards her friend's shallowness was almost BESTIAL when she raised her hand to slap her.
beastly; marked by brutality or depravity; lacking in intelligence or reason; subhuman
The VESSEL containing chicken broth looked like it was on the verge of falling off the counter.
a hollow utensil, such as a cup, vase, or pitcher, used as a container, especially for liquids
The little girl thought that it would be fun to jump in the PROFUSION of leaves in the backyard; instead, she was scolded by her mother for doing so.
the state of being profuse; abundance
The villain's deceiving grin was unknowingly PRAETORIAN to the innocent boy.
venal; corruptible
Her sharp tongue for gossip was slowly INSIDIOUS, affecting everyone around the school.
working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner
Her appearance at the prom was so beautiful that it seemed like as if she was GILDED.
to cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold
His FOLLY was easily presented when he decided not to study at all for finals.
lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight
The teacher warned the bully not to use too much harmful VERBIAGE towards the other students.
an excess of words for the purpose; wordiness
The author's DISCOURSE was carefully chosen to lure the audience.
verbal expression in speech, writing
The audience was a WELTER when the plot of the play was throughly unclear.
a confused mass; a jumble
When she broke up with her boyfriend, she felt like as if she was ANESTHETIZED for months.
having loss of feeling
In The Da Vinci Code, the albino performed PENANCE, purposely striking himself with a weapon while apologizing to his god.
voluntary self punishment to show repentance for a wrongdoing
The memory of the day when I first owned my dog is now OBSCURE, but I know that it is a happy one.
vague, ambiguous
Her 200 karat diamond ring was PHOSPHORESCENT; everyone was envious of her.
luminous, giving off light
The essay was OBJECTIVELY written and based only on facts.
existing as an object or fact, independent of the mind
The plague was JUGGERNAUT; everyone feared that the next morning, they would be infected with the disease too.
a terrible, irresistible force
The principal was a PEDANT; she punished everyone who broke the rules and never gave a first warning or second chance.
one who insists on exact adherence to rules