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20 Cards in this Set

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What type of data are lists?


What types of collections do you know?

Tuples, lists and dictionaries

What do you call the values inside of the brackets?

Items or elements

What brackets do lists have?

a = [1, 2]

What can lists contain?

All types of variables, even other lists (nested lists)

Can lists be empty?


What does ordered mean for lists?

Every element was allocated a certain position in memory, so called indices

How can you access indices of lists?

Using the index operator

a = [1, 2, 3]


## 2

Are lists mutable?


Can lists be used as dictionary keys?

No because they are mutable

How to add a new element to a list in a non existent index?

Use a.append(2) for example to add one specific element at the end of the list.

Use a.extend(1, 2) to add multiple values to your list

What are Tuples

Ordered collections but less extensively functional and immutable

What brackets are used for Tuples

a = (1, 2)

How to change a Tuple

Tuple2 = (Tuple1 + "New_Name")

Copy the only Tuple, add a new element and assign it to a new Tuple

What are dictionaries?

Unordered collections of key:value pairs separated by a comma that are mutable


You cannot map the same keys to several values, will be overridden

Keys are immutable

Lists cannot be Keys, neither can dictionaries because they are mutable

How can you assess values if dictionaries are Unordered?

Using the keys. You can access and change them.


What brackets do dictionaries have?

a = {1, 2}

How do you remove a dictionary entry?

Del statement