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36 Cards in this Set

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Inner Speech

a. Egocentric

b. Silent

c. Compressed Syntax

d. Semantic Embeddedness

Shifting Focus

1. Monitor your behavior

2. Listen to understand, not to refute

3. Ask others

Interrupt to let one know that you're thinking.

Patterns of Organization

a. Chronological: time sequenced

b. Topical: all options are relatively equal

c. Spatial: inside out \\ outside in

d. Order of importance

e. Problem-Solution

Note taking Systems

a. Concept vs. Fact method

b. Outline Method

c. Precis

d. Mapping

Type of Empathy

a. Cognitive

b. Perceptive

c. Behavioral

Components of Behavioral Empathy

- Open body orientation

- Eye contact

- Body tension & movement

- Minimal reinforcement

Cost Benefit Ration

Getting more benefits than what its costing you. Both people are trying to become better listeners.

Considerations in Interpretation of Nonverbal Cues

- Understanding person

- Intentionality

- 60-65% carried nonverbally

Regions of the Face/Judging Emotions

1. Eyebrows & Forehead (listening)

2. Eyelids & Bridge of nose (distrusts)

3. Nose, Cheeks, Mouth, and Jaw

The more emotional, the more touch. True or False?


Volume is measured in?

Db (decibels)

Pitch is measured in?

Fq (frequency) \\ sarcasm

The longer & thicker your vocal chords vibrate slower and have a lower pitch. True or False?


Examples of Defensive Behavior

- evaluation: judging

- control: getting others to do what you want

- strategy: manipulation

- neutrality

- superiority: better than everyone else

- certainty: what you think is right

Examples of Supportive Behavior

- descriptive: non evaluating language

- problem orientation: negotiating/compromising

- spontaneity: direct and honest

- empathy: how the person feels/felt

- equality: everyone s equal

- provisional-ism: willing to listen w/o your own perceptions included

Elements of Persuasion

Speaker, Initial, Derived, and Terminal Credibility

Speaker Credibility

Judging a a speakers character. #charisma

Initial Credibility

Based on what you think of a person before actually knowing them.

Derived Credibility

How trustworthy they are, their delivery, their overall dynamic while speaking

Terminal Credibility

Judging credibility after you've talked/ got to know someone

Fact vs. Opinion vs. Infrences

Fact: something verifiable, direct observation

Opinion: continually modified, beyond what's observed

Inference: interpretation of a fact, a guess

Inductive Reasoning

Argument that says what is true of a few instances is true generally

Deductive Reasoning

Argument that says what is true generally is or will be true in a specific instance

Cause Effect Reasoning

Argument that says one action/condition caused will cause another

Comparison Reasoning or Literal Analogy

What is true in one case is or will be true in another

Compelling Reasoning

Advantages outweigh the disadvantages

Begging the Question

Never really getting to the point. Talking in circles

Hasty Generalization

Fallacy that makes claims from insufficient or unrepresentative examples.

Post HOC

Chronological fallacy

Ignoring the Issue

Ad homonym

Ignoring a person because you don't like them

Propaganda Devices

Name calling: "liar", "lazy", etc.

Card stacking: representing one side of issues

The Bandwagon: truth by popular opinion

Glittering Generality: generalizing everything

Testimonial: story from a well known person

Doublespeak: vague, unclear terminology

Assertive Response Style

Learned skill that works on problem solving

I vs. YOU Language

I- nonjudgmental

YOU- judgmental


Empathy- encourages honest, two way interaction

Indifference- makes a person feels worthless


Provisionalism- suggests things that might work

Certainty- tell them what they did wrong

Space & Communication

Intimate- less than 3ft

Personal- 3- 7ft

Social- 7- 12ft