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50 Cards in this Set

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molt (v)
shed or cast off hair or feathers
molten (adj)
momentous (adj)
very important
momentum (n)
quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus
monarchy (n)
government under a single ruler
monastic (adj)
related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns
monetary (adj)
pertaining to money
monochromatic (adj)
having only one color
monolithic (adj)
solid uniform; unyielding
monosyllabic (adj)
having only one syllable
monotony (n)
sameness leading to boredom
montage (n)
photographic composition combining elements from different sources
monumental (adj)
moodiness (n)
fits of depression or gloom
moratorium (n)
legal delay of payment
morbid (adj)
given to unwholesome thought; moody; characteristic of disease
mores (n)
conventions; moral standards; customs
moribund (adj)
morose (adj)
ill-humored; sullen; melancholy
mortician (n)
mortify (v)
humiliate; punish the flesh
mosaic (n)
picture made of colorful small inlaid tiles
mote (n)
small speck
motif (n)
motley (n)
multicolored; mixed
mottled (adj)
blotched in coloring; spotted
muddle (v)(n)
confuse; mix up
muggy (adj)
warm and damp
multifaceted (adj)
having many aspects
multifarious (adj)
varied; greatly diversified
multiform (adj)
having many forms
multilingual (adj)
having or knowing many languages
multiplicity (n)
state of being numerous
mundane (adj)
worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday
munificent (adj)
generous (n) munificence
mural (n)
wall painting
murky (adj)
dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague
muse (v)(n)
mushroom (v)
expand or grow quickly
musky (adj)
having the odor of musk
muster (v)(n)
gather; assemble
mutability (n)
ability to change in form; fickleness
muted (adj)
silent; muffled; tone down
mutinous (adj)
unruly; rebellious (n) mutiny
myopic (adj)
nearsighted; lacking foresight
myriad (n)(adj)
very large number
mystify (v)
bewilder purposely
nadir (n)
lowest point
naiveté (n)
quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility (adj) naïve
musty (adj)
stale; spoiled by age