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34 Cards in this Set

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most common cause of antenatal hydronephrosis: mass hematuria, pain; ~ horseshoe kidney
uteteropelvic junction obstruction
most common cause of chronic kidney disease
PUV: posterior urethral valves: males only: prental US: b/l Hydronephrosis w/ big bladder and post urethra
what's 95th % for SBP and DBP?
SBP: (age x 3 ) + 100
DBP: (age x 1.5) + 100
renal cell carcinoma, renal angiomyolipomas, cystic kidneys; adenoma sebacum; epilepsy,
CNS tubers retinal phakomas
Tuberous sclerosis
renal agensiss; hydronehprosis; UPJ obstruction, vertebral anomalies; radial dysplasia
dextrocardia, sinusisty,"", bronchiectasis;
membronproliferative GN
Kartagener's: immotilie cilia
hematuria, proeinturia, GN; lower limb palpable purpura, abd pain; arthralgia
pt w/ sz d/o ;on carbamezapine w/ Na 132; what's cause of hyponatremia?
SIADH from carbamazepine:
how do you treat microabluminuria in DM patient w/ milkd HTN?
4 mo male; wt < 3%; febrile, abd mass midline; dribbles out urine; Cr 2.9; BUN 52; what's cause and prognosis?
PUV: bladder drainage w/ small feeding tube will improve renal function tests; most common cz of obstructive uropathy
-renal failure in 1st yr of life
-only males; (top of T) under bladder ) ->b/l Hydonephrosis;
mass ~ big bladder?
6 yo AAF blood in underpants; vaginal discomfort; hyperemic mass at vaginal orifice; ? Dx? and tx?
urethral prolapse: due to increase in intrabdominal pressure: warm sitz baths and topical estrogen cream
what is the leading cause of infertility in males?
what's most common hereditary kidney disease? and what cardiac lesion/other lesions ~?
ADPKD; ~ mitral valve prolapse and intracranial aneursysms
which kidney disease ~ many organ systems w/ cysts in liver, pancrease, spleen, ovaries?
-later in childhood, more favorable prognosis
-may present in late childhood or adult w/ flank pain, hematuria, HTN, b/l flank masses
presents in neonatal period: oligohydrnaminos, pum hypoplasia, resp distress, HTN;
ARPKD; infantile polyctystic diz;
3 yo habd mass; U/L; moderate hematuria; HTN;
neg proteinuria; what other associations?
Wilms (nephroblastoma): most common: 2-5 yo: firm, smooth abd mass crosses midline;
~ hemturia; HTN;
~ WAGR: wilm's; aniridia; congenital abnl GU tract; hemihypertrophy;
~ mets to lungs, liver, bone and/or brain: worsen prognosis
? Hi HCG in females ~ ?
germ cell tumors, teratomas
Hi AFP in males ~?
testiculary tumors, liver tumors
16 yo w/ severe scrotal pain x 2 hrs, no cremasteric reflex; swollen tender etsticle; decreased testicular blood flow on U/s: ? dx and prognosis/tx?
testicular torsion;
-prognosis good if surgery w/in 6 hours;
-most common cause of testicular pain in boys > 12;
-surgery: need to examine contralateral testitis b/c inadequate fixation is often bilateral
what does electrolytes look like in rhabdo?
hi K, hi Phosphate, low ca ( from deposits in damaged muscle tissue)
16 yo falls unconscious during football; episodic tremors, sweating w/o exertion in past;
-bp: 215/122; flame hemorrhages; loud S4; no bruits; boudning pulses; dx? and how?
pheochromocytoma; 24 hour VMA and metanephrine ~ malignant hypertension
what test most useful in documenting RESOLUTION of PIAGN?
C3 ( low for 6-8wks) then normalizes, if not, needs biopsy
-cx, ASO titers dont correlate w/ GN activity
when do testes usually descend, and f they don't; what do you do and when?
descend by 1 yr, if not by then, then do eval @ 1 yr.
-orchiopexy best done before 2 YO;
-increased risk for seminoma in ectopic testicles;
what do you do w/ retractile testes?
nothing; watch
What 4 renal diz cause HIGH Complements (vs low)?
Idiopathic vasculitis
GN rapidly progressive
High: IGA nephropathy;
runner; no hemauria, but dark urine; what's dx?
How many rbc/ hpf need to call hematuria?
define hypercalciuria; what medication causes hi CA in urine?
ca/cr > 0.25;
sx: abd pain, dysuria, even in absence fo kidney stones
what causes, palpable flank mass, hydronephrosis on CT, ?
UPJ obstruction
most common palpated masses in infants are due to what 2 things?
hydronephrosis and cystic dysplastic kidneys;
-U/L flank mass: clue to renal dysplasia
kid < 10; B/L kidney mass in childhood, chronic portal htn; hemetemsis, palpalble liver, low plt and SPLM ~ ?
ARPKD;infants present w/ B/L flank mass w/ oligo
?inheritance and cause of pt w/ polyruia, enurises, polydipsia, hypostheniuria, short stature, eye probs, retitnits pigmentosa, anemia
juvenile onset medullaary cystic diz: nephronophthisis
dysuria, hematuria, abd pain; most common cause of urinary retention in females, can present as a mass protruding from urethral meatus or round filling defect on IVP
when do you treat VUR w/ prophylactic antbx?
grade 1,2: no tx, periodic cultures;
grade 3: prophylactic antx w/ f/u VCUG
gr 4 or 5: surgical correction
* female pts w/ VUR: need to be started on prophylactic antbx